BUMBLING through Act 1 as a Drunken Master- Baldur's Gate 3 Tactician

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on today's installment of having no friends we'll be playing as a monk devoted to protecting the weak and helpless I've been sober for two levels now and I'm ready to Take On The World we'll be playing a way of the Drunken Master monk Lone Wolf on tactician mode if you haven't realized already Drunken Master monks are't a thing in B's gate and that's because we'll be playing with just one Mod The Way of the Drunken Master subass this gives us a Litany of unrelated abilities one being important but I'll address them all later I'm mostly doing this since it's thematic and I wanted to do a drunken build besides the usual rules I'll try to be drunk for the entire game this is literally impossible early on so let's just say it starts at level three now before we get into the video I'd like to mention I've recently added Channel memberships in case you're interested in supporting the channel you'll get great bonuses like early access to videos like this one perks and emojis you can use in the comments Discord rolls and custom edited videos to avoid ads like this and yes this video is brought by the Channel's first sponsor the game you all know and love raid Shadow Legends if you haven't heard of it before raid Shadow Legends is a free-to-play fantasy RPG focusing on tactical gameplay with over 800 Champions and factions to mix them match your team you can incorporate Orcs Knights elves and an array of different fantasy creatures to help fight scan the QR code or click the link in the description to download the game for free and get two free epic Heroes light sworn a great void Epic from the sacred order faction who brings an increased defense buff Revive on death skill and more additionally at level 15 you'll receive Juliana another sacred order epic who's a great boss killer and that's not all raid is giving away one more hero Sun Wukong new users can use the promo code Monkey King within the first 72 hours to receive the legendary champion Sun Wukong who can block and steal all enemy Buffs with even the power to self-revive to redeem the promo code Monkey King tap on the left side of your screen and select the promo codes option and once there type in your promo code confirm and you'll be able to see your rewards in your inbox once again be sure to use the link in the description or the QR code on the screen to download the game for free getting two amazing epics and a rare hero as a bonus all right let's get get right into the run it's already been 2 seconds and we already have a screaming hangover fortunately the naid doesn't have a drop in sight and so we got to get off this thing as is customary lasel has a lot of uninteresting things to say and I don't have all day to listen as a mon couple Bonks are all we need to get out of our first mandatory companion combat lelle for her reward gets an express Ticket off this thing at the Helm of the ship this little fight is suicide to do and the rewards are aren't even worth it we get more XP walking into a town so we'll be sprinting for the transponder this run we're a dwar since I wanted to be a dwarf this unfortunately means we'll have little baby legs and can only move 7.5 M around making our usual bolt a little more dangerous luckily our mine flare buddy takes the Brun of it and already with 3 HP we're just barely able to reach the transponder with a disengage and a jump for not drinking a drop of alcohol yet I keep passing out and wake up with a pounding headache makes me think it's just in my blood I'm a dwarf after all so maybe right off the beach I already spot someone and I smell some sweet sweet Lor fresh for the taking crap looks like I've got to take them by force hey those are mine hey at least you're sharing she's got some weird thing which won't leave me alone so I guess I can take it and probably sell it for some Hooch up and around is a mind flare being that they took me away from my alcohol I need some Revenge though honestly maybe this was good for me you know what it's been too long I'm putting my foot down I'm not going to drink a drop of alcohol I can do a lot of good without it and right off the bat goblins are attacking a nearby settlement I have to do my utmost to protect them by the power of zor we'll be relatively safe up here on The High Ground especially with the archers either dead or threatened so it's all up to our allies speaking of which this poor girl here Ramer she always has such a rough time in my playthroughs I'll be honest I don't think there's a single Lone Wolf campaign I've had where she's survived this combat now I could stay on the cliff this whole fight and be fine but I want to try my hardest to save her even with my lucky roles this is exceedingly difficult with Z Krug the goblin boss having a vendetta against her luckily this time around we're all trying our best to save her in true bers Gate 3 fashion no one can land a single hit this includes myself which is really bad since rir is once again taking a puming everyone is dead and it's just us and a kug but despite all of our efforts ramira still Falls May this video be dedicated to her sacrifice ah jeez and nearly My Sacrifice well on the bright side we're now level two in terms of being a monk this gives us unarmored movement making up for our little legs and some extra Mobility options not quite a subass yet will you just could couldn't help it could you once again our companions can't help but to Buton and help so I repay them the only way I know how I may be reformed but that doesn't mean you can go and break the rules like that will inside the Grove is everyone's favorite little rascal Volo I've had enough open eye surgeries and so you know what have a good day Volo we've got acts of kindness to carry out our sober wisdom proves too much for the arc drd and we saved our first innocent the he wants me to kill all the teelings so we won't be doing that let's hear zl's side of the story he wants us to defeat the leaders of the nearby Goblin Camp well we defeated the raiding party easy enough shouldn't be too bad first say hi to Auntie ethanol what be seeing her a lot this run she has valuable potions and elixir for us and her stock refreshes daily namely we'll want all the hill giant strength for later it may be my new Vice well nothing else to be done let's save these teelings smelling an ambush we we definitely sneak into the side entrance of this old abandoned Village a little less than defitely but luckily I picked up a brew from earlier which gets me out of the bind encountering a locked chest I forgot how to lockpick well my training has taught me beating anything hard enough is sure to work to better compensate for our little legs we have the haste Helm helping us to be even faster at the start of combats no no I won't drink it I'll just be holding on to it for now keep it warm you know speaking of what the heck happened here something's burning whatever the case there are people that need my help inside hurry inside hurrying Le we wait do you smell that my nostrils don't deceive me there's an entire room of Smoked Meats in here we've got to save them before they get smoked I'm going to need every ration I can get my hands on with tactician mode making us exceptionally hungry 80 R for one person jeez well seems someone just upstairs is in need and it's in my good nature to help looks like I'm the only one that can break things around here anyways granted I am very good at it I hear someone else across the hall and lo and behold there he is unfortunately without my Elixir I'm not exactly the strongest dorf around luckily I know how to lock pick a metal beam the fire is closing in however and with the last of my strength I pull us both out of the flames and Rubble will really likes that from beyond the grave but despite my good intentions it seems we are too late we did all we could for our Good Deeds we're rewarded with a staff that we don't really care about but it's something it's been a day so Auntie's supply of Elixir should be back let's give her a visit oh no what's this feeling some repressed memories are coming to front it it runs my blood at level three we get our subass the way of the Drunken Master this gives us the toggleable ability to become drunk at a moment's notice okay in actuality we pretend like we're drunk Bish we also get a really good ability it allows us to disengage for free every time we use our FIA blows letting us be hyper aggressive and mobile oh we can also enlarge for being a dager So It Begins for being drunk we have the amazing bonus of having disadvantage and all of our dexterity and Charisma checks but on the bright side we're good at performance so that's good at least if you didn't know already there are actually items that benefit you while you have the drunk status however all of these are in Act 2 or three so be sure to subscribe to watch the rest of the series when that comes out but for now we'll just be nerfed now that we're drunk I don't care anymore what the heck am I helping all these people for anyways they should be helping me I'm the one with the damn parasite in my head I'm taking my rage out on some sheep oh I mean red caps well I'm sure that was just a fluke let me knock out another okay third times the charm what's going on here these are all red caps Auntie could could you be one of the goblin Camp leaders what do you say well good for you I don't really mind as long as you keep supplying those sweet sweet elixires of yours so the guy near Auntie said there's a guy named aerion he was hunting well I remember ignoring someone like that for a while ago I'll take him down I am still a good person after all mission accomplished speaking of ignoring things I saw runes over here that I ignored earlier I'd might as well stop in and see what the fuss is about ooh a sliding Block Puzzle I love these dealing with the other Bandits the Mage is the most important since she can cast sleep and I of course have exactly 24 HP so I'm in range nothing a flurry can't oh boy where are you going to be knocked cold for a couple rounds nothing I haven't done before a bucket of is later and I'm up let's show her what for okay I'm still Tipsy remember got me some slack with the Mage dead the ranger soon follows and we have our first major combat Victory now for a long rest and a balanced diet in true Dwarven fashion H another hangover who would have guessed where did we leave off ah yeah the ruins and door nearly escapes but we're able to deal with him nicely which is good considering what's behind the door I hate this place I usually do it when I'm level two but this time I'm level three time to go big and go home nothing sucks to use my fire wine like this but it's for a good cause and I am a good person I'm a good person so anyways I kill everyone in the [Music] room the last girl gave me some trouble since I took a beating she's got one HP and I don't want to take any chances thanks to my drunken technique I can puncher and slip away in the same turn and into the side room barricading myself behind a dresser and a folding screen being a mage he performed some kind of Wizardry to enter the room and being a drunken monk I throw some Grog on her pretty strong stuff that Grog I wouldn't touch it even on a bad day deeper inside the ruins we find a sarcophagus full of loot which I take and don't think about the repercussions out my actions being that we're overleveled for the area the fight inside is not much note though our prize is Withers who's also not of note considering we won't be respecing this place my question that is cool I guess let's do something fun shall we back at the Village there's a party happening and I want in in the sense that I want to crash it inside oh my okay running we set up a tactical Barrel blockade before coming in here so when boier tries to come out to hit me she gets a little confused we can use that opportunity to kill her hubby and shoot her from a distance she can do the same so we need to be careful but she falls relatively easily the day has been saved hi Auntie bye Auntie like I said every day she restock so every day I get my fix so um oh yeah the goblin Camp leaders I assume Auntie is one considering her Goblin Entourage let's see who else is around oh hi Volo oh my God is Volo a goblin Camp leader look at his commanding presence over them he must be that's two accounted for I'll need to find just one more the goblin Trader here has a fairly good pair of boots cheap too so we might as well pick them up they'll help us jump a little bit higher inside the camp they don't want to allow us entry but I need to find out who the last goblin Camp leader is the suspense is killing me screw it move aside sentries we can position ourselves well on The High Ground and break the ladder the Goblins aren't strong enough to jump up so all we have to do is worry about the range attackers now I'll save the the long grind of shooting a goblin and ducking behind cover so they can't hit me but after 20 minutes we kill all of the guard and make our way inside oh why are there so many goblins just take me to your leader already you know what I don't even care get me out of here I need a change in scenery back in Auntie swamp there's a little island off the coast and a massive amount of meths which I'll not be fighting so instead I'll be drinking that invisibility potion I got from aunti a while ago be careful when you're doing this since the terrain can reveal you anyhow navigating to this chest will give us the sparkle hands an amazing set of gloves especially against armored enemies will kept getting inspired for no reason so I took a trip to his corpse and that's when I noticed this hole being a dwarf I'm short enough to find my way in and I find ma sounds familiar anyhow Ma wants us to steal the big Idol in the Druid Camp you know what that sounds like fun kid let's do a bit of trolling that was never good with planning I'm just going to take the damn thing I think I got away with it oops never mind the idol it's gone stolen the time has come remove The Outsiders this doesn't look too good will will get up I made an oopsie H an oopsie indeed that doesn't look good you know I think I'll let all these Druids walk by first yep moved along thank you yeah I don't think I need to find that last goblin Camp leader anymore I got to get out of here hey Maul look what you made me do whatever take your stupid Idol knew they what you don't even want it anymore whatever it's mine now well this is just lovely it's all alal I mean Maul's fault well I'd better fix it for her I am a good person after all there are lone Druids in isolation which we can take down before they get a chance to do anything it's a good thing we didn't talk to these teelings I guess they help slay a bear I see another stealth kill to swing the numbers in our favor but unfortunately for me I'm alsoo good at missing though I'm sorry but we'll be having to take out the doggo this time around I checked zor's quarters for all the civilians and I don't find any that's when I realized they're all currently being rounded up at jail oh what is Mal done Aaron what are you doing I guess he's hedging his bets he'll die for it so anyways uh it's a massacre yeah won't ruminate on this one too much it's safe to say that all the Deep Lings perished but now without being Avenged we take out the Lesser droods and Aaron before working on kaga and her guard once again we can isolate ourselves on The High Ground without a ladder to set up as a safety zone it's from here where we can take out Mino with our high ground Advantage we left kaga on her wild shaped form so she won't be able to pose a threat to us Mino Falls quickly and Dona is stuck so it's time for kaga I take the fight to her her only to realize I'm sorely outclass he has healing spells and still more wild shapes to take my blows it's fortunate for me that I can get away and start planning my attack uh but I kind of forgot that she can jump now so we're in a pickle I've got to make do with what I've got I barricade myself in the corner and enlarge ready for the incoming fight she entangled me but I wasn't planning on moving anyways all we can do is shoot and hope my walls last which won't be for long I'm out of key points but my bow is doing good damage I can only hope it's enough I thought my defenses were sound but kaga found a gap and can attack me earlier than I would have liked my damage roles are fatuous and with a little luck kaga follows before landing a blow on me drona Falls soon after we finish up the remaining straggling Druids heading this bear around the ladder so they can't reach me and oh gods they can climb ladders okay we're fine the day has been saved once again by yours truly thank me later there's only one last thing to do in the surface and that's to give Auntie one last visit one more stock a hill giant strength for the road and am I drunk again or is that wall looking wavier than normal ooh what's this a wine seller don't mind if I do a little damp for a wine seller but I'm not will to judge is this place behind one more drunken wall is Auntie who doesn't want me taking her wine she'd rather throw her fire at this poor girl that's a criminal waste of Hooch which won't go unpunished by the way Auntie you look different did you get a haircut before fighting aunti we got level four and get the Oho important thematic Tavern brawler giving us a massive damage boost which is why we collected all of those Elixir before combat we enlarge ourselves since I don't think combat will go longer than 10 turns plus it's not even concentration so he can use it with invisibility we can sneak up to where aunti is and get a jump start nothing a little 100 Proof can't fix since she's sleeping we can start our first turn with 66 damage one more turn later and she's already down to 13 hit points to have umbrella Drunken Master is a combo to be reckoned with knowing that she shouldn't have wasted that bottle she tries to bribe me with not alcohol so we take her down I have no idea who this is but I don't care ruined it Auntie left us a whole rack of various Brews for us will I drink them maybe I'm desperate all this killing and stealing has got me exhausted I'm done with the surface I'm heading to my hometown the under dark it's the long walk so i' might as well mention I have a Discord now it's mostly filled with pictures of my cat so be sure to join while supplies last ah my hometown isn't it gorgeous I can already smell my brethren not far from here and from the looks of it it seems to be a dwar camp here lo and behold geek is here to give us a proper greeting you should know not to make that much noise Geck is unfortunately an idiot any kid of mine ought to have more sense moving through the under dark we hear from him that miket have attacked our people also they stole his boss's boots and want us to get it back G could learn some manners but I'll help avenge my people I'm a good person so we move to he wait a second gck is that an antidote I smell that's like anti-alcohol that's treasonous looks like I'm teaching you a lesson hold person make short work of anybody free crits at 100% accuracy with that we can confiscate the poison and resume to the Mike anded Camp short walk and here we are negotiations quickly break down and so I'm left to fight my way through did you know that Mike and IDs were the reason we created fire wine though it turns out it's better for drinking there's too many mikids for me though let's go recruit some help Brothers the mikids are upon us come quickly uh guys the mikids are attacking the mikids are attacking H guess I'll do it myself it's not too bad thanks to dwarf's innate poison resistance plus they're all just weak in general that's only a small number of them though we need to root out their colony it was going well at first the mikids were falling to new gloves of Cinder and Sizzle giving us some fire damage unfortunately for us you'll see why we need to focus down the Restless mids before they can get a turn you know what maybe the mikids aren't so bad yeah yeah you know what this is good I'm a good person safe to say I died we'll have to never let that happen again once again the age-old problem of having to take out the people that can hold person you first continuing to fight through even blur joins the combat and then immediately leaves good for him we make it to Sovereign spa and with a little invisibility I plan to take him out quickly luckily for us there are haste board deposits around the arena which we can dip into every turn to dish out even more damage blood follows me everywhere in theory Spa does get a turn and resurrects my fellow brother disgusting die Spa all right I guess I'll unsure the kill really I flurried to make sure I killed you that's it Hast spores save us get a damn bomb Spa oh don't think I didn't hear that Miss with Spa dead the rest of the camp isn't so hard to clean up a Nome gek mentioned is lying dying nothing a little poison can't fix oh I forgot antidotes are poison to me not everything whatever on your feet Soldier let's go uh well I didn't really want to kill you I guess I'll just knock you [Music] out you're done and on her are the boots of hey you didn't even drink this give me that on her the boots of speed some of the better boots in the game Mobility wise we'll only wear them for a while since we use our bonus action a lot of the time anyways though they're good on just about every other class well since geek is dead we might as well finish his job let's take the boots back to the stronghold across the Ean Lake on the way we encounter a patrol which we fill in about geek's absence avoiding the sergeant is he can't blame him she mentioned something about biting his toes off upon Landing we have some interesting dialogue despite being a wer [ __ ] would love to see that now unclog your dwarf hole just busting your nads and we're home finally first order of business is to give the sge boots back since I won't be using them second order of business is the free true Soul since I want his boots to do this let's go get some run powder fine has it hostage though time for some Curt negotiation tactics want me then let's gon H okay not the best tactic take two then let it be done okay take three we'll move it to the side first wait what in the hell Boer it all you moved them I only care about the Rune powder not whatever this Rebellion is so we'll let her live hey hey give that back okay well she's dead now but hey at least we got another piece of Rune powder too we can free near with this should no hey we're level five now this gives us an extra attack St or not hey he stole our level up anyways we get an extra attack and stunning strike which is really good and you'll see why in a second okay we did it in time anyways regarding this combat we have some dger on our side someone near here's the main problem though let's see how good stunning strike is yep he doesn't get to take a turn anymore time to beat him up not even a chance here's those boots I was talking about they help us against all surfaces which is good considering I'm a drunken buffoon nothing like hiding in poison gas until the combat's over after taking out the last Wagar we're ready to take on the main enemy of this place Grim [ __ ] to fight Grim we'll need to get a mold and a mythal ore to get the ore there's a piece defended right past here that's heavily guarded a great demonstration for dagger's broken level five ability cantrip invisibility meaning we can stay invisible forever and use it once for free in combat this is blatantly overpowered and I'll be avoid ing using it while I can but for now T we can now head to fight Grim but a quick trip back to the bladed Villages needed since I forgot the most important thing boxes they can be used to fill in the gaps in the platform so we don't need to jump over them before combat we haste up and fight Grim I could have also enlarged but I forgot it's not concentration but whatever we don't need it we put back on the sparkle hands for this fight since Grim is a metal construct we'll receive Advantage when attacking in him which is a massive buff to our damage since we have extra attacks now we can attack six times with our actions and flurry just on the first turn we're able to do 150 damage and thanks to our drunken Technique we can disengage from Grim and run across our nice wooden bridges what okay how about a bigger Bridge oh you've got to be I see the problem for some reason the lava managed to Splash up on the platform on that side third times the charm I guess we give Grim a and run carefully to the other side thanks to our incredible Mobility we can beat Grim to a pulp and run away without him being able to do a thing about it one more round later and Grim gets absolutely demolished by my [Music] hands with our home rided of our enemies we've just got a couple more to deal with first Le this this giant spider I forgot what the throw action is so instead I punch a flask of fire wine right under my feet if anyone asks those good RP we killed the spider the only way we know how with fire wine and a healthy dose of vistage we head back to the surface for one last loose end the mountain pass and the g yane Crush no no no I'm not going in there I won't [Music] what do you mean to to drunk it's not possible now this guy is speaking my language inside the crush itself we fight our way past the sentries and navigate to the egg lady Esther in passing manage this thing could sell for a lot of coin so I want it we use an arrow of roaring Thunder to knock into jail where he'll be staying for the rest of the fight picking off the remaining enemies we claim our prize and egg if we don't want to sell it we could always eat it later time to say hi to war wargas again yeah I've already killed him as a monk Lone Wolf I think I'd much rather do something in character if you know you know before you suspended in a shaft of brilliant light a fist-sized piece of Amber flecked with Crimson is set in the handle emitting a Radiance all its own this MCE certainly has a very unusual design you recall all the measures meant to keep you from reaching this place taking this mace would surely lead to something quite disastrous ah a lovely Ma I'll add it to my collection everything is in motion all within these walls are doomed to destruction unless you act yeah I'm running Got Away oopsie well that's all for Act One be sure to sub subscribe if you want to see act two and once again thanks for rid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video you can find the link to download in the description below thanks for watching
Channel: Pheeon
Views: 107,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, BG3 Lonewolf, BG3 Tactician
Id: nBsIzy9UhC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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