Is the Dark Urge Origin Worth It in Baldur's Gate 3?

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the dark urge the mysterious playthrough that sends you spiraling down a mind riddled with amnesia and Psychopathic Tendencies will you resist the urge or embrace it in this video today we're going to discuss the dark urge origin and if it's worth it to play in baldurskate 3. one of the biggest draws of this origin is the story though so we will not be discussing spoilers I'll maybe address certain things like hey if you choose x and x then expect y to happen but I won't go into the details because that's what makes this a very strong narrative origin this is your first time my channel the way I do things is by upfronting the knowledge of my video so you can see if it's the right one for you so with that being said let's discuss the dark urge so this is this is a playthrough that can go one of two ways if this is your first time playing then I think it's an amazing take on the game you're gonna find out some really awesome bits of narrative that aren't even talked about in the other Origins because it's Unique to the urge you'll also shut down portions of the game that you'd otherwise interact with so I'd say If you think you're only ever going to play this game once I'd go with the dark urge it's got such a cool narrative and it links all three games together in a really fun way that I don't think you'll want to miss if you definitely think you're going to play a second playthrough then play the dark Arch second this is what I did and I think it's awesome because the game unfolds in a different way paths that I was used to taking advantage of are now closed so it forces me to adapt and learn how to overcome obstacles without maybe certain individuals items vendors quests or whatever it is it's just a really refreshing way to restart the journey I just played through lastly you can resist most of the game's ch um uh the game changing dark urge scenarios and have a relatively normal playthrough if you want the requireability tests but you can Simply Save scum through them if you fail so if you want to know if you can just simply do that that is an option for you but that's the down and dirty of the video and probably the biggest question you had you know if it's worth playing the dark urge so if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and begin or resist your murderous Rampage before you head out please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe each one of those things does help me out in a huge way I currently have 89 of unsubscribed viewership on the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to change this year so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that answer you the most using the chapters about the timeline and the description if you need help with any other subject in Baldur's Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below and at the end of the video let's get started here on should you play the dark urge origin in Baldur's Gate 3. it's loaded into the game we have the dark urge origin now unlike the other their origin characters you can actually go custom with this you can actually choose whatever you want to be whatever race whatever class whatever subclass whatever it is you have that full a bit of customization at your disposal here right so we can just kind of swap this around and before we really kind of get into things I think the real question comes down to what class should I select or maybe should I not select as the dark urge and by and large pretty much everyone can can manage the dark urge just fine if you want to resist it like I said you can you can pretty much save some your way through resisting it if you want I would really tell you though that unless you plan to become an oath breaker Paladin don't play a paladin dark urge because there will be points in the game that your character does not have a decision of whether or not you murder someone and depending upon your subclass your oath here right your tenant you might break a tenant I believe devotion is don't murder someone um and if you do that then okay you go become an oath breaker and then you got to pay 1 000 gold to counter man being an oath breaker and if you're an oath breaker uh you can't um multi-class depending upon how you do it you can be an oath Baker Paladin who has multi-classed but you guys it's like you can't do the opposite one or the other it's it's a very confusing system so Paladin as a whole I would steer clear from if I was playing Dark urge if I was playing a cleric with a very specific deity in mind and trying to kind of go for a very lawful good or at least some form of good playthrough I'd probably not do dark urge again because there are there's going to be a point in the narrative that you murder someone without your control it's just part of The Narrative of the dark urge so if you have a problem with those things just know them up a front or a front ahead of time so that you don't get discouraged I mean but you can simply play a druid if you want or a monk um and my personal darker's playthrough is a monk playthrough but the rest of them are just fine in fact even the some of the items you get really benefit if you say are playing a Gloom stalker Rogue assassin the very first item you'll get when you meet your butler that's the only thing I can say without kind of spoiling it is really really good for the Rogue so these are just some things I wanted to address because a lot of people probably have a question oh man am I going to be all right playing a dark urge wizard yeah you'll be totally fine sorcerer warlock monk fighter doesn't matter the only one I think is really you're going to struggle with is Paladin just because of the nature of resisting the urge and how it could possibly break your oath if you didn't plan to be an oath breaker Paladin and again two if it doesn't fit the RP for your character you know Monk even though monk is kind of a a neutral character it I guess maybe it's more like lawful neutral kind of falls on that like good side of the neutral Spectrum um you can definitely be an evil monk right no problem at all but a lot of your monk flavor text kind of skews more towards the good side of things same thing here with Druid as well um Rangers flavor text is like very like aloof and like I am in the forest whereas Barbarian and fighter is is Mike more braggadocious and like let's throw down Punk so every single class does have specific flavor text options that maybe are certain role play kind of styles if you want to keep that in mind and the last thing I do want to bring up here is that with the origin of the darker is you have a set background of the Haunted one which gives you medicine intimidation skills so keep those things in mind when it comes to selecting your class because that means maybe you won't have the proficiency of say insight and persuasion which I usually always recommend from a min max standpoint when it comes to background I think it's Guild Artisan so if you said if you're thinking to yourself okay well I'll pick up one of those from my background you are locked into the background of the Haunted one as the dark urge let's jump now into some actual um gameplay portions of the dark urge so loading into my camp we can see there is a scene of Gore at my feet and don't mind this graphic article for some reason that 10 does not like having blood on it but right here someone's been killed and this is what I was talking about where you don't have a choice this individual is going to get killed it just happens as part of The Narrative of the dark urge now this will be someone that you'll meet in the emerald Grove and if you don't meet them in the emerald Grove it is a it is an NPC that the game generates to be killed um and that's a very light spoiler situation there and this is what I want to talk about here is the kind of Outlook or the prose I guess you could say in the cons of the of the dark urge itself because The Narrative of the dark urge is is amazing it's very fun you're gonna find something that's going to link you to all three of the Baldur's Gate games and it's probably I had seen like I don't know it was probably like one of those gaming publication websites had an actual article title that was pretty relevant to this it that the dark urge narrative feels like the narrative the game should have been and there's definitely a notion for that so the pro here is that you get a very strong amazing narrative that you really get to tap into and have a lot of fun with it's gonna pull you in directions that you won't even sample with a custom or even any of the other origin characters so it is entirely unique and it is challenging in its own right because of the fact that it may be uh removes certain characters from you whatever it is now as far as the big con or I guess maybe the thing that kind of works against you with the dark urge is the fact that you kind of have to manage your relationships and and really resist it if you want certain things to happen without spoiling anything if any character you choose to kind of have as a lover in act two if you choose not to do a very specific route in Act 2 then you kill your lover and you have to resist one or the other or both you have to okay I'm not going to take that route and then I gotta resist killing my lover and any character you choose to kind of make as your lover pretty much runs into that poor point of the game of like well you're gonna just murder them so keep that in mind that navigating through your relationships with characters that you're eventually going to have to have like a culminating point of you probably might kill them um I personally didn't deal with that and from what I understand you can resist your way through it so keep that in mind uh the game doesn't really try to force you down one very specific path but there is one thing to keep a note too is that if you kind of give in to the dark urge and and just let it kind of unfold before you you're going to shut off quite a few quests and quite a few vendors take for example Damon the T fling that you find in the emerald um Grove or whatever you won't get access to him after act one uh take act two majority of the of the vendors in act two you won't get access to and what that means is you will lose out on items that spawn on those vendors that might be particularly good for a specific build you have in mind a specific character you have in mind for one of the companions whatever it is so those those challenge it's innately kind of linked to that and on top of it you will lose certain quests which would also perhaps reward you with a specific item or specific outcome so those are some of the big cons and I know I've listed more cons than I did Pro but it's mainly more of a warning it's me telling you that you know jumping into the dark urge might be fun it might be exciting might be great it might be exhilarating but you will lose certain things if you've already played the game it's why I've said you know if you definitely want to play a second play through this game it's strongly encouraged right in my opinion I think you definitely should play as the darker is your second main playthrough because you've already gone through the game in one route so this game is that this kind of dark urge origin is going to force you through a whole different play style and you're gonna have to tap into different vendors use different companions if maybe you kill one because if it's your lover or whatever you're gonna have to uh you're gonna do different quests because maybe it's gonna completely shut off certain ones and turn on other ones whatever it is whatever flips flips whatever switches get flipped whatever that result is so if it is that second playthrough play Dark urge and if it is your first time going through like I said before go with dark Ridge because I think it's really what what links all three games together and you're gonna have a very crazy unique experience like when I encountered this situation I was doing it on stream if you watch me on stream you probably saw my reaction I was like holy holy crap that's that is entirely different than what I've gone through and played in my relatively lawful good Ranger playthrough it's just a complete left field and it's outside of left field of like the okay do you want to Ally with us and save the day or do you want to join a uh join against us and kill everyone it's not so black and white there's gonna be a lot of things that just come out of left field whoa wait why am I why why do I have an urge to kill that thing so that's really kind of how the dark urge plays out I'm going to jump over now to the emerald Grove and I'm going to do a very light spoiler interaction I'm going to talk to a specific thing and it is going to cause a dark urge interaction if you don't want to see that please just skip the next section but it's one I think it's circulated quite a bit I don't think it's it's not even a story spoiler it's an old it's a it's a separate instance that only happens with the dark urge only on a little thing it's like a one-off it's never going to come back around in my story again so I want to show you though how the dark urge unfolds itself in the game so you can get a sense of am I going to be able to stomach this the whole playthrough or am I going to have to just Embrace this so I'm going to start an interaction here and if you have speak with animals you'll actually be able to quote unquote resist this or deal with it otherwise if you don't throughout the emerald Grove here's the main gate here's the environment if you just go to the right over here and you can see the there's a little uh not a mouse it's a squirrel hey both roads whatever come on up over here the squirrel's gonna just get Jolly pissed at me spoiler warning it's not gonna it's not gonna end well God I made the coolest character though let's let's be honest let's be honest immediately now I can say dexterity kick her last words I won't last words I won't remember calm down I'm a friend okay let's just press this I think twice I've never actually done it in the game I've only ever seen it oh my God that is what happens when the dark urge kicks in had I not had um animal speaking basically just assume the game picks number three there for you I just would have kicked it I would have just gone completely berserk and kicked it and everyone would have the same reaction and then you can say you know it's horrible I'm horrible my body moves on my command keep quiet it camera at me my instincts are sharp daggered things uh uh stay out of their way so you can you can Embrace this or you can resist this and certain companions will be wary of it if you embrace it over the top from the very start of the game you might not even get certain companions if you remember certain points in the game maybe when you first get Gale that comes to mind so just keep this stuff kind of at the point of your brain because it gets wild the dark urge is a shocking playthrough where you will encounter things like this and a number of other instances where they're kind of out of your control unless you have a very set situation kind of planned I knew going into that if I had animal speaking I would be able to kind of stop it from happening but I but if you didn't have animal speaking you didn't know you walked in this corner this squirrel starts talking it gets hit like literally gets punted so the dark urge is going to be a very different playthrough but it's gonna be very rewarding once you find out more of what the dark urge is how this comes into your character how it connects to the story and how this all kind of unfolds before you because it is definitely a very rewarding playthrough that is one that you should definitely play throughout the first time or the second time depending on how you'll be approaching water skate 3. but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 118,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Should You Play the Dark Urge Origin in Baldur's Gate 3?, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 dark urge playthrough, bg3 dark urge squirrel, bg3 dark urge gale, bg3 dark urge alfira, bg3 dark urge worth playing, bg3 should i play dark urge first, bg3 should i play dark urge, bg3 dark urge origin, bg3 best origin first, bg3 best origin to play, bg3 best character to play, bg3 dark urge build, bg3 beginners, bg3 guide, Is the Dark Urge Origin Worth It in Baldur's Gate 3?
Id: jhqdveuXBIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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