r/Relationships My Wife Lied and Baby Trapped Me!

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welcome to our slash relationship advice where Opie discovers that his wife lied to him about having a baby that he didn't want man I don't know where to go from here so I thought I'd go to Reddit my best friend will call her Maggie and I met her freshman year of college we're now roommates and moved in together two years ago in 2015 my best friend spent spring break a couple states away and matched with the guy on tinder when she came back to campus she immediately told me about him and how amazing he was and how they only went out to dinner once Edit this was obviously a lie but they were talking 24/7 I got super excited and asked to see a pic that was the only picture of him she's ever shown me over the past five years he's literally been her whole world she talks about him constantly she always has her nose in her phone she gets clingy when he takes too long to text back she cried to me a few times because she's looked on the social media and seen he was around other girls my roommate doesn't have social media herself I had asked a few times why they never met up again and she said they're both too busy and don't have money for the trip I even told her that he could stay with us and that would save some money he sent presents and even flowers on Valentine's Day every year they've basically been dating this whole time so yesterday my roommate picked up a shift at work and was gone I get a knock on our door and I open it to a guy he says hi and I give a confused hi and then he barges in and scooped me up into a hug he starts saying I thought you were working I was hoping your roommate was here so I could surprise you when you got back and I'm so confused I immediately get down and back away and let him know I have absolutely no clue what he's talking about my brain can't even process what's happening then he looks confused and says Maggie and I'm like no that's my roommate my roommate and I look nothing alike so I'm even more confused then something kind of clicks and I think oh my god is this the guy she's been dating so I say wait are you Adam and he gives me a very slow yes and I get excited and say oh my god I bet Maggie's gonna flip out I can't leave your here his demeanor completely changes he asked me what I'm talking about I'm Aggie and I tell him no I'm the summer Maggie's roommate at this point I'm still completely missing something he's just pieced together he just says holy and looks like he doesn't know what to say eventually he asks if he can sit down I invite him in he then proceeds to tell me for the past five years he thought he's been talking to me every picture he's ever seen a Maggie has actually been pictures of me I'm completely dumbfounded and we don't know what to say to each other at first so he gets out his phone and shows me proof he has tons of pictures of me he saved on his phone and went to their messages and showed me proof that she's been sending them to him I felt and still feel completely sick to my stomach I get out my phone and show him real pictures of her I tell him maybe they could just talk when she gets off of work and he's really pissed at this point I say maybe we should call her first and let her know he's here so I do that and she starts flipping out saying she's not coming home tells him to leave and that she won't talk to him he calls her and starts yelling at her over the phone after everyone calms down she eventually comes home he's hurt and accusing she's crying I'm sitting there awkwardly she tells him that she's still the same person he's had feelings for and he screams at her no I thought I was in love with your roommate and that completely makes her break down so I tell him maybe he should leave for the night and everyone should have their own space he agrees and after he leaves she goes completely psychotic on me and starts throwing stuff around the living room tells me she hates me I started crying it's a mess I love to stay with their friend and haven't been back so I don't know what's gone down I feel like I have no idea who the person I'm living with is I feel weirdly violated do I move out do I try to call her she hasn't even texted me I don't know how to deal with this situation and then Opie posted an update thank you guys for all of your advice and comments mini Singh you've been in my nor Adams position it's made me feel better I'm gonna go ahead and post an update because I don't think there will be more of an outcome than this I ended up having a phone call with Adam mostly because I wanted to know about the pictures she sent turns out she sent pictures of me in my underwear and nudes that aren't actually of me or her so we're assuming she got those from Google he feels really bad and is actually having a hard time with all of this I assured him I don't blame him at all for the underwear pics or anything like that he ended up telling me that they actually have facetimed but she would never show her face only the top of her head and hair which has died a similar color to mine I never thought anything of this now I think it might be really weird and her excuse was she felt like she looked bad on video and was self-conscious didn't have makeup on etc he said he didn't think it was weird I don't know he also told me he's tried a ton of times to arrange visits to me and she's come up with excuses every time he said that he's mostly content to talk through text and over the phone up until this point also he said he's going to try to reach out to her one more time to talk about everything but that he's moving on as for me I'm not sure if I can break my leash yet but I'm gonna go ahead and move out and with a friend until my lease is over we briefly talked when I went to my apartment and she sort of half apologized but it's still pretty hostile and defensive so I'm gonna give her a space I feel bad for her but I don't think our relationship is gonna survive this whole thing anyway this has been some crazy stuff and I appreciate all the responses I got y'all are awesome Opie I'm glad that you and Adam are both stepping away from Maggie because oh my god that woman is nuts Opie I think you need to go to the cops and file a police report because this is majorly messed up our next reddit post is from throw away for EPS sake for context on this next post Opie is a black woman and her roommate is a white male my roommate Kevin spent nearly the whole of yesterday in his room but he came out of his room to make us some food and he started to cook food in the kitchen he then placed three utensils and cutlery he use in the dishwasher we ate and he then went to dry and put away that in the dishwasher I got up and wanted to get some juice as I walked past him to go to the fridge I noticed two dildos on one of the racks of course as a same person I lost it kevin was confused as to why I was upset because he had been doing this forever I've lived with Kevin for two years Kevin thinks it's hygienic and normal he doesn't seem to understand my outrage and shock like I've been sipping juice eating off of place and cutlery with his and his millions of lovers bodily fluids I don't like convince and explain to a grown man that you don't place adult toys in the dishwasher and then opie post an update kevin's agreed to wash his toys in the bathroom sink from now on I showed him how I cleanse mine tomorrow I'll be following and watching every move Kevin makes cuz what else has this man been doing to me Opie I feel your pain before it was a professional youtuber I worked at a big company and one of the ladies there who had just had a baby was using the communal stuff in the kitchen to pump her breast milk I've got nothing against mothers pumping breast milk for their kids but do you really need to use the same dishes that everyone else in the office uses in the kitchen our next reddit post is some throwaway jenkem so I've been dating this girl for about two years now we'll call her ex we also work together there's also my best friend who will call Z everything was going pretty well up until a few weeks ago they would get off work at the same time and go to another bar which Mutual's to have a couple drinks which would then lead to them hanging out at his house without me I work mornings they work nights so I can't really stay out too late I trusted him with my heart that nothing would happen so of course I was cool with it couple of weeks go by and ex revealed to me that she had feelings for him but promise me nothing happened between them and she'll work on herself in us heartbroken and confused I brush it off as a hit on the relationship but I wanted to push onward and let her redeem herself fast forward to a couple days ago Z tells me that they both went out a couple times a week to the bar and X had slept over on the couch a few times and she'd been trying to make a move on my best friend of course I trusted his word over hers as I've known him for almost half my life and we've been through a lot so today at work one of our mutual friends who's pretty close to Z revealed to me that Z and X had also traded nudes and cuddled on the couch Z had told him out of guilt one day when he was almost blackout drunk I approached X as I was getting ready to leave while she's getting ready to go as well that I can't trust her anymore and left before I said anything I would regrets dumbfounded and heartbroken yet again as neither X or Z had told me the truth and I had to find out from a mutual friend what really went down I left with no trust left with my best friend and my potential ex and I don't know where to start she's blowing up my phone and keeps insisting she loves me and avidly shifts blame between her being drunk and her being stupid and I keep ignoring it I don't want to talk to her or anything I want to talk to Z but I don't even know if I can talk to him let alone look him in the eyes the two people I'm supposed to trust the most in my life right now and they single-handedly destroyed that in a fraction of the time I spent building it I'm incredibly lost right now and I don't even know where to start Opie the answer here is simple but still incredibly hard you need to just injure relationships with them they both betrayed your trust in the worst way imaginable so honestly I don't really see how that relationship could be salvageable our next reddit post is from throwaway wife baby trap my wife baby trapped me I put baby trap in quotation marks because I'm not sure what she did is the actual definition of baby trap she didn't have a kid to make me stay just against my will so my wife a 32 year old female and I a 34 year old male have been together for 8 years we have a little girl who's five and a baby boy who's 2 I love both of them more than anything and I finally feel like I have everything a beautiful wife two healthy kids a great career and a big house the token American Dream - the dog I'm allergic when we talked about kids before my wife always said she wanted to I only wanted one it would be easier and we'd have more money for vacations and stuff but my wife maintained it's important for a child to have a sibling I grew up with four and my wife with nuns I guess I understand where she's coming from after our son and getting through the baby years and sleepless nights for the second time I didn't want to ever go through that again both kids were very fussy and colicky but when my son was a year old my wife began casually mentioning a third I would laugh it off but finally she sat me down and said we have to have a third I said no we agreed on two but she said she wanted four and three is the compromise I refused and said I wanted one and we have two she got angry and called me selfish for taking away her dream of winning a big family a couple of days later she apologized and we passionately hugged I noticed her Drive increased exponentially but so did mine and I was happy to engage her she was on birth control I had a condom it was all good thinking back on it I probably should have figured something was up but I was barely handling two little kids and work on top of housework and yard work and everything I came home from work one day while the kids were at their grandparents my wife had a huge smile on her face and she sat me down and showed me a positive pregnancy test literally dancing in joy my first thought was oh my wife noticed a less than happy expression on my face and started screaming at me she berated me for not being supportive and this was a miracle from God and I should be grateful I said I was sorry and hugged her and said I was super excited for the baby my wife was delighted and later that night she was calling all family and friends to happily tell them the news when she started talking about the nursery and how will convert my office into a room I started to get a little suspicious everything was so well thought out and it seemed like she'd been planning this for a while when she was asleep I took the condoms out of the cupboard and random underwater holes I nabbed her phone and saw she'd set a password that was odd nevertheless my wife has a terrible memory so I tried her birthday and it opened further up were texts with my best friend's wife complaining how I wouldn't come around her best friend suggested quote a range on acts in the quote winky base my wife agreed and said she was going to come off of birth control it went on for a little while ending with my wife saying yes we were going to have a third so I woke her up immediately and asked her if this had really been a miracle she got that deer in headlights look and burst into tears she wailed and then she got angry through tears she screamed I had no right to go through her phone and it's her choice whether or not she wants to take birth control the side effects are bad and she was sick she also brought up if I really didn't want a third kid I should have had a vasectomy she told me to go sleep on the couch I laughed out loud and said no I'm sleeping here you're leaving so while wailing she packed a bag and left to her parents when she called the next day I told her I just need some time to myself she said that's fine but I need to come around for our child I told her I wasn't sure if it'd be our child and she cried more it's been two weeks since then the government's recommended to stay home and I knew staying home by myself while also working with two kids would not be ideal and she wanted to see our kids so we're in the same house she constantly keeps stopping me from work and trying to get me excited for our kid and planning the nursery and names and how happy our kids will be to get a younger sibling I've been ignoring her entirely what do I do staying home with her is bad enough and I don't know if I should leave her over this I don't trust her anymore she entirely betrayed me I'm angry but I have another child on the way Opie I don't want to make this recommendation lightly because it sounds like for the most part you have a happy family but if I were in your shoes yeah I think I'd probably be looking at a divorce it's not the kids so much that's a big deal it's the blatant lying and manipulation she lied to your face repeatedly schemed with her friends sabotage your birth control and then when you found out tried to turn it against you if my wife did that to me I honestly don't see how I could ever trust her again anyone who could deceive their spouse on something so huge could easily deceive their spouse with just about anything else so yeah I think you might be looking at a deal-breaker Opie that was our sloshed relationship advice and if you like this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 633,795
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, relationshipadvice, relationship_advice, relationship advice, r/relationship_advice, relationship_advice posts, relationship, r/relationships
Id: Nj6fXwxMyao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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