Prison Architect IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Infinite Wardens Is Broken!!

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food hygiene exercise family recreation freedom all at maximum issues and sits people out there are thinking that hey you know what this ain't so bad hello there ladies and gentlemen it is either spiffing Brit and today we're here in the fantastical world of prison architect now you might be wondering what on earth am I doing here we haven't seen a prison architect videos since the fantastic adventures of setting up a tea plantation I mean what on earth other issues could exist in prison architect well it turns out there are several million to be discovered and in fact today's exploit is so entertaining I had to drop everything that I was doing just to record it because of how silly it is I absolutely love it the exploiting question is a very simple one basically we're able to duplicate the amount of wardens you can have in the game this is very useful because wardens each come with special unique bonuses which allow the system to be glitched in a very large number of ways speed making infinite quantities of money to just simply suppressing a prisoner so much that they've realized that they don't actually want food and should probably stop complaining about starvation all of these war crimes and more about to be discovered so make sure you're sat back relaxed you have a nice warm cup of Yorkshire Tea as referred to find out if prison architect is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or if perhaps the infinite wardens glitch could be considered to destroy much of this game's functional reality so how do you think spiffs going to absolutely break prison architect today do you think a he's going to suppress prisoners so that they actually don't worry about starvation do you think be he's going to destroy the Geneva Convention in multiple different ways all of which more devilishly evil than the last or see do you think he's going to generate infinite money by making prisoners commit crimes or do you think he's going to do basically all of that because he is absolutely insane hop down to the comment section and vote and you might actually be right the winner this week receives one entire spiff token which only becomes redeemable once I take over the entire world so what would go do ladies and gentlemen is create ourselves a new prison and hopefully one which is perfectly balanced so if we're going to be duplicating wardens you can probably guess what's going to be happy I see in this game there are six different wardens there's the warden the most balanced individual on the planet and you know what this games not wrong because he's so balanced in fact that boss you can exploit and duplicate him you have absolutely no reason to do so because he provides no bonus well I suppose he'd increase your research speed but his research be really that important no it's not the persecution of prisoners however that's what I'm interested in which is exactly why people like Rita are so special because Rita has the likelihood of prisoners being stoical or fearless meaning that if we have two of Rita it makes it impossible for us to receive prisoners who are stoical or fearless also prisoners as oppressed twice as quickly what this actually means is that if a prisoner was in the process of preparing to start a riot the moment they catch a glimpse of a guard it's enough to immediately suppress all of their negative opinions it's kind of like me and T you might put me in the most horrible and upsetting location in the world like Wales but if you give me a cup of tea I'm sure I'll forget all about it there's also the lobbyist basically if you have two of you won't get any dangerous prisoners JT we periwinkle if you have two of it means every time a dog walks over a piece of grass they're instantly going to discover a tunnel if there is one the pacifier who's my personal favorite it basically reduces the overall temperature of your prison making inmates much less likely to cause trouble and finally the lady of infinite wealth it's safar AK Nova she receives a small cut of a round about two to four dollars for the resale value of each piece of contraband we find on a prisoner and prisoners found with contraband will be fine directly from their savings which is absolutely hilarious well this basically means is we can give prisoners jobs like being a janitor and then also deliberately give them easy access to contraband and then generate infinite quantities of money by simply having multiple safaris anyway it's probably time that I actually show off how this exploit works and I think we'll get on to infinite money later on for the time being it's time for us to take a look at the pacifier and then with that ladies and gentlemen we're about to jump into this game remember we've got fairly conditions enabled we're going to be generating forests but most importantly we're playing the pacifier so welcome to the game ladies and gentlemen here we are it's a beautiful world and our eight workmen who to start building a lovely prison and naturally when it comes to building a lovely prison or that we need to do is just copy and paste pre-built things all over the place I mean who actually needs to build themselves a prison she's much easier to steal it really so we're going to need ourselves a lovely utility room slap band around about here and most importantly actually to pull off this exploit a couple of offices would be very useful and do you realize that I have actually accidentally constructed a rudimentary goofy perlis but it's just sadly something which is exceedingly common to happen in prison architect and of course we'll need a kitchen which will be attached to a canteen which in turn can be attached to a common room and then the common room will have a number of shared cells basically whacked on to the side of it this is going to allow for infinite prisoner capacity I also don't forget the massive holding cell I'm going to build lovely stuff now the way this exploit works is relatively simple but in order to get the most out of it we're going to actually want to set ourselves up a basic and rudimentary prison that of course makes sure to grab some basic grants to steal money off of the government for doing basically nothing and then set up the rough establishment for our prison there we go it's actually starting to look quite good we've got some basic holding cells going our electricity has started nicely this is all fantastic I'm absolutely loving this I'm cool the prison has virtually arrived but wasn't expecting to rock up this soon but it's fine we've actually got the means to keep them in under control so for that we're going to need to basically hire ourselves five guards so they don't get it assigned duties and we can probably completely have a staff room bonus oh my gosh what is this why have they installed free jail dorset Oh what did i do what did i accidentally build here this is disgusting I put a staff room for the staff because evidently they need it considering they've built this monstrosity don't this dump this and then hold this one open goodness one absolute mess of doors we've also just got capacitors lying around on the floor this is one disgusting open prison anyway the new prisoners have just arrived or else we're going to need to do is hire ourselves to cooks to help assist with the actual cooking process they'll go cook one and cook two and then that means we've actually completed the government grant and got ourselves a bunch of money now another thing we actually need to do is buy ourselves a warden adjust so that we can immediately fill out the bureaucracy side of things and now that we have ourselves Gordan an accountant we can make sure to pick up ourselves so block a which is basically just give me infinite wealth because what you can do is you can just convert your holding cell this is a little pro tip here just convert your holding cell into a dormitory and then just really increase your prisoner capacity and I can build myself a few more shared cells just for that sweet sweet increased capacity because that's all I care about more space for more prisoners you know that means means more money ladies and gentlemen that's what we here at spiff Koda love tightly compacted prisoner dormitories violating basic human rights and the Geneva Convention when it comes to spaces but you know what just doesn't matter you know this has actually been a pretty decent start up we've got ourselves a lovely prison what running we've got our warden we've got a nice bit of cash in the bank oh the only thing that we really could do with is having a few more prisoners so yeah I think we're taking the full intake you'll be fantastic just to fill up to capacity of 20 prisoners because the more money we make trust me the better and they're going to be arriving very soon as well which is fantastic for us anyway now time for the fun little exploits to begin so for this we're going to need to hire ourselves a psychologist so that we can get a feel for how our prison is actually feeling and of course for that our psychologist is going to need an office now when it comes to actually seeing how dangerous a prison is the way we keep track of it is basically by having a danger level this allows us to keep track of prisoners needs and at the moment we can see that 11 of our 19 prisoners say that they are well treated and also our warden is having a calming effect this is however going down because as you've guessed it's now gone from 11:00 to 9:00 mostly because the prison is messy there's untouched food lying around and about and we actually don't have that many guards for the amount of prisoners we are going to end up having which is 40 yeah we've got 20 prisoners arriving tomorrow this is going to be very interesting admittedly a lot of them are just medium security and minimum security so they're not the most dangerous prisoners but still we've got people like Shawn Martin here who's committed manslaughter twice and is in here for the next 38 years I'm fantastic here comes our new prisoners lovely stuff look at that now we have so many prisoners and hardly any guards to actually look after them I don't even know if we have enough food to feed them all but you know what it doesn't actually matter because what we're going to start doing now is as soon as the prison danger level gets too high we're simply going to destroy this game's balance I love it so as I mentioned of course our warden being the pacifier has a special bonus we has a nice calming effect on the prisoners basically he goes on to the little prisoner turner and goes there as a prisoner announcement - OH whilst none of you have been fed for the last four days I just want you to know everything's fine and you should remain calm whilst most of you don't have access to basic exercise needs the yard is tiny and compacted and there aren't enough guards to keep you safe from being shipped in the shower room everything is fine I love this game I really do it's fantastic and you know what other fun things we can do we can change up our policy for example nobody currently costs us 456 dollars a day to feed prisoners so forgetting to actually scrap that we can have no meal variety and low meal quantity this means it's only gonna cost us one dollar a day to feed each prisoner which is basic basically illegal but it's fine perfectly fine it's going to increase our cash flow and that's what I like to see we've gone from feeding them a nice healthy balanced diet of a bit of bacon and some greens and some mash - it's it's just gonna be potatoes really that's all I'm interested in we're gonna run out of bacon very quickly oh my goodness oh and it would appear what a snitch was just murdered why because one slight issue he was Excel or enforcement and so naturally that's caused an issue now the danger level is rising because prisoners have suppressed complaints one prison has been killed six prisoners have been unnecessarily searched you know what let's crank it up let's just do a full shakedown shakedown everything we're gonna need a couple more guards for this so we're gonna have our eight guards search everyone and what this is going to do is it's going to absolutely crank up the danger level which should be lovely but of course we're going to want to absolutely suppress our prisoners to the point where even though we're going to be treating them horribly the warden will have a calming effect lowering the overall danger level so how are we going to do that well we're going to higher end of warden but if I actually try click I have the maximum amount hard already as you can see one out of one warden so what you do is you click on your warden here and you hit sack now what that means is our warden has been sacked and if we check our staff list we've got zero out of one warden available what we can then actually do is also click on him again and then hit sack now if we check staff we have minus one of one volt and available oh no ladies and gentlemen it's an underflow yep and then we can hit him again and now it's minus two and again and it's minus free and now it's minus for now it's by this nine now it's minus ten so we can buy ten of these bad boys they only cost two hundred dollars per day but trust me they're going to do more to suppress the prisoners than any guard actually will so we're just going to keep on sacking our warden simply because we can and there we go we should now be at around about minus twenty lovely stuff that's what we're now going to do is we're going to hire the warden a bunch of times there we go they're all going to need offices but don't worry it's fine so we've gone from having one warden to now having twenty-one wardens all of which supplying a suppression debuff to our prisoners so it's time for us to actually quit build these guys some offices because trust me we're going to need them in them instead of being defended by actual officers they're simply going to get defended by the incredible suppression effect of a million wardens ago and sitting in their little offices having a fun time these guys aren't exactly very happy at the moment they apparently don't have a good environment their spirituality is terrible they want to see their families at the danger level is rising it's so quite low but it is rising and that's because we need to get these wardens in their offices it is of critical importance that we get these boys in there we go danger level is decreasing lovely stuff and it's decreasing even more our fantastical would back down to low despite the fact the the prisoners haven't exactly been having a fun time as of late this is it perfect absolutely perfect you know I've realized we're also going to what the psychologist just so that we can see how much we can ruin the prisoners day and still have them have a smile on their face now it's time for more bureaucracy to be put down I think that's a few more offices for our wardens although we are still actually going to need more if you can believe it this isn't enough so here we have it the offices are getting constructed and the wardens are going in and with that every time a warden goes into an office our danger level decreases just one step further and of course there will be a bit rowdy until we get all of these wardens in but the progress is being made the danger level is at medium oh my goodness this is silly but they're all currently on little break at the moment but just look at how many offices there are is that it does every single warden have an office yes they do right now we want to hire ourselves a psychologist just so that we can see how the prisoners are feeling so let's go over to their needs and oh wow they are they're not happy they're really not happy their safety is not very happy there's another prisoner dead he was a snitch so that's kind of fair game oh my goodness this is incredible waters you should be surprising them harder you know more more suppression keep them feeling suppressed now lovely this is perfect so yes a bunch of prisoners aren't very happy at the moment but it kind of doesn't matter which is going to be doing shakedowns about every single day so that we can really hammer home the the freedom they're not going to be experiencing just for fun really because it cranks up the temperature which is fantastic for us 22 prisoners are shackled in their cells or in solitary perfect that's gonna really crank up the ER the upset that's what I'd like to see you know I wonder if we can just lock down all of them it's just locked down all shared sectors they're no longer allowed out of their cells let's see just how long we can we can keep them in there without them getting too upset now of course they're going to be a bit confused because they're gonna need food soon yep they're a couple of them are reaching critical food level but it's all fine because nine prisoners still believe that they're being treated well this experience is treating at least nine of them fine I don't know how this is good so we're gonna see a couple more issues a lot of them want freedom a lot of them fresh clothing and they were doing pretty sure the temperature is at maximum danger level is high but the wardens calming effect is snacking on top of everyone else now so that hopefully they're feeling the soothing soothing voice of the warden going through their ears right now as they are slowly starved to death in their cells I'm amazed they haven't actually had a right yet the danger level is decreasing apparently it's decreasing they haven't been fed in over a day and the danger is going to this makes no sense they go dead levels now medium to medium things have never been better in the prison actually there is no freedom oh my goodness food is really an issue oh my god 35 prisoners are furious that they haven't actually been fed in a couple of days now approaching day 8 and these guys are doing good a couple of them were cranking up that starving beater at the moment they're really getting close to it they just are going to fight back at all that is actually our first fight back one prisoner has finally broken and they are now having a fight it's only taken until now and our first fight has happened when all I'd say this has gone fantastically well we're in a lovely situation where the prison should work perfectly fine perfectly fine yes but they're surprisingly being very relaxed about it even the people who are slowly bleeding out to death sat in the cell which is kind of on fire or almost what a brilliant situation Jane I know prisoners that yet to die of starvation all prisoners not feeling the happiest at the moment mostly but it is meant to be yard time and there's not much yard time actually happening mostly thanks to just this hype squad of wardens running about they're basically pitch-black offices bumping into things just basically saying everything is fine all the issues are over now please remain indoors and you know what it's actually working very well I mean this is a war crime this would instantly cause effectively a riot if you were doing this in any other situation in prison architect this is a riot no food they're gonna write no family they're going to write no exercise are going to write but no food no exercise no family no recreation no hygiene when there twenty-one pacifiers just hyping up the prison system in their little offices well I mean who could be mad at the prison system it certainly sounds perfectly fair to me so we're approaching day ten and these prisoners are still pretty well relaxed and happy so apparently the set up we have is actually incredible because if you look at this this is Richard Lovegrove here boss he has seen zero reform he is had exceedingly incredible punishment because he has spent 51 percent of his stay locked up he's also had some insane security this means that is estimated reoffending chance is twenty four percent so if we're just keeping in here for another three years and release him this man is going to give our prison a positive review if you can believe that there we go dear Levin much again the same these prisoners are starving but feeling pretty chill about it all honestly things are looking good privacy's is still an issue drugs is an issue alcohol is an issue someone's freedom got solved why was that nine prisoners currently dealing with this okay they're currently they're currently trying to escape is that it and they currently feeling like an escape as a good idea honestly everything's looking pretty good here I'm actually very well surprised by how happy everyone is we've had a couple of you know isolated instance where prisoners have destroyed their beds but beyond that everyone's looking pretty chill and I mean I'm just going to say these prisoners have acted really calmly considering they haven't had access to food for almost an entire week now I mean if I don't have access to tea after like 30 minutes I'm probably ready to break for an entire metal door and then escape whatever confines I find myself in so for these prisoners to have this level of suppression I must say I'm very impressed oh and there we go there's our first death James Chhota fish Tanner's just starved to death what ashamed five days of our instant that lovely guy what a shame what a shame he had no misconduct whatsoever he just arrived in the prison for eight days and spent 90% of it in locked out look at how suppressed he was white goodness look at their experienced condition none and suppressed mood bad this is a maximum security prisoner who was effectively here for murder because they killed a snitch anyway here we go here comes the starving as another death that's another starvation seven days ago in well seven days without food that's whatever I will do to you as well but they're not writing they're just slowly calmly dying but says six prisoners say they're well treated how where you are starving to death for the date level is decreasing how are you feeling that you've been well treated on what front have you been well treated it's not like food unless you're eating each other now food hygiene exercise family recreation freedom all at maximum issues and sits people out there are thinking that hey you know what this ain't so bad this is terrible this is absolutely terrible only eleven prisoners to have apparently any complaints only eleven but they're so suppressed they don't even want to voice them this is absolutely stupid I love it has also closed down our intake for fun oh well five prisoners due for release soon what an excellent idea you know what I think we've actually done a fantastic job and it's probably time for us to actually remove the kitchen entirely so they can't have any food and you know what you can probably undo the lock-up as well just stop all the lockup there we go and we can actually start releasing some prisoners a go look at this they're ready to release they've served their for years so they can just walk out fantastic look at that that's wonderful that's reform ladies and gentlemen reform oh goodness let's just skew off all the dead bodies the nineteen dead bodies of the the non incidents also twenty dead bodies now twenty two dead bodies now we have six prisoners remaining six frost how are you doing you're not you're not feeling the best are you you are starting to starve why it's fighting go have your shower and the shower really make you feel good experience not so bad really not so bad mood feeling pretty normal despite having maximum needs for everything excluding environment Oh what's this incoming call from the CEO yesterday was a very dark chapter in the history of this prison far too many people lost their lives here make sure nobody else dies today or you will face prosecution oops well you've only got one prisoner left it it's Paul Frost Paul you've kind of got a tricky situation here where I need you to not starve to death in the next 18 hours I was apparently what I've done is highly legal oh now he's really starting to start now is becoming an issue but it's just 14 more hours okay 14 hours you can do it come on Paul Frost he's having a chat with some family at the moment that's fine he best not be telling them about the lack of food he's having him instead the really chill and happy time that he's currently experiencing right it's ten hours in here now come on nine hours he hasn't got much health left I could kind of do with him just eating the scraps off of the table and though he's just passed out due to being unconscious this is an issue I can we hire a doctor yes and the doctor can apparently heal him right back up despite the fact that he is still starving this is excellent news for us and he is now starving yet again but honestly I'll do anything I can just to stop being arrested that's fine perfect stuff still starving but three more hours to go if we just hit it with that needle to reset his health that's all that matters isn't so stupid I love it oh wait we're allowed another deaf one out of five deaths five deaths maximum oh great we can just get rid of the doctor get rid of all the guards don't need any of them why did we even have guards in the first place it's not like the prisoners could even rebel alright well there we go fantastic I'm afraid that no means you're going to die Paul Frost but on the plus side of things you didn't add to my criminal tally so you're just another classic accidental death what's that thirty families waiting to visit between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. I'm sorry but 30 families to see Paul Frost could God that members too got around a lot I'm 30 families he's only got two registered children what kind of a man about town was he oh my goodness Paul frost legendary legendary man that walk got away now 30 families are all tied to one Paul frost what an incredible man such a shame that he did have to in fact starve to death F in the chair today we have it this is the most effective way of managing a prison possible because effectively your prisoners will do nothing wrong because they feel that everything is fine even when nothing is fine this strategy can also be done by just suppressing the prisoners a bunch but this is my more favorite method because it's just silly to imagine that he's having such a calming effect that he is quite simply encouraging the prisoners to just forget that they have had food for days and instead put a cheery smile on their face and go you know what could be worse could be Welsh actually though the Welsh people are lovely some of them anyway that's kind of the end of this prison but luckily that's not the only prison I have up my sleeve I also have this lovely bad boy here look at this fantastic little prison I've got it's so cute and fun well kind of what are we going to do what we need to guards and to cooks and then we've actually completed a basic detention centre and got ourselves 10 grand and we need to build ourselves an administration centre which is actually surprisingly easy there we go now we need to hire a warden and unlock finance through bureaucracy well that's actually surprisingly easy because everyone knows the best way to do this is to actually have multiple wardens working on it so that's quickly sack her and then sacker again and then again and now we can hire free wardens one two free there we go lovely and with our fantastic free wardens we can then immediately start researching finance which should take 5 hours and 59 minutes but thanks to the fact that we have free wardens simultaneously researching this it's going to go down at a terrifying rate remember this is meant to unlock in six hours and so far not much time has passed so there we go that is one hour and we're 50% of the way through and we're approaching the two hour mark it's just coming up now ladies and gentlemen there we go to our mark and we've just finished finance ah yes multiple wardens speedy research it's just absolutely lovely so let's sack at you two of our wardens and girls need to go back to the default amount just so that we can hire ourselves an accountant this does actually work with all staff by the way which is very useful and we can pick up selves ok and Maitre D' pass that through and then sell both be and we'll get that one pass through very quickly but before then it's time for us to actually intake some prisoners and fill ourselves to capacity we're going to basically just absolutely flood our prison with a bunch of medium security dudes 37 of them in fact and this is going to have fantastic impacts on our prison and very soon we'll have our prison labor system set up which is brilliant because all of our prisoners have arrived and oh god I've realised we actually need more guards yeah two guards just isn't going to cut it anymore we're gonna have to try ten instead there we go let's get all those prisoners in and set up fantastic stuff all 50 three prisoners have arrived an hour and a half we'll also have ourselves some lovely or one prisoner has already died let me guess yes of course he was excellent enforcement and a snitch these things just happened but you will notice we actually just got a bit of cash there because a couple of interesting things were picked up yes we found some stolen needles on the prisoners what that means is we actually gained a bit of cash which is lovely for us now that we have ourselves prison labour sorted we can build a lovely laundry room we can also build a shop if necessary I mean we might as well there we go we actually now have our laundry room set up which means we can actually assign prisoners to work in a laundry room and shop as soon as they're finished which is brilliant because once they can start working in there they can start stealing contraband from in there and stealing contraband is actually what we want our prisoners to do because by stealing contraband we can start making money off of prisoners stealing contraband trust me it just works you see in the base game this would 100% not be allowed to work but thanks to technical shenanigans everything's possible oh and that's another death let me guess snitch no he just overdosed on drugs well that's that's certainly one piece of contraband we didn't get our hands on soon enough so there we go our shop is built and our lovely laundry room is open as well meaning we can start assigning some prisoners to these jobs let's get people working in the shops and laundry room and the kitchen even though no one's actually qualified to go in there then it's time for us to build the world's biggest cleaning cupboard because we're going to need to start filling it up with prisoners and there we go with that room completed we can make the biggest cleaning cupboard I've ever seen cleaning cupboards of brilliance they just get filled with a bunch of illegal supplies and if you leave them out in the middle of everywhere it's just perfect also we can assign 24 prisoners to work in this tiny little room which is great for us absolutely brilliant there we go our prisoners are actually starting to make money because they're working their jobs so as you can see they're starting to build up a little bit of cash we've got a absolute army of cleaners running about the prison just tidying the entire thing up and with the money that they've made they're actually going to then start going to the shops and buying things which is very cute oh look they're even getting to go and decide all of the staff rooms to steal all of the warden supplies doesn't seem like a great idea but oh well it's what we've got I know they had a hard day's working ladies and gentlemen and we have our lovely finance setup we can see that it's time for us to get a unique source of income from basically stealing from the prisoner so what we're going to do is we go to a shakedown of everything shakedown all sectors and just get our lovely officers to such oh they found a hammer lovely they found even more stuff oh that's very nice basically the more we find the more money we get I'll call a $13 consulting fee very nice to go $1.00 consulting fee and a $7 consulting fee fantastic there we go money secured a very successful little hunt now you might be wondering what this consulting fee is now the consulting fee you saw getting added into our balance there that is the money which we basically received from finding contraband goods as you can basically see from our cash flow we received a decent amount of money but it wasn't actually anything fantastic it could be oh so much better ladies and gentlemen so what we're going to do is build even more offices and you guessed it ladies and gentlemen more consulting fees because if we receive say one dollar from each bit of contraband thanks to our warden then that's basically one dollar every time we find an item but if we have five wardens then that's five dollars every time we find an item and you can probably see where I'm going with this so let's get these offices put down but I've got a very interesting setup I need to build so we haven't we have all these lovely offices I'm ready to start making some more money off of my fantastic prisoners I mean just look at them they're starting to do these fantastical little jobs and building up little bits of cash of their own and afterwards the cash we take off of them which we're actually going to be receiving well and also make sure to build yourselves a visitation room because that is yet another way for us to receive contraband in from outside the prison more contraband more goods oh my goodness we definitely have a drug problem so we've got about four prisoners oh dear yep we've just got prisoners at overdosing left right incentives so this is a brilliant time to start a shakedown ladies and gentlemen shaking down just about everything we can let's deploy some more guards in here when actually I realized we need to get more of our warden just before we actually start this so that made repeatedly Sacko warden so that yes we're back down 2-0 wardens and now again - one - two and I'll just repeatedly sacker until she basically no longer exists and they've go she's been sacked over 20 times meaning I can now hire again another 20 times now we have 21 so far i Canova's which is perfect for us and the shakedown is well underway so hopefully we should start seeing some lovely cash coming in we go $71 in cash flow because we discovered a bottle of poison back pence that's actually quite stupid oh my goodness that's very stupid as more poison a couple of clubs have been found very good let's see what the cashflow comes to come on there go $68 consulting fee that's the good stuff very very nice another successful day working and you know what that means it means all sectors get yet another shakedown so that we can just squeeze a little bit more money off of our prisoners I mean they're busy overdosing left right and centre so we might as well why they just keep drinking all the poison from the bleach cupboard I will never understand why but you know it's allowing us to rack up some decent consultant singing fees oh and that six deaths today I'm guessing all probably caused by overdosing so let's get yet another shakedown underway that man literally just got searched four times and then he had an overdose this is incredible yes this setup is pretty silly not just because you can effectively sack the modify bonus from your various lovely wardens but mostly so that you can absolutely choose various things like save research for example something like legal it cost 12 hours to research but we're on the slowest speed right now are we yep and it's researching a terrifying rate as let's go now it's currently 11 a.m. it's coming up to quarter past and we're currently speeding on by we're doing some decent progress on legal let's just speed it up and yes in under an hour which is 12 times faster than it actually said we have completely researched legal now let's try education and once again it just absolutely deets on by and then psychology that's just gonna be done instantaneously and prison policy once again kind of just instantaneously and finally micromanagement hits lovely right now it's time for yet another shakedown I there we go more stuff is found lovely stuff that's what you like to see and if we're spending $2 on getting bleach from our prisoners we might as well be getting $40 back when we eventually find that they've stolen it that just seems like the most efficient way of handling things and we don't get me wrong ladies and gentlemen this is a very unique way of running your prison but certainly it would be much much much much easier if instead you're running a forestry prison because famously prison architect is the greatest forestry tycoon simulator game in the entire known universe and if you disagree with me you're just wrong anyway ladies and gentlemen I'm going to end today's video here and if you haven't deep enjoyed it feel free to give this video like it does massively help out the channel so thank you very much and if you want to see more very strange videos like this then do consider subscribing because that way you'll get yourself a lovely notification every time one of these fantastic adventures happen as always ladies and gentlemen a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible especially without you we wouldn't be able to do these fantastic videos on the regular so thank you very much it is truly very generous and have you sat there wondering what videos you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you trust me can absolutely love if you enjoyed today's anyway I see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 977,377
Rating: 4.9441581 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, prison architect, architect, lets play, prison architect gameplay, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, prison architect perfectly balanced, Infinite Wardens Is Broken, is broken, rt game, prison architect challenge, warden mode, escape mode, prison architect escape, funny, montage, video game exploit, exploit, comedy video, indie game, Prison Architect IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Infinite Wardens Is Broken, cities skylines, tycoon game, brit
Id: -9j5jZk33ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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