People Who Hired A Personal Investigator, What Did You Uncover? (r/AskReddit)

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people who had a personal investigator what did you uncover PII here I work in three countries including the u.s. the messiest case I ever had was a cross-border child snatch involving a family dispute in Texas where the mother took the children to Mexico the father was livid when he called me because no authorities in either country would get involved he also couldn't go into Mexico and snatch the children back because if the Mexicans caught him he would have ended up in a Mexican prison while it was all sorted out and his wife was related to a Mexican alderman who might have used his influence to really slam him he told me he was convinced she'd gone off to live with an old flame in a major Mexican city about three hours from the Texas border I remember how hard he cried and even considered doing the job pro bono he wanted to hire me for two jobs first to prove infidelity on her part and then once we had that down use the evidence as leverage against her if she resisted his taking the children back I spent a week researching the woman and the man they were both decent hard-working people at a glance nice home steady jobs well raised children then I started digging into the domestic violence calls at the house he'd beaten her on four different occasions over a three-year period the last one resulted in a stay at the hospital with a broken tibia after he curb stomped her on the fireplace I started getting a sour feeling about the case I traveled down to see where the woman lived found her on my second day the two children both young girls were happy and bouncing about the woman walked with a limp it was the same leg he'd broken I followed that family for three days thinking and wondering what I was gonna do on day four I made up my mind I went to an attorney who worked in the city she lived in colleague of a friend I paid him $1,400 to deliver a message to her saying she needed to make reparations to her family affairs and file for a divorce in custody because he was coming after her I went back to the husband and told him I was withdrawn from his case because I didn't like where it was heading he was angry and instantly grew aggressive that just solidified my intentions I told him that if he wanted to press me I could just as easily go work for her and I would have taken her case pro bono this was a few years ago now I hear she's doing well and continues living in Mexico but is legally divorced with full custody of her children she still walks with a limp they always say it's best not to get involved and I mostly agree but sometimes the world needs you too not me but my mum was an attorney who worked in workers compensation insurance her colleagues were representing a woman who had been gravely injured on the job and deemed totally unable to work the opposing attorney hired a PI to investigate this woman let's call her Jane they get to court and present the video footage as their platinum evidence proving that this woman was totally able to work here Jane is mowing her lawn here she is unloading her groceries from her car here she is walking the dog here she is going for a run etcetera etcetera James attorneys sat there totally quiet when it was their turn to cross-examine the PI they declined any questions their turn was up next who is the first witness for the opposing side we would like to call Jane's identical twin sister to the stand Jane's identical twin had moved in with her bedridden sister after the work accident full benefits awarded to Jane apparently the look on the faces of the opposing attorneys was the staff lawyers dreams are made of I finally had to make a throw away for this one when I was 10 my parents separated and went through a nasty divorce sometime during all of that he hired a pi2 follow my mom around the PI concluded that my mother was a prostitute she did escort service and hung around doctors conventions the P I took photos and logged everything my dad snuck into the house my mother and I lived in with a camcorder and recorded the discover of alleged documenting all of her clients and the money exchange he leveraged it in the divorce so he didn't get bent over entirely my dad didn't tell me any of this until I was in my seventeen or so I didn't believe it until I thought back and remembered some things she had a pager and back in the 90s only a few types of people had pagers doctors and cos she would suddenly be gone late at night if I woke up she would always say she was out grocery shopping I also remember walking on her wearing a revealing dress made of leather no more revealing than what girls wear to the club but hey that [ __ ] is weird when it's your mom and you are ten anyhow my dad still throws it at me when he wants to prove how much better of a person he is than my mother or my stepdad who married akka in her defense she was paying her way to become an RN which she is now TL er P I followed my mum for my dad during a nasty divorce found out she was a dad holds grudge to this day and told his kids about it since there are some folks that want to know she got custody my stepdad is all sorts of awesome turns out she was pretty crazy divorced my stepdad and walked out of what was left of her family my stepdad stuck with us and has supported us ever since I was 18 when she took off and they had been divorced for years I'm 29 now and he is my best friend and my best parents haven't heard from her since why am I using bullets it made sense when I started we discovered that the driver who hit me not only went off the side of the road where I was legally four-wheeling on a quad and she was talking on the cell phone looking into the passenger seat driving with no insurance and a revoked license because of previous convictions for causing accidents after the truck pushing my coordinate he boned position glowed so much dirt up in front of us that after 70 feet it finally came to halt the investigator had evidence that she was driving 35 miles per hour in a 25 zone and she didn't brake after impact after the truck came to a stop she jumped out and started running away but witnesses caught her and held her there my friend who was sitting behind me both of us 14 were carted off in ambulances and I never saw the woman's face the trooper wrote the report that I 14 years old had taken an RV instead of a TV and pulled out in front of the woman even though it was clear the accident happened off the roadway the trooper interrogated me while I was laying on the ground waiting for ambulances before my parents even arrived I was in shock while he rephrase the question have you had any alcoholic or illegal substances today several times my neighbours finally asked him to wait until my parents arrived in the hospital room he questioned me further while my parents were on their way the nurse had to ask him to stop as my neck was being evaluated and I had not even had pain medication yet the accident was deemed my fault although there were two eyewitnesses who testified against the woman to the trooper and later in court and I was told by the DMV I would have to pay the woman's truck damages before I was allowed to get a driver's license and I carried sr22 insurance for five years after I received it the investigator uncovered proof that the trooper knew the woman who hit me and was possibly family friends with her for the months in between the accident and when the investigation was complete I fought an awful amount of guilt believing it was my fault and not having any memory of the accident my friend's leg was badly injured and required extensive surgeries over the next five years and she was visiting from Texas and had to be medevacked back there via helicopter which left her family with a huge financial burden during that time I even considered suicide and took one attempt that thankfully failed my parents took the case to the state Supreme Court over the course of the next three years and when we finally came to trial the judge said the only way the report could be cleared and the financial obligations relieved as if the state trooper took back his statement when we began going that route we were told that trooper had been dismissed from the force for wrongful behavior and his testimony was worth nothing that was an expensive lesson in corrupt the financial stress contributed greatly to my parents divorce however if we hadn't hired the investigator we may have went on thinking it was my fault I am very thankful to know that it truly wasn't about 10 years ago my cousin was deployed in Afghanistan on his second tour during phone calls back home his daughter made mention of an uncle he knew didn't exist my aunt decided to hire a PI for him and found out his wife was cheating with a doctor of course he was heartbroken the divorce that followed was quick however there is a bright side to this after switching to a reserve unit he was able to finish college and go to law school his ex wife she was dumped by the doctor not long after the divorce she attempted to reconcile but my cousin refused he's remarried she lives with a group of friends in some rundown house my wife hired one she found that she was wasting money and that I'm a very boring person edit I didn't expect anyone to read my reply we came from different cultures but we knew we wanted to be with each other she's Hispanic born in another country and I'm a hillbilly from Appalachia there was a lot of jealousy early on on both sides because we simply couldn't relate after a while I grew tired of being suspicious and told her that if she wanted to be with someone else to just tell me and I'll move on but just tell me it was very freeing for me I guess to her though it only made her more suspicious I got off work at 7 a.m. and there wasn't much to do and not many places that were open for a couple more hours so I would go to the gym she worked an early first shift job so we didn't see each other in the mornings and I guess she didn't like not being able to account for the gap between me leaving work and me coming back to the apartment the guy she hired to follow me around was terrible I had my routine get off work go to the gym go grab some breakfast hit up Blockbuster maybe go to a pet store we had birds and fish at that time in the morning these places are empty like I said I'm a boring person cut a few days later I leave the gym and the new guy behind head to restaurant and in comes the new guy from the gym creepy I eat then leave go to Blockbuster and in he comes so here I am suspicious the next day at the gym I'm telling my buddy about how creepy it was for the new guy to show up everywhere I go and he agrees I'm done working out and tell my buddy that I'm going to leave and that I'm going to a specific pet store and if the guy leaves the gym right after me that my buddy should head to the same pet store and that was what happened I go to the store a couple minutes later in walks the guy and a minute after that in comes my buddy we ended up pinning the guy to the floor I asked why and he starts saying that it's just a job and that he ain't seen nothing we release him back into the wild with the order that he's not to show up at the gym again I get home call her up and say that she hired the biggest idiot around and that she needs to stop wasting money she asks what happened I tell her to ask him since she gave him money her jealousy died down after that well that and I made the ultimate quote to her that made sense I said if I was getting laid as much as you think I am wouldn't I be a lot happier and that was that for those folks hoping for a different ending sorry to disappoint we've been together for almost a quarter of a century and everything is fine maybe she just couldn't believe that she was involved with someone so boring okay so I'll bite nothing like hunting down a psycho ex or anything like that but interesting enough so I was living in England and had an uncle living an assisted living in California he was 95 at the time a little fussy about some things but on the whole sharp as a tack he was deeply religious and attended church weekly a couple of women from the church had made friends with him drove him to church brought him trinkets and whatnot basically took care of him sort of sounded okay to me how I was in England what was I going to do the only thing that jarred me a little bit was one time when I talked to the women on the phone one of them told me that my uncle had signed over power of attorney to them that struck me as a little odd my uncle and I weren't really close but being his heir along with my brother wouldn't he have told me about it I shrugged it off though again what was I going to do I was 6,000 miles away besides and this is what gets a lot of people he was of sound mind he was a free agent so it was really none of my ducking business a year or two go by I check on him periodically everything seems fine I come home one night and my phone is ringing it's the assisted care residence [ __ ] what's happened is he dead he's 97 duck in years old I was expecting it any day no it's these two little old ladies they're trying to get my uncle to sign over power of attorney to them wait a minute hadn't he already done that the alarm bells go off something is deeply wrong and it was going to take me at least 24 hours to get back to California given connections flights renting a car blah blah blah so I called a PI from England tell him the situation and as soon as I can get to the part about the women he stops me and says wait let me tell you how this story goes he then proceeds to tell me that this is a common scam these women cruise the churches looking for these little old guys who on the surface have no family to speak of and healthy retirement and investment accounts so I get my ass back to California ASAP unfortunately my uncle has signed nothing although at this point they are harrassing him hard they had even kidnapped him and taken him to n attorney and tried to get him to sign over po8 of them little did they know who they were dealing with my dad's side of the family sets the gold standard force I learned this early on when my dad said no that was it give it up because that was an answer that was not going to change my uncle all 100 pounds and 97 years of him had dug in his heels so we sign over POA to me and now the hunt begins where was his accounts these women handed over nothing to me a few receipts but no accounts nothing so this P I and I ended up hanging out for a few days tracking everything down I cannot begin to tell you how much I learned from this man a complete original Vietnam vet former seal carried a knife in his boot and a gun in his shoulder holster so he shows me it's mostly research and that I resonate to since I'm in research painstaking boring turning over one pebble at a time kind of investigation knowing how to talk to people how to observe it requires a massive amount of patience we went to every bank within 20 miles and by schmoozing and showing my POA we found what we thought was every account I then went over everything they had played a shell game borrowed from him hadn't quite stolen from him but it took quite a while to figure out what they had done then I find the peace the resistance they had him sign over all of his retirement accounts to them or more specifically to the younger one being a spry 81 years old so we do some further investigation turns out this one is broke looks like she sent it back to the Philippines or something she spent a lot of time in Vegas so here's how it shakes out a common scam these two little Jezebel's made a play for my uncle who fell for the younger one hook line and sinker they get him to sign over all of his retirement accounts to them and then all they have to do is outlive him at 81 and 83 respectively and my uncle 96 should be easy so I confront them told them that I knew what they were doing and that I could turn them in I had the evidence I didn't really I only strongly suspected if they didn't tell me what else they had done so they spilled the beans told me what they had done they swore they had only borrowed the money we got it all signed back over I didn't turn them in I figured it would all come out in the wash anyway I didn't want to see them go to jail and I wasn't sure I could prove it anyway but if it wasn't for this P I who had my back they would have gotten away with it I'm a firm believer I learned a shit-ton from him now for the editorial this crime is rampant intimidating bamboozling and ripping off the elderly most DA's won't touch it if you even get a whiff that an elderly relative is being abused or ripped off if it even crosses your mind step in immediately kick ass and take names you may be the only defense they have but I'll tell you it turned out to be one of the most interesting experiences of my life my uncle got the last laugh he outlived both of them and passed away peaceably at 100 years old with me there with him one of the last things he told me was that he had forgiven them for what they had done TLE our elderly uncle has nearly scammed out of half a million dollars by a couple of Jezebel's cruising the churches p.i steps in and saves the day I learn a crap ton
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 315,229
Rating: 4.8664384 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: 2wW7ptrXs5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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