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maybe you're like me ever since you were a little kid you had a dream my dream probably like a lot of your dreams one day i wanted to own an island it seems the older we get the further all of our childhood dreams they get out of our reach for whatever reason life just happens to have a way to push it further away for me 2014 2015 i went through a horrendous and absolutely horrific divorce i lost everything in my life i literally was living in an abandoned house with no utilities everything with copper was stolen from the home and i had to build everything back that's why restorage the love is so important to me i don't have any childhood christmas ornaments any photos of my family my kids it's all gone i've lost it all except i never lost the dream [Music] today is all about making the dream happen how many properties are we going to look at today george we're on kelly's island camping at the campground we are going to take the time to look at three different properties not one not two but three and we need your help yep your help to help us decide which one we should buy to make the dream a reality it was just a couple of weeks ago we came up to the island to look at and to write an offer on this piece of property it's about a third of an acre and it's right on the west shore and there's like no empty lots on the west shore anymore we actually had a dream of building a bnb and then filling it with all the amazing items that we find from storage units iconic items i mean we could have landscaped with rosanna's bush and everything and then to invite you yeah you the viewers to stay enjoy the island and enjoy the bnb but unfortunately the night that we came up prior to the meeting the next morning that we had with the realtor somebody paid full price sight unseen 175 thousand dollars i tried warning you like i said it was premature we were a dollar short and a day late this would have been amazing if we had the opportunity to clean it up hang hammocks and let you guys see the beauty of the sunsets you want to see some of those sunsets check out our other channel what the asmr we're getting ready to venture in to see lot number one no house on this lot it's 2.2 acres i'll let you know how much they're asking at the end but there's some benefits and there's some drawbacks to this there is no way to the lot it's landlocked we've got to find the easement the neighbor well the neighbor is an abandoned winery ruins we're going to take a look at that and the view we want to look over the lake but there's no lake here but we can look over the quarry we'll show you that too hopefully we don't get banned here too check out the view behind me one of the benefits of this particular property is the view of the quarry here on the island we don't get to see the lake we still get to see water 2.2 acres on an actual island a small island that's a lot of it is a lot of land and it's a lot of land for so much activity oh so much activities now one of the things here the frontage to the quarry there's a big gully we'd have to clean that all up to actually see out to the actual quarry but we'd have firewood for days and days and days we're actually trying to find the property line right now because there's 4.4 acres right next to it and real literature has gotten us close we get a figure it's from here all the way to the road where we came in over there when we first started filming and then it's a bigger pizza pie yeah and then it broadens further down we should go check out some of the trees i want to see how mature they are and i want to check out the neighbors we're on the property line right now we're gonna go take a look at the neighbor look at the side here look at the side of the actual rock so this is the beauty of the island it's pure limestone and you can see the limestone wall here all of this stone was actually hand carved hand-hewn out to build this massive impressive structure this is the old kelly's island winery some say it's haunted some no it's not again check out the wall and the walls are like this all around the winery the stone you would have to get a deconstruction permit to take the stone down because it's all hand hewn stone all hand cut in theory again this is theory you don't know until you sell it but in theory the stone is actually worth more than the half million dollars they're asking for this 4.4 acres next door what do you think so far enough trees for your nephews and nieces to play on incredible uh incredible neighbor here's a here's a property lot or a marker we think right there so we should we still got to see how mature the trees are probably more mature than you and you combined spreading love uh no restoration the love and uh i've never considered myself a tree hugger but i absolutely love trees look how huge this one is well let's do a comparison of me and the tree okay we can do that you ready yeah all right jump on in there get on in there in the tree now you may not think this is all that crazy but for an island this property used to be completely and totally barren it's all limestone as a matter of fact you can see limestone everywhere you get a couple inches of dirt so for a tree like this to actually grow this big is huge and not only that we want to hang hammocks everywhere and i have a tree picked out to build a ford in for your nephews okay this is one of the areas where i want to build the boys an actual treehouse how cool would it be these remind me of everywhere i could teach the kids how to swing around like tarzan look over here over here they're over here we can literally tarzan tree to tree to tree you gotta tell me your nephews would love that one they would absolutely love it it's gotta happen it's gotta happen absolutely loved this property but now it's time to look at property number two that first parcel that we looked at the first lot they're asking a hundred and twenty thousand 000 and it could really meet our needs right now we're at lot number two well we're actually across the street all of this is state owned land and you know what that means no no neighbors across the street will build nobody will build but you get a whole bunch of tourists camping here we are again we're actually checking to see what the neighbors are doing this is 1.83 acres they're asking 89.9 for these so we got to check out see what's going on with the neighborhood as well we're getting ready to go into the property line but right here is kind of the dividing line of the two parcels the frontage so two parcels total to build we also know septic is an issue and to build with a septic ish with a septic on the island we would have to use a raised sand bed so that that becomes a deterrent but we want to look at the maturity of trees we want to look at the wildlife we want to look at the peacefulness we found the fence line the property line look at this old barrels filled with limestone now here's the crazy thing that line goes all the way down there and this fence line goes all the way down here we would never ever have a neighbor over here the cleveland museum of history actually owns this property as a matter of fact there's some sacred grounds in there there are actually indian burial grounds in there we'd never ever have a neighbor unless you consider the burial grounds of neighbor we definitely would have to do something about this crazy barrel fence what do you think of this fence george it's unique it's definitely unique you want to go find the burials yeah i gotta get on my phone and download an app for that here's the crazy part with building on kelly's island it literally is a giant limestone filled with bugs and uh in the middle of the water so random where you've got grass in one plate point you've got you got a limestone slab and another point or you know what this could be this could be tombstone indium burial ground right there you don't even know it so our realtor just gave us a phenomenal idea take the 1.83 acres look how beautiful it is gorgeous develop that into a business model that is unique to the island so make a grand hall a huge common area with a huge fireplace couches lounge huge screen tv over the fireplace multiple cooking areas so that families can come together and then make little huts little huts or little little cabins actually all around that have central bathrooms for the guys for the girls and then rent out to the community family groups you name it you know what else we could do george family reunion i was thinking youtube meetups how cool would that be so really you're building a huge house but it's a huge common area and i've been in christian camping my whole life in conference centers i love it i already have designs in my mind i've already designed a lot of these things and then place little cabins all over the 1.83 acres that could sell love it location number we are at location number three now this house right here was built there's a house there is a house but this one was built in 1885 five 1885 okay it doesn't indicate how many bathrooms wait i think because it's so old 1885. oh it makes sense now back in the day they didn't have bathrooms in the house let's go in the backyard let's see if we can find the bathroom george george george a little house on the prairie i think i just found it their bathrooms weren't in the house no makes perfect sense why it wasn't listed on the listing no indoor plumbing how many acres do we have here 1.5 acres okay and it backs up to state property so you're never going to have okay is this a shed or is this let's see open her up oh this is what i think it is it's got three bathrooms five bedroom three bathrooms this is actually do i dare even look there is just some charm to this definitely has been used so five bedroom three bathroom firewood which is important definitely that's communal you me and somebody else could go at the same time that's how they used to do an ancient rome all of this wooded area goes back into state property nobody will ever ever build behind you unfinished project over here there is no plumbing it's hooked up to electric we just should we try and get inside in the listing it says no electric no water bring your flashlight did you bring your old light i have my oh light let's see if we can get inside let's do it away we go look at the ornate door wow that's beautiful okay uh you're just gonna have to peek inside because it's locked look at the antiques it's fully furnished in there i wonder if the owner will install it with the contents inside well what we do know we contacted the realtor and the realtor has been horrible in regards to communication the realtor is actually supposed to meet with us today but obviously no real number so we're trying to figure this someone out on our own definitely old school man the antiques inside of this could be worth the 150 000 they're asking for oh george down there on the corner there's a trunk where where where do you see it yes there's a trunk wow yep there we go another petoskey stone there's no doubt there's treasure all over this island just like these stones worth money the treasure that we're seeking now is either lost number one lot number two lot number three so what do you think should we go with number one number two number three george why would we even want a piece of property on the island we just love being able to get away it's a little piece of paradise who hasn't wanted to own an island in their life so we've got petoskey stones all over the place so there's treasure you've got water all over the place you're surrounded by water there's relaxation yes and then the best part are you thinking what i'm thinking absolutely you thinking what i'm thinking at the same time let's say what okay we might be thinking okay ready okay ready one two three cheese basket stone [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 66,405
Rating: 4.9334564 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting, real estate, live real estate auction, investment property, how to invest in real estate, i bought an island
Id: Jednk4MNQTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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