r/AmiTheA**Hole For Refusing To Sleep With My Husband?

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g'day there guys I want to say you look damn fine today and you've always looked damn fine every single day of your life back at it again with another episode of oz /mi the a-hole now if you love the content like I love you I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie I like on the video and get ready for some bloody good content posted by user dead date 505 titles am I the a-hole my husband won't let me sleep okay so I work 12 to 16 hour shifts at an extremely labor intensive job that requires the use of heavy machinery my job is dangerous and I need to stay focused while at work this part is important sir my husband has a friend who was a truck driver his friend calls at odd hours every nights usually between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. my husband always accepts these calls and proceeds to have very loud very long conversations right next to me which inevitably wakes me up and keeps me awake I've asked him firmly but politely to either take the calls at a later hour or to leave the room while he talks so that my sleep is not disturbed he refuses to do this and says that he has to answer the calls to keep his friends awake while he is on the road I understand wanting to help a friend but I do not understand needing to keep me awake while doing it so for the last week I've been locking myself in the guest bedroom and sleeping on the guest bed when I have a shift scheduled now my husband is angry and saying that it hurts his feelings that I'm no longer sleeping next to him every night's am I the a-hole no Queen you're not the a-hole no universe would accept that you're an a-hole for one team to get your sleep it's a basic human right to get a minimum amount of sleep and it's torture in the Geneva Conventions of something to not get that full rest to be continually kept up destroys the body so you keep doing you you keep locking yourself in the guest bedroom until he sees the error of his way and changes you're not the a-hole he's upset at a problem he is creating he's 100% able to resolve this issue you're not responsible for his lack of consideration towards your needs the mental gymnastics he's applying to a situation of his own creation are impressive so wait his logic is he has to keep his friend awake so that his friend is safe at work but he's keeping his wife awake and knowingly making her unsafe at work to do this I'm trying to logic my way out of this one and icons I'm curious if she has an accidental death and dismemberment policy through work because his logic doesn't work towards anything sensible he's in it for the wrongful death payouts this just turned into an Agatha Christie novel and then there were settlements workplace negligence death on the Orient Express not the a-hole he's putting your health and job at risk separate bedrooms are great for lots of couples even if Opie had a very easy desk job her husband would still be the a-hole it's rude to wake someone up in the middle of the night when a very easy alternative solution bringing the phone into another room or separate bedrooms is available this I have a desk job but it doesn't mean I get any less cranky if I'm running on significantly reduced sleep also there are distinct health concerns related to chronic sleep deprivation to the point weigh in some relationships it can become a form of abuse my ex would always keep me up late at nights which really messed up my work at previous jobs not saying that's what's happening here but a lack of sleep is bad for anyone not the a-hole he doesn't need to be in the bedroom for his call and him acting like you heard his feelings is childish and manipulative RP should say it hurts his or her feelings that the husband accepts phone calls in the middle of the fudging nights for Fricks sake what's wrong with the husband posted by user new hair am I the a-hole titles am I the a-hole for cutting off the majority of my hair without letting my boyfriend know pretty much my whole teen and adults life i-23 female have had long hair for the last two years I've had waist long hair it looked pretty but it was so much work my boyfriend was very vocal about his love for my hair so last Friday I was booked in for a haircut planned on cutting off maybe five to ten centimeters my boyfriend was happy with ads but then my hairdresser asked if I'd ever considered cutting at collarbone length as she thought it would look very cute on me I hadn't but the moment she said it I knew I was ready for a change and told her to have a tits it turned out beautiful and I am in love washing my hair is easy and it feels so healthy and looks really nice my boyfriend however was not happy at all he pretty much cracked the craps when he saw it he said I should have warned him and that I would only cut a little bit of it off I told him I didn't know myself and I didn't think I should have to message him while my hair is getting cut to get permission or a warning he's been making comments on it ever since and I think it's getting ridiculous I look amazing with my new haircut for Fricks sake I think it's very easy you're not the a hole in this situation Opie don't know what to say other than that the boyfriends just being childish and he'll grow out of it hopefully you should know the boyfriend yourself and the boundaries you've set with this man just clap him down and let him accept the new haircut because it looks good on you I hope he'll know you're not the a-hole it's your hair and you can do whatever the hell you want fair enough it might take a moment to adjust but making comments isn't cool and to this reaction for shoulder-length it's not like you shaved it all off I hope you don't let it get to you I bet you look freaking amazing he said I should have warned him unless you came with a newborn with a new car or I don't know something similar he is massively overreacting not the a-hole rocked the short hair or a new boyfriend that is accepting of her bodily autonomy this is the correct answer no romantic relationship is worth the effort though it's better to have no significant other and be able to enjoy freedom not the a-hole I get being surprised since he loved your long hair and you've been planning on only cutting 5 to 10 centimetres but he needs to get over it he should be happy you love it it's been 5 days and he can calm down have you talked about his comments rights I get having preferences I'm a hair guy myself for me it's the weirdness on Colors it just gets me I don't know why but did he expect her to have the same hair her entire life if you love someone it shouldn't be the end of the world if they change their hair boyfriend is being a baby posted by user Harvard Gardner 1990 titled am I the a-hole for not paying for my daughter's wedding my husband and I started saving for my daughter's 28th college fund since she was born we both worked really hard for our money and we accumulated a lot for her she ended up getting a scholarship to cover a lot of her college so we had about twenty thousand dollars left over we offered to give it to her at the time and she said she'd rather we keep it for when she gets married and we agreed that was years ago now about four years ago my daughter came out as bisexual and started dating a girl this shocked us because we never saw her as the type my husband and I were really upset because we loved the idea of her having a husband a family and grandchildren for us we thought it was just a phase but four years later they're still together and they got engaged last month they came over to visit and do some wedding planning she got her journal and it had the finances they put aside for the wedding as well as 20k mom and dad I saw this and told her that we were planning on using that 20k for renovations now she questioned us and we were upfront and said we agreed for her to use that money under the assumption she was marrying a man her girlfriend got very upset and started calling us homophobic and my daughter just sat there letting her go off at us then my daughter said that money was mine and I had it all planned out to use it towards the wedding well no it's our money that we saved with a specific use she left in a huff and told us to never speak to her again I think she's being very ungrateful but my other daughter has now turned on us as well and said we're terrible parents I'm not homophobic I respect same-sex couples it's just not what I wanted for my daughter am I the a-hole i'ma have to be real here and say yeah you're an a-hole for changing you didn't state specifically that the money was to be used for marrying a man you just said for when you're getting married you can't you know renege those turns kind of gross how homophobic you're being I'd really don't understand it you can say you're not homophobic and that you respect same-sex couples but when it comes to your daughter in a same-sex couple you like can't support it sorry I really can't support it financially either because it doesn't sound like you respect them or that you're supporting them in any way emotions be damned so for that reason you're the a-hole edits well I wasn't expecting this reaction thank you for the lovely messages threatening me and calling me a homophobe I have rethought my stance and I will be trying to be more understanding of my daughter however I know to never go to this forum again you're the a-hole you were willing to just straight-up hand over the money to her and she asked you to save it for her wedding then she found someone to marry and now you're refusing to hand over the money because that person happens to be a woman you were being unsupportive and homophobic and it's not even about the money it's about how you refusing to give the money clearly shows that you don't consider her relationship valid or good enough it shows that you think less of her because of her sexuality and that is horrible you're the a-hole you love who you love where the race gender whatever give the money let them have a wedding you don't have to attend if you don't want to the money was earmarked for her wedding this is her wedding and who knows how many grandbabies your daughter and her partner will be having you may have a happy future with a full house full of love and happiness ahead please reconsider if they still accept the money at this point if my parents said something like that to the person I wanted to marry they wouldn't be invited to the wedding at all honestly I'd likely tell them to stick their money where the Sun don't shine and I demand an apology first and foremost it's an incredibly insensitive move you're the a-hole and you're homophobic you have no problems with same-sex couples so long as you're not related to them you agreed to keep it for a wedding did you say at the time only if you marry someone of the opposite gender no your daughter had a reasonable expectation and you had agreed to keep the 20k for her wedding normally I'd be saying not the a-hole when kids expect money from parents but not in this case where you agreed to it hadn't ever told the daughters something different and their bigoted a-hole you and your husband are the a-hole exactly this when I saw the title I was so ready to be like now you're fine and then the post was full of homophobia and broken promises posted by user Scuba Steve 254 titled am I the a-hole for telling an Irish American to stay in her Lane basically I recently moved to America from Ireland in the last few months working in IT now despite always finding Americans who say they're Irish or plastic patties as we call them back in Ireland annoying I knew when people say that in America they just mean their heritage so when in Rome do as Romans do so on occasion when I tell people I'm Irish I'd get the odd American saying oh cool I'm Irish too because my great-great great-granddaddy was from Islands followed by a cringy questions like did you know we Irish was slaves - oh I'd let it slide smile and nod and just try to change the subject as soon as possible now in the i.t where I work there's this woman let's call it Julie who claims to be Irish because of a grandparent I think and she was basically the plastic Patti stereotype eg I have an Irish temper and I had too many Irish car oh my god that's so offensive to many Irish car bombs last night you can't curse saying that once again I let it go because when in Rome then one day during a group meeting when people asked me what it's like in Ireland she kept interrupting me and basically took over the conversation about what it's like in Islands despite admitting to never being it got to the point where I was becoming visibly irritated but once again said nothing because when in Rome then when she went to the bathroom people started laughing saying he looked so annoyed there and I made one comment saying to them just because a great-great-grandfather once had a Guinness in Cork doesn't make you Irish which all but one woman laughed that one woman turned out to be one of her closest friends then Julie confronted me about mocking her because obviously her friend grassed I then just told her straight up she's not Irish and not to speak over me when it comes to experiences in Ireland and to stay in your lane she then went off in a huff and hasn't talked to me since am I the a-hole I think you can look at this many ways but the consensus in my mind is that she's not the a-hole I mean maybe you can be an a-hole for standing up for yourself and you know telling someone what's once sure it can be an a-hole move in their mind but it's not to me I'd be insulted if people just started walking all over my Australian understanding and knowledge of the place and talking over me when I tried to talk about it so in this case I don't think that Opie is the a-hole at all and that that woman does need to stay in her Lane I'm probably going to be tanked for this but as a fellow Irish woman who has to be polite when this happens to me all the time not the a-hole you were in my opinion firm but polite I don't think you were harsh I think that woman needed to be checked and being checked by you in this manner is a nicer way than someone else there's a lot of crappiness wrapped up in those comments of I'm Irish too and then they attempt to Ram a blatant Ballack stereotype down our throats and when we try to politely correct them they get offended good luck in the future with the nonsense not the a-hole just so you know many of us realize that we are American not Irish even if my mother hammered into my head that I'm 5/8 Irish from the time I was born I think it's hilarious that the co-worker tried to tell people what life is like in Ireland without having ever been there Wow this unlike a quarter Irish but I don't bring it up unless I'm asked about it and definitely don't use it as an excuse for generally obnoxious behavior that it'd be like amusing oh yeah I yell and have a bad temper because my mom's Hispanic hahaha like it's just not how that works I don't know why people do that sort of thing it's just never set right with me funny how all these replies are like oh I'm Irish too but I never bring it up agreed I'm Northern Irish and work for a US company I've run into my fair share of oh I'm Irish too people normally it's fine but this sort of prick is using it in the most negative way drawing from stereotypes to excuse bad behavior oh I have an Irish temper isn't a thing it's just a ball bag I also hate the Irish Car Bomb as a thing you can make fun of your own culture but not someone else's it's like if we had a drink here called the 911 that would be a Manhattan with a kamikaze chaser Oh posted by user no blind 5337 titled am I the a-hole for telling my sister-in-law she is not getting a dime of my brother's inheritance I have a brother and I'm 15 years older than here's our parents died when I was 21 and then I took in my brother the only proper thing my parents did was invest in real estate and left behind a will that left me and my brother half however I am the trustee of my brother's half until he is 35 my brother married at 22 he's 25 now I don't like his wife she's self-centered a [ __ ] nasty and can't be nice but my brother is in love with her they are very open about never having children which both saddens and relieves me at the same time my brother also has some health issues as well whenever my brother needed money and he did not have it he works as a machinist he would have to ask me I run his half of the inheritance I sold all the real estate my parents earned and made a ton of money I am very strict with what I approve much to my brother's anger I tell him I might be his brother but I am also the bank and banks don't just give money outs for example he wanted to buy his wife a $25,000 necklace and I refused 25,000 is a drop in the bucket but that money isn't going to be wasted on stuff like that recently he wanted to buy a nice house and asked for money I told him that it was probably the smartest thing he's ever asked money for it's a nice house and a good investments it will give my brother a good project to work on and I said I would but only if the house deed is in the name of the trust he asked why I told him because I didn't want his wife getting it if something should happen he started up with his hole it's my money Rance and I told him it is but I control it for another 10 years his wife ended calling me I haven't spoken to her in years she tried making the issue of the house as something for my brother I told her that the trust is between me and my brother and it's none of her business she has no claim to it she asked what did she do that made me hate her I said I didn't hate her I just want to make sure she doesn't get any of the trust money the idea of my brother getting ill and dying and all that money going to her makes me sick to my stomach he lost both parents when he was 7 had health issues and has a massive trust I'm just doing everything I can legally to watch out for his best interests I have not heard from them in two weeks edits I forgot to mention this but his wife encouraged him to get a lawyer to wrestle control of his half away from me but even he didn't want to do that because he knows the trust is ironclad and all hell would break loose edits for people saying it's his money it's not his money it doesn't become his until 2030 edits for people wondering why he has to be 35 that was decided by the courts not me about the necklace my brother called me and asked me to wire him 25k I asked him for once he and his wife randomly took a trip to LA and were a car - yeah of Beverly Hills he wanted to buy a could sure necklace for his wife and I told him no my brother does get a monthly allowance that allowance includes his rent and medical insurance slash costs he has those bills sent to me and I either pay them or I don't anything to do with his wife I won't pay edits my brother has cystic fibrosis I'm gonna go ahead and say that you are the a-hole for keeping the money from him I don't see the brother being the a-hole like what has the brother done wrong in this situation what he's born with cystic fibrosis he's born with in your mind a bad sense for women he has a bad wife is that something he's done wrong or is that a problem with your perception of your own brother yeah he's miss managing his money a little bit by buying a $25,000 necklace that's a little bit much but that's your view of this situation you said it's a drop in the bucket you're restricting the money owed to him when you can damn well give him money that he would like to spend here and there at what points to best interests have a line that is drawn and where are you abusing it and pushing your power over your brother the average lifespan of someone with cystic fibrosis is 37 and a half years old do you expect him to only enjoy that money for two and a half years and then kick the bucket and then you swoop in afterwards and be like oh you know I'm the next one alive here don't want the wife getting it she can stay away from that money because that's unnecessarily cruel to your brother I think it goes without saying this man Opie is the a-hole you're the a-hole so you've become the controlling parent now I suppose as executor of the estate you have that rights but the cost seems high I would say not the a-hole I have a trust that I can't access till I'm 30 I'm 27 now I'm thankful that my aunt who is in control of the trust at the moment hasn't given me anything except a car with money from the trust and offers to pay for school I have gained 50k in the last eight years which will help me when I'm 30 and have access she is doing what's smart for the money I'm just gonna chime in with I thought everyone sucked here before the Cystic Fibrosis thing I understand it was a court ruling my moral judgment says he's the a hole in this situation you are absolutely correct his brother is doing his best to make sure he even still has money once he is able to fully access it I am 100% sure the moment he has fully access to the money it will be spent up within a year I disagree not giving him 25k for a necklace makes sense but this deal with the house is solely about disapproving of his brother's wife nots fiscal health it's petty it does nothing but so disagreements between RP his brother and his wife and it makes Opie the a-hole well hold on now if he gave the money to his bro to buy the home in his name as a married couple in most states she would immediately get half of the money in the equity the way to go is to have it owned by the trust who would then will it to him at 35 in most places in the u.s. spouses are not entitled to inheritance so the house that he received from the trust would be solely his should they split it may not be in the best interest of his marriage and I agree that RP is being a bit controlling as it seemed he would let his bro buy the home outright if he was single but the most fiscally responsible move for Opie's brother is to have the home in the trust so he maintains full control of the herm equity assuming she doesn't begin paying the property tax on which she would be required to be reimbursed for in the one in 100 chance he's right about sister-in-law he's saving his brother potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars and if he flipped the script there is absolutely nothing to gain from buying the property outright the only person who gains anything is the wife who would get equity in a home boys completely off inheritance which she has no legal claim to I get that Opie sounds like an ass but he could very well be right I think most good people don't like to think about living in a world where someone will lie about their romantic interests for years go as far as to get married just to cash in on a couple hundred thousand bucks this is true but the way the European up he wants to make sure she gets nothing if her husband dies not if they split that's a pretty crappy move because it enables him to kick a grieving widow out of her marital home and if the wife gets nothing guess who gets the lots that's right P he is setting this up for his own maximum benefits but skipping over that parts you're the a-hole he is an adults and adults get to make decisions that other people disapprove of you are using the money to control him and from the way you talk I suspect the reason you don't like his wife is that she stands up to you if you give a damn about your brother's long-term financial health set him up with a financial advisor who specializes in helping people lay out budgets and plan for the future the way you're going now the second he gets control of the trust he will burn through the money and cut off all contact with you until he comes begging for yours I think the wife is clearly showing that she feels entitled to spend this money do you think the brother just one day decided that he wanted to buy his wife a $25,000 necklace I very much doubt that is something he came up with on his own posted by user upbeat veterinarian titled am I the a-hole for telling my classmates about periods y21 for the reference I have mainly lovely classmates but this guy n is something else he's a year older he studied abroad for a year and had to repeat the classes as our school is very strict and you cannot imagine the level of annoyance I would describe him like a weird mix between a xenophobic boomer and you're constantly nagging 13-year old brother we were assigned a final project for our literature class and I was in the same group as him fun it had to be my lucky day because my period arrived anyway we were having a Skype a meeting and I wasn't well at all at one points M started making fun of me for looking pale and I just told him I had my period so if he was so kind as to shut up I'd be grateful instead he continued making those cliched jests sexist - about how it meant I was going to be hysterical and have a lot of pimples while crying at rom-coms I was so fudging angry so I started to explain to him the real struggle how some women have fevers how there are horrible cramps sensitive breasts blood being tired weird pooper routines as ovaries do some creepy magic sensitivity to smells and perfumes feeling dirty how expensive all the crap is etc then I told him all about exhausting men who think women just faked all those struggles so they one have their daily dose of drama long story short it was a TED talk afterwards he was too shocked to say anything and some of my girlfriends started to list their own problems so I presume he really got the picture more like a whole gallery of pictures we finished the project and called it a day one of my female friends wrote to me how it was all unnecessary and we'd taken it too far embarrassing him she'd also told me she didn't want to know about my period should I have shut it I mean I'm from a family where it's not to boo so I could cross the line however who the hell pokes fun of someone because they're pale yeah I don't think you're the a hole in this situation I think he was just unaware and I'm glad that he was open to learning about this from a whole group of people I can understand where the girl is coming from saying yo we shouldn't have done that that was over the edge I completely understand that but he was willing and open to words it didn't sound like he had objections to it sir I think it was completely fine in that circumstance it's good to educate people on things they don't know enough about so that you can form a better opinion I repeat not the a-hole Lowell not the a-hole dudes gotta learn I've been married for 15 years together for 17 if he does not understand periods his first real relationship is going to be fun he'll my significant other and I have been together for 20 years and he tracks my period better than I do not the a-hole he wanted to joke about you're suffering then you explaining your suffering is on the table periods of basic bodily functions it's not like you were sending pics of a bloody pad or something to be honest I'll do that to him if he makes just one more period related joke in the future he was being a jerk and you not only called him out on it you taught him something honestly he should be thanking you for the free TED talk not to mention who gets embarrassed at periods in their 20s in 2020 this isn't the frickin Middle Ages man all right guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Maki - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 37,231
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: Am0iq05AIjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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