r/Maliciouscompliance Douchebag VS 3-Star General!

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where a guy sexually harasses his boss's boss's boss's boss when I was commissioned into the Air Force the officer who conducted the ceremony was a female a three-star general she looked like your typical short fit friendly middle-aged soccer mom relevant to the story extremely nice and personable and an alumna of my university at breakfast beforehand we were sharing a table and she and my dad a lieutenant colonel at the time were talking the general told a story of when she first showed up in a new base for her first posting his three-star while running on the track a guy comes up and starts to run alongside her asking if she just got there etc it quickly becomes very obvious he's hitting on her so she turns him down and mentions she has a husband he is not deterred and keeps on hitting on her the man goes right on talking about how in shape he is how good-looking is how they should get together etc also asking questions like well is your husband at the base yet are you staying by yourself in the tlf tlf being a fancy sort of hotel he thinks she's a spouse and figures she showed up to get the home in order before her husband arrives he really wants to hang out preferably at her hotel room nor will he leave her alone until she agrees to a date finally after about 15 minutes of him refusing to stop badgering her she relents and agrees to meet up with him again fine I'll free up some time and we can talk what's your name and number the harassment I already like where this is going the harasser gives her his name and phone number he's a staff sergeant many many rungs down in the organization she's now a vice commander of later that day he was ordered to report to her office in service dress at 7:30 a.m. the next morning along with his supervisor his first sergeant and his [ __ ] Mandor so basically his boss his other boss and his boss's boss's boss she didn't say how the meeting went but I doubt it I doubt he enjoyed his date so is there anyone out there watching this video who's in the military because I would love to know what the real-life actual repercussions of this are my assumptions would be that his boss and his boss's boss and his boss's boss's boss would make his life absolute torture so is anyone in the military especially the Air Force who can shed some light on this please let me know in the comments because I would love to know what would happen to Staff Sergeant [ __ ] [Music] this guy definitely got screwed but not the way he was expecting our next reddit post is from the initial god so here in the UK a 15 rated film means that you had to be 15 to see the film no exceptions back a few years ago we had to ticket types at my cinema adult and child it's since changed to incorporate a teen ticket child was under 15 an adult was anything 15 and above this guy comes in with his mates back of the queue to get in but can be heard throughout the foyer being all loud and obnoxious and the generalization I found in my experience in the cinema is that if they're teens on their own and they're loud and obnoxious in the foyer there's a high chance they'll be the same during the film and generally be a nightmare in the screen I start to notice some other people in the queue looking over at him and rolling their eyes I get the pleasure of serving this guy comes up to me still shouting over at his maids who are getting served by some of my colleagues and asked for a ticket to see this 15 rated film can't remember which one of those low-budget sucky horrors that have come out and there are many sequels recently insidious or sinister or annabelle or whatever he looks about 16 or 17 but since he said ticket work script autopilot takes over as I asked how old he is so I can sell him the correct ticket type him being the person he is and probably since he's gotten away with it before to get the cheaper ticket prize said he was 14 the moment he said that a massive grin washes over my face sorry made the film's a 15 holding back my glee at not having to deal with his BS for the next two hours I can't let you in no amount of begging and bleeding would make me budge so he asked to speak to the manager manager comes down sides with me and he's on his way day ruined well at least he got his discount he didn't have to spend any money to go see that movie our next reddit post is from crazy cat lady boy I worked for a computer warehouse type superstore right after I was hired I learned it was not a great job almost everyone hated it but you had some potential to make good commissions in sales so people kept their heads down and never questioned anything most confident people never stayed longer than a year an employee turnover was huge truly a terrible place to work I had recently sold my computer store and was taking a year off after a few months I got bored and got this job as a part-time to get me out of the house and supplement the cash flow from the computer store sale being in this position gave me some freedom some of the other people who worked there didn't have if someone was complaining about something I was more than happy to bring it up with management since I didn't care if I got fired I'm pretty sure the store manager hated me dress code for the guys was white button-down shirt tie and some form of Dockers tight pants since this job didn't pay much for non sales staff many employees had cheap ill-fitting button-down shirts and one cheap tie honestly the staff would have looked better in a store branded t-shirt or polo shirt but since this store was crazy cheap that would cost them overhead and you can't have that I've got a collection of some really nice ties I collected over the past 15 years or so mostly vintage silks from the 50s and 60s I actually hardly ever wore ties collecting them was a little hobby of mine if I saw a particularly nice one I'd nabbit one morning I was getting ready and managed to forget my tie it was about a 40 minute drive to work and I noticed my missing tie when I got out of my car at work no big deal I thought nope wrong about an hour into my shift I get pulled aside by my direct manager I explained I somehow forgot about my tie and didn't really think it was a big deal I also explained I was 40 minutes away from home and didn't have time to go back before my shift started my direct manager was pretty cool but he has his stupid rules to follow so I get passed over to HR and the store manager the store manager acted like I just poured epoxy into all the toilets he was crazy pissed at me he lectured me for 25 minutes about the importance of the dress code how those that don't follow it aren't team players and how if it happens again I'll be looking for a new job he actually made me read the section in the employee handbook on the dress code so I knew it and could follow it to the letter all this over a tie I got written up and sent home to get my tie since I was 40 minutes from home I just went to a local store bought a cheap tie and hung out at the cafe for an hour that weekend I went through a store shopping I spent all day hitting every thrift store I could find I found the ugliest widest worst highs I could find massive 1970s Brown of vomit color ties ugly green avocado color ties as large as a lobster bib patterns that made eyes bleed polyester atrocities time for God's eye ah so watch some Christmas ties with Santa and holiday Reese it was summertime to top it off I bought some terrible oversized white button-down shirts a few were they were just off-white enough that they looked almost dirty my next day at work I went from being the guy who looked fairly sharp to someone who looked like they escaped a mental ward in the 70s my direct manager saw me and started to laugh he got it he just patted me on the back and I was back to work the store manager saw me later in the day and was not pleased but since there was no wording in the employee guidelines on ties being within reason or shirts fitting he couldn't do anything I'm sure he thought it was just a fluke for the day sadly he was wrong my ties just got worse and worse as I uncovered them in thrift stores and garage sales over the next few weeks I tie them short or uneven so the back hung lower from the front I'd triple wrap a foreign hand not to make it look wrong and sideways I found so many I started giving other people these terrible ties and within a few weeks 1/4 of the people in my department looked completely ridiculous I ended up quitting about a month or so later my last day at work I distributed all of my atrocities to everyone I knew at work to let my Thai legacy live on our next reddit post is from Tata Kron this is the story of my former employer I work in the Northeast US and my employer at the time was a very small company boss and five employees in a very specific industry where 90% of her work was on construction sites and finding a well qualified person in this very specific industry is a very very hard thing to do my boss was the kind of boss that every employee hates corners were cut every possible way in order to keep overhead cost down on top of that he would constantly over booked on jobs like signing contracts for six projects during the same week knowing full well that he only has five employees which would result in the employees often working 14-hour days or more which really sucks when you're on salary no overtime his worst attribute by far was approving time off and then during your time off calling or texting you asking if you would be willing to work a day or cut your vacation short sometimes he'd even ask you to move your time off to the next week or next month when the workload lightens up and in never lie due to his constant overbooking after working at this company for six years I got used to all the aforementioned annoyances but then things changed my son was born in the months leading up to his birth I made it very clear that I would be taking a five week unpaid leave of absence once he arrives this state wherein allows new parents to take up to 8 weeks of unpaid leave I told my boss that I know 8 weeks would be a huge strain on such a small company so I was willing to take 5 weeks but those 5 weeks would be completely off the grid meaning don't call me don't text me if you're going to ask me to do anything work-related the answer will be no so don't bother I'm going to be spending time with my family he 100% agreed my son was born on a Friday and after a short stay in the NICU don't worry he's fine was released on Monday and we took him home Tuesday morning yeah the next day I wake up to a missed call an email and three texts all from my boss asking me to call him back ASAP for reasons still unknown to me to this day I call him back and he tells me there's a slight emergency code speak for he screwed up the scheduling and has a job with no employee at it and asked if I could maybe come into work that day and maybe work a couple more days that week until he'd find someone to cover it I lost it I literally felt something in my neck snap and unleashed a verbal assault on him that I still feel bad about now a year later I ended my rant with an apology as much of a dick move it was for him to be calling me in that situation it was still completely unprofessional of me to say what I said to him obviously he wasn't a big fan of what I said and after a small rant of his own ended with the sentences that made this whole story possible he said you've got a pretty good gig at this company that most people your age would be thankful for I'd be impressed if you could find a better job in this field because I've been doing this for thirty years and I know how small this industry is and trust me good jobs like yours don't come along very often think about that so we ended the call and I did what he said I thought about it after thinking about it for about thirty seconds I got it a bid sat down in front of my computer and started looking at job postings five weeks later my time off came to an end and my first day back I came into work walked into my boss's office and hated him a piece of paper what's this I thought about what you said about how you'd be really impressed if I could find a better job than the one I have here so I did my boss reads over what I handed him a job offer from a competitor for the exact same job I was performing but at a 25% higher salary an extra week of paid vacation compared to what I had and a stipulation that company policy was that work hours are capped at 8:00 per day meaning that once I hit eight hours on a job I pack up and leave until tomorrow no exceptions well then can I have a day to crunch some numbers to come up with a counteroffer no don't bother I just wanted you to see it because I know you wouldn't have believed me otherwise gave my two-week notice and left for whatever job site I was on that day that was a year ago and I couldn't be happier with my new job I get to spend lots of time with my boy and that's the best job perk there is for all you bosses and managers out there don't mess with your employees especially the good ones treat them how you'd want to be treated most employees don't quit their jobs they quit their bosses take it from me changing your job so you can spend more time with their loved ones seems like a great idea until you're trying to record your story for the 30th time and your dog yes that dog is barking at you constantly what do you want dog well we may as well get straight into the puppy bloopers his worst attribute by far was approving time off and then during your time off calling or texting you asking if you would be willing I don't want to hear it I don't want to hear it your life is not bad your life is good you're in an air-conditioned house on comfy carpet you've got a nice cushy dog bed your food bowls full your water bowls full do you sleep on the bed with me at night you know what dog wouldn't kill to get this kinda treatment and here you are complaining what do you have to complain about dog oh my ear dog excuse me excuse me dog I can't full I can't play with you constantly yeah yeah I know a ski talk his worst attribute by far but then things changed mice my son was born dog please fast forward to my son's birth he was he was [Music] dog dog please dog please no asking me to call him back ASAP dog don't chew on that for reasons hog dog I get to spend lots of time with my boy and that's the best job perk there is dog can I help you yes you pooch what do you want
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,087,714
Rating: 4.9210949 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: x9ah7MeJ17U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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