Managers, What's The Most STUPID Reason a CUSTOMER Has Asked To See You? (r/AskReddit)

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ah slashes credit managers have read it what's the stupid reason a customer has asked to see you I've worked in bars for 9/10 years from a team right through uni and manager bar this happened when I was supervisor not manager will quiet night we have a horseshoe-shaped bar so when it's quiet like to have one staff member on either end of the bar and one in the middle so we'll sides are covered and customers are served as quick as possible the regular customers know how this system works the girl who was covering the middle of the bar had gone to the toilet / to collect some glasses or whatever one of the regulars walks up and I head over to serve Him he refuses my service for no apparent reason as soon as the girl who was originally there comes back the regular gets angry where the F Ashe and K have you been I've been waiting ages she explains whatever the reason was and he's still shouting I head over and ask him politely to stop shouting and ask him what he'd like to drink again he kept on and on and on swearing at us both until I told him I wasn't getting a drink for the rest of the evening and to go home or go somewhere else the guy gets even angrier and lunges towards me over the bar with a clenched fist what he obviously didn't pay attention to was the shelves above the bar for storing glasses swak guy smashes his forehead straight into the Shelf all the other regulars laughs he loses his mind and asks to speak to my manager who was in sight of the whole ordeal and keeping a close eye on things and tries to get him to punish me for causing him a serious injury we all laughed in his face and he sure as hell isn't a regular in this pub anymore I had this insane woman flagged me down at a Chinese restaurant I used to manage she very loudly told me she found a hair in her Mongolian lamb and showed me a long source covered blonde hair for reference I had short black hair at the time and the entire kitchen and waitstaff on that night had relatively short black hair the woman had long blond hair instead of letting her cause more of a scene I apologized and got the kitchen to make her a new serving to replace the meal even though she and her kids had essentially eaten the entire serving already the part where [ __ ] started to really go down was when she came up with her family to pay she refused to pay her entire bill due to the huge thick hair I found in my food which she loudly announced to the room at this point the restaurant owner came out and started having a screaming match with the woman for trying to rip us off her kids appeared to cry on cue I sent my boss back to the kitchen and said I would figure it out I turned to the woman and explained calmly that I would be happy to take the Mongolian lamb off of her tally despite the replacement serving so long as she paid the other dollar-sign 90-plus for the rest of the bill she refused and called the cops because my boss had yelled at her no joke best bid was the cops ended up telling the woman she needs to pay her full bill and that emergency services shouldn't be called for such petty reasons happy I'm not in that industry and more haha quite a few years ago I was working at a pizza chain and I had someone call in and ask an employee if we would honor a coupon that was over a week expired my employee told her that we couldn't honor it but he would ask me before he got the chance to ask me she decided to make a big fuss slash was fairly disrespectful to my employee and wanted to speak to me about it directly she complained saying it was only expired by a few days I backed what my employee had told her we wouldn't be honoring it about 20 minutes later we got a call from her again and this time I had answered she didn't make it the whole way through asking if we would honor before I told her the answer was still no we had caller ID so I knew it was her again about an hour after the second call the employee who took the first call comes back to me saying there is a woman at the front of the store who wanted to speak to me about him not honoring a coupon it was the same expired coupon she told me that she would be going elsewhere for pizza from that point on because a service was terrible specifically that during an expired coupon for a loyal customer I had never seen her before and we had no records of orders from her was bad business I told her she was welcome to go elsewhere the ultimate kicker is that the coupon was for 50 cents off any order it wasn't a big deal and I would have absolutely honored it had she not treated my employee like [ __ ] on the phone asking me what the show times were they demanded I come over to guest service where they stood tapping their foot impatiently keep in mind I'm on another part of the building so it takes me several minutes to walk all the way there I get to guest service and ask them what the issue is they say we need to know the show times for today I give them a weird look as the box office is literally right outside the doors with a huge marquee displaying the digital show times we also had a huge digital Mac we sign on the inside of the building in the lobby displaying all of the current show times it was also a weekday so it was slow we have the show times app site on the display board in box office I mistakenly told them well it's cold outside this really baffled me as it was nearly 60 degrees that day and the husband was wearing shorts 60 as warm as I live in the Northeast after reading them some show times they got mad well don't you have anything right now I told them that no we did not have anything starting in the next five minutes they stormed off without buying any tickets don't know how someone ends up that entitled slash stupid and complains about standing outside in spring weather good ending story was a manager for a music / game CD store back in 2007 - 9 was called in for an old grumpy man returning a CD which was not working he was nearly crying the CD was expensive it was all very scratched like it went through sandpaper we had a no return policy after the package was opened as these were original CDs he came in claiming that the CD was not working we usually test it if the CD if it played and didn't skip we just gave it back I tested the CD it actually made after a conversation it did not work in his car which was parked just outside the shop I went with him perhaps he was not pressing the wrong button after arriving at the car and looking at the stereo it had no CD player he managed to jam the CD between the dash of the tape player it did not play so he removed part of the dash and took it out and tried again after explaining this to him he literally was crying I was unable to refund the CD end of the policy and the CD actually played because of plastic was damaged but the top was not thinking he will have a heart attack and feeling sorry for him I offered to copy the CD to a tape and he can keep the CD for when he gets a CD player I copied the CD to a tape he was happy and later returned to the shop many to buy tapes was really friendly to me saying I remind him of his son who died in the war while being super grumpy at everybody else and brought pastry his wife made his gifts every time he came TL Dr Grant stuffed CD and tape player messed it up I copied CD to tape he became a regular and brought homemade pastry edit yay thank you for the silver good sir / man my first silver edit - thank you for golden more silver ripping barks thank you for eating my story and now you also have the memory of a wholesome old man memory of them will live forever in everybody's mind who read the story edit 3 I've operated the ruler from an old video archive when I was young you can find it at HTTP /ww point rated point calm / r / waters first thing / comment / as 8 PCB / circular underscore slide underscore auger rhythmic underscore Runa / I wasn't a manager but a part-time tech in a now-defunct computer store I was working days in it for a major company so this was basically a beer money job that was super casual to me management indulge me because I was really good back then and someone who would seek out the hardest as tickets that most text would skip for days or weeks because it might impact their performance ratings I was also pretty good with customers as I was friendly and just wanted to solve the problem not upsell them on [ __ ] or try to get them to pay $100 or so for Diagnostics if I thought I could just solve it right there on the front counter and send them on their way so one day I'm called from the back to the counter to talk to someone I met an older guy who was having a problem with an early version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking basically a speech-to-text program that he was using to record his memoirs we went over it for a while but as being a real novice what he really wanted was the level of computer setup and support that was way more than what the shop offered in services he asked to hire me on the side and I agreed to a session at a decent rate and went by his place the next weekend or so thus began a long multi-year relationship where every couple months or so the man and his wife would call me over for more support maybe they wanted to install and set up a new printer maybe expand their wireless network backup everything to CD add a hard drive etc basically I became their guy who would come over and be their bespoke computer tech because either their adult kids couldn't or wouldn't bother I not only liked them but those sessions would really help me out financially when things later got super lean for me in my main career and I'm definitely grateful that I picked up that side gig unfortunately one big reason why he was trying to brain dump his memoirs so quickly faster than he could slash wood-type was because his mind was declining due to some kind of dementia likely alzhiemer's he had been a very prominent patent lawyer and a huge traveler and possibly had a military background I met him when he might occasionally be absent-minded about something nothing alarming but over time I could see he was steadily losing cognitive ground one of the last times I saw him he was basically gone his wife tried to get him to remember me or even say anything but it wasn't happening the absolute blankness in in those last meetings is still one of my most haunting memories if you approach someone in a closed space who knows you they look at you as a familiar if they don't know you they will look at you a different way but if they don't react at all their eyes may lock onto you but absolutely nothing comes across their face to change a slightly slack-jawed stare that's creepy as hell the closest thing I think I'll ever see to a real zombie he passed shortly after that I would still help the widow from time to time still he was the heavy computer user in the house and PC tech got a hell of a lot easier for the user base and more reliable I'd also like to think I set her up pretty well touch wise I've since moved away but we still exchange occasional holiday greetings and updates overall I'm so glad I was able to help them out when they needed someone I manage a movie theater and oh boy I filled stupid complaints all dang day being in charge of our customer review responses is a headache and a half and the discounted days bring in all sorts of crotchety old farts I had a lady complain that there were children in an auditory and showing her wait for it kids movie when I was nine months pregnant bitterly fat and waddling an old man snapped at me for not moving fast enough to serve him a beer one guy once demanded movie passes because he fell asleep in the middle of the movie and was pissed he missed the ending an elderly couple threw a fit that I wouldn't accept coupons that were older than me and oh the attempted scammers my most recent instant was just the other night a man was practically counting the ice cubes that went into his soda cap and when he said that was too much and my concession estores him out he got angry then when my concession has tasked what soda he wanted just to clarify he snarled some variety of the contemptuous what are you near and canceled his whole order half of which had been made then he left then he came back five minutes later and complained that my concession astre dn't give him the other items for free it didn't actually escalate to calling the manager over because the second he turned to flag me down he saw me staring at him and realized I had heard the entire interaction and just left but Jesus Christ I gave my concession as to pep-talk and some pointers on how I would deal with a similar situation in the future and he brushed it off but why people are like that I'll just never understand I used to work in a bar we added a new tab to start selling Carlsberg beer because of some promotion the supplier was doing a few days later rolled guy demands to speak to the manager he says that the Kasbah tastes off and totally wrong tastes fine to me but he says he's been drinking cow's burgers his main pint for a year and knows it tastes wrong I was the one who set up the keg line slash taps slash et Cie so my manager takes me aside at first I'm thinking are [ __ ] I must have up the big lines somehow frantically running through all the steps to imagine what I called done so wrong and if I've somehow been poisoning our customers with bleach or some [ __ ] for the last few days then the old guy says yeah you must messed up big I drink Carlsberg here every week and it's never tasted like this I'm thinking what we didn't sell Casper here before a few days ago so I call up the head barman where the [ __ ] were we getting Carlsberg for this man before now was it bottled Carlsberg or something Oh him lul just give him a Budweiser he made such a fuss when we first opened that we didn't sell Cal's Berg that we just gave him bunt and he's been drinking it ever since don't argue with him it's not worth it so I went out back and fixed the taps I apologize to the man and I told the barman to give him Budweiser in a Carlsberg pint glass no more complaints I was the team leader for three field insurance adjusters a while ago to be clear insurance adjuster is not the sort of job that ordinarily has escalations occasionally I'd get a person who pissed about the check the adjuster was trying to cut for them a lot of people don't know how insurance works and many think that if they total their 80 year old car we are going to give them enough cash to go buy a brand new version of the same beyond that it's not something I normally had to deal with which was good because I was out adjusting claims and cutting checks and trying to hit my numbers right along with my tea so imagine my surprise when I get a call from one of my adjusters asking me to speak to a customer in person dafuq I am fortunately not terribly far away and I had a gap in appointments so I head over this is highly unusual and assembly is not known for being highly unusual this particular adjuster was around 25 and very attractive she was also highly competent and professional all of these things are relevant this guy dinged up his beater that Ian explicably had full coverage on the cost for parts only exceeded the actual cash value of the car so she totaled it and was preparing to cut him a check for a whopping $500 a minimum our company set for sheet cars like this as giving someone a check for $32.50 is more likely to enrage them I should add that she did all of this fine by-the-book work while this 65 year old man with a Santa beard dirty overalls and who smelled like fesses were sexually harassing her he was mad about her rejections of him he was mad he was only getting $500 he was insistent that this pose was worth closer to dollar sign 5k nope she needs to close out the case but the guy is being belligerent and wants to talk to her boss she is feeling increasingly unsafe she was coached following this that if she ever felt unsafe she should leave immediately and not stay to try to wrap things up and calls me over dude first tries to negotiate with me over the ACV of his car nope then he just wants me to give him more money out of his loyalty to our company not gonna happen finally he tells me that he'll drop the whole thing and accept the check if my adjuster agrees to go out on a date with him at this point I'm just done with this [ __ ] I went back to my car printed the check and brought it to him told him to sign I told him he wasn't getting a date with any of my staff and we were leaving immediately if we left without giving him the check there would be no check in the future Hiba grudgingly signed and we departed I went back to the office and noted that it looked like he was using his vehicle for hauling I was followed up and non-renewed his policy he officially became some other company's problem not really stupid but just awkward medical office manager here we are a specialty of thermo logy office so we aren't quick to discharge because patients have very little recourse in our region a couple of weeks ago I had to discharge a 70 plus year old male patients due to several sexual harassment claims from multiple employees over the past year each time I got a claim I sent a certified letter to the patient stating the terms you have three strikes and then you're out first time he tried fondling the arm of one of our assistants who was taking eye photos second time he slapped an assistant in the rear on her way out the door third time he had finished his appointment and was outside that followed an assistant back inside and around the office telling her how sexy she is on top of this he continually made sexual remarks to staff members for the entire duration of his appointments and how I sent a letter spelling all of this out and effectively discharging him minutes after I put the letter in the mailbox his 70 plus year-old wife called because she wanted to reschedule his next appointment she never accompanied him to appointments so she was completely oblivious to the shis cos beggary of this gaita ward our female employees I had already effectively discharged the patient in our shared Yuling software so I couldn't move his appointments even if I wanted to without reestablishing him as a patient so I told her that we were about to have a very awkward conversation I didn't know honestly whether it was legal to tell her anything so I told her that he had been discharged but I couldn't really say why I told her that I sent a letter addressed to him and that it went into great detail about why I suggested that she speak with him about it after he received that letter of course she grilled me for information she asked was it because of his conduct award employees and I replied that there are very few reasons why we would ever discharge a patient and that that was certainly one of the reasons otherwise she was trying to squeeze blood from a stone I wouldn't tell her anything else because I simply didn't know where the situation stood in terms of HIPAA in basic professional privacy etiquette she hung up ten minutes later angry at me to the point of tears but also suspicious of her husband of 50-plus years I bet the conversation at their dinner table was really tense that night I got called to see a customer who had a complaint about the state of our disabled toilets our toilets get cleaned regularly but sometimes people come in and have the odd accident and leave without telling any of us to sort it so in my mind I was dreading to find out what the state of the toilets were and feared the worst he complained that they were dirty and in a terrible state he had photos which he offered to show me which I agreed to see the back quote terrible state they were in a small dust bunny in one corner I was dumbstruck for a second he asked when they were last cleaned I said this morning he suggested I sack my cleaners and get better ones otherwise next time he would take his photos to the newspapers we live in a semi rural area where papers struggled to find stories but I think even they would draw the line it's small amount of dust found in local stores toilets I told him I would speak to the cleaning staff he left and said he was looking forward to seeing improved standards next time me and the cleaning staff had a laugh about it later but he never did return and I didn't see it on the front pages of any newspapers so I guess we must have him dart standards when I was a supervisor in retail I had a customer ask to speak to a manager apparently when checking her items the cashier accidentally dropped her package of chicken the package was completely sealed and nothing was damaged or had gotten dirty the cashier apologized and bagged it the customer was so utterly appalled that she was still sold an item that had touched the floor I offered to replace the item for her she was not satisfied this was simply not satisfying enough for her because not only did we give her the soil chicken but it was the worst checkout experience of her life she was never going to shop here ever again etc we eventually settled on a solution that made her happy I replaced the chicken with another one that was more expensive and refunded the or gional item fast forward to the day she came back with just the receipt and demanded to talk to me she said that apparently the chicken we gave her was rotten and she threw it out and she wanted a refund I explained that I could not refund her for an item that she was never charged for remember we refunded the original and replaced with nearly doubled the amount of chicken for free she wanted the dollar amount for the free item refunded I told her now that the best I would do is replace it with new chicken she started crying and screaming I don't want your chicken I want my money after repeating multiple times that she never paid for it I eventually gave up and called the store manager and let them deal with her of course they apologized to her for the inconvenience we funded the value of a chicken she never paid for and throw in an install gift card not the manager but an employee at an event serving alcohol and fancy ice-cream bars yes those exist a woman came up to my booth asking for an ice cream and a glass of wine check her ID give her her purchase and she goes away all is fine 40 minutes later she comes back complaining that her ice cream had melted it's August in the Midwest and we are outside so of course it did I don't say that though instead I asked her if it was melted soon after purchasing it she says yes I don't believe her but offer to replace the ice cream she likes that idea and would also like another glass of wine when you learn to serve alcohol you also learn how to not serve alcohol which is to essentially say anything but go home you're drunk while this woman was just shocked her ice cream melted so no I wasn't going to pour her another glass I insisted I couldn't give her more wine because I wanted her to get home safely when she realized I wasn't giving him she asked for my manager while we waited for him to show up I was serving other guests at one point she started soliciting these guests to buy her a drink in front of me as if I wouldn't notice when my manager did show up he heard the situation and told the woman he was backing me up on my decision she interrupted him saying I'd like to see your manager he hesitated then said oh ok he didn't have a manager but lead her off anyway so I wouldn't get to find out what happened until the end of the night apparently he brought her to the manager of a different department who had been at the establishment longer that manager offered to have the police help settle the argument naturally at that point the woman was suddenly not interested in drinking and finagled her way out of there I've had to turn down quite a few people asking for booze that she was the only one I didn't feel even a little guilty about cutting off not a manager but when I used to work as a park and on a carousel I would have people get mad at me for the dumbest [ __ ] in the world one lady asked to see my manager because she didn't like me that was literally it she said I didn't like family-friendly enough to work at a park I shrugged and told her to tell the person who hired me and she held up the line just for that one lady made me call the manager because she thought the tokens were stupid and she wanted to pay with cash telling me that I'm a liar because I was not allowed to let people pay with care just for my manager to come over and be like yep he's right you need tokens most memorable with a woman who got mad at me because I assumed the thing she was going to ask or something she walked up to me and before she said anything I said in the nicest way possible that we were closed until 10:00 she got pissed about it went to go talk to my manager and I asked my manager what she said and you guessed it she asked him what [ __ ] time we opened what even don't get mad at me because I already knew what you were going to ask me before it came out of your mouth I'm just smart like that some people are [ __ ] morons they think just because you're working a 7.25 job that they are somehow superior to you or they think they know better / are smarter I would always think who locked you'd not like I've been working here for four years or anything lull edit someone asked me why I'm not family-friendly and it's because I just have a mean looking face but I'm a pretty open person once you start talking to me also to choose instantly makes and people just like you when you're working in a park thanks for all the upload stats this is now my top rated comment oh thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: carEVVSwCfY
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Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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