r/AmITheA**hole For Kicking My Girlfriend Onto the Street?

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welcome to our /mi the butthole where we get to judge strangers on the Internet am i the butthole for making my girlfriend homeless after she yelled at my little brother I'm a 25 year old male and I've lived with my girlfriend for the past few months I pay rent in all bills because a few months ago she was kicked out of her parents home that's a story for another time although she also does have a job she's horrible with her money and has no savings so a few weeks ago my little brother Tinh moved in with me and my grandparents said they were going to move overseas and couldn't take him my parents passed a few years ago and when they passed I was still in college and hence couldn't take him in even though I loved him very much still obviously do when I got my own place I felt it would be selfish to uproot his new home so just left him with my grandparents however I visited him almost every day while he was living there when I informed my girlfriend of my little brother moving in she was very angry although she eventually calmed down and accepted it probably because she realized she could do nothing about it my girlfriend has been quite aggressive to my little brother my little brother is very shy and has anxiety issues and often has panic attacks therefore the day before he came I told my girlfriend to be welcoming and make him feel wanted on her part however the last few weeks have been very concerning she's been very aggressive with my brother yesterday when he accidentally spilled his drink on my lap she yelled at him and called him worthless he started crying and kept apologizing to her while hugging me and hiding his head and shame I told her that she could no longer live with me given how she treated my brother I was aware that by making her leave that she would be homeless however my brother comes first am i the butthole for making her homeless without giving her time to sort out other arrangements if she wanted time to make other arrangements maybe she shouldn't have yelled at the little brother of the person paying all the bills nah man you get 0 out of 5 buttholes I will admit the kicking her out is a little bit extreme but at the same time she's really showed her true colors so you're definitely justified in breaking up with her am I the butthole for turning off the Wi-Fi when my husband camps in the bathroom for extended links of time my husband and I are the parents of twins who are less than a year old any time my husband should be doing something with the children it's his turn for a diaper a bottle even just soothing a fussy newborn he always goes to the bathroom first we're both on maternity / paternity leave currently my husband is on medication that makes him spend a lot of time in the bathroom about an hour after a meal it's a medication that he's been on and off of several times over the past year he's never honored for more than a few weeks and it doesn't affect him all the time but he always claims that's why he's in the bathroom I did ask the doctor didn't say it was impossible but highly unlikely the doc wanted him to come in for a check-up if this was the case and husband said oh it's not that bad and refuses to go in I'd rather let him use the restroom first and have to put the baby down mid tasks but over the past couple months he's been spending more and more time in there he always takes his phone he's always watching YouTube his average session is 25 minutes in they're often longer rarely shorter it's the most frustrating thing when it comes time to feed them one of the Twins needs to be held specifically for health reasons so I can't double feed because I'll get up warm up the bottles change one baby diaper get the first one fed burped and laid down in their crib get the other baby change and be settling down to feed baby number two before my husband can be bothered to emerge and figure out why one child has been screaming because they had to watch their sibling eat and then the other will cry when they don't get to cuddle at all because I had to immediately set them down to feed the hysterically sobbing child yesterday was a week and a half since I started truly keeping track and he only twice in ten days hasn't ditched me to go camp out in the bathroom and let me finish 80 pursuing the childcare today I started a new rule if he's in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes I flipped the Wi-Fi off he hasn't spent more than 15 minutes in the bathroom at a stretch today but is extremely upset I feel like the fact that without the Wi-Fi his uncontrollable toilet issue cleared up rather quickly proves why it needs to be done but he feels I'm being unreasonable and I need to make sure his sleep deprivation making me a butthole Opie zero out of five buttholes you're already taking care of two babies you don't need to deal with a third unless he's watching our slash videos in which case you get five out of five buttholes am i the butthole for reminding my girlfriend it was her decision to have an abortion I read it the situation is getting out of hand so I thought I'd ask here I a 25 year old male have dated my girlfriend a 25 year old female for six years now about five months into our relationship I got her pregnant this is in spite of the fact that I wore protection we were only 19 so I thought she'd come to her senses and decide to abort however she slowly began to warm to the idea of keeping the child and raising it I tried very hard to show her the other side my parents contacted her to voice their disapproval of keeping the baby but this didn't sway her so then I contacted her parents and they sided with me this swayed my girlfriend a bit more ultimately it was only when I told her that I would leave her she kept the baby that she agreed now this wasn't me abandoning responsibility but rather it was me stating my boundaries if she wanted to bring a kid into our lives then I would walk away I had pay whatever support was necessary but she would be making a decision that alienated lots of people it wasn't just about her we have stayed together since however these past few months she's been acting different she started bringing up this abortion and asking why I was so against it then the other day she goes crazy she asked me why I didn't support her and that it was a mistake to have an abortion I didn't reminded her it was your decision to have an abortion we all said our piece but don't blame this on anyone else you chose this she then began crying a lot and called me a butthole we haven't spoken since and her friends have taken her side ultimately I think she's trying to blame game am i the butthole oh my god if you've ever wondered what the definition of gas lighting is here's your example dude you got a group of people to gang up on your girlfriend and basically convince her to change your minds and then when she starts trying to process the grief you're like well it was your decision so yeah four out of five buttholes for you zero out of five buttholes for your girlfriend am i the butthole for not wanting my son to literally be named John Doe so my last name is doe it hasn't affected my life much apart from occasionally being called dodo while growing up or friends spelling it doe as a joke and I'm generally pretty neutral about it my wife is six months pregnant and wants to name our future son after her grandfather who died of cancer in September his name was John I liked her grandfather and I know he and my wife were very close but I won't even consider it not even for our son's middle name I feel that's just setting him up for a world of problems especially when he grows up and has to apply for jobs nobody's going to believe John Doe is his real name my wife thinks I'm being a butthole for vetoing a name with a strong family connection and says I'm exaggerating the issue he would face him hi the Buttle Hopi your wife is stupid I'm sorry that is a terrible idea down in the comments someone actually posted an article that someone wrote about a real-life John Doe and all the terrible things he has to deal with on a daily basis as you might expect the most common one is when he says his name and people are like no really what's your real name and then he has to go through this whole thing every single time and explain yeah that's my stupid name but it gets worse than that the guy in the article says that every single time he goes to an airport he has to get stopped by security please don't set your son up for a lifetime of complications am i the butthole for telling a boomer couple to move out of their house my wife and I bought a house a couple of years ago it's a decent-sized yard and we even have a couple of chickens this is Los Angeles we have three boys six-year-old twins and a nine year old they're kids they're loud not screaming loud they love playing in the yard and playing at the park literally across the street my next-door neighbor complains all the time about the noise level in the yard and at the park there this boomer retired couple with kids my age mid-30s actually most of the neighborhood is like that because so few people especially with kids can afford a house in that area so it's a bunch of retired boomer snitches with rang and security cameras at their front porch no nothing ever happens here and they designated my neighbor as the block cop the funny thing is that the kids are hardly home they're in school most of the day and have sporting practices and games on the weekend I tried to reason with them but they feel that because they lived in their house for 40 years that we have to follow their rules as their next-door neighbors and keep quiet I have no sympathy for them these are people who bought their sizeable home for $40,000 in the 80s and if adjusted for inflation it's like buying this same house for a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars but it's a house in LA so it's more like a million my wife and I make good money but our mortgage is astronomical we're working much harder than our neighbors ever did yesterday our neighbor came to our door and complained again about our kids being loud not too loud just loud at the park her the other neighbors who lived across the street from said park then he lectured me about my logic I'm moving to a quiet area with loud kids if that wasn't bad enough he suggested that my wife and I look at homes by the ocean because you don't have neighbors to the west of you houses by the ocean are like millions of dollars Lowell I asked him how I would do that and he said that wasn't his problem so I told him that he should move out of their house and move to the ocean where he won't have neighbors I caught some flak for being rude to an older person but I don't think I was Opie you are absolutely the butthole most people down in the comments say that everyone sucks here but I actually disagree I think it's just use the butthole so let's recap shall we first of all you moved into a neighborhood that you said yourself is basically built entirely with retirees and then get upset when old people do old people things also if multiple neighbors are reporting that your kids are too loud then they're not the problem you and your bad parenting skills are the problem and I'm gonna be honest you've got this kind of like judgey personality throughout the post that kind of rubs me the wrong way like what's wrong with having a ring doorbell how does that make anyone a snitch I've got a ring doorbell because I work in the basement and it's really hard to hear the doorbell from the basement so that allows me to link it up to my Google device also I can see when a package gets delivered so I can go grab it before some porch pirate takes it and so what if they bought the house for $40,000 in the 80s does that mean they're not entitled to peace and quiet in their own home I'm gonna be straight with you Opie I kind of get the vibe that you're an entitled parent it's always the other person's fault it's never your fault or the fault of your precious little babies am i the butthole for saying my babysitting rates are $35 an hour I'm a software engineer with a full-time job in a site also doing freelance coding work in my own time I've always been the type to have a site oh so I put a lot of free time into I get really bored sitting idle my freelance hourly rates are 60 bucks an hour and at my full-time job my hourly pay works out to about 40 bucks an hour so that's how I value my time anyway over Christmas vacation I was staying in my parents house my cousin was also staying over with her three young kids from Christmas to New Year's I'd been planning on doing some work on my freelance projects when I had free time in the morning when my family had no plans I wasn't in any rush I was already ahead of schedule on the mall but I didn't really have anything else to do it was in a really rural area and it's like an hour drive to the nearest anything then my cousin and her husband asked if I could babysit all day for three kids so they could visit some friends in the area and hang out with just adults I said I'd planned on doing freelance work at the library and she offered to pay me to babysit I said I could have they got close to my freelance rates she won in a number and although my freelance rates are 60 bucks I didn't feel like that was right it was high but I didn't want to go too low honestly babysitting three kids would be harder for me than the routine coding work I had for my freelance project I don't know a lot about kids and I've never babysat it for long and I had a feeling it would be stressful and difficult so I said $35 which is below what I make hourly at work and what is the bare minimum I'd value my time for at that time has been doing difficult work and she went crazy me saying that's a ridiculous rate for babysitting that I was entitled and being selfish that I'm trying to take advantage of how she didn't have other options etc I said that's way below what I'd be making if I had the time to do my own work and I'd be putting off my own work to babysit her husband didn't got mad at me saying that I was a 24 year old girl that I'm nearly a child myself that my time is not worth that much and it's childish to say that it was and that I was a stupid girl for not knowing that babysitting costs like 15 bucks an hour when I grow up and have kids in my own I'll see how stupid I was being I was kind of done with being called stupid so I just told them I hope they could find someone else my mom thinks that I asked for something offensive and my cousin and her husband obviously did too am i the butthole for giving that number so let's use an analogy to break down how much you are not the butthole here let's suppose that you brought your good friend Elon Musk with you to your parents house Elon Musk had a very important business meeting to go to and then after you turn them down your cousin asked Elon Musk hey could you babysit my kids for $15 an hour that's the going rate for babysitter's and Elon Musk says no I was gonna go to a meeting and probably make like five million dollars because that's how much my time's worth it's real simple if you want to hire a babysitter hire a babysitter but if you want to hire a babysitter don't hire a freaking coder will I be the butthole if I posted a video montage online of my neighbor throwing things in my yard my mom and I bought a duplex for me to live in and manage during my years in college bought the house in 2018 I moved in the summer of 2019 we installed a ring video security system along with the front yard doorbell and backyard video floodlights when I moved in there were a ton of branches and limbs by my neighbor's fence that was odd since we only had one medium-sized tree nearly ten feet from the fence later that summer the backyard rain camera caught the neighbor throwing branches over the fence we realized that that is where the huge pile came from Halloween came around and my roommate and I decided to throw a party on Friday November 1st we tried to talk to mrs. stick thrower but they weren't home during our three attempts we left a note explaining it along with our names and numbers the party was over 30 people coming and going along with music and a beer pong table in the backyard cops were rightfully called at 11:45 we shut it down on the 4th I was in class and got a front doorbell notification it was mrs. stick there were pulling up my decorative styrofoam tombstone and throwing them behind the bushes when I got home I saw that one was broken my roommate and I decided to call the non-emergency line about this because obviously she had no respect for us and this is the south so anyone could have a gun a cop came out we showed her everything and we went to talk to the neighbor her fiance opened the door claims she wasn't home despite her car being there anyways time went on and I noticed that she came into our backyard via a gate which was deep in my backyard this freaked me out as video showed her smoking and wandering around my backyard I put a carabiner on the gate to keep her out end of November I come home and see these huge limbs flying over the fence I get out confront her we argue and she claims that she owns two feet of my backyard she ends the conversation with do you want to make these next four years a living hell I called the non-emergency number and once again she hid from the cops I found out that she's a professor at my university I emailed the Dean of Students told him everything and provided proof their resources were useless and I'm beyond fed up cops say they can't do anything despite video evidence and for no trespassing signs I want her to stop we got a survey done and she does not own two feet into my backyard I've edited together a video montage of her throwing limbs branches sticks rocks and cigarettes together along with her trespassing in my backyard will I be the butthole if I posted this video online with the caption University Professors actions no ho P the only thing that will make you a butthole in this situation is if you don't also send a copy of that video to me so that I can publish it on my channel also since your neighbor has demonstrated that there's literally no consequences to throwing garbage in someone else's yard I think it's time to fight fire with fire what's she gonna do call the cops clearly that doesn't do anything that was our slash in my the butthole and if you don't hit that like button didn't you get five out of five buttholes
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Id: UNh4-1q5MbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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