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these people here willing to pay 1 520 a month for what is effectively the tiniest box in the universe hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and welcome back to the tenants oh my goodness what a fantastic game have you ever wanted to own your own apartment complex and sublet rooms and houses to people at extortionate prices consequently perpetually keeping them in a permanent state of poverty allowing you to become fabulously rich and wealthy well ladies and gentlemen do i have the game for you say hello to the tenants naturally it's very jazzy and of course it's littered with perfectly balanced exploits that we're going to use in order to become a millionaire that's right ladies and gentlemen we're going to break the game in some of the greatest ways possible so without further ado make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand as we're about to start a brand new game and heck if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video now let us begin the greatest fantasy of all the ability to own a house and actually we're going to need to pick our avatar to represent us we're going to go with this man here because he looks like the most tycoony person in the universe so you know we're just going to call him terry tycoon there we go everyone loves terry now terry tycoon is a fantastic landlord mostly because he's gone through all of the necessary government legislation to become a landlord that's right he's actually managed to get himself a pass what's a pass i hear you say well it's a necessary document all landlords need of course standing for tree tenants like trash worldly dangerous housing environments asbestos everywhere and of course my personal favorite tax avoidance these are the four necessities to become the perfect landlord that not only exploits society their tenants but also their own financial situation for profit so that's exactly who terry tycoon is going to be today now we start out the game in a lovely location say hello to the slums it's a slightly run down area of this city but first we have to work for our uncle here and do some odd jobs i'll be back in a moment as soon as we've earned ourselves our first house welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've actually finished off our first house here now this is our own property that we can sublet as you can see we've made it incredibly fancy and beautiful it has a table a tv a fridge next to a bed a really cramped toilet sat next to the single radiator in the property and a tiny shower wedged into the corner now this house isn't exactly much and that's because it's not it's very basic it is the most basic house i can make but of course we're not gonna make much money if we sublet this house if we were to rent this out to someone we don't have much prestige not exactly a great house so we're not gonna be able to make that much money however this game is kind of broken because there's ways to pretty much cheese everything now what we're going to do is start an open house event and get ourselves our first rental guest it doesn't particularly matter who we get because their stay with us is going to be temporary in fact actually we probably want the worst tenant possible now this person here is fine they're a fast food worker and a gamer who makes 80 000 a year now we're going to begin the process of negotiation how you do this is crank the price up to pretty much near the maximum ask for 3 000 pounds a month in rent which of course they can't pay then just crank it down a little bit and try and get them above the 2k mark we've managed to get them to 2150 they're nice and angry they look really upset that's fine we'll force them to pay 2 284 a month for this pathetic box now we need to do is just simply leave them be as step one of making infinite money in this game is having your tenants pretty much entirely destroy your property that's right ladies and gentlemen we actually need our lovely tenant here cindy bruce to cause as much damage as possible she's already managed to fill the apartment with cockroaches but don't worry it will only get better because you see over time tenants produce this right here rubbish now you want as much rubbish in your apartment as possible because rubbish angers the homeowners association and the homeowner's association of people who we pay bills to and if we anger the homeowner association guess what they're gonna do they're gonna start charging us more money and what happens when you start getting charged more money and your bills go up well ladies and gentlemen you don't it doesn't cost you anything extra because what we're going to be doing is just simply not paying our bills because by not paying our bills the bills increasing costs and when they increasing cost something interesting happens the game says you can start charging people more for rent that's right the quantity at which you can rent out a property at does not really scale to the tenant what scales the property rental cost is how expensive the bills are which of course we're not going to be paying as well as the prestige of all of the items we have in this house and trust me we're going to ram this house with so many items so to guarantee that this person treats this house terribly we're going to do our best just to leave them alone and allow them to trash our apartment in the meantime we're going to try and make as much money as we can right job time let us babysit someone else's tenant and i'll also do someone's bathroom now the reason we have to do additional renovations is because we need as much money as possible money is going to be very important for us this is going to allow us to start spending money on crazy items now of course when designing someone else's bathroom make sure to put the shower against the window so that way you just have no privacy don't ask how the plumbing operates in such a way that the shower will still work when attached to a window it just does then of course get a plunger next to the shower a lovely heated towel rack some toilet paper over here the toilet naturally of course the other side of the room from the toilet paper and the toilet brush can just be over here in the corner it's perfect then we just fill this entire place with as many wall plants as we can fit and we're bam the perfect bathroom you know ladies and gentlemen my landlord actually did want to ask me out on a date if you can believe it although he did then follow up saying i had until friday to leave the house oh god that joke is actually the worst but it is a classic dad joke and consequently necessary oh fantastic we get this message apparently we've got some unpaid bills lying up and we need to pay them off now sadly the first time yes the bills pop up we do have to pay for them but from this point on never click pay automatically just let the bills pile up we are never paying the bills the bills are for silly people now so far our tenant is doing a great job of just staring at a tv that isn't even plugged into the wall generally speaking just leaving glitter all over the place because i didn't add any bins to the house so all in all things are going well oh and just as i say that the shower appears to have flooded this does cause a little bit of a problem we could send in a pro with 280 pounds to just you know fix that and why they still going to the toilet despite the fact that the shower is flooded and the water is clearly knee-deep high uh naturally we're going to say that i don't have time to send in a pro because we don't exactly want our tenant to like us uh this isn't exactly going to make her the happiest but honestly who cares she's not going to be here for long the house can just remain perpetually flooded and there we go fantastic she paid for the repairman herself lovely oh it feels good to cheapskate right now get back in a bit as soon as we've started racking up even more of a debt as ultimately that is our main goal more debt is more good oh now i've got some great news ladies and gentlemen the local building manager is upset because i've got noisy tenants because guess what cindy bruce is throwing a party this is fantastic for us naturally we're going to deny that there's any problem we're going to say cut them some slack this is going to upset the building manager it's fantastic it's perfect because as you can see they've already increased our bills because you know we haven't been paying them what does this mean well it means our bills are technically enough to 864 dollars per month it means we've stopped paying our bills our bills have increased in price consequently the quantity at which we can charge our tenant has also increased now this is absolutely fantastic for us oh and also because of the party there is rubbish and litter literally everywhere and this is absolutely brilliant for us as rubbish and litter guess what that angers the homeowners association and when the building managers are angry and upset they increase the utilities and more utilities well you know what that means it's more rent ladies and gentlemen right some lovely progress has happened ladies and gentlemen our first client is having a great time waiting here you know they don't particularly enjoy their environment because they're surrounded by rubbish and you know the apartment is actually just probably the worst thing in the universe but it doesn't matter because they keep paying me rent and that's all i care about every month they give me 1 996 dollars and of course i don't pay any bills meaning we are making almost two grand a month in profit oh no apparently it's freezing oh dear should i save her send in a pro for four hundred dollars no get a get yourself a scarf and quit complaining jeez dying of freezing cold temperatures just put on a scarf guys wow i can't believe people have ever died of sub-zero temperatures when they could have literally just put on a scarf and quit complaining that was all that was necessary terry tycoon this guy can solve anything world hunger just eat food he solved it what an intelligent man he's so smart so brave and there you go she just handled it herself it's all sorted does she like us not particularly but it doesn't matter apparently she wants a renovation my goodness she wants me to renovate the apartment can't you tell that the apartment is already perfect look it's got a tv a bed a fridge and a sofa and all of the lovely litter we're not gonna do anything worst landlord ever come on terry you know he's got some bright ideas besides you don't even hate him that much goodness you're just leaving rubbish everywhere oh now the building manager is angry what the heck is that smell coming from your place you better take care of it before it kills the entire neighborhood nope we are not doing anything piss off the building manager that's right we just got to piss them off and they'll start charging us even more things are going good for our rental journey but don't worry ladies and gentlemen we've got another way of making even more money and all it's going to take is for us to actually wave goodbye to our first tenant which should happen soon enough because then we begin operation alcoholism because as everyone knows the best way to get money off of people is to get them blind out drunk so that's exactly what we're going to be doing okay now we finally hit the point where it's time for us to renegotiate our lease with our tenant however there's just a problem they're only willing to actually pass 2108 per month now that's okay technically that's more than what they're currently paying however i know i can get more out of a tenant than just two thousand one hundred and eight dollars per month consequently we're going to cancel the lease extension and we're gonna get rid of her give her a few days and she's out of the property and that's when we're going to begin operation making infinite money because what we've used cindy bruce for is one very simple task she has trashed the apartment assisted with us in making sure that we don't pay any bills and royally increase the cost of living in this environment our bills have increased meaning that this property value has also increased but even more importantly she's given us the necessary funds to begin operation alcoholism and there we go cindy bruce is gone she says it was okay living in your apartment goodbye lovely stuff now we can begin operation making the greatest house in the universe all we need to do is send in our unpaid uncle to do all of the necessary manual labor and cleaning of this completely uninhabitable environment and then we need to find a way to jack up the property prices and there we go fantastic the property is cleaned now we need to begin operation makeover where we renovate this house and make it a very expensive place to live first up we need to sell the absolutely terrible shower the toilet is actually good so we'll be keeping it even be adding in a nice little modern toilet roll dispenser as well as a very fancy shower cabin for just the elite peoples because we want first impressions to be everything equally the bed is good but it's cheap and consequently must be sold and replaced with an even more expensive bed so far things are looking good we have a bed we have a fridge we have a lights we even have a sofa but could we get a better fridge yes yes we can so we're going to be selling this bad boy placing it with a fridge that costs 1 900 it's a lot of money but it's going to be worth it at the same time we're selling the garbage tv and introducing mega expensive 2 500 uber tv so there we have it we have a nice large quantity of items in our house it's looking relatively good but it can be better and here's how we make it better we need to artificially increase the value of this property by making it more prestigious how do you make an area more prestigious well you can add in some decoration items we've got some nice ones here like let's say a wall plant or two that we can add into our bathroom oh look it's lovely pop a clock in above the bed add an alarm clock on the bedside table lovely stuff even add in a motivational poster saying you're breathtaking onto the wall it's brilliant but how do you really increase the value of a house because there's one major issue let's say you wanted to just fill the house with items to artificially inflate its value well there's a limited amount of space you can have if you want to say put down a christmas tree this takes up a huge amount of space and space is limited we need to take up as little space as possible so that we can make as much money as possible so allow me to introduce you to shelfanomics shelves in this game are completely and utterly broken and what i'm going to do is demonstrate exactly why using the power of a single wooden shelf and a bottle of whiskey so what i'm going to do is just flood this shelf here with as many whiskey bottles as i can so bam there's bottle one two three and four and then we're going to be adding in a few more now sadly the game isn't particularly designed for this as the purchasing process is a little bit of a nightmare but it's okay all that matters is that we fit as much whiskey onto the shelf as possible and then what you want to do is just simply move the shelf up nice and high then what do you do once you've filled a shelf with whiskey well you want to buy yourself another shelf well bam trust me we're going to be using up a lot of shelf space then you want to grab yourself the bottle of whiskey again and begin the process all over so we're bam we've bought ourselves another shelf filled it with whiskey and then what are we going to do with this magical shelf now what you're going to do is just click on your lovely shelf here and then just move it very magically up inside of the other shelf this allows you to stack infinite quantities of alcohol on top of each other continuously adding to this property's value ladies and gentlemen it just works so i'll be back in a moment after i've stacked a large quantity of whiskey and there we have it we've managed to stack one two three four five shelves of as many whiskey bottles as we can on top of each other it's going to a good amount for actually increasing the prestige of our property as we can see check out the prestige of this room it's a level a prestige room with 124 score that's pretty good the bathroom is also doing quite good so overall the room is nice but don't worry bottles of whiskey aren't the only way you can suspiciously stack items in this game for example this towel rack with a shelf can also be used for something very magical it can stack laptops don't ask why or how but for some magical reason you can stack two laptops on top of each other and just create the giga laptop well bam this is the perfect place for the giga laptop it just works so there we have it we've now made a much stronger and more powerful and beautiful apartment so let's get ready to rent it let's begin the open house radio the entire city and get people in who's our first customer it's an alcoholic construction worker who's 21 years old it's liam jarvis he's gonna be perfect what does he think of the whiskey on the shelf he likes the whiskey on the shelf of course who wouldn't like the endless quantity of whiskey on a shelf how do you feel about the whiskey on the shelf you also like it because you're also an alcoholic construction worker this is fantastic you're a barman and you also like it fantastic now what we want is we want these people to actually really like the environment they're in they need to enjoy the things around them so that their apartment school goes up from being fine to actually fantastic as we can see a few of them now have got their scores up to good this is a fantastic sign let's see if this gamer barman of 19 years ago of age is ready to become our next 10 and as you can see the starting renting price is much more than what the previous 10 was offering us the previous 10 was only giving us 1 999 a month we can now ask for 5170 all we have done is added whiskey into every room in this property and also jacked up our own bills this has made this single property almost two times as valuable that's how incredible it is so we're going to make an offer and ask for 4720 what's he going to offer he's probably going to lowball us with 1 591 very good we'll just drop ours a little bit and he should start moving towards us there we go 2785 very good honestly if we can get him over 3000 that's a win in my books 3182 brilliant stuff let's see if we can move them even closer 3481 i'll accept it look at that oh my goodness we've pretty much doubled our rent from the last tenant this is brilliant and all we've done is just heated a load of whiskey in and there we go we've just been told that we're going to be getting charged even more because we haven't been paying our bills thank you building manager this is brilliant total monthly bills are increasing yet again naturally increasing the value of our property oh yes money is now going to start flowing in good stuff so all we're going to do is allow some time to pass whilst also keeping a tab on our brand new tenant speaking of which let's do some research on him oh dear apparently was trying to do research on him an earthquake has struck the property um you know i'll send a pro in to fix that because i don't want my property to collapse due to an earthquake yes as you can see this property is now really good it's got a prestige level of 78 which is very very impressive all it particularly needs to be is in a better neighborhood and then it would be incredible so what we're going to do is save up some money and then buy ourselves a property i think our mission is to purchase yes this property right here which is closer to some fantastic amenities once again we'll fill this bad boy with as many memes as possible and gain an incredible quantity of rent and we'll be back in a bit after we've made some good money right now after signing our new tenant of austin bryant here he's been fantastic and we also discovered he's a loyal tenant which is perfect because it means he will never demand less rent during lease negotiations so naturally we're going to be extending his lease indefinitely and continuously raising up the price now at the moment he is paying us 3 380 per month in rent this is a good thing he's doing a fantastic job at the moment but i know i can get more out of him now of course we do have some fixed costs so in reality if we were to actually start paying our bills he'd only technically be giving us 2 275 dollars a month in profit however we're not paying our bills meaning he does give us 3 380 a month now we're going to jack up the rent just a little bit oh my goodness we could take it all the way up to 6900 and you know we'll just we'll just uh make an offer of around about 6 650 you know just doubling the rent let's see where he stands on that we'll let some time pass and how does he feel about doubling the rent he's uh he's entered in with the exact same amount that he's been paying previously so we'll say how about a little bit lower he's not up to 3700 this is good we'll make an even larger concession he's up to 4 302. this is amazing we'll go forward just a little bit more and 4570 will accept bam and the rents now up even higher this is fantastic and he's got a slight problem because there are rats in his apartment well that's fine i'll just send my uncle to um go catch i don't know tetanus uh whatever rats give you i think it's it's i don't know cheese the black death something like that it's fine he's an old man he's lived his life he can catch the black death unless the bubonic plague yeah it's fine he can catch the bubonic plague he's an old man he's lived his life there we go come on rat eat the cheese lovely stuff we can now leave now the thing is this lovely boy here austin bryant he's a barman he's a gamer he makes 94 000 a year this is pretty good however he's just signed up to a very interesting rental deal because he is now spending 4568 dollars per month on rent which means in total he's spending fifty four thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars just getting a roof over his head this boy is giving well over half of his yearly salary in rent alone meaning when he gets hit by taxation and food bills and all those other things he pretty much has no money my entire aim in life is to price him out of his own existence and force him into effectively mandatory servitude but he is quite frankly the perfect tenant because he always pays his rent on time he will never demand less in rent negotiations he is going to be perfect and guess what he even dislikes shopping lovely this boy is this boy is fantastic he's my favorite tenant we're never gonna let him go and we're always gonna make more money off of him that's capitalism now we did actually just get a fantastic opportunity our talent here actually asked us to just quite simply change up his apartment and add in some painting stuff so naturally we've done that we've given him a desk a chair a nice painting an easel and of course a load more bottles of whiskey because that is what every single aspiring artist needs large quantities of readily available alcohol so with that we're ready to actually hand in this apartment and it should be a glorious success i mean look at its prestige now it's up to 201. that's fantastic so naturally our tenant is going to love it and when it comes to renegotiating his contract we can go even further so we'll come back in a few weeks when it's ready to renegotiate and see if we can get all of his money oh and you know what that is ladies and gentlemen it's renegotiation time so it's time for us to roar boston bryant of as much money as we can because remember he's smart he's loyal and that means we can take a lot of money from him currently he is paying um how much is it 4568 okay and we can now charge him 8550. okay we'll make it off of 8550 let's see um where that puts him is he going to accept 850 he's gonna he's going to stick at 4568 but don't worry we'll just crank it down just a little bit you know we had a few hundred slide he uh he's not budging from 4568. okay we'll drop it even more he's not budging at all is it just impossible for him to pay more than five thousand oh no we got him up to four seven five one okay we'll accept this current offer and the reasoning is simple because we can just renegotiate in a couple more months time but generally speaking this is going very well if every few months we can squeeze another few hundred off of him this is a good sign because he is always going to love staying in this property as it is the greatest property on the market right you know exactly what time it is ladies and gentlemen it's time to renegotiate our lease that's right austin bryant has been here for many many months now and now it is fantastically time to renegotiate the lease although just after i actually quickly fix his heating because that'll make him nice and happy there you go that makes him love us even more now he's currently paying 4740 which is good but we can technically make him pay more so we're going to make an offer for more now we weren't able to secure any additional money out of him just then because his entire apartment had gotten frozen cold but oh well next time we've rolled around to the lease extension we shall expand although honestly we could just take out a gigantic loan and buy a new house because um yeah all it takes is a loan of a hundred thousand and then we can buy this property and just basically do the exact same thing right now in order to truly simulate the landlord life what i've done is i've taken out a gigantic loan and bought this house here now this house here has some space it's got more space than our existing property and so what we're going to do is fill this house with tenants and then use cheeky exploits in order to gain complete and utter fortunes now you might be noticing hang on a second none of these rooms have wallpaper or carpets that's because uh they don't they're just entirely made of concrete and they contain the most expensive bed i can find in the game now what happens here is a tenant will wander in look at the bed and go oh my this is the greatest bed in the universe and then we'll be able to sell this property to them ultimately all of these rooms are completely and utterly terrible but it matters little because the kitchen and bathroom are looking great so we should be able to make a large amount of money so there we go we finalized the property now let's begin the open house as we rent out individual rooms now step one here is going to be a little bit complicated we basically just want to flood the entire apartment block with every single tenant we can possibly get and the reasoning is simple you can pretty much completely and utterly break the game by getting these people to move into your apartments kicking them out and then replacing them because for some reason it increases the price of the rent now these two people have good opinions of the apartment this is a fantastic sign okay look at the bed look at the bed what do you think of the bed you think it's good good bed yes exceptional fantastic okay so this alcoholic butcher called irene bone everything everybody okay fine uh this alcoholic butcher called irene bona she's going to be our first tenant i would go to negotiate with her she's willing to pay a decent amount of money of course it does take time so we're just going to let a little bit of time pass now we can see that she's technically willing to pay 1270 per month for a concrete box with a bed in it this is very good so we're going to make the offer of 1270. she's uh not going to accept she's gonna want something a lot lower probably yep a few hundred we need to compromise drive that price up a bit maybe see if we can get it to close to a thousand but don't worry because she's technically not going to be the actual tenant that we're ending up with okay 708 dollars that'll do we have a new tenant now we need to get some others you think this place is good okay look at the bed what do you then think exceptional lovely right negotiate once again crank you up to the top then lower it just a little bit again and again and then finally again lovely stuff 708 dollars that'll do perfectly these people absolutely love this apartment that we've created despite the fact that it is absolutely terrible and probably violates many human rights it still is fantastic due to the fact that it has some great looking appliances so look at this bed my friend you alcoholic mobster you love this bed fantastic let's negotiate with this mobster 1270 would you like it let me just work you up to a good price there we go 666 i know you can do better than that there we go 708 fantastic so all of my tenants are now paying 708 this is pretty good so there we have it fantastic success we now have an absolutely decked out apartment filled with people now you might be thinking hang on a second what are we going to do with all of these people living in the apartment well we're going to immediately evict them that's right who makes the least money ah laureen erickson laureen you know you're you're a fine person i'm sure however there's one minor problem i know that i can get more rent out of you guys than just 708 dollars a month so maureen erickson we're bad we're gonna break our agreement for 295 dollars and she's gone and she says it was a true nightmare living here in a good riddance what you were only there for about one second anyway we're going to start another open house get some people in and this is when we can start doing some magic so in come some people for the open house what do they think so far it's looking good and there we go this person thinks it's exceptional lovely now you'll notice something magical happens the quantity at which we can charge people has suddenly gone up a lot you'll remember that originally we're only able to technically charge a maximum of one thousand two hundred dollars per month well now it's two thousand seven hundred and forty so we'll start out over there immediately this lady is willing to pay 715 dollars which is already more than all of the current tenants are paying so we're going to lower our rates to 2400 she's willing to pay 1250 and we'll just keep on sliding it down until we get ourselves a better rate fantastic 1520 that is more than double what the previous tenants were happy to pay this is all part of the glorious magic of hiring tenants kicking them out and then getting more tenants in again ladies and gentlemen it just works so we'll let some time pass let her get in and then immediately kick out the other tenants irene bona i'm afraid we're going to break our contractual agreement and get in someone new and there you have it ladies and gentlemen with just a little bit of wiggling around and kicking out tenants we've managed to swap out all of the tenants with these people here who are willing to pay 1 520 a month for what is effectively the tiniest box in the universe it is genuinely one of the worst properties it literally has a open doorway between two of the bedrooms and rubbish lying around but hey these people are willing to pay a lot of money to sleep in this horrific environment which is probably worse than a prison cell it's fantastic so we're just gonna sit back relax and allow ourselves to generate some nice money now as you can see the one minor issue of our tenant being loyal is that he's never ever going to pay less than this quantity of money so whilst the property's value has technically decreased because his enjoyment of the property has gone down he is still going to be locked at paying over four thousand dollars the maximum we can ask that he pays is just over three thousand so we go up to him and say okay you can have this property for three thousand dollars a month and he goes ah no i will continue paying four thousand six hundred dollars because i am insane oh developers thank you for coding a game like this because it is absolutely completely and utterly broken and i love it anyway we need to be renegotiating our shared flat because that is about to start breaking the game as as you can see we did a little bit of a renovation and have added loads and loads of bottles of whiskey to all of the rooms of this house this makes it much more valuable meaning we're going to be able to charge the tenants a lot of money welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've made some fantastic progress take a look at our incredible property here this is fleet street 123 also known as the cardboard prison box whereby we keep free absolutely maniacal people who only have access to a fridge and an endless supply of whiskey now combined they are now generating us an incredible amount of money once again i've decided to just not pay the housing cooperative and consequently we can now technically start charging these people upwards of four thousand dollars per room meaning if we were to find someone loyal like austin bryant up here we'd be able to guarantee at least four grand from each of them it's fantastic because we're going to start making a lot of money very quickly all off of the back of these three individuals but it doesn't stop there ladies and gentlemen i've just got to simply pay off my bank balance and continue this process elsewhere but for now i've played an incredibly large quantity of this game so if you've enjoyed what you've seen today make sure to give a like and leave a five star trip advisor review down in the comment section saying that terry tycoon was the greatest landlord you've ever had because he is if you don't agree with him he'll be sending his uncle round the can of cockroach killer and trust me you don't want to be on the receiving end of that anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of you lovely people for watching as always a huge thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausage and have you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,980,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, the tenants, the tenants gameplay, the tenants game, the tenants tips, the tenants exploit, becoming the worst landlord, worst landlord, exploit the game, exploit, perfectly balanced, landlord, tycoon, tycoon game, simulator, landlord tycoon, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, video game exploit, montage, rt game, funny, overpowered, game, maze, landlord game, early access, infinite money, giant maze, funny montage, the tenants playthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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