Found POISON ON OUR PROPERTY ... I Bought An Abandoned RANCH In Florida

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[Music] look at that poison poison poison poison what kind of poison is it [Music] it's true what you talking about willis uh we bought an abandoned ranch that's what i'm talking about we did buy an abandoned ranch here in sunny florida and absolutely amazing today is the very first day we're gonna go treasure hunting on the actual lots of cool things happening no doubt lots of cool things to find you ready george don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every sunday okay but now are you ready george i want to go treasure hunting i'm ready let's do this [Music] it's a pretty historic day and i thought since one of the kids lives next door that she would want to actually hold on to that history and so i'm gonna make sure the kids get the sign come on george we're not at the house yet but this is one of the coolest things before the careful though house just a little it's not the careful oh careful my legs aren't that long your legs what they're not that long all right well oh man okay that's what would have happened to me if i would have went on okay so here is uh this is the pond you're right i think yeah just i'm good i'm good okay so this is the pond now come up be very very careful very careful i'm gonna go through again oh my goodness i'm gonna fall next do this you can do this if anybody's gonna fall it's gonna be me now this is the pond so many of our viewers were so worried oh no you bought property filled with sinkholes the coolest part of this entire property is one of the six kids that sold it to us after their parents passed away it was an estate one of the six kids that sold it to us is our neighbor up front and she told us that her dad dug this pond so it truly wasn't a sinkhole they would swim in here and you see the fountain right in the middle yeah there's a fountain in the middle we're told there is a secret spring and a secret pump behind the pole barn that makes the fountain go up and this was stocked with bass and they were fishing and they were swimming i love this pond but you know what i think we're gonna have to do what make it bigger we found it look at this wait well we had a little bit of help yeah we had the chicken trackers they're our security right now security they don't leave our site that's what they're paying for so we found it i've heard we've been told there's a number of different wells and a number of different pumps on the property and this one i think actually goes up to the pond so we're going to test it out we're going to see what happens i think if we flip this switch george we may get fresh water oh remember the water table in florida is at six feet we don't know how oh oh i hear it i think we might get fresh water okay let's see if the psi goes up okay we got a pump we definitely have a pump all right now look at the chickens look at them let's see what look at this you guys want some fresh water yes come get you some water we just found fresh water on the property can treasure get any better than that fresh water this is only one of the pumps we've heard there's multiples up in the front apparently there used to be three different homes up in the front on the road where our property is so there's electricity as well yeah so there's power source up there look at their drinking all right we've got so much to explore uh maybe maybe we should head over let's go see what we can find in the house okay let's head over there george open that door now we're gonna take you to one of our favorite spots in the house one of the favorite spots there are so many favorite spots this is the existing screen come on in okay uh we are coming in this looks way different than when we first saw this so if you remember the storage units that we purchased here and uh locally yeah this is from one of the stores okay and we have a bunch of milk crates there if you remember where the um the previous owner gave it all to us this table right there look at that this table castle mini donuts has actually become my desk so my desk is out here in nature and george where do you okay so basically george's desk is right here in this chair and she spends it looking at herself in the mirror right here that's what she does that's her desk no false oh okay all right she's saying we found these owls in a storage unit we did so there's the owls this bench was actually inside the house and we set it up there for the time being and this this was actually in the kitchen area too what which we brought up george this is like a working station another thing that we've done is i've taken this which are called metal bushes and turn it into this wait so you're saying we have a property filled with palmetto bushes yes and that's treasure my weave on and made a little basket so you can put your snacks in here you can put your definitely got your weave on here you can put whatever you want in here treasures this could be maybe some snacks for the chicken could i have my treasure basket there the chicken by the way follow us absolutely everywhere they're waiting for us security so george is actually making beautiful baskets out of all of the palmetto uh bushes and the berries that come from palmetto bushes are good for fighting prostate cancer so they go for a pretty high premium george also has a rocker over here in case she gets tired of the other one so we've got the coffee and the cream i do like to switch it up i love variety we should probably show where this came from but before we do i saw something a little shiny now when we were cleaning up okay when we're cleaning up prepping in here i saw something down here and i have a feeling we're gonna find treasure absolutely everywhere what do i always lose your keys nope your marbles those were gone a long time ago you're connived are you being one with what you found no i'm actually just getting down on the ground to pick it up so we know now that a lot of the family members are actually watching what the hails the family members that used to come out and visit the property and so they may actually have some history on this and leave some some uh comments some of the you know information in the comments but what i saw oh good eye is it is it's definitely logic and i wonder if it was like grandpa's or or what but that boy as much as i lose my knife somebody really lost their knife okay i'm gonna have to get a tool to get it out let's check this knife out i got it there you go i got it look at this look at this all right i'm curious if it was one of the kids one of the grandkids whether it was grandpa's it was completely and totally lodged in there this is does that say sheffield i think that's a sheffield knife there it is okay so family members if you're watching we're curious the significance the knife how did it get in there uh this is just one of many treasures i feel like over in this corner we found some old antique milk jugs and they are not light they are filled we don't know what they're filled with but they are filled they were up in the overhang by the pond this came from the private pit so we think this was some kind of grinder mixer whatever it was but we thought it looked really cool out here on the screened in porch let's head inside george now it's a working progress we haven't done much on the inside so excuse me it definitely is by the way we figured out the whole story with this there is an incredible story with this and with that we're going to tell it to you here soon but first inside all right george what have we found in here so far so far we've found money are you serious are you sure we should be recording this okay all right we did we did all right only a whole bunch more go to recover the cost and the investment in the property then if you come on in okay i am whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there used to be a counter here where did this go so that is what we moved up there so that's on the screened in porch that's where you're building baskets yes okay i see that you recall on our sunday night live we use this as our backdrop okay so backdrop right here and then oh my this area this is my new packaging center again please excuse the mess okay so this is where you're actually packaging everything yeah so if you remember where the moo cow was he was originally right there we moved this in here so that i can have an outside view of the chickens where i do all my packaging here's my laptop my printer all my packaging supplies all my boxes from usps you you've got quite the view here it is it's a nice view uh how many how many hogs have you seen out there so far so far we've seen the mama hog with three little babies oh my goodness they're so special daddy hog or a daddy stalker or a stalker pig let's show them we're not going to show them the baby hogs but let's show them one of the hogs that we've seen picking up on the security cameras we just got a new well pump and a pressure tank and a lot of stuff so we do have running water on the property now so this is well number two and we know there's more water sources up front so this what is this water well this is the old pressurized tank i'm sure we could come up with some fun ideas what to do with this maybe smash it with the drag oh i'd love that let's come on this way this way there's there's a lot of things in here we don't even know what's all here yet i mean there's there's drawers here's another i know what you're gonna make me do you make me rip this out captain fumble nuts strikes again so there was an animal in there you're going to counter space you're going to make me pull this out so you can have it in your shipping room aren't you yes okay i figured you would but if we come in here i don't remember if there's lights in here or not let's find out nope we're still learning we have a million jars now a million may be a little bit of an exaggeration but go ahead show all the jars here obviously there's a lot of canning going on right someone got their canning on so this was the canning room and there's there's quite a bit of shelf space let's check out and we got to be careful i don't have gloves on but let's check out and look at this more cameras more more jars i try to turn a light there's a switch outside and i flicked it on so so the light switch was out there all right let's see what this is and more jars okay more jars there we're gonna check these drawers too let's see what we have in here now careful a snake could jump out a snake could literally at any moment in time so what do we have here uh never guess more jars okay we definitely have a lot of jars now let's see what was actually in the drawers okay we got drawers for days too so all right can you move this yeah this i like that this is higher i can move whoa okay careful something might jump out okay that's that's definitely anyone's living in there that's a mouse nest we may not be in ohio anymore but there's still mice still mice let's see what's in here okay well that's what's in there and george i think we might we might have probably more jars more jars more jars there's more jars there and then let's check this one out yep more jars there all right let's tell them let's go out back on the property and let's show them exactly the whole puzzle piece of the mystery of the gun box in the screened-in porch when we first saw this thingamajig we're wondering what in the hells is it well we thought it was pipe with a can on the top attached to a telephone pole surrounded by bricks and we literally you asked me and you're like hails if i know look below surprise it's our chicken another thing we questioned on the property is what the purpose of this thing is with the cut out area come look at this well yeah we thought maybe there were windows put in there at one point we just we had no idea whether it was for growing vines flowers interesting and then it went on this little curve with another cut out another cutout right there in the curve very interesting to say the least so what we found out because the family told us previous owner would sit out here on the screened-in porch the pole with the with the metal and the can on the top that was a feed station and when the biggest deer would come open up get the shotgun rifle and then it all makes sense now watch this george this was actually the spot and if you look right down my site my arm do you see the feed station bingo bango bam or right down here and ram this was a hunting blind now private owner private property he could do whatever he wanted this blind that's kind of cool that's kind of really cool so we went from wondering what the hells is all this stuff to going now the puzzle pieces all come together and you see this all here all this stuff up here the family told us here's nails the family told us the biggest bucks that were on the property were all lined up here on the screened in porch we were also told that there is a giant bear head on the property with a live bat maybe somewhere if somebody didn't take it come look down here okay do you remember all of the shells that we scored on our sanibel island trip i remember look at this look at this and we said we were going to create a shelling tree on the property did you say shelling yes so this is where we're going to put it we're going to surround all of the shells around this tree we found a pretty cool treasure because we found the tree that we wanted to create as the shelling so this tree this tree is actually a beautiful arborvitae or it's a cedar tree same same thing growing right here on the property if we swing around the house is right behind george's car the trailer the tractor and we'll be able to see the beauty of the shelling tree when we're out on the screened in porch come look at this okay i found a hermit crab shell i gave it some wings you gave a hermit wings yes wow you know what i thought we found a whole lot more shells then than this it doesn't look like very much when you put it up against the tree doesn't it it doesn't look like much but it's the start of our tree shell and we'll continue to add on to this and let it grow but over over there if you look to in the woods over there where the bushes are yeah hey you in the bushes that's when we first saw the mama pig in her piglets you want to go in there and see if we can find them sure let's go see if we can flush them out look at there you see look at there i didn't see any pigs look at this it's a zte what's a cell phone doing out here on the property look how weathered and worn that is okay oh my goodness look at that uh that's tracfone right i think that's tracfone that's track you think it'll turn on let's see okay uh again any family members watching right now of the former owners uh if this is your cell phone and you lost it just leave us a comment below and we'll do what we can to get it back to you but um we're not sure it's gonna work so let's see um i'm gonna try it definitely has a lot of moisture i don't even know how to it's gotta be one of these right no here's enough power button right up here okay okay power press and hold for 10 seconds okay one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi five mississippi six mississippi seven mississippi eight mississippi nine mississippi nine and a half mississippi ten did it work nothing nothing nothing um i'm not sure it's ever gonna work you wanna go check out the shop because that pole barn was just filled with stuff you wanna go see what's in the pole barn all right let's go did you see did you see the water line down here so the the pump the well behind the pole barn which we're on our way to the pole barn actually brings water in there and look at this look at this hogs are not wild they're born to be wild wait this sounds like maybe a movie title of kind of movie we'd find in a storage unit hogs going wild but uh what we have been told again by the family member and this is this is the invaluable treasure of the family being near the property and actually talking to us about the property we're getting the rich and deep history which we love you guys know how much we love humor and we love history and so oh it's so cool so so apparently a former owner used to get some of the hogs here and this was this was a hog pen back here which explains the water so that was a full hog pen and he wouldn't let anybody hunt the property so kind of like the same as me nobody nobody is going to be hunting the property absolutely love outdoors absolutely love wildlife love animals the way that i like to shoot them is with a camera with a filming with you know that's the way that i like to shoot them even though george is aching for some bacon she can get pretty hangry at times oh look a grapefruit the previous owners did tell us that grapefruit orange trees and fig trees were planted in this area okay so follow the trail follow the trail i smell citrus i see another one i smell citrus there's another one right there okay there's one right here the chicken the chicken are gonna love these i'm gonna cube them up and feed it to them there's another one right there's another one right there they're kind of now is the season this is the fruit tree right here this is the grapefruit tree uh we think it might be white grapefruit which is extremely seedy and chickens love the chicken are gonna love it there's four different bays in this pole barn come on in come on oh look who decided to follow well i mean they're on they're on paid staff so they have to so i brought there is power but there's no light bulbs so i brought uh i brought a head lamp justin i like the uh oh george look what we just found what all of the we have so much property here we could just go out and hit balls four or five we could hit five six seven whatever we wanna do okay look at all this i got a feeling they liked antiques just as much as we did okay what uh now i know i know that has some value right there i think this is probably about a 20 goblet now this that's valuable this is invaluable when you're thirsty and don't have anything to drink that gulp whoa that'll mean the world to you when's that third okay now here's the other thing that we've heard otter creek used to be an area specifically where we're at and our neighboring properties where there was a glass bottle production company and there are vintage antique very very uh collectible expensive bottles all over the property now we didn't even have to dig for these there's some right there see what else we have here we've got that's a candle i think candle holder candle uh how to prepare for shoulder oh this is preparing for your for shoulder mount that's taxidermy for the deer oh that makes sense you see that this is this is the buck stops here that's where he took his taxidermy the deer that he was hanging up in in on the screened in porch now the bear is supposed to be here somewhere we have to see if we can find it okay there's some soda it says soda i don't know what it really is hardened liquid with some liquid okay some stuff with some stuff yes you are right george it is some stuff with some stuff look at this okay there is holy cow that's heavy i don't know what it is but it is definitely separated something we would find in a storage unit okay so what it is it's it's paint it's an oil-based paint the pigment and the oil have actually separated uh a lot of times when we tell you we don't know what something is we don't all right so uh but we do love to hear from you guys and what you think it is all of these cans i have to be very careful because i could be mere inches away from death we know there's diamondback we know there's water moccasins we don't think there's going to be any water moccasins in here but there could be a diamondback in any one of these cans you never know the good thing we have going for us do you hear that here okay nothing in there all right the good thing we have going for us aren't there venomous spiders no there is one there's a brown recluse right there do you see it do you see it alive or dead he's very very much alive no no get closer give me the camera give me the camera don't you wuss out on me don't you dare was out on me right now now he might jump out he might jump out and try and attack me and i might die i am i am but inches away from death right now jeremy yeah you've been in there for a while you okay i had to change my pants after that little mishap uh that's no joke right there there is a bathroom in here as well i don't have the water on right now which we think that that pump behind the pole barn supplies all of that so there is a shower there is a full shower hookup in here which is kind of cool so his and her showers definitely need some tlc what is this there is another canadian whiskey somebody definitely like their whiskey george what's in here well i'm hoping no spiders oh it might be urine i don't know i don't know i don't know what that is i'm gonna put that right back up okay i'm gonna put that back up um we don't know what it is it could be anything it could be anything uh let's we gotta find that head it's gotta be here that would be the coolest thing in the world that would be really cool so let's take a peek in here i'm gonna go double click for for a lot a lot of um a lot of light now i see look at all this nuts and bolts oh you need nuts and bolts absolutely we brought nothing with us we brought only what we had in the camper you got to hook up your uh florida plates to the trailer yeah this would be nice if we could actually find metal bolts if we can find bolts for the trailer uh-huh i found the chicken they're doing a great job protecting us they have our backs let's see what's in here no spiders there but just joking okay george is really jumpy today for some reason you're making me jumpy george don't worry you know who's got the big nut right the chicken right there right there see that they like to they like to get at my shoe laces and untie my shoelaces i have to tie them like three times there's a lot of stuff in here a lot of hardware this is for osb kind of these are t-clips or i think i forget if they're called t-clips or not but they're for joining osb boards together some water putty will not shrink definitely stuff we could use here on the ranch right well some of it yes oh man george what what's that say does that say poison what does that say oh my goodness there's a nut look there's a poison bottle inside the poison bottle no way this is fast pain relief and there's a poison okay so all right if you don't know a lot about your vintage collectibilities um you used to get mercury in bottles and and all kinds of stuff and it's really collectible especially if it still has stuff in it this apparently does have poison we're going to take a look at it what is this [Music] granules keep out of reach of children southern insecticides okay all right what i really want to know is what's in here let's go over to the table george be very careful i'm not scared of the spider anymore i'm scared of this poison all right chickens keep guard yes be on the lookout okay all right here we go i don't want you sniffing don't sniff i've got my nose plugged we're gonna dump out uh oh it's only sealed it's only sealed with paper look at that poison poison poison poison what kind of poison is it where there's philadelphia crystals some kind of sulfate crystals i don't even know if i should touch it and put it back in those are just not one set of crossbones that's two set of crossbones i got an idea i'm throwing it in with the spider can ready here we go i am not joking do you remember this bottle was a spider can this bottle is worth a lot of money and there's only one way to get rid of brown rook loose spiders you ready run chicken run george check this out check this out there's an entire bottle collection back here kentucky distillery okay let's see what else we have uh here is a grand mario liquor orange cognac i don't even know what that is i don't know what that is yeah bourbon neither of us drink so we're just going by what the cap says we don't know what it is and that was probably yeah that was alcohol as well um there's one captain morgan spiced room huh well there's that uh there is value there is value yeah people do collect empty there's a hot water tank right here this probably goes to the shower that but it's filled with uh it needs some cleaning and by the way when we bought the property we know we need to clean everything that's a huge task and we're we're ready for it well we're ready to try and get some help um this is plexiglass pieces that's plexiglas that's real glass right there so this looks like hopefully no spiders more nails now the table saw here so when i talked to the family i asked is there anything else you want because you know how we are with resource love they can have whatever they want and they did mention they wanted the table saw but it was too heavy they didn't know how to get it and so i did say that i would throw this in the truck and i'll get this up to them so it is heavy it's definitely heavy but uh what i'll do is i'll i'll just throw it up in the back of the truck and yeah we'll get some manpower yeah well i'll need somebody else but um it'll just be in the back of the truck and then right up front and then we're good to go oh there's a light so we have power in the building we just don't have the bulbs might be changed okay here we go here's a sign if you're so something smart why ain't you rich because my name is jeremy it ain't rich it's jeremy that's my name what the hells what's behind these locked cabinets i don't know i'm just glad you found a key we did bring your sledge home hammer uh what's that uh that would be a some type of bolt we did bring your sledgehammer in case you found a safe in a storage unit but you brought you got keys something probably will what about look that looks like a drawer try that try that there's a sign some type of tree something tree stand maybe nothing in here okay and nothing in there all right why don't we why don't we jump over to section number three no it's two this is the second portion of the pull bar look at that there's the power box yeah right there there's power power wonder working power in the range on the right we probably just have to replace the bulbs yeah we just have to replace the ball [Music] that looks like the holy grail right there fancy do you think there's another part to it that makes there has to be like a his and her or maybe it goes up against a wall like a decoration i don't know maybe a fancy little boss have you seen the bear head nope looking for the bear head there was up in the uh i'm having a brain fart what are these called um they're called brain farts they were rapture huge yeah there were huge barrels maybe it's hidden in there could be we might have to look there oh look at that what is that the chickens laid a golf ball look at that that's kind of cool chickens or golf balls i've gotta guess um probably nowhere near as bad as moth balls but not as good as actual eggs that's my guess let's take a look over here okay what is that that looks like a liquor bottle you think that's antifreeze no i think that's straight up liquor kryptonite it could be kryptonite good thing what is that good thing that's not an egyptian weakness i'm afraid to reach you're afraid so you want me to put you my hands back there with the snakes and the spiders yes sir hails to the no no this is your turn to search you've got longer arms than i do oh my goodness you guys are but here's a plastic okay she's making me pull these down there's one these are antique um gas cans and these are actually worth a little bit as well probably about 25 bucks a piece that's probably 50 right there are you literally gonna start hitting stuff with a bat yeah this is probably the back cover right here okay let's see how it looks with the back cover on it what are you gonna do if there was a snake that crawled up in there i'm gonna beat it with this bat you're just gonna start beating home run i mean this is swing for the fence yeah pretty much pretty much for the chicken you think they'll like that probably not i think they'd appreciate it they're females you know we're inside a barn why do you have sunglasses on because my eyes hurt from what my eyes are sensitive to what so the flash that you're flashing in my face yeah that is difficult you can't see that's why we switch back and forth block it says blocks i can't reach up there and they're six inch blocks and we do we do love playing with toys so we can definitely use the blocks yeah that'd be fun let's look over here okay what we got george has a snake right there big brown one why do you have to do that chickens chickens are coming back i thought it was a snake i thought it was a big brown snake didn't that isn't that a snake are those bulbs um these are well they were used they they're insult they're insulators this would go down on a piece of wood and then you would wrap the wire around that but we don't do electric like that anymore that was unsafe you got to put your hand up in there and find out yeah that's what you have to do all right i'll tell you these are for you want me to make up something funny like i usually do or really tell you yeah funny sure okay well these are these are pirate hooks so this is when an alligator only takes off one finger and not the full hand you don't have to get the full hip hook this is just a this is just a finger hook so if you still let's say you get your your your nose picking finger taken off by a gator or croc then this is what you get that's right there that's a hook makes zero sense but okay bay number three this yeah we're number three now old computers do you remember do you remember the old ibm that we found still in the box that we sold for like i don't know was it 600 700 yeah we found in a unit so some of this stuff i think this is i can't tell what this monitor is i don't think this one's going to be worth anything now this old rca you see how it says color track here this is an old old monitor tv and if it's cleaned up we're going to have to look it up this may actually have some value it's historic in the uh in the development of entertainment so we'll have to look that up the other thing that happens is it's a period piece so movies that are period movies let's say they're from the 80s and they need props from the 80s they will scour ebay and look for things just like this so that they have props so that's a cool thing as well um let's see wait did you see this what's that oh yeah we saw that i think we showed that last time as some kind of blackjack poker yeah so we've got some subway tile which you know for us that's not anything look at here here's a key to something here is a key to something well here's more here's a pin too it's that united methodist church school award which there is an abandoned african methodist church right near us where actually we're going to check that out soon too it's really cool uh here are more keys the switch box yeah i don't even know yeah i don't even know what it is oh oh almost fell over something careful oh some kind of uh countertop or something look at this here's a here's a jeep service manual oh my goodness i got to put some light on this jeep utility service manual depending on the year four-wheel drive four-wheel drives 19.61 it's worth money wow so old service manuals for tractors and jeeps paper historically paintball machines you name it it is worth money so i don't know off the top of my head my guess could be 50 it's in really poor condition so may not be that high but reality is is it actually it could be more let's see what else we have up here okay we got a lot more looks like we got parts right more parts we do have you think this is real let's look this says 1999 income taxes okay no i i'm just curious you found you're just gonna manhandle it i put the i put the knife up in the stream and porch where we found it in case the family wants it this okay you know what this is that's that's taxes okay all right we will either get that to the family or we will destroy that on our own like we do when we find paperwork personal paperwork yeah okay let's let's sneak over here come on come on [Applause] door's open kinda inviting now this room it's nice and bright this room it makes me it makes me think that they were actually into storage units like we were so look at this easter egg hunt 2002 and it's no surprise everybody knows the name of the ranch what it was before they actually made trophies how cool is that the family had all kinds of functions out here and made trophies and that to us just makes us go well what can we do what can we do uh what kind of family things can we do what can we do for youtubers what can we do for fans what can we do for business and let's see what else george look at this look at this it's a case for something i just don't know what for why are you holding why are you holding george why are you holding i didn't fuse what are you doing i don't know what i didn't even foose i don't know what she's doing okay we've got some i'm trying not to breathe the air in here we've got some old skateboards it's got a very strong smell right here this was a somebody made this as a skateboard decoration yeah probably here's another old monitor see i really really wanted to dig through some of this stuff and see what it was okay look at this there there is a smell in here there's this is storage unit smell it's musk is look at all of these now if we have a horror movie right there no that's texas i thought it was texas chainsaw massacre if we have horror movies in here some of them can sell for 50 bucks 100 bucks 500 bucks we just have to find out which one is in here megadotto omega code two that one this one looks like it's probably something rare right there i don't know what it's worth but this is one that i would pull out and i would look it up grumpy old men and grumpy or old men i would just throw those away but this i would look up and find out what it was actually worth we have here [Applause] oh yeah more toys look at this championship wrestling oh if we have wrestlers in here grave digger okay this is worth something oh my goodness how lucky there's gravedigger there's all kinds of cool stuff in here george look at this i think i think you do something with it and it kicks and it jumps and it would jump like that okay here is oh check that out there's another easter easter 2000 second place egg toss i don't know about you but i'm thinking we're definitely doing some kind of egg toss this easter so we could probably just change that to 2021 and see what we can come up with look at all this down here babe oh man original ninja turtles original ninja turtles no stinkin way no stick and weight and this is gargoyles original ninja turtles are worth big money oh wow wow wow wow okay there's music down here okay i was gonna do an action figure live okay well look at her she's claiming she's claiming my signs already just like that what are you gonna do with them just like that she's quite play with them you'll play with them for like 30 seconds and then you'll get bored with it i'll be on the tractor all right let's see what we have here oh man okay okay we got original ninja turtles ninja turtles are worth money that is gargoyles there you go here's some beads why are you giving me beads i don't want bees i want ninja turtle are you trying to are you really trying to buy me off with beads okay this guy i'm not sure okay we definitely have some gi joe in here as well here's full size like there's there's cobra and we might even have who's this guy who is this guy this isn't he-man i don't know who this guy is here's a nut here's another original ninja turtles oh how cool is that how cool this is money yeah this looks like fisher price yeah that's fisher price okay and here is ninja turtle troll ninja turtle troll oh man how cool we found original ninja turtles here that was worth buying this place i don't know what he's to do looks like king cooper maybe what's king cooper oops uh donkey kong 1991 whatever he is you know you know what i'm thinking now i'm thinking there's probably even better stuff in here look at over here are those rc cars yeah that's probably i mean i'm guessing but that's probably a hundred dollars i don't even know until we price it that that's not worth anything over here oh man you gotta be kidding me we would have paid the price for the ranch that we paid just for the toys in here these will help start paying it off look at that okay ring fighters what else do we have in here laser challenge that's not worth anything oh some of this is really rough no no no no no no oh micro machines this is worth a mint and it's all destroyed the moisture got to it i gotta see if i can even get it oh my goodness this is let me see if i can do anything to salvage it this is micro machines how about you rip the box around it i'm scared to okay this is jurassic man this is all brand new these are all brand new toys i'm gonna come around okay there's more underneath them there's more micro machines under here look at this double takes micro machine this is another micro machine look i just found a i don't know what kind of watch in there but it is a watch these are all brand new micro machines military combat carrier this is jurassic world ground tracker all right i'm gonna see if i can pull this up there's more more micro machines star wars no no this is thousands it's all destroyed no no no no no that's star wars that's worth so much money look at this look at this hot wheels race car transporter oh are you sick to yourself i am literally six to my stomach because there are thousands of dollars right here destroyed thousands upon thousands of dollars i i don't i don't know i may be able to salvage the actual game and toys the boxes are gone when you remove the box you take away 75 of its value this is star wars oh my goodness jurassic park micro machines yeah i'm kind of sick to my stomach now if the family is watching which we know they probably are we know it's not your fault this is what we do for a living please don't be offended we still love you thanks for selling to [Music] us [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 112,077
Rating: 4.9228101 out of 5
Id: LI-0PthFn7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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