r/Entitledparents Karen Grabbed My Gun Out Of My Hands!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where an entitled mother almost lets her young daughters get trampled to death by giant horses our next reddit post is from clap that trap so i just got home from the gun range and my experience today was something that i just had to share so here's what happened i arrived at the gun range after receiving a new assault rifle and i also decided to bring my handgun to brush up on my holster draw skills everything was going normally i brought a good amount of ammo sign some paper put my air pro on and headed outside to the shooting area i was pleasantly surprised to see a mother and her young child maybe six years old also on the gun range he had a little rifle and i thought good to teach him while they're young after i sat down and loaded my magazine i started to fire at some of the closer targets to make sure my sights were correct after a little bit of fiddling with that i felt a tap on my shoulder i turned around and of course it's the entitled parent with the most fake smile that i've ever seen excuse me can you fire something that's not so big and loud it's scaring my son i looked over to her son and he looked fine but i simply smiled and said i'm sorry but it's a gun range you'll just have to deal with it she gave me the look of did you really just talk back to me and walked away huffing i thought that was the end of that nope i couldn't even get through another full magazine before the entitled parent came up and grabbed my rifle attempting to wrench it away from me which caused a negligent discharge when the rifle fired she let go and screamed slapping me pretty hard what are you doing are you trying to shoot me you effing psycho what are you doing lady coming up and grabbing my gun like that she continued screaming obscenities at me before one of the workers quickly came out asking what was going on this idiot just tried to shoot me and my child after i told him his stupid gun was too loud who needs something that big anyway you grabbed my rifle while i was shooting you [ __ ] the worker tried to calm the both of us down and i proceeded to walk back to my rifle unloaded it and kept my distance the worker told the entitled parent that he would check the security footage and if that was indeed the case he would immediately call the police before he went to check the footage he and his manager came over to get my side of the story and to watch me in case i did try something a few minutes pass and the worker comes back out telling the woman that her and her child need to leave immediately she threw an absolute fit saying people don't need big guns like that and it was scaring my child she ended up grabbing her child and literally dragging him behind her as she stormed her car and drove off down in the comments i love this reply from undead savior what the f did she expect at a gun range a plate of waffles of course it's gonna be loud also it takes a special kind of double-digit iq absolute [ __ ] to grab a rifle while someone is shooting it i distinctly remember one time when i was like um i was really young i had to be about eight or nine years old and my dad was doing yard work outside with a chainsaw he was like cutting down a tree or something and my mom told me to go get my dad and bring him in for dinner my dad was wearing ear protection so between the ear protection and the really loud chainsaw he couldn't hear me yelling at him plus he was sort of like facing this corner of bushes so there was no way that i could get into his field of vision i screamed as loud as my eight-year-old lungs could possibly scream trying to get him to hear me but he just couldn't hear me but still even in that scenario my eight-year-old brain was like hmm you know what maybe i shouldn't come up to my dad who's using an active chainsaw because i might scare him and he might turn around really quickly and chop my head off so instead of coming up to my dad and touching him i went and found a stick and threw it at his back you know not hard but enough to get his attention it's like come on lady even an eight-year-old kid has more sense than you do our next reddit post is from shifting parallax i live in a rural neighborhood everyone's got about three to eight acres so we're all pretty spaced out i live on five acres and my nearest neighbors are a sweet elderly couple that's about one acre from me they're perfect the husband does yard work as a hobby and his wife bakes we have a nice agreement where if i need something big cut down he takes the wood down and uses it for his fireplace and in exchange i trade recipes and bake with his wife honestly they just like the company i own my own home have two horses a cat and recently my mom also moved in because she was in financial trouble i'm happy to help because she's good company and i'd do anything for her and then everything changed when covet happens so here's where things go south my neighbor's son and his family a wife and two girls aged 4 to 7 live in the nearest city and they didn't feel safe i don't blame them and because my elderly neighbors are saints they opened their home to them and the brood moved right in up until this point i was the youngest person in the neighborhood at 29 years old so having kids wander around is new for everyone at first it was no big issue they stayed inside got settled maybe they were good kids total long shot i know but hey a girl can hope so one morning i'm letting my horses a clydesdale and a welsh pony out into the front pasture and i hear the most high pitched squealing from next door it was so shrill my clydesdale second guess going outside but cautiously proceeded only to be met with more squeals i pop my head out and the two young girls are literally losing their minds and i get it it's a little white pony in the horse from brave but still there are large animals so they should have the good sins not to approach right not a snowball's chance in hell these kids sprint to my fence shrieking the pony runs around in a panic and the clydesdale stands there with the same wtf look that i've got on my face then the four-year-old starts to go under my fence oh hell no i said firmly don't you dare climb under that fence and admittedly i was kind of harsh but i'm not about to let my horses trample a kid i walk over to them and they look like they're about to cry but i explain firmly that they're big animals and can hurt them easily and to never go over or under the fence they go home when i clean the stalls an hour later i hear someone banging on my house's front door and i can see through my barn's hatch door that my mom and the mom of the kids are having a conversation the kid's mom then storms down to the barn i've never met this lady but i know an entitled parent when i see one joy of joys she starts going off on me about how dare you make my kids cry they just wanted to see the ponies blah blah blah but when she takes a breath i get my point across ma'am your youngest was crawling under the fence towards two large animals that none of you know that clydesdale is a 2 000 pound draft horse he can literally crush you not feel it and do permanent damage the pony looks cute but he needs an experienced hand because he's very untrustworthy flighty and has a tendency to bite your children are not allowed near them without my consent and heavy supervision and they are never allowed to be loosing the pasture with my horses do you understand she then starts ranting about well if they're so dangerous then why do you have them are you even allowed to have them i should call animal control so first off one they're my personal horses yes i'm allowed to have them two your kids trespass on my property i'm trying to keep them safe three this is not a petting zoo she huffs off and i continue to work later that evening when my husband gets home i explained what happens he's understandably alarmed and i explained how dangerous that situation is he agrees it's not that my horses are aggressive mind you but it's inherently dangerous in general you've got a 50 to 200 pound human versus an 800 to 2 000 pound horse if you don't know what you're doing you can be seriously injured it's pure physics so i'm optimistic with his reaction but i know he's often not home so i stay cautious later the next week i'm working from home and i suddenly hear screaming not excited screaming but scared little kid screaming i rush outside and the four-year-old is bawling in the middle of the pasture with the pony doing laps around the perimeter of the fence as my clydesdale slowly approaches the little girl the seven-year-old is crying outside the fence and calling for her mom but clearly their mom is not watching them my initial terror recedes a bit because my clydesdale is essentially a golden retriever in a horse's body he's the sweetest pushover in the world he's gingerly approaching her in a slow friendly way and being as non-threatening as he can and with my clydesdale so close to the girl the pony won't rush at the girl the clydesdale is probably about three steps from the girl but i yell for him to halt and like a good boy he does i make my way in with him and start asking the girl questions are you hurt she isn't but she's clearly scared so i pick her up and walk out making my clydesdale heal to me just in case a pony gets a dumb idea the mom is still nowhere in sight so i take them to my neighbors what proceeded was about 30 minutes of screaming and crying the girl's mother was the one to open the door and she started screaming at me and firing off questions before my neighbors intervene i tell everyone exactly what happened and my elderly neighbors blew up at this mom not at me they screamed at her for being so irresponsible and negligent how they could have been hurt the mom tried to throw blame on me but they were having none of that my neighbors apologized profusely and i went about my day until the karen's husband came home he came by and apologized too for his family's behavior and especially the behavior of his wife i accepted it and said that i understood they're little girls i too know the allure of magnificent fluffy horses the mom was at fault for not watching the kids i'm just glad everyone was okay the girls were really shook up so i extended an olive branch because well i was an overexcited kid who liked horses once too it's just i had a horse mom who knew what she was doing and i didn't want this to completely traumatize him from being around horses so the next day i properly introduced him to my clydesdale with him and his stall with the inside hatch open and the girls being supervised by their father and me we were all safe in the barn they loved it the clydesdale loved the attention and everyone's happy right well except the mom who took my olive branches and offered to teach them horseback riding gave them free lessons and other things but her husband shot that down hard and presumably my elderly neighbors did also since then it's been quiet i did however install a second electrical wire on the bottom of my fence not just on the top just in case and yes the kids did test it the seven-year-old got zapped pretty good and got in trouble with her dad other than that there have been no incidents other than the kids wanting to pet them when i drop evening feed in every once in a while here's hoping it stays peaceful but seriously do not go up to animals that you don't know man no kidding opie when i was younger i used to work at a place that had clydesdales and let me tell you if you haven't been around a clydesdale those things are basically like living cars they're huge like when you imagine a horse you think of you know a pretty big animal but clydesdales are a full step up from those they feel more like rhinoceroses than horses our next rite of post is from mommy finger cocomelo two years ago i a 21 year old woman left my son's father a 22 year old man who was an openly abusive douchebag but that's a story for another day at the pre-court mediation his mother who witnessed the abuse first hand got in my face asking why i was leaving her son her reasoning was it was only one time even though it wasn't only one time i met this woman's son when i was 14 and admittedly we had weed smoking issues which his parents supported at the time actually we sold weed for them to get our fix then i fell pregnant at the age of 18 and i quit smoking for my baby this woman was a terrible grandmother who smoked cigarettes and weed inside the house just like the grandfather they eventually tried to bully me into handing over full custody or else they wanted nothing to do with the baby luckily i had my own family support that day and they had to back down fast forward to now and we've been in court for what feels like forever my kid's dad has failed multiple hair follicle tests test the date back three months while i've passed them all he only visits when either my mom or i say he can and he still lives with his entitled parents which isn't a safe environment for our son to be in i haven't seen them since last november for my baby's third birthday during which his dad got drunk and made a rapey comment about my older sister's clothing yeah they're the type of people who get drunk at children's birthday parties my son and i are doing much better now last year i was accepted into university and my son attends daycare while my mom assumes a fatherly role for him but of course my mom and i can't replace his need for a father figure he clings to my uncles and brothers instead no matter who calls you bitter or mean don't give in and don't give up remember you're doing it for your child's future get better and give your kids a life worth living for over the years i've heard a lot of lame excuses from parents about why they don't want to be in their kids life the excuse of but i don't want to stop smoking weed is one of the worst excuses i've ever heard down in the comments white wolf dreamer says exactly what i was thinking what the f was even her end goal here give us full custody or we'll keep our abusive pot-smoking selves away from you forever i'd be like you promise our next reddit post is from xcdwisis i work at a kids jump place so it's pretty obvious that i've run into a few karen's or entitled parents here or there but today's experience was one that i felt deserved to be shared some of our trampolines are kids only specifically the bigger trampolines since a parent could accidentally hit a younger kid this is a constant issue at my workplace i have to tell so many parents that adults aren't allowed on the jump most of the time they understand and don't go again sometimes they're inquisitive or annoyed but i've never been insulted or thrown any flack they just think it's a dumb rule as i was walking up to one mother i instantly knew that she was pretty hostile you're gonna come tell me to get down aren't you i'm sorry miss but adults can't go on this jump really you're an effing nazi man i was so taken aback by this since i normally only hear this type of talk online the thing is i'm actually jewish and my great-grandparents were alive and survived the holocaust but i decided to hold my tongue since she's obviously a toxic individual then she tried to guilt-trip me she said to her kid come on son i'm not the one making you cry that guy is the kid wasn't even crying he was silent as a mouse this would have been the end of it if she wasn't so immature thankfully she didn't try to get on the trampoline again but she decided to act like a baby throughout the day every time i walked by her she made comments like look out for him kids he's a commie sorry we can't have fun anymore kids he's to blame i decided to ignore her but it really pisses me off to think that she's teaching her kids to be a baby when things don't go her way and to treat employees like they aren't humans this grown mother is acting more childish than the actual kids that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 442,666
Rating: 4.9439344 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: KzQpNAg9EJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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