r/AmITheA**hole My Parents Made Bets on When I'd Lose My Virginity

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welcome to our slash am i the butthole where parents make bets on how much of a [ __ ] their daughter's gonna be am i the butthole for not allowing my grandmother around my baby because of something she lied about when i was 15 i'm a 28 year old female i'm married with three kids four-year-old twin boys and a three-month-old girl my grandmother is a 71 year old woman back when i was 15 my mom had a set of twins a boy and a girl she was put on bed rest because the c-section had gone wrong and she lost a lot of blood my mom needed help and i went to school full time so she invited my grandmother into our home and charged no rent to help her out at some point or another my mom had threatened to kick her out because every morning my mom would check on the twins to find my brother missing my grandmother who's extremely overweight had been taking my brother from his crib and was sleeping with him on her chest on the couch my mom told her multiple times to stop and she refused so mom threatened to kick her out my grandmother's way of retaliating was to tell my mother who had extreme postpartum depression that my two-month-old sister rolled off the bed and fell onto the tile floors this never happened this obviously caused extreme panic from my mom which made her spiral because she was already suffering from the postpartum depression because of this i don't want my grandmother anywhere near my baby i lived out of state when my twins were born so she didn't see them until they were two years old and she was never allowed around them alone however now that i live in the states and have a baby she's been harping on me to let her meet my daughter i kept telling her no but i gave her no reason until last night i reminded her that i witnessed her causing my mom unnecessary panic and i wouldn't be allowing her near my kid because i'm not gonna chance her doing the same thing with me my grandmother lost it and really tried saying that that scenario never happened and that we made it all up to make her look bad a lot of the families also sided with her she told everyone and they say that i need to let things go and stop living in the past i've been told that i'm alienating my grandmother that i'm going to destroy her by not letting her build a bond with my child am i the butthole first off that bit about her being destroyed by not being able to build a bond with her child is absolute bs she never met the kid for the first two years of her life and she did just fine outside of that op i see no problem with this you get zero out of five buttholes your baby your rules your grandmother gets two out of five buttholes am i the butthole for buying my friend's childhood home i've got a friend k that i've known since we were 5 and we're now in our mid-30s we used to be close but after university he moved to the united states for work so we would only talk occasionally in fact i see his parents more often than i see him because pre-pandemic his dad would get the same train as me into london and sometimes we'd sit together anyway me and my wife have a kid and would like one more at least so we're looking to buy a house we currently live in a two-bedroom flat and it's getting small we were looking at listings online when i came across my fringe childhood home turns out his parents were looking to downsize and they were selling their house honestly it was perfect for us five bedrooms garden space close to the station they'd even had a special line laid into their house for super high speed internet something like five to ten get bips down seeing this i phoned up my friend's dad and asked him about the house he was very open to the idea of selling to me and even said that he was glad that it was staying in with the family our families are also really close we dealt with each other directly without an estate agent and therefore he was able to give me a nice discount all that was in october but my friend k has been livid ever since he kept saying how i bought his childhood and how i was taking advantage of his parents by having paid them less his sister on the other hand was happy for me and in lieu of a housewarming party she sent my family a framed picture of our two families from when we were about 10 or so while i didn't do anything wrong legally i feel i may have stepped on kaye's toes by now living in a place where he grew up not the butthole op i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes that being said if i was thinking about buying the childhood home of one of my close friends i would at least ask them if they're okay with it first and if they said no i would just move on because personally i value friendships more than i value a new home however if it was some guy that i lost contact with and i hadn't spoken to in years then yeah screw em am i the butthole for not making it known that i understand spanish to my girlfriend's family when they talked about me i'm a 24 year old male and i'm not hispanic or anything i'm white and was adopted by my parents when i was five my mom is mexican so i learned spanish from her i'm pretty fluent and i guess that surprises people sometimes because i don't look the part i'm white blonde hair blue eyes etc anyways i've been with my girlfriend for a while who's hispanic i've never mentioned that i'm bilingual because the topic was just never brought up a month ago her family wanted to meet since we recently moved in together we did it through zoom it was her parents her grandma and her sister everyone was welcoming and nice her grandma was the first to say something in spanish and her words surprised me because she was literally so nice talking to me then suddenly switched to saying something else porque octoguero which basically translates to why another white boy then she asks when she can set her up with one of her friend's nephews my girlfriend told her to stop then her parents did the same a couple of times during the conversation they switched to spanish whenever making a comment about me my girlfriend at least always shut down their criticisms and told them to stop talking like that to be honest i didn't say anything because i was curious what their real thoughts on me were it kinda sucked that they were so freely talking about me right to my face i finally said something when her mom mentioned my girlfriend told her i was in college and asked what i'm studying her dad commented to her grandma in spanish ah no wonder he moved in with her if he's wasting all his money in school see the fact that we moved in together seems to be their hang up with me they are not happy that we moved in with each other and think that because she works full time and i work part time that we did it so i can mooch off of her but that's not even true because we split the bills for everything so i answered in spanish we moved in together because we wanted to take the next step in our relationship and we love each other then i answered her mom's question and added that i have several scholarships that pay for everything so what i earn goes to living expenses they all looked panicked and right away apologized a million times for what they said my girlfriend was shocked too but she didn't have an issue with what i did and thought the looks on their faces were hilarious she only felt bad that i didn't know what they were saying all along and apologized her sister is telling us that what i did was petty and mean because i embarrassed them that i should have said i knew spanish because that was a conversation i wasn't meant to understand or be a part of therefore it wasn't my business to listen in it's like i was eavesdropping on them i get that eavesdropping is bad and they wouldn't have said anything if they knew i understood so i guess i can see where she's coming from was i the butthole for not saying anything so she thinks that you don't have a right to know what's being said during a zoom call that you're a part of when you yourself are the subject of that zoom call no that's just stupid bs logic they did something wrong they got caught and now they're trying to flip it back on you because they're embarrassed about it hearing what someone says when they're talking about you and looking at you in the eye isn't called eavesdropping that's just called listening also i'll be honest it's pretty stupid to assume that an american guy doesn't know any spanish sure admittedly most americans don't know spanish but i think most americans know a couple of words so even if you can't understand a full sentence you can typically pick up a couple of words and figure out the context op you get zero out of five buttholes and your girlfriend's family gets two out of five buttholes i'll also give your girlfriend zero out of five buttholes for defending you am i the butthole for asking if my cousin made her first million yet i'm currently outside in arteris while my family is gathered in the living room after having asked me to step outside for a bit because apparently i've ruined the mood i'm turning to you guys to ask if i'm the butthole for what i just did my family from all over the city has gathered to celebrate the new years coveted cases are thankfully low in my city and we've taken the necessary precautions as is typical of asian family reunions the old people in the family love to check up on their nieces and nephews one of my aunts a loves to show off her kids achievements particularly her daughter pat while listing off her daughter's achievements passing the bar and recently getting married to a fellow lawyer my aunt turned to me and asked what i've achieved in 2020. she began to list off all of my lack of achievements like how i'm 30 and still unmarried i'm a dude if that matters about how i'm still living at home with my parents and how i'm still driving my sucky 2000-something civic my other cousin joined in on the jeering and listed all the other failed aspects of my life now i graduated with a degree in architecture but after multiple attempts i just can't seem to pass the exam this has been a point of contention in the family because my other cousins are lawyers teachers etc these days i basically work freelance from home i don't know why but my aunt's condescending voice got to me and i said i made my first million this year has pat made her first million yet then i turned to my cousins and i asked the same have you guys made your first million yet because i have the room fell silent i basically killed the mood my dad asked me to go outside and relax because apparently i might have just ruined everyone's new year's celebration was i the butthole naopy down in the comments the mirror's true sums it up not the butthole why does everyone get to dump on you without you defending yourself that should have ruined the nights for your parents them dumping on you like this and then hello friends adds it's all fun and games when they attack without reprisal but the moment you hit them back with their own medicine silence op i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes i'm giving your cousins an on two out of five buttholes also congrats on your first million they say the first million is the hardest so million number two should be right around the corner am i the butthole for giving my family the silent treatment over their [ __ ] bet i'm a freshman in college and before college i was homeschooled basically my whole life because of that i have pretty bad social anxiety regardless of that i was really excited to go to college and finally have my freedom my parents really didn't want me to go in through a huge fit about it since they think i only want to go to sleep around and drink every time i spoke to them while i was away they would try to get me to come back home so i stopped answering their calls as often which really pissed my mom off i went from talking to my parents multiple times a day to around once a week though i would still speak with my siblings they were literally obsessed with the idea of me leaving their home and becoming a [ __ ] which was odd because they'd never been like that before they have this idea that i'm a good girl gone wild but they used to let me have co-ed sleepovers and hang out with guys whenever i wanted anyways i was talking to my 15 year old sister and she told me about this bet that my family made i guess in retaliation for me not answering their calls they were betting if i'd become a [ __ ] in college they were speculating on when i lose my virginity how many guys i'd sleep with if i'd sleep with a girl etc she sent me a few screenshots and it seemed almost like a big passive-aggressive joke it wasn't just my parents in it it had my siblings cousins and aunts while they were seemingly kidding i felt extremely embarrassed i didn't know how to bring it up because i didn't want my sister to get in trouble for showing it to me so it went on for quite a while i finally texted my mom about it and asked her if she would please delete the chat or at least add me to it so it wasn't just my family talking and clowning about me behind my back i didn't mention that it was my sister who had shown it to me my mother insisted that they weren't talking about me and that i was being a prima donna even though i literally have evidence since it was obvious that they weren't going to delete it i told my mom that i wasn't going home for christmas and i wasn't going to come visit after her surgery partially out of anger and because of embarrassment christmas is my mom's favorite holiday and she always goes all out for it she wanted me to be her caretaker after the surgery since after christmas money will be tight and she didn't want to pay for a professional she says that i'm abandoning her and i think that she stabbed me in the back am i the butthole no op your parents alienated you and now you're alienated what were they expecting just tell your parents you can't make it because you have an orgy scheduled for that day op i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes and i'm giving your parents three out of five buttholes am i the butthole for expecting my boyfriend to replace all my socks the exact same ones as i had before this might seem silly i'm a 24 year old woman and i like wearing cheerful socks since my uniform is all white i'm currently working as a phlebotomist and it usually tears up the patience too i've spent a few years collecting strange socks ones with sushi pizza corgis cats nic cage etc i think i had about 30 pairs my 29 year old boyfriend has always hated them and thinks they're childish so i agreed to only wear them to work and never on dates or around his friends or family i thought that was fair on boxing day his parents came over for coffee and gifts i accidentally put on a pair of childish socks and his mother made a comment about it i explained that i wear them at work to cheer people up and she liked that my boyfriend didn't the next day all of my socks were gone and the drawer was filled with plain black socks i asked my boyfriend and he told me that he threw them away and purchased some more appropriate socks so that i won't embarrass him in front of his parents again i told them that's insane they were mine and he had no right to throw them away not to mention that i spent quite some time collecting them so i made a list of the ones i remembered i had and told him i expect the same ones as a replacement he told me that's completely unreasonable and that it would take a lot of time effort and money for him to find those specific pairs i haven't changed my mind yet they cost me a lot of time and effort to find too i think he's being controlling he thinks i'm being unreasonable and demanding am i the butthole i think i might be a butthole for asking for the exact same pairs i know that'll take him a lot of effort to find op this is super easy to figure out take something that your boyfriend loves and throw it away and say it was just childish your boyfriend will freak out of course because why wouldn't he you can't just throw away someone else's property and expect to get away with it scot-free your boyfriend sounds like a major douchebag i'm giving him three out of five buttholes and i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes that was our slash in my the butthole and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 549,116
Rating: 4.9602966 out of 5
Id: jEYln3eJSis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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