r/Askreddit Doctors, What's the Biggest Case of "Faking It" You've Ever Seen?

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welcome to our /s Credit where users answer the question doctors have read it what's the biggest case of faking it you've ever seen from confused Barney a 30 year old woman came in and claimed excruciating belly pain I am paralyzed oh god it hurts when you press there I must have oxycodone now the doctor said if she can get out of the bed and do 20 jumping jacks we'll give her the oxy she did 20 jumping jacks then got kicked out of the hospital then we have a similar story from 6 acorns one time a paramedic I work with told a frequent flyer that we weren't going to give her any pain medicine because she walked to the ambulance and didn't seem to be in any pain she immediately went unresponsive and kept up the act until we got to the emergency department when we were at the hospital the medic said too bad she's unresponsive because we can't give pain meds to people who aren't responsive her eyes immediately shot open he looked at her with the doc and nurses in the room and said now you're definitely not getting any pain meds and walked out then on the complete opposite side of the coin we have this story from your solace so one time I got kicked out of an urgent care clinic because I came in with terrible abdominal pain they took me in at first and pushed up some parts of my stomach that didn't hurt and they assumed I was faking it and told me I should look for pain meds elsewhere a nurse saw me continued to ride in pain while waiting to pay my copay and recommended maybe a hospital if I wasn't faking it she gave me directions to a faraway hospital there was apparently one just a few blocks from where I was so I'm not really sure why but anyway I drove there myself when they were pushing on my abdomen in the hospital they pushed lower on it than the urgent care place and daying they found the part that hurts my appendix had ruptured neat-o pee you could have just toughed out in the emergency room for a few more hours I mean sure you might have died but then you could have sued that hospital for millions our enix replies from a man fun dude my mom's an ER nurse and she said once some crazy lady came in and complained that she had the whooping cough and whenever she coughed she followed it with a loud whoop - which eternity incarnate reply she's doing it wrong that's a coughing whoop our next response is from sensitive info max my cousin got glasses her seven-year-old little sister also wanted glasses because she thought it was so cool to wear them so she started telling her teacher she couldn't read what was on the chalkboard and sheets win at home and go incredibly close to the TV to watch things because she said she couldn't see things clearly her parents got worried and took her to the doctor she read everything wrong on the vision test everyone seemed convinced that she needed glasses but the doctor was a little concerned because the test indicated she needed really thick glasses and usually that wasn't the case unless there was a family history of vision issues her parents both had 20/20 vision and her sister only had a stigmatism they all realized she was faking it so the doctor told her parents in front of her that she needs some pretty intense eye surgery so she'd be able to see without glasses they even wheeled in a machine to make it convincing to say they could do the surgery right then and there she freaked out confessed to faking it all and started to cry she was grounded for a while and then Jesse asked her replies I remember I faked it when my brother got glasses because I thought they were cool turns out I actually needed glasses they found an astigmatism in my eyes who knew this kind of reminds me of a story my dad used to tell back when of my dad was really young he got extreme abdominal pain and because he was like eight years old or whatever and kids are stupid he thought that for some reason being sick meant that he would be in trouble so even though he was in complete agony he was trying to convince his parents that he was totally fine so my grandparents took my dad at the hospital and the doctor realized pretty quickly that something was wrong with my dad but it was difficult to diagnose because my dad wasn't cooperating the doctor suspected it might be appendicitis and if you don't know appendicitis makes your abdomen hurt really bad and specifically if you put pressure on the appendix it's absolute agony so the doctor takes his pointer and middle finger and says well if you're perfectly fine does this hurt and then he jabs them into my dad's a pen and my dad goes no our next reply is from curse and mutterings I am an intensive care unit and emergency room nurse we get a lot of malingering in the ER one day one of our frequent fliers came in and started faking a seizure in triage now obviously I know this lady and she's fake sees a million times before but this time it's in the lobby in front of about 30 people who have no way of knowing that it's fake she's lolling around the floor making a ding full of herself and folks look horrified I walked up to her and said calmly Karen what are you doing to which this genius responds I'm seizing I told her to stop seizing so she did I'm just imagining what it would be like to be someone in like just sitting in a seat watching this unfold you're like my god that nurse is a miracle worker our next replies from sinisterly dexterous I had a patient when I was an intern feigning blindness she would constantly be playing on our smartphone only furiously trying to hide it when someone from the care team came into her room the best was when my attending one day strolled past her room and threw his hands up in a highly exaggerated hello wave she started to throw up her arm too but caught herself halfway through then threw her hand back into her lap and pretended to be staring off into nothingness so I wouldn't have thought that patients would fake blindness out of all conditions but reading through the replies to this post it's apparently super common are there any doctors or nurses who can shed some light on this because I'm actually really curious our next replies from Macaroni smoothie when I was a kid I learned that could fake sick and go to school so 1 to 2 days a week I would get a migraine and hold my hand and complain and I would get to go home eventually my parents took me to a neurologist who said maybe just don't let him eat chocolate and sugar I admitted to faking and was grounded for a long long time and then did deader dead-ass replied to that I grew up the opposite way I would get 3 to 4 migraines a week but everyone thought I was faking it because most asi seemed fine just because i was learning how to deal with them and try to act normal it wasn't until eight years after they started that I went to a neurologist who said I have chronic migraines which I dealt with unmedicated for 16 years now I'm on medication I feel like my childhood was wasted our next reply is from Jay make ophthalmology technician people pretend to be blind all the time I could have checked her eye pressure with a tonopen a device you poked them directly in the eye width and they go what the f is that thing and then Ruffy and replies to that post I have a sort of opposite angle story for this one a friend of mine is completely blind as in eyes removed as a toddler blind she had a rare cancer she's worn glass eyes her whole life to keep the sockets from singing in as well as to limit the jarring appearance well she had a new doctor she was seeing so to speak to get fitted for new glass eyes I think that was why when the tech brought her in they told her they had to examine her eyes um and asked her to wreath the vision test chart um she kept trying to explain that she's blind blind and they were stuck on examining her whoa your pupils aren't responding no kidding she finally got so frustrated she popped one of her glass eyes out and said here now you can check it out all you once she apparently always would pull that gag on folks doubting her and or teasing her she's awesome that way are you telling me that a doctor literally looked at a glass eyes and was like wow these eyes look so glassy strange anyways let's start your eye test our next replies from cats blue pajamas when I was a kid I would plan my sick days way ahead of time I had an old thermos that I would pour leftover milk meat and whatever in I'd leave it on the windowsill in my bedroom just letting it fester for a month of course the thermos was closed so no smells escaped I set an alarm for the middle of the night dump the contents of the thermos on my rug and ran in to tell my dad I was throwing up and so sick however this thermos monstrosity filled the entire condo up with horrible smells and both me and my dad ended up puking into the tub at the same time every time we tried to clean up the rug he had to take the day off of work too needless to say I never pulled that again and then virgin threw plays I was worried you were going to drink it in order to make yourself sick thank goodness that's not what happens our next replies from conqueror years ago I had a patient who had been rear-ended in an auto accident a few weeks before I saw her she had a history of lupus she was decked out in the usual I'm crippled paraphernalia crutches neck brace elbow braces wrist braces knee braces and could barely walk I saw her a couple of times and she showed no improvement one Saturday I was on call but had to take a back streets route to the hospital because of an event taking place on the main thoroughfare I apparently drove through her neighborhood because wanders behold there she was wearing old lady spandex power walking down the sidewalk holding weights in both hands I did not call out to her next week she was back in clinic with her I'm crippled get up again a few weeks later I got the subpoena for the deposition and it all became clear and then after someone asked what happens conquerer post an update I could not have sworn under oath that I had absolutely positively identified the woman power-walking I know it was her I later confirmed she lived in that area she and her attorney could have argued that it was her sister or daughter or cousin or whatever so I just honestly answered all the questions during the deposition many I couldn't answer because I didn't see her immediately after the accident I could however honestly say that I thought she had a good prognosis and was likely to fully recover by the way it's not unusual for patients seeking compensation through some legal process to exaggerate the degree of their injuries everybody involved in the process understands this it is however incumbent upon the patient to maintain their act in a believable fashion our nurse replies from deleted no doctor but a funny story from work a couple of years ago a guy calls in sick for around eight days says on the phone he's really sick comes back to work the next week a super tend this dude hands in medical slip to the manager written in Spanish on the slip there's an official seal from some random Cuban clinic the guy walks over to me with a grin on his face saying yeah I'm probably fired he was fired her next replies from Bionic feet girl I'm not a doctor but a nurse I once had a patient having a seizure the other yarn nurse and I knew she was faking it he said as much she suddenly stopped seizing miraculously looks straight at him and yelled shut up fat boy he and I laughed so hard he the other nurse was referred to as fat boy for a few months after that at least he wasn't having a seizure and then cyborg replies to that my wife works in a hospital a radiographer and some of the nurses have told stories of those who fake being unconscious apparently a couple of surefire ways to check this are knuckling the sternum are knocking on a clavicle without warning then there was an amusing story she heard where a nurse said out loud you know that even while unconscious a person will reflexively not let their hand at their face and proceeds to lift the patient's arm and drop it over their face to which the unconscious person stopped their hand in midair yup and then we have this post from chaos yet harmony I read a post along these lines by an EMT who just asked her partner to pass the ocular needle occasionally the partner has to ask the ocular needle that goes in the eye the patient wakes up suddenly our next replies from I am The Walrus sort of along the same idea working at a pharmacy we saw a guy come in to try and get a refill on some pain meds that had no refill after pleading that his ear really hurt we told him again we couldn't refill it one of the other employees saw him step into a side hallway and take a pencil and jam it forcefully into his ear repeatedly drawing blood he calmly left and went to the ER he came back a few hours later with the prescription for pain meds our next replies from puts he fried fourth-year medical student I was on my air rotation and a trauma came in from a woman that had been during the drive the patient banged her head four times against the window of the police car and then went unresponsive she came to us with the bruise over her forehead and was unresponsive we all smelled bs but the patient was a great actor didn't even flinch during the digital rectal exam which is standard for all patients that come in through the trauma Bay though some of the nurses said that they caught her peeking at us when we would leave the room we ended up getting a CT scan which was normal and was even considering intubating her to secure her airway when our attending finally walked over to her opened her eyelids and held them open while telling her to wake up finally she started fighting to close her eyes and the jig was up the doctor called her out and she proceeded to start screaming at us she was much more pleasant when she was pretending to have a brain injury well today I learned every time you come into a trauma room someone sticks up fingering your butts dear R / s credit what evil prank have you pulled off our next replies from Molnar two of my friends have never met each other before they spoke I told both of them that the other is a bit deaf they shouted at each other for a few minutes before they realized that I'm a butthole our next replies from Freud in my mom's laptop wallpaper was a picture of her granddaughter I copied the picture a hundred times and made her wallpaper a slideshow of the same picture over and over again so with a file would change but nothing would change visibly on the monitor the pictures would change every 10 seconds on one of them on one of the images I painted a tiny little curly mustache on her so randomly for 10 seconds my niece would have a mustache my mom thought she was either losing her mind or had a computer virus and every time the mustache popped up it was gone by the time she tried to show it to anyone Oh P I like you our next replies from Chrysler one summer in college I worked in the registrar's office where I just during all the incoming freshmen a professor was a mentor to me was teaching Freshman Seminar and asked me to handpick a class for her straight-a students high SATs whatever so I did 15 to 15 students all names I'm surprised your professor went along with it but I guess it's like they say que sera sera our next reply is from Waffle Park I had lived in Korea for a bit when my mom came to visit I told my Korean girlfriend it was an American custom to greet older women by touching elbows I told my mom the same story about Korean customs it was a thing of beauty they were not pleased our next replies from grubby child I saw a post about switching around mayo and vanilla pudding emptied had a Mayo jar and cleaned it well filled it with a few pots worth of vanilla pudding and took it to university I already know where this is going our university is very laxed about eating during the lectures so I waited until midday when I was sitting in the middle of all my friends and they were all leading their lunch cutely taking out the jar of mayo and a spoon popping the lid and taking a big ol screwed pill with a grin at first only the closest ones noticed but after the third spoon it was like everyone was frozen around me pin drop silence after the fifth spoon someone foe wretch and the spell was broken the looks of sheer terror and disgust was well worth the pain of eating vanilla pudding I'm a chocolate kinda gal and then grumble fish replies one of my friends let me know he was going to pull this prank so I helped him fill a jar with pudding then I swapped his jar of mayo pudding with a regular jar of mayo our next replies from orchid lighthouse when my brother and I were in middle school my brother liked to skateboard with our next-door neighbor one day my brother in the neighbor took the sheet of plywood from under my brother's upper bunk bed no one slept in the upper bunk out of the house and started making a skateboard ramp out of it in the neighbor's adjacent yard my parents had explicitly told him that he wasn't allowed to do that now in my defense my brother teased me unmercifully to the point of Tears on multiple occasions so keep in mind that he had it coming for a long time anyway an evil little plan hatched in my brain I ran to the upstairs window and yelled down at them brother guess what mom knows everything and she's so mad then I slammed the window shut and ran to the stairs and waited while watching my mom read the newspaper a few moments later my brother walks in their front door looking worried and says mom I'm so sorry my mom who had no idea what was going on said about what while slowly putting the newspaper down for making a skateboard ramp out of the wood from the bunk bed you did what at that moment a wave of shock and realization swept across my brother's face and our eyes met I let out the biggest evilest little sister cackle and ran into my room we're adults now and I still laugh about it from time to time then Jay Gabriel replies to that my parents work night when I was in middle school and I stayed at my friend's house while my parents were at work this friend loved to torment me one day his 13 year old brain thought it'd be funny to pee up the deck onto the feral cats in the yard below I told him I was going to tell his mother went inside and told her when Trevor walks in just act disgusted he walked in she told him how disappointed she wasn't him having no idea what he did to which he replied I swear to god mom he's lying I didn't piss on those cats watching his face as he realized I told her nothing and he just told him himself was one of the highlights of my youth our next reply is from rainbow dick the a.m. supervisor at my office is a short little man who likes to work from a laptop on a rolling adjustable desk for over a year I gradually raised the height on this desk and watched as he went from sitting on a stool to an adjustable tall task chair to standing last week he removed the wheels from the desk to lower the height he doesn't realize it's adjustable then nurse barkow shark replies to that in high school I knew a guy who had one of those locks for his locker that just goes in four directions not numbers one day I was zoned out and happened to see him put his combination in I wrote it down immediately didn't a plan just knew it was too good of an opportunity to miss I noticed the locker next to his was empty the next day after class I waited until he went home I took everything in his locker and moved it exactly one Locker over everything was in the exact same place same shelves and then I locked it back up next morning he came in the class so confused and said quietly I think someone moved my locker needless to say all his friends said he was crazy since nothing was stolen and everything was exactly the same place he left it the fact that he had written down his locker number and his planner was attributed to a mistake in writing and ignored so the next day I moved his Locker five lockers over that was a fun meltdown to watch that was our / s credit and my ass credit question for you is did you remember to Like and subscribe if you haven't why not
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Id: jcjYfd0Jg5w
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Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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