HONOUR MODE - CAMP & MOUNTAIN PASS | Act 1 | Baldur's Gate 3

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gets me every time man it's so fun it's such a fun song one of my favorite ones it was one of the first ones naked dog is anyone else take their dog's collar off then yell naked dog make it get up here naked puppy get up here naked puppy oh yes thank you nice Mouse guitar still skills if only bro my honor mode yesterday had an early stumble that nearly ended my run but now I'm level five and murderize every yeah you know if you can just make it to level five we're almost there it's just such a huge power Spike right you know like you just get your characters get their extra attacks if they had any it's just there's so many things that click in for your characters okay so let's have fun here um so last episode we did the Risen road we finished off Walken's rest um and we did the spider cave we still have anti-l to go do and anti-l is not necessarily a huge priority of mine what I am going to go do though is buy more of her potions cuz we did do a long rest we might as well take advantage of that whilst we can you know you're not wrong Smokey but you know it's kind of have to it's half the it's half the fun dude half the Fuego where did where is Auntie what are you doing Auntie got here on your oh look at you sneaky [ __ ] I should speak up hello sweetness you're going to give me one of those precious peepers nope I'm going to buy these from you okay so I think we do jeepers creepers where'd you get those peepers I dude there's no way I'm robbing her there is no way I'm going to rob her man it's just too risky in this mode dude cuz if if it goes ass over teacups then I'm so which is just a whole lot of like Boomer slang right there I got an idea okay 225 I'm testing something but I'm still judging p the Druid Trader that's near the mountain pass where the crash way point is I don't think so because there's no one in my party that can use it and you know in my video I didn't talk about this but the party comp that I've got here is very not reliant on gear for for really the exception of the bardlock um the and the gloomstalker needs it hand crossbow but everything else for the most part is is very Hello Ghost what's up man you're here for the three three stream streak I mean yeah yeah throwing barbs need their throwing weapons but it's like those aren't required you don't have to steal things you don't have to uh it's not required you keep certain things alive um you just kind of have to play the game which is nice right like okay the returning Pike is where the returning Pike is cool got it nice nailed it um the dwarfen thrower is is always on that same guy I guess the only thing with the dwarf and thrower you have to buy it before you can't buy it anymore right thanks man I appreciate that dude thanks for jumping inse having fun with us here today enough W cve blood uh let me fix this off real quick what are you doing down there buddy I I see you I see you feing little butt um there's stuff in here that I don't want to sell that is okay move from where you know what I wish I could do oh no I don't want to do that I just wish I could like alt right click okay add to Wares add a Wares add a Wares add a wees rather than add a Wares there it is that's the other one I don't want an Earnest disciple oh that that I was supposed to change those around making me sweat eager for batt Whiley is it control click nope that's how I meant to do that no one back home will ever believe this no this one is a true Soul parasite you can absorb its potential open your mind to it yeah that's a block of sword from the generales everything that have good you have grown your power and impr so do I I think we jump into some of these right I think we have fun with them like uh mainly luck from the fire or where is it where's the conversational one there's one of these that kind of works in with uh ELD blast really well an Ary cast a spell you use reaction oh it's favorable Beginnings a new subscriber arrives in war wara war war war like a barista but from for war thank you very much for sing up here with reing up with Prime another loyal devotee a steadfast supporter it's four more AC beef Panda that's pretty substantial we go favorable Beginnings so you've in and there isn't a tentacle to be seen not a bad deal I'd say so I think we get him already on board complaint is that you didn't want to share I wouldn't mind indulging myself yeah let's let's let's start poisoning people I admit I wasn't Keen to be the first to try it just in case there were any uh surprise wait lelle is not going to like this I was going to make her Bas safe I'm all for experimenting what what a good [ __ ] voice actor I don't have any on me I might just wish be so mad at me ker no good will come of devouring a gate mark my words this power would be you might as well ask me to gouge out my eyes for the promise award winning voice actor no for the promise of taste consume all the gate tadp you wish I'm not so Craven oh plus seven oh plus favorable Beginnings well I was looking to use that on a on a on a different situation I wish I could not do it here though if going to be an easy roll to 12 okay okay we need to roll low we need roll High On That guidance we know High guidance we know High guidance oh no oh we got it perhaps you when the tadp has stretched to every pore and slithered through it won't hear my screams it won't care if I beg I will be remade in its image my faith in vth will guide me and my own might will sustain me I have no need of this depraved power smash which one of these do we go with it's time to buy a new computer board thing uh I don't know the I don't know the DC's on this what up riggy riggy r yeah I mean I'm only doing it because of this mode try that's only DC 12 that's be that oh almost wasn't fine you the githyanki have long studied G and used what we've learned the zisk itself was devised the zisk will give us a permanent debuff so we don't want to use it perhaps not just a curse but a weapon I can very well I will swallow my disgust and Avail myself of the parasite's powers okay uh so what we did was we bought those po of Hill giant strength and we have 100% attitude with Damon uh or whatever the [ __ ] he he likes this is what I'm trying to say so what I want to see is I I deliberately kind of dodged selling certain things where's where's a steadfast suppor because I want to see if it was overall like a net positive to do this oh I could go for a good meal oh I hate these gloves when the wearer chooses to end their rage just you I'm going to sell those [ __ ] things I will never ever use them I'll never put them in a video never going to talk about them you [ __ ] make sure you get these [ __ ] gloves no enough waiting I crave blood yeah uh about these boots you guys were asking about um breeds Madness so when the wearer dashes or takes a similar action during combat they gain three lightning charges the thing that I don't like about this is I I don't want to use a dash almost ever like yes I do but um give them to Gail to munch on not a bad call not a bad call it's in the camp I guess I could do the same thing with this too right see I don't really I hate dealing with that [ __ ] [ __ ] with Gail do we have to have him munch on things I can't remember I don't remember how I stopped from munching on stuff stop [ __ ] eating stuff you Billy Goat uh with those boots though it's only when I Dash and very rarely am I going to actually Dash over just outright do damage um and those lightning charges I think they're BL for aturn like this at least gives you like okay you use an action but now you can jump for free like I like that a lot send that to Camp not going to use it but I'm going to send it to Camp send it to Camp kind of free up some of this junk is a plus one to SL of hands better than a um can't give up now don't think I'm going to cast any poison you could just put this on lazy though kind of cool a little bit cooler than these simple robes yeah this looks a little bit cooler on a side of hands f it to make Pig pocking easier but I feel wise yeah so um what ring does she have on who Lal bird band during combat when the wearer starts their turn with 50 Pointon or less they gain momentum what to do which actually might be better on someone else but got the Ring of flinging over here still breathing everything there's anything oh oh let's sell this add to Wares okay I think we're all good um necromania the should I have Aion deal with it you know they they feel like fun get out of jail free cards I don't really know how much they sell for here it's you you get so many in your playthrough right like I've not been in a place though where I've needed the benefit um I can't remember what it it is uh it hurts her I thought can feed the infernal engine obtain infernal Fury there it is uh her weapon and unarmed attacks deal an additional 1 D4 fire damage when she is Raging or when her hit points drop below 25% I don't do melee as the problem um I I can show you if I consume this what happens is um KAC gets infernal Fury Nito and when that happens her weapon attacks and unarmed attacks deal an additional 1 D4 extra fire damage as long as she's either enraged or below 25% Health when you have fighting rasling who's rasling I think I'll hold on to him no uh Euro man uh manack it's a it's a I don't remember where where we found it it was in it's by the windmill in act one and it's kind of cool right we can press read and it's just got a got a bunch of it's got all of my rules in it I someone pointed this out and I can't remember who it was so I apologize we can sell some of these Scrolls too which is nice just kind of stacking them all up I wish organizing by type stack things Justin it doesn't though it depends on the situation there are very rare situations where it even counts as a melee attack it all comes down to the individual skill and what kind of bug there might be to it like Savage attackers does not apply to throwing weapons but it used to that was a bug so there there's a a lot of little things like that where it exists as a bug and it's not I'm not sure if it's reliable well something close Okay so we have 50% discount here yeah so what I wanted to test here was was it more value to sell stuff with daddy Damon than it was just to barter with Ethel and it's definitely worth this is like way better you know uh yeah let's get another hand crossbow for sureet will be done a so now we're going to have enough we're going have two hand crossbows we we'll get a magic one soon this is probably redundant but anything else I could get better armor on my dude on my my Bard but I don't really see a benefit in it did I buy better armor is that actually maybe a good idea only wear light what did you swap zel to she is a [Music] monk oh they do okay so Justin thank you appreciate that thanks for testing it man there is there's another piece of light armor coming up and I can't remember what it is um cuz we don't get that b armor until three bar armor the Blazer benevolence oh oh no we can go get this right now we're not touching this we're not get to any any armor for you bud I thought we got this from uh I thought we got that from a fura we don't no no no you get it from the goblin Camp Volo gives it to you I thought Aira did I don't really need anything else um you know actually this isn't bad the reason it's not bad is you gain one bonus dexterity in Saving throw oh [ __ ] no the green ocean there is a there's hide armor that increases initiative and I would put that onto uh a Stan we'll go with this is bartering worth it uh what do you mean Thomas going to take this out I'll I'll have Gail consume that y Embrace is not really a particular good [Music] so uh Supernova let me let me let me let me do a little couple some things here to help you out well something close for one go to Withers Respec your character to level one just put them just down to level one come over here to Damon and you're going to give him about 600 gold you just put 600 gold actually I think it's 500 like 500 gold you put 500 gold in here and just press barter you give it to him your discounts will now be at 50% so now that means so that he'll offer you more for items if you want to sell them so what you want to do here is you want to just here's here's an example of some of the items I I'll tell you thanks in a sec give me one second I've been selling books because books sell for about 14 gold um I'll sell pictures because they sell for quite a bit just basically find anything that has a double digit for its sell value and just come and sell it these uh these plates over here they sold for a pretty penny these glass chales just pick it all up pick it all up I put it onto one of my strength characters and I'll just let them hold it that's doesn't affect me at all and then I go over here and I sell it I try to sell to him because he gives me the most money for it all um who did what Apple cork thank you very much for subbing up here by the way yeah guys uh worth noting if you donate with uh bits switch is giving 10% of that for free so if you say donated 100 bits they'll give 10 bits for free or 1,000 bits they'll give 100 bits for free and all subs are I think a 25% discount right now so if you want to support the channel That helps yeah the scrolls are again are worth a lot oops this is not World of Warcraft B does not work for inventory in this game um but you will now have those you just got stronger Starion um okay necromancy of th do I have a Starion do I give it to him is there a benefit to giving it to him should have more of these giant there we go that's fine Damon's good to have at 100 because if you keep him alive he's a ven that last out the entire game uh the necromancy of the book this book oh he does so I don't have to do the checks he just does them for me or implied does them for me or AC is all pretty good shape here [Music] careful I yeah the armor of persistence is the armor and Boots of persistence are the best heavy armor set that exists in the game as far as a non a vendor a best vendor heavy armor set I think that's the best way to put that okay um what would you guys like me to do for I think we go to the goblin camp and and kind of sleuth around there yeah I know uh YouTube I just didn't know if we do it or if we have a Starion do it I've never had a Starion do it so that's kind of why I asked also it's honor mode so we can't we can't roll if you [ __ ] up you know oh dude that's [ __ ] expensive yeah honor Mode's pricing ain't cheap dude yeah I think we can start doing some stuff over here um I don't want the the mark of the absolute or do I I always feel like I I don't like a lot of the negative things that going to happen from it no we haven't killed the hag yet the the hag I'm waiting probably until later I don't want to do this checks uh the best way you know YouTube are you let me just say chat a chat Chad are you um playing on honor mode if you're playing not on honor mode cast friends on it it'll have the cost of it um a lot of characters will get pissed off they'll be like oh I I can see you've got that Mark like no thanks thanks but no thanks ain't no party in here sh it gr no I don't can't remember I ran into a situation last night that would be really scary in honor mode what you talking about diversion I've gotten the mark on one of my characters one my original Bard and it was a lot of like they were like oh [ __ ] you got that dumb mark on you I'm like monk right now it has these stats there you go Pao looking ahead don't go bother in my pigeon he's mine keep him safe listen to him cool till I guess I what it to you then catch one on your own as the symbol glows power courses through you oh baby Authority I didn't know we could do that ooh um so the reason I'm doing I'm looking up all these DCS is because yeah I could just use ilod wisdom here but since ilod wisdom is bound to Long rests I don't want to stumble into a situation where I need that and the reason behind all this is oh these are only dc10 checks that's not bad these are only dc10 checks let's just go ahead and do that because we we can't reload right so we got make sure that any role we do do it's it's totally worth it and we can't for we can't go ahead and just uh get rid of that Angelo definitely 100% man well Menara is going to be the is going to replace carlac uh it's not a glitch anymore beef you can just knock her out and she appears at the uh the temple what I understand right guys I forgot how fa I'll favor say take him for a joke why don't you bring him back when he he's the king cool so this is going to get me look at this I'm quite saved can't wait for my new to see a familiar face in such a precarious setting I guarantee the story of your daring rescue of my person will live on for eons that will sound ridiculous but fine if you insist once I've written you into one of we mustn't T but I hate for our friendship to end here please won't you meet me once we've both slipped the goblin Yol smash it I'll slip where do I get the armor I go back to him yeah I always take the eye man although I miss having I like having my purple eyes but oh God Gail's already got rotten crotch my qu I was just settling in and reviewing my late what the Druid hson had some kind of Mind as a matter of fact I do but that's quite impossible you'd have undergone as there's not a tentacle on your isn't it it's fun you know what makes V so good is so oh hi Rachel is that he does actually know stuff but he just knows he knows just enough to be dangerous which I think makes writing him so much better right like he goes oh you know there's that's ridiculous you would have gotten Sor ceremorphosis by now and everyone go oh like oh [ __ ] this guy must know a [ __ ] you know like that's an actual astute observation but he's full of [ __ ] perhaps that's for the eye allows you to see [Music] invisible there we go now I have a gar that is be fits a rogue or uh Bard all right let me go get a piece of [ __ ] food for you you little Goblin what do I even care yeah permanency invisibility oh it's not on is simple enough oh look at this lovely location oh whoa this one gets a little that's cool we got a little dummy over here yeah we already have the the Ring of flinging jery quite the Cozy setup you have here I'll just make myself who the [ __ ] goes you know what I want to be I want to play the drum as a part that is a that is a short hling for sure um where is the stash the Ring of flinging give you this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] food shut your [ __ ] mouth now I need magic items I consume it with my hand like vampire Hunter de come on then don't leave me in suspense how are you feeling no a in tent wonderful advantages are a more precious commodity than I've still yet to kind of have Gail in my party predic he just reminds me of a pony hairdresser I'm not a fan of him another matter you wish to discuss at least like like aaran is like a Loof you know like in and and you see I have this and whatnot condition very different from the parasite we sh my play through halfway through the underd dark right now and she destroys so Supernova there is a A variation of it someone made a comment about it and I totally forgot to bring it up in the video you can go six Berserker three Warrior or three fighter three thief and then you go uh well the not fun option is champion and then thief and that will get you a lot of the really good advantages and you'll get action surge so you'll get two actions bonus actions per turn well on the turn that you use action surge so that's kind of nice oh you know what diversion you're right the Ring of flinging a soul by that that vendor I'm thinking of the ring that um blesses people when you heal them that's the ring that's on him no I can't what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hand been and by that I mean it's imperative as luck would have it you're already primed to give me exactly what I need thank you I can feel it work a metaphorical demon did it work eeve CL it's not been working dangerous yeah we in the we are there bound to wake up again to continue it sincerely though my Lord my Lord I Berserker four champ three Thief Le thrower can work I don't remember what the uh the benefits are though at at six like why why go oh four champ for an extra that's right yeah you know you're probably better off doing that or champ for an extra perk otherwise you're doing you're doing six three and three and you only get one perk good call or feet [ __ ] this does fall out here man let me another loyal devote that me do that for why is this not working that's that's more concerning for me give me a second I'll fix that command log into twitch [ __ ] off what's up Luna should work well here's the party comp for you bros what class are you playing I there there you go Matt Mato there you go I a lard their feet would be awesome ton I'm not sure they did it they need it since you're so good well you do it for in uh improved ability score since you're not taking the gloves of Hill giant strength you get two more strength that's a plus one which actually is a plus two right since of uh it's a Tavern brawler so let's go to our Dr Mommy I ain't never felt so strong oh my God nobody's going to push us around anymore burn flashing here thinking of trying five lock five bar two P for my honor mode run well they got rid of the bug with buying pack not to do so uh you don't get three attacks you only get two cuz it was the game [ __ ] up it used it was giving you an extra attack from being a level five melee class and it was giving you um an extra attack from the packed weapon packed blade if that's what you're thinking meing end the matter to save the former so what I have to tell I'm going to go do the I'm going to go kill the Grove right mistress it's me your loyal servant Cesar I'm back and I bought a friend how thoughtful oh B where you find this friend was in some rickety Druid growth mostly full of TS but them Intruders you're after were hiding out there I presume you dealt with my prey and massacred the rest ah well the thing about that is they sort of massacred us but this mug help me to escape I you feel a cold hand caress your mind as the Dr appraises you oh dear you can't for I go sword for sure absolutes favorites saer no a can't be undercover and it will but before they Feast it's past the bridge I will not hurt you no I'm marked up I'm sorry but I didn't know who they was they didn't tell me nothing I don't see a reason to deal with her again at the silver Tower right the Moonlight Tower we just let let the let the spiders take this one yeah so [ __ ] fine [ __ ] oh what's the achievement you had a dagger for forgiving her there's a three axe she's in all three axe that's actually really funny let's see you cannot be cage from the emerald Grove Goblin camp and moonrise Towers in one playthrough oh oh so I just need to save for one more time after this if there's an ad right now let me know guys I won't proceed until that's done with Rachel you know nothing yeah I'm trying to find the dagger what what dagger do I get from her apparently there's a secret stash the Assassin's dagger see I mean that could be pretty good for what's his name if he reduces up Assassin's touch is the name of it um deals an additional 1 D4 nres that are knocked out or sleeping well let's do it let's let's try to save her I told you I was trying to follow ORD best I could silence rich and remember I want if I can get an achievement out of it might as well knock it out not going to help trouble SAR it swear it it keeps it TR worm has I it seems that the inhabitants of the Grove trust you we can use that against them you have a part to play in this Slaughter Rachel doesn't this look like every single one of my exes just just the overall just the overall kind of like sign the F of the overall mentality she's just [ __ ] enough to be to be uh uh maliciously um manipa on familiar ground on the other hand participating in the slaughter as she asks may be the perfect way to earn how much you laughed on that and access to the Cults Inner Circle actually Shadow Hearts a lot more like Max's dark hair pale skin pretty eyes and just catty enough and and cryptic enough to be like enticing to me I'm like well what do they want from me um okay so I have to tell her I'll get it done right and then when I decide to attack her I have to knock her out that's how you get her to rise of the moonrise Towers right I know I couldn't remember Luna what your name was from and then I remember we raided you just the other day welcome to the stream good to have you here guys go check out Luna I was like [ __ ] I know I've seen that name where did I see that damn name username just can this [ __ ] be easier please oh there we go guys go and check out Luna she also streams of course uh I think if you say you'll get it done she goes to the Grove no she doesn't you you have to you have to give her something you tell her like just sneak attack the goblin next to her as long as she's temporary hostal you'll get her don't talk her into attacking you or she won't show up oh so I have to start the fight with someone else so I think already knows you've been to the Grove so I think it I skipped that part no I'm pretty sure let's find out good marshalling the Goblins is no simple matter but my once we are in position Okay Okay Okay Okay I lied I lied has an elid parasite in that corpse you should take a look no it's saved it's saved oh no [Applause] no what do she drop and the spider silk armor is really [ __ ] good damn it the spider Sil armor is really good let me see something let me see if I can do something I think we can trick this a little bit um local files data where do the save games go um if if I can if I can pull this a [ __ ] my dick hole man I [ __ ] that up uh where the [ __ ] the save games go I have to find out quick here in studios a local app the public okay oh [Music] God let's see let's see let's see let's see another loyal devote I don't know how this pulls in from the cloud I might have gotten it to pull in from the cloud we'll find out I don't know when it sends to the cloud I don't know when it saves to the cloud cuz usually they take a time to sing think oh [ __ ] well if we lost it we lost it it's just funny damn that that I wanted that armor though that armor is [Music] legit no 1114 that's that's exactly when it happened [ __ ] me and begin again no that's fine we just push on through that no I I attacked the I attacked the bridge beef that's what makes it funny oh yeah she's gone whoa Soldier what did you just do listen to me an act of vandalism has taken place you might want to clear up this particular gold may have go ahead and take that gold and leave me alone I've killed my mommy killed my dmy mommy I think I killed guys I'm pretty sure I also killed saza I'm pretty sure I just killed saza too Arabella oh I was thinking of yeah oh oh I don't know it says complete we'll find out I thought it I thought it said SAA in that here let's look at the clip RI RI got the clip let's find out okay okay okay that's S I lied I lied yeah SAA perish in the chasm oh no uh like how like you guys said Don't Panic next time oh I panicked I panicked hard you know can we look at let's look at the silver linings on this let's look at the silver lings I got one of Roman's pubes in my mouth sever Linings to that we didn't have to do that fight so that saves us a whole potentially Game ending wipe hey look at this look at these right what what a good come up I I'll will gladly take that rather than a whole new companion I've never had in my party that I wanted to experience the entire story of that is a good tradeoff guys I think net gain I think we can look at this as a Net game all right I will I will make that as a uh I can put that I there's really cool ways to export that have a lot on my mind and well oh my God that's so [ __ ] being funny but did that [ __ ] up something I mean yeah she's dead but like okay we killed one of the goblin leaders dude that was oh oh oh oh well that's her liar there used to be a thing that if if that stuff happened you could get their item still should mind my dude that's a [ __ ] leap and a half man oh just casually [ __ ] leap yourself across huh you know I don't I wouldn't be terribly surprised if that did happen but it does say we killed I it it just makes the playthrough that much funnier you know that was [ __ ] hilarious Bros so Luna you're going to need to top that on your stream now that next time I ra you my my people expect a certain layer a certain level of belligerent stupidity when you play your game if you've ever played if you've ever played like D and D or pen and paper RPG you know that what just happened is like the natural blunders of said games so that doesn't seem to have made the camp hostile though in in the way that it usually does right usually that just kind of sets everyone off they're like this [ __ ] and they attack you on site so that's good damn dude I was really excited to have her in the party I'm more disappointed just strictly from not having her in the party than I am the items items are like I'm going to find way better items I don't want to steal all of this that the jingle of coin I hear you've timed it well my friend already turned quite as long as you kill men and G out of the view of others it doesn't Agro the place thank recognize the crust she Bears the winged Serpent of the zent room half right weapon no judgment no right and wrong just good deal bit quieter if you please could you just [ __ ] off into the ground you might recall but good that means zarus and her little operation weren't found not just gave me the coolest idea right now to to go a discount a small one o baby let me get that discount um there are some good items here um let's see though dude that was I that was so bad but it was so [ __ ] good unit the target RT that's only for actual item addition form against try type foes good Lord I am I am a buffoon what now Lord yeth and Lord yth away you Goose this actually a really good axe like if I were to make an a no we for sure are not doing that um God that was so [ __ ] funny oh my God I won't I you know the problem is I'll never have something that good you know like that's all the funny [ __ ] that just ha oh thanks SAA sorry for throwing you into a precipice but thanks not Canna I hate that I hate that I guess I can't do the screen what is this button um okay pleasure yeah yeah yeah Co cool so since Luna has these really cool IDE is I'm going to I'm going to act on them so what I'm going to do here is not a lovely bunch of cuts lady watch the Shadows [ __ ] you you make the same mistake learn as I've learned you know Lun I've got that so I have this up in my apartment right next to my um refrigerator in my kitchen and it's it's just you every time I look at it I can hear it and I think it's why I did it and also because I'm a [ __ ] Lord but this is right next to my refrigerator it's it's a displ so it's an actual like metal rather than like a canvas painting but it's just there's just something about it man it it it just [ __ ] brings it it brings it ties the room together as all I'll say oops that's a webcam I'm just [ __ ] clicking all the wrong [Laughter] button so we said sneak attack and kill lady good well the best way to do that is with someone that can actually sneak attack because I can't do that stuff right so what we'll do here is we can get kind of trixy the Candon it is one of my favorites is one of my faves there anything in here actually loot but we will we could probably just use oh this only last for 10 turns um we could hide in here all this [ __ ] nice and going turn this place into Rachel's room look like I got all the skulls and candles and [ __ ] this place is spooky now a bow in a vagina shop I have the same problem well there's enough space I'm getting real creative with this I don't really need to get this creative but I'm I'm defin want to be it's like Sims look my ass it's not too high only have 5 milligram edible stop it what what's with the gratuitous amount of water barrels running a bow in a vagina shop I believe that's the same I I as the master of axioms I think I know I think I know I think I know what I'm talking I'm on me let me just jump on that ledge like a little kitty cat meow we have to stack another Barrel or another CR kind of barrel has there never been a Crate and Barrel I mean I could and you know you're probably absolutely right a potion of vaulting would solve all these problems but it is not too far there's just part of me that wants to do the J the the fun portion of this um just hide there she just comes in like didn't I have a bunch of rates on that side out of the room I guess some use a potion of Vault ping I know I got the jump spell guys but come on oh it's not too high the path is not interrupted you are just not believing in yourself I spit no there's no path that's been interrupted you are trying to jump like an idiot that's why this oh oh oh come come [ __ ] on doing Christmas over here starring a Starion let's see here you cuz you can go up there I think that crate might actually be in the way and see that's the problem is like you can jump up and into this room that's why I'm like what the [ __ ] going on here there's another way to get over there using other tricky tricks break it much smarter there's no path that was interrupted you are didn't deserve to win game of the year didn't deserve to win game of the year it was bought it was bought this this whole thing was a [ __ ] sham look at this larion can't even make a jumpable game d the people that have like commented that on videos like this one game of the year I'm like shut the [ __ ] up dude how about this cuz this makes sense this makes sense that I would be able to jump from here that might be worth let's to the Shadows perfect now we just keep him here and I like this idea of ripping in a tan The Ripping in a tan do I have access to silence uh isn't there silence spell I how much farther can I go I will skip can I skip the brand and get her into her room agree Luna agree should I put everyone in there and have them in sneak and just be like haha surprise how dare you so uh Rachel in in chat Mighty righty is Rachel Rachel and I have known each other for uh seven minutes but um there was a country western bar around here and this is like a county that like thinks it's like it's a super affluent County but people think that they're like oh yeah you know I'm a cowboy I'm like no you bought a [ __ ] hat at a at a Boot Barn um in the country western place like everyone used to go and act like act like they were country you know like guys who just buy boots boot cup jeans white teas and 10 gon hats and God damn damn was it a [ __ ] show you look at their hands and it's like all I know that you've done with these hands is masturbate oh yeah that's the wildest thing coming in here with a Confederate flag I I don't want to go on that tangent as a as a as a very big fan of History I won't go on that that CH that tangent about the Confederate flag this looks funky why do these have such harsh circular glows your only cuses are from golf pipe down mark he tried to tell me California was sympathetic to the Confederacy and I was like yeah uh that was uh they wouldn't even take Texas they're like we can't go Annex Texas that's going to throw off the whole slave to non-slave State balance I can't be doing this hold out your no it doesn't like a crazy crazy diversion I I Foster a very cool inclusive community that can deal with good cander uh a solid back and forth and if you don't you say some [ __ ] ridiculous [ __ ] I just ban you I mean it's my [ __ ] it's my channel you can eat my ass okay it touch you hold your arm second Mark no maybe you don't need it she probes your mind your thoughts with hers a I'll have a conversation about any subject diversion we've gone to some pretty wild [ __ ] like like a month or two ago we had a really cool set of conversations about I had no idea how big BDSM was in the gay community and a lot of people in chat were either Dons or Subs in the gay community and telling me how like prevalent was like that's [ __ ] cool so we'll go into all sorts of [ __ ] conversations around here I'm to you works but maybe I can help with that true Souls got to look out for one another you've come to with the absolute let's deal with this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go in private let's go in private let's go in private we want the mark yeah yeah you'll get it you'll get it buddy first I got to for the abute oh you Walter this is your first time in my streams you walking into some good stuff do I I thought I could only bring one person in here don't mind a stare in he's going to K watch your back kill you radio not still breathing despite everything front to back side to side doing D what are you doing what are you doing that here what is that your tire little tire what are you doing um love you I love you take a kiss Thank you ah I have to go in here don't I have to go in here alone doesn't she kick out my party can I bring my whole part cuz I swear to God she was like oh yeah come with me this is my dump truck people watch me to see her oh the dog I was like I have a huge ass are we talking about butts I have an unrivaled butt unrivaled it's a situation it is a very big situation literally it is a big situation oh my God strong battle brother it is good pin me battle brother with your strong arms in the emperor's name oh okay to find a way forward easy she Loud come here I ain't waiting around battle brother the emperor have you for us okay so I don't have a way to silence her I don't have the S great sword oh man that reminds me we don't really have a use for the suser items which I really like to use I thought we had maybe a I don't even know who would sell the scroll I hate buying I can sleep her she's got 52 Health though this only does 24 oh my neck got keys well no because with this team I can Alpha strike the shite out of her I mean I could start this conversation and then just go to town with a Starion we do have drw poison don't we is that silence consider me let's have some fun boost uh got to be melee well I wonder what happens if we poison a weapon don't burn yourself find let's find out oh 10 turns remaining [ __ ] my ass [ __ ] my ass ready to clear your head whatever the absolute tells what do I do do I just attack do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do I can tell I don't want to say I'm ready and she ties me up and TR like should I just attack her right now I'm just think I'm not going to drink it yo Carl's over here [ __ ] Shing Audy oh so it doesn't work on you don't want to cry to gopers everybody else need ready to clear your heads yeah let's just attack let's just go hard let's go hard in the paint your violence has uhoh let's see if we can do this see if we can do this okay okay okay okay okay okay think we can do this think we can do this yeah again yeah dude God look at this Alpha strike of Doom dude she's dead she's [ __ ] dead push my luck again [ __ ] yes don't say it like that carlac [ __ ] yes oh [ __ ] me I don't think we need to enrage here that another parasite collect it it might be I the best gamer the best gamer to have ever existed keep your a I'll give a shout out to you guys me yet what do you mean false did did any of you have what's her name fall into the no okay what does this r no do oh my God I mean this is kind of cool free heroism now there's no real point to move a body though I mean I can pick this up what a day yeah I don't see you guys doing that in your playthroughs yeah we just can't do that huh six and a half out of five that's right no one's no one's going to check up here bro stayed interesting a steadfast supporter you show the body to the troll inside her room I don't know oh my God Luna Okay so what's next I guess I mean should I jump down here and try and this gives me some money only one hit point oh someone's pulling some Shenanigans in this room that's PR oh a dildo what's up Justin how you doing man guys got 191 of you bros checking in here today thanks for jumping in if you are watching on YouTube do make that switch to Twitch it does help me out quite a bit and if you are watching on Twitch you got a prime sub you don't have another uh content creator you're going to use it on please use it on me it is uh what what am I stealing I want to pick this lock that's curious I love I love okay um simple uh also it is like 25% off of prime Subs right now or uh 25% off subs in general and bits they get you get an extra 10% donated by twitch if you donate any so if you buy like a th000 then twitch goes here you go here's an extra 100 for free it fills you with determination a rocky crop off thank you very oh you know what I missed one earlier too um no I got I got it I got Apple Croc Jan thank you much very much for resubbing with prime fine oh [ __ ] I missed two hydrates no left twitch math is great oh it would even if you are on um nonlethal any kind of damage that is ranged or magic will kill you got to be careful think there's anything else in here let us leave got to say man the Gloom stalker [ __ ] pretty fun take a little minor hit can you leap down onto this oh there's all this crap over here I hope we're okay to leave this room Donkey Punch dude you know thank you man I'm glad you enjoy them I mean three hit points is not that bad it's not a big deal and we'll just fix that had the body of or have color carry it it's up here is it okay up here [ __ ] you know what it's been a day it's been a day so let's not not risk it and let's just go grabb It cast it into the fires donkey punching though man like could you like ah you know I I could be pretty into a lot of things but I think if like my girlfriend was like punch me in the small my back as hard as you can i' be like that's what I'm going to do send it to the camp do a littleit of this like I said I H a little a little choking little slapping little stuff like that that's fun but would some punch me what and small my back like uh oh wa you want me to drop the people's elbow on your sacrum I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do it seems simple enough don't worry guys she's fine she's just not here anymore hey everybody seems to be okay this is cool because when I did this fight F I had to kill my way through through every single section after I got through a certain point so this is really [ __ ] fun unfortunately though I'm losing out on a lot of experience so I don't know how to do this portion oh you know what I can do though you get a permanent buff from this guy yeah the big fight it's got to happen you get a permanent buff though from this dude who's like [ __ ] over here tweaking his own nipples oh oh yeah yeah and aerion loves this he's like oh yeah he like he's like you take it take it this buff until you rest well that's fine we'll take it because it'll help us in this next area if you don't get killed okay we got to be careful there what's up killer clown from outer space uh ABD AB I got to look at the I gota look at the things on this so I don't so I get the DC's right okay latar Scourge God [Laughter] oh menars I was going to cast I'm going to cast blade war on myself take off armor for plus 4 huh the big room it didn't uh as well smoke powder Barrel helps with raglins room uh take off armor for plus four what do you mean Darkness you have to be naked at least that way I've noticed is working I think lack of armor don't actually make a difference in the big room I didn't run into the center just ungrouped everyone and placed them around the room yeah that's that's 100% what I did too Luna is there honor mode in the game or will you just start a new game if you die this is honor mode if you if you die the game reverts to a custom save yeah that's why I just did diversion oh okay so take off all my armor let's get [ __ ] naked Bros you know what I am going to do though let's just let's just get [ __ ] spicy with this blade w you know uh if I if you tell me get naked I'm getting naked I nudity is [ __ ] hilarious to me oh it's so crucial Luna take a finish Divinity original 2 okay um I got to see what the what the DCs are like though on this conversation okay he offers the play the player peace and surrend you through pain if if he's pleased with their performance he'll blessed with the performance in order to gain this bonus you'll need to be hit three times and pass subsequent fail the constiution while staying above 40% okay well we got performance checks down pth great ah are you all pain without purpose is a terrible thing forgive me but that look in please let me alleviate as my work congrat by all means let us see what his skilled hand might get up to my the mistress would approve indicate which instrument calls to you and let us put it to work doesn't matter another loyal devote simply face the W this will do nicely go ahead hit me come on do it do it do it yeah the pain you suffer will cleanse you do not fight it oh plus nine to the performance rule I uh I do declare oh can I just do Bard and auto succeed it is that that means what your voice sounds so sweet dear one keep going you like screamers anyway P your head off Bravo aha the right time is proof that we live reel in it what's up art how you doing dude uh I think we'll pass this one I say your voice sounds so sweet dear one keep going you are doing so well do not give in now d writhing R baby thank you duke appreciate it [Music] man let are we all at climax cuz I feel like I was a fine strike excellent form thanks William I'm glad you're joining my man you againa Sweet Child oh yeah you can you bore the pain like a true BL believer I am proud to have served you this Penance I asked you for Mercy L herself found your performance time to get some clean up after yourself a personal note thank you that was positively divine you know I ah I don't know if I want to if I want to derail this that bad by going down one of these one of my conversational loopholes or uh uh rabbit holes what great smoke I mean we accidentally killed character I wanted the in the in the party but you know than that we're pretty good he looks like emo lucious Maloy little plcape tournament Easter egg I believe latar the uh Lady of pain love that game I know I never played it actually we killed thara I didn't mean to I didn't [ __ ] mean to Dude I accidentally swiped the bridge and the bridge knocked out and she fell into the precipice but we killed her for free yeah they don't attack anymore yo that was a bug oh she did not also the the necklace from the Priestess is so good for mon or the game what what priest this guy I didn't look that good no what are we talking about smoke they just don't stack anymore it was a bug maybe should survive the fall maybe should just bounce the bottom okay P oh [ __ ] scream scream my thrilled [ __ ] pants come to see your friend have you come and join him if you like so now we're making sure this lad regrets not face the prisoner consider the implements provided go that all you got being soft ain't G to make him scream The Prisoner Smiles through the pain should have know whoopsies you know I there was a way to like say oh I got this guys you leave I did not take the right whoops what's this for do that go to the underd dark tear out his eyes got to take his SL yeah you have to be branded for the extra effect hey so all we got to do now is this fight dude we it goes outside there's a bit of loot there oh dude she gets torqued just like I said just got to clean up after herself oh h where does this go can I just I don't want this go to a fight somewhere because I can't just risk jumping in random [ __ ] I've never done this one I was going to ask a wild question but I don't know if we I don't know if we go in that direction you guys know how I like to [ __ ] turn my streams into ridiculous [ __ ] oh I've already done this it's here just to give you an idea of where this is it's right behind the Waypoint here's the goblin campway Point I've never done this part either you can you can well I didn't do it cuz I I've never really entered the goblin Camp fully hostile I should probably do that once like I I want to do a paladin playr that's just like [ __ ] balls the wall yeah that's why like I don't like to go too horny with that kind of stuff so do I go talk to hson first or do I go kill that Goblin leader and if I kill that Goblin leader does it make the goblin Camp hostile okay so let's let's kind of Be Clever about that then huh I think I've done that before though Luna and it still made things kind of [ __ ] for me slice off their fingers Andy them for just what I should do is what I should actually do is go through this door and go get the the Waypoint down in the underd dark so that way I don't have to go to the goblin Camp anymore I can always just go okay take care of everything in here teleport out of here and then teleport down to the underd dark when I'm ready to go do that rather than Tel to the goblin camp and going through this to go to the underd dark because there's some pretty good items in that that first little area there oh no Taz what did you do I I being fully transparent I am terrified hard fight safe as call but what do you mean I'm not I'm not I'm not dipping out the fight I'm just going through here to have both of them although you know what I can do is I can use the the ogres on the goblin Camp right tool do the I don't need to do this what am I doing well hello oh for a skeleton key the big lady is in this room yes is there any benefit to just outright killing her no one back home will ever believe this yeah palar L is right here too like she doesn't it is free experience and I did I should maybe kill her damage is increased by 1d6 yeah that's a good point beef forgot about that does killing does attacking her make everyone in there hostile do we think I don't think so right a Jer I think you have to wait until you completely do everything to do it what path lies you here you've set foot in a restricted area a swift exit may be in order kind I just like a good I like a good check though you know another loyal devote [ __ ] did it congratulations you've convinced them to give you access uh you can definitely do that uh this allows me just to set up which is what I wanted to do blade close ain't she cute let's go oh no diversion sh no we could even put you up here too since you're chucking and rucking we could probably just throw fisted cups immediately we don't have to do anything to really start fire on her oh you are so [ __ ] hot right now that's a great idea come over here sprinkle Sprite we got to get this right I wasn't sure if if there would be a delay oh it's scary but it's the good kind of scare do we I don't think it's going to do enough damage we'll exit we'll let her come back we'll get her we'll get her on the go back this is your canvas supporter I always forget about like these little that'll do right it it doesn't need to be square I always forget though about these cool little stuff like this little stuff like that like little environmental things that you can do to kind of drop on to stuff like I think our approach fights a little too delicious well leave tricks get her to turn around again let's move I'm going to shoot it with uh ELD blast oh they revealed that's all right it to violence hasn't d busher robot in Disguise so what I'm actually gonna do is l elf first then have Judo chop this [ __ ] I get the [ __ ] out of here easy CD key I will not know ooh Lightning Charge in the stomach um we will do a stagger oh critical [ __ ] me blood in a love it I just [ __ ] love it dude like the alpha striking that you can do with this this build is so fun open and shut case Johnson free 75 hit points uh experience points the points what's inside Supply pack that's it do you prefer the move speed Helm on Basel the Lightning Charge temp hit HP ciret currently this I don't remember the ciret oh salite Journal you say it I'm exhausted we're not you need you don't no ain't no one going to Camp okay you Buck Up Buckaroo you're an adventure fing Camp can we go to Camp can we go to Camp can [ __ ] you man oh what are you doing what was that Roman has a tendency to charge in between my legs and look up at me he's like so do you want to go do you want to go do something maybe Missy step [Music] so anytime you see these this teaches you that Elixir now if I go Elixir arcan cultivation if you didn't already know what that is then I already knew it have you guys try to [ __ ] write with a quill back in like my elementary days TRS please I definitely went to petian and I also did uh calligraphy and let me tell you it is not a fun experience oh oh what's that course what do you mean of course I did my handwriting is a combination of wise decision uh cursive and handwriting because we [ __ ] were taught how to write like a normal human then we were taught cursive for some [ __ ] reason oh I didn't go to catian it was like someone in the neighborhood it was like their idea and I think all the parents like Oh Oh you mean I can get them out of the house cool we'll send them to catian they have the [ __ ] stupid puppies on their skirts and stuff like that like the final for contian is you got to do like a like a 1950s sock hop like you got to do like a malt shoy type of situation uh can I invite you out uh maybe spend 50 cents down at The Malt shoppie that's free money man for sock hop in like fourth grade there you go bet you look like [ __ ] in it here we go I know this get you uh so blowing this out uh allows you to go behind the spiders over there oh I did see like this is why I wish I was a smaller race or a druid uh no T man I I think because I'm in this mode of Honor mode I just loot everything I can find hey there's something else over here there's something ah there it is I knew there's something over here oh this [ __ ] laselle in her space jumps have to keep going put it in the hoop like slam get ready for a Space Jam God yeah the god I haven't fought yeah I remember the last the first time I fought him diversion he launched someone off into that precipice and I was like well that wasn't good oh oh oh I thought there was I I could have swore there was also traps here uh we killed two of the three I think you saw me killara this device requires further examination okay so this is it's all I want all the uh black circles right I could I already spotted the lever but I'm trying to see if I get more experience well what gives you the most experience that's what I care about I assume this does because it's kind of like involved this goes very far down you'll have to go in to see the bottom look we also use this lever how convenient do I do the special crab people place look at I'm coming home you have to spend so long poking about down here I'd much rather be outside with the sun on my side which I find to be a striking statement coming from a vampire complain the whole way by all means return tops side chose the color I me you don't really need to do this but oh you don't get experience for picking locks do you over there I think we should two or traps CU it's like otherwise you just like traps are tedious right like the gloves of T mhm send it to the camp with that I discovered in my recent play through that the hunting shortbow get F gives the bonus also for yeah yeah yeah all those things that say that they give it typically for all of unless specifically it says something like oh it needs to be like this weapon or this weapon does this damage if it grants then it's it's for everyone all it's for every item you know I always feel foolish stacking up this much beautiful why did I have I everything I thought it' be Luna are you streaming today oh baby worthy of aanii Warrior's estimation continue you that's pretty cool so do you guys want me to do a build for a like the best healer build it is what have we here I feel like it's super straightforward but I'm uh I'm going to do a build video I think that's uh nine Paladin three life cleric is it nine Paladin let me see uh bg3 padin Warden of Vitality is what I'm thinking of warden of vital that is at level nine yeah it would be a uh nine pallet and three life cleric and that way all of your heels are super super [ __ ] strong Warden Vitality is super good uh while this Aura lasts you can cast restore Vitality as a bonus action to heal yourself or nearby allies by two D6 hit points um so you can just do that every turn as a bonus action and then as a life domain we get access to okay could you [ __ ] off level three we the basically the big is preserve life evoke a healing energy that restores three x character levels so that's going to be 36 hit points and disciple of Life your devotion empowers your healing spells when casting a healing spell the target regains additional two plus spell level hit points um that spell is a level three spell so they just get an extra five hit points if I could do six and six I would because then I would get blessed healer but the big thing is War about Vitality oh oh that was it actually LJ you're right it was I I I last stream you guys um uh swapped this in my brain yeah it's six lore Bard for discover secrets and then six life cleric you're right you LJ yeah I totally forgot about that we because I was saying the same thing last time I was like oh a 93 split I like well I don't you do Lord bar get [ __ ] crazy how much water have you drinking don't was step or drink Hance breeds Madness proceeding uh when do you get the the armor of uninhibited Kush you get in found my Towers oh torches I should be picking up because they are torches sell for 10 gold I me fre money yeah L lard for sure dude yeah you don't really need a Healer but I think a lot of people because they don't really know you know like how the how to play D and D very well or stuff like that and they just I mean it the the unfortunate thing is like when you go but you ask a reic question like hey you know how do I make a good healer people like well you don't need a Healer because this is D and D like it doesn't matter man like not everyone plays games like that and not everyone kind of has that wherewithal to be that super Min Maxi and it can be kind of like cumbersome or tedious for them to play the way the game that way so telling them like yeah okay yeah this is how you actually do it is a better answer than well actually you don't need this blah blah blah blah like because I know that's that's the Min Maxi way right like just optimize your actions you'll get more damage out and so on so forth I'm not saying you guys are saying that that's saying that like like a Reddit response um optimizing your action is the best is the best healer right cuz something can't do damage to you if it's dead but my God mini minotaurs there we go I I can get killed it does get killed right yeah 100% you know like especially if they're not that good at the game you know get back we are not welcome here this much is clear oh attack an X I just should have known that well Red Lotus we accidentally killed a character we wanted but other than that we're good better just like to gatekeep and make people feel stupid it's their lifeblood 100% 100% yeah there's nothing wrong with it man like having a dedicated healers just fine you really don't need you shut this off again that that's the only Ser that's the only thing that serves to do right is what we just saw what to do oh something in here break the rock rock Welcome to The Rock fny pushy you know I never went through the game this way I always went this way which is going to be a [ __ ] show that fight's probably going to be spey spicy sausage there's a Shiny Rock oh I actually really love like if I were to make the best tank um if I were to make the best tank it would be a light cleric with something else maybe just a paladin because Warden flare is so fing strong okay so we did down here we we we played with that butthole oops here's the question should I go and do the mountain pass before the under dark do we do the mountain pass I am very afraid of these fights wolf gaming dude I missed your uh statement how are you doing man I'm good how are you bro you said how y'all doing how are you my response back all as well that ends not as bad could of moving in yeah it's just a scary [ __ ] thing another loyal devote yeah you can do both Jer in fact you probably should do both guys if you are on YouTube make that switch to Twitch come on over here and help support the channel and if you are on Twitch and you have a prime sub you've not yet used here this month on another Creator please use it on me it's my full-time [ __ ] job I'm having to do the mountain pass now cuz Krick spanked me and I didn't like it for once W consider me interested gloves of decks and the blood of Leander some decent shortswords also true yeah oh I do want that in the hall the Mountain King sword um like to rush the merchants for both underd dark and mountain pass before coming committing to either good call I miss so much T the underd dark and then left for act two that's jaller I did not do the Under the Mountain Pass deliberately on my first playthrough so don't feel like you're doing anything wrong man a pleasurable deal GI and also dead Shepherd I don't know the [ __ ] those things are I've never done the mountain pass that's why I'm like o do I I skip this I mean that sword on a staring though is going to be very good the the Hall of the Mountain King sword I know that's not the name but I'm going to stick with it because it's very funny in my brain usually go under dark first then mountain path for Leander and the pink stuff but who the inquisitor's legendary is Nar a new subscriber arrives blendall thank you very much for subbing up man determination inquisitor's legendary decision oh the the the sword of the silver Plaines I'm not using anyone that would use it unfortunately although you know what's funny is that I can use monk weapons as great swords because I am using lasel so much good food there I like the good um okay guys I will be right back and for those that watch My Stream you know why when I press this button that's for this for than for for for so much talking going on I love it Mr it's going well bro so here's the question so we've got our wayp Point down there happy to help Philly happy help happy to help dude I'm kind of wondering if I actually do clear out that Goblin Camp because we are missing a little bit of experience now right um we need 22 high level five is like I said before it's a very big kind of jump in the uh um it's a big jump in your power where the [ __ ] is AD to Wares oh you just couldn't add that to the Wares okay I see all right diversion have a good one my man Adar is not in the same spot every time it's frustrating me it work yeah you have all things man keep it chill don't die at work this is a pretty good one to sell or to to to Gail to give to Gail oh [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] get killed on and of trying to organize my brain what to do here where uh where's my backpack filled to the brim with arrows careful I'm behind yeah Gap still you can go ahead and do [Music] it where is my Arrow [Music] backpack I'm not liking this look enough waiting I crave blood I think I dropped my arrow backpack where I do not know no time to rest yes dude nope that's not it oh it's right here right here right here okay good we're good we're good we're good every you guys can stop panicking okay are you done with the spectat I have not done The Spectator yet I just kind of wanted to set stuff up here okay so let's go right here also guys yeah if you are not make sure you do join the Discord that way you can get access access but you can get a better idea of when I'm going live you can take part in content polls stuff like that so make sure you join the Discord okay let's make a decision here so we still have the final fight here to do in the goblin camp we still have to talk to hson then we have to decide whether we're going to the under dark or the uh Mountain Pass and then we have to do the anti-l fight what sequence do we do first do we say talk to Halon before we go defeat this Goblin leader download bg3 on my steam deck and I'm loving having access to it what kind of is is steam deck just a universal thing or are there multiple platforms of steam deck like oh razor sells a steam deck and these people sell a steam deck how much is a steam uh steam dick is not the right that's not a cheap thing 604 duckets 620 duckets oh the the olad is what we all on right like why would I want to get a LCD one oh it's even got better wi-fi better wifey all oh the old LCDs are on sale I'd I'd say get hson that's an extra body for the fight to come well do I make it I don't like having those guys do those fights cuz if they die they they're out you know once the start singing know yeah and I know that's what he'll do and that's I'm fine with that cuz we're already on that that route Mountain Pass one under dark two mountain pass three crash seems like natural progression okay all right Luna we we'll see if you're we'll see if you if you're lying to me see if it's [ __ ] when I buy the LCD I'm like Luna was full of crap so so 100% complete everything act before moving on to uh Ryan honestly don't worry about it do what you think is done and then go on because you're going to play the game again and that way you won't like go okay I've done every little thing every little thing you'll have a lot to like oh I didn't do this the first time around that's kind of cool um okay so do we are we talking to hson first or are we killing this leader first in all my playthroughs I've always talked to hson before I even touch any of the leaders so I'm not necessarily worried about um anything like that like a like this strike strike this fight is kind of tricky too so Red Lotus the point of this whole playthrough was to recruit manthara I was really looking forward to it but you'll see that there is no Bridge here currently on the map and that is my doing I accidentally killed the [ __ ] bridge and she fell down so we've killed two of the three already wolf we've killed Menara by accident and we've killed gut yeah I know dude I know I'm pissed the [ __ ] off about it so assume nothing if you guys want to if you want to see what that looks like which Creator dashboard po up you okay out there here here's exactly what happened there there is a clip of it that doth exist I can share that and I'll share it as a short and it will hopefully go well your little in your little crate you don't usually go in your crate nowadays you're a puppy you're in that [ __ ] all the time it foul stench of blood smell life smell so the reason though I don't want what so what I don't want to have happen here though I'm not looking to have hon join in on the fight because again if he dies he's dead I can't resurrect him um and if he joins it on the fight the whole thing aggr so that's why I'm saying is there anything I should do at the goblin camp or should I just clear the goblin Camp too I mean it might just be worth wor the experience and approach it from maybe the outside rather than cuz I discovered the whole Camp against hostile by a teleporting into the goblin Camp Waypoint so I think approaching it from the outside and taking it a peace meal might be the way to go can't slow down dude that's a really good idea surround him with exploding barrels humble opinion well oh free silver trays don't mind if I [ __ ] do a steadfast supporter palad and dragon thanks for following yeah guys if you are watching on Twitch like I've said before May or if you're watching on YouTube make the switch to Twitch it helps me out did you guys ever see the movie wickerman The wickerman it's easily one of Nicholas Cage's best films wonder where that had noises coming from it troll having sex i r of 22 so they left instead of fighting this shit's hilarious oh it gets way better Paladin Dragon thank you for uh subcriber arrives it fills with determination are you my wife one of my favorite Parts one of my favorite parts of that [ __ ] by the way Paladin Dragon thank you very much for subbing up with prime dude very much appreciate it bro um the that the my favorite part in that [ __ ] movie is he goes into like the classroom a supporter the whole movie it's like it's like everyone kind of told him yeah like no one really knows you're acting with you bro and and he goes into the classroom and he goes where's the where where's her desk the girl that's missing right and it's one of these old style desks right where you've got the the top that opens up and it's got a CU it's got a cub it's a little cubby right and he walks over to the desk and he opens up the thing to see what's inside and a [ __ ] crow flies out and his response is to go what he does just like that like they didn't tell him that that would happen and when it happened that was his genuine response what let me see let me see let me see let me see let see uh and dais I have to be careful because I'm I'm streaming on YouTube so let me see if I can find this here it is here it is this might demonetize me so careful it won't on Twitch but so Watch What Happens what oh here you go here we go guys there's the if you want to go watch it with like sound and everything I can't like afford to press like play all the way through that like YouTube's algorithm for that is is vicious it find go yeah his face is what really makes it right like the oh dude I get somec with these fire wire barels too over here you know I've seen a lot of Nick Cage films I have two Nicholas cage pillows on my weight [Music] I like to bring the room together the good Nicholas Kate that's just just on my couch I've had like maintenance of the apartment complex come over and just been like like it's sitting like right over here right here and they'll just be like and then this guy normal old pillow right nope not a normal old pillow Nicholas Cage from Conair uh oh uh-huh uh-huh oh yeah that's a lady killer it's uh why I'm single still probably there you go that great and it's great too it's like oh I got company coming over oh it's not Nick Cage from Conair anymore Chrissy I thought you were cool and now you're gonna say this about Nikki C about Niko kaj no one says that about Niko kaj I'm good Hugh how are you doing man what are you doing buddy I am cool okay so we're going down here remember when we were playing a video game I mean in the context of that scene it makes sense you know he's like tripping out and he's like oh I mean I've I've done my fair sh pure MDMA Molly in the club and had those moments where it's just like you in the middle of the the room just experiencing like all sorts of orgasmic experiences but I don't have hair so I don't look like that I'm sure when I did that um I could I'm not saying okay quick diet tribe not di quick tangent quick tangent um um cuz I got to do this scene actually I should probably try and position some stuff right should I go put a bottle of bar a barrel of fire wine over here try to explode it on them oh [ __ ] yeah that's what you can do guy umone there so I also broke the dagger Gees so is anyone in chat oh this is oh this is firew scene Season of the Witch re me tastes like oh God Luna are you sure you're not my wife this is getting better and better so Season of the Witch Is a movie that came out in 2011 2012 maybe 13 I think it was two years into working at GameStop no I think it was my first year uh Rachel I think it's right around the time we met and yeah that's kind of why I'm I'm placing people over here Joel because I want to be able to stop them if they start to make a make a run for it uh is there anywhere we can get him on like a vantage point probably best up here yeah I know I know what movie you're thinking of though the seven St of the seven son of the Seventh Son the Seventh Son um I'll put him over here this kind of actually [ __ ] up his line of sight so maybe we can um but it's a movie that takes place like right after the Crusades reaction onward I'm actually going to put her right here and she can jump down to whoever whatever angle I need her um but it's it's like right after the the first Crusades um and uh Nicholas Cage abandons the Crusades with Ron Pearlman of all people and cuz the movie opens up like okay pretty hot and heavy it's a pretty big battle scene outside of Jerusalem and he's like oh we're not we're not doing this for for for Christ we're doing it for gold leaving he runs with ROM proman off into the woods and they come about this town and this town uh who's who's Christopher Lee Christopher Lee is like the bishop of the town and he's like I know what you've done and like he he basically charges them with transporting this girl who is like a witch but she seems like a normal girl and Nicholas Cage is like she's not a witch you guys are just [ __ ] you know it's like that that weird self-aware night thing that you used to get like in like the early a and like 2010s with like no not all nights were bad like okay calm down guy so he's charged with transporting her basically I it's not to the Vatican but it's like to like a certain holy spot and he had throughout the whole movie everyone for the most part kind of speaks in fake old pseudo Old English right like like oh yes uh uh Thrice upon the marrow you should run over to ywn Hill and you should find yourself uh uh beet on all sides a fortnite from this journey henceforth post haste like that kind of [ __ ] right and it's like Nicholas Cage took the script read the script understood the script but then said I'm going to add my own flare in here and there but in the vernacular in in an our vernacular so there's a point where they're because they there this girl is on a cart in a cage and they're taking her through all these dark spooky areas got to say the fight choreography is really good it's actually like a pretty fun enjoyable movie um but it's not good it's not a good movie by all any TR imagination um they get to this bridge and they've got to push the cart across the bridge and and it's the typical Trope of it's a rickety ass Bridge they take a step and boom one of the planks Falls they like oh [ __ ] I'm not going there um no it's not the one with the bees that's not the one the Wicker wicker man is the one with the bees so they agree they're going to push the card over as fast they can that that way uh it'll all go so quick that it won't have a time for to fall through and Ron Pearlman basically in in the Old English He thing says you know uh by the gods I am scared or whatever he says he just kind of says like H I'm not really this seems like it's not going to go well and Nicholas Cage goes all right upon my count of the three will go upon my count of the three don't get distracted so they push the cart over they Traverse the precipice they get over the other side of it and Ron pran's again like Oh by the gods We Made It Whatever and and and Nicholas Cage turns to him and goes come on have a little have a little faith I've saved your ass plenty of times what what and then he and then he does this and he gets into a [ __ ] Mustang GT and drives off into the the into the Horizon these boots have seen everything all right back to the game upon my count of the three we shall go battle brother I'm trying to wait for this guy to Pat back up here real quick also we can use these brers these brazers okay see oh we all know what brard is we we all watch horn again my it forces yeah as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority time for blood I I kind of thought I [ __ ] that up for a second by the way I was like okay so how do I do this the right way just blowing this up with a throwing weapon is not going to do it right and it's nice that I got this first shot here so I can kind [Music] of I'm just waiting you know LJ you're not wrong right there I kind of thought I did the wrong thing I can get these two I I want to kill them because they're going to be well you know what I could probably get them next turn but I could get this guy around and and do some damage to these two the the wars are going to break this gate down they'll get through eventually but we can kind of space out when they get here um this little shit's dead so that's nice we got to just kill that yeah it takes two dashes to get out but maybe I just maybe I just take him out right now and be done with it because these guys won't try to leave they're going to come just fight [Music] me aoo which one's that what the what's that area of effect that's AOE effect does not start with an an O te of opportunity gotta gotta yeah maybe I just kill them right now get it done with let me see actually come they're going to go one and three where's two hello you I don't have a disadvantage on the target killing kids oh I knew that would happen cuz I was going to use dread ambusher to do some shenanigans okay so should I toss like Alchemist fire on this fire wine barrel because just hitting the barrel just puts the puts the surface down from what I remember I want to actually throw like got [Music] it oh Carly got you guys good hungry for the slaughter the hell was that oh [ __ ] this all right you better come over here and block this guy because he'll make a run for it right he doesn't imply come towards me for from what I remember [ __ ] my butth hole I thought if they're close they make a run for it he did come to the fight M you know what what's a really really healthy way to test to to have a relationship is to test people so let's just test to see if this works if it doesn't you're out banned let's have some [Music] fun actually it probably also on a good idea to test shame you know we'll do this because Cut and Run don't worry about it if you're on an ad I'm going to wait until you guys are done I'd rather I'd rather have that than it go wrong so add end in 45 seconds so we'll just hang out here just hanging out with the Bros talking about being a bro yeah yeah yeah yeah see Manara and I worked out real well [Music] how dare you [Music] L five 4 3 two and one that has ended your community is back okay um that's be on my way course cyber course [ __ ] that's deceptive because it looks like it's in range but I probably can't see through carlac or some [ __ ] o get [ __ ] Swift and [Music] lethal nice blue I feers this time taste my let's just take the burning oh just charged right in the head this is on a short rest right yeah let's go ahead and uh only nine hit points [ __ ] that hey man I got a lot of I got a lot of different tank tops brother love you too man another fight let's go you attack that thing with your brutish head fur see what happens Cave Bear good I I like how he just goes right for it does anyone want to tell her tell him let's have some c i what do you mean God damn it I didn't mean to do it he at the rainbow road right [Music] now my blood time for a cup got him nicely all right car it's go time count on me stop it stop it I'm not trying to have these things happen I have this really cool play through in mind it's going to happen I I deserve it at this point you know my path be true oh cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool don't mind me the lightning charger just [ __ ] me could just open it just is better than a sex oh damn it didn't hurt [Music] her the rare event that I actually do a a dash close ranks go for the throat yes [Music] here you had chat sensoring on this whole time how dare you lady mhm now this is my happy place it's not good all right have a good one Hugh thanks for jumping in dude always good to see you let me see time to strike my path be true one yes let's try and [ __ ] this one up o so strong that is so strong strong oh they're they're worth it just hit for five damage with it damn it Swift and lethal oh oh heal yourself oh I've got it easy 21 juicy bits of damage right there can you feel death's cold grp be quick all right now should mind my step pardon the visera all of Nature's bouny but goblin guts not only do you speak either way I owe thanks I am the Druid hson is it in danger I don't think it's in danger anymore yes but just hen will suffice Unbecoming to demand honorifics from the one par Oak father but how is this possible perhaps you weren't speaking like I've been studying these someone is using I'm sorry to say I didn't find what I came here that must be where these enchantments are placed on them and it's where you'll find your cure I ow Innocents go in if you want to find a cure you must head there and discover how the tadpoles are being manipulated I wish I could but there's I have no right to ask more of you I cannot allow these butchers to threaten my Grove the natural order must be protected do I say kago has sway by sad nearly stealed The Grove I don't know what that does cuz I I've never done that and gotten to this point kga I should have susp there are other it's too late to merely kill this hord's leadership their forces are already marching if you want me to help you must get ahead of them must the defenses uh-oh thank you hurry then May sylvanus well that's weird well let's see what happens here we still can go we're still going to go kill rlin I don't know if that I don't know if that aggroed everything though so we're going to figure it out if it is we'll just deal with it in time I say nonchalantly cuz I am terrified I know it shouldn't have but been th dead she's [ __ ] it's per turn when you dash you gain wrath those are okay it is definitely not an even mode onor mode it's in the description didn't he have something else honor Mode's a new Iron Man mode they added in what's hiding here well I think we can do uh Raglin and probably be no you know nothing big or terrible just a small little detail it's just that I happen to be a uh a vampire H right well so was there anything else it's simple just find a vampire that will drink your blood and turn you into a vampire spawn we haven't long rested enough for him to do that we've counted a lot of the stuff that would let me leave you to believe drink their blood once you've done that you're free and a true vampire yes and and why would they do that trust me it doesn't We Got Away We Got Away Red Lotus we've already uh unlocked the underd dark so we can just kind of leap around of there oh camp supplies you say I'll have them A Plenty let's go and get a little short rest in we don't need the well oh enough way I'm just thinking about her brave blood come on let's go no one back home you know what let's song a rest enough now forward my feet can carry me that at least top us off I mean I could have done it all with uh healing potions quite easily but [ __ ] it whack this thing with my glowing staff's not doing [ __ ] decaying legs protrude from the hall a failed Escape it seems you you kind of only deal with the camp little bit collapsed mid dig and suffocated him the body comes loose for [Music] them into wolves what do you mean let's have a look there's never anything in these you know I know it's if you get you get uh arrested but perfect perfect good money right there I'm not going to [ __ ] let that silver tray go to waste yeah you can go on the wall and appear on the other side of this uh door basically oh we didn't we didn't L Warrior plague okay hey does this start a cut scene or do we have to talk to him because I want to go loot behind him first I thought you can start a cut scene then decide when you attack it that's what I believe I did going close to Center okay right there's stuff in the rafters you can loot too what now with pleasure I not the the wrong gloves on I think well I had the wrong gloves for that last fight so that okay these to Lazy Lazy carlac is not good yes is it okay it's not that great though I I don't want to be surrounded by two or more foes often subtle steps you can manually save see I can manually save right now um all right so I know you can do uh you can do chat with dead on this uh this mind player there's some things you can do in this situation because I remember what I did was I started the conversation with him and then came back to the conversation but I succeeded a lot of roles to do so so I don't know if I had to do that first so what I want to do is I think I put carlac and aerion right here and I bring Lazelle down with me that works keep a blade close yes let's the problem is like dude he just shoves people into this crap man who has the Horn of Gondor do we use the horn here or do I save it for the actual bigger Goblin camp and we can use it again but I'm just saying like you have to pass a check after that I don't have barrels I can go get barrels this is not going to be an easy fight one of these is is a uh still alive so that's progress warlock never wanted the easy path yeah maybe we just try to use it on both because I don't know I don't know what kind of tricky SLE [ __ ] he's got to have of his oh you know what is he considered a boss no he cool yeah but they can eat the [ __ ] rather than me eating the [ __ ] it's the point is but are the Raptors too high up what a day I guess not no over here oh reach it all well well well yeah yeah and browser's time for sure I'm even going to split them up a little bit keep your distance darling can you sneaky nor you sure can I don't have any barrels I'd have to go to this room can't give up no I can stack lasel with these two and just kill the [ __ ] out of them is that upper right level which stairs have to go leave all this too yeah the zents have one from that's those are wooden barrels oh you're crazy look at you just all right action not she's got a lot of strength proceeding justes throwing it from a distance cause it to blow up like if I threw it from here down to there which I can do the truth you seen Ste resolving this peacefully will require you've wonen yeah take the barrel into the Shadows basically I'm thinking of I don't even know how we saw it pick it up and put it on carlac and have her Chuck it down there I'm just uh so Chrissy it's not so take a look at this at Le things have stayed interesting so it's all creatures so even people that like I can use it and it can can be good but if I'm in fairy fire it's not good but in this case like going like boom okay now everyone here is going to get advantage and trying to rip and grip them keeping low well now I'm worried about this triggering the fight it shouldn't we're very far away in fact here if I do this I know it's not going to happen over here because we just did that kind that still freaked me out though I'm not going to lie to you well I don't know about that I don't have enough damage Outlet to to kill the many as many targets as we've got okay so if I put these on carlac though can drop them and I can have some fun but it also might backfire on me okay one true way well you know what I have to do is I have to initiate conversation guy with my main character first before I do that I think that's what you're maybe I do maybe that's what I do I have to get in order to do that though Red Lotus I have to kind of push my way through some some conversational topics some hot button topics and being totally honest it's not really him I'm that worried about it's it's really when all these other so he's level five so he gets an extra attack that is scary U once return the hob can deal extra to creature with it with weapon attack the hob must have an ally who to the Target um when does this ad go up ad break ends in 25 seconds I'll wait for you guys to be come back well I think if we if we surround him with the barrels then have LEL go in and Judo chop I this might actually work we just kind of got to be clever about this so here's what I'm thinking you guys can tell me what you think I'm going to walk in here with my main character start the conversation back toel surround him with barrels see if I can push through the conversation enough to get him back on hisone and then destroy the barrels if I can that seem like a good good route well you start the conversation back here time to press ahead oh I'm freaking out I'm freaking out I'm freaking out I'm freaking out oh we'll be fine you be too far for a ledge attack really it's not the Agro so much is starting starting the conversation guy with a character that can't push through it yeah see this is or objective noted he's got 97 HP back these [ __ ] right up then I'm actually going to go put her right up on this I think I'm might go over here kill the [ __ ] out of this thing because it's a warlock nothing must be the Hobgoblin you taste the on his tongue and the bile have a fair fight the elf speaks of the hunt for a great weapon never saw a true Soul like you but you got the absolute he doesn't speak his next words you ever talk to a dead squid now is your chance I do Chrissy I've got the void bulbs do I like how do I use those void bulbs though like I know how do I use them but like if I throw so that's it does it all come to that location that I threw ooh yeah that's what I'm going to do that's what I'm going to do that's so cool that gets them all but do I just do this right now trying to make it so that we actually get it so do I just do this will it will it pull everyone in if he's in conversation let's just see how it goes I I also want to push through the conversation see there's experience another but I think this is devote oh they get a save though that might be bad well I just want to get to five so we get uh a huge bump in our um [ __ ] [ __ ] it so so it didn't quite work how we wanted to but it was pretty cool time for the what if we did Darkness on him well oh [ __ ] I took too long for that to go off so I now he lethargic God damn it man I thought we were in [ __ ] uh what's it called mode with him that's it good call good call I should FY first I'm free still do some good [ __ ] here um I think we we used the horn cuz it didn't kill everyone we killed this which is actually really good cuz the other guy can heal oh no we did not is this a bonus action to use I think either way we just we sound the sworn here's the problem I got to get LEL into this fight and she's melee so I need to I so basically if I I cannot Place LEL into a position that her back is this Now fairy fire is is a uh concentration spell that lasts on the ground for 10 turns like this I can do this if I if I kind of place it here and lasel is in this spot she shouldn't get the fairy fire I I'm almost positive I'm almost positive that it's whoever walks within the light of the of the fairy fire I I'm I I could put money on it even cuz I've experienced this because even if I put Bay over here we don't want him to S side step and push her still over that way if she's over here he can't s side step this direction to push her that way really yeah so this I feel like that's it still does it freaking out okay I guess he didn't get fairy Fire by the way maybe cuz he's on like a little platform so it doesn't count well this got it he was in it it had a little thing too I will Ascend that's annoying as [ __ ] uh deck save good can I can I sound this horn still [Music] thought they went down there I was uhoh gork fork and Bor cool what do we what do we hex him with maybe we do strength because it's a disadvantage on strength checks and shove is a check gu is not in a good position either yeah that's I don't want to be next to him right now at the ready I will ascend kind of want to get over here see I don't want him to repulse me down here I don't want him to repulse me over there um I should be good right here cuz I want to kill this warlock before this warlock can do anything is my is my thing yeah that's what I wanted to do yeah you know what I think it might be good to here though well I don't really think we need it I can just use her bonus action to do a judo chop plus two Armor class would be nice cuz then I can just kind of kill all this oh this is the this is the cleric you know what I'm [ __ ] mad that I wasted the one on Aion that was going to help me out a lot by taking my time to [ __ ] line up that shot oh god dude okay go ahead and use it I've got more than enough currency to make more I don't have any R oh I do have a range shot on her but I I I only have bonus actions uh I don't know if I can in battle I just wanted to see if I could make any after the battle actually I think we're we're all good outside of that unfortunately yeah ra good here I know we'll take fire damage but I think shutting them down is just more important I don't have any I don't have any bonus actions to do here I mean I could just use this and shoot but 70% chance to hit I'd rather just get up close and personal and it make way [Music] you know what well so much for peace double range attack from Bard what do you mean I Fury I am death oh [ __ ] this oh no oh good God oh no oh good God our modest Fellowship expands praise the sub thank you very much Luna for subbing too you you treat me [Laughter] I maybe didn't need these guys but oh wow that was a really heavy hit on Chalk here nice okay um I am Fury I am death disadvantage for what outside Norm let's move Bruce let us gingerly touch tips that'll hit him so um what's do this first time to strike well I was going to I was thinking of getting lasel o paths interrupted either way okay we got to go back there huh know let's get car to check if she can a new subscriber AR thank you very much for subbing up feon determination yeah I'm going to drop a good old brazers on him oops oops Yeah Baby there it goes like you better [ __ ] return to me yeah righty get knocked prone oh get knock prone under the Brower and closer to lelle who can punch the [ __ ] out of you oh my God God it's so good time to strike this is an easy one I shouldn't have used my my horn of Doom my horn of Gondor I was scared though man thought we [ __ ] up my vampire bite oh no still breathing despite everything this feels good our modest Fellowship expands have praise the mighty righty resubbed too what do you mean resub didn't you already do that oh no you've been giv out Subs you hot Booker mhm why would it be a critical Miss could have been anything else could have just used bonus action to do that but this allows me to do this and then do this and do this boom and I required attention thank you Rachel Victory awaits have you just come back down did you just [ __ ] off easy CD key block you here on YouTube I think we're all good what's going on over here Victory awaits a wooden barrel you say weird another void bulb might as well just lot this while we can this is a bardlock for sure yes got a [ __ ] B on make way there nothing else to loot around here right ready for another round [ __ ] oh no traps please [Music] sword bar with double weapon wielder and Savage attacker you will get high bonus attack same amount as main hand with your offhand bows wait what Savage attacker doesn't apply to bows though this goes to I'm ready I don't want to open that door I want some to open it for decision time to strike no more than a few pecs I'm afraid this spread is our bargain is an Earnest decip perhaps you spici ad you let's see let's see let's see let's see let's go let's go let's go let's I love it I love it a f you know my terms let's get the [ __ ] out of here step forward no we're going to need him for the uh the fight the Goblin fight what we're going to do is let's go open this there we go like I know why I'm overweight because of these things go up here really quick uh throughout act one that DC check gets harder and harder though think it goes up by every time is there anything in these chests because this could trigger a Cascade of fighting the whole entire rest of it DC3 I know you're playing me but you're absolutely right Derek okay so I think we are going to go ahead and stop there because it's a pretty good place to stop uh I don't want to get to the next thing here because we about 15 more minutes left in the Stream uh if you are watching though on YouTube jump on over to Twitch we're going to raid someone we can't raid Luna because she's not streaming but do are we done here is there any other is there really a reason to get these I I can do it but I don't think it's really worth it CU like I said it'll probably cause me to fight this and then this and then this and while the experience is good I'd rather not do it right now thank you I'm glad you enjoy it those streams are very weird but very fun I like to be a fun person see who do we stream today who do who is it we raid I got another balers Gage streamer yeah maybe a two I got to see what's up with this so I guess now we got to go rest we have to go [ __ ] defend the camp I didn't know that was a thing shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times what's cooking assume nothing well it says that Chrissy but I don't know we're going to find out right now let's go to let's let's just let's do that to close us out we'll go on my way okay everything seems okay feed if you must asarian but give me so much as a hungry look and I'll drive a state through your heart I do very like spicy food you did it all right cool Scout just reported the Goblin's leadership has been decimated we might escape to this place place yet and I hear you are The Wanted I took a collection from all of us it's not enough unfortun I have to Corker no armies at our but perhaps we need not speak of farewells we'll join your camp tonight to celebrate if you'll have us that effectively kind of ends the Prelude to the game you know a patch together sack m H shitty mace take it off there and we will open this to where's where's where's this [ __ ] mace Is So Good by the way Faith breaker ask me to see if popular I can see it Lun you seem like that type we just uh completed the goblin Camp so now we go into the UT dark it so let's find someone to raid i s a big old group of folk that way it' be fun for them trying to find someone that's got a smaller amount of viewers so it just kind of super jazzes them up you know uh what what is a who how what is a what exactly is a curvy Lucifer I don't know that mean you know it didn't it worked out just right to be 69 like I was like nice bananas and pajamas it's just a lot of [ __ ] vtubers none of my friends are streaming like my bigger friends like I know and I talk to all the time no Iana no Iana vtu someone who uses like a digital Avatar Rachel again guys make sure you join the Discord uh that way you can know when I'm going live again which will be tomorrow by the way you'll know about the uh videos you can talk to me personally whatever you need to do it's all done there this guy seems fun he's got ponia oh dude let's go help a bro out let's raid this [ __ ] we doing a movie night this movie night where is there movie night I we should do movie Nights in the channel I think that'd be kind of fun actually oh never don't you [ __ ] bring that up don't do it Chrissy don't you do that to me oh dude what are we watching Luna are we popping up the old brazers just can we critique porn for two hours unmitigated but we have to have like smoking jackets and corn cob P pipes and like uh Spectacles on I do declare that was a pitiful uh uh uh uh what is it called uh [ __ ] shot not a come shot the shot that you do um money shot money shot there we go that's my brain a beautiful money shot not all that romping and not enough cing is all I will sayree I play by play I could do that for sure for sure Season of the Witch seven son in the last witch 100 now now you now see I've given you the the earworm the Nikki cage earworm bro 90-day fiance how [ __ ] dare you don't do that in my hands all right guys let this raid is getting going thank you so much for watching here today thank you so much for the donations for the subs for the bits for the prime Subs everything guys so thank you very very much I becoming a voice actor is my pipe dream Chrissy so 5 4 3 two you're just in the raid it's going to happen automatically and those of you on YouTube thanks for watching guys
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 12,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 lets play, baldur's gate 3 patch 8, baldur's gate 3 gameplay 2022, baldur's gate 3 graphics update, baldur's gate III, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 act 3, bg3 house of hope, 🔴NEW HONOUR MODE GAMEPLAY - Fresh Start | Act 1 | Baldur's Gate 3, bg3 honor mode, bg3 honor mode playthrough, bg3 honor mode tips, bg3 walkthrough, bg3 honor mode party, bg3 honor mode legendary actions, bg3 honor mode team
Id: mWv6cr_KTZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 54sec (12594 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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