r/AmITheA**hole For Kicking an Entitled Mom Out of My House?

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welcome to our /mi the butthole where Opie kicks a pregnant lady out of a house will I be the butthole for running away on our honeymoon my husband and I are on our honeymoon his parents get to us a week in an all-inclusive hotel at no cost to us as a wedding gift and we were really grateful on arriving we found out that they'd also booked a room at this hotel for themselves for the whole week and want to do group things outside of this we see them [ __ ] two or three times a year for a couple days at a time as he finds them a bit overbearing at times and they don't really like me it's not like they're in the room next door or anything and we can still do stuff in a room alone but they knock at our door regularly waking us up at 6:00 a.m. making us get all three meals a day with them we try telling them we wanted alone time for a honeymoon and they shrugged us off saying that's what our room is for we also tried faking illness to get out of eating with him and they just got room service to a room and sat with us while we faked stomach aches my husband snapped earlier and said this whole thing was way over the line and they had no right intruding on our honeymoon of all things and they told us that they paid for this whole thing and that as adults were allowed to take holidays at the same time at the same place we've been talking and we saved up to pay for our own honeymoon before they surprised us we still have the money we would have spent in our joint wedding / honeymoon account there's another town we wanted to go to on our honeymoon and we looked it up and we could get tickets from here to there and then back home for less than sixty pounds total we could also book a few days in a nice hotel for about half of what's left in our wedding / honeymoon fund and use the remainder of the week we booked off in another town without his parents knowing we'd left until we had it's 9:00 p.m. now there's trains from here to the other town every hour plus more half hourly trains tomorrow would we be the buttholes if we ran away from his parents without telling them update our train should be arriving in our final station in the next 30 minutes we've found a hotel that's able to take us tonight and we're very excited about the next four days Opie definitely not the bottle here parents wanting to spend time with our kids on their honeymoon is super weird but I can't really begrudge them for being weird what I can pin them for though is their attitude some people have the mentality that just because I buy something for you that means I get to control it no that's not how it works if they buy hotel tickets for you then that means it's up to you how you spend time in that hotel not them am I the butthole for refusing to give up my plane seat so our brother and sister could sit together I've had an all-day trip with two flights one being eight hours and the other 10 hours with one hour and 40 minutes overlay I was planned to land at 6:20 a.m. and had a job interview at my workplace at 9:00 a.m. so I really needed to get at least some sleep the first flight was kind of hard and I managed to get barely any sleep and I was kind of dreading the second one already but I get there and it's just me and an older man with an empty middle seat in between I'm quite tall so this worked perfectly as I could spread my legs and fall asleep nicely however a flight attendant comes up to me and asked me if I would be open to giving up my seat so a brother and sister can sit together she said they're young don't know how old I asked where I'd be moving and she said missus just follow me I'll show you everything so I thought for a second and realized that wherever she puts me it'll be a worse deal than what I have now and if it was any other situation I would have totally given up my seat but I really needed to get some rest so I told her I'm sorry I'll keep this seat she looked at me and shocked and said but they're kids they would like to sit together it's a long flight please come with me to which I replied I get that and I'm sorry but I'll stay here she got super annoyed and rolled her eyes but to be honest I was too tired and just drifted away once I woke up the older man said that he hopes a couple hours of sleep was worth ruining the kids flight but I told him he was free to give up his seat and he said nothing further anyways was me not giving up my seat for kids of butthole moved am i the butthole for it's no op0 out of five buttholes for you one butthole for the old dude for being a hypocrite and one butthole for the flight attendant for being unprofessional if the brother and sister desperately needed to sit together then their parents could have bought them seats together it's really as simple as that em I'd the butthole for calling the police when the optometrist wouldn't give me my prescription yesterday I wouldn't to get my eyes examined since my vision has slowly been getting worse I've never had my eyes checked before and thus never been to an optometrist I went to one that was in a local mall the exam was okay the doctor was nice and I was out of there in no time as I was leaving the examination room the optometrist instructed me to go to the front desk to get me sorted I go up and ask for the prescription since I was just going to buy a cheap pair online-only really needing it to read and I was told those are for our records you can go over to the shop next door to pick out your glasses the store next door was a part of the practice I guess I informed the receptionist that I'm not interested in buying overpriced frame for something I'll only use to read the receptionist goes off on a tirade saying that those online glasses websites are all a scam my brother uses them which is why I thought that I can just get my prescription and be on my way well I doubled down and demanded to have my prescription I paid good money for the exam so I think I have the right to have my prescription the receptionist was adamant and refused to hand over my prescription and the optometrist also said the same and wouldn't give me my prescription so I didn't know what to do so I just called the non-emergency police line and was told to wait for a police officer to arrive maybe ten minutes later a police officer arrives and asked me what was up I informed him what was going on and then he goes in to talk to the receptionist maybe about another five minutes ticked by and I'm told to come up to the desk where the receptionist but grudgingly hands over my prescription I took it said thanks to the officer and left I told my friend what happened and he says so you called the police since they didn't give you your prescription okay Karen seems like a waste of police time to me Lowell but I disagree why would they charge me for the I exam to then bar me from using the prescription anywhere but their clinic with their overpriced glasses since the officer somehow got them to give up my prescription I think I'm in the right read it was I the butthole Karen in this situation Opie my job is to literally read stories about entitled Karen's I might actually be the number one expert in the world on karyn's and I can definitively say that no you are not a Karen here in fact I think you should even take it further and file a complaint I'm not a hundred percent sure but this sounds like a HIPAA violation and those are a huge deal those are your medical records and I'm pretty confident that federal law requires them to hand them over to you so if they're scamming you that means they're scamming other people I say report their scam and let the feds sort it out am i the butthole for asking a guy why he gained so much weight over the years I a 23 year old female recently moved to a new city and made some great friends in my local gym we're a group of girls and guys with similar interests fitness and sports and they're all so friendly they showed me around the city and made me feel really comfortable one of my friends is this guy mark everyone's fit but mark is the odd one out because he's quite overweight he doesn't go to the gym either but when we're all hanging out bar dinner fun activities etc he always comes along Marcus are really happy and bubbly guy and obviously the most beloved in the group I could tell that everyone is very fond of him which I totally understand he's really kind and just a sweet person sometimes I tease him about his weight but it's all in good nature and he doesn't mind normally I get told to leave him alone but as long as he's fine I don't think I'm hurting anybody so yesterday we were all hanging out together and one of the girls started showing me old group photos of their trips over the years mark looked really different I almost didn't recognize him he was very fit muscular and super handsome he has a nice face anyway but without the excess fat you could actually see his amazing bone structure I was shocked and pointed out that he used to look really good and asked him what happened it wasn't a mean-spirited question at all I just wanted to know what went wrong suddenly the room went quiet and everybody was shooting daggers at me then one girl said that's effed up and literally told me to leave I was pretty confused and explained that I just wanted to know how and why he got so fat mark looked awkward and didn't really answer my question everyone started berating me and standing up for him as if I'm some villain mark actually defended me and told them that it's fine but they insisted that it's not fine afterwards someone spoke to me in private and said that I should just think before I speak and that I have no tact now everyone's being weird with me and I don't get why they clearly think I'm a butthole but mark doesn't otherwise why would he defend me am i the butthole here she's opieop this is honestly one of the most cut and dry cases of yes you're the butthole I've ever read on this up down in the comments three fluffy sums it up pretty nicely you're the butthole on what planet is that an okay thing to say to anybody friend or family or complete stranger or worst enemy you humiliated him in front of your group of course everyone thinks you're a butthole you are one edit the fact that mark is charitable enough to defend you or more likely saving face for himself doesn't absolve you yeah that's what I was thinking my guess is that mark says it's fine because he doesn't want to be completely humiliated and then Opie as an edit I've been informed that mark experienced a severely traumatic incident a few years ago I had no idea this was the case and obviously feel bad I'll apologise but completely understand if he doesn't accept my apology am I the butthole for pulling a harmless prank on a guy who has a crush on me this actually happened on Valentine's Day but I'm still getting flack for it please tell me if I'm the butthole I'm really good friends with this guy we're both 20 and we pull little pranks on each other all the time we both started working at the same place so we see each other a lot more around early February we were hanging out one night and he got very drunk he normally doesn't get that drunk he started awkwardly confessing his crush and telling me how much I mean to him etc I thought he was just messing around but he said the same thing the next day fully sober I told him that I'm not interested and he didn't look very upset he actually took it very well and we talked about something else afterwards FYI all of my friends said that he was seriously upset about the rejection but that wasn't my experience on Valentine's Day we were on our lunch break and I told him that we needed to talk I told him that I really thought about his confession the other night and wanted to tell him something important since it's Valentine's Day he panicked and asked if I am serious I said yeah and asked if he wants a kiss everybody knows that it's the oldest and lamest trick in the world but he fell for it hard and got so excited he was actually about to kiss me but then I pulled a Hershey's kiss chocolate out of my pocket and offered it at first he didn't get it but then he understood he didn't speak to me for the rest of our shift I told him to lighten up but he straight-up ignored me when we texted later that night he was giving me one-word answers I personally think that's an overreaction after that day he stopped hanging out with our friend group and barely texted anybody two weeks went by and our friends got really concerned I told them about the incident and they started roasting me hard I've never received so much flak for something so little they all agree that I'm a butthole and shattered his confidence I'm not sure if I agree first of all we prank each other frequently he knows that I'm not serious about anything 99% of the time secondly how could you fall for the Hershey's kiss line my friends still bring it up occasionally and say that I am horrible for what I did he hasn't talked to me at all since that day I'm pretty sure he forgot about it by now so am I the bad guy Opie I'm gonna say that just for the prank you pulled you get 2 point 5 out of 5 buttholes but based on your reaction alone I'm gonna upgrade it to 3.5 out of 5 buttholes if I genuinely hurt the feelings of a close friend I'd be stumbling over myself trying to apologize and make things right instead you're doubling down and saying that he's overreacting and honestly being really callous here's one of the most important lessons to learn about being a puddle in life I mean sometimes you're just a jerk it happens it happens to all of us sometimes I'm the jerk but the thing that matters isn't your experience of being a jerk it's your victims experience of being a jerk plus I bet any amount of money that if a guy did this to you you'd be complaining on the internet about how guys are jerks am I the butthole for banning my brother from bringing his Indian girlfriend to my wedding title sounds very bad and horribly racist but let me clarify so my brother he's 25 has been dating an american-born girl to Indian parents since last year she's 23 her parents don't like their relationship because he's white and probably prefer her to find an Indian man he's been trying to gain their approval but failing and from what he said they continued to shrug him off and actively exclude him if she tries to bring him to their family events this has annoyed me because my brother is one of the nicest people I know in the meantime I proposed to my girlfriend and were sending out invites to everyone I came to the difficult decision that since his girlfriend's family will not accept him we will not accept her I talked it over with my girlfriend and told her how strongly I feel about this and she agreed I didn't want to spring this up on her so I asked his girlfriend if we could meet up and I sat down with her and explained that in good conscience I couldn't invite her to our wedding if her family cannot accept my brother and I essentially boiled it down to if they don't want my brother we don't want you I told her she'll be banned from all of our future family events until something changes with their parents in regards to my brother she got upset about it and this caused a huge divide my family my brother obviously is against it but I wanted to do it out of support for him other relatives agreed this was the right thing to do but I've been seeking judgment from outside my family to gain a clearer perspective I was being a butthole in making this decision Opie if your version of support is insulting your brother's girlfriends and ostracizing her from the family then I wouldn't want your support I mean it's your wedding so you can invite or not invite whoever you want but the reasons you gave are honestly pretty messed up I'm gonna give you a four out of five buttholes here am I the butthole for kicking my dad and his pregnant wife out of the home I legally owned after they sent my depressed sister to live with our aunt my mother passed away three years ago the family home where I and my sister grew up was willed to me it was her ancestral property and she wanted her daughter to have it the other vacation home went to my 16 year old sister our Father remarried six months after mom passed and moved his new wife in my sister says that the woman has removed all of our family pictures from the main living area she's removed our mom's pictures as well now all of these pictures adorn the walls of my sister's room recently our father and his wife announced that they were pregnant with twins my sister didn't take it well she's still not over mom's death and had a breakdown after the announcement the night of my sister 16th birthday party she brought a lot of friends over and the party went on until the next morning my dad's wife who was out with our father on vacation returned the same morning and lost her cool when she saw the kids passed out in the living room our dad knew about the party they just got home earlier than expected his wife proceeded to lose her cool and had a big shouting match with my sister she said that my sister was just like our mom and was a burden on our dad she then asked her to leave and send her packing to our aunts I was furious when I found out about it I showed up home the next day and asked him to leave within a week she's seven months pregnant and had no idea that the house belonged to me I know I shouldn't be kicking a pregnant woman out but I don't want my spineless father and his wife to abuse my sister anymore my father called me a cruel brat and now wants to challenge our mom's will he can try my mom's family has already appointed their family lawyer to fight my case am I the butthole wait wait let me make sure I've got something straight your mom died six months ago and your dad's girlfriend is seven months pregnant well I'm not gonna get too deep into that mess because we're kind of missing some details but basically you told no Opie you're definitely not the butthole your dad and your girlfriend are living rent-free in your house it doesn't sound like your deceased mom or your sister were a burden it sounds like your dad and his girlfriend are the burden so yeah I think you're justified in kicking them out and supporting your sister your dad kinda sounds like a douchebag and your stepmom sounds like she's pretty entitled that was our slash imide the bottle and unless you hit the like button then you are definitely the butthole
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,104,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: 5FeEyhREVkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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