r/AmITheA**hole For Quitting When My Boss Refused To Let Me Leave?

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where an employer tries to enslave an employee am i the butthole for telling the principal that his punishment was dumb and taking my daughter out for a fun day instead my daughter was in second grade she was in class and suddenly felt like she was going to vomit so she tried to run to the bathroom she didn't make it and vomited in the hallway however she was into the office for running out of class without permission the principal called me about this and i had to come in he told me that she was being punished and was losing her privileges to go on the field trip the next week i told him this was insane considering that she did it because she was trying to keep from making a mess and she's seven she made a snap judgment that i think most people would make on top of that they sent her to the principal instead of the nurse he refused to change the decision so i took my daughter out of school for the last two days of the week since she was missing the field trip i wanted her to have as much fun as possible so we went to an amusement park the movies and the paint pottery she told her father about this during his vacation time and he got very angry at me for undermining the principle am i the butthole down in the comments i'm going to read this reply from not even sure low cry they sent a seven-year-old to the principal for puking instead of the nurse and then double down when you call them out on their lunacy hell no op you are not the butthole yep i agree op you get zero out of five buttholes and the principal gets 2.5 out of five buttholes what a nut job am i the butthole for telling my husband to lose the entitled attitude and do stuff for himself just recently my 31 year old husband was promoted to assistant manager at a warehouse we both work on the upwards of 50 hours a week i'm a shift manager at a behavioral disorders facility both jobs are very hands-on and strenuous since his promotion he's developed an entirely different attitude extremely entitled and dare i say super rude he's always boasting and bragging this has been going on for three weeks so some examples are as follows on his days off he wants the house to be radio silent if our four-year-old wants to play he tells her to stick to her bedroom because he needs some peace and quiet after working so hard if i make our daughter lunch he'll immediately say where's mine he asked me to grab him things at all hours of the night he expects nightly back rubs but if i ask he'll scoff at me and say i worked all day even if i'd worked as well he expects me to make meals that he likes every night regardless of whether or not me or her daughter like the meal he also now acts like he has full say over the money because he makes more last night was a tip of the iceberg for me before this i let a lot of stuff slide because it was a recent promotion and hell he's excited so i get it but last night around 11 pm i was in bed scrolling through my phone he comes into the bedroom lays down and says babe you should go make me some ice cream i want the chocolate drizzle on it and oh don't forget the cashews then he starts scrolling through his phone i ignore it because i feel at this point that i was gonna snap he then shook my leg and said did you hear me so i responded with yeah i did hear you and no go make it yourself you were literally just out there your sense of effing entitlement is way out of line do stuff for yourself he became offended and instantly like effing clockwork said but i worked all effing day so i snapped back with yeah i did too in fact i worked 12 hours to your eight like i said do stuff for yourself he's now saying that he's not acting entitled and that i was just taking my bad day out on him and that everything i said makes him feel unappreciated am i the butthole did i push it too far op you get zero out of five buttholes this guy's power has completely gone to his head my wife and i have a system that works out really well basically whenever one of us has a big accomplishment like a promotion at work then we have one day to celebrate that's all about them it's kind of like having a birthday we go to the restaurant that they like they order whatever they want and we basically spend the entire time talking about how great they are and how much they've accomplished this is a great way to support your partner but it's worth mentioning that this is just one day afterwards you go straight back to an even 50 50 split your husband seems to think that just because he makes more he's contributing more to the relationship op you really need to nip this behavior in the bud or it's probably going to get much much worse i think i'll give your husband two out of five buttholes because while i can definitely understand where his ego is coming from that doesn't make it justifiable am i the butthole for not allowing my disabled neighbor to park in my driveway and getting her car towed despite the previous owner allowing it i bought a house a few months ago and moved in last month the previous owner was a friendly old man that could no longer live alone so he decided to sell and move in with his daughter just to be clear i put the word disabled in the title in quotation marks because the lady in question is just really really overweight and i'm not sure if that counts as disabled now apparently the previous house owner had been allowing his disabled neighbor lady to use his driveway largely because street parking is extremely limited and what little street parking there is is pretty much instantly occupied what i'm saying is unless you have a driveway you end up having to park a good five minute walk away and that's the best case scenario obviously i wasn't aware of this so i was surprised to see a large suv parked in my driveway when i moved in i ended up having to knock on several doors asking whose car it was because the movers couldn't stand still in the busy road for too long i figured out it was a neighbor's car so after a good 10 minutes of knocking an extremely angry enormous lady opened the door i told her to move the car and she immediately started arguing that the neighbor said it was fine i told her that he moved out and i moved in and no it's not fine and to move it because the movers need to unload my stuff she begrudgingly dead and i ended up seeing her walking back half an hour later completely wet with sweat now a few days later i went back to work and lo and behold the suv is parked in my driveway again i go over there again spend 20 minutes knocking on the door before the lady opens the door again visibly angry i tell her to move her car my driveway is not public parking she protests saying that her ankles can't take walking the distance and claims that i can easily walk i tell her that while that might be true it's my freaking driveway and i want to park there myself again she moves her car and again i spot her half an hour later drenched in sweat making her way home well it happened again a week ago and this time she wouldn't open her door i got tired of it and had her suv towed she of course came to my house to scream at me and i told her to get the hell off my property a few days later i had a small fence installed with a lock on it to make sure it didn't happen again i've been getting dirty looks from her and one of the other neighbors and when i told my mom she told me i should be nicer to people i do feel sort of bad too she clearly struggles with the walk and all there is so much going on with this story first of all if she wants to use your driveway then there's already a concept for that it's called rent she can pay you for the privilege of parking in your driveway secondly if she's disabled she can go through the proper channels to get a disabled parking space right in front of her home and third there are people down in the comments saying that opie shouldn't just assume that she's not really disabled that in fact maybe she's overweight because she's disabled and can't exercise much none of these posts are talking about the fact that this lady just assumed that op wasn't disabled i mean yeah opie says that he's not disabled in the post but the neighbor didn't know that so op i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes you did absolutely nothing wrong am i the butthole for walking out after a boss tried to refuse to accept my resignation i had a boss who was a real turn he labored under the delusion that he was an excellent boss and couldn't put together that his behavior and the sucky pay was why he had such a hard time keeping employees he also thought it was acceptable to call his female employees hun sweetie and sugar he was a condescending butt wipe who consistently passed over more qualified women for promotions in favor of promoting less qualified men i had to stay until i could find a better job because i enjoy eating and couldn't afford to leave unless i had something else i got an interview with a competitor who hired me on making more than i made with him i turned in my two weeks and he said oh sweetie you know you can't leave i said i absolutely am leaving he got the smuggest look on his face and said well i'm not accepting this sugar guess you're here to stay i got so furious and decided that was it i said well screw this then i quit effective immediately i called my new job and explained what happened in front of him as he just sat there slack jawed and i agreed to start the next day i packed my stuff and left a former co-worker said it was the butthole thing for me to just up and quit on the spot but if he refused to accept my resignation he could have easily tried to screw me over on my last day my new boss says that he deserved it and i'm not the butthole for quitting like i did my boyfriend says that he can see how other employees might feel like i was the butthole by making them cover my absence but he sees how i'm not the butthole for walking out of that toxic environment so just because i'm curious i thought i'd ask here am i the butthole what did i just read i've literally never heard of a person who thinks that they can just refuse someone quitting dude people are allowed to stop working because if they're not allowed to stop working that's called slavery and last i checked that's like super duper illegal so op i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes and i'm giving your boss 3 out of 5 buttholes am i the butthole for kicking out my sister after she sabotaged a meeting with a fertility clinic i'm a 29 year old female and 8 years ago my 32 year old sister got pregnant the father wasn't involved and my sister didn't want the baby but she also couldn't bring herself to terminate or to adopt out to strangers she approached me and my now ex-husband and asked if we would be willing to adopt her child lucy we weren't sure as we were concerned this would lead to issues down the line but my sister insisted that it wouldn't so we ultimately agreed before lucy was a year old my husband left us both because my sister lied about lucy's father when lucy was four i got together with my wife and we married last year my sister has said that seeing me and my wife with lucy who's now seven confirms to her that she made the right decision when i first adopted lucy my husband and i told my sister that we wanted multiple children which she said she was fine with at the time but now my wife and i are looking into our options and my sister objects my sister has been staying with us since july because her boyfriend kicked her out she keeps asking lucy if she's sure that she won siblings lucia said that she does and telling us she's worried that we won't be able to give lucy what she needs and then today happens we had an online consultation with a fertility clinic to talk about sperm donation we told my sister about it and asked her to keep an eye on lucy while we talked the wi-fi went randomly on and off three times during the session booting us out of the call each time the third time my wife went to check on it and saw my sister holding the power cord and lucy trying to plug it back in lucy saw my wife and said auntie keeps turning the wi-fi off my wife plugged it back in but we could no longer get back into the session and we got an email from the doctor saying that if the wi-fi is going to be this bad then maybe we should try a more local clinic as we can't do online consultations when we confronted my sister she admitted that she wants lucy to be an only child so she has 100 of our undivided attention and then said in a sarcastic tone forgive me for only winning what's best for my daughter to which we responded that lucy isn't her daughter things escalated until i said that my sister should go stay with her parents and my wife drove her to their place since leaving a few hours ago she's apologized and begged to come back and my parents have also asked me to take her back but i've refused they've called me a butthole for kicking my own sister out after one argument because now she's unable to get to work she has no car and it's too far to walk and she's back in her childhood room while at our place and she has a studio to herself behind the house am i the butthole down in the comments someone asked why the identity of lucy's father mattered to opie's ex-husband and the resulting story adds a lot of relevant context the story is kind of long and convoluted so i'm just gonna sum it up here opie's ex-husband worked at a family business which his grandparents owned his grandparents were extremely opposed to adoption so the only way that he was willing to adopt the kid is if he told his grandparents that it was actually his kid so he asked op's sister if the baby would look like him and she said of course it would the father actually looks like him and since he's married to her sister the gene should be pretty similar but when the baby came out it turns out that the dad was actually puerto rican with brown eyes and olive skin so after months of op's husband telling his grandparents that he was about to have a kid the baby pops out with a completely different racial skin tone so now everyone in his family thinks that opie cheated on him so you could actually make the argument that opie's sister also broke up op's marriage considering this extra very important context i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes op your sister however is a real piece of work she literally sabotaged your family not once but twice first by lying to your husband and making it look like you cheated on him and secondly by interfering with your chances to have a new child her behavior is completely inexcusable especially with calling lucy her daughter she gave up that right the second she gave her over to you for adoption i'm giving your sister 4.5 out of 5 buttholes for being a manipulative selfish jerk that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content then check out my podcast where i publish the 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Id: ixN9jPU2jtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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