r/AmITheA**hole For Not Having My Brother-In-Law's Baby?

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welcome to r slash amide the butthole where we get to judge strangers on the internet and before getting into today's video everyone out there who has an iphone i would really appreciate if you could go to apple podcast and give my podcast a five star review i've been trying to grow my podcast and apple loves 5 star reviews so it would really help me out you can find a link to my podcast down in the description am i the butthole for reminding my husband's female friend that my husband is my husband and not hers my husband jake and i have been together for six years and he's been friends with carly for two years longer than that i suspect that carly has feelings for jake but he's never really had feelings for her i've never been thrilled about their friendship but i trust my husband and have total confidence he would never cheat a year ago carly moved into our neighborhood she lives alone and she picked up the habit of asking jake to help her with housework and maintenance when her water heater broke she called jake when she needed help setting up a tv she called jake when her trees needed trimming she called jake etc etc you get the idea jake and carly also work near each other downtown and a few days a week she'll ask him for a ride to work when she doesn't feel like driving she also started dropping by her house unannounced usually when she's having a bad day and wants to vent to jake about it she relies on him heavily for emotional support 24 7. while i've tried to be patient and respectful of my husband's friendship with her i've become less and less tolerant of carly in the past few months as i feel she's become a constant presence in our marriage the final straw came yesterday as a medical worker i've been pulling insanely long hours at the hospital yesterday i finally had a day off and i was very excited to spend some time with jake just after breakfast he received a text from carly asking if he can help her move some furniture around because she decided to redecorate he told her he can't because it's my day off and we're spending the day together she then calls him and explains that it shouldn't take more than an hour and her living room is a mess and she could really use his help getting things in order at this point i snapped i took the phone and told her that jake had said no and she needs to respect that he wants to spend time with me his wife when she started to argue i said i'm sorry carly but i think it's time for you to find your own husband and hung up jake was shocked and thought i was far too harsh he thinks that i should have some compassion and how would you feel if you were 35 and alone and without many friends i feel sorry for at that i questioned whether or not i was actually in the wrong here read it am i the butthole and then op post an update jake and i drank some wine and had a long talk about carly we both apologized i said i was sorry for making a harsh comment to carly and he apologized for making me feel like he sometimes prioritizes her needs over mine he said that i'll always be his number one priority and moving forward he'll make that extra extra extra clear to carly he said that he should have set boundaries long ago and that carly needs to learn to be less dependent on him after that we drank more wine and went through comments on this post we had a lot of laughs plenty of things we agreed and disagreed with and a lot of eye rolls reddit you never failed to entertain after further discussion jake decided to give carly a call i apologize for my comment and then i gave the phone to jake and left the room so they could talk i didn't hear the conversation but according to jake it didn't go well carly was upset and defensive when jake told her she was in the wrong for arguing after he and i had both told her know about the furniture moving issue she didn't think she had crossed any lines and she told jake that i was being too sensitive controlling and that i'm trying to end their friendship jake defended me and said it was his own idea to set boundaries and that i've never told him to stop being friends with her they were both upset when the conversation ended if either of us hear from her in the upcoming days i'll post another update the comments on this one are pretty divided so i'm really curious to know what you the listener thinks let me know down in the comments who you think the butthole is here am i the butthole for not having another baby for my husband's brother my husband and i have five children our first died right after birth a freak mutation we then had four more children my husband's brother and his wife have been trying for a long while and when they approached me to be a surrogate i agreed to give it a try the first try miscarried and i agreed to try a second time unfortunately that next try ended in a stillbirth they're already badgering me for a third try i'm not doing this again i've now carried and birthed six babies i've been pregnant too many times i'm mentally and physically done my tubes have already been removed after child's number four and five and when i can i'll be getting a hysterectomy my doctor says i could have more pregnancies but that i'm now high risk for bladder issues and uterine lapse in the future i'm ready to pack it in now i'm done being a broodmare my husband is now worried about my health and supports me but he's never been good at standing up to his family my sister-in-law is calling me crying daily and i don't know how long i can be nice especially with now implied legal threats i feel bad for them that all i could do was hand them a gravestone but that was my last pregnancy i can't risk my health again i have my own kids to think about am i the butthole for not trying again for them op no 0 out of 5 buttholes your brother-in-law doesn't own your uterus and on top of that if they really desperately want a baby so bad they can just hire a surrogate what it sounds like is the real problem here is they're too cheap to hire a surrogate and they want you to do it for free so no don't feel bad about it op you're perfectly justified am i the butthole for not telling my boyfriend that i don't have a breast i am honestly heartbroken right now i a 24 year old female am a breast cancer survivor i've had my left breast removed and there's just a scar there now when i go out i wear a silicon padding on my left breast otherwise it looks very odd and makes me self-conscious my boyfriend 23 and i have been in a long-distance relationship for the past three years we've met a couple of times but we just enjoyed each other's company he knows i'm a cancer survivor but doesn't know about my breasts i decided to move in with him about a month ago and we tried to passionately hug i said tried because the moment he laid eyes on my breast his face went white and he refused to touch me further he said i'd cheated him and that i should have told him earlier about my breast i told him that i didn't think it was important since he said he loves all of me and that he thought i was beautiful i am honestly so conflicted right now and i feel like a horrible person am i the butthole for not telling my boyfriend that i don't have a breast down in the comments gavander 2 puts the situation very well here's the thing you're a cancer survivor and you value your privacy about losing your breast but you're the butthole when one you have a three-year long-distance relationship with someone and don't share that one critical piece of information about who you are and two you're planning on moving in with him he's going to see you without your prosthesis for the first time and you still don't tell him surprise yes he said he loves all of you but you didn't share all of you with him when he said that you lied about who you really are and are now upset because he caught you in your lie i don't know if you can recover that relationship but good luck to you if you try yeah i'm with gabander on this it's not really what you were dishonest about that's the problem here it's that you hid that information from him for three years and if i were that guy in that situation i would think what else is she not telling me and that would be way more of a turn off than anything like a mastectomy i mean i can live with a scar what i can't live with is a partner who keeps information from me am i the butthole for not taking my girlfriend's side over a sexist tradition at a restaurant i a 26 year old male i'm a second generation french immigrant to the us i speak french and most of my family lives in france so i try to make a trip back to france once or twice a year i've been dating an american girl 24 for two years now my girlfriend doesn't speak french at all the actual events in question happen this winter i usually go to france around christmas time the most recent christmas my girlfriend wanted to come with me i said sure as she'd never been to france before and we've been dating almost two years so it seemed reasonable my family comes from the southwest but i also had family in paris so we stopped in paris first my girlfriend wanted to eat at a fancy french restaurant while we were there something with michelin stars expensive but not really a problem since i make pretty good money we made a reservation for a good restaurant not the best but still good we had to make it months in advance because it's a restaurant that's in high demand as a very upscale restaurant there was also a dress code and things like that we showed up and everything was fine at first they took our coats we sat down the restaurant was beautiful etc the waiter then gave us our menu i had to do all the communication as my girlfriend doesn't speak french i was showing my girlfriend something on my menu and she noticed that mine had prices and hers didn't i had completely forgotten about this tradition because it's just not common at all in the us she asked me why mine had prices but not hers i explained to her that it was just a tradition in many upscale french restaurants she called it sexist and said it was ridiculous i told her that it's just the way it is in these kinds of places and that we shouldn't have come here if she was upset by this she wanted me to ask for a menu with prices for i refused because we already had the prices and i didn't want to make a scene she demanded that i confront a waiter about it or she would walk out i called her bluff and she ended up staying but didn't talk to me for the whole meal which was delicious by the way we've been back home for several months but she keeps bringing it up i'm honestly considering ending the relationship over this because she will not stop talking about it she keeps accusing me of being sexist i'm not and has been making ridiculous comparisons am i the butthole well honestly op i think you probably should break up with her because she'd be better off without you your logic here is so bizarre when she wanted a menu why didn't you just say hey waiter could you please give a menu with prices for my girlfriend here it's literally that simple but instead you decided to pick a fight over it why because you care more about sexist restaurant traditions than your own girlfriend and you said something along the lines of like if you didn't want to deal with these traditions you shouldn't have come here but how is she supposed to know about these traditions if you don't tell her this is a really weird post your partner's supposed to have your back in all situations why on earth would you pick a restaurant over your partner if i were in her shoes i'd be upset too am i the butthole for telling my girlfriend to shut the f up after she insulted my sister's thighs i'm 30 years old and my 12 year old sister is living with me right now because mom and pops are vulnerable so it made sense for me to care for my sis for the time being she's a really great kid and to be honest i feel in a lot of ways like she's my own kid because my mom and dad don't speak english so i kind of had to raise my assists in ways that they couldn't it's hard to explain but i'm sure anyone with a secondary culture will get what i mean my mom and dad are great parents but having an english-speaking person to guide you through stuff when you live in an english-speaking country is invaluable in my opinion and my sister trusts me with stuff she won't necessarily trust my parents with anyway my girlfriend was facetiming me and my sister walked past in shorts and a t-shirt because it's hot my girlfriend waited till my sister had left the area but not the room and made a face and said maybe feed her less op her thighs are kind of chunky i saw red and told her to shut the f up it just came out of my mouth and immediately ended the call my sister's a bit chubby but for f's sake who says stuff like that about a 12 year old girl literally everybody i know has been texting me that i'm a pos boyfriend and that how can i disrespect my girlfriend like that i'm expecting an apology from her but to my shock everybody is expecting me to apologize okay op i will say that the way you handled that situation was a little bit unnecessarily aggressive so i've gotta give you one out of five buttholes but that doesn't mean you're wrong in the situation i'm gonna give your girlfriend like 2.5 out of five buttholes because insulting your little sister in your care is incredibly rude and then she ratted you out to all of your mutual friends with a one-sided story kinda sounds like a red flag to me am i the butthole for calling my angry neighbor out in front of her family i moved into an apartment on the ground floor of a house which is split up into three apartments the house next door is owned by a couple with several kids the woman who lives there has a temper a few times when i've been hanging out with friends in the backyard she's yelled at us over stuff playing music with cusses where kids can hear being too [ __ ] with each other which was awkward because we weren't doing anything sexual other stuff that's too ugly to repeat here etc as far as i can tell she never does this in front of her husband or kids her husband isn't home often it seems then a while later i was out getting my mail when four people walked by the neighbor lady her husband and two older people who i think were either her parents or her husband's parents the husband asked me if i knew there was water leaking from the hose in the front yard of my house he seemed friendly and like he was trying to be helpful i said i hadn't known maybe the maintenance guy left it on but then i got a really weird feeling about how the woman that has said so much nasty stuff was standing with her family acting really chill in front of them i said hey excuse me aren't you the lady who's called my friends and i [ __ ] a homophobic slur and the c word i was hoping to talk to you at a calmer moment she said no right away i then knowing full well that she was that lady said oh sorry perhaps i'm confused there's a lady who lives in that house mid-40s heavyset with chin length brown hair smokes out back every night who said all those things and more and i really don't appreciate it do you have a sister a roommate she cut me off and said maybe it's better i leave and so i did i heard fighting from that house that night and i think it was because of what i said her husband and the older couple seemed shocked by some of it am i the butthole for calling my neighbor out in front of her family no op your neighbor clearly set the boundaries here in her opinion it's totally okay for her to be rude to you in front of your friends and family but she thinks it's not okay for you to be rude to her in front of her friends and family no bs your neighbor got a dose of her own medicine and it is bitter am i the butthole for not making my son share his gaming pc i'm a 45 year old female and my husband 50 has a 16 year old son he's a good kid good grades respectful does his chores etc last summer my son said he wanted a new computer to his credit he got a part-time job and saved up for it and built a pretty nice gaming pc we're really proud of him as he saved for it nearly all summer my sister and her husband have recently moved in with us they have a nine-year-old son my sister has a history of i don't know how to put it being entitled she thinks her kid can do no wrong and spoils her kid well when they came over my nephew noticed my son's pc he asked if he could play on it and my son said not now that was the end of it for a couple of days again my nephew wanted to play on it i asked my son if he minded sharing he said he would rather not since it's expensive and doesn't want it to break this has caused a big argument my sister says it's extremely unfair to my nephew because he doesn't have a system to play on just his ipad so my son should have to share i told her it's his pc not mine he paid for it so it's up to him she then accused me of being a spineless parent i said i'm not but i'm not going to force my son to share his own computer my nephew ended up having a huge fit which she then blamed me for his fit but gave him three more hours of ipad time to quiet him down it's been four days and my sister hasn't brought it up directly again just being passive aggressive while on one hand i don't want to make my kid share because it's his computer he saved up for it and i don't feel it would be the right thing to do to force my kid to share on the other hand i do feel kind of bad for my nephew am i the butthole and then op post an excellent update edit i went to bid with probably less than 100 comments and now my inbox is 1500 messages full there's no way i can read them all so thank you to everyone and i have an update i showed my sister this post i guess a bad idea in hindsight she was pissed and screamed at me and my son my husband told her to gtfo and here's where i should point out that the comments overwhelmingly said that op is not the butthole because listen up lady it's not your computer and it's not your house so respect your hosts to be honest the sister in this post kinda sounds like she belongs to a certain subreddit that i cover but i won't say which one that is that was our slash am i the butthole and if you don't like this video then you're definitely the butthole
Channel: rSlash
Views: 711,112
Rating: 4.7978892 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: cJvOcIa3-To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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