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i'm sure many of you are in the comment section saying hey spiff you probably can't organize a prison with just 2 000 bunk beds but i tell you no you can and in fact you can make millions from it which is exactly why we're here today oh hello there ladies and gentlemen i am the spiffing brit and welcome back to prison architect yes that's right we're back in this wonderful game where today we're going to be creating an absolutely wonderful prison which is going to operate without any cells for prisoners whatsoever that's right you don't need cells to run a very very successful prison that's something i've discovered today we're going to be doing something absolutely marvelous we're going to be creating one of the richest and most wealthy prisons around and yet of course it is going to have no cells equally it's going to have no crime a perfect attendance record and of most importantly hundreds and hundreds of prisoners flowing in and out of the prison that much i can guarantee so how's he going to do it ladies and gentlemen nobody knows but i can tell you this we won't be using trees or tea plantations today however today something absolutely majestically glorious is going to happen the spiffing brit is once again going to break prison architect oh my oh my oh my i can't wait so without further ado ladies and gentlemen make sure you were sat back you're relaxed you have your warm cup of tea in front of you go grab it now if you haven't already hey you might have already given the video a like that would be very saucy if you have my oh my my pat yourself on the back and hey maybe even consider joining this community also don't worry the flag from the queen that you get for subscribing to this channel should be on route soon i've just phoned up the palace today apparently a few of the corgis got into some of the packaging and so they're having to redo the entire batch of flags but don't worry i'm sure they'll be sent off soon so ladies and gentlemen it's time we dive right in and here it is it's spifftopia version two trust me it's going to be glorious even though yes we are still running the t-mod so we are surrounded by tea trees don't you worry we're going to be building our lovely prison in a tea plantation now to begin with we're going to need some pretty basic objects we're going to need to set up a lovely delivery area and by delivery area i mean holding space yes ladies and gentlemen so i'm just going to construct this and i'll get back to you as soon as it's finished now in this game you already start off with a lovely slow income from the government that's right we get a small grant each day to keep us going in total it's two thousand dollars from the queen herself to make sure we're running the finest prison possible now naturally a fine prison needs prisoners however this is of course not a ready prison so we're going to have to pause the prisoner intake just for a little bit i'm sorry prisoners one day we'll let you in but for the time being we're closed and what are we going to need in the meantime whilst we're closed for new entrants well it's time we probably get a few offices down so that we can begin researching now i've managed to get a few things sorted already we've got a few offices and of course a common room but of course we don't need a common room just yet we have no prisoners and so we're going to change this common room into a staff room lovely this will finally be a place for our lovely workmen to hang out and enjoy their time there we go that looks perfect to me the staff room will be a joyous place for all workmen to enjoy here we have it ladies and gentlemen some kitted out offices and some glorious staff rooms this is what i've managed to blow most of the budget on so far but it does look rather nice with one slight issue we're on day two and we're now down to only 3 618. oh no we could do with a fair bit more money so don't worry ladies and gentlemen we're still in the green i'm just going to sit around and wait two days and then something magical is going to happen you see the british empire wasn't made in just one day ladies and gentlemen it took patience and also a large amount of unused land and a desire for tea trees so that's exactly what we're going to be doing we're going to be using up this glorious land and building something absolutely wonderful with it and here we have it ladies and gentlemen day 5 and the wonderful spiff prison is down to one thousand six hundred and thirty three dollars ah well that just won't do that's going to have to improve drastically come on so for that it's naturally time we intake some prisoners although we don't actually have anywhere to put them just yet so we'll go to our reports and we will take all available prisoners this is going to give us 44 000 just for intaking them not bad and they'll all arrive in 47 minutes time you know what that seems fine by me before we do this we should probably hire one guard his name is terence and he will do a great job defending us all please terrence the entirety of this prison security depends upon you we have 44 highly trained prisoners all arriving of which you solely need to stop from escaping without further ado let's begin bam there's the 44 000 we get for that prisoner intake and here comes the first bus you can see it's completely loaded up with some very crazy people who are going to probably misbehave if we let them however we're not going to and here they come these are our prison buses lovely stuff that's one prison bus down there goes the second there goes the third there goes the fourth bus we can say goodbye to the fifth bus and finally the sixth bus oh actually no we've got a seven for day for us good lord i didn't realize we summoned so many oh no even more my oh my oh my 77 prisoners good lord this is going to be a bit of a mess but hey because we have all of these prisoners here we're now generating 8 000 a day in profit that's rather nice thank you very much game so yes there we go a success we have a ridiculous amount of prisoners we have nowhere to put them but we have a ton of prisoners that's quite good how's our one guard terrance doing terence you're having a fun time in the swarm of prisoners yep looks like you're having an absolutely lovely time terence also we can just lock open all of these road gates don't worry they're not going to escape these prisoners for some reason they don't mind being handcuffed and kept in the open for days and days on end so we'll just leave them there for a bit meanwhile we can actually start building some wonderful things indeed it slapped a wooden door on this brand new housing area that we're building that's right ladies and gentlemen i'm not building prison cells i'm building housing who knows where this is going to end up i'm basically just going to be constructing the empire of my dreams and for that we need a comfy place and here we have it our first building is constructed lovely meanwhile our prisoners are going to have to stand outside and wait for just a bit longer so you know what let's get a psychiatrist and an accountant so we can see how they're feeling prisoners how are you doing oh we can check their needs if we check andrew stubbs here he has a need to go to the toilet and he would like some comfort i'm afraid he's going to be having none of that what about adam nash over here he also needs the toilet and would like some comfort well just hold it in i'll keep you guys out there for not too much longer i promise i don't intend to give them anything oh and uh yes let us continue building this lovely housing area oh uh apparently the prisoners have decided to solve the issue of needing the toilet by um creating a mess a pretty large mess that's fine we don't need to deal with that how very unbritish of them terrence uh please watch where you're stepping i don't want to have to pay out your actual medical insurance that we're paying for terence please just hold your breath and stay away from the prisoners but not too far away because if you get too far away they might try and escape so terrence just stay where you are basically and now how our lovely prisoners feeling as we approach day six the prisoners have been in here for almost 24 hours they do still seem you know rather relaxed apparently now they only want to go to the toilet they want to sleep they would like food they'd like hygiene they would exercise family recreation comfort privacy and freedom that's a whole lot of bad stuff that we just can't provide them now in this game ladies and gentlemen remember you can't starve prisoners to death not only is it actually against the wonderful geneva convention yes that i totally listened to not only is it against that lovely piece of paper it's also something the devs realized could be exploited so for that reason you can't starve prisoners to death in fact if you were to attempt to your superior officer will instead send you a very angry message basically saying don't stop doing what you're doing you're being very very bad and that if you continue to do that you will in fact be fired so that's right ladies and gentlemen if we were to intentionally starve our prisoners we'd only end up losing the game or is that the case really well you see ladies and gentlemen some things aren't quite as they seem in this game now some of you might be thinking well spiff hang on a second you've got all of these prisoners yet they all seem to be out here being very angry but you do appear to be spending money spiff so where's all the money going well a very important question ladies and gentlemen as i'm sure that's probably what the government is going to be asking as well although they do seem very willing to send me more inmates for example i could accept another 60 if i really wanted so yes we've got all these prisoners but what have we been doing well we've been building a lovely apartment complex ladies and gentlemen wouldn't you like to live in one you have access to your own cooker your own fridge you get a bed you get a glitched out workman having a i don't know an episode in the wall i don't know what's happening there now you might be sad at home thinking well what inspired you to make this spiff as much as i enjoy prison architect i would much rather prefer a city builder which is exactly what we're going to turn this game into prison architect city builders ah it's going to be glorious well if we hover over our prisoners we can see a mounting desire something that they just can't stop what is that well it's just beneath food a little thing called starving that's right ladies and gentlemen it turns out human beings actually require food which is oh something our prison did not plan for and i'm afraid we have nowhere to feed them in fact we even have nowhere to house our prisoners way too busy building workman houses to actually find a place to put all of these men so for the time being they're just going to have to wait outside and you know we've phoned up the queen and the government and we've informed them of the fact that we can't take on all these prisoners we're too busy but trust me it's our top priority to look after them and the head of the british empire is gone you know what it's okay spiff we can see that you're a busy sausage and so for that reason just saw them outside for a bit longer many of you might notice well what if they were to die of starvation surely that would look bad for us actually no it doesn't this game is perfectly fine with that as a matter of fact which is exactly what we're going to do ladies and gentlemen and now all we must do is wait wait ladies and gentlemen for these prisoners to finish their time here on this lovely planet and move on to the next world and by that i mean just simply get driven off down the road in the hearse oh visitors apparently 35 families are waiting to visit some prisoners um yeah i'll get around to it eventually but there's more important matters to attend to like the integral plumbing of my brand new apartment complex we don't actually want our prisoners leaving too much of a mess when they end up falling over so i'm thinking we should probably replace all of this outside area with something to mop up the stain so that's why we're going to replace everything they're standing on with a good bit of paving stone and so go paving stone that should do the trick i would imagine any blood or dead bodies spilled on paving stone that should scrub out rather easily so we're going to set our lovely workman over on that also terence how are they doing well terence is actually probably quite amazed given that he's been out here working for three days straight without any breaks at all and none of the prisoners have complained at all well i mean they are complaining they are actually shouting they're quite upset by the fact that they're missing oh so many of their basic human rights however terrence you don't need to worry about that they're in handcuffs they can't do anything and you know what i did say there wouldn't be any tea plantations but come on ladies and gentlemen we have to have at least a small tea plantation so i'm going to be building a new forestry area and it's going to be glorious and you know what to make the trees grow even better i'm going to give them a nice clean grass base to work with deploy the turf my workman i'm sure many of you will take note of the fact that i said there would be no tea plantations today and look at us day seven and i'm growing a tea plantation look i can't help myself it's just part of the dna i'm so sorry it's at the end of the day ladies and gentlemen you give a brit a cup of tea and he will be happy for a day you teach a brit how to grow tea and he will take all of your homelands and put a new flag up there i'm sorry i can't help myself ladies and gentlemen this entire place will become a glorious complex of with some tea plantations right i do believe it's time we start getting rid of some of these prisoners due to the fact that i'm down to 528 dollars i'm going to need a few more because trust me i have some great big plans that these prisoners are really starting to hamper i need some fresh ones so that we can get a sudden rush of funding in like for example fifty thousand dollars think about what we could do with that so come on prisoners speed up your process and die a little faster we'll summon the 85 new prisoners anyway they can just stand on top of the existing ones that shouldn't be a problem at all with our new massive intake of money i've decided we should build something lovely and important like a chapel allow me to present to you ladies and gentlemen the first ever church of the tea it's going to take a while to construct but as you can see it's absolutely glorious we've got tons of pews we've got a preaching area for the high tea lord himself to shout at you from hopefully that shall inspire you to drink more tea or alternatively terrify you into drinking the tea either way should work oh and also what's happening to our prisoners well the new prisoners have arrived meaning our income is now up to 17 000 a day and our existing prisoners are facing a bit of an issue they're all starving yes that's gonna create a bit of an issue in that well i'm afraid they're not long for this world ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness and they have all currently gone unconscious and this is why we should have used a careful surface because even though they're apparently dying of starvation apparently when you do that you explode into a fountain of blood yeah i don't particularly remember that but hey our first hearse has arrived ladies and gentlemen so our singular guard is going to load them all up come on terence your job is only just beginning you've got about 70 bodies to load up onto this bad boy we've got a lot of bodies to load you guys need to really speed up this process hey look at all of our lovely happy customers we've got for example sean gibbs over here look at this lovely guy he's in here for aggravated vehicle theft aggravated burglary robbery and carjacking he's got another 52 years to serve however don't worry ladies and gentlemen we've found a way to speed up that process entirely we've starved him to death yes that's right try this brand new medical procedure i like to call it starvation some would say it's dangerously unhealthy and also will probably kill you however i prefer to say that it's an easy route out of all difficult situations you may find yourself in so congratulations sean gibbs you get to leave this prison early and get loaded up onto a wagon and driven towards freedom all of the people who are funding this prison they think it's perfectly normal and acceptable behavior to have over 70 people starve and ask no questions whatsoever yep that seems perfectly fine with me ladies and gentlemen oh and also we've got 27 new prisoners arriving today that's right that's an extra 16 000 into my budget which allows me to buy even more turfed grass welcome new prisoners please enjoy the environment you are surrounded by various suspiciously green stains on the floor and a large amount of unmoving people trust me they're probably live give them a few pokes they might move maybe probably not but hey the prison bus is left now so you can't exactly jump back on it and try and run away i'm afraid you're in here for the long run ah there is no escape even though i have the gate set to locked open yep there's no escape i personally can't find a way to get out of here you totally couldn't just run about 20 meters this direction and take the first right and you're free so you know what i'm going to sit back relax and let a few days go by and you'll see me by let's say day number 15 and let's see where the prison's at and here we have it ladies and gentlemen day 16 where we have 123 prisoners who are still all standing around here waiting to enter the prison they'll uh one day make their way in one day but today is not that day instead they're just enjoying themselves out here getting some fresh air on their faces and some warm sun burning their skin oh and also they're dreaming of what food would taste like because that's right they haven't had food in about four days considering some of these people are able to live four days without food or water i must say they're pretty powerful indeed in the meantime however i've managed to accrue 200 000 in money we've also started our small tea growing operation and i've managed to form the church of tea you enter the church of tea by coming down this lovely road here walking up this very very brightly lit pathway it's so bright in fact it will burn your eyes and also distract you from the fact that we have three people trapped inside the tea exhibits these three people have no way out and whilst yes i could technically take down the fence to try and release them i think they just kind of add to the atmosphere of the area so yes these poor little tea harvesters will sadly be here for the rest of their lives oh and look our next group of people are slowly starving away oh what a shame mr paul sexton you're in here for false imprisonment well my friend i'm afraid you're soon to be released if you know what i mean so congratulations you'll be out of here in no time also if we take a look at our lovely financial evaluations our prison is currently valued at 260 000. anyway i'll see you guys at day 25 and we'll see how the prisons develop then and welcome back ladies and gentlemen we're now on day 20 and all of the prisoners are gone oh god there's only three of them left actually no there's a few more uh yeah i built a morgue turns out we've really needed one and it's done wonders at cleaning up all of the bodies that seem to be appearing also i've built this area over here now some of you might be wondering hang on a second why have you built a very suspicious concrete box and filled it with bunk beds well that's because we can do this lovely thing here called set a dormitory now you see when it comes to share prices a few things are taking into account bricks and mortar which is basically the cost of your physical building fixtures and fittings stocking materials your staff your prisoner capacity and your cash in hand so logically if we have a higher prisoner capacity our shares suddenly become more valuable and then logically after we've sold all of our shares we then get rid of this so my idea is that we set this entire area to be a dormitory and as you can see that is going to increase our prisoner capacity there we go and suddenly our prisoner capacity is now at 172 and as you can see that's done wonders to our prisoner evaluation it's added an extra 86 000 to the share price and the joyous thing is it doesn't just have to stop there because this is only just the start of many we're going to be building a few more lovely wonderful complexes just like this one to really increase our prisoner capacity so we're going to build the great big box for 20 000. staff get to work on increasing our share price i'll jump back to you as soon as that bad boy's finished so here we have it we've built the wonderful box of pure fun i guess and we've absolutely rammed it full of bunk beds which is wonderful because it now means we have prison capacity of 521 meaning if we go to valuation we can see we're bam 260 000 just from our lovely prisoner capacity alone so what we're going to do is summon some prisoners to fill out this place of course naturally we won't actually move them into there so we select our intake and ram it up to maximum that's 152 prisoners we're going to be having i can't wait to see them all arrive plus we're also going to get an absolutely ridiculous payoff of 92 000 as soon as they arrive and here they come ladies and gentlemen our prisoners are arriving 92 000 just from our prisoner intake here comes our first truck also whilst they're doing that we're busy exporting cups of tea because you know what you've got to have a side business in every prison it's not a good prison without large copious amounts of tea plantations and of course i had to sadly fire terrence and all of his other security guard friends because if we had them around they would be too busy escorting all of these prisoners to their selves because that's right we technically have a cell up and running now also i discovered a fun glitch watch this yes this seems perfectly normal mmm graphics yes polished graphics tasty tasty polished graphics ah they make my eyes feel so alive apparently if you just hold down anywhere these graphics start doing uh whatever this is who knows but it certainly isn't powered by glorious tea so what are we going to do we're going to go down to evaluation over here and we're going to sell all of our shares for this is very important 45 000 each there you go 45 45 45 45 and sold very nice as you can see we gained 200 000 from the sale of our shares so most importantly all we have to do now to turn a profit is to buy back fifty percent of our shares for less than two hundred thousand so what we're going to do is we're going to take this lovely room over here and we're going to remove it as a dormitory well bam and now that's complete our prisoner capacity has fallen down to zero meaning we can now go over here and suddenly oh no our share prices dropped rather quickly and now we can buy back our shares for twenty two thousand oh now i like that so we bought back all of our shares for the wonderful price of a hundred thousand hmm hang on a second spiff if that's less than half that you sold all of those shares for i know well done ladies and gentlemen for spotting that but of course we can improve this because at the end of the day the more bunk beds you have the more prisoner capacity you can have and the more prisoner capacity means the more we can cheese the share price so i'm just going to tell our workmen to be very busy and start spamming out some glorious bunk beds everywhere and there we have it quite a few more beds in fact 250 000 worth of bunk beds ah that's gonna hurt us but hey it does give us a fun opportunity which is that we can probably label this entire place as a dormitory and eventually when that fires our prisoner capacity is going to increase as you can see our prisoner capacity is now 521 very nice this is of course before we get our bunk beds in they do need to be placed down as you can see oh our total prison value is up to five hundred thousand how very nice that means we're going to have to sell a few of these shares for 50 000 so we're bamboo bamboo bam all of our shares gone for 260 000 not bad at all so yes our prison capacity is now down to zero so we'll buy back all of those shares oh for 166 000 oh that's very nice that's very nice indeed the only issue with my plan is that currently we have a ridiculous backlog of bunk beds but don't worry it'll be perfectly fine as you can see we're running quite a successfully profitable prison without any prisoners whatsoever well i say without any prisoners there are 152 of them just they won't be here for much longer but i'll jump back to as soon as we've got all of these wonderful beds installed and here we have it ladies and gentlemen the extension of my wonderful creation oh the dormitory to end all dormitories this thing is an absolute abomination but it is going to be glorious at creating infinite money out of physically nothing so all we're going to do is get our quick build tools ready and we're going to create something absolutely horrific more bunk beds ladies and gentlemen more bunk beds every time we deploy one of these that's thirty thousand down the drain thirty thousand dollars all in one go what have we created is it not but glorious ladies and gentlemen i have done the impossible i've created a prisoner capacity of 2 000. if we go to our reports over here and take a look at our valuation we now have a prison capacity of 1949 which boosts up our share price by you guessed it one million now that is glorious because what we can do sell all of our shares how much do we sell them all for you guessed it 939 000. oh that's glorious now obviously to make our money back all we need to do is remove this dormitory area and see how much money we have oh so of course our prisoner capacity goes down to zero and now oh hang on a second share price appears to have tanked a bit don't worry ladies and gentlemen buy all of those shares back buying those shares back only set us back half a million so hang on a second we gain a million but then we lose half a million which means guess what ladies and gentlemen we gain half a million dollars i'm sure many of you are in the comment section saying hey spiff you probably can't organize a prison with just 2 000 bunk beds but i tell you no you can and in fact you can make millions from it which is exactly why we're here today well also we're here to try and see what to do with all of these bodies i mean uh they've gotta go oh no there's quite a lot of them but hey you know what i'm just gonna grind my way to an easy one million and i'll see you guys in a second naturally to make this place even better i am of course adding in tons more bunk beds for some reason we're effectively tricking investors by telling them hey look you are buying into the greatest prison around this prison is so good we have a prisoner capacity of over 2 000 that's right ladies and gentlemen 2 000 prisoner capacity and guess what we've had no deaths or escapes in the last 24 hours isn't that just a glorious thing to invest in and the investors sat there like wow no that's actually incredible okay i'll buy your share for 200 000 and of course naturally we're like well of course that's a great trade right there we'll go for it here have a share for 200 000 but then sadly a day later oh no i'm so sorry mr chad the investor i'm afraid there's been terrible news from the prison the prisoner capacity has suddenly fallen from 2000 to zero which means your share price is now only worth a hundred thousand but don't worry we're going to salvage your investment we're going to buy that investment back from you for a hundred thousand how does that sound chad and chad will be like oh god well it's a real shame that i lost all of that money but you know what it's okay because as you say you'll buy back at least half of my money that i've lost so that's fine you take it back and then we come back the next day and we're like well chad great news the prisons actually back up and running you can invest this time for three hundred thousand because they've increased their prisoner capacity even more and chad is like my god well i mean i did lose a hundred thousand last time but these guys seem to know what they're doing when it comes to prison so uh yes you have my investment and that's where we find ourselves today also whenever we want to we can just take in 54 extra prisoners that's an extra 32 000 to the bank but let's be realistic prisoners they're not worth the money anymore tea and trees they're not really worth the money we found the greatest money owner of all playing the share price game oh yes ladies and gentlemen oh so many exploits to be had so it's time to make some money so naturally we need to zoom out and designate this entire area as a dormitory and then another one over here and as soon as these dormitories load in we should be able to of course naturally sell all of our shares off and then immediately destroy the dormitories and buy them all back infinite money it is glorious isn't it lovely we are now at 1.2 million and all that's left is to start building even more ridiculously over the top massive dormitories the likes of which the world has never seen so we just need to start expanding hang on a second oh the workmen what have they been doing send help okay right this uh uh nothing was here ladies and gentlemen wait housing the bordeaux's tool isn't working dismantle these objects workmen we can't let the world see what's happening don't know who's trying to play these pranks on us but the world must not know about the secrets inside the british empire they might start asking questions like where did all of the flags go where did the natives go now ladies and gentlemen for you shouldn't be asking those questions just keep enjoying the tea there we go we've successfully dismantled all of the lights and now it no longer reads send help it instead reads send help out of the dismantled light boxes probably should have seen that one coming right uh yeah anyway it's time to build some more dormitories let's slap bang down the biggest dormitory the world has ever seen just a comfortable 116 000 to build and here we have it ladies and gentlemen we have managed to build this wonderful containment area sorry i mean bunkhouse and happy land for our prisoners are they prisoners i mean most of them look dead to me but uh yeah they're prisoners if we i'd know pump them full of electricity they'll move around enough for the inspectors to think they're prisoners and there we have it i've managed to somehow hit my limit and spend the maximum amount i physically can oh my goodness this is a lot of bunk beds i've managed to purchase anyway i'll get back to you ladies and gentlemen as soon as we've managed to fill this entire place up with bunk beds it's gonna take a while my goodness the dedication i actually put into these videos sometimes is a little bit extreme but hey as long as you guys enjoy it and i also enjoy it as well now it's probably a prime time to go refill that cup of tea because uh i'm gonna need a few more as you can see ladies and gentlemen we're facing a very interesting situation apparently i ordered too many bunk beds i knows if that actually exists it really does yeah it really does something has gone terribly wrong i see i ordered a g no just a handful of bunk beds and uh it resulted in the entire prison being swarmed by bunk beds but hey good news is uh we've got some prisoners arriving and that will certainly jazz things up although the previous prisoners haven't found the time to leave yet and there we have it suddenly the prisoner capacity is at 4 000 and if we check our share price oh prison's up to a nice meaty 4.8 million mmm that seems perfectly balanced two million of which comes from our prison capacity oh meaning half a second smith does that mean you can fluctuate your share price by two million yes yes that does mean i can do such a silly thing and there we have it we finally have enough prisoners in this prison to allow us to actually start selling shares because you know this game has at least got a base level of andy spiffery it says hey you can't sell shares unless you've got at least 20 prisoners so yeah we got 20 prisoners that just sat here not able to do anything but yeah we got 20 prisoners and if they die i had face absolutely no consequences and i don't actually need to do any with them but hey you know we've got 20 prisoners so the game's like okay this guy seems like you should be able to play the share game and so yes we will and that's 2 million from shares oh not bad at all but of course yeah buying them all back that's way too expensive for me so we're just gonna go to dormitory and mark all of this is suddenly not being a dormitory and a lovely now we can buy all of our shares back for the low low price of two nine five ah ladies and gentlemen fiscal freedom and total cheesery we make roughly a million every time we play the share game and why is it a profitable game indeed you know the only way to make it even better you've guessed it it's more bunk beds so we're building even more bunk beds loads more bunk beds hello there ladies and gentlemen and we're back in the wonderful dong facility now yes this is dong prison i guess okay something dong okay right that's all the dong jokes i can come up with any more and honestly it would be ridiculous yes you didn't expect that one anyway what do we have going on here well currently there's a few medical attentions going on and apparently 91 dead bodies lying around it's honestly amazing we haven't had any you know reporters come by and start asking questions or maybe i don't know the 173 families are currently waiting to visit honestly this game is much easier than i think a lot of people expect many people out there thinking you know what i really struggle with prison architect all these prisoners escaping and fighting with each other and i say you don't need to worry about any of that just have the more starve on concrete slabs in your entrance zone and you certainly don't have any problems especially when your prisoner capacity is for some reason at 4276 and thus the moral of the story is that you should never really trust the share price index because let's be realistic if it allows a brit like me to make 3.5 million out of literally just filling a ton of warehouses with bunk beds then yeah the share price index is very much broken whilst the government is still giving me my daily grant to run a prison and also paying me about 40 000 a day to keep all of these prisoners unconscious and starving well the government's very strange but hey you know this is the world we live in and if you've enjoyed this video feel free to do give it a like and if you would like to see more of my self-breaking games with glorious cups of tea and having an absolutely wonderful time and make sure to consider subscribing and joining our absolutely wonderful community but trust me i would absolutely love to have you in it now this is normally the segment where i would say thank you to all of my patrons but just before then i'd like to say a fond farewell to a lovely member of our community the lovely luna the cat who was the pet of two absolutely wonderful lovely members in our community who are very dedicated in watching our videos with warm cups of tea has sadly passed on of course losing a pet is never easy and so to all of you have recently lost in this world i raise a cup of tea it is not easier going out into this world with one less lovely person inhabiting it the last sadly this is sometimes the case so to all of you lovely members of the community who drink tea and the pets who drink tea alongside us actually no scratch that you probably shouldn't feed your pet's tea tea is for the humans and so to all of you i say thank you very much have an absolutely lovely day and to my patreons thank you very much and if you're looking for a video try watching this one now anyway i've been this from brit have an absolutely lovely day and i'll see all of you in the next one goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,714,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PRISON ARCHITECT IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - EVERYTHING IS BROKEN, prison acrhitect, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, everything is broken, prison architect exploit, The forestry challenge, tree only prison architect, rt game, Prison architect battle royale, prison architect riot, prison architect gameplay, spiffing brit, grand strategy, lets play, battle royale, funny, comedy video, indie game, management game, funny clips, escape mode challenge
Id: P_0L89UBj38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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