r/Nuclearrevenge "This is How I Committed Murder"

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welcome to our slash nuclear revenge where Opie describes how he murdered someone our first reddit pose is from throw away happiness 10 and prepare yourself because this story is intense I am now the only child from my parents but it wasn't always the case my dad is a spineless cuck that is dominated by my ruthless mother when I was around 2 years old and living in Sweden my dad went on a trip to Syria to visit my grandmother that used to live there and stayed with her for one year because she had a tumor and had to get a few operations during this year he was a regular to a prostitute he fancied eventually he got her pregnant after giving birth she came to my grandmother's house and just dumped her daughter on him and left she ghosted him and he couldn't find her anymore my grandmother called my mother and all heck broke loose my mother ordered him to throw my sister in the dumpster and pretend she wasn't alive because she was filth my dad was very close to doing this but somehow what's left of his fatherhood woke up for a second and he didn't throw my sister away he instead convinced my grandmother to keep her and eventually she will take care of her when she grew up technically just having her as a servant this was the most humane solution he could come up with when I eventually grew up I met my sister when I was visiting my grandmother and we got really close she even looked a lot like me so I had no doubt she was my sister but the way she was living was just awful it broke my heart seeing how underfed she was her clothes were one rip away from being rags and she wasn't allowed to use my grandmother's combs and stuff to fix her hair I would collect any money I got and send it her way but my grandmother eventually found out and started taking them for herself she was never allowed to go to school and could only see a doctor when she Kame seriously ill by the time she reached 14 years old she admitted to me that she was thinking about killing herself because she couldn't see any future for herself my dad would just marry her to some garbage family as soon as my grandmother died and she would be more like a commodity to be traded on the 13th of June 2008 my sister had a fight with my grandmother and was holding a little can of gasoline and saying that she was going to burn herself my grandmother laughed and dared her to do it which my sister did my sister lived and died miserably at first my parents told me that it was an accident but I overheard them talking about what happened in detail by this point my dad didn't even care I was very disgusted with him and my mother I dreamed a lot about just jumping on them and biting their effing throats off and just watch them bleed in a horror as I kicked their faces in I wanted to hold his jaw from the inside with my hands and just rip it from his face I eventually brooded and started going over the events three guilty people I was planning on killing them all as violently as possible I could never come up with a plan regarding my parents but I was already done with how to end my grandmother the filth who made life miserable for my sister on December 2008 I booked a ticket to visit my grandmother and was supposed to return before New Year to celebrate with my friends I told my parents that my friend is picking me up from the airport and I'm gonna stay with him for a few days before coming back I then called my friend and told him that I'm going to passionately hug a girl that I met and if my parents ever asked him about me he would have to cover for me him being oblivious to what I was actually doing agreed I flew to Syria and stayed with my grandmother for about two weeks and when the day of my flight came I packed my bags and told her that I'm going to the airport with disgust I kissed her goodbye and then made as much noise as possible with my bags to make sure that my nosy neighbors saw me leave for the airport I even called a taxi driver that lived nearby and he took me directly to the airport I made sure he saw me get into the airport I didn't stood at the check-in and took a selfie I didn't check in I turned around and walked out I took a cab to a nearby hotel and dropped my bag off in the room I changed my clothes and then took a cab back to my grandmother's apartment it was 2:00 at night and I was very quiet when I got up the stairs I knocked on her door and she opened when she saw me through the people she was surprised to see me and was wondering about the flight I told her it was delayed for a few hours so I left the bags of the check-in with the employees she was tired so she decided to make us some tea while I waited as soon as she got up I stood in front of her she had this very confused look on her face due to my sudden reaction I hadn't planned how to exactly do it but I knew this is as good as it gets really quickly I held her neck with my hands my thumbs pressed on her throat very hard in case she tried to scream she instantly got a horrified look on her face and I just got really angry she tried to speak but couldn't make a single sound at first she tried hitting me but my arms were longer than hers and she couldn't reach me when I started applying pressure she tried to scratch my arms instead but I was wearing a thick sweater and also I was being pumped with adrenaline when I saw her strangling I became very angry I was grinding my teeth so hard I almost broke them I told her this is for my sister I kept repeating my sister's name in a quiet angry tone but she couldn't hear me she was panicking and her only concern was getting air she then kind of just froze there I kept squeezing even though she didn't move I really wanted to make sure I finally let go after a while my hands were cramped from all that tension and I listened for a heartbeat I then sat on the sofa took a few breaths and choked her again real hard for around 10 minutes when I was sure she was dead I started opening every drawer she had until I finally found her gold and money I put them in a small bag and left I closed the door behind me in case a neighbor found her early I walked for nearly a whole hour while my hands were shaking like crazy until I was finally far away I threw the bag with the money and gold in a small trash bucket that people had in front of their house I went to take a taxi to the hotel and I remembered my sister and cried I remembered my grandmother's face and I calmed down I felt complete like when a daunting task was finally over a very soothing relief that night I slept like an effing baby I woke up the next morning and bought breakfast and booked a ticket back to Sweden the same day I turned the TV on and put on some music for the first time after my sister's death I was happy when I came back to Sweden I took the bus back from the airport and later took the train to my friend's house I told him that the girl dumped me and I was instead of celebrating with him my dad calls me two days later and informs me that my grandmother was robbed and that the thief stole her valuables and killed her when she saw him no one suspected an effing thing I acted surprised and made my way back for a few months I acted sad and secretly watch my family in case someone got a wild theory but they all seemed to believe the robbery part since it's not that uncommon the closest someone got was my uncle when he mentioned how unfortunate it was that I left a day before this and that I could have saved her my mother called it lucky because I nearly would have also gotten killed I pretended to be sad about it now every year my dad makes a ceremony to kind of remember my grandmother they make dinner for my family and friends and hope that the prayers reach her they don't effing know that this is a time for celebration for me I'm now married and I have three kids the plan of killing my parents is cancelled due to them screwing themselves over so bad that it's more of a punishment if they stay alive they're also not allowed near my children as a punishment to how they treated my sister every year I celebrate this by buying gifts to my wife and kids my wife wondered why I did this and I simply said that the way my grandmother passed made me realize how suddenly loved one can disappear and how this is my way of saying I love you Opie has an annual celebration of the time he murdered his grandmother this guy is cold as ice our next reddit post is from Leila anis my parents divorced when I was in first grade not only did my dad disappear like Houdini he stole my mother's ATM card to her personal account and drained her dry my mother being the saint she is didn't even bat an eye she still was cordial to him and never said a negative word about him to me my dad albeit abandoning us was still my hero from first through fifth grade I had the usual abandoned by dad stories maybe one or two visits in a year and fifty times of me waiting by the front window with my suitcase packed to go to his house and him never showing up my mom through all of this was supportive and ever said an ill word about him so he still stayed my hero when I was in sixth grade my mother finally remarried and my father who only had a picture of me at eight months old and his wallet went ballistic did I mention he never paid child support he would use his father's social they had the same name to get away with it after my mom remarried he let it be known that I was now my stepdads responsibility he cut off communication with me until I graduated high school he didn't attend my graduation or send me a card what he did do was write me an email thinking God he no longer had to pay child support he didn't anyway what really broke me was his ruthless and brutal attack on my mother attacking her wait looks teeth and blaming any perceived negative traits that I had on her for the first time I realized what a cowardly piece of garbage he was I responded in kind he told me that I was no child of his and that I was a waste after that I vowed that I would hurt him 10 years later my father not interested in my wedding or my son reached out to me you see he is a diabetic and one of his organs was failing and he didn't have long he is far down on the list and he needed someone in our family to donate nuclear revenge activated I answered his email I met up with him and pretended that I didn't hate his guts I went and got tested to see if I was a match I was I did the therapy and met with the doctors and his therapist we scheduled the surgery the day of the surgery we met at the hospital I smiled in his face and let him know that I wouldn't be going through with the surgery I watched the confused lie in his face and I said I just wanted you to know that you're no father to me and you're a waste I left the hospital and drove home my mom was pretty annoyed with me that I took it that far my father is dying and I will be attending the funeral out of spite and I will let everyone know what a piece of garbage he was edit this really blew up for those questioning my actions I'll give further detail my father was semi obsessed with my mother his attachment to us was only in his perceived ability to get back with my mother in the beginning he would call and make plans to see us and just not show up my mom would have to make up excuses he's been married over four times and supports and loves his step kids without a thought to us once my mother remarried he was done with us he kept in contact with my mother through email but had no interest in talking to his children I've reached out to him before to invite him to my graduation to let him know of my marriage and that he was a grandfather all I got back was pictures of his new wife's kids upon getting to know him after agreeing to donate I went to one of his therapy sessions at his request there I heard the story of the true reason he contacted me I listened as he lamented about his impending death how he was resigned to his fate only to have his new wife remind him of his former kids and maybe one of them will donate and he got excited because he had forgotten all about us and it was like hope renewed Gino how sucky it is to listen to the person who is responsible for your very existence talk about forgetting your very existence like I was a pair of sturdy old boots that gathered dust in the back of the hall closet now rediscovered I was to be warned to go shovel man knew I knew then I wasn't going to give him anything Opie literally left her dad to die that's like watching someone dangle from the edge of a cliff and be like SIA wouldn't wanna Pia that was our slash nuclear revenge and my puppy you go is very protective of me so you had better check out my new Yugo plushie on my merch store otherwise he might just get nuclear revenge against you
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Id: HMBrgo2_v6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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