Becoming A God In Minecraft - Minecraft Is the best game ever! 100% not broken I promise

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Thank you so much! I've been wanting to watch it but I couldn't find it!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ben81800 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
in life okay it'll take a bit it'll take a bit my goodness oh we are life oh good lord there we go I'm not sure if we are life you're probably gonna have to refresh the page or something edge wait if you can hear this it's all fine there we go I've got an advert from my own stream incredible welcome all of you people watching I hope you're all having a lovely day at the moment you'll notice the server isn't open it will be very shortly we've just been making some slight modifications to it you'll notice there's between several fine additions like say this burning chamber which is brilliant it's entirely automated as well we can put someone in there and then they just get set on fire in front of an eye nice live studio audience which is perfect so that's something which were having the church do this session we've actually finalized a shame pile for the people who break rules we've kind of also established a new rules over on the rule boards which basically streamlines all of the guilds so they actually have to follow a bunch of complicated rules now we also have new rules for the peasants and so on which they need to follow minty is around but you know where is minty oh there's minty minty dis little shame corner hello chat by the way you're having a lovely time I hope you're having a lovely day allow me to explain for all of you who understand what's happening and also don't understand what's happening this is our incredible minecraft server the way the server works is very simple we have about 150 players on the server and basically those players are on a hardcore server where if they die they're immediately banned and new players then immediately come in and fill the role the server is set up so that I'm the king of the server and effectively everyone else has to obey my or forit arian lovely all minty however he's not very good at doing that and so he's found himself in a little prison cell which sucks to be minty but you know some of us didn't break the complicated redstone rules okay actually it's also arguable if minty even broke the redstone rules we also made some changes to the warehouse so that you don't actually need to well go into the warehouse if you're depositing stuff it goes in there and we also built up like a little airlock to stop people just running and then stealing stuff as well as getting rid of all of the wooden trapdoors which were on the windows on the bottom floor I'm not sure why the people who built it had trapdoors because it meant you could open a trapdoor and just open a chest inside a terrible construction idea that for some reason no one noticed other than me just because I'm you know I'm that good of Minecraft we also have these lovely warnings now so that when you see do I have it yes when you leave spiff topia you get a message basically alerting you that you're in the wastelands and in areas like this so just across this bridge pvp is enabled and players can kill the world they can kill each other in this error in swift Opia you fight you're pretty much safe except from being killed by me or guards because they can PvP in this zone so watch out oh and also what else have we got we've also set up a Assassin's Guild now which is basically a way to increase the interaction and the change which people can can have on the street like say Skelly vamps here saying I'm getting this how early kill minty basically how this system works is that in the description for the livestream there is a list of things you can do with donations and then based on what you donate and what you ask for in your donation we will do we have a guild of players set up who will go about and execute the will of the chat the Assassin's Guild and and espionage guild and one of those things as very generously donated via the fantastic medium of YouTube just refresh but of course it isn't showing me who did donate Skelly vamps donates a lovely five dollars to say kill minty this is actually very easy thing to do because I can switch to GMs and go hey dude Skelly vamps says kill minty execute order 69 oh my good this we all have special swords as well for killing minty which is brilliant but he's running oh wait I can do it I forgot I could kill minty there we go oh there we go and I'm pretty sure he's dead lovely issue with killing minty as he doesn't bring up a def message because he's a very easy he's a slimy sausage and also a moderator meaning he doesn't have a natural death message but thank you very much telegrams for your generous donation trial he's still on trial chat ok but this was an assassination it's different okay this is the justice system to an extent okay the justice system slightly complicated I could this hashtag free minty project minty was framed William Cruz there's zero documented evidence that minty was framed other than all of the stream perspectives of people framing minty I don't know what you're on about oh my goodness I hope you're all having a lovely time as well in the live stream chat this is gonna be a nice stream should only be about three hours in length and you know we'll cut it down into a nice little video and hopefully I will be able to go about my aim today which is to become the god of this entire server I mean I'm already the king of this server which is you know brilliant it's lovely to be king but what's better than being worshipped by subjects it's being worshipped by fanatical believers that I am an almighty Supreme Being because whilst I am an almighty Supreme Being evidently people like minty don't think so Oh piss off you cheeky that's sausage then dive dive I mean this is this is me helping the peasants who says I'm not a man of the people some would say my my gladiator arenas are a good sign of assisting the peasantry they're wrong oh my goodness doo doo doo doo hello Chet have you ever meal of your time spiff I own over 150 bucks of Yorkshire tea that's very good so the server is paid to win no the server is sadly not paid to win I wish it was but it's it's actually not it's are we theoretically you could try and force your way onto the server with paid entry by just killing all all of the other members off of the server but we have we have contingencies in place to stop that so don't worry one cool guy says Minty's mum for mod one cooler guy I have never met Minty's mother but I'm sure she would make a lovely moderator and she probably also wouldn't dabble in redstone so thank you very much for 50 Australian do LaRue's that's very generous and murmured garbs praise the almighty Lord spiff I'll thank you very much for your very generous 10 Dula rules very very generous ah you know what I think we're actually pretty much ready this is a lovely setup we have we've tidied up the server a bit we've bulldozed a bunch of houses which were rubbish and terrible and didn't fit in and I think we're ready can we make the server online twice a week we can't I meant I can't stream that much do you know how difficult it is to organize it once a week it's crazy I was someone asking for me to resurrect lo Lala's been resurrected this week lollipop one has been resurrected simply because he won a game of csgo and the bet we had running was that if he won the csgo game he could be boy he could come back on the server and yeah he did good so he's back commander why I just had to teach an American how to make tea are you proud of me King Smith I am okay this is something complete segue from everything we're doing now Connor you can open up the server as well but I have seen an American make tea okay commander why I'm sure the way your American made he was better than this so the way this American made tea because in America most of them don't have access to kettles which if you don't know are little cylinders which you put on and they just electrically heat water it's incredible it's amazing they just boil it to a perfect boiling point and then you can pour that water into a mug add your teabag it's amazing this American this thought that a kettle was kind of like one great big electric teapot and so what he did was he dropped the teabag into the kettle and hit the boil which as everyone knows is a horrible disgusting and terrible idea why honor if he did that it I don't know but naturally he was greatly mocked for it it was it was disgusting absolutely horrible oh my goodness yeah because all you end up with is just a lime scaley cup of tea it's it's heresy but yes he dropped the teabag into the kettle for all of you yogscast fans out there that's Dao toss of the Yogscast okay regularly beat him in sip six so all is justified all is fair I get my revenge I keep dad you'll feed $10 I love you videos that first time I've ever donated keep up the good work love me of the king thank you very much that you're Emma Stone very generous $10 Steve Jones 25 pounds good afternoon do you have time to talk do you have time to talk about our Lord and Savior spiff yes exactly that's what we're that's what we're working with now people having time to talk about their Lord and Savior look they even have time to look at the new rules look at them go we also have fantastic old laws back hello lo he's had to change his name and everything yes we've got some brilliant things like we overhauled the ranking system to make it easier so more peasants will move up society we will basically be streamlining peasants into guild so to stop them being well you know forced around into stupid situations it's a fairly low will now serve the kingdom greatly well done low good we also have ways of dealing with all of the people who were trying to DM me so I'm actually excited to see what happens when someone dm's me because the first person to DM me has a pleasant surprise awaiting yes it rhymes with with half I guess very excited banded guilds oh yeah there's a there's some bandits now you've got to keep your eyes up also the rules aren't completely over I want HG Wells to probably add some more like laws and it's also up to the IRS to do that someone thank you very much 400 SEC good evening o Lord all things true the true Kings babe thank you very much someone oh my goodness how often good you can't just give an over $25 to kill minty again I mean actually you can I need to I need to put out a hit on minty so the way the Assassin's Guild works is I wouldn't actually be going out and doing the assassins I love people the assassinations I love people doing it for me which is perfect it's exactly how I want it done thank you very much Nathan Mars as well so glad to finally catch me live you love falling asleep to a smooth voice my friend just clip this audio bit in loop it you have done a fantastic job today and you deserve the sleep that you're about to get just close your eyes relax remember the glorious thing that is drinking your QT and just have a lovely day my goodness you've earned this sleep you really have there you go that's your ASMR outro this oh we've got some new people join this server from a distance oh it's Colonel Savage has arrived very nice very very nice lovely stuff oh my goodness 20 Australian dollars to praise mango there is no praising of mango she played okay so for those of you that don't know mango is my fiancee and yesterday she played minecraft for the first time the parts of her playing minecraft for the first time I witnessed included oh my god I've got Minty's head Oh brilliant trophy oh this is amazing oh I absolutely love it oh that's perfect so parts of what I watching her entailed was for her to place down a block instead of actually having in a hop she had it in our offhand and that was how she was placing things down on the floor via the offhand which was beautiful and very cute to watch it's very adorable oh my goodness but yes I've actually got Mindy's head and this is very good where is minty actually I don't know let me do g MSP and then / teleport to minty to fresh where is he oh oh I know where he is that's a oh I'm not revealing that yet oh my that's a lovely thing but we'll get to that later minty is in a unique spot of the map after rebelling from our colony he's decided to instead set up a bandit camp and we'll be raiding our various peasants throughout the course of the stream which would be good for my goodness oh and seriously thank you very much to all the people here watching and the very very generous donations to the stream seriously that's really kind of all of you and just all the people who've liked the stream Pat yourselves on the back you lovely sausages really really generous people mark sure would I consider a rural historian to keep a record we actually have that we have someone setting up a library to keep record of all of this which should be good and let me actually I realize I need to do an announcement slash verb Royal welcome back to the kingdom today things are slightly different so make sure to check the rules and asked guild leaders for a job there is currently a reward for Minty's head simply kill simply kill him and bring me his head for a fantastic price and promotion okay that's fine oh I need to hold paper I forgot paper that's all changed now I can't just royal Burgh whenever I want any paper beans to I could miss let me find it let me find some paper oh my god I've also just got a bit of Minty's head as well because apparently everyone has a bit of Minty's head lying around the guy shares his head so frequently it's it's impossible not to end up receiving a head room in tea oh good this right time to do by Royal bird oh wait hold the paper such a such a boomer paper that play does not exist there is no player it's a royal burb or did i beens up how it do oh and also if you're one if you're watching this and you're wondering why were you banned on the server good so the reason why is they would go Royal Decree done the reason why is because we banned everyone on the we banned everyone on the server who was under the age of fourteen personally I wanted to make it 16 but you know that would probably upset a lot of people just because as is the issue we're doing a lot of Minecraft stuff to get a lot of young people and there's nothing wrong with being a young person it's really cool it's brilliant you've got some very exciting things to look forward to and to do but I'm just not particularly comfortable with them being on that discord because it's not that our discord is you know a filthy horrible place is just that the vast majority of the people on my discord are over the age of 18 and it just kind of feels a bit weird and wrong and also it violates discourse Terms of Service to have people under the age of 13 I say yeah that's why that's why you're probably banned sorry friend we I'm actually very proud of how we did it so if you're not aware chat what I did was I put in the discord announcements that we were conducting a census and we had people reactive her what age category they were in and we then skimmed through the emot-- reactions and then just banned all the people who'd reacted with anything less than 14 because you know there's high 100 IQ plays and it led some very funny things like me receiving an email being like why was i banned off of the discord and I just said because you probably reacted to the thing saying you're under 14 and the guy was very polite he just responded with oh we scabbed a lot of children that day but it was a necessary scam Thank You vetoed for your $50.00 to kill minty twice okay that's a slash slash verb royal the price on Minty's head just doubled the winner receives Oh what should we say Oh a diamond sword whoa there's not many of those and I have actually got a spare one so it makes sense so thank you very much vetoed now we're probably going to see massive waves of people running off in vaguely that direction to try and get some in tea we'll see if they actually run it to VIN T and if they even survive because he's got a pretty interesting setup going my goodness jail minty in the shame Pole thank you very much of your money Chris the way jailing minty and the shame pole goes is that someone actually has to go out and capture him and then we imprison him in the shame pole you know it's a it's not a sexy shame pole it's just a shame all oh and also here's the incredible warehouse setup we now have which I'm personally very happy with oh we got veil on the server now as well that's very good this is very nice I'm so impressed with what we now have set up the whole tax system is perfect novel got onto the server Oh lovely so novel is another person working with the IRS today which is beautiful absolutely beautiful my so how are you doing today I'm 100% not just leaning over here to type something on my laptop which I have to the side of me do to do to do Oh beans I got used off the server did the surfer go down no I was just me getting heated did I hit the FK think I wasn't still for that long where is hobo he's been resurrected but whether he chooses to come back this week's entirely on him I can't just force a player to come out of the woodwork it is a case of he has to actually come on to the survey himself but he's been removed from the whitelist so that's all that matters okay service stop that's fine so I was coming back up on us in a second all this good now all I have to do is just sit in here and look at the beautiful yogscast it'll probably take a couple of minutes guys Oh Matt Kay thank you very much $400 a sip a few videos one saved me from suicide and once help and help me out of depression I don't want to reply oh right that's fine thank you very much you're crazy donation so funy might be doing much better now like depression and suicides a really rough ink like it's it's not an easy thing to go through and certainly a lot of people in the world are they going through at the moment because they're in really difficult situations we've complicated home lives and so on and yeah it's it's not an easy thing to go through and if you're out there and having a rough time it's all good you've got a million other people out there who really just want to want to see you want to see you do well can often feel like the world's against you but there's so many lovely people out there it's it's all good trust me although is it you know takes a lot it's not like you can just say be happy it's a very complicated thing depression oh my god it's it's Luis friendly of the Yogscast of self ladies and gentleman on his alt account bond boy oh my god it's it's to lose feelings of the Yogscast how many articles does this van have this is incredible I'm your biggest fan Lewis oh can I get a picture with the guy from the Yogscast oh so many Lewis's around it's incredible absolutely incredible over there is a sander by the way he I'm pretty sure he built most of this whoops oof this lovely server it is this server here is the yogscast one it's closing down shortly which is a shame but you know servers have to go up and down those things happen they made lovely thing our server is now back lovely Thank You Connor that was really Swift my goodness here we go lovely stuff ah look at all these lovely people it is almost quite good fun to drop by and have all the people are watching the stream suddenly rock up and see what they're up to oh he's out back cool dude oh he's our lovely pub landlord they're building some extensions to their pub and actually they've moved it into a different location as well god I have so many diamonds it's crazy oh and there's also a market getting built here which is very nice I'm excited to see what players will do with that there was also several houses which we've taken down likes a funky cow here built a absolutely ridiculous two-story monstrosity with glass despite being a peasant and so we tore it down for obvious reasons we also tidied up this this area here where someone has immediately tried to build a house is this a house that they're building it best not be what maybe it can be a house if it's a house of SB bunk house because previously there was just a big ugly farm here and it just doesn't make sense for there to be a farm in the middle of a city 15 Donuts 5 quid say amaya Tory I'm gonna answer this question once it comes up every single stream just any vaguely political question or fails boys Diamond Dharma hello are you doing well Lord you look most jazzy today oh I love them oh and also I need to say link Vale today Vale I have an announcement for you you are being promoted to head of the IRS which for those of you that don't know is the it's the in its isolate the in realm tax collection beans I've forgotten it I have forgotten what IRS stands for also links is the branch manager now it's the Imperial Revenue Service of course there we go fantastic just a just that kingly bit of dementia going on you know oh my god this I love working with Rafael oh we also have our first footman who is Rosco so footmen are a unique promotion of guards and basically they they're the only rank of guards which can actually fight in towns so they're basically the only class who can PvP players in the safe area which is a great way of like catching criminals but the vast majority will be spent actually finding criminals and then just handcuffing them and then putting them in a Cell anyway back to the boring political question am i Ettore as with all questions to do with politics it doesn't bloody matter I'm an online internet persona that drinks a lot of tea I should not be a source of political opinions I will never source any political opinions and yeah I just I wouldn't listen to me actually I mean I've listened to me as a joke but just take everything I say with a pinch of British British satire I don't agree politics don't ever place on this channel they don't have a place in the comment section of this channel they don't have a place on the discord because we ban all of it and same for the live stream chat it's just not what we're here for we're here to have fun in minecraft with our friends not to talk about you know upset some real work stuff lop off at the moment do to do to do Cygnus the wizard I love your content man I also brought some Yorkshire tea I hope you enjoy that my friend thank you sickness very generous there's a lot of very generous people out there oh you found a meat eater oh okay normally I would say report this to a guard but I will take interest in this Pascal take me to they're selling it oh my goodness this is incredible so on actually selling meat oh this can 100% the be stopped Pascal is Loki dressed like the Pope but you know that's fine I could do do-do-do to do all right let's go over here where is this person selling meat I mean they're probably gonna pull the excuse of oh I was selling it to the nobles only but it's entirely possible that they they weren't in which case we we stick them in the fire pit which I'm excited about very excited about right where is it oh my goodness oh oh fish this is an issue it's merlok oh my well we can have to keep an eye out for merlok technically meet my scope keep an eye out for my lock arrest him and put him in the shame hit the pit of shame is a beautiful creation it's it spent a fool maybe ten minutes of construction to create the elaborate system of a trapdoor and iron bars truly incredible truly amazing oh my goodness is this someone asking me for something oh it's the first one of the day ladies and gentlemen someone asking for things from me okay hello are you trying to get my attention this is it ladies and gentlemen this is it perhaps my lord okay I will give you one chance don't do it again so the rule is if someone asks me for something something funny is going to happen to them because of how much loss dream I got bombarded by DMS and messages of people being like hello can I be can I be God peace can I please be God I would like to be the God please God what is this quarry guild members only funky funky the guilds need to be outside the city only housing and basis for guilds should be inside the city nice try funky my goodness Oh both that's the kind of fun finger which the IRS can crank down on Andrew Piske says assassins killed Andrew Forex pip This Is It this is it it's time for an assassination meeting okay for the assassin who is probably watching the stream and keeping track of things I will meet you in the secret backroom of the of the pub for there is a contract this is very important thank you very much I drew you have you've made me very proud of that donation can assassins get assassinated yeah 100% if you put an assassination hitter on a player all it is is one one attempt if they if the assassination fails it fails there's nothing we can do but it's it's an attempt on a player and hopefully it's right it's it's gonna work and the person will get killed they equally might not I am having a meeting make sure no one disturbs me a shifty individual this should be good minty head oh if I still got the minty head on oh my goodness I do yeah I'm taking that minty head off oh my goodness that's a yeah not all about that minty head how do you become an assassin there's some you've got to be you've got to be picked out to be an assassin it's not something that you just rock up and become there's a lead hidden group and I have to go through a hidden agent in order to actually reach them which will be good for my goodness oh right was this person arrives I'm actually gonna quickly nips the Luke's I drank like four cups of tea so one sec I'm terribly sorry entertain yourself chat what cup of tea are you drinking lightweight I'm drinking beer water Magnum dog you can't drink Magnum dog suppose you could I'm not gonna I'm not gonna judge you for drinking Magnum dog whatever floats your boat actually not I can do I can go into spectator mode until he arrives there we go oh we've got boobs covering apparently okay instead as you - if t individual for today no it's just going up there okay right my goodness you're drinking Ribena Ribena is not the beverage of choice for this very important time sir I see your shifty individual come through this man does not look shifty I am looking for a different shifty guy dude is not dude is full a boy today who isn't one of our incredible moderators who recently dyed his hair bright purple because unknown reasons could this wrong shifty guy yeah it's it's really complicated there are so many so many different shifty guys oh my goodness you've only had four cups of tea I've had more than four cups of tea who you dude sent me you're not you're not the board go away ah fantastic flawless RP it's amateur fighter not suspicious hello there are you the contacts oh good evening my king lovely good I have an individual that needs taking care of does a mutual friend have the ability to murder a peasant this is the true test of test of faith oh my goodness I'm so glad we actually had this tested it separately the oh he can kill a target within the city walls incredible I will allow him to to do it in whatever place suits him try not to get caught Andrew placed a bounty of $50 on notary's head once he is killed bring his head and mount it on the wall in here there we go this is it chat we've done it oh my goodness oh there we go he's off on his way goodbye amateur fighter the dark assassin he's really totally not suspicious not suspicious at all look at him go oh my goodness Oh and also it's it's the fantastical court jester worst esource hello was Steve I love a good bit of whiskey he's a really lovely guy very funny very funny individual I'm hungry I should probably bread now one thing players will probably start to notice very quickly on the server is that food will go down a bit faster and also food will take longer to grow oh my goodness were immediately 114 players of only 27 ping lovely lovely stuff turn Auto jump off sniff no I love it it drives it drives people insane to have Auto jump on look at that look at that hmm this is very good i watch oh I've realize I need to go I need to go see my castle because it's currently under construction ladies and gentlemen and it's a very interesting place I do love my castle it's over here through these trees they've built an incredible bridge oh my goodness just look at how awesome this looks I mean it's not ready yet but they're getting pretty close so welcome to the fantastic and legendary spiff castle truly is beautiful Wow look at them look at them work on this glorious thing that absolutely brilliant I'm so impressed by what they've gotten up to it's really really a sight to behold my king I turned my suit around this time oh yes goodness Imperial fish is the most confusing person to talk to because his entire character is back to front well done just you can't even look at his face it's so confusing thank you very much for the $50 free Don you've asked me to implement an IRA code and by that I hope you mean Inland Revenue Association guilt because if you mean the other thing then yeah we definitely can't give lament that into the game Oh actually and though I actually need to speak to the mining guild I need to speak to the head of the mining guild Florin fetch him for me here there we go this will be good I will simply have to stand here and wait for the mine oh here he comes Hey [Music] so dwarven you have done an excellent job I now promote you too Oh what do we actually have what would the bros which we had prepared for this I've forgotten all of the tracks we had he is he's on the mine possibly head miner to head miner there we go if one of you moderators could do that that would be lovely and I would also like you to move your mining operations to a specific location come with me this is all very good so effectively I want the mining guild to tidy up the map a bit and also we need more resources for the big castles so for that I need to have him actually do something for me and in that case it's it's this massive hill over here I want entirely removed I just wanted tidied up by when they cut down I want the stone from it basically melted into a castle it is a bit of a walk from the town but it's kind of like the biggest densest portion of stone we have beyond quarrying out the entire underside of the world so it should be around about well what the heck is that great big red thing what is that great big red thing I am so confused what the heck is this this wasn't what is getting built here I can see stuff being added to it who is up there okay right well we might as well go up there and see what F is going on here but this is basically the mountain I want them to mine down I want all of this mountain cut down and mined out yes why no for these people doing out here what are you doing here for they making why is it just they've just got a great big red finger this makes no sense okay fine people move in mysterious ways I won't judge Kirsten you can't donate Ted Ted euros to kill amateur fighter not suspicious he's a very reasonable character and the leader of the Warriors guild this is our monument for the Great Yorkshire tea my king okay thank you warrior I would like you to build this tea monument and assist the miners in setting up and fo be here all right goodness oak links has sent me message good afternoon sir I'm requesting a meeting to discuss the Guild's as there seems to be much confusion or fantastic I can go find links there we go dududu to do pepper pool message for minty capture King sniffing holding for ransom you want me to have a ball you want me to pass that on to minty right I can I have to have a another meeting with at you know leave aside for totally not suspicious he can he can pass the horn and freedom gave me another $50 yes your your second guild idea is no better than the first one we're not having the Boston Tea Party guild that is 100 percent out of the question good god no Boston Tea Party code not allowed not allowed at all my goodness so yes some of the things that the players can well some of the things that you of the chat could outdo you can kill players but you can also said measured messages to players as well as steal things from players and apparently you want me to send a message to minty actually no I can do that myself teleport to minty to fresh wait and then go wait don't be alarmed I have a message someone paid ten quid to say capture spiff and ransom him that is all there we go message delivered to - too minty there I hope you're happy hello links go so this is the brand new warehouse which were working with which is a brilliant because it has a nice air lock system and items get deposit here to be sorted very good sir this goodness someone sent me a message I'll deal with that later yes yes with me links good ok so uh let's go out let's go to the tablet we'll have to exit the warehouse for that that's over here so yes Oh someone sent me a message which is good that's lovely did someone say redstone there's no redstone I didn't see any redstone will ban that will definitely ban that person who edits the videos are you held up bicep if Harry's not held up by me he's just you know occasionally robbed of access to family and friends so that he can edit on the videos faster that's a lie is actually you spending some fun time with some family today so we'll actually be late to rocking up to the stream be good there we go nice creepy music as well hello links how can I help its branch manager now I love it he's gag his way up with the world really does so yes of course as you remember probably from the last stream the IRS wrote up a 80 page tax document concerning how to tax everyone which I absolutely love it's brilliant big F of funky cow is funky cow died I think our funky cow died people the horrible house hello so the Guild's there seems to be some notion circulating among the rabble I can assign guilds can i order is there a proper channel to mark to mark the leaders of the guild yes speak to caller brow on the on the magical internet for discord he will give you the list of leaders and will promote them in game so they stand out there we go lovely stuff this is perfect oh hey Atlas thank you very much for your five quid I'm you got kicked off the disk of being too young thanks anyways Biff it's the least I can do Franks Atlas um sorry fapping to removes you it's just a personal moral thing I have it's very complicated I shall go and survey the guild to make a list then good stuff links if you need a hand grab a guard good stuff right lovely also I need to actually promote out back here also I need to promote you back you are now in keep out back your role should appear by magic in 10 to 30 working minutes of rest poke good job guarding restroom good stuff there we go now he's a lovely character rest poke he truly is oh and this is the courthouse which the players building I'm very proud of it it's very very unique it's gone it's all run by townsman HG Wells here hello Hg any crime today I'm excited I want to find the first person that that they have to imprison for doing naughty stuff I think null over there is currently writing the entire legal document oh oh is this my lord it has come to my attention that you are having to do a lot of criminal investigation in the kingdom I propose that we set up a detective agency of which I've built a building for agency by the laws board it's the first person to send me a message this is it okay okay this is time for it's time for the first big event of the stream ladies and gentlemen someone to DM me an actual message request for something o hype yourselves up grab yourselves a fresh cup of tea because you know you might have guessed what's coming here we go I'm going straight over to the church because we've built a brand new exciting feature all I need to do is get scoop over here hopefully Scoob is by the church and consequently easy to come by where is he I need him to organize an event for me where is where is Scoob where's your priest when you need him we got talent hey she was I love it he's got such a beautiful little skin now I love your outfit it's so so jazzy right I need to summon Scoob now / burb spooky Ted come to the church we have a subject for celebration probably put celebration and air quotes and you know what let's let's also bring over that lovely guys / teleport FBI gummy to the spiffing Brit let's bring him here hello there peasant friend it has come to my attention that you decided to DM the king my food it's a waste don't worry your building will be used for good this will be good ladies and gentlemen don't preemptively put f4 big gummy or well it's fine I mean you can probably guess what happens in this event chamber but it's got brilliant reviews 11 out of 10 really heartwarming show from crispy oh he's just going into the box already please stand inside and wait for the audience to arrive I will actually get up on top of my kingly podium excited needs I'm here to watch I'm not here to actually do anything it's all very exciting all very very exciting and my lovely lovely greatly kingly seat here and I can see if I cover you the little box oh my goodness I can actually also teleport scoop to me i teleport let's go to brick and go just for some here hey Scoob I have someone in the box you know what to do I will announce the event right let's do it slash royal come to the church near the arena for a fantastic event glory said to table this to be had lovely stuff now we just get to observe the justice process and the justice system how much have Connor sent a plague from the peasantry Justin five five dollars probably isn't enough to destroy the entire server no we do have plans for it maybe that in the future but it's so crazy change that would take a lot of setup we have some unique features coming in but they're a bit more subtle what did he do wrong by the way he sent me idea that is literally it he sent me idea if you can we please accept your fate and replace the Flint for peasants be silent or you will have the same fate show respect to to the prisoner lovely to be very exciting apparently Scoob needs Flint brilliant you just go fix that solve that problem of course good stuff why the heck is peasant doctor gravy fighting a silverfish over though how'd he get a silverfish up here even oh my god who built the finger-fucking silverfish oh my god stupids they built the entire figure of silverfish I cannot even my god the tire seating area and chamber outs of silverfish goddamn crispy buttons is dead it was a massacre the peasants come back [Laughter] god damn it well done Scoob oh my goodness oh my goodness they are such a pain to kill as well they don't do much damage but they're just there's just a lot of them oh my gosh for a big swing let them prove her big swing let them group up big swing in group a big swing oh my goodness so basically if you can't tell this was an entirely lovely seating area and then for some reason the stupid moderator has decided to build a seating area without checking if it was made of silver fish or not and it is entirely made of silver fish all of it's made of silver fish even the upper seating stands where I was fit to be said oh yes it's just a plague of rats you're right you're right [Music] right resume the event pretend nothing happened all is fine all is fine I'm just gonna have to build my my way back out to my kingly seat so let me go do that very royal and noble looking please don't ignore the brand-new dirt king stand which is where I will be I've got York City goldzilla which is very generous right resume the event Blake I blame minty for that it was probably Minty's doing anyway probably look like busy of course it was mid tees the only person who could do such a thing right let's all be quiet we gather here today to witness the fate of those the message the king Oh perfect this is absolutely incredible stop eating he's not escaped go okay means he's not a scapegoat he's just the the sinister hand behind everything that goes wrong in the world he's like an Australian devil or Tasmanian devil he's the Tasmanian devil it makes sense meant he has killed these people he should be punished the King has decreed that no person shall mesh and message him with undress cause oh my goodness here he goes oh my goodness long live King sniffer its final words oh my goodness lots of F's for Kiki country hey or the king cleansed in the eternal fire what a loving peasant what a loving peasant well done FBI gaming took it like an absolute champ ripped crispy buttons ever also whoo if we can have if we could turn this into like a into like a memorial standard that'd be brilliant because you know how I'm often said tennis courts they have they have say I don't know the princess diana memorial stand i feel like it makes sense for us to have the print earth well be the memorial stand for all of the poor peasants that lost their lives fighting the silver fish plague this is this is fantastic how's the new pub doing as well it's looking pretty good I'm really liking the progress they're doing a great job very good job you know I'm gonna go have a chat oh this there's our steward Connor covert go over sit in the church and see how far the scoop is coping after accidentally having all of the peasants it on effectively literal fire podiums oh hello Connor do you have anything to announce my my fantastic right-hand man Scoob apparently needs us to spread the horrible truth about the other church and what and that it was their doing of course it was the other Pope's fault [Music] however I see Scoob Oh scoops outside converting people to be priests to go and slack off the other church Roberts Tagus delivers ships Oh Oh God do we still have somebody present he's still waiting there there's no way there's no way he's still there that can't be true Connor Oh what is what is this no not oh the Constitution is ready oh I'm excited oh yes book and curve the constitution of the kingdom of the spiffing brick created by attorney general Helen or edited by HG Wells table of contents Bill of Rights art cause his majesty noble Parliament judicial quarter has Taxation Office law enforcement office the Church of swift opiate and rules for all this is so incredibly important oh my goodness bill for Rights one you have the freedom to do to do what His Majesty says wait that doesn't sound like freedom - you have the freedom to stuff ah now that is freedom free you have the freedom to contact the Knights if something is needed refrain from speaking to his majesty if it isn't important for you have the freedom to only speak good things about his majesty you have the freedom to pay your taxes but you don't have the freedom to not pay your taxes that's where we draw the line freedom from food exactly kiss Amon inch at exactly six you have the freedom to petition for His Majesty to continue his immortal reign which I will do so we've all read your willingness you have the freedom to throw your life away for his majesty you have the freedom to quell any rebellions against his majesty you have the freedom to forcefully to be forcefully thrown into any job given by his majesty or his knights and you must fulfil that job subject to the whims of the Almighty spiff article 1 the Constitution His Majesty is the sole source of authority for all public action noble and judicial henceforth Authority must be sought not in common law principles such as parliamentary sovereignty tree sovereignty or a liberal power so basically I'm the king the Kingdom nationality is defended together with the rules governing the acquisition and loss of Kingdom nationality I've got no idea what half of this means why have we got a section on non-nationals the only non nationals on the server a minty because we exiled him the British Queen is a secondary god Lord and if she joins the kingdom of the spiffing for her power is only second to his majesty oh so of course here if the Queen loads up her minecraft account and joins the server right we'd have to do a dual monarchy system which is completely fair game heck I'd probably seed monarchy rights to the Queen she deserves it she's the best minecraft player actually he really she really is the establishment of organizations of the government are are the God Lord oh my goodness so basically I am I'm God yes I have become God in the eyes of the law peasant shall act as peasants those who attempt to break out of the social norm in any way oh my goodness and that is to not help the kingdom in any way shall face justice so peasants have to remain peasants we apparently have a noble Parliament now as a judicial court system as well there's a Taxation Office the Taxation Office isn't allowed to punish those who do not pay their taxes as this information is relayed to the law enforcement yes that is something so veil can fail can punish and detain to an extent but he can't outright kill someone he has to pass that person on what's this if anyone finds any corruption the Taxation Office them the Taxation Office themselves punishing of us or that the Taxation Office is taking more or less resources that the action will be taken to the court oh my goodness already seeing a political divide between the judicial court system and the perfectly justified and fair tax collecting cult which is sprung up after last week's stream Wow it is is this actually 61 pages there's a section on the church of spife there's peasant rules oh my goodness skeletons must be called bone boys yes and if they're not people will be punished in jail for one day guild leaders of course not have to be registered and they're responsible for their members guilds are responsible for their taxes yes leading to a SWAT raid since when did we set up a SWAT raid system oh my goodness okay good job no knock give it to Conor to duplicate and we'll distribute it but look at this lovely church we have of course bow your head in silence as the holy holy Psalms going in the background let me crank up that tune here the holy singing oh yeah this my jam' [Music] good better a good bit style I'm pretty sure it is a nice bit of staff it's way too loud to me I've look at Ally it's Pascal oh oops not staff not even style I'm sorry Chad I'm sorry forgive me hey laughs even the bank accounts please don't Cool J flattered me okay he's a good friend goodness a Wooster want something for me oh hey woody it's someone in my way this is my newfound power I can purge people out of my way what can I do for you miss dee doo doo doo doo he could put Minty's head on a spike or what an incredible idea I still haven't been given a Minty's head though which I'm quite disappointed by there's a decent bounty put out on it and minties only like I don't know 500 blocks that direction so it's quite easy oh my god would Steve what have you got to say that's so long what are you typing out do not alert JLo on Twitter there's the last thing you're allowed to do a tree belonging to hard laughs despite their being assigned to say not to not surprised the spruce tree is was brutally cut down my goodness by who someone cut down one of hard laughs trees that's on hard laughs estate no one's allowed to touch that was it a peasant because if it's a peasant that sounds like four days in the shame pit to me that's some perfect shame for duty a crime I know I've been asked to arrest him for the night to make to make him see their of the way of his ways a perfect idea place him in the shame pit if he does not learn we can see how the holy fire takes to him Costel again oh my goodness Michael it's $50 ban of Magna cards and no barons Nobles are able to form with other Barons to rival the power of Kings Biff any attempts and all lands and items will be given over to the crown and the Baron or noble will be tied tried with the highest justice what a brilliant idea oh that's fantastic now he's come for the T Bible it's in the chest near the arena there we go but you know what that's actually a brilliant idea we need to ban the Magna Carta because you're right there's a risk that what if the nobles actually start getting crazy ideas like forming together to create unions of progress progress unions that's the last thing we want last thing we want is actual progression in society so instead this sounds like a brilliant way to have your donation converted into a into a natural law so do to do to do outside Nobles banned are banned from forming a Magna Carta there we go that should that should put them in that case what are the donations for literally anything if you want to donate to have a player killed or send a message to a player look in the description as a fun things for it oh my god it's tax collector novel bond he's out and about on his duty though and here's the beautiful graveyard as well please no L can't collect taxes from the dead I don't know why he's in here on vampire peewit rest in peace what a great guy what a great guy the tax people are so shifty you never know what they're up to they're just walking around collecting things it's very strange and then here's the here's the statue for Matthew a brilliant man truly brilliant man there is actually a second statue I'd like commissioned but I'd like to do so actually at the the castle oh my God look how cool the castles looking that's really progressed that's incredible but I'd like a little sign to be put up with the castle on a monument because as a lovely guy called hafnium who basically created the bot which allowed us to poll the people into the server I need for castles and officials lovely I'm an official that's me oh my god is peasantry on Oh Kives Jesus Christ he looks I'm actually surprised by how anchor he's made it very good right now if they technically come through here I will punch them because they're not car service he really wants to come through that doorway but he knows he's not allowed to this is for the officials only right who is in charge I think Loki is hey Loki I wish for a statue to be built to honour hafnium who created the lotto ball he is the reason we are all here today there we go that's it he must be must be rewarded for that I was already told that by Konnor Oh fine it is already known oh my goodness can you send a bird we're out to state to say stay safe - and lock down to give you a family a hug because everyone needs a hug in the terminal yes I can't I would send a Roberge to the server but Nathan Tyler thank you very much for a lovely five pounds and I want to say that to all of you if you're watching the stream stay safe out there you're a lovely community I know many of you like you you show support in fantastic ways by donating and liking the liking these say the live stream and all of that and leaving comments on videos and that's really nice but some of the things which make me the happiest are just watching you guys be nice to each other in the comment section just having you guys see someone who you've never actually met before and just being really friendly and kind to them it is a beautiful thing to see or now we're in the wasteland it's how he doesn't want to follow me yeah you know what you know what happens when you cross this border you know what happens across this border my Keith my king the T Bible is not there you don't need my permission go do it I don't mind if you go collect the T Bible or not that's up to you now to go see how the miners are doing what is this praise Riano Kives this is the second praise Riano Kives monument I found out Jacob Fowler send down applications to found another settlement further inland please there is a plan there's a there's a plan to have a small village constructed here in the wasteland which will be the farmers guild I think so basically a small village will crop up around the farmers guild which is quite likely what F is oh my god that looks insane oh my god they're actually doing it they're doing it it's bloody York City oh my god oh it's incredible it truly is tell your fence post Oh wouldn't diamond pickaxe was not the tool for the job and just get rid of that of my men tree they have to go tidy up over the cake okay I could go go for whatever pathway I like look at this it's beautiful oh I'm so impressed I'm so so impressed I'm excited to see how the actual miners are doing over here because they've set up their um their little goods route which is great it looks like they don't actually have a staircase up to the mountain which is an issue I'll have to get sorted although basically I just want them to level the entire thing so Kendell hat on seriously thank you very much for your hundred dollars foundation but you can't assassinate veil because veil is of the nobility rank so if you you can only assassinate evidence its gentlemen and serfs and peasants because veil Fiske is beyond assassination I'm afraid is truly something incredible but thank you very much Kendall if you're in chat and you have another target for your liking give us their names and it will be done it will be done they all died fern is not dead but Kendall just tried to put $100 on his head sadly about something I can't do he's too important to be killed via forceful means Gabriel gives us $20 to say we should create a money system we don't need to it's already in the works someone's doing it and it is very cool I'm very excited it's a kind of like that the tax people are currently working on it then it should be very good Lord Smith can we build ye olde coke for meal deals you want to build a he Aldi co-op I mean what a splendid idea I love it a British alicorn has died that's another dead person oh hello hello how goes the mining I'll be careful in these lands Oh mining goes well well if the mining goes well why is the land dangerous you've spotted some bandits loking around here very interesting I wish to scout these bandits we saw a campfire sir Oh in what direction oh this is very interesting a bandit camp hmm you have me have me very interested let let's go let me go inspect hit it southeast milord over into the birch forest good I will scout right let's go see doo-doo-doo-doo something over in the birch forest a campfire let me see a campfire comfort campfire so far this is all looking oh hang on a second this looks interesting this looks very interesting what is this what is this oh hello and low enough is that is that what is that what if it is that that that's redstone that is redstone these are bandits this is it we found bin T's camp it's Minty's camp where is he's over here isn't he I know it's like is this meant II know this is there's a peasant now head so this peasant is evidently probably a rookie trying to join the Bandit camp oh my goodness so code to pretend I didn't see that evidently Connors had a hand in this but oh well he kind of has to look at this they've done it it's the Yorkshire Teesside it's witchcraft it is witchcraft very witchcraft II it is an independence movement movement so isn't affront to the kingdom I will say that is this warriors guild yogi monument site speak to five one zero zero zero one want to assist all they've done a great job you know what he can be rewarded please Jim s you have done a great job here have this reward meat and also you know what you can also have some apples and healthy apples enjoy there we go Kendyl of the stats and please assassinate as many of the peasants building - t sh t Shriners my hundred dollars permits so you want me to kill the peasants building the T shrine right well I mean I just I just gave him a just getting my thing what have I done good this right I will have to have another meeting with the Assassin's Guild God can do what are you doing making me kill people constructing T monuments well now you can give them the sharp edge fing I suppose I can I suppose we can kill him because we gave him we gave him meat I could miss I really like what they're doing with the farm it's really turning out into something beautiful what's going on in here oh we've got a head of farming carried in here as well as warden and a footman oh yes lovely people oh it's Raven hobo hobo you're alive you've this is incredible thank you for resurrecting me you deserved it my friend oh my goodness hobo go join the mining team on the mountain and also what do I just receive don't just receive tax code v1 I don't receive tech I really have a purpose was this what I received mute what did you give me hey mute so for those of you that don't know mute is an interesting character because new has a forked game where for some reason you can't actually speak on our server and we don't know why so we have to give them a special role of the mute and yes you can use the texture to communicate with people so it's very limiting for him oh god there's a lot god they make too much noise too much noise they are too loud silence these chickens Oh diamonds oh he gave me diamonds oh thank you - - they get exponentially quieter the further away we stand come execute order 66 if you stand in the way beast chicken oh my goodness like how long a curve were just hitting each other as well because they've had you know the sheep are feeling pretty loud as well but you know they're not as not as loud execute order KFC oh my goodness thank you for doing order KFC done well done low deposit the chicken in the warehouse for me yeah you can take all little raw chicken good stuff the text amount or at all yeah we just took all of it I love taxation it's truly brilliant truly fantastic all livestock should be kept in soundproof boxes what a great idea Gabriel donates to say sniffs you should have colonies so you can establish the British colonial empire what idea it will take a favorite of a set up though crying kind just died rest in peace great code seven another one for the graveyard oh I'm liking some of these new houses they're building oh this is much nicer Oh Greg kind gran kind barrister and solicitor well something tells me Oh bit of a row back there with a server for some reason but something tells me Palgrave kind house for sale last owner tragically died f kids poor little guy oh my good this a hopless considered redstone when used by peasants yes but for official business no it's like no buzz and so on I'm fine with using them and the guilts can probably get away with them but if a peasants using in their house that's persuade oh my goodness Royal orchard tree designated for the castle do not chop down if you can all this you'll be punished do not enter do not steal do not occupy in the name of wow this is brilliant I love it well so I wonder if would he finally finished his penthouse gran kind was doing a lot of the law stuff apparently I just received of the information so that's a big big loss Laurel of the law oh poor Greg hide why did he die what did he do is that name tag down there oh is it another level low I thought it was actually underground that would have been bit suspicious what is this why Sir okay it's just a trapdoor there that's fine I'll ignore that doo doo doo to do if they've rebuilt the stand yet no no they actually they haven't and still have a the standard syllabus could this what is the set about it was it just like um deposit fire onto here oh hi novel how can I help let's see what he wants novel is a quite high up in the tax collection group oh it's horrible oh no have the Assassin's Guild claimed a single bounty their results don't inspire much confidence and their capabilities yes I will I'll have to intervene with them guilds aren't producing anything oh no now why is that no lump jacking or mining in sight the miners are over on the mountain have you tried contacting the head miner oh my god Scoob is just become mega priest hasn't he to XIV me the Brecker Duke Church oh my god oh yeah the bot is also always active so don't worry about that visit the guy in jail is there a guy in jail is he Oh might be actually under the court system or he could be oh my god okay novel just died Oh teleported out it's fire but I have to get back to him later let's go see if the person still stuck in the boat he's still stuck in the boat it's apparently kind of mentioned that there's still someone in the hold nope there's just two people still oh that oh these are people join the server okay oh so the person who was in the jail is left what a shame they were doing such a good job set in there how do you get food well you need to farm food but we made it so that food is a lot harder to farm it takes longer to grow and so on look at this lovely farm going on over here it's a beautiful very good very very nice very tasty oh and the castle is just looking beautiful absolutely beautiful look at what these people have made truly fantastic to watch make it law you cannot be called making or lord but you have must be referred to as divine god king peasants are not allowed to look you in the eyes must bow and stand aside when you're near in quite possibly the greatest law recommendation we've had yet / the Royal new Royal Decree I must be referred to I must be known as God King Smith any other title will see peasants killed peasants cannot look me in the eye and must stand aside and in my presence oh my goodness I love it I actually love it thank you very much is Lily a British well I got murdered in cold blood whilst writing up the history of the server PS pound sterling best currency and spiff is best King oh you got murdered oh no or maybe I think so my tip you off to the Assassin's Guild oh that's quite the hit list oh that is quite the hit list my goodness to you my friend oh my goodness right Connor come to the tavern a new set of targets has been a has been collected this is a long one my goodness oh my goodness Paulo Paulo nearly just got resurrected as well but this is it out back I am expecting company oh sure what should I know oh who is this spy apparently we now have a spy as well to deal with that's very exciting Oh report this to rust eat and have the person imprisoned without trial in the shame head oh my god sugar psycho has died as well okay hello they're not suspicious I have a new target the law 11 nano underscore Ranger and ducky must die I'll be back in a second guys edge so just gotta quickly do something I'll wait for Conor to write his response Oh what just happened who just died Oh Mexican Wolverine rest in peace duck must die or ducky why Oh ducky duck underscore why must die make it Swift and I want results fast this is a top priority I will be watching there we go I'm very interested to see how the how the assassins go do out back you are a most trusted peasant I cannot wait to see you get promoted you deserve it what a lovely going so so brilliant so powerful I'd like to hit on hobo I desire chaos oh ok actually no loss I do that also add a bow to the list the special list for hobo it was oh it was just added he was just brought back to the server but it seems he will die Oh max poor donates $20 to pay off loes bounty okay right fine I'll pay off loes bounty / PMS also blows bounty is now partly paid off simply frame him for a crime and steal his items and there would go doo-doo-doo-doo let's see what food is up to I don't want to reveal my location but I'm interested oh he's out in the forest what is he doing oh he's fighting who's he got with him he's got he's joined by Crusader and winging okay what are the guards doing out here it's got to be the Bandit camp because Minty's leading the Bandit camp and I mean there is a reward for Minty's head at the moment and that is exactly the kind of thing that who'd would lead Knights into doing he lost oh this poor guy he just doesn't know the way we're gonna follow him roads unless hopefully he'll work out the way eventually I mean it is roughly this direction I reckon where is it oh yeah it's literally a straight line from here it's just that way okay yeah they'll find it very soon oh but I really won't see this encounter go off assassinate out back please you can't kill the pub keep he's lovely he's also not a peasant on my in my opinion I'm grading him to townsman he's gonna be safe I would have protected out back peasants was being a constant state of hunger a peasant with a full stomach is a dangerous peasant you say we want peasants to never have a full hunger bar if we I don't think we can actually enforce that law Michael it's a brilliant law but I don't know how viable it is and yes please promote out back to being a townsman and the landlord because that's his deserving role organs foods made in but he's accidentally kind of lost all the people who were with him and he's also getting chased by the crazy hardwood mobs that we have they chose a strange time to evade nighttime what the hell is going on here what the hell have they done I can't even see what is this what is going on I don't even think auntie who needs to do anything I mean how do you react how do you react to this odor Wiggy could die here I don't think there's much point [Music] first burn down their house let the mobs deal with it there we go oh my goodness oh my god this is it Scott the flicker tinder as well perfect yes light them on fire make them nice and crispy good job ood oh my goodness hasn't let go please help you're beyond help in this little tent okay there's red snowed at your feet you're quite clearly okay evil very evil very very evil actually no I can do feet I'm out here I'm out here yes here they go oh I chose dead I could this I have one of the assassin gets killed burned down a high-ranking player's house and frame on the peasant uprising all very good Ian I would like to cancel the bounty on hobo and to give him some sort of title to protect him from any future assassination attempt from the guild very well in half a burner it will be done it will be done let me find hobo where is he oh it's wing he just died Oh beans we lost wingy again again I'm not resurrecting him another time what is up with the zombie spawn rate round here this is insane oh I know why it's because zombies can spawn around here because we have the town so lit up so it just dumps all of the sport of all mobs in this location but this is actually in just it's I don't even know I don't even know it would appear minty oh no miss he's trying to escape but he can't even he can't even escape because his base is just flooded with zombies it's powerful witchcraft I feel really sorry for crusader I think I think both of these guys need to run back cuz this is a mess they can't fight that they've really can they have apparently they have about 70 mobs on them according to the admins and it's not even our doing it so it's the server's divine way praise the holy tea Lord that is me alright I also need to apparently okay so the people who currently have bounties the law apparently nano Ranger just paid off his own bounty a fifty-fifty Australian dollars to pay off his own bounty - he's fine hobo is also cleared and apparently so is an outback is also cleared so the only two people I'm pretty sure still on the list ducky and the law both must die I'm interested where teleport ducky is where is ducky oh he's involved in the building of the castle oh I mean this makes it actually surprisingly easy because I think they can actually PvP in the castle or try Getty has died as well rest in peace stop with the killing that the people will die and slowly they will I ever die by the hand of an assassin away they would die by the hand of a mob it it's entirely the will of the people good it's only blacksmith should be allowed to craft chainmail and help to start an economy so basically weapons aren't allowed in the hands of peasants peasants aren't allowed swords only guards are and Nobles so presidents basically can only defend themselves if axes they were also not allowed on armor and finally peasants were a bunch of leather armor oh my god I've realized that due to how we have the mobs spawn it is literal hell for these poor miners out here oh these poor guys it's real poor guys they just get all the bobs dumped on them now let's see how figs go go for the bandit camp oh my god so Crusaders tried to live oh my goodness Crusader this is a dangerous place to be I wouldn't be here and who's in here I found my goodness apparently Minty's in this room with a bunch of glitter mint he's dead his me today no he's punching a bunch of zombies means he's dead dude dude killed minty I just oh no was that minty oh that was one of Minty's friends dude how many minty heads can I get oh he keeps killing minty kick minty keeps respawning in his bed one will do please please bring them back oh my god who has killed bitsy so many times easier said than done okay oh my god yes oh um minty effectively created his own down spiral by not properly having torches around his base meaning that it has become hell it is horrible from the looks of things oh no is this thing is this oh this is hard laughs estate oh wow I've really liked hard last estate hard last estate is all about the promotion of peasants to give them better working conditions this is the guard tower which is being sorted by Roscoe burn rusty and a few others over here is the tavern which is now getting built oh well peasant has actually rebuilt the stand which is lovely we have a guard apparently permanently protecting the church as well I need you to mock those who die oh I see so scoops handing over the duty of the person who keeps track of the graveyard because oh my god this filled up faster than I expected there's only two names in here last time as this hair lies forgetty he was alright but now oh it's poor so I could this the the Assassin's Guild first of about your mataró has it been claimed let's see teleport Atari where is he it would appear mataró in his divine wisdom and attempts to escape the bounty has fled the kingdom to the middle of nowhere right okay this is this is interesting he has an entire base in here and everything hey all the folks that's not T That's not me I'm the God in this universe he's got a smoker he's probably smoking redstone in here okay hmm well he's out in the wilderness who's fair game for anyone I mean it's a it's a bounty for the Assassin's Guild to take but theoretically it can go to anyone so um I think slash verb Royal or even his court oh my goodness ed pretty far out he is way way far out where the heck he's miles away slash teleport and it's good for links I think he's yeah he's over two thousand blocks away he's on the world border oh my goodness right to make it easier you are not reading that far my friend let me put you in a complicated yet easy spot to deal with like say do to do to do the shame box Oh / teleport oh he's in the floor oops that's my bad never get up Hortons square there we go lovely much better much much better in the little shame folks he goes lovely well hello Notaro pleasure to see you too I did some just give him a weapon Wow chicken overlord feeling feeling generous apparently it seems unfair okay very good point you're right we'll release him back into the wild dududu to do away he goes he's got all this stuff you know what I'll even give him even give a little gift doo-doo-doo-doo he survived quite a while so you know what he probably deserves one of these to blend in as well as he could do with probably that as well he's gonna need it to run past and probably a torch he looks like he could use it the thing is I don't necessarily want these people dead it's just what's been asked of me okay he will probably live actually considering he's chosen to run he will probably survive quite happily until he accidentally dies in a mineshaft accident in 50 minutes time heck is this Drakken what is this down here my friend why is this underneath the statue of masu why is scooby in here so what is with this what is this chamber where are you going what is this Oh or is it question mark I see so this is the Assassin's Guild right okay this makes perfect sense why are all of the assassins on the car team oh the head of meat-eater bandit oh there we go so that the bounty on minty is being claimed well I will mount this to the wall there we go first head the other bounties you should know about I would like you to act upon them Notaro shall be free for the time being because the gods can kill a broad daylight nobody will think they are assassins I read I I just told you that he can literally recruit anyone who he thinks is up for the job but it seems that the majority of the people he recruited have also been recruited into the gifted guards which is pretty interesting because the guards are managed by an entirely different night so they're managed by whistie and Darwin my goodness and of course the Pope is in on it yeah the Pope's really not doing the assassinations apparently Bishop Scoob loves Royal assassinations so have you killed anyone beyond binti we work you got it I see what are the bounties my lord the law needs to die we also have one on ducky underscore why and slash report I'm so bad at names natt and n/a TT you are apparently know dogs and hey I didn't see anything no nope yes famous head of like 90% of the legal side of things this is all justice trust me everything is fine it's all fine for a short period things were not fine but now everything is fine oh my good this at Pasco the third to the list the special list those who make grave staying graves what a brilliant idea okay Pascal and Pascal the third is also on the list and chase Smith just gave a 50 for the head of no hog feels weird you can stand here no no go get no knock oh my god you can't hide from the law no knock I'm afraid you just caught a floating head of justice season I'm interested to see where he's the fact is he's is instantly made the mistake of running because in the wilderness it means anyone can kill him because actually in the town warden the warden rank doesn't actually have the ability to kill people yeah because no logs in the town crusader can't murder him so no NOC is safe and the Assassin's Guild us to come up with a much smarter and more creative way of killing him he made the smart thing to her not just run away on his veil come to probably assess the head of IRS veil risk oh my goodness I love it oh here we go hello it is I your God heard left asking for a law so that we banned the cutting of spruce trees log live yes of course I wish your noble noble canis noble lied to also to be strong and true the Treasury and the IRS have a request for wood Robert what is the request Oh an announcement from the Treasury I wish to ward pull all of the heads of them I wish to make the job harder for the assassins what a great idea law was paid off he has to be framed and get his items taken ok is that what we're doing oh yeah I forgot to he'd was paid off as of now there is a large shortage of materials needed for books both US and the Treasury a good idea I'd like to put a bounty out on ink sacs lever feathers and paper okay Oh doctor sent has died okay slash royal we require supplies the tax on what is it's ink feathers and feathers lever and paper has just risen to 100% all must be handed in ASAP to the IRS there we go lovely stuff good oh it's it's low yes a sins are going against their agreement oh how so long they are continuing their doughnuts what what do you read love oh they're continuing their doughnuts ICCA was censored yeah I tried to say the word hazard earlier it got sent a too long what is that word what is what it's oh [Music] my goodness Oh I see I see I see it's the ass we have the word ass since it so oh my god of course just to protect it it's a Christian minecraft server okay Christian minecraft server ass is bad ass was bad to stop the ass can you organize the assassins to stop ass this stuff has to be okay okay your bounty was paid but there is still a hit to have you robbed there we go that's all that he needs to know oh my god we just got another three more targets right time to visit the Assassin's Guild thank you very much mark you low low sauce if someone just asked me about because they found a bone horse wait oh my god no nope just died the hit or no lock was a success my lord could you have read could you read what's this go King I found a bone horse [Music] you're asking something of me well you know what time it is ladies and gentlemen it's time for the cleansing fire another royal royal holy event this week brought to you by the one person who found a horse and really wanted to show it to me doo doo doo doo to do pre-emptive effort in the chat yeah the thing is I reckon no-knock probably wasn't actually killed by the assassins I reckon no not probably died of his own accord because he was still within the the boundary so I'm not sure how he even died I worry Scoob where is he he's around the back here somewhere I reckon no it's just a bunch of guards walking around here and there's a legs walking round of a guard collecting tags you'd love to see it you really do it's this your father goodness oh my goodness and hala we just sent me a message oh my goodness teleport we've got so many willing such people to work for the flame chamber could we have a double flame is that what we can do slash teleport Halloween to the spiffing Britt I mean it sounds like a it sounds like a message that would go to the legal system rather than anyone else and then we've also got slash teleport where's the name I never go this fishing Britt there we go and I know it's not you Halloween but Holloway are you escaping the justice system Holloway that's not good at all right the Holloway that sounds like time in the shame pit for you I know you weren't the one who committed committed the crime of actually vandalism but you were the person who committed the crime of sending a message to me instead of the cord system oh god I forget the all the executions of the bloody music of Stan that's not justice this is justice I don't know your own about apparently burglary has left the server right he really wanted to escape justice that much my goodness well when he's back he's dead I won't even wait for the flames to spread he can just be incinerated very quickly that's a shame I was really excited to have a nice nice flame on today ban him oh I'd sure yeah if we can get him banned for trying to escape I kill they'll be great yeah we don't allow combat logging it just is not fun doesn't have to RP Golf Great Fire of London golf chase I'm not burning down the server as fun as a Great Fire of London would be we have fire spread turned off it's too dangerous a raven hobo God King I will have to retire as my hay fevers tried to kill me I wish to be a farmer instead of a miner it's my true calling I hope you understand Thank You Raven hobo I hope you return when your hay fever is better if you are when you're back I've good you'll feel good and you're welcome for a nice promotion on the server anyway hello dude I have three more targets search doggies me no Amiga and flaming melon if you fail on the first attempt you fail and they are free of the bounty so this is the way it works if the Assassin's Guild tries to assassinate you you might not even notice them trying to assassinate you because sometimes they aren't that bad but if you do notice them yeah then then all is good well if you notice them then you can call them out on it and you can try and survive and if you do survive all is good you are perfect and safe in this world WP SM did not show his - defense to the god-king send him send a hit on him please oh that's a good point WP s em yeah let's see how he does I'll give him hello you do know who you're talking to God King spit then why did you just say hello and look me in the eye chat thank you for pointing it out said them to the kelp farms very suspicious I am NOT looking you in the eye my lord [Music] in return for punishment I ask you bring the castle builders 64 cobble ASAP do not make this mistake again there we go there we go that's how you train the peasants there's so much more well-behaved when you are you give them horrific totalitarian rules execute order 66 and 69 I thought you can't execute those orders in parallel oh you know what chat you're good you could out you're right I will stop teleporting to the criminals I will have people bring them to me it makes sense people should be able to run from the law they should be able to run from what I'm doing well to an extent of course you've never completely outrun me because when otherworldly being but still do to do I actually I'm interested by what's happening in the church and I think I will lawyer there for a while do-do-do-do spiff assign yourself is it assigned yourself a chaplain to keep rabble at a respectable distance and be immediately and be the intermediary for petitions I feel a little I mean that's a good idea but the intermediary for me is the is the like the Knights and the Pope's and so on oh my goodness fantastic mr. eagle thanks for the $99 keep up the good work God Kings Bay thank you very much very generous sausage there and also breed and white thank you for the crazy donation 159 Australian dollars like it's absolutely crazy you know what you know what I've got a I've got a thing for this actually it helps us keep the server going in a very meaningful sense so uh thank you very much that took an entire like 40 minutes to set up just so you know I am very bad with with names and so on well no just anything related to live streaming congratulations oh my goodness is skinny on fire Koontz could be not be on fire okay Scoob you okay oh it's minty Oh Oh min she's trying to kill people right of course his goodness classic minty and a love like a nice try Oh beans beans beans beans that is actually a nice try how it spreads like a bastard oh you cheeky sizzling away right track down minty I want him jailed we have him in our sights Oh cuff him and put him in a jail I want him in the shame cube the cube of shame all right there we go we got trekking far on the chase I would too I too will join the chase in fact they tried to kill her one religious leader I can't believe it what a terrible man luckily we can chase him down relatively quickly dude dude dude to do he can't outrun us we have more food than he does I do need more food in my sister though I say we'll die to spiders which is not something that I want but he just keeps running well that's fine we can get him nice try oh there we go oh my goodness he did it Silas did it oh my god Silas just decapitated minty with a wooden axe what the heck that was the most brutal takedown I've seen oh my god Jesus Christ all right I will be one thing I'll do birds but good read can you please email YouTube by the way after this stream to asked refund your super Jets and I'll help you with it because it I mean this is the nicest waivered jewelry but you seem like quite a young person and I'm sorry that's so important assassination now on you and so I'll get it overturned but please refer the donations that you've done to the stream because I don't like the idea that we've accidentally bullies won't know that you not even on the list you're fine but you're fine trust me you're all good don't worry but please refer the donations nonetheless I will scrap the thing in the description for the time being I'm not having people kill poor little kids on the server via donations and then have kids worry about not paying off the donations that is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen and now my moral compass is destroyed and I absolutely detest myself for short period of time brilliant that's another thing for me to sort out I don't have all the other stuff I have to do honest I really like the some of the fun stuff that people have set up in terms of the beautiful housing the lovely estates you see when we actually have this organised we originally didn't plan for the the Knights who are my mods to actually have an actual forward stance in the story in terms of they were just meant to join groups and be part of them but it's complicated for groups to form organically in an RP sense so it makes sense for say our Knights to become Lords to an extent and manage terrain like to say these farms here which are fantastic and beautiful operations which employ people and they can provide for society because if we were only working on for myself then yeah it would be an incredibly slow process instead we have alphen Heim farm which is run by Alf organized by farm leader dollar Dave all protected by Sir Ralph a lovely man and we've got co-leader trodden valve bunch of cool farmers farmers have blue lever arm nice nice they've done that oh look at the bow in my presence hello peasants looking fantastic about the one who killed minty with a wooden axe he should make guard or assassin he will he will he is a very good good kind of person I like what he's does lots of gifts included I'm pretty sure this is a died lever cap fantastic someone else could take oh god these cows allowed these cows are loud please silence them Donna Dave there we go [Music] fantastic [Music] looks like beefs back on the menu boys lots of tasty beef tonight also giving me something to fight my I saw down very good very good I think they've done a good job we now only have baby cows which arguably much quieter much much very good very very good it's not it's not a genocide it's a minor cull of a particular cow just so that the the volume see if you've ever heard of noise pollution it's a natural real thing okay so yeah make sense read the donations I will I just don't read donate I like to read donations and chunks slow chunks because they're a great big list and very daunting and I feel like I've made people upset if I am read all of them in one go I'm a very self-conscious tree me you know my goodness I mean there's some fantastic ones here let's let's stuff from the top promote Silas to the kingsguard in reward for the epic takedown I mean yes that makes perfect sense I will leave a sign for worse tea and ask Silas to be added to the to the guards cuz he is he's definitely got everything we want from the guard he shows fantastic determination and stabbing potential when it comes to fighting minty that was beautiful so let me put up a little sign promote Silas to God for killing minty he was incredible absolutely incredible to do to do was this Michael Delpit my Lord God King as per your first law no peasant is to allow more than 32 Veni item in their inventory as such WPS and should die if he proceeds your given task or not well that's part of the fun of the law you see if you have a law which is bring 64 cobblestone to this location as soon as possible and then they rock up and give 64 cobblestone one of the other people there can report him for moving sixty-four cobblestone in stacks that aren't 32 but that's for them to notice not not me I've just I've just set up the scenario because he might play it smart and bring it in stacks of 32 if he's very smart yeah so that's that's what we're aiming for [Music] I'm very impressed by the little setup they have of the warehouse I've got some lovely guards here we've got hard laughs here we've got novel here and apparently they're coming to terms with I think was a complicated tax based off of hard left spruce trees but hard laugh is the only the only person with spruce but if you would touch my spruce what else would he attempt to gain with oh my god what is going on what is going on with seeing if you mentioned I want to know about the spruce there's a bunch of spruce you've related incidents regarding Hadley fevery of a spruce tree which I don't really understand how considering it's it's a tree did he lower the mob volume I don't know Oh actually that's a good point I have more volume turn up in to look into voice chatter in the sound stretcher friendly creatures turn that down Oh break it broke broke my spruce tree he made reparations but I wanted him audited but he's dead yes he died a few to go I don't think he can be fat anymore what serve a sentence oh my god he got what he deserved some would say Karma oh my goodness isn't it brilliant when the criminal justice system doesn't even need to do anything because the person just dies of natural causes natural causes probably being they fell from a height too high and so just crushed their legs very easily which is something that happens goodness I am actually I think we should revisit the Yorkshire tea shrine bringing more counts I already have issues with cows that it is the noisy focus they just they just hit go Moo and that's all they add they don't add anything notes to society of the noise and the only person they give food to is me so their existence is limited and to an extent unnecessary for the vast majority of the peasant peoples oh there we go doo doo doo oh it does look good don't seem to have made much progress on it since the last time I ran into them why is lo chasing me hello what do you where do I find the list of hits why do you want the list our man's been killed by a fellow guard what men okay I didn't realize that guards oh no someone that Lowell knows maybe a friend were they I'm interested because the Assassin's Guild so far has managed to kill two people which are minty and no-knock and it's it's considering the amount of people who have bounties and the amount of people who have died very slow conversion rate between the two I will say that exceedingly slow conversion rate between the two oh my goodness was it no not no knock was a very important character as well Lord Lucien he had no bounty sounds like it could be murder you might want that investigated it was a guard interesting hollow oh I already have issues with this guard this was the guard who sent me a DM this is most disturbing is that corruption on the inside of our guard force I mean Holloway is nothing to do the Assassin's Guild so murdering someone for him is just a straight-up murder we need to find him that is an issue if you can find him and send for me I think this is a matter we need to solve with discussion not a sword but watch yourself and don't die this is I mean if any of the if I was going to suspect any of the guards of being corrupt it would be Holloway simply because you know he's been an annoyance but Halloween is his Oh murdering someone is an issue I don't think he would be intimidated by myself fetch for more assistance amongst the guards Scooby might also be able to help mmm is an issue I did not know I mean I was always expecting corruption to happen okay but on this server the rate at which I expected corruption to happen there was if there's a list the tailless would be the IRS would be at the top of the list and then at the bottom of the list would probably be the guards will hunt for this man haven't brought for justice may I have one little nip of meat now so I have some pork for your info I wish you luck alert me when it is done very good okay so now now we have anti corruption investigations to worry about is that minty oh my god it's minty he's just wandering through the through the world here where's he off to what is he doing and why has he got a shovel in his hand peasants are doing a really good job out here as well my king I beg of thee there is there's been a bounty put on my head and as such I have had to go into hiding I beg thee to find it in your heart pardon my bounty bless you and thank you my king yeah yo there's nothin I can do about a bounty it's not done by me it's done by over individuals I don't control it if you wish to have it removed you can probably petition someone in the guild I'd recommend that would probably be the fastest way so go speak to loot because no bounty needs to be a death sentence was the right convincing is that minty he was wandering around here whereas he actually wandered off - was he down there no that's just another peasant oh it's fire yeah I'd much rather they build the Yorkshire Tea sign it's a great importance to me to have the Yorkshire tea sign I should make my own brand of tea that's a that's definitely it's definitely something which I can't do I love you t too much I can't stab them in the back hello fire you have proven to be an excellent servant I will personally return it it's wynaut he's been a good person he's built a massive side I mean what kind of person what person would kill someone who builds a massive Yorkshire Teesside I don't even think anyone could find it in their heart to murder someone he loves tea as much as that I mean no one would murder me because of how much I love tea that's just a given like could you murder someone who just wants to drink tea probably if it's the wrong kind of tea like if you saw that you saw the viral video on Twitter which was the as Americans who made suppose it's sweet tea by just pouring about half a bag of sugar and I don't know a bunch of a bath water or something it was it was disgusting absolutely horrible truly a I can't even I can't even express how pain inducing it was to see the video of two American people trying to make tea in the most horrible way possible oh my goodness it was disgusting yes that video was the worst it was the worst it was absolutely terrible microwaving tea - is disgusting yet if you um I mean if you've left a cup of tea and you don't want to waste a cup of tea then I understand microwaving it as long as you accept it's not going to taste very good afterwards but actually microwaving water and then putting a teabag in it now that that ladies and gentlemen is where we straddled the line between acceptable tea based behavior and something which is probably a borderline war crime Oh Holloway is dead and so is Arielle Poulos okay it seemed Holloway has I'm gonna guess he probably tried to go in a blaze of glory fighting the other guards is going to be my guess I'm gonna have to catch up with Lowell later and see what happened because that is most interesting all right let's see fires not even on the list why is fires in world he is not on the list he is nothing to fear why is there a peasant on a horse why is there a peasant on a horse what are you doing what on earth are you doing peasant shouldn't be riding horses this isn't a horse it isn't a horse do you mean it isn't a horse my god Kings teach us run away Hill Fisk is that illegal horse I see its own document taxi Vale go alright we're gonna watch the IRS do their job oh my goodness an undocumented bone horse needs to be checked out for taxation purposes aggressive taxation purposes oh I love this surfer I really do hi bTW thank is methi doing Oh Lois here hi lo what happened I noticed we didn't have a trial holo seems to be dead now oh my goodness well I suppose the issue that I have is that law has effectively come to me and and said there is a guard who is part of corruption and I sort of murder someone no one else has said that they've noticed this and then the guard is now dead so for all I know Laurel has murdered two people I have no proof though so I don't mind law can go about and do as he likes oh my goodness my king he escaped keep an eye out for him novel also deal with Liz has a budgetary is annoying me press him into service I just think he did something to keep her busy I was conversing with our Holy Father Bishop about our holy Legion happening we received a bird about the guard all are we dying oh right I see so he died of natural causes a shame I would have liked to quiz him for an investigation but I I believe get to be the just hand of fate at play here it makes sense it makes perfect sense it is just justice is also yeah this is the bone boy here is the one on the bone horse his horse has been dealt with oh good well done Vale Shepard says I can speak to horses you will have to to learn to speak to speak to ghosts if you're not careful I'm disappointed Shepard did he just spell checks on board no he did not that's fine Shepard what do you actually do for the kingdom because if this man's job is just walking around and collecting horses he spellcheck the god-king if he spellcheck the dog King that's an issue it's a big issue it's man broke the tax code itself it says right here novel please escort him to the prison the Justice Department will deal with him now he runs get low to deal with me yes horses it to be taxed a hundred percent which is why peasants on horses not allowed very much not allowed our whips in just died oh oh we've seen oh he was a good soul a really good soul he truly is that is a shame he was a fine addition to the server I would like to personally see his grave commissioned well it deserves more pascale I require a fancy grave for Lipson there is a good man a just man we didn't see eye to eye but that is okay oh my God look at the grave oh my god the graveyard is filled out so quickly oh my god we have no room in the great in our graveyard then construct a small monument just outside the graveyard I mean actually I suppose I can I can find resources for this graveyards they've got some stone I mean let me see what I can do we've got a nice little bit of terrain here and it just doesn't get used so it makes sense for us to have a little monument oh goodness there's another one they really do drop like flies we had 58 people died last section that last session was 6 hours long this is probably going to be about half the time I feel like we've already almost had as many people died Pascal is clearing things out right I wish for a holy monument to be here probably oh I just dropped my York City on the ground Oh beans my minecraft crashed oh then we guys back close play needed catacombs that's a good idea that's a very good idea doot-doot-doot to do there we go back onto the world lovely all right I wish for there to be a small Lantern here actually this could probably do with having some stone underneath it and then a small lantern and then a lovely sign rest in peace would some brave man defiant to the last to the last ah perfect what a truly he it was going to try and contribute to society but he wasn't perfect he was contributing to society what is this someone has suspicion your majesty I have reason to suspect Lake Verona HD who killed Wilson Oh Phoenix this is interesting so we actually okay this is very interesting tell me more okay if we actually know who killed whips in them we can bring someone to justice for the death of apparently two individuals because webson was killed by a minor one of our others was also was almost killed by him oh my goodness Sal Rock was also almost killed my oh my can you bring slow ought to the courthouse old house I wish to get extra information from the witness right I'll go wait at the courthouse sounds like we actually have a full-scale murder mystery investigation to deal with I'm most interested by this oh this is very exciting who who killed whoops him and also I think the person who killed whips and was also the person who killed knock no knock because no nope wasn't actually killed by the guild necessarily I think or rather the guild claimed responsibility for it but I don't think they actually killed no knock oh I see is this the is this the cord alright I novels how can I help do-do-do-do its Berserker life I think he died to a mob a while back he has been imprisoned good the court system will now deal with him right so who is the person we're looking out for we're looking out for Lake for an HD as the person who right I don't won't good as I need space oh this is the place here we go okay hopefully salaat will come round here so lord tell me about the incident oh my goodness true panic has died and left the world that's a new crazy message I'm interested to hear about this whole murder case though very old golden helmet with armor too nice protection wand fairy Goods a Corona HD was a fellow miner of the quarry okay why would he turn on a fellow guild member suddenly attack you from behind of an iron sword my strange certainly a crime hmm this is very interesting a full-on midsummer murder going on in here exactly Dave wolf it's an exciting bits of a murder you ran for your life oh well we've got proper death messages now rest in peace draconian TV ears also died and left the world a wise choice thank you for this information I will see goodness I will see Lake runner brought to justice very good I love how everyone now Bowers is my presence very very very good right now to just find lake runner that's going to be the biggest issue and for that oh it's Raven hobo he's still alive no boo oh very good hello would I require a person brought to me summon the guards we need a lake runner brought to us alive use the curve command to drag him yes whistie we have a murderer in our midst the thing is I don't know for all I know Lake chronic could be a part of the Assassin's Guild and if he is he was found out and so he will get tried and killed because the Assassin's Guild and not above the law they are simply people who get suggested things to do and will get killed when this when detected because he disappeared of rules of speed infinite okay the mute died oh no tell Teemo them you died oh he was a lovely guy he couldn't use the chair Oh and very carnival 69 very colorful 69 what a username good God oh good god what is this oh my god is this a church this is a second Church spiffed heed the Queen the Trinity any pious come here and receive charity welcome to st. Matthew's Cathedral on st. Matthews a saint now is he we are humbled at the gaze of spiff our Lord oh my goodness it's not much but it's honesty oh look at this beautiful place lonely you okay on the floor this seat from the Lord's fearful long live the king of course got a nice fancy reclining chair oh look at this incredibly beautiful church oh this is fantastic I love that we have two rival churches as well chat why are you pressing f4 fairy carnival 69 we were not invested in the plotline of furry carnival 69 well maybe we are now I don't know do we want do we want a special memorial for furry furry carnival 69 is this important to chat is this necessary is it what you're looking for in life do you need this closure okay is that what you want the amount of F's imply that you do want this yes we asked if you're invested in fairy carnival oh my god I'm very invested now I was invested for all of the character art okay okay right Pascal I wish to commission a monument for furry carnival 69 furry carnival was the other tab and keep apparently out back wishes to pass on some words make sure they are remembered okay out back you may speak tell us about this legendary character oh my god let's find out who fairy carnival 69 was that check oh good lord Patrick odium died getting heated by a creeper was building a bad I've rested P stroke odium good attempt other server I will say afraid of white thanks for 159 Australian dollars a spife I got one of us spiffy como goes in my bum put coffee in it and the handle broke it's entirely possible that's exactly what happens they're meant to explode though fairy carnival 69 you were you truly truly lived up to his name he was indeed a furry carnival and his favourite number 69 so deep this is so sad I'm touched for your words could we get the biggest in the chat truly moving what a character I wish I knew him more if I can give some sides to Pascal there we go what is it with Lola just lied on the floor regarding a man on a horse powered by necromancy low that man was apprehended by the IRS you will need to ask them oh my goodness rest in peace very carnival truly a hero of the people truly hero dad you see redstone over here for I sell redstone for a very brief period apparently I'm the only one who can say Pascal the third right why how enough does everyone else it Pascal I don't know maybe I even said wrong you steal the stream with your death it's a powerful thing to do check very powerful thing to do to die it's often the bravest thing that people can do what the hell is wrong with Lowell why can't he just walk normally why is he so weird what is wrong of the jail cell I'm good slider you are a good slider I will give you that shame pile by sphere of rest in peace goodness what else did I receive I don't have a government the donations I'm terribly sorry Z games gave $5 to same in T if you want to really rebar stop throwing his Yorkshire T off the ship into the heart but that's exceedingly not allowed Z games and you'd mentioned sipping coffee in a donation to me that's one of the rudest things an individual truly rude most disappointed very upset very upset due to do peon chat for petting zoo for Ferrari card 469 is that how we're coming to terms of his death we're not having F we're instead having a P apparently is that is that how some would you say when a Ferrari does that was that the term Pascal deferred died what let's get over there quickly quickly no no Pascal no no he was doing a useful job there's like hardly any individual was doing a useful job for society well kill Pascal he was here just a moment ago oh my goodness he's dead like a mob around here where is his body the grief overtook him could it take his death how could you take the loss of a Ferrari I know it's it's a truly emotional time for everyone here oh my goodness he died in the church or something in memory of all that perish oh my goodness where did he die where did he die most upset what killed Pascal did he just die to a creeper oh my goodness I found his body Oh how did he die here this is very confusing oh I got his Scoob leading a congregation to the church yes of course he is of course his keep an eye out for strange people Oh about you there was about to your Pascal you're right but doesn't seem like he was actually murdered it just seems like he died I don't know how he died he's standing right here and there are people all around so they'd notice if those actually PvP may they have a carnival in heaven together I wish the same doctor of I kill did you see what happened Pascal I do believe he died due to gravity he died to go my god right I'll tell you one way that he could have actually died there is an issue where if you try and sit on a stair and you come out you can sometimes glitch into the Train and take like half a heart of damage so is entirely possibly was walking around on no health and died due to gravity what was apparently happening there's a large crevice underneath oh oh you're right yes I forgot we have a massive hit in the ground underneath the underneath the actual graveyard yes there's actually if we do slash dream SP and go under here this oh this is where he died he fell through the floor it was digging here he fell through the floor Pascal no Oh Pascal well there we go murder mystery solved apparently there's a service here so I will stay in there I'm most interested by what's happening here shepard sends me a message can you pardon me I did I didn't do anything wrong Shepard you were on a horse that breaks the tax law and then you also break the law by messaging me I have to deal with this in time very upsetting oh my goodness apparently Scoob is having an argument between castle in you godless heretic you godless coward how dare you enter my church silence heretic who is the heretic oh my god chef Boyer says there is no doubt if I hide that Lowell is a serial killer I mean he'd have to dig out the ground from underneath Pascal to from' under but it's entirely possible because law was aware his law regarding the assassins killed no Lowell is actually someone who has a hit placed on his head so he's kind of the reverse of the Assassin's Guild at the moment how dare you call me a heretic you killed him with no former crimes I did no such thing you underhanded the roof of my church oh it's a you're greedy and only first for power it's a fight between the two churches we've castle in church on the other side of town and they were Scooby to Scooby's Church I'm gonna observe this as the bishop the personal guard making the test that he has killed no one oh my goodness this is very interesting castle it says I will find you in the arena tears vote kiss code we kind of have two popes fighting each other is it a time for the battle Pope tracker file says you're under arrest for threatening the bishop oh my god Oh God your friend is silent don't you two drowning it spoke better people would poke battle apparently hekia who doesn't love battle folk it's like home if you remember Robot Wars it's like that but old elderly clergyman bumping around in work in little cars tears volchek tears for its Pope fight time it seems the people request a fight Scoob you must fight you have God on your side and God is me so that's a good combo Oh parent so what's happened here is castle in had one disciple who was helping him and his disciple died due to drowning but he's 100% convinced that this disciple died due to the acts of the Pope anyway sounds like we're gonna have a sounds like we're going to have ourselves a battle Pope session I'm very excited for this Steve Jones $20 something must be rewarded for the tears volt invention indeed away I need to a shift otherwise I'm invisible there we go Oh and now I am sat on top of my little Hut interesting that should be different there we go my goodness slash roll oh wait no slash Royal come to the arena for the one and only battle poke fight watch as two elderly clergy men fight over who whose God is on their side this this is like the most interesting fight I've ever seen apparently chap fixes is Benedict versus Francis nope this is Bishop Scooby Ted versus Michael who is oh no Castle Ansari who is the independent owner of a separate Church entirely apparently Scooby Ted has the Holy Spirit on his side the holy spirit of t greatest spirit this is good Castle in enter the arena and it's not particularly going to be a fair fight because one of them has dime sorry gold armor and we gold arm is not good but it you know it's better than castle Inns fine two piece suit or whatever the Church of spiff is less than T is lesser than T into the arena with you you can have some food food to heal himself up don't fight yes you will go on my command now make sure you are at full health this will be interesting yes it's a bunch of elderly people fighting amongst themselves imagine if nowadays modern religious disputes could be settled by getting elderly men giving them iron and stone axes and just putting them in a pit and having the fight Oh pumpkin pie that's very nice right time for you to drink some tea okay today we test whose God is stronger and who I shall side and support in all future spiritual advice good luck may you fight well and with tea on the sound of the Bell you may go alright here we go the ultimate fight let's it go it's scooby versus castle 8 they just both jumped through each other and missed they've once again jump fruit oh god ah can we get PvP please it's a technical difficulties here oh good this cleric oblige sake perhaps this is a side this is no side please ignore a divine intervention God has prevented the death of what of the one true probe Scooby Ted oh my goodness now Oh beans oops how notorious died Oh Nitori finally died he was way out in the middle of the wilderness he probably died to his skeleton or something he was literally 2,000 blocks in that direction so probably died of natural causes because I don't forget on him the Assassin's Guild is bothered to literally leave a 500-meter radius give us two minutes we were it's a shame we don't have any interval planned actually they would you like to know speech oh wait you would like the dots dude can you do a darts and wuss tee-do gesture stuff entertain the peasants oh well yeah oh my get this spectators should do a Mexican wave what a great idea spectators do a Mexican wave starting going left from me three two one jump lets him go go this is the worst game I've ever seen look now inefficient it is oh it's actually terrible that was the worst wave I have ever seen oh my god that was terrible the sink is just not there oh my god oh no parently they tried to fight that you'd still come fight you still can't by random is fixing it oh my good this oh wow look at that the guard has a reference kill over there has a Union Jack Panda I'm amazed that referee skill is still existing because he he was the first person to break a crime if I remember but he was also the who's then almost immediately promoted to a position of power and guarding supplies after breaking a crime oh this oh wait Musti tell me a joke really put whiskey on the spot here but I'm very interested very interested to see what he comes up with what crime did the did he do oh if I remember he was something really minor like just talking back to me or stealing an item or having too many items it was it was absolutely nothing right listy what is this joke how long does does it take for you to make a joke wait is it because he's the other side of the arena I didn't see him oh my goodness okay apparently oh they can fight now oh my goodness Pope fight is on Pope fight is oh well well I guess God chose correctly well done Scoob that was incredible pure skill I'm not going to lie considering Scoob did that in one hit I'm pretty sure that is a sign of God Kronus also went into the reader with no health because he is an absolute idiot oh I could this a great display well done Scoob you are the one true religious leader you must spread the word of me there we go fantastic stuff what a lovely event in terms of other entertainment the peasants actually got up some really good stuff they built a new tavern which is here I don't think it's completely finished yet but it's a run by Ferrari Carnival 69 run by sad snail is very carnival passed away Oh rest in peace very carnival 60 died and then apparently oh we've got a nobility stand here what's oh is this for oh this is for the for the flame executions yes very important ah yes this is absolutely perfect I love this I really do this is beautiful sex cyber Nomad has died rest in peace XXI Ford oh right what is this oh and this is all hard left stuff then we have the church over here you see the biggest issue with the church is that mobs can actually spawn on the church which is a bit of a crazy issue oh my goodness what's going on here hi what's this about conspiracy mmm these guys are talking conspiracy over here interesting hmm [Music] I'm most interested by this create an auction house for those who die oh I see so we can auction off their stuff Oh life alerted me to a problem with the guards what is the issue with the guards hmm this is most interesting there's rumors and conspiracies about some number of them as was previously shown and not loyal to you nor Nobles this is a great issue we must summon all of the guards to the castle for a very important meeting Olaf came to me for help as the tax man tax men can be armed as well and can deal with the problem should it come to it very good bring all your finest men we will root out the problems guards oh yeah who'd need some paper okay see you at the castle right this would be good it looks like we're having a meeting of the guards not only did we have a mass murderer amongst the guards it now seems like we have guards who just straight-up aren't loyal and so we have an inquisition going on what mod pack is this this isn't a mod pack this is entirely vanilla minecraft with just a bunch of server plugins it is absolutely incredible what you can just do with a bunch of plugins truly absolutely amazing some very very enlightening stuff right through here we must go again hello we will be having important meeting at the back of castle direct or guards there right to the back of the car so we go we need somewhere nice and open what's going on here castle kitchens I see that I see that Enderman in there we are going to ignore that because Enderman on this mod pack are absolutely ridiculous let's cut our way through here as well I want to at the back of the car so we don't have anyone wandering into the wrong spot oh my goodness there are quite a little zombies here I suppose this is the first test for the for the guards all right don't even have any torches the summoning of the guard no one expects the smithing Inquisition yet part of me wonders if this is a a Warhammer 40k esque Inquisition where we go into fabric well we're all of this has been fabricated out of nowhere and yes which yeah is is an issue but who knows it could be that they're all they're all actually true is this all the guards this seems a little short any pesky spider slash guards to the roof of the castle it is of great importance they will have apparently they didn't heat the king but of course they will have to answer to that if they do not they are traitors to the king oh my goodness if we got a guard uprising dude is plotting against you by taking out all of the Royal Guards I don't think that's the case it has always been loyal to me I mean sure he may be fabricated a lot of stuff onto minty but it feels justified we just hired a new guide to stand guard outside the warehouse okay all right there we go so we still have someone guarding the warehouse that's fine so we should be safe if all of the guards are here surely the town will fall without the guards in it no one peasant on the warehouse should be fine hmm this is this is still very concerning the distinct lack of guards here so if we look at the list there are of the of the guards we have one two three four five six seven eight nine people who would class as guards not excluding the night so um yes where is low what low is not here that's an issue because low was the one who reported all of the crimes if it turns out law was fabricating an entire murder plot to kill people oh my god this conspirators conspiracy gets deeper and deeper oh here comes some people interesting right this looks more like it why are all of you late hmm apologies for the delay I want an explanation okay whisky was late on just a business as looking for you there okay I did not have a Carson oh Lola is making up excuses and I got told to go the wrong direction and so I went a full circle no I am disappointed but for the moment we have more pressing matters Vale Fiske please announce the concerning news right so these are all the people loyal to the crown effectively who are guards although some of them could be wrong they could just be here pretending to be loyal to the crown maybe they have other allegiances may be there for all I know they could actually be in it allegiance with minty which is an issue word from harder left is that we have a conspiracy among you just ignore that explosion indeed this is most concerning we've brought you here to determine who is truly loyal to the king oh that's kind of running around good stuff we must I forget the footmen aren't actually necessarily aligned with me they're aligned with the church so they're technically Templars oh my goodness I've been guarding the estate of hard life for many nights I hope we find his crude oh my god is that a that's a that's an Enderman it's gonna kill Scoob it's got a kill Scoob oh my god it's gonna kill Scoob so Oh God so I cannot stress enough Enderman in this modpack well it's not more facts re-enter man in this in this Weaver plugin are basically stupidly ridiculous they will shave off half your health in a hit they are very spooky very spooky I believe low plants at the Enderman low what say you to planting the Enderman maybe low deep plug the Enderman we do not know these are concerning things and concerning times you would how would I plant an Enderman in broad daylight you would need to use witchcraft perhaps you also dabbled in redstone /mc let's see what we have in here the law 11 mm hmm his inventory seems normal he has a potion of no effects oh wait actually that's that's different that's just inventory stuff he does not you have that why he just has a pretty standard looking thing hmm I reported many crimes and offered my work to you so many times you are indeed correct lo has assisted with a murder investigation okay apparently dragonfall can assess tulo being honorable so for the time being he's fine I reckon he's fine I don't think he's bad Enderman was assigned that Scoob is guilty how is oh I suppose the Edwin did immediately lock on disk oof oh goodness all is pardoned for now I am mostly concerned by code you try to put the Assassin's Guild it just all too quick so doughnuts killed its the doughnuts guild god damn it doughnuts guild so if you know how to test which is which is burned when they are made out of wood wood floats chickens float if someone weighs the same as a chicken there are a witch you know this is a good test oh I could it's the doughnuts guild Rd to serve a friend I'd say we eat them immediately they seek to poisonous with a gluttonous ways oh my could this we should build a scale to determine who is a witch yes we need a witch testing scale there are two people I've walked tested his name teleport and the suspected murderer of no-knock what's this the killing of my man without a trial is a violation of our laws food why would the great God King pay simple doughnuts for peasants kill he would have have them tried imporant is not above the law but Smith is the law good this after this the Treasury requires you to sign the new currency oh yes I need to go sign a new currency don't I fetch budge and bring him to the church set up a new testing chamber if you know what I mean go we will see we will remain vigilant for any any threats in the guards the time being we have no evidence there we go onwards good stuff I think this is fine should have the entrance to the Assassin's Guild hidden in the coat in a donut shop brilliant idea absolutely splendid idea oh look it's a red coat oh they're building a lovely statue here what is this treasure arey access restricted oh this is the treasure area I see depository and Treasury offices oh this is very exciting oh my goodness this is very cool with their constructing history wants us this way okay I've got to go back what's over here the signatures of the sperm pithing of the pound spiffing right oh I need to sign this down fine yes okay assistant Jack treasurer of Imperial fish go Kings fifth we would be honored if you could sign a hundred pound note I would love to okay so we basically imperial fish has spent the last four days also setting up a currency system where basically all of the currency needs to be signed by the nobility and then it gets duplicated and circulated amongst for the peasants which is incredible I absolutely love it right I have vales note here as an example of the title okay this seems good let's see what vales note is like so this is Moreau Treasury fifty-pound spiffing as decreed by the spiffing Brit oh this is incredible and then this is 115 pounds I promise to pay the bearer on demand for some of this is beautiful and which ones this I would like to make a request to carry wouldn't sort what oh it's whip since last message he gave me a message I would like to request permission to carry he would insult to clay cobwebs oh whoops rest in peace that's his last message right yes I need Silas as decreed by God king spiffing Brit xxx perfect I have signed it now oh wait actually need to right-click inside don't I 100 pounds spiffing how does it look actually Hasnat you've got a total page okay so 100 pound spare it's all I can fit size and clothes and there we go a vote manager Imperial fish also in charge of looking after the vote as well as old currency stuff goodness and then we've got the Treasury offices with tax sheriff here apparently this is absolutely incredible what they've built I'm very impressed very impressed oh look at this horrific Treasury office it just feels you feel truly just trapped in it I love it that's exactly how tresor office should feel like a disgusting abomination you can't ever escape what if someone prints fake money well they would be arrested and murdered so not murdered justa sized is the new term i'm going for that's when we have to kill someone using the justice system justa sized it's catchy trust me alright my lord Berta Reid has been found he's at the church fantastic Scooby this is brilliant information I will now head over to the church alright this is the first person I would like to be tested for being a witch simply because he follows me around and I feel like he is trying to curse me by his presence very exciting well well done gods please place budget dearie in the testing chamber scooby tests to the maximum level you can that he is not corrupted by redstone this is perfect right up into the nobility stand I go fantastic it's cut into the little chamber battery please I make tea oh my god this fear not budgetary this is just a test to see if you are a witch you have nothing to fear if you have nothing so high it's of could this we are gathered here today to begin the test of this young peasant and hopefully this time the enticed and won't fade away into very aggressive mobs my goodness if he will not burn he is a witch Oh they've got he trusts us he trusts us that this is a fair fair test the flint and steel is missing oh yes the the testing flint and steel the testing flames oh I could this right the testing flames are getting added back in good luck may the Holy Trinity guide you he didn't burn oh my goodness he must be a witch he is resisting the bird he must be a witch it's a justified a fair trial this isn't this has got nothing to do with the Salem witch trials it's fair he's half which apparently you're right as he is clearly made the flames absolve you of your sins hmm he does seem to be half witch perhaps he can be reformed Scooby under your guidance reform him to the way of the tea take not the path of redstone and instead the Holy Trinity all right he is freed he is proven that he can it was he is not one with the fire he is free you who devote yourself to the church lead a good reformed life there we go we've done well oh my goodness that's this master Archer mr. Stan old yes the archery range they actually got a bow and arrows I would like to give this a go it does seem confirm practice arrows for return well kind of don't have a boat beads maybe there's a bow hidden away up here no maybe right up at the top please I want to have archery competition no there is no bow oh dear I would have to go in commissionable and I will ask the tax kill to do so I would someone who scoops old skin before he became a 70 year old priest can peasants use bows of course peasants can't use bows there especially not allowed to have bows that's definitely not allowed he's packed seven six four just died rest in peace that's another one rest in peace that poor little chappy oh my goodness look at the expansion of the graveyard this is just getting absolutely crazy here lies Pascal deferred he dug your graves oh my goodness in fairy carnival 69 what a one incredible soul truly blessed perhaps I put a piece of gold here no gold is too valuable even for fairy carnival 69 secretly redstone is coffee powder oh my god that makes perfect sense it's now head Kevin it is perfect head Kevin yes low what does low want now hopefully he's found a criminal well slash dealt with it as well I love the fact I'm walking here when I'm just standing here and a peasant walks by in bhau's without even noticing me he's just aware that of my presence and doesn't want to draw attention to himself which is the right way to lead a peasant life very safe peasant life lawless the criminal I don't know there's been limited evidence does law have a real boss to report to always bothering the god-king good point I was to inquire about your internet broadcast how much longer we'll wait until we disappeared to a form of stasis for a week this basis will last two weeks this time and you are right the best go into stasis right but first a group picture for the progress everyone I see yeah more low well in the stream soon because you know I have limited abilities to stream for more than three hours but I want to get everyone together for a lovely great big group picture as I think that'd be brilliant so let's all go to all where would be a nice photogenic spot I mean in front of the castle seems quite good but then again I don't have a seat there so it makes more sense for it to be somewhere where I have a seat like say the big great big grandstand yeah this makes sense all right slash verb Royal last event of the day picture time at the church near the arena peasants stand in your well peasants sit in your place no balls by me there we go and hopefully we'll get a nice picture at this corner random if one of you guys wants to do the picture or Conor if you can set up your alt account to take the picture that'd be pretty cool I'd be good I need to shift legally oh yeah Conor's already on the case he sat next to me lovely my right-hand man oh yeah face toward the fire pit not me oh there we go there's code assault account sorry I mean there's the assassination the assassination character yes totally zero importance yes please ignore I could just look at all the peasants a hundred and fifty of them oh my god this is a lot of players it's a crazy amount of players oh yeah you can just slashed it if you can't find a seat I forgot we had that command oh my goodness we still have people covering it though I could see that Dave tags ready get off the distance which is beautiful we got Vale Fisk over there very good IRS you've got low here a good guard and of course HG Wells out back he's conceited use slash sit there we go very good very good do you have any idea how difficult it is to herd cats like this it's incredible what are you going to do now that the electrician died we're just gonna have to turn off all of the power on the server Evan gage thank you for your $5 thank you pole avoid as well for your 13 Canadian dollars seriously thank you very much I'm very glad that you enjoyed the stream any song requests no we're not having style again I will literally tear my hair over him old Stan perfect I think we have everyone here look at this this is beautiful this is amazing considering we have 150 players sat in front of me and I'm running a ping of 27 I am over the moon by all of the people that made this over possible it is absolutely ridiculous oh yes a sphere oh my goodness they all said spit beautiful very good very good now do warned where everyone is a silly face as I think Vale Fiske blinked in that one it's really good I was the Serb is not necessarily perfect and we're continuously trying to improve it we're going to take a break of about two weeks until the next stream so it won't be this it won't be this coming Saturday it'll be the Saturday after when you see the next stream and should hopefully because we'll be very good we'll make some changes of course if you have any things that you enjoyed or didn't enjoy about the server please hop on to the discord post we drop a message into the suggestions nothing is perfect and we're always open for change if you want new features added on the things taken away can someone just give me give me they gave me 13 I was deep oh my goodness what a lovely what a lovely society we have a great big fleshing jumping pile of human beings God they all smell super hats his hope is yes they certainly I'm very glad we made a great civilization it's been lovely really lovely thank you very much for watching everyone if you have any changes you want to make then feel free to do so well feel free to suggest to them and that's it for this week we're now in maintenance mode I guess all that's left is for me to do a nice reading of all the people who died so on this week we lost fairy carnival 69 naughty Roo a oh this is castle in who was a heretic of course his name's been scrubbed out cyber Nomad norik Pascal the third who dug half of these whitey blue flame one four one two three Chien F nor AK lol isms FINA tio Timo the mute or what a shame draconian or true panic the VAM barian lord lucian from the discord binky smoking jacket Halloween Lee the potential evil guard we don't know who died of perfectly natural sand it causes a Rio Police nine blades office levena de scaly and then Oracle noble Tim Jim I mean it was called noble so I mean I didn't all phrase that so no wonder he died Killswitch break it broke zagreb no knock rest in peace no look you might return nor knock your contribution to the server was actually exceedingly important so hop onto the discord we'll have a chat about your potential return neutral skydiver may his soul rest beneath the earth he lies Dark Descent whips him of course a very brave to fight individual they cool rip I'd brew bide rube I'd died so wise do we have a rib ID and a rube I'd trig Lettie was all right apparently FBI gummy the first man we had burnt inside the incineration stick crispy buttons and tsavorite and silver night wolf and funky cow oh my goodness funky cow he said voids Anderson chocolate lover 26 sprite and of course Shackleton died twice last session apparently as well as duster all in all an incredible session well done everyone I think we all deserve a nice little break so grab you go grab yourself a cup of tea if you want any we're more than open for changes it's not perfect the donations that they were absolutely incredible thank you very much it's a very complicated thing trying to monetize this stream in a meaningful way because I don't like monetizing things in a way where they have a crazy thing and can destroy the balance with a server but at the same time I want those who aren't on the stream to feel like they actually have a an impact on what happens on the server and can make meaningful changes but it's very complicated to actually get that enforced and done oh my god I didn't even see that this this is beautiful sure is the progress of the buildings very well bug go so as you can see the massive Yorkshire team on the lift is incredible it's huge well done for five for that who's not being promoted as well this is where the mining guild is set up apparently all they've got some illegal items in an ice chest that's very good over here was where minty had his base camp although I think minty might have had too minty had to abandon it evidently because there's a lot of creeper explosions here so it looks like has been long since abandoned looks like someone broke into here as well so yeah it looks like Minty's had to move his base elsewhere my god he did some crazy stuff in here so I'm sure minty will return next week as an absolute devil in terror or maybe we'll let him back into society I'm not sure I'm not sure and yes if you want to know why we did ban people from the discord and the server it's well banning people from the server is harder but we basically have to ban people from the discord because um discord Terms of Service says we're not a lot of people in 213 I'm also not comfortable with thirteen year olds being on the server anyway so we banned people who are younger than 14 it's a very awkward spot and especially if you notice people who are say of a young age and that talking in discord or their I don't know the patrons maybe even though they're donating you have to let just send an email to myself or one of my mods and we'll get it sorted because those are the kind of things which means I can't sleep at night pokers taking money from kids is a really scary thing and is only for the likes of the youtubers on the trending page not the kind of thing that I like to do so yeah thank you very much for all of your help but where's King it's your birthday happy birthday my dude I hope you have a lovely day the castle is of course beautiful it's really nice they've done some great stuff with it hardly laughs estate is just growing a stupid rate of course the guards tower is looking good and yeah I hope everyone enjoyed the stream thank you very much for the mods good Fink I'm 40 well there you go loo clove that's the kind of person I like in my community nice forty year old who is hates hates minecraft and thinks it's just full of fun of kids because that's a that's a that's the kind of person I'm looking forward to join this minecraft server it really is oh my goodness please check the tavern okay I'll check the tavern can you click that and spam that towards youtubers I mean sure you can you can tell youtubers that I don't like poor financial choices but most of them will be aware that they probably don't like making the financial choices of taking money from kids but some youtubers don't really have a choice or pretend that they don't have a choice oh my kids it's haven't is lovely I can see what they've got going on here so the aim is to take the water bottles rename them to Yorkshire tea and sell them which is you know perfect very good and the other tavern is its small it's beautiful and it's always useful because as the little meeting room back here as well as the hidden upstairs bit have you found Shackleton secret shop by chance or Shackleton died so probably not yet was this down here oh is this the this is the mining guild or the building guild or something I think they've moved they yeah they've since moved offices as this extra supply what is under here please donate supplies oh this is for the builders okay make sense oh my goodness hey Captain Jack must see you and chat my dude it's always good fun see you crop up on my Twitter Fred's of you having a lovely time due to do yes let's not discuss specific youtubers all youtubers are welcome to make their own financial decisions all youtubers do some of them make decisions which are immoral but not illegal and that's perfectly fine there's nothing we can do to stop it and there's no reason for us to really do much it's just a case of people can if you wonder why like why is there a bunch of makeup videos on YouTube I don't like watching makeup videos I want them gone there's an audience for it so people will enjoy it you can't fault the audience and you can't fault the Creator because at the end of the day people have fun and I think that's kind of all the matters in this world people having a fun time on their world and for that I hope all of you have had fun watching that's a really the aim that we have and I hope you have a lovely day all of you seriously if you want to watch the video from the last stream then by all means do it I also put up a prison architect video yesterday which is really good fun strongly recommend you give it a watch and yeah just thank you very much for watching hope you have a lovely time it's been an absolute pleasure to work with you guys there's some interesting projects coming and the main reason we don't have the server open next week is because we need it for a super-secret event which you'll probably hear more about in I don't know a month or so because it'll take a while anyway have a nice evening all I hope you have a lovely lovely day go grab yourself a cup of tea a nice meal I can certainly use one you have all been lovely seriously if you have a need or if you want to reach out need a chat and give us a shout and we'll be around so bye bye you're very good very good chat very good very very wholesome I'm sorry for all the people who just got here hallo and also thank you to the yolks mods for moderating this and thank you to UM to hafnium for doing the more the bots and Connor for actually setting up 90% of the server with random it's crazy and all the mods as well they've done a fantastic job if you join the discord be nice to each other and be nice to the mods trust me they're um they're really um they're great people really great people and they deserve to be treated nicely and if you treat them nicely they'll treat you really nicely so thank you very much have a nice time is there a link to the discord its discord GG / spiffing easy is there have a nice time bye bye bye oh and also thank you for the crazy donors I forgot to mention that well maybe I did I don't know you're lovely
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 865,547
Rating: 4.84937 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore survival mode, minecraft, minecraft king, minecraft kingdom, king, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit minecraft, minecraft hardcore mode, minecraft multiplayer, multiplayer hardcore, minecraft roleplay, minecraft rp, rp server, mc hardcore, minecraft 1 million, 1 million players, minecraft dungeons, dungeons, minecraft funny, minecraft live, live minecraft, funny moments, english
Id: aWIqtc1rvos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 35sec (13775 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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