r/EntitledParents - Escaping My Insane Mother...

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g'day there guys it's a Manman monkey back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled parents now if you loved today's video I want you to sit back relax shuck a prod on the barbie and enjoy the content posted by user morosa 3 titled my mum turned her guest room into a nursery after I told her she will never meet my child's so I'm currently pregnant with my first child and both my mum and stepdad have been terrible to me and my partner the entire time told us we would be unfit parents because we aren't married yet legitimately screamed at my partner for knocking up their little girl even though we planed the pregnancy I finally decided to count contact with them a few months after I found out I was pregnant having a child can already be a stressful time and having them around to make it worse was not something I was okay with if they can't be nice to my partner then they don't get to see our baby plus they're the kind of people who don't wear masks in public and actively choose to be in large gatherings with no social distancing so them seeing a newborn is out of the question one day I send my mum a very detailed email of why she is not allowed to be a part of my life anymore and will not be seeing her grandchild to make things even better I also noted that we will be moving across the country shortly after she is born to be closer to other family members so not only is she cut off but we are literally moving far away and never coming back she responds by showing up at our house at 11 p.m. screaming outside our door about how it's her baby and she deserves to be there for it I tell her to freak off and eventually she leaves months go by and she will text me randomly asking about technical problems with her Wi-Fi router or something and needs help little things like that don't mean much to me and I sent her the info she needed my cousin also had a virtual baby shower and sent my invitation to my mum's house accidentally so my mum came by to give it to me things slowly came to a point that we were fairly amicable with each other but I still stood my ground about our boundaries and nothing else has changed and she knew this then she sends me a video today that blew my mind she redecorated her entire guestroom to be a nursery crib changing room $400 worth of newborn clothes toy chests stroller a car seat for her car and the list goes on in the video she's in tears saying oh my god I can't believe my baby is going to be here soon this is where she will sleep where I will change her little diaper --zz these will be her toys is she's psychotic her baby sleeping and living at her house what sir I call her up immediately in died reiterate that we are still moving across the country soon and that she will have no contact with the baby before that's her response oh okay we will see about that genuinely confused what part of you will have no contact with this baby does she not understand or thinks that will change in the next few weeks when she is born is she planning on stealing her from us I am at a loss for words edit wow so many great tips for you guys thank you for the advice I showed that my partner the comments I've been getting and I think we're starting to take this more seriously and I will be contacting a lawyer on Monday I wanted to mention a couple of things to clarify as well I have been seeing a psychotherapist the past few months strictly due to the relationship I've had with my mother throughout my life and all of that is documented my midwife in hospital is also very aware of the situation and the emotional stress that I've been going through so we will definitely be utilizing this in the case that she tries to sue us or call CPS also due to the virus only my partner is allowed to be with me during the birth anyway we will be keeping things hush until after we move we would have moved months ago if it was financially possible for us we also spent a lot of money on my birth center that is not refundable she is due in August and our lease ends in September we already have everything set up to move and our other family is helping us out it's just a waiting game at this points My partner is my power of attorney if something happens to me during the birth we are currently in a state that is against grandparents it's the only way she would be able to sue for visitation is if both myself and my partner were deceased even after we move she still cannot file for GPS if she is living in this state posted by user garden [ __ ] titled entitled mom asks me to give her one of my dogs okay sir up until this happened to me I thought most of the entitled parent stories were bullcrap but this happened to me and I've started believing a lot more of the stories here this happened to me a good few months ago my landlord was selling the house that me and my family lived in and we couldn't find a house that we could afford to rent before we had to move out so we ended up moving in with my auntie my aunt lives pretty close to the center of the small town eight thousand people and there's a gate to the back garden beside her house you can see some what's into the garden through it my aunt has two dogs tiny chihuahuas and I have one beagle / Dalmatian mix she's pretty chubby so we had three dogs living in the house when the dogs aboard they loved standing at that little gate and barking at people who walk past one day I was home alone and my sister was at school and my parents and aunt were working so I was in the kitchen cooking dinner for my family while the dogs ran circles around the garden and barked at everything that moved this also sucked because there was a vet's office directly beside us and the vets parking was behind the office meaning that anyone who brings any animals in to the vet could be seen from our garden which means it could be seen by the dogs too and every single time they saw anyone bring an animal they went crazy this meant that it was completely normal for the dogs to be barking like mad I heard a knock on the door and assumed it was my dad coming home from work early or coming to pick up something that he had left at home I usually lock the door when I'm home alone and he often forgets his keys the door wasn't locked this time but sometimes he rings the doorbell without even checking if the door is open I unlocked the door and there stood a lady I'll call her entitled parents with her kid in tow the dogs were standing at the gates absolutely losing mine's that someone dared to stand in front of their house then the following converts paraphrased this conversation happened a good few months ago maybe even around a year ago sir I don't remember it very well entitled parent says hi sorry for bothering you I had shouted just come in at them in Polish earlier since I thought it was my dad she probably thought I was getting angry about someone ringing the doorbell her apologizing for bothering me made me think she was gonna be nice and I say oh hello I saw you have puppies in your garden they're very nice oh yeah yeah they are my daughter really liked them oh I'm glad how many dogs do you have there's three could you give us one what I'm sorry no it looks like you have a lot more than three dogs in there you could give us one she's smiling but her eyes is starting to look a lot lot less friendly um no there's just the three are you sure if you're going to be selling the puppies anyways you can give one to us sorry miss but they're all grown dogs I have no puppies to give you goodbye and I start closing the door goodbye they are very nice dogs she says as she starts walking away the ending of the conversation was awkward though it wasn't this abrupt I don't remember exactly how the ending of the conversation went there she didn't drag it out nearly as long as she could have but the last they're very nice dogs freaked me out so much that I kept the dogs inside for the next few days and don't let them into the garden while I was standing there watching them it was also crazy to have some lady knock on my door and try to convince me to give her one of my dogs this one isn't too crazy but I still thought I'd share thanks for reading I hope you have a good day posted by user books layer 999 titled entitled mum demands free food and then pepper sprays me yeah what the title says is true this actually happened last week obligatory mobile speech yada yada some slight backstory i-16 male work at a restaurant known for fancy foods in the like so we get a lot of business especially during the summer we just reopened for business after the corona lockdown and more and more people had started to come in to eat about the layout of the restaurants the dishwashing room has two entrances across from each other with one that leads into the kitchen and one that leads to the dining room also when someone orders a dish we put the food right into the dish like most restaurants now with that out of the way let's get into the story keep in mind me high entitled mother you know ke is entitled kid entitled mother's child doesn't say anything but just stands there as see sous-chef it was a busy day and I was running around the dishwashing room to get stuff done one entitled mother and kid come through the doorway this isn't that unusual as some people may have missed the bathrooms and came down this hallway instead not trying to be rude I say hello are you looking for someone entitled mother in a sweet tone says yes actually I'm looking for the dishwasher this is odd because I just clean the dishes I don't make them well that would be me I want a full refund my plate had food on it and it was disgusting my baby couldn't eat his food because of it well I'm not the person to talk about the quality of the food and the plates always come with your food on it no you don't understand there was food on my plate and in it was not clean and yes you were the person to talk to about this now I want to see your manager me knowing where this is going saying well the chef isn't here today but sous chef is right there if you need him but as you can see I turn around and grab a bunch of knives and turn around I have a lot of stuff to do and you weren't supposed to be here so yeah all of a sudden entitled mother lets out a huge scream as she eyes me with fear then out of her purse she pulls a bottle of pepper spray and sprays my face I am carrying things in both my hands so I cannot block it it takes a second but my eyes start to burn and I draw everything in cover my faves all of this is happening while entitled mother is screaming a head off yelling help help he's trying to kill me and my boy help help bye now I am on the ground curled up I can't see and it burns bad and I'm just screaming ah the other people who work there including sous chef rush into the dishwashing room everyone is yelling with entitled mother trying to tell people I was going to attack her Ches screaming about me on the floor and me trying to stand up without bumping into anything it was at this point that entitled mother realized what she was doing and got the freak out of there I got some help and got to the bathroom to wash my eyes out and I got the day off with full pay nevertheless entitled mother got banned from our restaurants and we warned the other restaurants in our area about her so I don't think she'll be going out to eat anytime soon all's well that ends well and all that thanks for reading posted by user Pavley arts one two three titled entitled parents lie because they don't want to watch their kids match this is not my story but my cousin's told to me by my dad it happened just a couple of days ago also things have opened up completely here it is relevant for later English is not my first language now a little bit of background my cousin bought last year a small shop that was next to some fields where teams go to practice there are also pools there that are for the teams but also open to the public everything but the shop is public property he manages it with my dad who has some experience with this sort of stuff the shop sells coffee soft drinks snacks and some food that you find in cafes generally a pretty nice place now since things have opened up the teams are holding matches there a couple of days ago they were holding a beach volley match there now the sharp as far as I know was open for kids in case they needed anything later but also the parents but no parents came it was kind of weird but my cousin and the person working there just shrugged it off as whatever maybe they were at the bleachers switcher located above the shop as they are part of the building nope once the match ended some of the kids went by the shop they know my cousin so they spoke to him it went something like this team why didn't you let our parents come watch our match cousin what do you mean we were open and the bleachers above us a public property they're free to sit there if they want the kids look confused at my cousin turns out their parents had lied to them that the shop owner didn't let them sit and watch the match because their parents wanted to roam about and not watch the kids left shortly after it was really sad because one of the teams playing is from an island and they came here to have the match and their parents just abandoned them there to burn the city posted by user chaos kitten titles no mask equals no service equals temper tantrum I've been getting a lot of texts from my mother-in-law complaining that any time she tries to go shopping or to a restaurant they keep getting kicked out and banned I've been ignoring her because I figured she was exaggerating and being overly dramatic just going crazy from being trapped inside on Monday I met her at an outdoor restaurant and was shocked that she didn't have a mask I figured she was just not wearing it outside because everyone is 10 plus feet away and it's 90 degrees out we went inside to order me putting my mask back on and her not we was stopped and an employee very nicely and gently asked her to put the mask on and wait outside while I ordered she's scoffed at the sheeple and produced a rather ratty card that granted her some magical exception to wearing a face mask she loudly declared that her First Amendment rights were being violated and that they have no legal right to make her wear a mask which is true but they can deny her service she was hollering and carrying on about how they aren't doctors so they can't make medical recommendations also true but the mask rule is set down by the CDC and pretty much every doctor ever I just walked out after 10 minutes and went home she texted me to apologize for their ignorance and wants to make plans to try again I have no plans on seeing her again for a long while or possibly ever I'm still getting texts from her though about how she can't shop for food and how nothing is fair I have suggested instacart and online but she wants to go to the store I really want to point out that she's being as selfish idiots not a good Christian and generally a huge pain and is going to end up getting banned from every restaurant in store in this small town posted by user this stache attacks titled the timer entitled mother tried to drown me in sauce fairly literally edits this was almost a decade ago I'm long gone so our science credit has a thread about the tackiest thing you ever saw at a wedding and I was reminded of this fun incident from the three months I worked catering worst of all my food service jobs by the way I'll cast are me obviously entitled mother entitled dad entitled brats boss my a-hole boss the bride and the groom so campus catering rarely did weddings and honestly the food we made was so bad and so poorly handled I'd think you'd want to avoid it but the father of the groom was a big name on campus so it was held on campus and we had to cater its I'm managing the entrees serving up terrible chicken in a thick congealed sauce and vegetarian pasta that's basically just half-assed pasta primavera with a cheap nasty oil on it seriously I love me some primavera and I wouldn't touch this garbage with a ten-foot pole we're winding down the last of the food is out in a few minutes we will put the main course away and set out the dessert of course suddenly entitled brats appears he's about 10 years old so he absolutely knows better than to do this he decides that it's going to be the funniest thing in the entire world to yank the tablecloth away seriously he was giggling the whole time so I knew something was up when I caught him with the edge of the tablecloth I moved fast I say kid don't even think about it it's going to end very badly he giggles more and starts pulling sir I walk over take the tablecloth out of his hand and tell him to scram I grew back behind the table smooth my apron and continued my awful job and that's when things went badly entitled mum comes up to me and says why did you chase my baby he wasn't doing anything wrong ma'am your child was about to pull the tablecloth down and it's my job to stop him if I don't I could be fired yes this happens to a colleague we are paying for this wedding don't you know who I am that's when I realized this was the mother of the bride ma'am I understand but there'll it and that's when she jumped across the table grabbed my head and tried to force my face into a tray of sauce for the chicken a very hot tray heated by a lit Stirner underneath I of course started hitting her and screaming the father of the groom came running over and tattled dad comes running over the bride and groom come running my boss comes running entitled dad suddenly decides to try helping his wife to shove my face into the sauce I start clawing at him too while the groom and his dad try to pry these people off me the bride screamed something like you promised you promised I'm not entirely sure here it was chaos my boss is standing off to the one side like a potato all the while entitled Brandt is sitting off to the side laughing like this is the funniest thing he's ever seen in the end the table went over and caught on fire from the sternos a fire extinguisher was employed and the wedding was basically ruined my boss pulled me aside while I prepared to file a police report and said you can't talk to the police actually I can if he talked to the police I'll fire you that's illegal you can't do that your choice I filed the police report and told them what my boss said he didn't fire me entitled mother and entitled dad pled guilty to misdemeanor assaults the bride handed me a huge slice of cake because she was pretty sure my boss would steal my tips which he did posted by user Papa Leo loves gaming titles I'm your mother so you should give me half of your work money hey guys so I thought about this from a few days ago and decided to post it here a little backstory my mother is not the entitled mom in this story but her mother is my mother's family didn't have a whole lot of money growing up and lived in a not so normal home I don't want to be disrespectful her mother entitled mother didn't have a job but nice dad nd did but only 20 bucks a week they each had seven kids together entitled mother was not the most respectful woman in the world and encouraged her kids not to go to college out of the seven kids my mum was the only one to go to college and graduate I love you mum if you were reading this now on to the story while my mum was in college she knew she needed money so she started a lawn mowing business $10 for one mowed lawn the chaos began whenever her mother found out what business she was doing one day my mother opened up the door to find her mother standing there the following conversation went like this hey em how was school today oh you know it was mediocre so I heard you started a low annoying business mum having an alt crap she found out moment um yeah what about it well since I'm your mother and gave birth to you don't you think I should have half of it are you are you serious right now yeah I'm serious give half of it to me now my mom just generally paid off right now says fine my mother then gave her $5 before she walked away this continued on for a couple of years before she got a then boyfriend now divorced husband and decided to move out of that hellhole you know what I mean nd understood while entitled mother realized that meant no more pay for her and tried to stop her mom yelled at her and told her to stay the hell away from her she then moved out to stay with her now divorced husband and had two children together they then decided that it was not working and decided to get to she then met a new person who was my amazing father and married him after a year and a half of dating her and my father then had me and my amazing little brother she is way nicer than entitled mother if you want to hear more stories yes this isn't the only one then I would happily go on about my mother's entitled mother hope you all had a great day and stay safe posted by user scout and my boy titled entitled mother demands to take her daughter off the ward I don't know how totals work a little context for the past year I've been working on a children such adolescent psych ward as a BHA I usually do rounds one and one etc it's about mid-march right before covert and I've got a full unit of girls and half of boys it's Tuesday night sir I do visitation like I usually would I'm chilling outside the door doing rounds and this teen PT and her mum ka and done with the visits and it went something like this I say are you done with your visit PT PT is visibly upset not usual on the units hi yes my daughter has been saying that she feels a lot better and that we would like to take her home I'm looking at them puzzled seeing as she just came in yesterday and the minimal is three days oh well that's not my decision and I'm not sure she can even leave till tomorrow well she said she isn't feeling sad anymore and I think she could come home with me tonight like I said that isn't my decision I would call the nurses desk tomorrow if you would like I stand up to bring PT upstairs to the unit's when kaa grabs my arm she's not depressed anymore can't we just take her home tonight I removed her hand from my arm ready to be the activity I am as someone with depression all right well depression can be invisible just because she's acting happy to you doesn't mean she's actually well I walk PT upstairs as the other staff members ask her to wait for a security guard as she starts arguing with him turns out the girl took her off of her visitation list after that I feel bad for the to be honest and I think that's where I'm gonna leave today's episode guys I hope you enjoy it I hope you had a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and say hello to out Rumaki alright guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Maki to link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 18,277
Rating: 4.9329343 out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: BgluOOzagUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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