I HAVE CANCER AGAIN Surviving Thyroid Cancer Surgery CANCER SURVIVOR

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[Music] and then she started seizing and now she's not responding holy cow they're all out there right now they were running and screaming you ready i'm so nervous wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on what do you see down here dirt and on my prison dirt jumpsuit don't hurt did you make it out of the devil's pinch i did did you make it out of the cave i did so what are you making compare will you make it out of this i don't know who knows what can happen [Music] what were you saying all last night and all this morning what was i saying you were gonna cancel this yeah i did say that i was like maybe i should cancel i don't know what it is when i went in for breast cancer it was a piece of cake i was warrior this time around not so much i think i'm gonna call and cancel sweet too nervous do you have the fear farts we're here and we had a riveting conversation on the way so we were talking about cake toppers and how you can't find a dark man an egyptian woman for a cake topper if you get married so what did you say you were gonna use for me on a cake topper i was gonna use the pillsbury doughboy for you and pocahontas for me and i said no i'm gonna find a little mummy for a halloween decoration i'm gonna put a little mummy right there that's what i'm gonna do [Music] i can't do it can you just take me back home no you went into the wrong place she went in the emergency room instead of surgery she's already trying to get us kicked out i just dropped my last will and testament who'd you leave everything to i guess you'll find out who's your executor of your estate i guess you'll find that in that letter that i just dropped off who'd you mail it to i guess you'll find oh my goodness you gotta be kidding me we in the right place this time we should be this is the main entrance not emergency we're on the ground level now we're heading up to the first floor what's on the first floor the main hospital slash surgery can't see your face i dirty to show it how about now i think maybe we're definitely in the right places we're here in the right place this time look at that surgery check out anything good on youtube oh i'm looking at zillow recommendations for what we're up they just took george back for pre-op and probably in about 30 minutes they'll grab me and i get to go be with her before pre-out then gonna wait about three hours maybe more i got you hooked up on ivs already huh set ready to roll no okay so basically they're going to do what they're going to take me in about half hour 30 minutes and then they're going to put the sleepy time medicine through my iv along with nausea medicine they're also going to use a transderm patch for nausea because i am staying the night for observation i think that's what makes me nervous the most because out of all the procedures i've ever had i've never had to stay the night it's always been outpatient and this is the first time i'm staying inpatient and you won't be able to talk for how many days they're saying four days four to five hours alright so we we need to set up a communication system so all right blank ones for yes we're just gonna text each other oh oh sitting next to each other just texting each other i think that's that's what we're gonna do yeah okay you don't want to use the blank system blank if you want to use the blank system blank once for yes and twice for no i s is that sos sos save me get me out of here send help pretty sure that's what that was sos what what what'd you say no i wouldn't know what you said i said i may never make it out of yours why not my heart could stop what's wrong with your heart i have pvcs better not be giving me any pvcs you're so ridiculous oh i'm the ridiculous one you're so ridiculous you're ridiculous she doesn't even have med center yet she's already passing out just from the ivy that's only saline water no sleepy sleep stuff my eyes it made my eyes dry you got your patch okay so what's that gonna do the patch it's good for three days it'll help me um with nausea but i'll get really dry mouth where's the incision gonna be from here to here let's give me a smiley face will i have to wear a mask too probably have you seen your remote george you can get water toilet pain or you can get a person that has a wifi signal coming out of their head you getting wi-fi here i'll take all of the above may there always be sunshine may there always be blue sky can you ask the nurse to give me something to help me relax may there always be george may they're always be jeremy george and jeremy oh okay i didn't okay that was the lyrics to the song but that was a lullaby to help you relax you want something else [Music] hey hey hey yeah it's your pleasure to meet you to meet you all righty i'm just gonna check you and we're gonna get the party started if you're okay with that okay and what is dr shin doing for you this morning tonsils not tonsils um anything removable on you such as contacts dentures or partials looser chipped teeth any jewelry anymore no any metal implants anywhere in your lower body anesthesia has been in to talk to you and after shin came in to say hello yes already any questions for us i don't have them nope okay so my name is cheryl i'm one of the nurse anesthetists i'll actually be getting you to sleep staying with you and waking you up okay any questions about anesthesia no i guess who's gonna contact him then once i'm ready when you're done um that's your shin they will call him after if you want if it's okay for him to talk to him yeah and then they'll contact him from uh [Music] [Music] [Music] i've got twice as much of that on my bathroom floor i thought you're going to stay on your back and i know i didn't know where is it going with that are you untied in the back okay okay all right you're going to go out this way you take the elevators what's it do it really hurts to swallow yeah if it hurts to swallow try not to do you have to use the bathroom you what you just went where did you go [Music] on yourself are you sure what's you doing george what's lefty doing what where's lefty all right slow this time slow did it hurt as bad that time swallowing blank once for yes twice for no or don't blink if you're still you want more water your eyes were just open can you open your eyes again they're heavy [Music] you you're working on youtube right you just came out of it working on youtube she's officially awake are you still awake let me see them big brown eyes you awake she's she's officially she is thinking about one thing and one thing only food this woman get angry so she's going to text me what she wants from the cafeteria because she can't talk and we'll see how she's doing do you want to see what i brought you for food here check this out here i have something for you here we go try that and then i have something else for you what do you got there [Music] while you're recovering if you need anything push this button okay and better open it that's it oops that was a demand an enema button and i know how you love pushing to the left and to the right so i got you something that could be to the left and the right how's that instead of coin pushing you can twix push you can choose left or right george is in room 248 right across the hall right now they're losing somebody 247 they're calling for rapid response everybody's running around like crazy i didn't record most of that a little rough but nobody's guaranteed another day yeah probably i'll make sure you know where you're gonna go somebody named eleanor so eleanor they're calling for eleanor george [Music] i'm pretty sure they lost they're across the hall trying to get eleanor back they can't get her to respond yet did you hear all that yeah they're still trying to get her to respond i'm sure the microphone isn't picking it up they're trying to get her to do anything you hear that you hear the flatline now yeah okay nurses actually just ran into here did you see the nurse run in here and grab that they're right across the hall okay they said she started seizing they're all outside of her room right [Music] now they just said she was getting ready to go home and then she started seizing and now she's not responding holy cow they're all out there right now they were running and screaming she was supposed to go home that's how fast life is don't take it for granted and make sure you know what you're living for what'd you say that's called crash cart george says this is the crash cart when somebody code blues when they're losing them oh man people are still going crazy this is this is the cart they bring in when they're gonna lose somebody and it's crazy out there there's people crying out there there's people vomiting and then you have george in so much pain you still drugged up because you're talking crazy stuff what were you just saying you what my teeth hurt my mouth hurts your teeth hurt your mouth hurts your throat hurts you were saying something about living the best life i am still living the best life living my dad's dream living your dad's dream working for me no okay anything else you want to say while you're up on drugs my name is alone your roommate was extremely loud and so needy and obnoxious did it remind you of me you're worse oh thank you thank you very much nobody will ever be able to see those incisions what do you remember i remember the two nurses wheeling me down to the or yeah and then i had to transfer from my bed to a really really narrow do you remember kissing me in front of them yes you do yeah so it wasn't a real kiss it was just a mass kiss yeah there were two and then what happened and then she put a party hat on me do i stop my party hat no your party hat is gone and she made a comment that i had a lot of hair and i told her i had twice as much of that in my bathroom at my house because you shed you remember that i thought you said you had twice as much hair on your back no that's what she said she said i thought you're going to tell me you have twice as much on your back let me just wax it yeah and then you're telling her how you want to wax my back so you do you remember anything at all so then i felt a warm tingly feeling in my iv sure ivy is still in and that's probably when she put the sleepy sleep time medicine in it yeah usually they make you count backwards starting from ten i didn't even have to do that i was out that's cause you don't know how to count oh yeah do that or read by the way that those are our inside jokes for all the people who just got offended by me saying that she says the same thing to me there are inside jokes that's all i remember um that's not a bad memory so they took your thyroid but you still have some memory so that's a good sign right who am i what's your name again who am i what's my name what are you doing here beats me you mean what the hells am i doing i have your here did they say you're gonna need to take them at home calcium so here they use these um they're really really big and a lot people say they are very hard to swallow so you can buy this one you can buy like um they're like over the counter they're called concealer or something like that but they look like chocolate they come in like caramel flavor or you can get them in that chocolate but you can eat them just like candy instead of eating like using these that'd be dangerous i'd eat the whole bag one sitting yeah a lot of a lot of people don't like these yes you can do those usually those usually say don't take those unless like if you feel like tingling around your mouth that's the sign that your calcium is really low so that's when we suggest you take the calcium because your body absorbed it much faster but for every day they suggest taking those chocolates you take times all the time oh well see you're probably should be covered then it's like this one today i played really good so a lot of people like go off like [Music] you want your water [Music] [Music] i'll take it you probably be going home tomorrow usually whatever time you want but if you spend like this child is here as early as 7 30. do you need anything else what's your paint right now um would you like something for him you have tylenol [Music] you can eat your meal with me [Music] or you can get hyper color only so that's a little bit stronger you can get them okay so i'll bring the knuckles apart oh you know she's feeling better now what are you doing scouring the internet auctions and you know it you know i'm addicted i'm back to [Music] business [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 140,077
Rating: 4.9381232 out of 5
Keywords: cancer, cancersurgery, tyroidcancer, survivor, cancersurvivor, survivingcancer, ihavecancer
Id: ZSy_6E9yWSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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