r/AmITheA**hole For Yelling at My Sister For Pretending To Be Pregnant?

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where two parents abuse their disabled child am i the butthole for moving out because my family keeps playing with my cane i'm a 17 year old girl and i just live with my mom my stepdad and my two half siblings a five-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl my dad died when i was five while driving me to the hospital my mom didn't want to pay for an ambulance my dad died in the crash and my leg and spine got busted up in a way that has left me needing a cane pretty much ever since my stepdad's always been a little distant with me and he likes to make jokes about how i'm an early blooming black widow i think he gets that from my mom who blames me for my dad's death i do too it is my fault after all so i don't push back on it all right normally i hold all my commentary for the end of the story but i just have to stop this story here op this is not your fault in no way shape or form in no universe is your dad dying from a car crash while he's driving you your fault the fact that your mother blames you for that is utterly disgusting the fact that your stepfather jokes about that and it's not even a good joke a black widow is a woman who kills her husband or spouse not a girl who kills her father anyways op please don't blame yourself this is completely a hundred percent not your fault anyways my point is that with the current situation my parents are always looking for ways to get my half siblings active and doing things without leaving the house and have recently settled on scavenger hunts i have no problem with this honestly i do wish they'd stop hiding stuff in my underwear drawer but it's a five-year-old and a seven-year-old so that's not the worst my problem though is that they keep taking my cane when i'm not looking and having it be one of the items that my half-siblings need to find when i complained to my stepdad he scolds me for being selfish and he points out that my swivel chair has wheels if i have to go to the bathroom and they always get it back to me before i go downstairs for dinner i complained to my mom yesterday and she said that i was being a brat and then if i wanted a father who cared about me i shouldn't have killed my dad i got really upset at that point and called my grandparents that is my mom's parents my dad's parents are dead too they showed up at 10 pm yesterday and grandma screamed at them while grandpa packed my stuff and helped me out to their car my mom's been blowing up my phone in email calling me all sorts of names and accusing me of turning her family against her and trying to get her in legal trouble since minors can't move out and i can't help but think that maybe she's right so am i the butthole op op listen listen listen listen i want to be ultra like 100 crystal clear listen when i tell you this this is abuse this is emotional abuse this is physical abuse taking a disabled person's tools away from them is so so messed up you should treat someone's cane or their wheelchair as if it's an extension of their own body and taking away someone's cane is like taking away someone's leg or arm it's extremely disrespectful and your mother constantly guilt-tripping you about your dad that is utterly completely disgusting behavior i can't even make jokes about this because it's so disgusting this woman does not deserve for you to call her mother she doesn't deserve to have kids in the house by all means you should go live with your grandparents because they seem like people who are actually invested in your well-being your mother and your stepfather are utterly disgusting human beings and i'm giving them the full five out of five butthole score op you get zero out of five buttholes am i the butthole for telling a girl to check her privilege my school made the switch from paper to laptops and ipads two years ago and since then you can really see whose parents have money i'm currently using some asus that my uncle gave me because my family is below the poverty line he bought it in 2011 and even though the battery is shot it still runs in word work so i don't need much else there's a pretty big financial divide in my town and thus a large divide in the school which is one of two secondary schools a girl in my class posted a tic tac where she was raiding people's laptops and ipads she recorded mine which was plugged in with this external hard drive and you could very clearly see that the left side of the screen was broken she rated it negative 3 out of 10 and road poor girl and zoomed in on my shoes to prove a point my shoes are fine they're just not air force ones other laptops that weren't the latest macbook or the latest ipad got rated pretty low one of my friends showed me her video and i confronted her about it she seems really sheltered and i asked her to take it down she refused so then i told her that it's incredibly classist and i don't want that stuff on the internet she still refused and i got madder each time check your effing privilege not everyone can afford a 2 000 euro laptop and not everyone effing prioritizes flashy over functional she hasn't taken the video down and my friend who showed me the video says that i overreacted and that made me the butthole my friend said the other girl sheltered and i shouldn't overreact like that am i the butthole alright op so first of all i'm pretty sure that if you go to tick tock and report that video by saying that you're in the video but you didn't get permission to be in that video then i'm pretty sure that tic-tac will just take that video down that would probably be the easiest and most direct way of getting what you want that being said no you're not the butthole first of all she is being privileged and classist and calling that out is perfectly acceptable recording videos of miners and then putting those videos online where you're judging them is extremely rude overall low p i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes and i'm giving that girl 2.5 out of 5 buttholes she's being a jerk and she deserves to be called out for that jerky behavior am i the butthole for telling my brother that his crush just likes him because he's a butthole and not because he's too smart so i have a 13 year old younger brother who's a child prodigy i won't give too many details but he's well known in the academic circles of our country and attends an institute of higher education naturally people are impressed with his intelligence and he's quite popular and makes friends easily our parents dote on him and have never told him no as a result he's become very arrogant condescending and disrespectful to people he deems below him and that's just about everyone lately he's been openly talking about a girl that he's crushing on and much to his dismay she's quite unimpressed with him he often complains to my parents and i about his failed attempts to befriend her i understand why she dislikes him on one occasion he invited her over for a school project and i overheard their interaction he was constantly talking over her dismissing her ideas and even calling them stupid 99 of the time he was talking about himself and his accomplishments how he was in news articles his future plans etc the poor girl obviously seemed uncomfortable he quizzed her about her career aspirations and when she answered he proceeded to point out that it's a bad career path today he was once again complaining about her and said that she's obviously intimidated by my superior intellect he claimed that all girls only like stupid guys and that women are emotional sadly my parents agreed and kept assuring him that this girl is obviously uncomfortable with the fact that he's so accomplished and awesome after hearing this nonsense one too many times i finally told him that his crush just likes him because he behaves like an obnoxious know-it-all douchebag i explained that he'd probably have a chance if he showed some modesty instead of talking down on this girl so much so my parents obviously think that i'm the butthole for saying this they said that it was horrible of me to say this to a 13 year old and that he's just a child i told them that he needs to realize that his personality is becoming a problem and that his crush just likes him because he's a butthole not because he's too smart am i the butthole op not the butthole it sounds like your parents are raising a narcissistic monster just because you have a high iq doesn't mean you have a high eq as smart as this guy is he clearly has no idea how to interact with people in a normal way this reminds me of a show i watch i think it was called like wife swap or family spouse swap i don't know it's one of those things where like you have two completely opposite families and they swapped the moms of the two families and one of the family they were like really emo um like emotional and in tune with their feelings and they cried and they expressed themselves and the other family was very like logical and reasonable and actually that is not a logical conclusion type of family so the logical family had this teenage boy who was just this insufferable douchey know-it-all and the emotional mom kept like trying to connect with his son and the son was just being really smarmy and douchey to the mom and just trashing on her constantly but the mom was being like really patient and like trying to just convey to him like look you can't just be a know-it-all all the time because people don't like that and this kid just wasn't wasn't figuring it out so what she did was she went to like the local church and found some really cute 16 year old girl and to be clear this boy was also like 16 or whatever and she set them up on like a blind date and they went and afterwards the mom asked the 16 year old son what the date was like and he was like oh the date went incredible i can't wait to see her again i'm sure she was impressed by my amazing intellect and then they cut to the 16 year old girl and she was like uh yeah i tried to be nice to him on the date but he was just constantly rude and talking about himself and he was really condescending so there's definitely not going to be date number two and the mom showed the 16 year old boy this girl's interview and he was like oh i see well maybe being emotionally in tuned isn't such a bad thing after all so i guess what i'm trying to say here opie is that you're 100 correct but if you really want your younger brother to get this lesson don't make him hear this advice from you make him hear this advice from a pretty teenage girl if there's anything on earth that can force a 13 year old know-it-all teenage boy to change his behavior it's a teenage girl am i the butthole for saying that my kids aren't my greatest accomplishment and that i resent the assumption that they are i love my kids but they're not my everything i had a whole lifetime before my kids i ran marathons climbed mountains wrote a novel that was published and didn't moderately successful in the auts and i have an mfa in creative writing chatting with some folks in the neighborhood we got to talking about our greatest accomplishments when it came to me one of my neighbors tom said oh well we all know what your greatest accomplishment is obviously you have three beautiful well-behaved children i was honestly shocked and said no that's not my greatest accomplishment he looked just as shocked and i said what my greatest accomplishment is and then i said and by the way i resent the assumption that having kids is my greatest accomplishment you have kids why didn't you say that he talked about how he didn't birth the kids and how that's a miracle of life and all that gag me stuff i just rolled my eyes and said let's not boil women down to their biological functions okay jyn who also has kids chimed in and said well my kids are my greatest accomplishment i can't imagine thinking anything else tom looked super smug and others including other moms chimed in all the other moms agreed that kids were their greatest accomplishments i kind of stood about that after that the woman who chimed in sent me a message asking if i wanted to talk to someone and asking if i was depressed because my statement was worrisome she ended up reaching out to my husband to encourage me to get help because it seems that i'm unhappy with being a mom and that puts my kids at risk am i really the butthole here for thinking that being a mom isn't the end all be all of my life like wtf now op i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes here first off children aren't accomplishments they're people second the great thing about being a human being is you get to define your own existence if those other mothers wanted to find themselves by their kids then go for it they have every right to do so but if you want to define yourself by other accomplishments and also be proud of your kids then what's the problem o.p your friends are super sexist and they're basically saying that a woman's value boils down to whether or not she can have kids also i have to wonder do you think that tom is trying to belittle your accomplishments because you have accomplished so much in life and by belittling your other accomplishments and pointing to your kids as your major accomplishment he can feel better about his jealousy also down in the comments some people are saying that actually everyone sucks here because opie was getting all in a huff over a minor comment but the neighbors made a sexist comment to op so she has every right to get upset about it if i was having small talk with someone and someone made some condescending remark to me i would have a right to get upset about that too anyways op you get zero out of five buttholes i'm giving your neighbors two out of five buttholes am i the butthole for screaming at my sister and telling her that she's not actually pregnant i'm a 35 year old woman who's pregnant with my 30 year old sister's child my sister has some fertility issues and isn't able to have a safe pregnancy i offered to carry her baby for her and her husband i'm now currently six and a half months along and everything's going well once we found out that i was pregnant my sister made the decision to live like she herself is the one pregnant i found it odd but i didn't see an issue with it i understood that she's going through an emotional time i mainly thought that this was going to be something just between her and her husband i was wrong and she's begun to act pregnant in her daily life at first it was just small things like having her husband run out to get food that she was craving but it developed into other things like wearing maternity clothes she also gets annoyed if i talk about my cravings or my pregnancy symptoms around her these things don't bother me much and i just think my sister wants to feel involved today my sister wanted to go shopping to look at baby things since the stores have reopened in our area the day started with her getting angry whenever sales staff would talk to me i would explain to the salespeople that my sister is the mother whenever it was needed after a few stores we arrived at a baby retailer where she wanted to make a baby registry at this point i was extremely tired and wanted to go home i told my sister this and she promised this would be the last store i must have looked exhausted because as we were waiting the salesperson brought over a chair for me to sit while the registry paperwork was done when she brought it over she said something like here's a chair for mom i didn't correct the salesperson this time and just sat down my sister told me to get up and give her the chair after i sat down i asked her why and i tried to explain that i was tired my sister berated me by saying the salesperson said the chair was for the mom and that she was supposed to sit she said that this was her registry appointment and how dare i act like this was all about me she said that she was the one who was the expectant mother and then she had to sit down right now i told my sister that yeah she's gonna be the mother but i'm the one who's currently pregnant i snapped at her that she's not actually pregnant and she doesn't understand how exhausting it can be i told her that i'm trying my best to appease her but she's being ridiculous my sister began to cry saying that i was shaming her for not being able to get pregnant and that i was making fun of her i tried to defend myself and tell her that's not what i meant she wouldn't listen and she ran out of the store everyone in the store was staring at us they were looking at me like i was a complete monster after hearing what my sister said my mother says that i should have just let my sister have the seat i know this thing must seem so small and stupid because it's about a chair but i don't know if i'm the butthole in this situation or not op it sounds like your sister is going through some kind of like emotional or psychological trouble that is manifesting in some really troubling ways i get that this is her child so she wants to feel involved she wants to be important she wants to be the star of the show and yeah in a way she should be however we can't overlook the reality of the situation which is that you're the one who's pregnant pregnant people have real tangible needs they get tired they have to go to the bathroom a lot they need to eat certain things they can't eat certain things those needs are important because it affects the health of both you and the baby so yeah even though your sister should be the star of the show the unfortunate reality is that she has to share the stage with you she has to be mindful of your physical needs of you being tired or hungry or whatever op i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes the fact that you're carrying your sister's child makes you seem like an amazing sibling also for the most part you've been patiently dealing with your sister's emotions you did have this one outbreak but given the situation i'd say that's pretty understandable your sister however is acting very unreasonably i'm giving her two out of five buttholes that was our slashing by the butthole and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 523,134
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: ImsFphAvWoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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