r/AmiTheA**Hole For Giving Bad Tippers No Priority?

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g'day there guys it's your Z hubby Maki back at it again with another episode of a slash mi v.a hall now if you love me like I love you then you know what to do I want you to tackle that like button like steve-o and would tackle a bloody crocodile maybe even Chuck and Ozzy flag down to the comments now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prone on the Bobby and get ready for some bloody good contents posted by user coyote psychological titled 'he's a my the a hole for asking my friend for her boob voyage party a while ago my doctor found a cancerous lump in my breast thankfully it was stage one but i did end up having a mastectomy it was a stressful time and when my friend was over a few days ago before my surgery we got on the topic of the boob voyage party from jane the virgin i asked her if she would throw me one of those parties to help me get my mind off its i thought she would put together just a small girls nights but she went all out she invited all of my friends and my boyfriend and had an array of boob paraphernalia it was funny and light-hearted and meant a lot to me to get all that support from my friends during my recovery my boyfriend confronted me and said that he hated the boob party he thought it was tacky and he was offended that i hadn't asked him to put something together instead he said that we were supposed to be going through it together and i should have thought about his feelings and the fact that he doesn't like parties and wouldn't want to spend one of the nights leading up to my surgery like that i told him that i'm sorry that he felt that way but it was really helpful for me and i was the one getting surgery and treatments i told him i wanted to support him but my feelings had to take priority under those particular circumstances and the party helped me he still angry at me for refusing to apologize for asking my friends to throw the party without asking about how he felt about it first it comes up now and again and he still wants me to apologize am i the a-hole i'm gonna go with a big fat no you're not the a-hole it's absolutely your body you do what you wants your in party how does his feelings at all factor into this i don't get why he's so personally offended he doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to but that shows that he's shallow he's deep he did I don't like parties sir I don't want you to throw one I don't want to have to go to them I don't have to be subject to this you should think about me no you're a terrible boyfriend if you do that her life could be on the line here given that breast cancer is such a serious issue Jesus let people have some fun boyfriend surprised if she doesn't break up with this man over this so you went through a life-changing experience and he made it all about himself not the a-hole you probably would be very shocked how many men make their wife's or partners diagnosis all about them hell my father made my ovarian cancer diagnosis in my teens all about him yep pretty unforgettable that in the u.s. when a man is suffering through a serious illness his chance of his wife leaving him planet to 5% when a woman is suffering through a serious illness her chances of her husband leaving her jump way up to 20 to 25% yep it's pretty unforgivable if you ask me it shows the differences on how men and women are raised as well as how society views them well one is raised and socialized to be a caretaker and ahead of the emotional labor departments the other one pretty much the opposites when they suddenly have to deal with emotional labor and be a caretaker obviously they can't handle it and jump ship just another way of how sexism hurts everyone I'm talking about just historically how men and women have been socialized I'll make a disclaimer for the not all men crowd and the women a horrible crowd too it just makes sense that historically this is the way people have been raised for a long time and a lot of cultures is still like this yes I 24 female nursed my last boyfriend through Ewing's sarcoma and during that time I realized that I didn't want to be in the relationship anymore note that I did not dump him while he had cancer I realized that if the roles have been reversed if I had been in the one lying incapacitated after six months of chemotherapy and half my hip removed the household would have gone to crap unlike me he would not have regularly sterilized the entire house to protect my fragile immune system he would not have washed my sheets he would not have cooked without being asked he would not have brought me breakfast in the hospital every day at 8 a.m. because I didn't care for hospital food he would not have written down all my concerns and brought them up at the doctor's office because I was too tired to remember he definitely would not have helped me change my surgical dressings and he would not have known how to comfort me it would have been my burden to comfort him and to hide my pain so that he didn't feel uncomfortable I know this because that's exactly what happened for any minor injury that I received my next partner is going to be just that a partner no more trying to convince the other person that they should respect me enough to take on their fair share of the emotional and physical labor you either understand equality or you don't not the a-hole when someone shows you who they are believe them your boyfriend is a self-centered a-hole who can't even tolerate you getting support in the way you need it for your medical diagnosis and treatments but he thinks his feelings about your cancer are more important than your feelings is very telling and I hope your ditches asked and finds someone who has a working sense of compassion exactly rights I had cancer we went through it together but not like this she respected the fact that I am the actual one with cancer anything else is unacceptable you needed and deserved your boob paddy party have her playing another one and don't invite his ass posted by user by the twin moons titles am I the a-hole for making customers that stiffed me on the tip my last priority War I 21 female I'm a server in a small town in Kansas where the minimum wage for waitresses is $2.13 an hour which is just enough to cover income taxes due to that all of my income and for most of the servers in the state is comprised of tips recently I got into an argument with an acquaintance 25 male of mine he mentioned how he doesn't believe in tipping and that it wasn't right of me to treat customers that never tip as less important than other customers generally if I have a lot of tables I will of serving cheapskates until my other tables are caught up I understand that the tipping system is broken but I also believe that people that don't tip with the mindset of I'm gonna change this system consciously or subconsciously taking advantage of it and I believe a portion of people refusing to tip is not gonna change the system and force my employers to give me a living wage but instead just screw me over because I live in a small town and don't have the option of finding a different job am I the a-hole here I know my opinion is entirely biased but what do you guys think edits everyone talking about how servers and cities make beaucoup money please keep in mind the average server in my small town post tips will make about 750 on the lowest day to ten dollars on the highest day and in the state of Kansas if you don't make the full minimum wage your employer is supposed to though this doesn't always happen in locally owned businesses edits me doing this only applies to regular customers I had an entire argument that I laid out there but then I realized I'm Australian I don't know what I'm talking about I've never lived in Kansas and these small cities I don't know the environments that these people live in I don't know what it feels like to be shortchanged I don't know what it feels like to have someone not tip me and I lose my wage because of that I feel like it's kind of an everyone sucks here situation you suck for not tipping and you suck for treating them worse because they didn't tip but what's the solution to this I don't know either Opie is not the a-hole or everyone sucks yeah I'm just very conflicted and confused not the a-hole screw literally every single person that doesn't believe in tipping edits if he lives in somewhere that pays the waitstaff a living wage then feel free to not tip if you live in America and don't tip when you go out to eat make your own food maybe we should just pay servers a livable wage instead of this weird awkward custom of tipping hmm edits I'm not suggesting not tipping right now just that I would rather they pay the servers well then we get rid of tipping the amount of people jump into conclusions in this thread is staggering who came up with this horrendous system from the UK and this whole concept is so infuriating paying a decent minimum wage then tips covers good or great service and food which is how it is in Australia and I completely agree with that this is my experience here and his anecdotal call this a disclaimer an ex worked in a pizza restaurant in a very busy shopping centre she was paid approximately 350 pounds per week tips were huge ranging from 50 to 100 per shift so each week after passing on to the kitchen she'd see about 700 per week on a good week and so contracted pay was too low to pay tax on so 26,000 pound per annum opted 36,000 pound per annum take-home if everything was at its best this is an extreme example as she was very good at what she did and picked the restaurant she wanted to work out based on its potential essentially she was being paid more than junior doctors teachers solicitors with the same two years experience that she had this is why the rest of the world finds you're tipping culture weird and you get mixed responses from those outside of the US I tip ten percent for okay service and food 24 great poor service and it's why should I tip not the a-hole your friend is just being cheap this and getting what he pays for when I was young I asked dad why everyone at the restaurant is so nice to him and it seemed like he got better service than I got elsewhere he looked me in the eyes and said always tip well and now I do especially it places I frequents to get a bad or no tip with me you basically have to be actively rude to me which almost never happens not the a-hole Opie when you pay more for something that something will be higher-quality why shouldn't that apply to service and any non tip is reading this your experiences at restaurants and bars will be way better if you start tipping well and it's worth it's posted my user red suitcase triple Eight's titled Amer the a-hole for telling my children's teachers to screw off and poor her outs this happened last year and I was telling a friend about it yesterday she said I overreacted and she would have handled it differently my daughter was in the fifth grade at a regular public elementary school now there is this other little girl in her grade that is just a known bully among the girls my daughter is very sweet and quiet she had never been in trouble before now I think her kind nature has the tendency to make her a target for a bully this girl had been picking on my daughter for years on and off as well as lots of other girls I tried so many times contacting her teachers principal her mum school counselors every time it just fell on deaf ears I know I wasn't the only parent who tried and tried there were multiple families who were fed up well last year it was about two weeks before school was out and my daughter and her best friend were playing outside this girl starts picking on my daughter and her friend my daughter looks her in the face and says you're a [ __ ] I'm sick of you teasing us please leave us alone well this girl goes and tells the teacher now look I would have preferred my child who didn't use that type of language and we did talk about how she could have been polite but firm in her words at the same time if the school would have done something a long time ago none of this would have happened well my child's teacher began to scream at my child until she was in tears and then sent her to the office where she was screamed at for hours longer so now she's being bullied by the staff as well I was livid and went into the teacher's office and let her have it I told her if you people would have done something about the bullying my child wouldn't have felt the need to bully this child back how dare you make my child out to be a monster and a bad child when she has been victimized since the first grade by this girl the teacher said I should be deeply ashamed of my daughter hell no I told her to piss off and called her from the school we will be attending a private school in the fall a round of applause to Opie for that one absolutely not the a-hole why do you even have to ask the question the question should be am i the a-hole for not punching that teacher in the face for defending the bully Jesus you gotta stop bullying at its source straight away and they obviously were condoning it by not taking any action as teachers that's disgraceful I'd be reporting them to whatever entities would listen to me but then again that might fall on deaf ears and if the cycle repeats it's why you take your kids to Brazilian Jujitsu and they tackle the problem themselves right right that's sarcasm don't at me not the a-hole you're a good parent for getting her out of there and should be proud of your daughter for standing up for herself my parents have a rule that if we do or say something like that to a jerk then they won't get mad at us after using a curse word now it's the end of the world but terrorizing someone isn't off kaulos turtle sense edits my brother punched a total dick in the face who bullied everyone in the face god I'm gonna bully you right in your face buddy he shut up for the end of the year because my brother then went into middle school sixth grade and douche face went to fifth grade and I went to full grade I don't know how that changes anything but okay not the a-hole but did they really scream at her and was it really four hours screaming at someone for ten minutes sounds tiring I can't imagine doing it for hours that was the only thing that made me wonder if you're being an overdramatic parent er but if everything else went down the way you say then not the a-hole my child said that her teacher yelled and screamed at her for about an hour's and then sent her to the office where it continued by the principal what I think most likely happened is there was some yelling followed by them trying to get my child to apologize which she was refusing then followed by more yelling her teacher was a very intense personality Jesus she'll be better off at another school so I agree that more should have been done to stop the bullying earlier which likely could have prevented this but also think seriously about what your child is saying and how likely it is to have really happened that way not calling your child a liar simply saying kids exaggerate consider this where were the other students in her class as the teacher was yelling for an hour what was happening with all of the office staffs are the responsibilities as they yelled at your child for hours on end the likelihood of this happening in such an extreme way for so long is highly unlikely a teacher can't simply abandon the rest of her class to yell at a student for an hour as a previous school employee I think a child probably got yelled at by the teacher maybe for several minutes and too harshly then your child was sent to the office where they were scolded and sacked for several hours after refusing to apologize obviously I wasn't there but the logistics of spending several hours yelling at a single child just isn't possible there are too many other moving parts in a school you could be very very rights little kids do exaggerate especially if it felt really harsh and never-ending I could see her thinking it was longer but like I said above I know the school counselor was called in to watch the class ribbons posted by user hate my house 22 titled my the a hole for showing my boyfriend how disturbing it is to have him yelling at video games all the time by calling my friends up and having a jerking scream my boyfriend plays games with some of his friends from college and they get really intense about it's like yelling in frustration it bothers me a lot I grew up in a rough home and I don't like that environment of screaming and cussing and anger in my home I've told my boyfriend this and he says he's not really mad it's just a game it's just the way he connects with his friends who were competitive people but to be honest it bothers me a lot last week I had been napping and I heard a holla and I was immediately working and feeling panicked I of course quickly remember where I was but I was upset I really just don't want those energies in my home I went downstairs and told my boyfriend to stop hollering at home because it's stressing me out and he kind of brushed it off later that night I called my friends a jerk said I should just have a yell with her and she was all for it she went out to the woods behind a house and also grabbed her roommates on the it was kinda silly at first yelling over Skype but we kind of got into it my boyfriend was yelling about some crap her boss said and her roommate and I were yelling back screw that girl yeah you need a job and stuff it was kind of hard to keep from laughing and we kept dissolving into giggles it devolved into one of us shrieking like a maniac everyone dying laughing and then repeating my boyfriend came upstairs at that point he'd been sitting outside and smoking and he asked what the hell was going on I was like I'm calling my friends thought we'd try having a scream seems like a fun way to socialize he was telling me off saying that hearing woman's screaming is gonna make someone worried and I was like oh nah I'm sure it's fine screaming into a mic is just normal socializing rights we talked later and he didn't want me pulling that crap again because it freaked him the hell out to hear me screaming and I was just like okay so do you finally get it I feel freaked out when do you bring that energy into the house too and he said he didn't think it was the same he and his friends normally socialize like that me and my friends were being crazy to make a point I said that I had a lot of fun having a yell on the coal it felt good and if he wanted to keep bringing that energy into the house I'd be doing it too but if he didn't want that kind of energy around we could stop it together he called me ridiculous for this and yeah I know it's kind of petty but I also think I have a point if he doesn't like me screaming in the house he should understand I don't like him screaming in the house am I the a-hole for having a yell while video calling my friends to try and make a point to my boyfriend that his yelling when gaming with his friends is disturbing no absolutely not no scream all you once screw him he doesn't get to decide what goes and what doesn't go in this house just because he feels he wants it one way or another you can't compromise like that absolutely keep screaming in that house all you once the neighbors call the cops even better the boyfriend gets to deal with that I think he needs to learn to stop screaming I've been called out on my screaming in the house but it's absolutely a behavior you can stop he just doesn't want to stop it and that's the problem here he doesn't want to stop but he wants her to stop he can't have it both ways grow up and be mature Opie's boyfriends Opie not the a hole not the a hole he's being super hypocritical he asked him to stop screaming for valid reasons and he refuses to respect that he have the right to feel safe in your own home and if his yelling makes you panicked and uneasy he needs to grow up and change his behavior Opie your screaming bothers me while it shouldn't later why you screaming Opie's partner refused to back down that's a huge red flag not stopping behavior that really hurts your partner is another huge red flag what Opie is experiencing is called flashbacks and I've seen a lot of it at work I have them too if he doesn't stop Opie risks being reach Rama toast his behavior is childish and reeks of entitlements hope he needs to reconsider the whole relationship unless her boyfriend decides to grow up and honestly yeah the fact that it could read triggers someone's trauma is absolutely a deal-breaker in a relationship not the a-hole oh my god dude I'm in the exact same situation I have autism and get triggered by loud noises and especially shouting my boyfriend will be playing his game with his friends and suddenly scream and I legitimately start crying I wish I had the guts or energy to do this so he would understand does he know you start crying also that's really sad and I really feel bad for you mates yes he does he eased up a little posted by user Aoife Charisse titled am I the a-hole for sleeping my roommates bed for a week after my boyfriend puked a red wine all over mine my roommate and I both 20 female don't know each other that well we have mutual friends who both knew we needed roommates at the beginning of the year so set us up we're not in the same apartment at the same time very often so I wouldn't say we're friends but we don't dislike each other at the beginning of last week my roommate told me she was going back to her hometown which was about two hours away because her dad was sick and she wanted to be with her family I said okay see him on your back you know the usual that night I invited my boyfriend over and we ended up getting a bit drunk which resulted in him puking red wine all over my bed it was like 3:00 a.m. at this point and I was a bit tipsy so I dragged him over to my roommates bed and we both fell asleep the next morning my boyfriend went home but I was hungover and didn't want to wash my sheets yet so I just stayed at my roommates bed I ended up sleeping and staying in my roommates bed for the rest of the week she came back to the apartment on Monday whilst I was out shopping and I came back to her questioning as to why there was a phone charger on her bed and I told her that I've been sleeping in her bed because of the red wine puke expecting her to just find it amusing but she was absolutely disgusted and called me a slob because I didn't wash my sheets she then demanded I change her sheets because my boyfriend and I had both slept in them and I refused saying they were both hers so she should clean them she's now saying that I crossed a line and that she's going to start looking for a new roommate am I the a-hole how can you leave red wine puke on a bed for a week did okay just not tell us that she claimed it is it just sitting there festering for a week how could anyone do that obviously opie is the a-hole and deserves to learn this lesson the hard way how could you not be the a on this one I don't understand it's so stupid you're the a-hole changing her sheets would be the least you should do I'd be demanding you vacuumed my mattress as well and it's pretty disgusting not washing the puked on sheets either if you and your boyfriend can't handle alcohol or the aftermath maybe don't drink she left puke covered sheets for a week like this general laziness and then there's this I would be looking for a new roommate - this is so gross and invasive for the roommates privacy that's a crackhouse level of laziness I assumed when I read the title that maybe this was a misguided cleaning standoff with the boy like he'd be refusing to clean up his mess and she was finally putting her foot down about cleaning up after him that would still be horrific in a way because god damn you don't like biohazards marinate in your bed for a week to prove a point imagine my shock when I realized she left puke in her bed for a week because she felt lazy crackhouse levels of laziness is right on the money not the a-hole not your bed you shouldn't have slept in it one night wouldn't have been terrible but a whole week in someone else's bed because you didn't want to wash your sheets is just plain rude sorry to say but your roommate is right you're a slob I agree with one night's not being terrible in theory but she dragged her just puked all over her bad boyfriend with her therefore risking him puking all over the roommates bed - and I think we all know that if he had it would have been her roommates responsibility to clean it because it was her bed and apparently leaving pukey bedding laying around for a week is a viable option in Derpy's worlds g'day there guys outro Marky here just wanted to say thank you so much for watching today's episode I hope you really enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it now with that said we have some special mentions everyone that's signed up for my patreon everyone that's a channel member you guys all know who you are I'm gonna start putting you on screen in the near future sorry I'm very lazy but I do love each and every one of you and you all know that if you want to join there is links down in the description below if you want to be a channel member there's a join button next to subscribe it helps me out immensely also I have a second channel that does memes it's called Marky - it should be on screen here now if you like memes and you want to laugh with me it's some not so politically correct content all the time hope you enjoy it click on the screen subscribe and enjoy the means that's all I have for today and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 18,346
Rating: 4.9321313 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: yUauDCRtBS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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