r/Nuclearrevenge Cheating Father Gets His Life Destroyed

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welcome to our slash nuclear revenge where revenge goes radioactive the background midway through my senior year at college my father got the privilege of opening the first plane in China when his company was granted permission he was getting everything and I mean everything business class on airfare a penthouse recognition in the company for being effectively in charge of the project mingling with higher-ups in the company the works this was exciting news for him because he was close to retirement and it seemed that his hard work was finally paying off my mom was happy because now with my younger brother starting college and me about to graduate she and her husband of over thirty years could enjoy their empty nest she loves us dearly but she called my father her soul mate and wanted to spend their golden years together however things turned upside-down in less than a year maybe the power went to his head maybe he was overwhelmed and stressed out with having to start a new life in a new country or maybe it brought out the ugliness that was already in his soul I have no clue I finished my senior year around Christmastime only to see my father pack up his bags and leave us saying he didn't want to be married to my mom anymore and was seeing someone else to say the rug had been pulled out from under our feet was an understatement it was like everything we'd ever known had imploded my father left us shortly before Christmas and we started putting the pieces back together I started working two jobs and slipping money into my mom's wallet because I was terrified my father would cut off our money it was during this time we started therapy and all three of us came to the realization that this man had been emotionally verbally and financially abusing us for years it's something I'm still trying to work through and doubt I'll ever fully recover come spring time my father had a change of heart he contacted us and started making amends something in me was suspicious and held back but I was happy because mom was happy she lost a lot of weight was crying constantly and was all-in-all miserable he returned home for a two-week vacation and then opposed a third honeymoon if you will he and mom would return to China to work things out my brother and I were staying back home as we were both busy with work and school mom and father left us with some important numbers to call in case of an emergency the email address of my father's immediate supervisor whom I'll call Stan and weekly Skype session so we could stay in touch mom and father left for China and it seemed that everything would work out two weeks later it was time for our weekly Skype session the first week had been fine and my brother and I were expecting to hear another good report instead of that mom was alone her eyes swollen and her face red I immediately went into mamabear mode and asked my mom in a voice that probably scared my brother and mom what happened mom crying tells us that after making the rounds with the higher-ups my father had packed his bags told her he was going to Shanghai for two weeks with his girlfriend and then told mom I want you gone by the time I get back mom floored by this asked him how my father said I don't care how then he left my mother in the penthouse with little food no clean water to drink we'd been warned to never drink the water in China because it was nasty to say the least and no way to navigate through a country where she didn't speak the language or get away home she said I think he was using me to look good at work everyone was saying they were glad we were working out our problems when I heard that my fury boiled I am fiercely protective of my family and friends you can do whatever you want to me but make any of my family members our friends cry and you'll learn why it's a bad idea to pick on them as much as I wanted to fly over to China track down my father and his mistress and make them feel every ounce of pain that my mother was feeling I knew that wasn't a smart or practical idea instead I'd have to embarrass him so everyone knew what a scumbag he is and an idea came to mind the plan after getting the information I needed from mom and calming her down I worked on the first part of my plan bringing mom I didn't have any money nor did I have a visa to visit however I did have Stan's email using the skills I honed from my creative writing in general business studies I wrote a lengthy email to Stan crying over the keyboard as I drafted it I explained who I was what was going on and that I was worried for Mom I asked him to please help me find a way to reach my mom and bring her home I promised him that I would repay every penny even if it took the rest of my life I added my personal email and phone number as a finishing touch and asked him to contact me if he had any other questions after making sure it was perfect a key lesson for my creative writing professor make sure your writing is a razor-sharp I sent it off along with a prayer that it would work Stan never did return my email but 24 hours later mom was safely home I learned that Stan had gotten in contact with my mom within an hour of me sending the email verified everything that had happened and gotten her home on the first flight I sent him another email thanking him for helping us and told him I would repay the expense when I could that time he did respond and said it's all right thank you though that was the extent of her conversation but I'm still very grateful to him for helping mom out of his own pocket if I'm not mistaken he's earned my respect and I hope wherever he is he's doing well when mom got home it sunk in for us that the marriage was truly over and we made plans to move on they were divorced within a year and we moved to Florida for a fresh start maybe a few years later mom found the new love of her life who I called my stepdad is working her dream job something that never would have happened under my father and is happier than I have seen her in a long time my brother and I both are making our way in the world and finding ourselves after spending our lives as our fathers perfect children as time passed I actually forgot about the email until recently when mom and I were talking about Stan and she revealed what had happened the aftermath I was just hoping to humiliate my father instead my email launched massive legal and financial headaches for my father right after helping my mom get home Stan decided that my father's behavior was worrying because if he's using his wife to hide the fact he has a mistress what else is he hiding and started an investigation into my father what he learned was mind blowing not only was his mistress one of his subordinates which is strictly against company rules for reasons I can't remember but he had another mistress on the side both of whom he was flying with expensive gifts and vacations to name a few but that wasn't the topper what was was the evidence that my father might have been embezzling money from the company during his time in China however for reasons that I don't know criminal charges were out of the question instead what they did to him my father no doubt thanks was even worse my father was immediately demoted and sent home his name was removed from the factory he had built and his mistresses fired now with this company most of the promotion's come not from what you know but who you know and since Stan knows many people eventually my father was forced to retire early before they fired him he decided he had been discriminated against and tried to sue the company for a lawful termination however the evidence against him was overwhelming and he lost now he's disgraced hated by nearly everyone and with limited contact with his family and friends he's still convinced that he's an innocent victim and that time will prove him right but everyone knows the truth all I have to say about this one is Stan is the man our next reddit post is from Rory I was a clerical assistant for a firm in my city the firm was a small one of nine employees that also had clerks who would intern from time to time I worked there part-time during my junior and senior year then full time after I graduated I made it about four months before I was told to resign this was my first ever business job as we had lots of client face-to-face the clients were big Fire Department police department etc I was brought on by work-study from my University and at first really enjoyed working for the firm I had an amazing mentor that taught me all there is to know about this side of the business he pretty much kept the firm running and put in so much effort that when he interviewed me I thought he was the owner of the firm and not just a staff member above me anyways as this was my first job I wasn't keen on office politics are good at recognizing my surroundings with peers after I started working full time I began to catch on and see what was going on behind the scenes the partners of the firm were scumbags they treated all the staff like monkeys and showed no appreciation they were both male and constantly harassed the female staff and interns so often that the turnover rate was so high that there were new interns every few weeks there were cliques inside of the firm the attorneys banded together with the office manager in the HR manager the intern stuck together and I was with my mentor for the most part we were able to stick together and get our work done and turn out good work product but it was hard to watch the harassment of the interns the social gossip circles of the cliques and blatant disregard for the staff soon after an intern complained to HR that one of the partners slapped her butt and called her vulgar names the HR manager attorneys and office manager gaslighted this poor intern so bad that she was an emotional wreck when she just walked out and quit that was the point my mentor and I had had enough after seeing this we started to take pictures notes and gather statements of everything we could see that was going on inside the firm that was illegal after a huge firm event that involved many hours of overtime close quarters and pressure a breaking point was hit and the staff was exploded upon by the attorneys and managers after the event all of the employees went out to a local club to relax and throw back a few drinks and cool off this was not something that you would think people in this field would do is specially when the average age of the employees in the firm was over 45 after the attorney started getting sloppy drunk the interns and my mentor took off to go home for the night I stayed but went to party with my friend group that was also out for a night in the same club I bounced back a few times between groups and dancing but near the end of the night I came back to check on my coworkers and what I saw was shocking they rented out a VIP stage and had bottle service all night when I walked up to the stage I saw the two partners grinding on associate attorneys fondling them and taking turns and making out with him I was disgusted and started to hatch my plan not only is that a conflict of interest in my state and type of law but both partners were married with kids and so were three out of the four other female attorneys and staff I got one of the promoters that was my roommate at the time to get the club rep to take photos of them doing this but also to send them to me I snapped a few on my phone and left the club before we went out we all stopped at a hotel room close by that was rented out by the partners of the firm I went back after I left the club and since I was an employee of the firm I was able to convince the front desk to let me back into the room as I was there a few hours earlier and was working with them to pick up / drop off things for the event after I was let in I started to take pictures of everything that I could find I emptied drawers bags and closets and was able to take pictures of many many drugs adult toys and things like IDs that were left behind earlier the following Monday I go into the HR office and tell the manager that I was uncomfortable with what I saw the partners doing what they've done in the office and how everyone exploding on me and my mentor the event was unacceptable immediately after I left the HR office the manager ran into the partners offices and closed the door I could hear screaming coming through the door and booked it over to my mentors office to fill him in after I blurt out what happened and what kind of pictures I got the partners an HR manager run into my mid res office and overhear us talking about what happened nights or they immediately tell us to resign and to pack our things as they were worried about our hostile work environment and what it's doing to the firm I'm on the verge of tears and don't know what to do next my mentor quietly asked for our termination letters all of our pay stubs all of our billable hour entries from when we started and my University work-study paperwork the HR manager was shocked by this but legally had to produce all these things for us upon request after two hours of data compiling my mentor and I walked out with all our things we ended up going to a bar with all the paperwork we just got and started to plan our revenge we compiled all of our timesheets billed hours and all my work-study paperwork not only did I upload all the pictures to separate email accounts to send to the respective spouses of the attorneys but we found out that the partners and managers modeled with our billable hours to charge them to a higher rate to bill our clients more even though a clerical assistant in paralegal were drafting and filing pleadings through my work study they reported that they were paying me 18 an hour total while paying me $6 an hour from their pockets and my school was fronting the other $12 is reimbursement not only on my pay stub was my hourly rate $12 I nor the firm was being taxed for the other six dollars instead it was being pocketed straight by the firm after a complete and thorough compilation of documents my mentor and I set out the next day to complain to the State Bar Association to show that the attorneys at the firm committed malpractice misrepresentation of funds harassment and conflicts of interest their spouses were emailed all of the photos of the night out clubbing and what was found in the hotel rooms my university was informed of the misuse of funds I applied for unemployment based on their false misconduct firings after two weeks of job searching my mentor and I got picked up at another firm as a package deal we became close after and we constantly see each other every other week on a personal basis months into working the Nuge did we decide to snoop on the old firm that we set out to destroy not only did four of the attorneys lose their legal license they were sued by the Bar Association and L&I for fraud their spouses were all involved with divorce proceedings and the Mainers reputations were ruined by what was brought to light and what they covered up my mentor and I ended up pulling all the Superior Court submissions to read over what documents were submitted in court and they were caught lying and declarations they submitted it felt real nice to be vindicated by ruining their relationships jobs and business thanks for reading criminals like this blow my mind why would you commit financial crimes over six dollars is that really worth losing your business your life your freedom over that was our slash nuclear revenge and if you like this content hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Id: 66Cwi2dMUQs
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Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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