Can I Beat Baldurs Gate 3 Solo at Level 1 on Tactician? Part 2 #baldursgate3 #challenge

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bige head Fred wanted to go into the curs Lin through Grim Forge and ignored the game's warnings of how much of a sexy mother Yankee he is on his journey he run into a group of Harpers that were struggling with the curse but bige head Fric no there pleased for he had Pockets to blunder At Last Light in and his massive head with an astonishing 10-hole intelligence level already knew where to go anyway he purchased the incandescent staff the mighty cloth Amulet of the Harpers and the clo of protection from tally using the special five finger discount before using the same discount to purchase a sword of Life stealing and dark fire short bow from Damon on his travels our hero big head Fred came across a being with more eyes than brain cells you bless them too my queen where is the lantern using his massive brain and 10 whole intelligence levels he quickly Tau the idiot into giving up his shiny Moon Lantern and marching themselves to their deaths happy about everyone being dead and his amazing mustache being cleaned in the king's [ __ ] bigad Fred decided to free the fairy and trade for our Eternal servitude protection from the shadow curve what more could a ding us want he headed inside moonrise Tower and purchased AA and the Marksmanship hat from R Moonglow before pimping out aarian for the Everlasting bigger potion from araj fine I'll do it eager to fight something he backtracked to do some hag fight preparation first he buffered guidance before drinking a potion of invisibility after succeeding the investigation check he headed inside hidden behind it his big head swollen from having to control the power of His massive 10 intelligence levels decided that turning on turnbas mode would give him enough time to navigate the hag's back passage the waterfall can be a bit tricky to navigate since any water swords will break invisibility so our hero waits for an opening in the enemy's line of sight first our hero jumps here before walking over to this spot from here you can mistly step down to the bottom using orbital mode to make sure it's safe after looting everything that isn't nailed down he steps outside using this teleporter he then attacks atie E from a safe distance to force her to move downstairs before running back through the teleporter and ignoring everything else back down in the hag Slayer he Buffs up with Shield of FRS and an elixir of vigilance and uses haste he has a bit of a brain fart when it comes to re-equipping of two hand crossbows and only equips a net misser wonder if the gods are watching me so at the start of the battle he uses his actions to equip another hand crossbow to his off hand with his second action he throws a grease bottle upon his on Sledge before retreating into this room on her first time rti4 was some of her mind control friends you sneak past earlier and the Archer in particular will spawn where we threw that grease bottle earlier unfortunately the arch of wisdom saves turn one and doesn't come toward us and separates himself from the group to run towards the main room and throw two javelins at the arch off fortunately the second one crits and kills the Archer making up for turn one with the Archer dead the cape's invisibility will proc and you can move away from your last known location to escape the battle tired from a long day of carrying his huge head around our hero decided to rest at camp but asaran rudely interrupts his beauty sleep things get a little kinky and when asarian says that he wants to be penetrated bige head Fred gets a little too excited you back in the hag Slayer I summoned the invisible Mage hand and positioned it here then I shoved now while you can throw and shove this one off the ledge there's not really anywhere to go I tried to many ogers to help with her clones but they also tried to kill Marina so that wasn't going to work big head Fred went back to moonrise to form a plan and stole a risky ring and ring of free action from arage while he was there wanted to go get the blind ring too but there was a lot of curse on dead in his way his brain froed from his 10 intelligence levels and he decided it would be best to let the people of moonrise deal with them he pulled them back towards guards but they didn't didn't seem to care so he picked off the weaker one remembering to keep his distance before retreating back towards the rafs fortunately when they dve gets inside they manag to aggro the room and everyone jumps on them back at Camp B says he would like to stab bige head Fred in the eye and he decided that that was a good idea next he goes and picks up the blind ring and next up is the giank Ambush near the road to Bower's gate now to the normal person having to fight five GI Yankee alone is going to be a difficult task let alone at level one and on tactician but big head Fred is no ordinary man his massive 10 intelligent brain inside his huge GIF Yankee head has already planned that Doom the first step is to sneak behind them so they spawn in without ambushing us then it's time to use the shadow curse to our advantage by kiting the enemies through it they will come back as curs and dead but they have half the amount of health and are a lot easier to deal with start off by ambushing them then you want to start your retreat early while they're still surprised on your next turn use dash and click heals and position yourself behind this wall any further and you'll be out of combat next you want to put yourself inside the house of healing and close the door behind you now that the GIF yanes should all be standing in the shadow curse taking damage you hide and start making your way towards the roof for some reason this caes leaded to astral strep here as long as you stay in hide the rest will die to the shadow curse once they all die to the curse we get out of combat with the Leader by moving away from them don't waste a step the Rangers are a little scary and you'll need to make sure that after every turn you out of their attack range this may cause some of the Mele being out of combat too but that's only going to make it easier to divide and conquer using throwing attacks from the rooftops makes quick work of the weakened GIF Yankee and while coming down for the last Mele they decided to jump themselves out of combat now it's time to focus on their leader you have to kite her around while dealing damage but she can use astral step and as eldrich blast which lets her attack you from way outside your own attack range start off by sneak attacking her and then using throw attacks you can use your bonus action too before you Retreat on my way use another throwing attack before retreating and breaking line of sight she should use form of dread before dashing toward you keep using throwing attacks and retreating towards House of healing making sure to keep breaking line of sight for eldrich blast fortunately big head Fred has a key knife at Chris so he's able to kill her quickly but if this fight takes longer you need to prioritize being able to break line of sight over doing damage the reward is Hern braces which give us a telekinesis per a short rest we went back into the whispering depths and hunt for the key to the necromancy of Fay we using inv visit ability to sneak up the Spider Queen before using the bull rush ability from the mighty cl to push the Spider Queen down into the hole small spiders can be a little scary so throw as much damage at them as possible need to kill one per a turn the second spider deals a lot of damage with his attack but then leaves itself on top of the weapon after using Shield of RS for the 10 HP we use magic Missile to hit the spider and take out the weapon fall damage but it survives and another attack might kill us I need to hold on with only one Health Point remaining we attack the spider once more to end the battle and we can loot the key to the book now it's time to beat the hag you'll need about five fog cloud or Darkness Scrolls an elixir of vigilance for the initiative bonus and we use the scroll of Mage Armor just in case then sneak around here jump behind them and go to this spot from here you can shove them straight into the canyon Fred tried to shoot this one right off the edge but the game lied unfortunately he then used his potion of speed and cast Darkness around himself in case you're not aware Darkness blocks all projectiles so this stops the clones from being able to hit us unless they're in melee range so none of them are going to be able to hit us this turn one clone does decide to commit sidoku though you're one all the Mind slaves come before you start hitting the hag so kill them first fortunately after the disappointment that was the first turn Fred gets a huge crit and is able to kill them with action spare he decides to save the invisibility rather than break it and ends the turn If You're Not Invisible and you still have an action spare you want to use hide to stop anyone from coming towards you Fred didn't want to have to sit through all the Clones turns every round so he decided to kill some of them but if you want to know which one is a hag you can find out by examining her and looking for fail life he gets some damage off on the hag and then on the hag's turn they try their clone trick again but this time with Marina he gets rid of another hag clone before breaking the hack's disguise surprisingly this proc escapes invisibility on his next turn big head Fred's brain tingles and he senses it's time to use another Darkness scroll if unlike our hero your brain doesn't tingle whenever it's time to use Darkness again then you'll have to count turns with a pen and paper because for some reason laran didn't want to have turn counter for it from here R you can just count darkness turns shoot with your bonus actions hide rinse and [Music] repeat as much as I personally hate m I had to talk to haen to give us her scalp and let him overa go you greedy little BS it was all for a good cause cuz big head Fred got another strength level to help with carrying his massive head and back outside after tormenting Marina not permanent P of him have fallen off he decided to take Connor for himself you bastard give him back bighead Fred went back to camp and changed their stats for the last time strength went to 17 dexterity to 16 Constitution to 10 int and wisdom to eight and chisma to 14 big head Fred still needed the ogre's headband but why work hard when you can work smarter by casting invisibility on ourselves we can stand in the middle of a goblin infested camp and summon meat ogres using the horn doesn't actually break invisibility so if you wanted you could just go AFK while in turn based modes as the battle plays out if you prefer to fight and as long as you stay away from the ogres and kill one Goblin in a turn so you'll spend all your time being invisible the ogus will soak up all the damage once the Battle Is Over make yourself invisible again and loot all the bodies making sure to grab the headband big head Fred didn't like the fact that his own people had tried to Ambush him earlier so he went back for Revenge from here it's possible to shoot both the leader and the wolf off with one Arrow but lining it up can be a little difficult if Del lead the saves and they need to go off on the next try or it's most likely death and refresh next you want to focus on killing the Mage first to proc inv visibility before moving away from your last night location have to keep going after they find nothing in you're out of combat you can reset the Ambush but I forgot to be in hide when sneaking up on them fortunately they miss and shield of fro saves us and our throwing attacks deal a good amount of damage I'm able to break line of sight by using Missy step and running away we're able to kill the archer in two times and it's just left with the wolf as long as you click heals every turn you'll be able to keep your distance and Kut the wolf with throwing attacks it gets stuck in this corner a little and it's a short Panic before bige head red remembers that we have magic Missile and that he can pew pew it from around the corner for order Commander he starts off by using a scroll of scorching Ray on the nearby Ranger in this patch I was able to use sneak attack on squs for damage on the next turn throw down the iron flask at the Commander's feet we tried to get a kill with our bonus action but we miss out this next part has been rated too Gory for YouTube so we had to close the door to censor this out after the turn of the century that was so gruesome and gave Rob Zombie a 24-hour erection our hero can return to the room to lift the waterers shed focusing in on we can GI Yankee we kill and proc invisibility then use click heels and get away from our last known location the GI Yanke do a lot of damage together and The Spectator doesn't have a lot of health so it's important to focus down the GI Yan each turn ideally you want to be killing one every turn but the spectator can frighten them which can come and clutch we get a massive crit to kill the last GI Yankee groupy and The Spectator gets a huge Dodge before another huge fright and Brock on the commander we're able to get off some damage before the YouTube guidelines door closes again one more throwing attack before we miss the step away and try to kite the commander things get a little scary when they miss you up right next to us and bige head Fred didn't want to risk hiding them anymore so using Arrow roaring Funda to blast the commander into the abyss being so close to an attack of opportunity that could have ended the last battle it was time to loot the moon drop pendant from the cell unite chest back in Alber cave we basically equip this and then never take it off you can also Steal This Ring Off of Oliver and the shadow curs lands this ring gives pass without Trace which helped a lot with stealing around no one will notice with telekinesis we can loot priess G by moving her body here we can also pick up draw Raglin unfortunately menar is nowhere to be found now it's time to get ability drain and C a weak and we hand in a bunch of metal to Daman for the quest reward we're mostly interested in the floored hell dust gloves now it's time to kill Isabelle so that we can get our Slayer form she doesn't put up much of a fight so she should be dead within a few turns after convincing Jiro that you most definitely did not just kill Isabel you'll want to move out of the way so you don't get hit by her I storm now you could just stay invisible and teleport out at this point but that would be too easy and this channel doesn't even understand what easy means start off by Missy stepping up onto the roof of the in Target any ranged attackers first and make sure to stay out of their line of sight make use of smoke powder bombs to deal with groups also helps you remember to drink an elixir of blood lust towards the end of the fight there will be a number of Shadow car UND dead inside the end it's important to identify any Rangers by examining them to see what weapon they have in their hands you'll need to come off the roof by the back of the building and start baiting them to come upstairs or group together you can throw smoke powder bumps to weaken them and cut them around the second floor the moon drop pendant really puts in a lot of of work here keeping you safe the hyper mode items and Buffs are so fun to build around like this after all the shadow Cur are gone is just kill the trees and then loot I respect shadowart into a tempest cleric as I will be using her to complete the tri of sha so she can become a dark jusia for her quest line big head Fred's massive brain told him to approach from this side then go invisible here pick the lock on the door which starts the battle you feel a tremble rising from the floor growing stronger it does require a critical Rollo fortunately my last roll unlock door that brings balasar and all his friends into the battle I also get really lucky as I accidentally wasted my invisibility so this just this year almost kills me as I tried to run away and then just let the fight play out between the two groups balasar will inevitably lose because a justce is can apparently summon this thing if you don't just close the portals and it can literally make itself invulnerable things get a little messy at the end so be sure to teleport out or use invisibility to escape I have Shadow heart equipped with some of my best gift for the Clone trial will able to perceive the Ambush making it visible and we open the fight with a fireball from the iridescent staff throw out your hardest hitting Scrolls and buff with haste when it gets a turn either go out of its line of sight or use Sanctuary once it's dead and arrest the trials are finished it's off to yuar big head Fred uses extreme cunning to convince yuar into having a sidoku party close to being able to take on Krick form he decided now would be a good time to meet him after convincing SEL that he's one of them he follows her back to their office to kill zerel we use cloud of Madness on on her this will make her hostile to her bodyguard for three times but she can save from it so be sure to cast it from outside deadline of sight you'll need to damage her too but as long as everyone else thinks you're an ally you'll be okay to attack her if she saves or you run out of turns you should stop attacking and reset I got a little greedy here because everyone was weak and I was lucky enough to finish them all off quickly I didn't want Squire to be in the cick fight on the roof so I befriended him and then killed him in krick's bedroom enjoy going back to bed tonight Krick to find your dog dead in the bed now it's time to save the prisoners on the moonrise start off by sneaking around the outside of the central structure using turnbas mode to sneak in get the hammer and get out before handing the hammer over we need to kill the guards first they're too heavy to throw even at 20 strength in the elixir of Colossus but I'm not sure if the Elixir matters but we can throw them to their deaths with telekinesis it's only a 5% chance but they don't seem to get aggressive if you fail so it's okay to spam it big head Fred is the Godfather of statistical probability though because he gets it on the second try the game gives the guard a well time cuts scene and as long as no one else is nearby you're fine be careful where you leave them though if you want to be able to loot them afterwards you guard weighs a lot less and the chances are way higher for telek on them being arrested for the warden you can improvise throw her outside you were witnessed assaulting someone you're headed for the cells and then shove her off from there you can either use Scrolls of shatter or thunder chromatic or to kill the scrying guys or talk to wbr out of their Ling site Fred chose to do the latter afterwards bighead Fred finally gets access to the slated form he earned after killing Isabel earlier he makes one last check for any loot he may need before it's time to let shadowart fulfill her destiny and become the chosen of sha before stripping off all her new shiny gear and kicking her to the curb infiltrating moonrise solo is not only possible but it's actually pretty fun at least I find it fun because it's ridiculously geeky using sh's Spear of evening special Darkness ability you can cast Darkness over and over again without having to rest so you use that to block the line of sight of all the guards just make sure that you're in hide and the new Darkness cloud is still around your character can't slow down 10 these boots have SE there's a branch you can climb up the side and if you're paranoid about being seen you can cast Darkness into spots where you need to jump to get to ke you can sneak into this position and use Darkness being sure to cover the door with 18 decks and the drier already dead you should have first turn but if you want to be sure than using alixir vigilance the most important thing about this fight is getting both dialogue checks the first first needs a 21 and the second needs a 30 you'll want both intimidation proficiency levels and to dump strength and take 16 Charisma I didn't so learn from my mistakes but this was set up part two nicely the battle with Krick is actually a lot easier than you would think start off by using shards darkness in the middle of a room drink a potion of speed and then hide inside it I didn't want s stus to start spamming necrit so I bursted it down over a heavy hitting scorching ra from Yugi's hand crossbow when she was almost dead I drank an elixir of bloodlust to get the additional action we didn't kill enough necrit so things got a little scary but when you have one side free of necrit you're safe to set up shot attack hide and repeat like in the hag fight earlier you'll need to count the turn of your darkness and we cast it before it runs out or it's game over after beating Krick he'll then come up with the greatest excuse I've ever heard to run away from a fight my Lord beckons me big head Fred with his eyes set on the final showdown with a big brain decided he was going to need more allies to save seevor start by drinking an Electra vigilance before interacting with the control panel just like Krick is potion of speed shards darkness and high hied now for some reason laran decided to code cheating mind flayers and by that what I mean is that they're aware of the fact that it's a game and their win condition is to kill me so they will ignore everyone else and try to kill only me so as long as we're able to say hidden in the darkness then we win cheese me larion and I'll cheese you right back speaking of cheese there's still Krick an apostle of Merkel to deal with remember those dialogue checks from earlier right well Krick has one more here and it will force to fight strength to phase two repent would that even be possible now I tend to stay pretty humble but I do have to say that this fight is a work of Genius the pule is pretty strong but it has one major weakness it cannot move so we're able to exploit that by meeting the immovable object with the Unstoppable force that is our hugee hard brain first start off by throwing down a cic bulb at the base of the Apostle normally cotic bulbs are pretty useless but the brine that comes out of them when they explode is special then it lasts until long rest and it also deals damage so the next call is to get out of combat to do that you have to leave a last known position that is being investigated before Michael gets returned to AOE pull you out back I head towards the door in my first attempt and get pulled back but we live thanks to Shield of FRS on my next turn I'm able to hide out of the enemy's line of sight and get far enough away when my last known position is search and they find nothing the magic happens now it might look like this is some type of bug or glitch but weirdly enough this is probably the game working as intended like I mentioned earlier the Apostle can't move and the brine that we left at his base does damage so what is happening is the boss takes damage enters combat immediately realizes there is no Enemy Within sight and so exit combat it's just doing this this over and over and over again now the brine only deals one to four damage per turn so this is where I went AFK danced around the room at what I had done and then came back about 20 to 30 minutes later and when that final tick of damage comes in it was onto the real nightmare of the run as bige head Fred leaves for's gate he's presented with a Stern reminder that he's the OG the original mother flipping GIF Yankee so amazing that he pulled off Goku Instant Transmission taking him back to the beginning of act two before he teleports back in the blink of an eye to Hon while a female voice inside his heads tries to First traing into having bare sex of houseen though however deep your pain it cannot compare to Hon's while dreaming about what could have been with hous big head Fred is rudely interrupted by a bunch of GIF yane who wanted to fist him he missed his step over to the huge caping portal and asked them if they would make his buto hold this wide please but they didn't look as friendly as he thought so he went inside the portal if you jump up here you can just sneak around the GIF Yan inside and make your way down to the hell that is this battle these boots have seen everything drink an elixir of vigilance and cast Darkness on this spot before hiding and moving toward the cloud not only will this create a cool backdrop to the cut scene ahead and it looks awesome when the GIF yank kicks the emperor into it even after he's lectured you for 10 minutes while the GI Yan wait patiently nearby the cloud will still be up with you safely inside we start off by using an arrow roaring funer to blast this GI Yanke off the edge before drinking a potion of speed you take another shot at the GI Yanke on the other floating Rod but they save as long as you don't get too close to GI yane will attack in a set order the emperor will mind blast these two GI Yan in the middle stunning one of them we go for a Thunder Wave and not lead her down into the abys that's the biggest threat out the way in retrospect I probably should have just tried to get the other GIF Yankee off the edge too and not worry about the one too close to the emperor but I decided to try and take the defensive route by covering us both with Darkness one of the GI Yanke monks attacked this void bulb that was lying around while the other GIF Yan was still stunned the emperor dominates one of the GIF Yan and does nothing else I should have done more here but the potion of speed is about to run out so I waited out and hide after taking a beating from the two remaining giank the emperor Chads it out with a massive Ching lightning although he almost dies the next turn before before clutching it out of another [Music] stun but a scorching Ray and another attack is enough to finish them both off we then claimed our reward for that fight by unlocking our liid powers and clearing the way to act three if you're still at the end of this video I just wanted to give you a massive massive massive thank you much much love from the bottom of my heart and if you're not subscribed please click that subscribe button leave a like maybe leave a comment and I'll be back with part three in a couple of weeks
Channel: Can I Beat This?
Views: 7,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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