r/AmiTheA**Hole For Not Taking On Unnecessary Responsibility?

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g'day there guys spends all of his money on avocado toast and can no longer afford a home here back at it again with another episode of our /m I the a-hole now if you think I am I want you to tell me down to the comments sit back relax Chuck a prod on the barbie and enjoy the video posted by user Kevin Levin Devin titled am I the a-hole for abandoning a little girl that I'm supposed to look after this happens in 2015 I went to the mall to have an early lunch with my friends wrap around a bits visit some arcade and play in the internet cafe I was first to come right when the doors open seeing that my friends aren't here yet I decided to hang out at the food courts open up my laptop and play total war Shogun 2 after about 15 minutes this kid approaches me she was watching me play the game and I don't mind as long as she doesn't bother me then her mother came this woman looks pretty arrogant and somewhat rich I think like the type who would marry a man for his money and spending the money like it was coming out of his anus anyway she was telling her daughter that they need to go shopping the kid didn't budge because she was very fascinated with the game the kid was rather whiny about it she asks me if I can watch over her child while she goes shopping telling me that it'll take half an hour she was saying all of this in English as if she were a fancy foreigner I respectfully decline explaining to her that at any moment I'll receive a phone call from my friends and won't stay here that long she was insistent and put a 100 peso on the table in front of me and then quickly walks away before I try to tell her that I'm not accepting this responsibility whatever free money since the girl is still watching the battle in the screen unfolding and is very well behaved I suppose it's not that bad there's a possibility that me and my friends might eat here in the food court so I decided to return to the game and wait for the woman 30 minutes have passed and the woman is nowhere in sight but still no phone call from my friend sir I keep playing the Nova half an hour had passed my phone rings answering it's my friend Jaden not his real name by the way is telling me that they're at pizza and I happily say that I'll be there as I packed up my laptop I saw the girl looked disappointing feeling a little bad that I'm just going to leave I gave her a 150 peso notes and told her that there's quantum arcade not too far from here she happily takes it and went her merry way am I the a-hole for leaving that girl all alone um yeah there's you know entitled parents is a world of fantasy I'm sure this might be too but dear lord dear Lord if this is true if you are all my who's a special layer of health are you to go to buddy and also for that mother I don't think it's every day bro that everyone just abandons a kid like that come on you suck and the mum sucks everyone sucks er that kid needs a new family updates thinking about it now I definitely should have left her with a security god or at least taken her to the quantum arcade there's a lot of security cameras there and at least one security guard the entrance and tell him the situation to ease your worries the girl is fine after about 1 p.m. after finishing our pizzas we go to the internet cafe and when I saw was the girl was already reunited with her mother who was talking to her phone looking very angry they didn't spot me but I still hid behind my friends everyone sucks eeeh you should have immediately taken the child to security or if there was no mall security he could have called the police agreed it's not his responsibility but you can't just leave a kid by themselves should have talked to security or police before he left to meet up with his friends but CPS should be called she left her daughter with some strange kid in fur how old was this little girl it's not your responsibility to look after a stranger's child but if she was only little may be telling a member of staff or something might have been the smart move about 11 or 12 I think I didn't bother to Vaska sorry you made us sound like she was around four to five years old most 11 to 12 year olds don't need constant supervision though I still feel bad that I didn't at least tell an employee to keep an eye on her me unless it was in hermie store or something I wouldn't worry about it posted by user someone something rather titled am I the a-hole for being mad at my husband for staying out until midnight when he left at 6 p.m. and said he'd only be out for a few drinks oh my god haven't we all been there tonight while I'm feeding our two-year-old daughter dinner my husband asks if he can go out for his friend's birthday for a few drinks it's still a pandemic so I make sure he'll be drinking outside and keeping social distancing but say sure go ahead he leaves the house around 6 p.m. isn't that sure go ahead like fine it's a trap it means he pet it not you very not I you're in trouble at 8:20 I asked for an update he says we haven't been served dinner yet apparently since he didn't eat at home I should have assumed he was getting dinner along with the drinks fine I asked where he's eating and he's at a fancy place we've never been to I can't remember the last time we went to a fancy dinner together let alone the last time I even went to a restaurant at all since it's a pandemic and they've only started opening restaurants back up this works me because it would be nice if we went back out for the first time together still fine an hour later he texts me he's paying the bill it's 9:30 p.m. now and I assumed since he's paying the bill he'll be home around 10:00 p.m. the restaurant is 20 minutes away when I haven't heard from him by 10:00 I asked for an update he says he's leaving now 10:30 rolls around so I call him no answer I called two more times and no answer 10 minutes later he calls me back and says his friend just wanted a smoke he'll leave soon I tell him he can sleep in the guest room he finally gets home around 11:30 p.m. when he gets home he doesn't apologize and wonders why I'm upset he actually takes a turn with me maybe I wouldn't be annoyed if this was a one-time occurrence but before the pandemic this happened once a month or sir we're not kids anymore we're both in our 30s is it too much to expect him not to stay out past 10 p.m. on a work nights he does happy hours after work goes golfing on the weekends and then stays out until midnight hanging out with friends on a work nights when I'm waiting for him like to come home I never do anything for myself and I feel like I'm inconveniencing him when I asked too maybe I'm missing something I think he's the a-hole but am I the a-hole um I guess my judgment here is you might be the a-hole although I don't blame you for taking that attitude with him because he's kind of escaping the kids and escaping responsibilities with you like all the time sounds like he's pushing his boundaries and pushing the envelope too much because he knows he can get away with it which is a common behavior that we do see in couples and relationships so you got to crack the whip like you have been you but you're cracking the whip has seems to be a bit more passive-aggressive I think you need to go with the aggressive route and be like Yelp no not until we work out a fair share of who gets to go out and who stays here okay we got a two-year-old daughter to be looking after you can't be like a 20 year old that's just graduated school and you're like yeah I'm out with the boys we're gonna go partying I I get where she's coming from but being passive-aggressive and not solving the issue makes you the a-hole too because it's not getting anywhere it's just reflecting poorly on both of you as parents of your two year olds edits thank you to everyone who responded especially those who were supportive and understanding of my feelings as well as his after reading all of these comments some pretty hurtful I realized that I too was in the wrong this morning I went into the guest room and apologized to my husband he apologized to me as well for some additional background I do feel like I do all the childcare and have expressed to him multiple times but I don't put my foot down and make time for myself like I should he isn't always home at 11:30 p.m. either there have been nights when he's home at 2:00 a.m. and he hasn't been a hundred percent honest with me all of the time either like saying he's on his way home when he's not we did start couples therapy last week for these and other reasons but I appreciate that I have just as much work to do as he'd please be kind people I'm not a nightmare just a mother and a wife doing the best I can I will try to do better communicating and ask him for the same everyone sucks here yes Opie was over the top with the amount of checking in but apparently I'm the only person who thinks it's reasonable to expect your partner to communicate their plans when they leave you at home with a toddler expecting someone to come home within a few hours when they say that just going out for a few drinks isn't setting a curfew all he had to do was say I'll probably be out late I'll let you know what I'm leaving instead of implying multiple times he was almost done and then staying out for hours and hours later this is the thing it sounds to me like he kept implying he wouldn't be out long at first and that he was on his way later so constantly checking when that turned out false is different than if they had discussed a late night outs if everything happened exactly as Opie said he basically lied a few drinks is not the same as drinks and a fancy dinner then hanging out till midnight and he wasn't leaving all those times does Opie suck for checking in or was she put in a frustrating position even if the premise is that his night out is reasonable negotiable with the toddler in play there's no expectation either parent gets to stay out till midnight I'd say unless the parties agree he was super passive-aggressive and sneaky about it if he planned to stay out till midnight have dinner etc but called it a few drinks and 6rp was passive-aggressive too by continuing to check in the vein that it was relatively okay when she maybe should have said directly when we discussed this I thought you'd be gone a couple of hours for drinks and I would like you to come home and then explaining the secondary issue that she was hurt he went to a fancy dinner without even mentioning it to her or thinking of her feelings but I suspect those calling her a nag would find that direct communication just as bad her bad behavior in my eyes was not being direct I don't have kids because I like my freedom but you don't get to escape your responsibilities and party till midnight when you have a toddler unless your partner agrees and she wasn't agreeing to that and it seems like he knew it now if he's usually a dedicated father and rarely goes out maybe one could argue she should be gracious but that also requires him being honest about the ask the thing I'm hung up on is him telling Opie he'd be home soon honestly I'd be worried if my partner kept implying they'd beat home soon and they didn't show up were they in an accident are they trashed and don't realize how much time has passed and do I need to pick them up also if you tell me you're coming home soon I'll stay up and wait for you if you're going to be out till midnight tell me so I can go to bed and don't wait around I think there are several issues to unpack er but the biggest one to me is that the husband's lied and it sounds like does so with some regularity all the other staff stems from that not the a-hole if you want time for yourself take it is he forcing you to hold yourself back from having your own time he obviously feels no guilt at taking time for himself and he shouldn't neither should you have him watch the kids while you go out and have fun don't try and control him stop being petty instead of communicating your needs properly it's childish just take an equal amount of time for yourself tell him you're taking a weekend for yourself then go got it sounds like my mom she's always like that she's like all right I'm going out see you later where are you going mom why are you just disappearing I'm taking a weekend for myself up at the coast see you later posted by user snoo 7 202 8 titles am I the a-hole for wanting my son from an affair to attend my swearing-in ceremony I will give some background because I do think it matters I've been married to my wife for 12 years about 5 years in my wife started feeling like we were in a rut and emotionally neglected because I was working so much and she was left spending so much time taking care of our two kids she started an emotional affair with a co-worker which lasted for a few months but while she confessed and ended its I was really bothered by this because I know that for my wife the emotional connection is as important as the physical so it could not have been any worse if she physically cheated we did not pursue therapy at that points I thought I was okay but the hurt continued to simmer and eventually led to me confiding in a colleague someone in my line of work but not a co-worker / friend which eventually turned into a physical affair this is a dumpster fire what I did not feel like I was wrong at the time for doing this since I felt like my wife's unfaithfulness was the cause I was wrong I don't deny this now we had an affair for around 2 years it was during that time that my partner got pregnant and gave birth to my son he is now over five years olds I eventually confessed all of this to my wife after I started feeling guilty he didn't stop feeling guilty for two years things were bad for a long time but we did get into therapy and have managed to work through our issues in many ways our relationship is now better than either of our affairs and we have even since had another child my wife has always been fine with me being active in my son's life which is something I told her would have to be allowed if we were going to work things out because it would not be fair to punish him for my failings up until now that has worked well enough I soon will be sworn in for a new position I'm taking and I'd planned to invite my son to watch since my other children will be attending along with my wife my wife freaked out when I told her my plans and said if I did it it would be like throwing the affair in her face she thinks it isn't a whole move to invite him but I think he is as much of a right to be there as my other kids I can understand her view but I think I would be the a-hole if I didn't invite him but let my other kids come do you just leave it it everyone sucks here everyone has something wrong with them how is everyone okay with this situation I don't understand how are they cool with this how did they solve this like what therapy going to sign me up to that that will solve all of my problems I don't know what job he's being sworn into probably Mac his manager he's going up from you know restaurant manager to a regional manager he's like I want my son to be there to see me but I also want my family aid to be there too family B has to be there I don't understand the importance of being sworn into a position why are you jeopardizing your already very rocky situation just for your son to be there my brains gonna explode I don't want to talk on this anymore I just think everyone sucks here and best of luck to them for solving this everyone sucks er except not your son you're the a-hole for trying to spin the story where your wife's emotional affair of a few months is somehow equally problematic and the source of your own two year-long physical affair that produced a child you literally make it sound like we both cheated when that is not the case you say you don't deny you were wrong but the way you've laid this out still reeks of denial of culpability your wife is slightly the a-hole for refusing to honor your agreement that your son would be a big part of your life she's putting her own feelings of embarrassment about her your affair above those of an innocent kid as your son gets older and more aware of the circumstances she's going to have to learn to deal with him being around without making him feel like a source of pain for her that said your son is five he does not care about a swearing-in ceremony it will be boring for him and not something he's going to feel sad about missing out on for this instance only it seems you could keep the peace by keeping him at home yeah the first part of Opie describing his wife's affair really put me off because she did not have sex and she fest up whereas he had sex and didn't confess until after his mistress got pregnant it feels like he's trying to frame it too sure how see she messed up too when this is not the case we did not need to know she emotionally cheated her affair has nothing to do with the current situation unfortunately the situation of him including and excluding the kid is not going to stop here what about others events like birthday parties or Christmas does the wife expect him to exclude the kid from all of those as well RP is not the a Hall for wanting to include his kid but this situation and all future ones is 100% his faults and everyone is suffering because of him yes I agree the wife as the a-hole as to the issue at hand but I couldn't let Opie off the hook given the fact as you said he is responsible for the whole situation in the first place it's not even that Opie had an affair for me it's the way he's describing it as if the wife started it and it's her fault that is super a wholly he said it could not have been any worse if she had physically cheated well yes actually it could have been worse she could have gotten pregnant with another man's child and paraded said child around everywhere so all Opie's friends and family were constantly reminded of that time she rode that sweet non Opie dick what am i doing with my life what led me to reading this you had an affair had a kid from that affair and your wife has not only continued to stick with you but also allowed you to be an active in the life of the person you had an affair with give her this one you're the a-hole you're the a-hole how does her floating for a few months lead to a two-year affair by you you're the a-hole your wife did not cheat on you floating with someone for a few months is not at all the same as fudging someone for two years one is a normal human interaction that was cut off long before it led to any betrayal the other is adultery that led to a child with your mistress whom here and you dig into for three years you're a crappy person dude it takes some next-level vindictiveness to cheat on your wife to punish her for developing a crush on a co-worker telling you about it and then cutting off communication before ending cheating occurred to save the relationship in response to her open and honest and totally appropriate communication about said crush and its effect on your relationship year of vengeance conceived a child to punish her after ramming your dick and do another woman for two years that's screwed up you are definitely the a-hole they were so mad they spelt it definitively posted by user through our a a my the a whole 45 titled a my the a whole for telling my husband's cousin that I couldn't imagine being on tinder at my 30s when she said that she couldn't imagine being a housewife since she needs to use her mind man people are so mean we were having dinner at my mother-in-law's home it was my in-laws us and my husband's cousin and my in-laws neighbors at one point I was helping clean foot outside and it was me and my husband's cousin Martha I haven't talked to Martha since she got out of jail I mean much since our wedding and a few FaceTime calls here and there she's 36 to 38 works as a project manager for a bank I myself and 31 after my husband and I had kids I left my job to be at stay-at-home mom we were talking and Martha was just being abrasive like she was trying to size me up she starts asking me why I gave up on my career she goes on to say that hers is super important for her that she could never give it up and that she would spend money on a nanny if she had to and then goes on to say the whole housewife stuff wouldn't work for her because she really needs to use her minds what does she like magneto or something doctors strange ass woman like wow I was just getting offended this whole time and even when I tried to change the topic she brought it up so I told her yeah well I couldn't imagine being on tinder in my 30s plus for me I really want to have kids Ellie you know after 35 there are a lot of risks of birth defects I knew I touched a couple nerves because her expressions just changed she starts telling me that she could settle down if she wanted to she just has high standards and that the birth defect stuff is overstated the arrogant demeanor she had before talking down to me changed quickly I told my husband about its he laughed but said that my cousin is a bit rough around the edges and I should have ignored her he said the birth defects line went over the top I don't think sir for me I don't want her going around belittling other people's life choices you know when you go to the the zoo and you see a bunch of chimpanzees just chucking feces at each other that's what we're doing here you know they're both on the ground already they're both as far down as it goes with their insult game they both suck er there's no going over the top once you start chucking feces at each other both of them suck and they both know they suck everyone sucks here I'm currently staying home as well so I understand the judgments her comments were completely out of line but solely yours your life your choice her life her choice you could have said those comments are hurtful this is my choice to spend my time this way rather than putting down her choices seriously they're both solidly in their 30s and this reads like a bunch of high school bullcrap nothing wrong with standing up for yourself but for Fricks sake have a little bit of decorum Obie says her comments struck a few nerves but it sounds like Martha really touched a few nerves too and that's just the tesis Opie your insecurities is showing if you wish secure in your decisions you would tell Martha she was being rude and asked for an apology not strike back with tasteless low blows the way you did everyone sucks he or she did start digging but your tinder line was funny but then you took it to the birth defects and that made you an a-hole too I was gonna say not have any biological kids at all but decided to walk away from that Oh Sarah bull I think if you were genuinely happy and secure with your circumstances you wouldn't have even thought of a low blow like that everyone sucks here first of all yes the birth defects thing was definitely over the top don't lie to yourself there it was an objectively crappy thing to say outside of that you both were crapping on the other person's life choices so you're both a-holes especially because the risk increases from about 1% to 2% it's definitely an increase but not a dramatic one it's actually from 0.5 percent to 1 percent Thank You Ellen thank you for that correction I couldn't remember how miniscule it was but I knew that 1% was in there somewhere the risk for Down syndrome is more massive though in your 20s it's one in a hundred thousands above 35 it's 1 in 400 and above 40 it's 1 in 100 figures are from my embryology textbook may not be 100% accurate because it's been a long time since I finished embryology posted by user slice fun titles am I the a-hole for refusing to renegotiate a settlement that heavily favored me a few years ago my estranged brother and I were awarded a settlement from a situation that we were both victims in although objectively I was affected more than him it is basically hush money but that's just life sometimes I'm not getting into the crime here we got paid an equal set amount in cash and the rest in stock options I know more about it than he does and through the markets my decisions and what I chose received and continue to receive much more than he did as a result he ended up with less than $100,000 total and I no longer need to work unless I want to I am married and now have two young children I earn a home I am able to be a stay-at-home mom for as long as I'd like even if something happens to my husband's I am able to build healthy college funds and nest eggs for my kids I can even afford someone to help me out at nights and a housekeeper as my husband medically can't lose out on sleep my brother and I aren't particularly close and didn't grow up together but we talk sometimes he's figured out that things ended up being very uneven and he's ticked his life hasn't turned out well and he is very poor and unstable he's now demanding that I renegotiate the settlement to make it more fair to him he's using our dead mother to try to guilt-trip me I don't want to renegotiate and I don't legally have to my childhood Guardians support me but I have relatives and friends both sides I would think our mother would want things to stay as they are and would love to hear that her daughter was not only able to keep her children but also raised them in ideal circumstances if I renegotiate I would lose the ability to stay at home and the cushion I can build for my children as I would lose the dividends it would ruin my life edits the division was mostly presets two-way oversimplify it's like we both got 20 stocks but split differently I'll put them in three categories good fine and mare my settlement was basically ten good stocks five fine stocks five mess stocks while he got five good stocks ten fine stocks and five mare stocks I had my father-in-law's advice and education he was going on emotion I'm gonna say not the a-hole for this one you know everyone has their own path in life and he's down trotted in life and looking for an easy out with you I understand you can and you're not obligated to he's not actually entitled to that money that you have now all those stock options it sucks that it ended the way it did but that's just life sometimes I hope you're able to work things out but life doesn't always work like that but in this situation you're not the a whole not the a whole it's not your fault your brother isn't as knowledgeable as you in things that helped out also if he's already broke again chances are he isn't good with money and would waste and spend everything he would get in renegotiations life isn't fair but sometimes that works in your favor technically I had the advantage in the options segments but a lot of his mistakes were due to poor education on it and bad decisions still he got a 100k bonus to start his life don't know where you're from but that's like college and down payment for a house where I live I don't know where you live but that's more than at least half a good house but I live in the middle of Bern Frick no we're not the a-hole if the settlement was dispersed equally and was originally agreed upon you don't owe him you're not responsible for how other people turnouts it sucks but he's ultimately responsible for how his life turned out the cash part was equal but small the stock options are where the inequality happens are you saying they gave you for a super oversimplified example 10 different companies to pick from and you grabbed Apple stock because you understood how valuable it is or would be and he pink picked a company that went nowhere could he have also taken the good stock or did you pick first and took all the good stock somewhat although I got some higher percentages in better stocks we both got a variety he also rushed more to sell due to poor education while I got a lot of advice that let me not make decisions on anxiety yeah that doesn't sound like you manipulated the situation to get more than him just that you made more informed choices and had the cards fall in a more favorable manner than he happened to not your faults posted by user and on widow three-to-one titles am I the a-hole for not contributing to my older brother's wedding a little backstory for setup I was widowed a little over a year ago my husband had a substantial life insurance policy as well as a successful business that I have recently sold I have no financial issues I can raise my daughter without worry my older brother proposed to his girlfriend back in January she's nice and seems to love my brother we have had no issues in the past covert hit so we haven't done family get-togethers or anything their wedding planning has been put on hold until recently our state has slowly started opening no one has been sick weather has been good so my dad and stepmom decided to have a family dinner on their outdoor patio to discuss my brother's wedding with my future sister-in-laws parents in attendance so they could all get on the same page I tried to dip outs because wedding planning isn't my thing i eloped but was told my presence was requested by future sister-in-law my stepmom said she thought I was going to be asked to be a bridesmaid which would have been a no but that's - besides the point dinner was uneventful but afterwards my feet sister-in-law pulls out a three-ring binder and starts handing out information packets about her wedding when and where she wanted its pictures of dresses she was considering colors ideas for catering pictures of cakes everything a well-prepared bride could come up with my favorite page was list of expenses how much she expected everyone to contribute her dad her mom and stepdad my dad and stepmom my brothers mum and me I said you expect me to contribute that's hilarious I was met with a stern gaze from my brother oh my god you're serious yeah that's not happening cure the meltdown from the bride-to-be her dad speaks up and tells her that she was already told that combines between both him and her mom and stepdad she would be given $70,000 to do what she wanted just like they did for her sister oh they have money to throw she started crying my dad chimes in and says yeah between the three of us we will pay for a nice rehearsal dinner for like 30 people and an open beer in wine bar at the reception that since she started screaming like holding her hands over her ears and screaming so I said this is where I leave she stands up and comes to me and gets in my face telling me how it's all my faults I have money sir I should be willing to spend it on her because she's gonna be family then done enough Asian that's usually like family I just laughed looked at my brother and said good luck with all that and walked out my future sister-in-law blow up my phone for two days calling me names and telling me how awful I am I haven't talked my brother but my dad said the wedding planning has been put on hold while she reevaluate sweather she wants to marry into a selfish family whom I know in my heart I'm not the a-hole but a friend of mine seems to think I should contribute just to keep the peace which I don't really at this point abouts and my dad and stepmom agree with me my other siblings do too but are trying to stay out of its edits because people keep asking on top of the $70,000 her parents were willing to contribute she wanted $50,000 from my dad and brothers mum and $30,000 from me yes one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a wedding also I think she had originally asked her parents for 80,000 add it to this post blow up I didn't expect it to I just wanted to show my friend that keeping the peace was not a good idea thank you for all your replies even the one that called me a narcissist and said I should contribute my stepmom says she has some things to tell either tomorrow or Wednesday whenever she can catch up so if there is anything to update I definitely will oh my god who is this woman can we I want a hundred and fifty thousand dollars it's not for a wedding I just want that money Jesus don't we all I have nothing constructive to add to this besides I am flabbergasted people like this still exist in 2020 come on people I thought we were better Opie not the a-hole dear Lord not the a-hole absolutely do not give any money to her or your brother I honestly wouldn't even give an engagement or wedding gift at this point she is so far beyond a bridezilla that your brother needs to truly rethink marrying her the audacity of what she did is just baffling she already has a promised 70,000 from her parents that's a nice down payment on a house it's one freaking day when someone shows their true colors believe them this isn't going to be a one-time thing this is who she is stand your ground you are definitely not the a-hole do not give in just to keep the peace or you will be doing it forever I don't care if you have five million dollars in the bank no just know it's funny because up until this point she seemed normal we weren't besties or anything but we got along fine this was such a change but when someone shows their true Coca's believe them I wouldn't spit on her if she was in a fire at this point oh my god not the a-hole that woman is insane showing you a list of how much she expects you to pay for her wedding I can't even imagine having a wedding that costs more than 70 thousands mine was four and a half thousand I think it could be 45 K but there's a comma in the middle there what does that mean and I feel like we indulged if she feels that she needs a wedding that costs more than 70-thousand she's got real issues blaming you because you said something first is just poor judgments and your father not standing up for you or at least saying that he wouldn't pay whatever for her wedding regardless of if you said something is him being an a-hole I get why you can say hostile things dealing with that many a-holes in the family has got to make anyone hostile I will defend my dad he did lane to my brother and his fiancee after I left he had already told my brother what the three of them would pay for they being dad stepmom and my brother's mum they just expected everyone to do what she wanted this episode is doing my head in it's already so late I'm gonna end it there I hope you guys have a good night day sleep whatever you're up to today tell me what you've been up to in the comments I'd love to know hope our true Marquis doesn't wake you up all right guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Markie - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 56,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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