r/AmITheA**hole For Not Giving My Sister My House?

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today's video is sponsored by raycon welcome to r slash am i the butthole where op kicks his entitled sister out of his house am i the butthole for refusing to sell the place that i bought with stripper money for several years i was a stripper i have no shame about what i did and only quit when i got a better job offer in the time that i worked as a stripper i intentionally lived as cheaply as possible a sucky little studio flat living off ramen wearing old clothes because my co-workers all told me they were able to buy their own places on their income as long as they saved like crazy before i retired i managed to outright buy myself a three bedroom flat i rented out the other two rooms for a while but i got sick of having roommates so now i have them up online for shorter stays but not to rent i met this guy about 18 months ago and we've been together since he knows about my employment history and he said that he has no issue with it though he did ask me to tell his family the white lie that i occasionally use which is that i was a waitress which i kinda was to be frank a month ago we found out that i'm two months pregnant he says this is great news and that we should move in together i assume that he'd be moving into my place because he rents his a far smaller one-bedroom flat while i own mine and i have room for a baby's room while he doesn't also i really don't want to leave my flat it's my flat and i love it i could see myself living here for the rest of my life and i don't want to lose the security of owning a flat and have to go back to paying rent or a mortgage each month however he then said that he didn't want to move into my place and said that i should sell it and we should buy a place together i said that i like my place it means a lot to me that i was able to buy it and it represents years of working my butt off scrimping and saving he then said that he understands all of that but we should be living together by the time the baby comes and he didn't want to live in my flat i asked him why not it's a great flat it's central to everything it's spacious it's got room for all of his stuff there's a daycare in the building run and owned by another tenant and the school is just a five minute walk away the list goes on and he said that he didn't want to live in a flat that was bought with stripper money that really pissed me off and i told him no effing way am i selling my flat when he never had an issue with my stripper money paying for the flat before now i said i wasn't giving up the security of owning a home for someone who tries to make me feel ashamed about something that i don't feel ashamed of he said that his point is that if i sold the flat then we could get a new place with the money from the sale i said wouldn't that be stripper money and he said that's different and i asked how he then said he was going back to his place because i can't talk to you when you're in this state he went back to his flat and he texted me saying that i'm overreacting and being irrational and i need to think of this realistically rather than emotionally he says he wouldn't feel right raising a child in my flat knowing how i purchased it and selling and moving is the best idea for all of us not to mention the fact that he isn't on the deed because it's my place and it would never feel like our place because of this i feel like i might be the butthole because i get why he might feel like it's just my place and i feel like i'm being too rigid in a time that we need to work together plus i spoke to my sister and she sided with him so two out of three people think that i'm in the wrong here am i the butthole all right op i think i'm picking up some red flags here from your boyfriend first of all if he's ashamed of how you spent your stripper money then that means he still judges you for your profession and that definitely won't give you a strong foundation of your relationship secondly and this is just sort of a gut feeling because i don't have any real hard evidence for this but my suspicion is that the only reason why he wants you to do this is so that when you okay actually down in the comments i'll let grinda go say my thoughts not the butthole sell your place and use the money to buy a new place huh how much would he be pitching in on the new place since he wants to be on the deeds so badly since he's renting i'm guessing zero dollars this guy's a loser who just can't handle that you've been more successful at life and wants to use you as a leg up yeah op i have a sneaking suspicion that when it's time to buy a new house he's going to insist that you both put your names on the lease and then i'll say babe why don't you use the money from your old house as a down payment and then i'll cover the rest and by then it'll be too late because all he has to do is break up with you and suddenly he owns half the house and then opie posted an update but before i get into the update i checked op's posting history and she also posted an r legal advice uk and the title of the post is i have two audio recordings of my ex admitting to tampering with birth control is this any use all right so on to the update first off i dumped him he initially said that he doesn't want to be a parent if we're not a couple but earlier this week he told me he wants majority custody so not only does he not have to pay child support but if he gets majority then i end up paying him he actually said that that was his reasoning he also runs his own startup and admitted the startup is basically done for and he was hoping that when i sold my place i could also put a cash injection into his business with the money so basically this was all about money for him there's going to be a legal case but i've gotten legal advice and it looks like i'll be able to get sole custody which is what i intend to go for in the last couple of weeks my sister has doubled down and is trying to get me to fix things with my ex because a baby should have a complete family so i have not been involving her in my pregnancy which she is furious about she also told our parents which i am furious about so we're not speaking right now i also want to say thank you to everyone who commented on my first post when i first posted between my boyfriend and my sister i was genuinely convinced that i was in the wrong so to have such an overwhelmingly supportive response really helped me realize that i shouldn't doubt myself so much and with that realization plus everything going on right now i decided to go to therapy which i'll be starting next week all in all the outcome of this is that i'm probably going to be a single mother in the flat that i own and honestly a pretty decent outcome well i was pretty close i thought that he just wanted half of your house op but it turns out he wants half your money which is effectively the same thing am i the butthole for allowing a dad to humiliate his son in my class i teach fifth grade which is usually a hit or miss in terms of behavior i have one student calvin who is quite disruptive he's the class clown except it's not cute the other day he climbed on top of the tables in the library and started dancing when he thought i wasn't looking i tried different ways to work around it but i feel like i can no longer be mr nice guy i assumed that his parents spoil him so i was hesitant to talk to them because that seemed like a lost cause the kid had his own personal driver boy was i wrong i did speak to his dad who was furious he brought calvin to me and made him apologize he said that if he ever got another bad report like he did with the library then he would sit with him in class like he was a baby that threat seemed to get calvin's attention but seemed empty i mean this dude didn't even have time to drop his kids off at school things were fine for a while then he started up with purposefully giving stupid answers when i called on him i pulled him to the side and asked him if he wanted his dad to babysit him in school and he said no because his dad wouldn't do it because it would embarrass him so i emailed his dad and asked if he could sit with him in class calvin didn't know what was going to happen and kept telling his dad to go his dad stayed with him all day and calvin hated it he micromanaged boss and snapped at him all day i think the worst part was having his friends laugh at him calvin did cry a few times his dad was like the boss from hell ever since then his behaviors improved and i know people will ask why i wasn't more hands-on with discipline this is a 25 000 to 35 000 a year private school a lot of the parents are famous entertainers and there's a long wait list to get in things are very different than in public school down in the comments philosophy says it better than i ever could i was calvin class clown very early adhd diagnosis emphasis on hyperactivity in fifth grade i almost stabbed my teacher running with scissors and somehow i always managed to get into disagreements with the other kids i wasn't spoiled but instead beaten at home heavily mr stewart my teacher at the time took a similar approach to yours very punitive i got blamed for everything he even told my mother that i wouldn't graduate from high school you know i'll never forget it that shame i internalize from such formative years is something that has limited my potential and i'll now have to work on it for the rest of my life i am somewhat successful overall but my self-esteem is garbage true life satisfaction only seems so far from reach shame on you for shaming children shame on you for judging them instead of attempting to understand these kids and the roots leading to their behaviors everyone sucks here except for calvin and then underneath that burblord says exactly what i was thinking honestly if calvin's dad is willing to publicly humiliate him like that i can only imagine how bad he has it at home so op i'm giving you 4 out of 5 buttholes for completely failing in your role as a teacher to this kid if i were a teacher and a parent tried to pull this done on one of my students i would call security and have them escorted off of the premises am i the butthole for throwing my sister out of my house after she billed me my sister is a train wreck she needed a place to stay and i have a large enough home for an extra person she has no job or income i told her she had a few months to get herself together and leave i give her about a hundred dollars a week to keep my house clean so she has some cash so i gave my sister 100 bucks and she said i owed her more i was confused she said that she did other work for me i asked her what more did she do she said she walks my dog in the afternoon but i walk my dog every morning and evening but she takes him with her on her afternoon walks she said the going rate for a dog walker is 25 dollars per walk so five walks times 25 dollars equals 125 on top of the hundred bucks then she mentions that she put together a scrapbook of personal letters and papers and according to her and etsy that job was easily another 75 i told her i never gave her permission to do those things her argument is that those jobs fell under the umbrella of keeping the house clean and i was ripping her off so i threw her out the money isn't the issue i have plenty of disposable income i was disgusted by how she came at me down in the comments spongebob no pants says exactly what i was thinking not the butthole i would have countered with a bill for food rent and utilities am i the butthole for not giving my younger sister more inheritance i'm a 46 year old woman and i recently lost both of my parents in quick succession they both died peacefully of natural causes in old age i have an older brother of 47 and a younger sister 32 yes i was 14 when my sister was born she was a menopause baby in fact my mother thought that most of her early pregnancy was symptoms of menopause we were all excited to have a new baby though especially me as i was the youngest of all the cousins and none of my friends had young siblings when we were growing up my parents were always very fair with all of us when it came to money and time spent with us they encouraged our hobbies and like to spend time with us our dad died first and everything went to our mom when she died everything was split between the three of us apart from things that were stated such as a set of golf clubs to my brother and jewelry left especially to my sister and me we decided to sell our parents house and split the proceeds equally as none of us wanted to live in it last week my brother and i received an email from our sister she believes that she should be given more inheritance money or the entire proceeds of the house sale her reasoning for this is that because she's so much younger than my brother and i she got to spend less time with my parents while they were alive than we did somehow she reasons that this is fair my brother and i think that this is absolute nonsense our parents were clear on splitting things equally we both left home when we turned 18 to go to university and we were lucky that we didn't need to return home for a while to save money or anything like that my sister lived with our parents until she was 25. my brother and i have agreed that we're not giving our sister any more of our share of the inheritance which isn't that much anyway and the proceeds of the house will be split three ways as specified in both of our parents wills she said that we're selfish and she's owed this because she didn't have as much time with our parents i don't feel like i'm in the wrong here but a few of my friends have suggested that i make a token payment to keep her happy i don't think she would be unless it was a significant portion of my inheritance or my share of the house sale am i the butthole for not wanting to give my sister more money just because she's younger than me alright so first of all this sister's logic makes no sense logically speaking your sister actually spent more time with her parents than you did because she spent an extra seven years living with them also come to think of it she had completely uninterrupted access throughout most of her life to your parents if you were 14 when she was born and you moved out of the house when you were 18 that means that from age 4 to 25 she was living alone in the house with your parents so if anything she owes you money but of course the real answer is that nobody owes anyone any money because her logic is stupid and doesn't make any sense op you get 0 out of 5 buttholes and your sister gets 2 out of 5 buttholes for being selfish am i the butthole for facetiming my wife in the store i'm a 42 year old guy and i got a call from my wife when i was getting off of work and she asked me to pick her up some pads from the store i asked her to send me a text with a picture of the one she uses to make sure i got the right kind i get to walgreens and i can't find the kind that she texted me so i facetimed her in the pad aisle and was showing her the section where the brand is to see if i can get another kind about 30 seconds in a woman comes up to me and tells me that i'm being inappropriate and that she's going to report me mind you my wife is on video with me this whole time i tell my wife to text me a backup pad that i could get her at the end of the call right as my wife is texting me a male store manager and a female clerk come up to me with the woman behind them and he asked what i'm doing and then he got a complaint that i was behaving inappropriately i explained that i was there to buy pads for my wife and i couldn't find her brand i told him that since i didn't see it i called her on facetime the woman then started shouting that i was taking pictures of her and i was lying i showed the manager the text from my wife and i told him i just wanted to get my wife for pads and leave the manager and the woman went up to the front of the store and the whole time she's screeching to him that he needs to call the police and have me arrested for being a pervert the clerk stayed behind and asked if she could help me find what i needed i agreed i showed her the box my wife texted me and she said they were out she then said that this other pad in the same brand would work just as well i texted my wife a picture of the pads the clerk picked out and she said they were fine i paid for the pads and left and when i got to the car i cried a grown freaking man crying in his car i've never felt more embarrassed and humiliated in my life when i told my wife what happened she went pale and hasn't stopped apologizing to me was i the butthole for facetiming i don't think i was doing anything wrong but is there some unspoken rule about the pad aisle that i don't know about nah op you get zero out of five buttholes in fact i might give you negative butthole points because any guy who buys pads for a woman and doesn't make a big deal about it is an automatic bro so i guess negative one out of five buttholes so looking at my youtube analytics i can tell that the vast majority of my fans out there consume my content through their mobile devices so if you're one of those people who's listening to me on mobile don't you want to have the best audio quality at the best price that's why i recommend and personally use raycon earbuds raycon's newest model the everyday e25 earbuds are their best model yet with over six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a compact design that's easy to carry around they have great audio quality and they started just about half the price of other premium earbuds on the market and if you're unsure raycon has a 45 day free return policy so you have a chance to try them out before you return them and on top of all that you can get 15 off your order by going to buy recon dot com slash r yt that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content then check out 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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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