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hello guys this is scimitar once again from SETI hub and in today's lesson we're going to be learning a question type will retell lecture Reeta lecture is a type of question which is one of the biggest problem for a lot of people some people don't know what to say they are able to understand but they don't know what to say some people don't know how to take notes what to write how to write and I'm gonna solve this problem in it in the easiest possible way if you would watch this video full you'll understand how to score high in this question how to take notes how to differentiate important key points from some of the extra ones or some of the non important ones let's understand this guy's so it says you'll hear a lecture after listening to the lecture in ten seconds please speak into the microphone and retail mature but you have just heard from the lecture in your own words you have 40 seconds to give your response so guys you have to speak for 40 seconds over to have what you've heard so you'll hear a lecture for roughly roughly 90 seconds 60 to 90 seconds you'll have 10 seconds to prepare and then you have to retell what you've heard within 40 seconds so cuz there are three types of questions one that is with the picture as you can see on the screen the second one is without a picture and the third one is with a video so one with picture second without picture third with it with a video right in terms of scoring guys how does the scoring works for this question you get marks basically on three things your fluency overall fluency a pronunciation and use and your content a lot of students use templates for this particular question and using the template they are able to score high in oral fluency they are able to score high in pronunciation as well but a lot of students can't score high in content and the most important score for us is content the communicative skills and that these are the skills are being tested these are the skills that are being used by the immigration by a lot of universities in order for them to assess our scores our abilities so how does it work the enabling skills go from zero to five you can pause the screen read all of these things but I'm gonna talk about five here retails all points of the presentation and describes characters aspects and actions characters means who gave the statement who was reading or who was giving the speech or lecture aspect selections their relationships right that's important the underlying development implications and conclusions now what I've done is reading all these things after reading all these things I have taken a couple of exams only attempting retail lecture using some of the the some of the templates that were being used by some of my students and then the templates that we teach right and I'm gonna show you the difference and I'm going to show you some surprising things how what you're doing you think you're doing it well but in real life or in actuality you're actually losing marks because of doing that so first of all your let's hear or recording and then I'm gonna talk about it right and try to take notes so I'm gonna play this recording No well nowadays there's an increasing trend toward ecotourism holidays so what is ecotourism well it's a form of tourism which should not only protect but also actively improve our environments and its cultures however many forms of tourism which are presented as sustainable nature-based and environmentally friendly are often not what they seem and this is rapidly becoming a somewhat thorny issue governments as well as the tourism industry promote ecotourism but there are very well founded concerns that in many instances it not only lacks adequate scientific foundations but is also not viable as a solution to the world's social and environmental problems which of course is what ecotourism is supposed to be about many ecotourism holidays are really nothing more than a marketing ploy and indeed in the worst cases can be set to even threaten local cultures economies and natural resource bases the issue is further confused by the multitude of terms to describe types of travel which supposedly protect the environment other than eco tourism we have adventure travel sustainable tourism responsible tourism nature based travel green travel and cultural tourism to name just a few so the problem we have here is whether a potential traveler who wants a legitimately environmentally friendly travel experience and make the right choice when confronted with this type of marketing right guys so what some students do is they use some some kind of template they write some of the key words for example ecotourism marketing damaging and traveler and then they will write these key words in the template the template I'm not talking about the full template but I'll talk about for example two lines first so they'll say something like this this was a beautiful lecture about ecotourism which highlighted various aspects of the topic the lecture was very informative an explanatory which highlighted the alike importance of of damaging and traveler write or marketing and damaging on marketing and traveler so over here they'll write ecotourism over here they'll write marketing and over here they'll write traveler now what's happening over here is guys all we have done is we have taken some keywords keyword number one we have taken keyword number this is two and then we have taken keyword number three alright so by adding keywords can I score high in the content right look at this one that's the communicative skills it says describes all points of the presentation and describes characters aspects and actions their relationship underline development know right what you're probably going to get is a describes some basic elements of the presentation but does not make it clear their interrelation or implications or deals with only one key point and refers to an implication or conclusion so basic understanding of several core elements of the presentation but note five where he retells all the points of the presentation and describes characteristics now when I took this exam and then it says your relationship right when I took this exam multiple times I used multiple templates and what I found it works the best is not the key words but the key phrases right so how do we understand key phrases how do we get key phrases rather than rather than answering these taking these key points we're gonna be asking ourselves certain questions now we don't have to ask these questions every time but while we are preparing first or second time right I'm gonna say what was the topic so so first of all I'm gonna answer the question what was the topic in this case the topic was ecotourism what did it explain well what did it explain it explained ecotourism is ma environmentally friendly way or there is an increasing trend towards the ecotourism holiday or something like this right one one point what did it explain right that's what we're gonna be talking about in this particular one after that we're going to be talking about three key points right key point one instead of writing keywords I'm gonna be taking key phrases the my notes are key phrase one damage the environment rather than saying word damage I'm saying damage the environment rather than saying key phrase threatened I'm gonna say threatened local culture and then additional point additional point is marketing ploy I've just taken marketing Pro I'm gonna play this one more time and see if you can get these points right is it too hard to get these points well nowadays there's an increasing trend toward ecotourism holidays so what is ecotourism well it's a form of tourism which should not only protect but also actively improve our environments and its cultures however many forms of tourism which are presented as sustainable nature-based and environmentally friendly are often not what they seem and this is rapidly becoming a somewhat thorny issue governments as well as the tourism industry promote ecotourism but there are very well founded concerns that in many instances it not only lacks adequate scientific foundations but is also not viable as a solution to the world social and environmental problems which of course is what ecotourism is supposed to be about many eco tourism holidays are really nothing more than a marketing ploy and indeed in the worst cases can be set to even threaten local cultures economies and natural resource bases so as there are some will be able to get the key points as well like travel companies now market holidays as environmentally friendly under a number of names such as ecotourism many of these increasing popular holidays are actually damaging the environment and they may also harm local cultures it presents an issue to those who are concerned about protecting and improving the environment and and and who really want genuinely environmentally friendly holidays right so a lot of people will be able to do this but then there are a lot who can't really understand what to say what not so for them what was the topic well it was ecotourism what it did explain it explained marketed it is being marketed environmentally friendly right and then key phrase one damage the environment key phrase to it can threaten local culture give additional friends marketing ploy right so these are the things that I've taken and based on this I can write the whole structure so I can say this lecture was about - this lecture was about ecotourism which explained how how what how how it is how ecotourism is being marketed as environmentally friendly so I can simply say the lecture was about ecotourism which explained how it is being marketed as environmentally friendly second thing I can mention I can say it was clearly mentioned key phrase 1 it was clearly mentioned that it not only that ecotourism that ecotourism not only damages the environment then it can also threaten local cultures so so the ecotourism not only it was clearly mentioned that ecotourism not only damages the environment but it can also threaten local cultures it was also mentioned that it is being used as a marketing ploy now when I've used these lines I'm not just using key points I'm using key phrases by using not only but also by using words which explained by using also mentioned I am able to explain the relationship between sentences in words and this is how you can score high now next point is about conclusion if you can find the conclusion if you are able to get the conclusion you can simply write inconclusive raises an issue among those who actually want to travel in a more in a more eco-friendly manner or if you can't find it you can simply say the purpose of the lecture was to explain how whatever you've mentioned in the first sentence why because that that memory is the purpose of the lecture you're giving an indication you're writing conclusion and you're still covering the key phrase key points from the from the passage itself that's how you can score high in this particular question there's a lot of students a lot of students ask us about the training right about how do we I mean III know the strategies I know this I know that our motive but I can't score high what's the reason less I'm gonna share a couple of stories with you of students who for example I have this student is name is Sandeep Sandeep started with study hub with the problem and reading his problem was in reading his score was about in 70s and he was he had no idea he took multiple trainings from here and there but her taking multiple exams so III I can't exactly remember how many probably five to six exams he is taken his score was not moving than reading then he came to us we looked at his score we took an assessment we figure out the problem was actually not in reading though he was getting nineteen speaking the problem was in speaking and after fixing is his problem within a week we were able to improve his score to 88 and reading within within a week right similar is similar are other cases we had another student whose name is lavender lavender chemist came to us from New Zealand now Ravinder won't only wanted a little bit of improvement in a couple of his score in his score now working on the problem within two days we were able to help him get this score get his desires good you can watch over here there is another story called Govan now Govan was struggling with listening and writing listening and writing his score was always in 50s in listening and writing now and he took multiple exams as well within just two days we were able to fix his a problem by by analyzing his exam he was spending less time on more important questions and more time on less important questions so there are two things there is cost and then there is benefit right cost and benefit and you have to balance it some people cost is time benefit is number of marks some places we can spend a load of time they are very expensive that you can spend two minutes but you'll only get one mark some questions you can spend two minutes but you can get up to ten marks right your your task should be to spend more time on the questions or more cost or cost in terms in terms your time should be spent on questions more time which are more beneficial right and your last time should be spent on questions that are less beneficial one is total joint study up we find out what sort of level is he or she at and then we basically give him him or her a study plan every student gets a study plan like this is what you're going to be doing this is what you need to practice every week and this is what strategies that you need to be use every day student send their feedback to teachers you can check some of the comments of students who have taken our courses as well under the videos and you'll understand what type of training of do we provide some people are still reluctant about online training but guys you have to take the decision when you can see the scores when even you can see the training when you can see everything right some students contact us by saying sir can I get it my English is bad can I get it well you need to tell me I have to get it can you help me rather than saying can I get it English is a is a skill it's not a gift given by God it's a skill other peoples have learnt it you can learn it as well just by having the right attitude it can make a significant difference in your preparation right for example the lady if I stand on your Mount of rest and I say can I climb Mount Everest well the answer is probably no right but there are people or in fact the lady her name is Arnaud Messina you can see the picture over there as well she has climbed Mount Everest with an artificial limb she asked 30,000 people if he would have asked 30,000 people can I climb Mount Everest everybody over there would have said no right but she did it right you can do it as well there's nobody in the whole word fro can stop you from getting the score all you need is the right training the right tools and a bit of hard work and the right attitude of learning that's all you need a lot of students from different countries as you can see over here do get scores and in a relatively shorter time frame very short time frame you should give this a chance as well let us know if you need help if you want personalized help with your preparation I'll show you another score quickly there's another score there is another student cold or when they're not or will the started training with study help with the score of 50 60 156 56 60 and she took multiple is their exams it's as well 6450 at 50 at 69 and with the help of strategy strategies with the help of static traditional training of study hub she studied only for a week towards the end and after studying with for only a week you were able to improve uh score from seventy seven to seventy seven seventy five ninety and eighty three and this is this is a previous code this is a news cost even those from from India and we were able to score the improve our score she has written a feedback I mean review as well on one of the video you can check it there as well but this is how we help our students it's all about it's all about strategies for this exam techniques for this particular exam and once you know the techniques life is easy right if you want to check out our scores I've in the description of the video I have linked our link to our Facebook page as well you can see some of our reviews video reviews some of the scores and also guys I've also linked some of the videos or audios where you can actually practice exam repeated little lectures it's in the description you can practice it from there try to use the structure you may find it difficult in the beginning but you'll be fine once you have tried it a few times and guys good luck with your training and I hope to help you in future I wish you good luck with your future thank you very much guys [Music]
Channel: PTE Training Online (study Hub)
Views: 95,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Speaking, PTE Retell Lecture, REtell Lecture, PTESpeaking Retell Lecture
Id: 4n30C6tZpJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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