Destroying Planetside 2 With A 5000 Player Zerg Rush Live!!! Time to make a perfectly balanced game

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It had been over 4 Years since I last played the game and whilst is a lot more confusing it was really lovely to see how nice you guys responded to our presence! Especially the huge swarm of galaxies at the end!!! We fed you kills and you fed me many good laughs. Hopefully we can do it again in the future!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheSpiffingBrit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh lord, imagine the amount of cheese material he would get from this game. Carapace medic, Hossin tower/airpad repairing benefit also heal players, three man lib repairing, etc. I can go on for days.

He will sure be very occupied with some spicy video materials if he manages to stick around this game for a month.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trungbrother1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

8000 viewers, damm !
Cobalt player numbers:
VS: 640
TR: 670
NC: 1100
Alert NC holds 1 % of the teritorry! Uffff
Wiwter streaing TR Bastion 1380 kills,.. uarg, totally balanced!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/3punkt1415 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Faction balance queue be like: "Sorry but you aren't allowed to do that"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RubyRoyalCow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow watching new players learn this game is painful.

There is so much we take for granted knowing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/citizenofcoolville πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this guy, he is pretty damn funny

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UnknownXIV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to space Vietnam we've got some funky things happening today my goodness oh no is that my own stream I hear okay wait no that's just from discord sir that's my bad hello everyone how are you all doing today I hope you're having a lovely time I am relatively excited for what is happening here today it's going to be a lot of chaos because as you know we have thousands of people watching we're playing a free-to-play game with massive MMO like servers we're playing on the cobalt II one server anyone's welcome to join and crash it don't worry these servers are meant to handle up to woods of 5,000 people so should be good we're playing as the NCR faction and we are in the spiff Coe outfit you can search for that if you want and join it's open to literally anyone anyway we have some lovely chaos today let me get you tap into the game or who have we got weighing in front of me oh we've got all these lovely swift go soldiers oh look at them ready and raring to go we are fighting on the planet of Endor of course a barren hellscape where we are losing to the vastly overpowered evil red faction but don't worry we're going to counter this with all of our glorious forces that you see in front of you today Thank You peanut oh my good star just get what the hell just have okay got flung through the floor brilliant thank you very much your generous donation though oh my good lord yeah this games this games fine it's fine don't worry everything is working out perfectly here no God Jesus is this that's fine so welcome this is the mighty army of smithco which you see in front of you it's gloriously powerful it is very overwhelming and what we're going to do is we're going to load up literally everyone and we're going to take back the lands we've lost starting with of course felled spire Canyon feldspar Canyon there we go I'm gonna walk and I said it is just a waypoint for literally everyone oh yes so yes if you are in this game simply nosy your way on over to feldspar Canyon and retake it you can hate you and redeployed the old over axis minds or alternatively you can load up and spawn in on a lovely massive ship speaking of which her literally I'll spawn a big ship in why not why not I know how to fly in this game I can do that so we want a galaxy ship cool okay and then how do i how do i land left control to land okay there we go we're landing we're landing baby i know how this game works well [ __ ] there's I did see that building there oh okay right see if you wanna if you wanna take the spiff co-transport you can get in my galaxy or you can get in one of the 40 other galaxies currently flying around the map oh oh just a bit of paint work there that's okay there we go I can just see the procession of men coming down from the stairs and the top left Oh God yeah this is fine this is fine look at them a light of them like ants oh it's like a galaxy parking on top of another galaxy of course it is or so my galaxy is special because it has the Union Jack plastered all over the side of it oh look at the line look at the line oh this is gonna be fantastic of course if you don't manage to get into the galaxy you can just redeploy off of the galaxy there we go we're almost fully loaded in and away we go ladies and gentlemen spiff go away oh gotta get don't crush it to any other galaxies that's a bad idea okay so we are headed over to all of these lovely map markers not these ones or are they meant to be these ones wait are we literally fighting right here oh my god we are okay if you're in the galaxy you probably want to bail out now because the land we're fighting for is right beneath us oh no oh god oh god oh god this is a bit it's a bumpy ride right I'm out of here oh it's fine don't worry the whole of the better dead or dead look like a revive them which is my warn purpose in this world oh we just hit by a tactical nuke we were that was a nuke hey if you're wondering why we're doing this by the way ladies and gentlemen it's for the sole reason and I ask myself this all the time we are playing this because it's a free-to-play game and it's fantastic well it's okay actually it's a decent game but most importantly it's free-to-play not too big of a download and it's big it can fit a lot of players in so what's your self isolating why not come join us in this glorious valley of hell oh yes look at all of the men lining up to go in right through the valley it's like the Welsh valleys but much more violent much less sheep all right you may be is like the Welsh valleys I don't know I haven't been there I'd imagine there's a significantly less laser fire in the Welsh valleys but you never really know what to expect from the Welsh my god what is this glorious chaos if you look at the mini-map it's just a horrific mess of all the people in our platoon because you see we have this full platoon here and the way this second platoon because we have an outfit of over 217 people so 218 people oh my god all right let's go through the front lines we go I have revive grenades which I can just lob around the map oh and I'm dead out beans aah evil sniper burger which serve we on we're on cobalt 1 a very jazzy one very nice one oh yes best server I'd actually say sorry for my typing in and out of the game I've got some stuff messing with some stuff on discord how do I join you can just join fire literally any means oh and there we go the perks of being the leader of this crazy outfit is that I'm almost guaranteed to get revived wherever I go oh Jesus cries this beds right I've just revived new kok-long merits ok best fighter we have apparently there's just a lot of people get run over here what people be killed like vehicles that they had to be here God is so fat if you look at the vinny rep at the bottom left it's just horror for your horror oh my god look at the DEF pockets it's another nuke oh my god so the issue is at the moment there's a massive enemy carrier which is dropping nuclear bombs at our position oh oh oh wait I can revive that man all right fight for me Jesus Christ the mighty Zerg is currently getting farmed but you know eventually we will push through this very tightly defended choke point oh my god it's just gonna take a take a fair bit that's right I've got a broad I'm running no I was shot by friendlies so what did spiff know god dammit execute that traitor to the cause I love this - ready Allied forces who could deploys been disabled oh my god so what happened was a massive new cropped and if you not say inside of a building you die this is too many people too many people ready to deploy at this so where's the nearest point that we have I suppose we've got this Elysium spawn tube here which I like to use for necks it's in a different location so probably improves my chances of survival oh my god now the advantages are if our clan takes this takes this place we get a bunch of extra points for it and we can maybe buy a new collect the one that just got dropped on us now I got as so many nukes so many nukes this is a disgusting mess of a game it was a good game but we have turned it into a horrific mess this video it's horrible I strongly recommend you play medic class as well because it means you could revive all of your dead dead friends I've just hearing words the second Platoon of our guild is now full so we're going to need a third Platoon oh my god Jesus look at the look at the grounds down there look at this gut on the ridge it's so horrible we could see the choke point down there as well oh what a beautiful mess they're going let me pick up these people give them some nice heals there we go oh my god I'm wondering if I can actually love a revived grenade down there and I'll just revive a bunch of people whoa whoa all right let me lob a revive grenade cuz there's probably some dead people down there it's some easy money for me oh my god you can just see all of the there's a bunch of enemies down there like ants terrifying ants with guns this is the this is the true playstyle of Planets though - really oh god wait there's an ED of you there man you're meant to defend me from the enemy it's not just have them stand in front of me Oh beans spiff should do csgo game you can't fit 5000 people on a cs go server just doesn't work Oh actually I do want to show you guys something I thrown money at this game for - soul soul reasons reason number one buying the Union Jack decal for the spiffy Co platoon reason number two getting the tea bag background so that whenever I kill someone they see tea bags I that I spent five pounds on that ladies and gentlemen five very nice well spent pounds I think it's time we take that bridge all right oh my god there's the enemy carrier oh god just look at that monstrosity that's the bad boy which is able to drop nukes on us slash destroy the vehicles that we transport in apparently people are trying to build a base here who was actually doing it another faction not as good man what a barren hellscape I'm only here to observe basically that's all I can do just revive and observe what it's it's just worse the world war free we just said dig thousands of bed to die at respawn there we go we've got some cut some clad weights here oh my god where we getting bombarded on a big carrier all right who's this woodsy sauce oh it's Worcestershire sauce man ah lovely Worcestershire sauce man oh my god the bombardments are pretty pretty insane at the moment we need to somehow push up and take this bridge despite there not being much cover on the bridge there we go just reviving the friends I've got this hellscape that we've created this is this is see this is what about this small plant inside should be all the time but sadly it's not there's not normally this anywhere near as many players on as this moment in time it has only been gaining more players as of lakes they did big update and of course everyone's home thanks to the coronavirus but yeah normally I think the average about 4,000 players all whoo spicy boy almost killed me everything luckily I'll probably get revived by medic come on give me a medic that's Worcestershire sauce oh no fourteen country for Queen and country well yes because we will actually be doing this for Queen and country because if we look at the map our aim if it's even possible is to push up here and retake the crown which we're currently losing my goodness wait much needs you that you need to promote some people quickly doo-doo-doo-doo a hard laugh needs to be improved Oh oh my god spicy boys it's so difficult to manage an entire huge platoon of people and total if the other stuff at the background at the same time it's gonna promote people to teach drinkers and t p-- t supporters and revive bourree bourree survived oh I push up push up push up the tea maiden tea maidens down revive the tea mated and spicy boy oh it's mr. Norris himself oh my god oh my god does it what was that I feel like they just dropped another new kind of physician again this is the chaos I really wanted we got to turn this into a video at the end of this I think it will be a good love it's the Yorkshire tea Sunderer it's it's the York should see wagon there is actually a Yorkshire Tea wagon which goes around the world and it paused here big events this is incredible it's like the scooby doo wagon but instead of having only like five people inside it has 5000 very ill-equipped chumps with the base weapons in this game oh my god this is true chaos true glorious chaos I kind of want to slide down this mountain nope nope the game wants to push me off the mountain just gentle slide not aggressive slide gentle slide gentle slide oh there we go would do it now we did I was born at the Yorkshire Tea Sandra again Jesus just look at this this is horrible I can I can plop down a spawn beacon as well which people can spawn from there we go wait perfect oh we lost lots of Sicarius know he's a big donate so we can't have him dead Oh God oh it's smithco minion of course legendary smithco million minion up smithco minions dead always revive your minions that's a one thing you always have to remember to do get your minions back up and in combat get all of you chumps into combat good stuff or because the more chumps you have fighting eventually you'll take a point and the more medics you have to first everyone gets referred just look at this swarm of medics oh wait there's a minigun here oh I don't think I can use it that's engineer only isn't it oh wait that's us oh oh I'm saying down the hill I feel like we could probably do a spawn point somewhere down there is that a bit closer to the action is none of the men can really jump off of this cliff unless they were light infantry with a jetpack just look at this oh right I guess suppressing fire it is eventually will hit something down there oh my god should try flanking what do you mean you can't flank with this many men you could only do World War 1 just advance in that general direction tactic I mean it is very effective vest this is wait they soared above us or evil buggers hiding in the work hiding in the roofs I actually do have a little special reviving aid which is gonna be useful there's someone hiding up in the rafters they'll be killed don't you worry all right I'm gonna jump off let's do this where is there full damage there is full damage yep yeah all right I'll go from the floor sunderers that's a bit closer to the I guess it allows us to run through what does it maybe I can just spawn in a wait you know I've got much better idea okay is this possible is this possible if we pull back to the or axis mines if there's a vehicle spawner we could have everyone in the game spawn in a tank and if everyone spawned in a tank I'd struggle to see how we could lose yes there's a vehicle spawner oh yes oh this is it this is it right spawning in a tank or lightning lovely stuff spawning in a lightening tank this is gonna be it we're just gonna have everyone spawn in a tank and they're a bit harder to kill so we should be fine there we go we're gonna start watching the tanks roll out now we're already seeing the lines of men get into the text for de garrier we may or may not just create a large traffic jam but yes this is how tanks are made Oh God Oh everyone needs to jump down and then you lob a revive grenade on them that it's a good point we could get a huge amount of men off of the cliffs and onto the floor in a very short period of time and I'd get about 40,000 experience from other revives all right there we go we're getting all the tanks lined up as soon as we get all the tanks lined up and ready to go we'll charge up the road it's gonna be this is true glorious battle strategy oh yes just look at look at all of the men tried to order tags perfect this game happy birthday if it's not my birthday I suppose it could be oh it could be my birthday if you want it to be why not they dropped another nuke over there which is fine you can go past that doo-doo-doo-doo all right I think we're probably ready to go and we're gonna have to go because the tags keep piling up on top of each other right it's time for us to leave tax adverts up the bad road go go go go go please avoid the nuclear bombs going off in the background try not to run over too many people Oh Mike okay I just ran over someone straight up the hill we go wait I think I see someone up there oh and there's a tank up there to the right war suppressing fire that tank oh my god these folks he got me right I have to escape my tank it's it's almost dead it's dead Oh quick revive and I'm gonna have to go back and get another tank just if you have a tag just keep pushing up towards the enemy that's it and that's not a tag that's a resource Fighting Vehicle just look at them go just look at them go maybe I could jump in one no they're all full there's just loads of oh my gosh it's bloody traffic Jeb oh my god oh that tanks always dead is this the queue for the vehicles Jesus okay right let's go for Pressy I would like to spawn a lightning I'm 22 in the queue this is incredible oh I'm now fifty did the queue right just keep going tags keep going Wow there's a proper fancy tank there oh is that a nuke that does not look good that does not look good that is not look good and it's not gonna do I just warned in my tank Oh all of the dead bodies oh my god I like it yeah this is the new method of mass colonization oh wait I'm just drop a revoke grenade yes think of the points think of the points revive grenade yes oh yes xp for the revive or there's my service route ribbon as well all the revives are coming in we're doing it god I think I'm just gonna hop on someone else's tank it's better than risk my own weight Sarah Sundra just balked yeah it's just a broken sender Oh oh no it doesn't have a driver no dude well it's a dead Sundra now boots doc just read me over apparently yeah the game does have a physics engine but the physics engine wasn't designed for this many people not in the slightest also it's very dangerous to stand near the Oh that was native are the revives look at all of the revives look at all of the dead people on the spawn beacon right there we go just get your revives on this is how we're gonna level everyone up oh no not again not again not again not again get inside oh it's happening again wait did that just throw me up out of the building it did anyway there's all these people to revive which is more points for everyone there we go if anything the enemy are giving us resources by killing us that's how I like to look at it what a mess what an absolute mess where are the people even coming from and they like jumping off of the cliffs and landing on us oh this is so bad this is so bad I mean it's honestly really incredible how fast we can pick everyone up after they die just for the mass amount of medics I mean this is almost immortality if there was an immortality exploit in the game it would just have 500 people following around and reviving each other god what the hell even is shooting us all there's a safe it's a dead one I can just hop in ass under it there we go that's good idea right Sandra will allow me to shoot people hopefully there we go good stuff all right looks like the thunders are now pushing up to the front lines where the tanks are toss a coin to a spiffing no climb inside of plenty thank you very much for the dough no wires very generous sausage oh my god right push up Sandra get closer to the front lines oh my god the enemies are just on the cliffs above us look at them look at all of them it's just so ready must be a great day to be the end of you who speak oh oh wait are we actually pushing the objective though feels like we actually are yeah this is weave right into the enemy objective this is it right bailing out let's go I'm gonna take 8.0 yeah straight into a objective oh my god I'm capturing it gradually capturing it oh this is progress we had them so distracted on killing us in the tanks that they didn't expect this us to actually take an objective oh my god there's some dead people out there lots of dead people we're actually tuek it we're taking some where it's working or partly there's another nuke dropping so mind your heads oh wait that's a roof of corn aid except I don't have one oh one came from behind Oh beans well I can probably just wait and someone will hopefully revive me oh that's a lot of XP that's a lot of eggs be getting a Mac suit I suppose I could that's a good idea getting revived by someone nice very good alright time to charge it all right to pushup eventually will will get through the we're going through the front entrance which is the honorable entrance rather than the back door and when I say honorable I mean it's it's the most dangerous one there's a kill or sweet Hedgehog's well nice good good stuff well there we go we're making some progress up in here as well alright just pushing further and further up so many bad just running through this is combat this is the life of someone on the front line infantry the only good bug is a dead bug oh that's a nuke that's a nuke and everyone's dead except me apparently although I don't seem to have life that's fine there we go oh no I just got dropped Oh beans Oh beans still stable amazing honestly that is the biggest that is the most impressive thing about this the fact that this game is still functioning beyond what we're doing honestly it's kind of terrifying being revived here good stuff the amount of castle or so on behind me cheeky boy it just killed people oh my god this game there we go of course I've gag revived there we go my faithful servants here to save the day right oh I did actually start aiming down sights instead of hip firing hipfire is just not accurate in the slightest oh my God look at the dead bodies look at all of the bodies right let's revive T Overlord good lord the chaos oh and there's our this as you can see because as part of our company as the Union Jack glasses on it there we go that's a brilliant sign or this is not a good sign this one's not a good sign or the dead people oh that's a lot of dead people for hats a very large amount our dead people okay so we've apparently filled up platoon number free meaning we're going to need to fill up platoon number four oh my god oh wait more dead people it's corporal T in front of us of course I'm gonna charge in let's do this let's do this oh wait this is their spawn room that's their spawn room we sat outside of we can't take the spawn room why we fighting over the sport room Oh solid apparently entirely from just reviving people okay I'm getting revived and I'm out of here oh my god yeah so we can't act we need to take a B or C of this objective and I'm not too sure where it is let me take you for the map so oh wait now if we taken it we've got a oh we just on the cool down for capturing it okay nice this is the hell escape we find ourselves in even though we have the most players who've been pushed back right to the back of the map well where can I spawn in oh nice there's a sundar outside lovely oh that reminds me I could technically spawn in and I spawn in as a max that might be a really good idea max suit nope I don't have the resources for it that's a shame all right look at all of these spawn beacons let's wipe one down as well alright so this this area actually only needs us to hold a and B which we're doing which means we're probably going to win and we're going to take this objective and it's even probably going to say that we did the most to take it this is lovely I got its just spawn camping all of them I read it's not like they're having a bad time because every time they come out they get a million kills away this is a spawn grenade job there we go this big what have we made look at all of the spawn beacons so stupid oh my god [Music] just the infinite gunfire adzes revive grenade oh my goodness oh wait they saw him around the back of here no not him him as a bad man kill the SuperDuper evil man Oh what was I killed by ah a grenade launcher oh very jazzy very spicy I know it's killed by c4 okay that's bit different how to join Cobra one server it's all in the description of this stream yeah wherever you want to join or not is entirely up to you oh good have we taken it we've actually taken it which means we can push on to the next place the next place would probably be the valleys storage yard I guess to the right we should probably do that yeah let's take the valley storage yard actually wait no the stronghold to our left yes go for the stronghold right straight towards the stronghold lovely stuff this is our new target Oh add 2spooky vehicle Oh time for me to get out oh okay right so the stronghold is a natural stronghold with big shooty guns on the side of it that's fine I just have to run past it war god Smith thank you very much for the donation shadow mage yes currently we are effectively creating a wall this is fine oh there's a bad man he is dead it's spiff that is Steve he's not even in the guild what a shame oh my goodness look at those dead people war let's get them up and running there we go lovely stuff now the attack on the stronghold can begin it's pretty simple all you need to do is take a and that's it and I'm pretty sure we can just hop over the walls for that oh my god you can even climb up on the mountain and get a really cool overlook oh this is a great spot it's a lovely spot to shoot from yeah well it's a lovely spot to shoot for him if I had accuracy but oh he's a flyboy he is a floaty boy oh I'm getting sniped there we go sit in my little hole oh my god this house Cape this is this is disgusting it's a beautiful disgust but a disgusting nonetheless there we go there's another one Oh snippy snip snip I'd know how if I have no health or slide down gently slide down carefully is that a newt that's a new get indoors get indoors ladies and gentlemen get indoors oh here it comes where's all there's all my dead friends there's all my dead friends wait I have a grenade for this lovely revive revive if I revive a medic he can probably go on to revive one more person oh my god whoa I've been sniped two kills for swift I know that's better than 90% of the people in the squad oh wait no those free killers apparently Spencer donate seven pounds to say the Americans have thrown all the teabags in the river they would never do that that's exceedingly rude how would they do that oh my goodness look at this look at this oh this is amazing Lord break I'm just gonna run past this I'm just gonna run past this straight through the front door I won't know this is a vehicle spawn point oh I don't want to be sat there oh no where my god this was not the right place to be this is not the right place to be we've got to know my friend he was my wad Fred oh oh my god no he's Lobby to see Ford out think of the kills he'll get wait I'm about to be revived in my rock how are they eight thousand people watching this this is ridiculous massive shout out to everyone who's given the street would like as well you lovely people thank you very much I hope you're all having a lovely self-quarantine at the moment oh by the way what's your friendly fire because it is on and you will get kicked and banned for it so I don't want any of you guys accidentally getting kicked by the game's admins because you were short people in the back of the head all right let's born in oh my God look at all these people that's a revive grenade that's a lovely revive grenade there we go all right it's five all these people and by the way some of you might be saying it was unfair of me to choose this game about warning the developers of what I was doing and to that I'd like to say I gave them a total of one hour and 30 minutes warning and that was all I gave them and the server has not crashed once so I would like to say I did a good job oh my god they're up on top of the roofs they're on the roofs Rico eh yes we're actually in control of a we're gonna do it we're gonna push them back this is amazing okay after we do this with we're a little little bit away from the crown so we're probably gonna have to push up take the stronghold then take the old stock pile then take serve and network and then move up to the server amp station but after that before we're gonna be gonna be winning this game Effects of the 10sec donation very generous Ono's drum for donated and said coffee rules no how dare you drunk that's illegal that's illegal I can't say that oh there's a grenade getting logged in whoop stay away from that and revive all the people that it kills oh my god they just keep lobbing in grenades grenades it's too many grenades please gave please I think it's safe to say we've taken control of this objective although saying we have control of it is potentially an overstatement God the chaos we can jump on top of here nice oh my god what is this hellscape no how many people do we have in the outfit are we afford Rene team members of course you do of course we do lovely stuff let me use this to flank oh goodness the chaos the absolute chaos of this it's beautiful it is so beautiful to watch really is oh goodness oh that's a noob that's a noob that's a noob that's a nuke oh I almost made it in sight almost we are technically getting murdered by our own our own faction apparently which is very generous of them very very generous how nice doot-doot-doot to do especially it's just quite a quite a lovely wartime strategy of just nuking your own position it's how how the Brits like to fight the wall du du du God all these people oh that's a grenade and let's pick up you this he'll escape oh it's another kill oh oh and I'm dead as c4 of course it was oh I've been revived lovely stuff let's revive everyone else if they're another new going off there's another nuke going off there's another nuke and everyone's dead the good news is eventually the enemies are going to run out of nukes and that's when we win the war hmm general weakness is reviving me general weakness famously not the strongest man we have in our armed forces okay apparently the faction balance of the game at the moment is overwhelmingly it's mostly our faction it's 40 percent new conglomerate which is us 20 percent red team and 27 percent purple team which means we outnumber the enemies double-fold or whatever is or there we go that's a kill lovely stuff $10 donation oh who's that very generous sausage someone's just running in here and stabbing a ball with a knife oh my god have we taken this objective yet almost thank you very much for the $10 donation Systrom coffee and watching tea drinkers die is a great way to enjoy the morning haha that's a horrible way to enjoy the morning can't believe you'd say that how rude shaking my head I want to try and take this point in here but you know we we already kind of have this point and Crouch I'm getting shot behind aren't I yep this is so the kebabs is gay heated about the sky fluted the person who killed me Oh Juliet thank you very much for your 20 euro donation tea is good coffee is good but have you tried warm beer with some tea leaves that sounds pretty crazy I might have to give that a try sometime people still play planetside 2 yeah apparently um apparently they do can't tell if it's because they want to play or because I've forced them to play it but I've way people play in this game oh my god so we've we've taken this oh my god if you just look at the look at the energy enemies and allies detected population 70 percent 74 6 % MC 76 % we hold 76 percent of this we haven't taken control of it okay I think in 20 seconds time we actually take control of the stronghold and it becomes ours and we push the enemy back Mayo Chen call me a sausage or your majestic sausage Mayo Chen thank you very much oh we're also taking the valley storage yard Oh weren't you gonna lose that we're aren't we take that a bit Chris Campbell just looked in I've no idea what is going on but absolutely love it I know that's how I like to roll they'll do a dragon as well thank you for you don't know very very generous sausages right so 20 seconds time we take control of the stronghold glorious stuff and then hmm where to next oh my god wait actually if you look at the map captured by smithco we've done it time held 12 minutes oh wow this is amazing absolutely amazing so currently the the Reds are trying to take this region and I think for us the best way we can we can force them know take it by pushing up to the old stockpile and once we take that they can no longer take feldspar Canyon so once we take the stronghold oh they took it back once they take the stronghold we'll move back to the old stockpile but we need to actually retake the stronghold because we lost it whoa oh my goodness all of the donors are coming in now this is crazy Thank You green coke gaming has been playing with us since about yesterday and Joseph Cunningham very nice and Systrom very very generous and Vlad very lovely people oh my lord right we need to retake a point and I got killed by note there's an enemy Jesus Christ team fire United hundred pounds good lord sausage indeed sausage lovely sausage oh wait I can love with revived grenade up there that's fine right now I don't fear death because I can revive myself with my own grenade oh we've captured it because you captured it this is it Oh battle rekt twelve lovely stuff or the death so much death oh so much deaf Oh sausage alright so we've taken a is this now actually completely eyes for good know how long do we need to hold on for it for six seconds five seconds oh yes we've done it squad another glorious bit of territory owned and controlled by Smith Co we did it well done it's ours okay where's the next objective I say next objective we're going to we're going to take the old stockpile the old stockpile what a great idea I'll just drop down all of the markers there you go fireteam Spade fireteam heart fireteam clubs all of your markers go to the old stockpile my boys ah Amrish controlled nice like when's that oh that was that's a completely different map we've apparently taken control of right forwards we must take territories from the red to stop them winning the game from the description warning the chain of command has about as much stabilities Sandcastle in a tsunami oh yeah I mean that's just that's just how this how this chain of command works you can't coherently order this many men around where we were we running to old stockpile okay might be best just to hit you and redeploy and drop on a spawn beacon somewhere close they've held it for 40 minutes so we need to take that back right is there any small point near the old top oh no there's not oh wait we've got a vehicle spawn beacon here though okay so we could just born vehicles in nice right that's what we'll do the spawn vehicles in and we'll go to the old stock pile no no no no make sure to spawn am like thunderous so that we have spawn points which I'll do or subordinates Andrew oh I'm in 11th in the queue of course I am of course and then which what is the actual direction is it straight ahead no that's gravel pass so we kind of actually need to loop back round and then push up through to the old stockpile oh I'm fifth in the queue right and away we go Oh watch out try not to crash into anyone okay I'm gonna let some people hop in my vehicles so there's some people on the actual guns now it's time to do the the expedition of the sunderers a glorious expedition as we charge towards the enemy took it just the light of bed you don't need to run we do have vehicles you know this isn't like World War one but we don't have any like way to herd men about I try not to run over the bed as well by the way that's very bad etiquette its most rude oh he says he says about to run some oh no yeah there we go I just killed someone I'm sorry what's Valentine terribly sorry oh no oh there that's another one oh right straight ahead straight ahead alright just advance keep advancing keep advancing I've ran over an enemy bail out bail out bail help whoa Oh Jonathan Davies damn $50 hello from America will drown them in tea that's exactly our battle plan for today oh we can spawn in this under it's only 50 meters away lovely stuff that's exactly what we'll do right it's time to charge whoa that's a lot of bullets going that's a lot of bullets wait they've got a shield bill that's unfair right charge the men through the shield it's proven to work there we go by the way it's probably a good idea to bring in maybe a couple of a couple heavies with anti-tank stuff oh god ah did I heal past that I did oh and then I was killed of course I was Thank You Christopher Schneider and Liam Dawson for your generous donations to the cause of the tea a case born in the Sunderer up the Sunbury which is about to get orbitally bombarded and has just a bunch of men running around yes too many allied forces spawned quick sport quick deploy disabled of course it is of course it is right charge passed them through the shields it's Worcestershire sauce oh it's AI Worcestershire sauce you'll fellow revive slave no unemployed intern wasn't sure if I'd enjoy this at first but I have to say the madness is brilliant yep this is it I mean the game isn't normally like this but because of the increased madness of having this many people it's just so much more fun oh no they're running everyone over that's okay I'm being revived though Oh see there's an actual viable strategy in the game just to run people over perks of the strategies it means I get to revive all of my men down sizes it means I have to revive all of my men go just pick them all up lovely stuff lovely stuff oh and there's another nuke everyone's dead everyone's dead wait no that was a friendly nuke Oh Fred oh my lord right everyone stop being a medic everyone become a everyone become a heavy and use the anti-vehicle cannon to kill the vehicles we need some kind of anti anti above any any anti over device it would be lovely which server Kobo yep all of this stuff about the game is in the games what in the streams description so make sure to give it a look 5/5 oh it's it's spiff co perfectly balanced game there you go you get revive and I'm dead Nick master I missed the game no of course I miss playing with spiff working from home right now love from America hopefully I'll do this again yeah I'll see what I can do okay evidently we can't take that point that's too bad we'll just have to take the valley storage yard instead so it's time to turn our attention and take the valley storage yard much much better actually have an idea I'm gonna go in a plane because I can fly maybe Oh God it's been a while no God oh oh yeah this is one thing that you can now spawn you can spawn in a bastion if you have enough resources which my a couple of people in my squad of actually started mining resources so if we take a look at the armory we've maxed out the green stuff we then need to get some yellow blue stuff I guess and then some purple stuff and if we control it we can build a massive carrier of course we're gonna be a long way off of that but you know it's a possibility okay we need to actually pull back in and defend the mines because it's about to be taken by the enemy and if they take it in the next two minutes then that means all of the all of the regions we just took controller for about to be lost oh god that's not a good idea well we can't have that I attempt to spawn in a bunch of planes Valkyrie is always an okay one the Reaver is the simple one what can I support it with I haven't got any money for any of that right them just the crappy reverb by itself there we go lovely stuff right time to go defend these Minds because I can 100% see oh no I can't no I can't oh oh oh flag is hard flag is very hard much how did that they make it look at the fields oh ho that's the ground that's the current up up we don't want to we don't attach the ground we want it go up as it mean boy oh wait am I just aiming for the ground again yes maybe I don't look there's men here wait there's an afterburner on this or cool so you can do wiggly maneuvers like like so like so there we go I've lost I'm just lost I'm just so lost this is my card late why isn't it wsd why is it controlled by mouse I don't own a joystick and it's inverted oh that's why I can't fly it's inverted oh wait no it's not inverted and that's why I can't do it yes oh it's absolutely horrible oh wait I can just fly past and take the objective car tonight I suppose that's one way we look at me fly and then then we do slow down and then we hop and then we go I'm free oh wait there's manda as angry people oh oh wait so we just landed there played eggs to me to kill me very nice of them very generous okay so we defended the mines hmm looks like we've almost defended the mines yes we have good we're gonna have to take the valley storage yard because there's no way there's no way we can push on the next objective without taking the valley storage yard it's just such a choke point oh no hi free kill assist lovely stuff right let's take a of the valley storage yard this is a restricted area no it's not oh and it is all right let's run post here is a no this is not a a is further on here is a aids just sat out in the open this isn't good this isn't a good spot at all capturing it mental s though was that max yes I killed a max okay that's good max it is like a big walking mech suit very spooky stuff and there we go we've taken a well there we go there's another one let's heal up all created by feet no I missed it beans I miss myself grenade revive strategy or we are taking this point though if there's a lot of enemies but we will take it do do how many people in the outfit now I understand you 547 of course of course this is crazy and we really need to hold this for um four minutes and then it becomes ours let's get a revive off dupa dupa dude whoa and I'm dead oh hello chat by the way how are you all doing you having a nice time you're having a lovely day we've got a nice warm cup of tea with you you nice and relaxed just enjoying a nice crazy bit of planetside like you should be how to change the outfit tag I don't know it I think well I mean I could do but I kind of like SPF zero I tried SPF Co but it just doesn't exist or we defended the valley storage yard nice so that means the enemies can't take it way out you know that means they defended their point I don't know I don't know anyway we need to push up and take this place all oh I got this Atari over there okay there's enough good kill oh we're doing it now we're getting the kills getting the killers making the monies okay there's another one or this is a good spot oh wait no there's it's not a good spot any warp oh this game is not cross-platform so sadly no it's not I don't think I mean this game actually used to look better than it does now if you can believe it on its earlier releases the game had like much much much more in the terms of like ways of graphics but they had to tone them down for the sole reason that the game physically couldn't really run with the crazy amount of graphics so yeah they toned him down kind of necessary I guess because it was low-key making the game a smidge imbalanced mostly because the difference in like graphical qualities was so extreme like on the lower graphics settings you could see people you could see people behind cover but from only really closer distances and if you were really if you're unlike the foot like most graphic settings you can see people across the map in a very powerful way or that's a revive grenade and another one oh and there's a grenade at my feet that's a bad grenade is there max ooh there yeah it's just a Maqsood sat behind a cardboard box oh my god this is this is going to become chaos isn't it I'm getting revived by smithing Cove yes revived oh I've got to pick everyone else up oh no that's all running around with a pistol oh the chaos is good the chaos is progress I think maybe oh god this is incredible absolutely incredible can't even play just get disconnected by the server one minute and yet the the server's trying to like balance out the positioning of people's which is of course leading to a fair bit of chaos I think I have actually received a message from one of the devs let me take a look see if it's anything nice dududu to do oh yeah Andy Andy who is the lead lead developer or not lead developer on a lead project manager for the game is watching apparently he was one of the lovely persons who fixed a bunch of server problems a while back which was very generous of him to do alright the Reds have technically defended yet another storage place but that's fine oh no that's a nuke and grenade to revive all that chaos is enough a person that to revive Renae job right there or I've killed by a shotgun Oh too many allied forces quick to point is able to game subtle ways of saying please stop hit this isn't how it was meant to be done it's meant to be an equal fighting force of like four people have like fifty people on one side fifty people on the other not 200 vs. fifty that's not fair it's outrageous well turns out it kind of is fair because we're not 200 strong fighting force while actually 500 strong fighting force I guess he's not actually the most efficient at fighting we need to take a my god let's get one up God's chaos absolute chaos right let's just climb him through the walls there we go well French forty there you go oh god another newts gang dropped her looks like some people survived it anyone who was standing on top of a box didn't apparently oh god I think we have a it's just such a meds there's a vac suit there that's good Mac suits are pretty chunky well as French fatigue given my number of revive Oh God wait if they captured it oh it's contested I'm okay they'll go there someone dead this is a prime spot for a revived grenade right here god it's so much chaos Akari would see I can't even see my eyes there's an auto turret there oh and that's a nuke what's this 15 playing the rebels fighting the Empire yeah it's not the empire that we like it's bad Empire Ord spawned in and died it's bad Empire we're also are mostly just playing this fraction because it's blue that's genuinely the only reason I like the blue blue best traction right I need to run to the midpoint not only just to capture it but mostly just to get lots and lots of money for my revive grenade all right run through all of them and lobbed a grenade there we go good stuff I can't use the turret can I have we taken a almost as contested contested but our superior numbers are enough we've got it we've taken a point back oh this is it and the revives coming in give it so much so much chaos it friendly fire quantity has its own kind of quality Joseph Stalin 2019 well yeah that's basically what's happening here just a fair bit of chaos and proof that quantity is the solution to most of our problems go this one we have a under control which is good Lord by the way you can use queue to spot in this game which is quite useful to mark out locations for your friendlies oh I think I was sniped by a sniper boy what the hell is this this is okay the best way I can describe planetside 2 to someone or on being revived by York City Gold this is literally me whenever I wake up in the morning yorkshire decode wants to revive you do you want to except there is only one answer yes yes I would describe this game as I would describe as imagine imagine battlefield but instead of it being like a 60 versus 60 or 30 versus 30 it has the potential to be a 4000 versus 4000 with a pretty wacky sci-fi aesthetic and that is this game oh my god in two minutes time we've got this place we've got it my god the revives we've got to pick him up I've just revived for this mythic Brit oh wait there's a mad we he's a bad man and he's dead good stuff I was killed by friendly there but you know these things happen there's a lot of friendly fire because even though friendlies don't do as much damage as normal there's just a lot of them fighting around got a to revive the yipping Brit that's not a good one that's not a good order to revive at all oh great tea you can you can have a resurrection you'll come back in fashion one day just not now oh these healing stations oh these are cool and there's an auto-fire turret that's nice and lovely could be chaos there is this spawn camping yes yes it is but it's it's effective spawn camping and necessary to win the game don't look over the spawn beacons I can put one down myself it's beautiful lovely chaos don't you keep them suppressed and always revive your lovely man on the turret one minute's time and we take it although admittedly in seven minutes time we're going to go to lose the entire continent because the Reds just have so much more control over it it's lovely chaos let's hoist whiskey sauce again whiskey sauce he's still alive and going what a guy so powerful so much sauce so so like strong and peppery and spicy and yet so lovely Worcestershire sauce for me it's the ultimate spice I hate all other forms of spice Worcestershire sauce on the other hand that's a good one that's the best kind of spice of the wall of turrets the wall have we taken a oh wait no they're on it they're on a they came from behind they came from behind oh my god Frank get back on the point get back on the point you have to take it back we can't risk losing it oh how do we get bastard thank you for spotlighting one of my favorite games have been plagued since Peter yeah I actually played this probably about oh my god 21,000 XP or was the source you've revived him and then he revives you the balance of life I played this probably about four years ago or someone like that for semi-regularly but then I got into csgo and I say goodbye to this game what the hell was that person doing up there we've done it Domon an outfit smithco and we've taken the storage yard well done ladies and gentlemen where's there a new coming god oh that's a nuke I was inside those so it's okay everyone else outside is not okay right this is good where do we go next we only have five minutes left technically they haven't started taking they've retaking the stronghold but that's okay cool where's my map game where's my map there we go the map is back so we can now push up to the seven pass I guess which is good probably actually should give that go why not right let's let's continue advancing and push up to the seven Pass let's go my men we probably wouldn't be able to take it in the four minutes remaining of this continent but life finds away life does find a way we don't even need vehicles for this we can just run look at the head suppressing fire you spot somebody there they're just dead instantly oh there they are keep them suppressed keep them pinned God right pushup we've almost made it the infantry charge look at this they're all healers as well everyone's of bloody Vedic so good medic is quite clearly the best class of the game you get to just revive everyone it's the best Zerg rush class at least because it means as soon as one valiant warrior is downed many more can fill his spot and not only do that but revive him right there is no retreat charge through the defense's just run past the vehicles as well how's the vehicles my god oh my god oh god well the value fighters planetside 2 is a perfectly balanced game yeah this is fine this is balanced I can't wait for a new map to open up because as soon as a new map opens up we're just going to spawn in on it and retake everything I think Amrish is gonna be the next map or Prince Charles worth Prince Charles wants to revive me revived by an immortal and so like you let's revive everyone else oh and I've dead again by an exploded vehicle lovely stuff when do we actually gain back access to Amrish locked since okay right so come back in a bit but we gain the benefit of base generators repairing over time cool all right get the revives in and run oh my god just look at this open field we are pushing through it though but as soon as we take that cliff that's when the real progress is gonna start coming smithco loyalist yes being resurrected by a lovely loyalist the chaos the absolute chaos oh there's vehicles running through the land to get as well all right charging up the hill big revoked by for that specific fruit oh so if you're a medic you can actually spend certs which are a currency you gain by playing the game you can spend them on you can spend them on improving your healy device so you actually revive 50% faster which is surprisingly useful Swift coal oil is picking me up again what a nice guy right running around the left hand side of the hill is actually surprisingly surprisingly effective god there's so many man has so many man right except get revived all and that needs to killed what is this game this is planetside 2 a free-to-play game which was released in 2014 it's a very unique game to say the least oh my god the death look at all of the deaf that's a lot of death oh my goodness nice get revived general weakness again valiant fighter general weakness oh and I got some cert of that lovely and another kill oh this is good oh yes we are actually making surprisingly good progress here we this is more progress that we have any right to actually be gaming as a bio lab coming up - wait are we taking the bio lab the bio labs the one after isn't it yeah it's the one after it the bio lab is amazing really good stuff if we get it we get a bunch of resources so we might be able spawn in the carrier alright let's charge rube oh they have the Terran Republic is victorious they've taken control of the constant this means sadly when we die we're gonna get thrown into a different continent oh what a shame okay just try not to die and I'm dead there we go 155 cert points and though I was really good too many forces yeah quick deploy disabled time for us to move to a different place we should go to whoreson because that's about to finish as a mayor is snow okay right it looks like we're gonna have to go to SMA let's do this watch I can get revived I suppose we cared we can just fight on in this horrific hell escape where we can't make any progress Oh God right okay if you're in the if you're in the glorious squad hit you to redeploy everyone you lovely people and it's time for us to relocate to a different map a better map with more tea and more progress we're going to relocate to SME ladies and gentlemen I'll see you in the Eastern warp gate oh yes that's not very nice that's right that's not nice loading screen that's horrible oh that's not good is it heavy on graphics I don't know I can't tell you my PC is not a good example of a graphics base my benchmark test it's RTX 2080 t9 tima overclocked I nine nine thousand nine nine nine nine nine or whatever it is oh here's all the boys nice to see the boys out in full force right time to deploy time to deploy bunch of flying vehicles and make our way down to where should we push up I think we need to get some revenge on the red so we're gonna go to the Duke geographical survey camp and make a push on frostfall overlook there we go yeah we go just drop down little waypoints for everyone lovely stuff Oh fantastic right let's move up and take it take a point I suppose I could just hop into someone else's galaxy and actually I'm gonna do that yeah I'm just gonna gonna hop in this alright there we go oh yes I even got a gonna see in everything awesome right take off at X speed you've done it fly towards the mark is there any 3000 miles away oh no attack speed that's upside down attack speed TAC speed its space to go up space to go up attack speed what do you do peak what are you doing okay evidently the biggest downside of having a cloud made of primarily people who have never played the game before is that they do not know how to fly the vehicles right this man looks like he knows what he's doing god oh my god here's another one T maniac 69 T maniac you look like you have have the charts of shepherding me there we go we're on right T maniac away go space for a teammate Oh TV oh god it's so bad this mythical air force is not a very effective fighting force you're effectively flying around in a massive space whale it's I understand that it's a bit complicated to fly but it is it is important don't use your vows to fly as well just use WASD oh my god oh it's the flight of the Valkyries at the moment though this is beautiful welcome to Jurassic Park here you'll see the native galaxy or whatever it is oh it's got the Union Jack it's beautiful flying in its natural habitat trying to avoid predators and doing a barrel roll because the pilot has no idea what the [ __ ] he is doing right we're almost over the objective when you're in one of these vehicles you can actually hop out and you don't take full damage so as soon as you're above the objective just bail on out we're about 1,000 meters oh this is good this is good progress Oh looks like some people just got shot down that's fine we're almost there 1000 meters out looks like we just crashed into another one is that our friendly Kari there's our friendly carrier as well that's good oh I won't die was just take it out they flew into a galaxy down in another galaxy of course so many just spawning in slightly closer up which is effective if you have ground vehicles right we're almost above the objective now progress is being made all right here we are we've really taken a sight oh look at all the men we already have on the ground as well oh this is a absolutes we've done it had to revive grenade it's just all of the red dropping it from the sky oh it's beautiful absolutely beautiful oh my god I don't even know what was shooting so I'm pretty sure we've completely taken this place let me take a look at the enemy presence on the map 20 to 17 percent our control seven percent there's they have got a lot of fighter craft in the air though okay we should probably take tho those bad boys out they're not fun we've got tanks on the ground and everything no you don't need to land the galaxy when you arrive that's not necessary haha you tried to kill me my friend you did not manage it oh my god is that that's a friendly ship okay yep of course it is oh and there's enemies over there wait that's the enemy spawn room oh I see so they're all spawning in now there we go there's an assist there we go once again we'll just hold the objective and keep him pinned in the spawn room with our superior numerical numbers and I am stuck on a hill let me climb the hill I am not allowed to climb the hill whoa I've scored I just our little upgrades apparently I have strong leadership skills yes of course I do there we go dudududu escapes oh it's good chaos good chaos the best code is that slave 69 no Swift slave 99 come on guys you meant to be unpaid interns if you call yourself slaves I'm gonna start getting actually investigated oh there we go I never revive that's a big boy he takes longer to revive well there's a I was a special boy wait is that another world tour nuke has another orbital new coming in 30 kills this session not bad actually probably about 30 deaths of 70 deaths to go alongside it but still progress there's an enemy carrier above us which is actually almost dead so if you have a rocket launch you can just lob it up there and you may or may not kill it ah we took the outpost we did it boys we did it alright finish off all the enemy remnants and then we'll push on to the next objective let me look at the map oh we're going to actually make our way up to the bio lab benefit infantry health regen that's a good one to actually take right let's take the they are actually taking the point to our left the Terran crash site oh but we can't really control that actually we're going to lose control cuz we don't control the mind right so it's forward to the east and Waystation a go platoon Waypoint go my men oh my god all these dead bodies lying on the ground are from when a they jumped out of a dropship and they don't look at all of the men with rocket launchers hitting the galaxy ship up there it's gonna take a lot of rocket launchers but eventually we'll break that bad boy down how much health is he on where is he dead who needs RT aircraft turrets but you could just do this much much more effective Oh God and then one what friendly ship spawns in has immediately hit by all the friendly fire oh no it's a lot of dead people can we even take down the big ship with the with the our missiles I don't know I don't know says he has no health honestly it looks quite beautiful I really like the look of it oh no this was not good time to pull out the revive stick Oh Hudson had said bad man that's bad man I'll get revived or I'm dead or not getting revoked Oh sonic Wolff donates 10 Australian do LaRue's Hayes fearful of you video even though you're a dirty coffee drinker oh it's ok you know whatever floats your boat I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be mean to people now it's it's quarantine time so whilst you're in quarantine I'm just gonna be vaguely disappointed I'm not gonna shout at you just disappointed was that an enemy and what is that as well what is that graphics going on there that ship needs to go down that's a dangerous ship Oh low disk space Oh what is going on here oh because of course my games trying to record and stream at the same time of course is of course it is I'll go back up we go all right forwards on to the next objective did you do to do progress is being made Oh almost killed someone yeah I've run out of disk space on my PC now so this will be interesting to see how the game deploys what performs [Music] almost 9,000 people watching now this is stupid because 9,000 people watching is more than planetside to his players let me actually bring up the stat planet side to play account let's see what the live play account currently is live playing play account five thousand eight hundred and seventy two which is its current peak when was that that was as of 30 minutes ago oh this is incredible we've done it we've set the 24-hour peak just with ourselves which is beautiful to imagine we've done it have I not being revived shaking my head alright where are we pushing up so we are pushing up to the weigh station we'll get close in almost well we'll get close and take it eventually just gonna take a little bit I don't think we can take down the big carrier ship you you might want to stop wasting all the rocket actually I want to see if you can let me see let me see so is it heavy assault and you have to strike I think it's the Shrike yeah they quit now right does it work I don't think this actually works at my missile hit it's going no that's amiss that one was amiss this is so stupid right aim over there come on do you hit do you hit no I don't think this I don't think the Rockets work oh it was a good try but no unless it does not aah max oh oh now this this I'd like to look off do boo boo boo do so I've got this for the anti infantry and I think this is an anti-tank thing lovely stuff yes right I require some engineers to follow me around and repair me as I go into valiant combat boopadoo it's adventure time oh I love these guns they are just so nice so good right where we go and go we're currently going to the left a little bit off the actual beaten path we're only 400 meters away so technically our foot infantry should be able to make that distance oh yeah I get healed very nice oh wait I can damage tanks that's good not very effectively but it can happen and I am getting healed as well which is useful there we go Oh odo odo odo that's attack it's a big tag there we go we kill that I think stared good stuff alright keep pushing towards the facility we're only frigid meters away boys it's his goods look at this line this glorious line oh wait there's a thing it's a Sunderer there we go there we go we're at the now the perfect anti-vehicle squad oh is that a nuke I think that's a nuke oh no do I have a healing thing oh look at all the dead people oh no this is not good keep pushing what the hell is this Oh God Oh God chat you best be um enjoying this chaos here today oh wait are they in a shield oh my god they are we need to get some grenades in there that's a good Canady spot hmm I'm being revived by for the smithing brick ah oh yeah I mean a Mac see if I get revived it just comes straight back up what a great idea Chad says I'm in it auntie ever met I am auntie Aaron so I've got the anti air cannon oh god my poor life choices I took off the anti-vehicle weapon and selected the anti air ward Oh beans was that an orbital spawn beacon though it's born beacon please I suppose look at the death I think oh wait we actually have a Sunderer on the objective okay so you can just born actually straight on the objective you don't have to fight in the fields that's much more effective dupa dupa - i can also drop down a spawn beacon for my lovely squad mates do I even have any squad mates who's in my platoon even o my platoon does not have many people in Oh Delta Squad is Delta Squad is sparse right okay I will invite online members to my platoon this is now going so getting very full up there we go now we're getting some people in the squad padding it out a bit that's good means more people can use my spawn beacons and it also means more people know my exact location so they can come and revive me like the good revived slaves they are wait what am i oh I'm a heavy I don't want to be heavy I want to be that would be medic Oh beans wrong faction Oh that's a finger my feet oh no all of my friends are dead Oh beans oh my god then we have almost taken it though just need to capture a point and I think we have yeah we've certainly storming it with enough men no go this is it and able to the capture the point as your empire does not control lay oh where do we need to take wait this is it oh is it because we don't control frost wall overlook oh it's because they're currently taking it right so we need some men to go back to frost all over look whilst the rest of us sit here matches it even further back than that no it's not it can't be no no this is fine this is fine okay good right yes it's just a case of wait for them to take well is this what is going on yeah that's a kill add some men outside and I get to I was killed by a grenade the grenade didn't even go off right oh that's a revive grenade we one point one point three hours in and so far we've taken I think about four territories which is actually really good progress I played this last night and we managed to take a grand total of one I think see what is this burst cannon yeah a a max right okay so it is meant for anti-aircraft isn't it yep whereas this is anti vehicle much much much more effective I don't actually know if I can spawn in as him though let me take a look let me see where the spawns are we've got a Sunderer there I suppose we need to we have frost all over look back so now we should be able to take this I think I'm pretty sure first of all overlook is still ours right they're not taking it so I would imagine so and we still have 64 percent of the population control of the eastern way so I'm gonna has to guess and say we can take this rubadoux and i'm back the glorious medic the best class in the game in my humble opinion this is my normal medic class this isn't the medic this is the heavy infantry isn't it I would know is the medic is just the wrong medic Oh God you know I have two different medic class builds let me swap one out here we go come on give it to me give me my medic give me my proper medic boy press e to access equipment I'm pressing a game what the hell is this what the hell is this gun what class toy have has a grenade launcher what that I mean I like it don't get me wrong I like the look of this what class my playing oh it's light assault with a rock clip rifle okay shoots rock let's not as strong as a normal rock but it's a rock let I imagine you probably can't take our planes very well whoa but candy thunder as though that's good apparently I got a mosquito kill I'm not sure how I personally killed a mosquito but apparently I did I had to revive grenade I'm being revived by Prince Charles again good job Prince Charles and back up and fighting now there we go and I'm dead right time for me to change out changed born I want to be a medic boy thank you oh and I'm being revived again lovely stuff oh my god everywhere I go I just keep getting revived just permanently come on he's always done it he's always done he's always hit the river and he's missed it he's been stick what a shame almost got that revived in all right so we've got frost we'll overlook now nice and secured so that means we should be able to take this I guess at least I think it does I deploy at the Sandra come on let me deploy it this under come on you know you want to let me you really do now I can have to spawn in with my own tank can I even spawn in let me spawn in okay apparently I can't spawn in using the deploy menu I have to spawn in using joint combat which is great oh my god scanning land good lord 50 US dollars that's crazy as absolutely incredible thank you very much very generous sausage doodoo all right Kahn let me join the combat what is what is wrong with you game let me let me actually spawn in oh and apparently I'm in ok it's just lagging ok and it's what I don't back where the hell I am I have no idea Oh God nope nope okay okay now we destroyed the surface now the servers are having issues this is it this is the progress a new directive defend any base okay cool good stuff I'm gonna see if I can spawn in a vehicle actually because I think a couple of Tanks might help out server balked oh no we bought server I'm just look at all the floating fire trails in the sky which aren't actually doing anything what's this an anti-vehicle turret I can't aim it into the sky that's a shame that's a vehicle though I can't hit two though that's impossible oh there's a nuke someone called that in boo boo boo doo where is the vehicle spawning point oh there it is lovely stuff boop boop jump up the hill jump up the hill there we go progress all right and time to spawn in a lightning oh yeah where am I seventh in the queue that's honestly not too bad much better than it was before I think a good tank should be enough to push through this push through this little tough spot we're in where the exploit the exploit is the sheer number of people we have okay and forth in the squad oh no some people died and they would go I'm away doo boo boo boo doo right charge protect the sunderers so that we can get a forward spawn point in and shoot down the enemy Air Force there's an enemy and we tank there my accuracy is not good oh that's an enemy tank in front of me oh my god he's trying to kill one of our sunderers don't let him there we go he's dead good stuff oh I feel like I I did kill someone there that's fine that's okay acceptable casualties very acceptable I could probably do without you someone getting their tank and equipping it with an anti-air that would be quite useful oh my god the about people I just run over or this is it oh there's a tank there that's attack that's attack get up get up get up get up get up how do I get out my tank how do I get up my tag stuck in the tag because of the lag my tanks on zero health and it's still going the delay the delayed this game I can't be killed anymore [Music] turns out for immortality all you need to do is just lack the game okay they would go Matt the tank now what what's the what is good we go what it says the Explorer ladies and gentlemen oh my god good lord actually need a quick break to go to the loop so I will I'm gonna leave this going I'm gonna Oaks have and I'm gonna quickly put on my lovely fortunate son again I'll be back in like 30 seconds oh the chaos continues the chaos never ends absolutely never [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh this is chaos I love it I really do God grim baby look at the lag so apparently today ladies and gentlemen we've broken a Guinness World Record the last Guinness World Record was set what was the last Guinness World Records set up lost controlled record in 2015 was set at 1000 1158 100 and we've got 1283 so we've broken the Guinness world record for this game ladies and gentlemen Guinness World Record I'd like my my money now please and my wart and I'd like to thank my subscribers I'd like to thank everyone and mostly myself oh god we did it we really did it what the hell is this Oh God goodbye York City again we need sir we need to move because actually how do we kill the big floating carrier in the sky maybe we need aircraft okay right we need two men hit you to redeploy and spawn it somewhere where we can spawn in air which I'm pretty sure is where's our nearest air spawn point the warp gate I'm guessing we're gonna have to go all the way back to the warp gate ladies and gentlemen everyone spawn in an aircraft and we're killing that carrier in the sky we're not using AAA for it we're gonna use bloody bloody aircraft what kills aircraft more aircraft that's what kills aircraft more planes more good more power right today we goat spawn in a river I think is the one let's spawn it in oh I'm only second in the cute nice try not to crash into each other by the way it's a very easy to do right okay so I need to turn around to the left and way I go away we go straight towards the objective the bastion has glowing weak spots if you hit them the bastion will die okay chat that's what you have to do it's like the episode of Star Wars at the first one you've just got to kill it by the weak spots ladies and gentlemen also Jesus Christ I miss crew jeez 500 sec donation thank you so much kruky lovely person all right it's time for the spiffing air fleet to show them show the world what we got I want to see all the ships fly past me oh yes here they come here they go right go national spiffing Air Force Go Go my men charge charge towards the carrier look as it tries to retreat and fear all bike charge for the carrier aim for the weak spots Jesus Christ what are we done what are we done whoa apparently the game started removing people from the vehicle cube look this to Betty oh my god hope you dogged out if we don't down right back oh my god more vehicles needed more airplanes needed my lord Christ it's beautiful I'll tell you what we actually we're in a bit of a tricky situation because even though we're pushing back the Reds technically we're losing to the Purple's to our left and we do need to push them out so we're actually going to have to divert everyone to silver silver water watch we needed killed advance the silver water watch oh I can spawn in a Valkyrie nice where mine the Q 65 in the queue that's fine I'll get there one day oh right we have a new objective to push ladies and gentlemen it's only 900 meters to our to our rear which is surprisingly close I just get knocked out of the vehicle Q I think I did can't believe it 50 oh there we go I'm anxious for did walk just took out someone's god bike right I have a harasser I did so what to hop it the little gunner on it there you go yeah hopefully someone I'll hop in right and onwards to the objective go my men go we even have turbo mode on this look at this all that extra speed it's time for the church with the air force and the land force oh god the air force now the galaxies are not an assault ship class they're just they're just big space whales that's all they are oh my god Oh God Oh actually that's a cliff oh and I just killed someone sorry that's my bad oh my god Stephanie a little valley pit doodoo boopadoo just got a dodge all these tanks oh there's another tank duper boopadoo it's got to keep on going round we're almost there there we have it right kill the Sun we're in front of us quick oh wait there's a angry man in front of the Sun drew oh he killed us I was sat there just staring him and I realized I could have just ran him over that would be much much more effective anyway it seems we've we've taken the objective well I'll get revived lovely alright the objective is ours look let's not even part of our guild they just tried they tried their best to get their man in here but it's not possible here's the enemy oh right let's charge into the objective point that's right we have the objective point okay now we just have to spawn captain for victory cuz I wait I kill man loteria or a friendly turret I'm not sure one of the two probably friendly okay so we have secured a Oh a little sneaky sniper spot here oh there's the Redcoat 98 just got down right we'll have to go revive the Redcoats attica I never for I'd say on my revive grenadiers pop there we go oh look at the revives coming now we only have to hold it for another three minutes oh then it's ours I think we've almost done it you've almost done it oh god there's a head show there but this mess look at all of the dead bodies are there hiding in their spawn room now we've got them pen boys we've done it there's no way they can retake the objective now goes do s is surprisingly this is a surprisingly effective way of actually taking points oh no that's a grenade that's a lot of dead friendlies why are there so many grenades in here I mean on the plus side it's a bunch of revives for everyone else oh I see why everyone's dead it's cuz that the spawn room is there that's why there's so much chaos I'll pop a little spawn beacon down for my little friends there we go I've got a finger juice or max superpowers slide out the enemies spawn room all this lag it's really destroyed the game that's a nasty enemy gun let's run past that that's an enemy grenade and there's a couple of dead people there is something quite satisfying about watching a grenade just bounce pass you and murder all of your friends it's an enemy safe there we go so you have a little bit of a trench going on here which is good trenches a group trenches are good very effective they've now have ten grenades getting logged into trenches however now that's that's not good - one out of ten oh yes and behind the enemy spawn room oh my god well the game doesn't even tell me what I was killed by was this control the most Churchill on the constant oh god we have no territory we only have the warp gate Oh we'd be really pushed back Oh No okay I think silver water still water washes good we need to leave some men there but the remainder need to move to gray hair and shipping we've got to take gray hair and shipping back let's keep like 20 men there and they won't be able to retake the point the gray hair and shipping needs to be us I feel like we're gonna be getting way too many resources because if we actually are not redeployed if I look at our armory or whatever yeah these are the resources we've collected we've get a million of these green resources just because the amount of territories we controlled not really sure what we're doing with them we can do expeditions oh I'm dead but you can like actually build bases as a cloud of this game which is something we're never going to do ps2 plants are two hosts of record for the biggest in game forever since 2012 yep I think we maybe just broke that potentially according to my moderators we did at least Oh Lord what have we done what have we done today thank you very much yeah I never stay still your way that I break my own rules always break my own rules as always massive thank you to each and every well every person who has donated this dream you're very generous as well as all the people who have given the stream alike even though you might think it doesn't count because the way YouTube live streaming system works liking the live stream is terrifyingly overpowered and makes it exceedingly popular oh my god I just saw someone's corpse get absolutely heated across the landscape whoa I don't get rid over that's a bad idea we need to find a way to get up inside the enemy base my god this chaos this chaos the Empire - yes revived the Empire that's a great idea oh no it's a to terrible it's here oh god i preemptively dropping a revive great grenade out eggs I know we could have a lot of dead people there we go almost yeah we're almost at a well there's an enemy he's dead yeah rumors - eh eh looks like it's gonna be a bit of a pain to take and hold but we are capturing it actually there's an auto turret which is now dead there's some bad man there's another to kill oh yes this is very effective now slobber revive over there Lord we've got this place secured but it doesn't feel very secured I mean I can just hear death going around me hey hey second is er yeah that's a bad man he's no I'm dead I'm dead was killed by the boys beans how does he have that much health Oh Lord before I've really actually had him killed 43 kills this session though that's actually surprising I love all of the dead bodies we are still controlling it though we do have control we are we're also simultaneously taking still water yes we have still water watch taken and we're also taking North Point station which is good and we're taking gray hair and shipping this is actually looking to be a very effective assault I'd say to put boopadoo goodness let me go her friend past went past past all the chaos find a doorway yes it's like a nice doorway now the dead bodies are a sign of good action like their because I can lob a grenade there and that's a lot of revives and lob a grenade out there that's gonna be some revives or double to go there double to go though do not want to go there up these stairs is bad stuff God all of the chaos all of the chaid revives go stay crouched it's just a horrible rooftop fight oh no progress is being made Freddie side but oh well I think we still hold the objective yes we've got to hold it for four minutes though which is gonna be rough but it can be done Lord Mars will actually charge the building their own that's a shotgun that's a very powerful shotgun how is that not a kill how was that not a kill how was I not killing them there yeah so the area at the moment is to kill the vanu who had this evil faction in front of us we don't like the value there knowing they've all these boring laser weapons just not exactly very exciting to fight they're just they kind of like the animes of this game I'd like to say even though no one's going to agree with me on that they're the animes how is that orbital Canon able to see me from where I am I am under a bridge game I cannot be hid from the orbital def Canon underneath a bridge and again oh I want you dead I really do you annoying little floaty deaf ship I find it all pretty web yeah yeah pretty we be oh my god I was killed by a friend this is the issue when there's so many of us the friendly fire is insane like I probably was killed from yet from a friend there as well just simply because there's the only way to shoot the enemy is to pile on top of a friend and shoot the enemy look at all the people coming for that gate oh so many dead bodies it's beautiful we've done it where's their spawn room actually I think we have got it almost pinned yeah it's this room here oh this is it almost secured while there is actually no cover on this left-hand side no there is no cover that's just not you just can't push that physically impossible to push no cover no protection there's no way we can get in there oh and I'm getting revived lovely stuff lovely stuff oh wait this is a restricted area oh no oh no oh no that's a bad man oh and I got kicked out to the restricted area oh one second and I think this is it I think this is actually we've taken it there we go dominant outfit smithco of course because you know we have the most men here by a longshot and now that we have that we've actually hooked up to extra stations oh we need to desperately rescue that amp station right onwards towards the amp station go quickly my men he must save the amp station is there a vehicle terminal Ares rescue the amp station of course everyone's mediately rushing to get their hands on a vehicle I'm third in the cube yes perfect they would go I stand the charts these are other people just getting run over by all the vehicles spawning in because this is so ready and I've just killed two of them oh my god right oh and there's another one I actually just ran over he survived though which is good for him alright time to push up we've got to go rescue this point before it's taken by the enemy rush life is feudal rush life is the only way to win the game oh that's a tank we've got to get past him don't worry we'll just get around him there's an enemy Oh what were we killed by there some kind of explosive thingy I'm not sure maybe I've already time to defend this place I got what is this was this monstrosity of a corridor oh it's the deaf corridor it's not a good corridor at all oh that's horrible oh I've been shipped by flying by xx foot Slayer 69 420 XXX now that is an incredible name if I've ever seen one good lord right so we need to take the a objective here I'm not too sure where a is but it's important war there's a boost earu t' oh i like this this is fun this is very nice oh my god whiskey sauce he's got my back again of course he has this is a terrifying spot to be in but this is the only way to push on to the a objective we're almost there actually god this hellscape have revived Oh God whiskey sauce always has my back though what a man what a glorious being well this is glorious chaos absolutely glorious chaos I don't even know if we can actually hold this even though we have so many men we have to take back that objective in 2030 well yeah three minutes time which is gonna be rough but it needs to be done fix some good anti vehicle stuff might be a good idea always seem to be doing it are we capping it oh my god have just got so many vehicles on the point what the hell is going on here I guess we've taken it back by just having vehicles everywhere what the hell is going on here let's revive Grenada oh my god the servers are once again taking a real hit now its corridor dead oh no it's the only effective effective fighting force I guess do we control a yes we do control a good there we go oh oh it's got that guy oh and get still getting revived oh here we go yeah we're on cobalt 1 by the way for server oh and there's a nuke dropping right on top of us apparently there we go and I think we got the shields up as well maybe I don't yes there we go they're getting repaired now good it's going on outside this doorway oh the enemy that's what's going on out here oh my god what the hell even is this out here this is horrible oh my god no one could see anything so there's an enemy right there no one could identify him this is horrible really is oh thank you very much for the tea that's very generous oh thank you so much lovely fiance is coming to give me a cup of tea a nice cup of Yorkshire team hmm you can have a biscuit to Yorkshire gold is it all very nice lovely do I get a biscuit no I don't get this kid whoa that's not the right corner to go round God it's your taken that we have lost still Water Watch though of course of course we have I doubt we're gonna be taking back still water watch anytime soon the app station is under our control which is good then there's the knot research camp but this is the knot amp station you can't really trick your enemies by calling it not AM station it is very clearly a nap station there's a biscuit oh yeah Oh two entire biscuits ladies and gentlemen this is it oh it's not just any biscuit it's the best kind of biscuit foxes gingersnap creams rich teas are very good but this is also good [Music] hmm oh this is premium this is beautiful oh and that's a nuclear bomb help if go bid you'd I just went flying to the floor Oh oh no this can't say yes is chaos there's an enemy turret Oh someone's to revive me of course they can there's no way we can destroy that Terry right is that we have to get on the flank of it I just the infiltrators also with invisibility cloaks running straight for our lines and there's nothing we can do to stop it that we can't see it everyone's too silly to see them I'm gonna see about doing something doo doo doo doo to do don't mind me 100% not just spawning in more planes and OH a Valkyrie would be fun I guess although Riva is much more effective there we go i temped go help everyone out via the medium of sky travel that is going to be my aim sky travel time - boo boo boo do I know how to fly this thing or at least one point I did and that one point is now very much longer feels so wrong to flight with the inverted controls I must say well sorry the non-inverted controls the fact that I have to mouse wheel up to go up or alright that's the ground that's the ground that's the ground dodge the ground facility defended not yes we did it oh we got some bonuses for that as well directive complete nice we did go basic training is ours well there's a flying thing yes or almost killed it and by that I mean I was nowhere near actually killing it oh and that's the ground that's the ground time to jump out love of revive Grenada my feet stand on it stand on it yes if I've grenade revive me revive me Chabad go go go go go can I get revived by my own revive grenade no game oh that's unfair you really should be able to do that they're taking gray hair and shipping again good god naughty buggers [Music] it's a nice cup of tea actually our Prince Charles once again with a revive or Prince Charles he's always there oh and I spawn in and die it's just Prince Charles just sharing some of his immortality out and about as drop-down that revived grenade that's going to be effective my god my my mouse I think maybe some actual grenades might be effective on that corner oh my god this is so stupid there's only one way up into this building broadcast from Ironside to Cobo welcome back to planetside 2 at the spiffing brick we're enjoying the stream oh thank you very much oh that's very lovely of you game developers thank you I think it's just given the fact that everyone's working from home or just stuck at home or self isolating this was the only game which I could think of where I fought how can I get all of my community to play on one game together without crashing the server and this was the only game I could think of oh I suppose I need to actually do another platoon in Vikes but the platoon will have spread out a bit I imagine invite all online members to scored there we go and I get my revive in for this is a mess this is a good mess the value really are trying to focus this and I can of course drop down a revived grenade and I can hop up onto the roof the roof there we go doo doo doo oh of course there's more roofs that I need to worry about you could just like your stand up on this roof and lob grenades through the window of the next place that's a very effective strategy which of course we can't do because none of my men are skilled in any of the forms of fighting oh no that's an enemy grenade that's an enemy grenade Oh get down there we go another time for tea biscuit dip oh no did they take him no no they took it right we have to go back to the Eastern warp Cape no no no back to the Eastern warp gate oh okay to the Eastern warp gate we now need to spawn in vehicles to retake Greyhound shipping now my guess tanks would be effective I don't have any tag so I'm just gonna have to scrounge a lift with someone there we go I can scrounge a lift here no I can't actually there's no guns there I need a vehicle with guns oh that's not one I can hop in on there we go this is one sniffing great he looks like a great choice no there's no gun oh wait I can ask to sit in a gun can't I there we go I can hit f2 and then the person has to consider or he's generously donated his gun spot to me how kind how very kind all right time to focus on the enemy this is the glorious party wagon driven by sniffing is great Gunners include sniffing Britt's paws okay Yorkshire Paul's K Yorkshire chump number five Prince Charles Enki general weakness smithco minion oh we've got all of them all of the classic lads here today as we see the great charge of the of the tags and just any vehicle really imagine spawning in in a vehicle and picking you could survive imagine doing that on a quad bike cut that poor goat today is not a good day for caught by drivers all right let us retake this point it will be ours drop a pre-emptive revive grenade down Oh No general weakness of course he's there to save the day every time and Prince Charles where does this place go does it go up a level could spicy spicy fights it's love would revive over there oh there's another person saved by general weakness apparently general weakness is down I can revive him though there we go oh god are they dropping another nuke I think there's another nuke dropping cuz all the wife controls freezed up for Vaughn who is the big evil for opposing NC I know they're so evil for actually fighting against us mmm-hmm now has a good Yorkshire Tea all right we will take this side I don't care at what cost it will be ours actuate this isn't the entrances at the entrances back this way oh my God look all the dead people that's a revived grenade get me the monies for reviving yes oh it's all coming in now or five revives all in one go and another and time to charge fruit oh my god this hellscape okay I think we need aircraft up in the sky I think some aircraft would be very effective of fighting this that's got revived and immediately killed oh my god this song called the healing properties of tea over there ah ah beautiful absolutely beautiful it's so proud of our men coming up with oh and I just hear the explosion did see the corpses gag plug across the road Oh God oh and I'm dead of course as c4 of course it was yeah I know 1400 XP and like two grenades it's as easy as that ladies and gentlemen play the healing class healing class is the fastest way to revive well fastest way to gain XP because you just revive people oh my god it's a Mac suit its a Mac suit god it might be a good idea to have everyone pick light infantry so they can just jetpack over the walls that might be very effective way of doing things oh they're dead people right run free run free run fruit oh it's not worth it you just card run through them actually I suppose we could try as egg rush but I think they'd interrupt it like if we had everyone line up outside the door and run straight in we'd probably make some progress but it's just too dangerous it's not enough time to actually physically spawning and murder people oh my god well there goes my corpse just keep dropping over to a strike beacons down on top of us so there's a nice sunder over here to spawn out oh we're making so much more progress on this side let's have a revive from there down there we go that's a headshot kill Oh 75 kills nice and that's a revive grenade oh it bounced off someone's body oh my God look at the charge up the stairs being provided by spiffing cake right let's get some revives off myself all right you just keep going up those stairs man keep going up this - oh I'm dead oh my god so we'll drop the cord bye kid Oh oh that's a man with a knife just running through us they're so difficult to kill as well because you just shoot your friendlies trying to kill him we've got free fat or no frigid XP no kills just some revives I think Oh God devil dog Oh going for the revive good dog oh very good boy well behaved oh I can drop spawn beacons as well cut I go my support squad cannot spawn there oh my god the bodies all of the bodies oh my god oh my god were killed by dodgy frag grenade from a recruit they defended the facility what does that mean for us that means we cover we take it doesn't it yeah I think it means we're actually locked out of taking it for a couple of minutes so we have to go and take somewhere else this is horror this is space this is worse than Vietnam it's worse than space Vietnam it's like space hellscape Vietnam airstrike sure we're in a clan and I could do that but that doesn't mean chat that I know how to do that how are you losing look okay these men were trained to point and shoot a gun they weren't trained for tactics they weren't trained for fighting oh God take me on each and wants to revive you please do not isolate that audio the good news is we are starting to push out the doorway I'm seeing seeing a lot more dead bodies outside of the doorway than inside the doorway No okay apparently we can't even do it apparently we can't even do orbital strokes because our faction is so new we haven't even unlocked them which is a shame don't you dare isolate that audio apparently also sixty people offer a thousand members which may or may not be the largest alpha in the game I'm not sure okay apparently we're about four thousand actually off the largest outfit in the game oh well we'll have to try god Aaron does that mean multiple streams to this game yeah you know I have to do it we even got a retweet from the bloody power I would like clad it so des put up for tweet and everything oh well that's very generous system though oh I also cover me be revived in hope I can't spawn in on my own spawn beacon oh yeah and I can use this to drop wherever I want right on top of the bridge on top of bridge on top of the building actually where the hell am i oh my wait there's multiple people on top of this building what I can love a revived grenade from up here is that an orbital strike beacon that's over to a strike beacon oh no man F F F F F F oh and I revived okay so here's a here's a tactic it's gonna kill me nonetheless but to survive the altar will strike beacon if you're a medic press F and there'll be a tick where you out heal the orbital strike beacon so you can survive it provided you don't get flown across the map oh my god f F F F F F F that's a lot of F's in chat as well good lord hmm how on earth we get to retake this I'm gonna change up the place I'm taking you to hourly I'll go to the North Point station no one could stop me do my own game there's still people from our faction here as well oh this is beautiful this isn't even the front lines that we're taking land do Poobah do okay so we've taken C&A of this place we've got to take be hmm and that's a good cup of tea that's a really good cup of tea I feel like my game stuttering is it stream is experiencing minor issues what is wrong our stream quality is good right we're back to good stream quality good now apparently the game is stuttering our stream lapse what have you done what have you done stream laughs oh good lord let me fix that let me fix that oh my god zero bytes free oh okay I need to fix up some storage space good lord I clear all of that delete yes I know it's too big to recycle there we go how much storage space now there we go 69 gigabytes that's all I need to finish his stream or and I'm getting revived by sexy burrito and we're back to hopefully stable fps I think I just revived all of those men over there yes I did look at that revives from beyond the grave that's how you play this game now yeah full disk space maybe you have polished up the disk space a bit that should fix it hopefully I'm not sure before press alt f2 see your FPS well the thing is I know my fps in game because my fps in games 60 FPS it's the FPS of stream lapse which is the issue which is how you guys see the game so yeah I need to spawn in oh wait we are actually taking the Heron shipping that's actually progress where's the nearest there is nowhere to to deploy over there but still there is a lot of good progress hmm we are going to take this as well I am noticing that our control over the territories is non-existent all Hostin hasn't opened up oh that could be some way to ruin next oh my god how's the outfit doing 940 died Bevers oh god as his stupid manager crewman lovely no more no applicants good that's how I like it I might actually be able to build some stuff although I'm not sure how to build in this game it's probably a very bad idea if I give it a try oh and I realize I don't even have enough points for a vehicle do I know I don't redeployed oh my god we just we've lost everything absolutely everything on a Zamir oh my god I feel like any territory we go to we just destroy it for the sole reason that because there are so many of us firstly the enemy's focus us because were a big we're big group of men easy to be killed secondly there because we are so focused on each point we can't actually take any land because we'd be fine on this map because there's only two objectives to take and that's easy but on any other map we'd be terrible might be a good idea to destroy Hassan could we pull the men out of everywhere and redeployed a horse in I don't see why not warp to an entirely different continent boys when you lose on one you just go invade another that's how this works hmm that's how this works it's just like in Vietnam you lose in Vietnam you go pull out and be US just go elsewhere go take more land and nicer places all right I need to jump onto someone's Galaxy ship where do we actually need to deploy well where are we going to take we are we're going to we'll take from the the red boys over here plop a little waypoint on their broken Vale garrison let's do this let's do this right time to find a galaxy to sit in oh it's the coffee peasant mobile as much I'd love to I really shouldn't know why not why not any vehicles a vehicle all right oh here comes the the flight of this space elephants my god oh and I got a turret so stupid yeah this is effective my god right it's time for us to go odd words to the to the objective they've opened up the map actually oh you know what that means with the map open up we can actually take whatever objective we want including the amp station which gives us turret auto repair or that would be fun wouldn't it yeah let's take the amp station alright for that we need the seven Depot instead so your new objective go for the seven Depot and we'll take the amp station right take off angry connect your lovely flirty boy it even kind of sounds like a flying space whale the third-person cab doesn't even work anymore it is fired it's just lovely and slow nice and cruising I'd say I think the pilot does not know that you can press W to make it go faster maybe this is as fast as they can go oh look at them it's so majestic and beautiful the great flight of the sky whales the fact that all of these were almost completely full as well as kind of terrifying Oh oh no there's an enemy ship good lord didn't think we'd expect to see one of those targeting us we've almost taken the depo yes if you didn't if you didn't didn't gather by the way we've all moved to the new continent of hosts in books it's a much superior and we aren't losing anywhere near as badly there all right okay I'm gonna now drop off and we're gonna take this objective with relative ease oh my god is that smithco Boston Harper it is what a player the stinky diplomat yells in chats Biff you dare attack us read boys yeah we're killing the Reds this is our territory now hmm did someone just crash a galaxy yep all of the plates the beautiful plates oh I like that these planes even have gamma seats that's pretty cool it's very cool no I'll sit in the Gunners seat for a little bit this seems good it's just so relaxed oh no he's crashing it he crashed it that's the last time I get in a bloody seat with someone Oh God hmm what servers this is cobalt legendary Cobalt server I just love seeing the random Union Jack flag sat on the side of all of our big spaceships very good alright it looks like we have taken this objective almost completely which is lovely oh is that a knob will be yeah they just dropped a knob to a bomb of course they did not take that missed good stuff oh my god the enemies are deploying tanks and needs to be destroyed oh and I got run over by one of our own tags lovely God just sort of killed like six people what's the point of having a tag again like six friendlies if you only kill what a derby Oh God a spiffing slave one four seven eight nine he's very good valley and fighter ii really that's a lot of revived grenade there god the mess fighting in a swampland as well it's Prince Charles again he's back baby physically can't die oh my god all right we're almost doing it only fifty seconds away and then we take this point this is very effective so after we take this point ladies and gentlemen we're going to push on to the hurricane amp station which is only over to our right so preemptively you can set yourself up and then we should be able to take it very quickly oh my god where there's another one dead oh look at all the enemies just so many of them on all of the grenades now this really is Vietnam just the amount of crappy trees everywhere oh god it is uh yeah this is this is the game I know it's it look cheap that's not good that needs to be killed you'd be surprised how dangerous jeeps are just because they can run over our infantry yeah ok he's dead ok we took this outpost right onwards to the to the next place the amp station this is going to be a big proper valiant fight alright with great speed comes great Zerg rush watch out for the tanks trying to run everyone over hmm remember whilst you're killing your enemies and slaying them in the battlefield stop and have a refreshing brew of Yorkshire tea really does help your concentration keeps you hydrated nice and relaxed it's the best way to play this game why are you trying to get jeeps inside here this is not an effective strategy is just gonna kill everyone we don't need tags on the point or maybe we do maybe we do all right so we've got to capture a but in order to capture a we need to like defend points to blow out the shields and stuff I think it's a complicated system so even though this place has one capture point there's multiple ways you can you can go about taking it almost got dropped there let's revive in so great name here valium fighter all there's people on top of the roofs to our left that's a sneaky position and of course Prince Charles is reviving me so it's all good Oh auntie killed me but don't worry I bet he revived again all right there we go oh my god they're just coming out of the little room and the get killed all right let's go can we go through this shield no we can't bad shield bad shield that's a spawn room shield all over shields are fine not that one god there's a grenade there that's a grenade okay double healed that's a shield that's cute I haven't see oh that's a grenade Oh God hmm and I being revived lovely stuff right time to charge fruit oh we've got the shields down that's great that means we can push through and capture eight all right the capture begins and by capture of course I mean valiant death charge okay I have a brilliant battle strategy ladies and gentlemen instead of fighting for the middle one thing we could do theoretically although it does leave us relatively exposed is we could push all the way along this left flank here take all of these objectives and get to the warp gate and then if you take this one this one in this one the Reds lose all of their territory here so we could take all of this and then do the same to the purples and as long as we control these three points here and these three points here we control the entire continent just just a humble idea we might save for later or maybe another time it's who knows oh my god there's so many men here no no no no no don't fall don't fall oh don't fall good stuff all right so we've taken the a point that happened exceedingly quickly very impressed by all my men well done this is going to be captured in five minutes time so that's gonna be quite easy whilst that's um getting captured I guess we can actually simultaneously take the storage relay at the same time oh my god am I stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck someone was stuck inside of me due to voodoo where's the enemy spawn room is it perhaps behind here well it's this what is any of this oh this is the spawn room that's the spawn room oh my god what the hell is this are there people from our faction on the other side of that I just have no visibility there's no visibility that's a reg 15 yes oh oh well done soldier what's this did you spend certs on skills or whatever what I'll call they've got refunds nice awesome nice I got I got offered a refund I guess I don't know why or what for oh because we've taken this point all of this area's being cut off will become ours amazing who took this spiff Cove smithco captured fort dextral apparently nice oh my god we're already making pushes on the Left I guess we move up and take iron Quay that looks quite easy because we've captured this point very easily so yes that's it it seems like a fantastic idea where am I actually meant to deploy okay I will deploy for text or a guess and drive up a driver Cassandra to iron quake get a nice little spawn point set up that's what I'll do do we even have a vehicle spawn area probably I can't see though that's all guns boring guns that's a vehicle repair beacon isn't it yes not a vehicle spawn beacon it's a tank which someone left lying around good for them all right where is my tanks Barney room oh it's it's the other side isn't it it's over there it's 160 meters that way mistakes were made [Music] that's some nice team that's some really nice team I can't even express just how tasty is I'm gonna have to respawn in because it's there's no vehicle to ever little here all right redeploy time I can't be asked to walk all the way back to the vehicle terminal it's not worth it just redeploy so much more effective and if we got a spawn beacon over here yet no we don't that's fine got a spawn beacon at the eastern gate house oh we're not actually necessarily going to win there Oh actually we will I guess in three minutes time all right we've taken the amps - Oh what you know the enemies have just come in they've taken the secure storage oh okay that is actually interesting oh that's very interesting we're going to need to take that oh we're losing nation's defense are we oh that's not good at all right okay reinforcements redeploy our nation's defense it's gonna be spiffs defense we're gonna get them to rename it and it's gonna be valiant and successful and it's also going to stop the vanu sovereignty for three minutes or so yeah here we go got lady Lydia we've got Harry all of the boys here there we go there we go there's another one dropped good stuff where's the points to take care just C and B I think it is but you know there is also an A which is a hundred meters this way okay that's a pretty funky location for a capture point but I guess we do have to take it oh my god this field is full of them I guess their spawn rooms over there so this is where they're coming from we are suddenly the server population switch to our site oh god we need to take him fast or we don't have much time 50 seconds to retake this place I think we're in control of C or no we've lost control of C and we've got to take B C's just beneath us at first how do we lose there of course there's people set up here of course there is oh I'm gonna have to respawn in r2 okay it's now gonna take Emma MINIX we Bri took B so now we just need to retake C I still haven't quite completely worked out where C is actually on the map I feel like I'm stood right on top of it is it just right here it has to be something beneath us doesn't it I feel like I'm just so blind so blind ya see is down a level somewhere okay right maybe there's way down oh this is way up okay there's a little generator for vehicle it's very cute that's a bad man he's dead and I killed someone let us revive oh okay okay so we're now actually in control so we're pushing them out although we need to take a us is going to take us 14 minutes to to get them completely kicked out of here god they're in the trees they're in the trees it's just like the simulation said oh this is lovely chaos we've got a lot of Tanks they've got a lot of tanks this is good stuff keep losing be at the same time that's very annoying oh go retake of bees gonna be it's gonna be a rough one but it's a necessary one oh we lost the facility I think yeah that's it we lost the facility are we allowed to capture the objectives and immediately retake it or are they just gonna get locked think they might just get locked no actually we have taken it apparently okay so we've retaken bee now we need to also hold sea good stuff so bazaars now we take see we go that's enough one killed this is turning into a good fighter as well all right be is very much under our control but some of the other objectives are very much up in the air oh yeah there's a quad bike full of people oh oh and also don't forget to shoot the quad bikes for extra XP there you go loads of free monies god they're up on the little upon the little roofs now it's very annoying Oh God sure snip it to by man from behind I dropped a revived grenade down that should hurt you revived all of us on the spot come on come on come on come please please please oh I think it revived yes it revived someone who survived another person no I think that's it that's it beans this we've got a sundry deployed behind B hmm a tactical knife charged if I'm it's a valiant strategy I will say that if anything fixed bayonets I think would be more effective given the combat that we're facing here everyone knows fixed bayonets still the most flight-like effective fighting methods oh and I don't again the fork on back there that's not a good put spot we're taking that and as soon as we take that we can technically cut cut off Nathan's defense from behind although they are actually getting cut off from nation's defense this is good surf good that's another kill just watching all the bloody tags for the road that's an enemy oh there's the enemy I could see him he's he's cloaked he's a very sneaky boy cloak deliveries are very annoying in this game so hard to try and actually spot okay there's one let's bring up a cup of Yorkshire tea get him revived there we go oh and there's a little entrance way down here where we controlling a B and C oh my god this is it we've done it we've done it it's very effective times for us honestly our outfit has never worked more effective than this we are controlling territories and we're in with a dominant force of Holson yes I personally like to say that this means we've won the game although I might be wrong spiff is it 5k against another team or just 5k to try and break the service a little bit above sometimes a little bit of both sonic wolf the game won't actually let me put 5k on my team for the sole reason that if we had 5k the enemy wouldn't have 5k which would make it unfair they are okay with me having 2000 and then having 1000 so that's roughly the numbers we're working off of oh there's a little stealthy boy you'd be amazed how effective the stealth knife run man is in our glorious battlefield setup oh my god I just don't even know where the fighting is actually happening anymore we do need to take point C which is underneath that building somewhere it's not even a building it's a massive fort Oh God oh and of course I was of course it was silly of me to think that there wasn't seventeen enemies standing behind me chasing me God have we lost B with a spawn point next to be look at all the dead bodies on B I swear sometimes we've had entire massive squads of 12 being defeated by two men just look at all of the dead people here like there's stealth boys sat on our spawn admittedly I'm gonna get a bunch of experience from more the revives here but it's a vet coming at a great cost oh my god okay vanu sovereignty gain control of a Zamir that's fine oh I got sniped by a snipe you boy my god oh the horror oh hell oh I got knifed I got knifed by a knife man Oh extreme sniper potentially but I there's a little bit of delay on this trip so I somehow doubt it someone managed to stream start B oh my goodness dying is thirsty work it is especially when you're you're as effective as this my god our score is ridiculous absolutely stupid my lord what have we done what we're actually taking we're taking the area's behind the enemy lines which is really effective actually we've almost taken bravura a PMC compound compound all is actually looking like a rough fight not that we particularly gain much by holding it but it is one thing we could hold Oh No and they're taking back four decks Drexel okay right I will actually spawn on that because thought Drexler needs to stay in our control all right there we go bring back fort Drexler I don't actually know how many active current online fighters we have in our guild but it feels like we have quite a few oh my god be nice if I could have a statistic if there are X many chumps running around the landscape in front of you oh I'm dead I'm very much dead what a snippy boy very very snippy I see you're going for the Zeb Brannigan strategy I mean it's never failed me in the past and it won't fail me now alright someone take back B I'll go take C oh my goodness oh my goodness right we've taken B and a and we're probably gonna take C oh my lord because of how much land we've taken were actually gaining resources they terrifying rate ladies and gentlemen oh it's Worcestershire sauce there we go he gets a revive my valium pistachio sauce Bravo right charge up this very poorly defended tunnel I guess and then up here all as a stealthy boy of course there's a stealthy boy he's always a stealthy boy somewhere and I didn't even have time to drop my revive grenade it looks like we're gonna take this point back quite easily which is good because once we take it back that basically stops the advance of the Reds for quite a while the same time we're taking broken Vale garrison which will even more so cut off the Purple's who can I think no longer respawn there at least which is a good start yeah for drechsler this will good this will easily get back into our control very good although I say that as we're losing some of the objectives hmm first light viewing your sniffing oh well welcome Tufts thank you for being a channel member my dude lovely to have you here watching spiff life is complicated because it's nowhere near the high edit quality which you expect from your glorious standard Smith and Britt video but at the same time it's always guaranteed to be absolutely crazy wacky and will probably become a spiffing Brit video let's deploy in I just think it's only a now and then we've got it this aids inside this tiny building here that's a good that's a revive grenade this looks like a revived grenade room oh no someone ran through the back with a knife of course they did they said what with a knife oh no oh god wait five grenades and up these stairs we've done it oh wait no there's other people in here it's so hard to tell who's enemy and who's not with that bloody red light on the floor there's no way to physically tell Oh God have we taken a yes we've taken a hey is secure I means almost all of the objectives are secure that's a dead Auto turret good stuff oh they're taking B again oh and that's why my god what the hell is this it's the free EPG galaxy oh [Music] it looks like one of the other guilds of the game was decided to all bring in galaxies with fireworks oh this is beautiful oh thanks free EPG guild this is actually really nice of you adds a fair bit of chaos to our game and you know what you've you're putting up a break [Laughter] shout out to the player who just crashed a galaxy-class a transport into my face oh this is beautiful oh you know what a lot of people said the planetside 2 community was rather toxic and complicated to work with this is actually lovely thank you guys really really lovely of you oh my god I just wanted to go right over oh my god and got rammed by the outfit leader of the enemy I got rammed by the enemy outfit leader this is what a joyous experience and generous gift from the enemy outfit Oh God all right I'll just have to respawn in oh just as I was getting revived again doot doot doot - - let's drop a revived grenade down there because you know probably get someone go oh we've got actually some anti-air missiles going on oh my lord yeah it turns out bees gone a bit crazy Oh healing powers of tea revives me drop the grenade drop the grenade the revive grenade good that will revive all my allies for me come on yes it did not go respawn in all we have to do is take B point and see a day all we have to do is take all of the points that's grenade that's also another grenade why God they are putting up a beautiful defense I will say that more grenades oh I got an extreme Menace skill there though or we are actually pushing up to the B side this is good I'm not too sure where those spawn point on B is but it's a it's a spicy one I was sadly losing it the objective all right let's go take C as well as a and B just take all of them simultaneously my god is if they got a shield setup over there this they've suddenly we're fighting well-trained men who know how to fight we don't even have really that much of a population advantage over them oh this is an extreme smithco fight at least we have all of the fireworks setup yes they have a shield a defensive shield who would have fought almost taken see I'm wondering if I can get a nice Oh a nice flank on the enemies it's quite possible there we go this looks like it oh god just look at some of the locations of some of the enemies are just ridiculous oh no they're all in the shield as well they cannot be killed was that an orbital stroke as well just a nauseous abuse of colors what game this is platter so - you wouldn't be forgetting if forgiving a few for this was space Vietnam simulator but it's pretty close pretty close God more wife grenades that's a mech suit of course it is Prince Charles pick me up please sorry reloading not reviving oh my god the chaos of instantly dying and they're just big revived instantly I've died over seven times the last 30 circuits Oh swiss-cheese simulator yeah I mean just look at all of the holes getting put in us what is this where is my vision where is my vision well time to get some points from revive I guess there we go all of the numbers on the screen for reviving god oh my good lord this is not okay brew tea for your Brit a revive of plenty thank you very much russell Treadway very generous donation there of yours our Lord oh it's just so just all the lasers so many lasers oh my god Prince Charles picking me up well I think Prince Charles just died that's hopefully that never gets clipped I'm gonna lose my MB if that happens oh my god pull back nope we can't physically currents because anchored the Guild's the Guild's have come out in full force they came out in full mΓͺme force as well which is very powerful of them oh my god you know what ladies and gentlemen let's go take a picture everyone hit you we're gonna go take a nice big group picture together at the southern warp gate everyone redeploy your way over there and we're gonna take a nice lovely happy family picture time just so that we can get a nice visual sense of how many people there are and then yeah that's gonna be glorious that's all I need alright hopefully we because I'm not too sure how many people we actually had helping us out here today but there certainly was a lot so go go come see me at the lovely warp gate we've got the coffee lover bloody coffee lover okay I should probably revive you that was just a straight up execution classic coffee lover very naughty naming system oh my goodness yeah I've absolutely loved oh you didn't spawn at the warp gate oh I didn't spawn at the warp gate did I I spawned somewhere else entirely yeah the warp gates here IRA bellowed I've such a renlund dad start the warp gate that's the wolf gate deploy the warp gate much better ignore that loading screen this is 100% of what happens when you sign up to the Smith Co conglomerate oh what a look at the fireworks in here ladies and gentlemen they might not sound like fireworks but these are glorious victory fireworks celebrating the players they're popping it what is this what is this oh I'm so proud the players aren't even all load again they all pop in depending on the angle you're looking at oh man well done hats off to you this has been absolutely amazing and glorious I have loved every moment of this stream thank you very much for liking the stream for just watching the stream for doing anything in the stream even playing the game with us you have been absolutely stupidly crazy you like an ant colony which has just discovered machine guns and free will and sentience at the same time oh my god this has been this has been a glorious 3 hours thank you so much everyone if you want to do this again give me a shout leave me a comment on the stream pod or the video vote and we'll see about doing it because this is horrifying I can't even see the chaos which is going on here oh my god alright goodbye ladies and gentlemen have an absolutely lovely day and it's goodbye for now I probably goodbye for a little while X videos coming up Monday it's gonna be a spicy one make sure you give it a watch what the hell have I done to this game what the hell have I done
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 912,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planetside 2, planetside 2 gameplay, planetside 2 escalation, spiffing brit, live, planet side 2 live, planetside 2 5000 players, perfectly balanced game, planetside 2 perfectly balanced game, planetside 2 exploit, planetside 2 epic battle, planetside 2 massive battle, Destroying Planetside 2, funny, Destroying Planetside 2 With A 5000 Player Zerg Rush, english, ps2, planetside mmo, planetside live, planetside broken, destroying planetside, destroying planetside 2
Id: Lf2rZqfYNPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 50sec (11990 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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