What Are Your Best "Neighbors From Heck" Stories?

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redditors who have had neighbors from heck what happened this isn't even everything that went down with that neighbor just some not so brief highlights my mom had this neighbor who pretended to be weak from cancer chemo so her landlord couldn't get mad at her for when trash cans were full and lorne was filthy she even went as far as shaving her head and faking a limp kane and everything mom baked her some cookies and offered to take care of her bins and lawn neighbor spills about her scam my mom now enlightened about my neighbors the fault in our stars balls and tired of the trash blowing into our yard called the landlord neighbor wasn't happy and would blast music at ungodly hours of the night wee morning to get back at my mom mom would get frustrated because she worked late and left early filed noise complaints to police police arrive neighbor claims my mom old little asian lady punched her in the chest neighbor wants her arrested mom shows cops our security cam footage no mom punching instead finds crazy neighbor kicking her nine-year-old daughter out in the middle of the night nine yo is banging on her door my mom comes out to check on noise tries to bring hysterical girl inside it's like 2 a.m neighbor comes out and sprays her with the hose neighbor taken away daughter sent to live with dad tl dr neighbor faked cancer got arrested when you don't have cancer but you are cancer they tried to kill my dog because it was a death dog she was a white lab and very sweet we had a large fenced-in backyard my dog wasn't terribly loud she wasn't aggressive at all she was just the size of a lab and my neighbors specifically the wife thought that made her evil they called the cops more than once saying my dog was terrorizing the neighborhood the cops came met the dog and we explained that she was always in her yard they left saying just make sure she stays in the yard well neighbor called two more times to complain and eventually they went and spoke with her about her ludicrous complaints here is when she started taking matters into her own hands we noticed our dog was getting sick a lot like really sick we took her to the vet and the vet said we needed to stop feeding her human food that could be bad for dogs we had no clue what she was talking about we went back home and decided to keep a closer eye on her turns out our neighbor had been dumping all manner of vile things over our fence food scraps hot water and god knows what else we went and spoke with her about this and she denied it finally we caught the bee on video and made sure she saw us recording her later that night the husband comes over and apologizes for his wife and begs us not to call the cops he promises he'll ensure our dog is left alone we agreed but said if anything happened to our dog again we would press charges thankfully she stopped coming after our dog she moved on to our landscaping she climbed over the fence more than once to trim we'd hack and destroy our hedges and a few saplings she even went and pulled all the flowers out of our flower bed that we had just planted we went and spoke with her husband as he was the more sane of the two same conversation as with our dog there were more random things that we could never prove eventually she felt very ill and passed her husband was like a different person invited us over for barbecues and all eventually even got himself a little dog tl dr called cops and then fed my pup food scrapes and cleaning supplies over a fence proceeded to destroy plants and her husband's life until she passed on we were always a little suspicious that she was not all there may have suffered from some mental illness which is one of the reasons we worked with the husband and didn't press charges immediately and i don't think husband killed wife even though she was a handful he honestly loved her and seemed to genuinely grieve for her i do believe there was some relief eventually though no longer having to babysit her constantly etc i'm free i'm free why i'll have barbecues i'll get a dog i can do anything the woman who had my old apartment before me used to feed all the neighborhood skunks causing them to constantly hang around my dimly lit apartment building my then boyfriend used to have to carry a flashlight to avoid startling one and getting a face full of stink awful but also kind of funny i'm imagining a gang of little skunks loitering around your apartment in little leather jackets like greasers from the 50s my neighbors in the crappy apartment i moved to after i moved out of my parents place were hoarders to the extreme as well as alcoholics we started getting roaches in our apartment about two months after they moved in then came mice then came rats about once a month we'd call nine one one on them because we'd find one of them passed out in the parking lot or on the doorstep or on the stairs they came over and asked if it was us who kept calling 9-1-1 then they cussed us out because they didn't have insurance and had to take out numerous payday loans to cover the ambulance costs we broke our lease and moved out after someone took a crap on our welcome mat pick up the mat and smear it on their door in an apartment this lady lived on the third floor she must have let her cat pee everywhere bc the entire building reeked like cat pee the smell entered my apartment frequently when i passed her in the hallway i would have to hold my breath bc she smelled so bad i dealt with this for two years with multiple complaints to the office until i eventually called animal control turns out she had 30 cats in her apartment the smell was so bad that on a windy day people from other buildings within the complex could smell it sometimes it would smell like the cat was pee in my own apartment animal control took all of her cats away she was evicted shortly after that i know from talking to other neighbors that this had been going on for five plus years before i even moved in but they had a hard time evicting her bc she was section 8 although i'm sure the apartment manager was very incompetent as well she even told us that she had been working there for six years and my neighbors were wrong that it had been going on the long the maintenance guys had to put on masks and rip the carpet up and seal the wood under it amongst many other things they had to do to make the apartment livable for other renters i live on a farm and we had one guy who was a real prick he was known to have definitely stolen sheep from us in some cases he had shown the wool off them sold it and returned the sheep and sometimes eating the sheep we suspect he demanded that we front the bill to fix a fence despite it being between our two properties and refusing to split the costs he also had someone else's bull jump into his property used it to service his cattle for two years and when the owner tracked it down the busted demanded to be paid the adjustment costs or he wouldn't return it he had a house on the property that he rented to his farmhand and the farmhand found him in there one day going through his things and telling him he wasn't allowed to leave the property under any circumstances while under his employ the guy quit straight after that and wanted to work for us update got a bonus crappy neighbor as well we had another old neighbor who regularly would try and play chicken with us in his car and once pointed a shotgun at my dad after my dad questioned why he sent his friends to hunt on our property update 2 for those wondering i'm australian my dad didn't call the cops and the games of chicken soon ended when he decided his crappy volvo was a match for a five-ton truck my dad didn't budge in the crazy old bastard ran himself off the road no damage done to either of them my neighbor has three dogs which they let outside twice a day to poop the dogs are friendly and not very loud except they always crap on our lawn my husband and i have actually seen our neighbors encourage their dogs to use our lawn they physically led the dogs to our lawn or discourage them from going on their lawn etc i finally had enough so i got my garden trowel and flipped all their dog's crap onto their lawn today my husband went outside to mow the lawn and caught the neighbor encouraging their dogs to go onto our lawn the neighbor acted like nothing was wrong but quickly called the dogs back we did talk to the neighbors before about the poop but they're not entrusted it's been roughly a year since we moved here and i can't wait to move out already we want to build a fence but we're in the middle of remodeling our bathroom the house was built in the 70s and hasn't been maintained very well so we can't really afford a fence right now colon to all those saying that my husband should poop on their porch doormat lawn to get revenge he's a shy pooper he can't poop in front of me let alone in the open with neighbors watching but thanks for the input my first apartment living away from home was in a small complex filled with retirees my neighbor across the hallway was a man my ex and i nicknamed mr fire he'd glare at me all the time and complain whenever i was sitting outside he hated my cat and always assumed i was a smoker young people in their cigarettes you better not smoke around here the lady down the hall from you is on oxygen and she can smell it how he got his nickname once i was walking to the bus stop before class and x and i saw a garbage can smoldering in front of our building it wasn't flaming but there was a hole burned through it and the plastic around the hole was melting it had been a dry spring so we were worried it might start an actual fire x ran inside to get the apartment manager who lived one floor under me when she came outside with the maintenance guy who removed the can she yelled at the neighbor's window hey you what's the deal here apparently this old man with beginning stages of dementia was cooking a steak in his kitchen when the meat lit on fire he didn't know what to do so he threw the entire pan in the garbage but then the can started melting so he thought it would be a good idea to throw the whole thing out the window onto a garden full of wood chips he was eventually taken away to her retirement home after flushing his diapers down the toilet bursting a pipe and flooding the laundry room next door was a hoarder junk on front and back porch door that won't open and never cut his grass after a couple years of city not enforcing lawn care neighbors on either side started cutting front lawn for him but we couldn't mow back for him because he always had two large dogs who only understood polish grass was always six feet tall in backyard and that plus trash meant the mosquitoes along the fence were horrendous rendering our otherwise pleasant shade garden unusable after any rain at one point he was stealing our water which drove up our water bill we suspect he didn't have electric either he hung out at the library all day most days near the end he slept in his truck in his driveway sometimes possibly to avoid going in his hoarding ruined house eventually he died he was very sick his house is in probate now someone knows every month or so his son came and tried to clean out the house but after dozens of truckloads to the dump when the beer cans and fast food bags were still hip deep i think he finally admitted defeat and quit coming out to clean every weekend it will take a professional crew to clean it i think thank goodness we are renters not owners i had a neighbor who would bring women back every weekend usually it was cool i'd hear the bed squeak for 20 seconds stop silence then laughing i'm not a jealous type in any way but when he constantly played crappy german house music at four in the morning i started getting pee after talking to him about it he essentially told me to frick off so the next time it happened i youtubed babies crying and put it on full blast through my speaker which i had sat up against the wall needless to say it stopped after that i'd hear the bed squeak for 20 seconds stop silence then laughing that's sad this is a bad neighbor story that was fixed by a good neighbor my grandma who passed away recently lived in not the best part of town she worked at my dad's laundromat there refused to leave and loved working there for 30 plus years 10 years ago some new neighbors came in and decided to pick on my grandma the entire family young to old they would steal carts throw crap at her steal money when she wasn't looking etc i had no idea what was going on and my grandma was too prideful to tell anyone however one day another neighbor that's been washing his clothes there for 20-plus years saw this i am pretty sure he is a drug dealer but i don't judge i played baseball with his kids he legit told my grandma to wait inside picked the littlest one up hung him on a fence post and exchanged words with the father before picking him up by his neck the entire street watched they moved out the next day after he smashed all their car windows till this day not a soul has bothered my grandma i didn't hear this story until her funeral last week it's amazing how terrible and great people can be tldr new neighbors picked on grandma so old neighbors picked on them and made them leave we had one house on my old street growing up which had just changed owners seemingly nice couple and their kids move in and they are okay at first kids were kinda annoying but they were like six and nine so the rest of us on the block ignored it we were all between the ages of 13 to 16. the kids began screaming profanities at us and throwing stuff we just started avoiding them because they were nuts so they told their mom that we were being mean we then learned that she was freaking crazy and would ride her bike up and down the street telling parents what their children had done wrong to their boys mostly lies but some truth none of the parents would take her serious and she was told to frick off many times we had an empty lot on the street where we would dig tunnels and build paintball fields every single morning we would find everything destroyed on the field we find suspicious attempts at traps made and all kinds of crap boards with nails laid behind my neighbor's tires and crap i'm certain the mom was sending her kids out on missions to get back at us and the parents the unprovable damage went on for about a year peace returned when she moved and then we all grew up i live next door to a psychotic m cook in the backwoods south that's a genius at evading cops ama he does exciting things like ride an atv up and down the street shooting randomly in the air shoot up with his buddies 10 feet from my son's bedroom window wreck into my house builds booby trap 10 labs in the woods beats his girlfriend his friends show up and pass out in my driveway random drugs show up in my mailbox all the time can't leave my house because he'll rob it god he's so much fun having trevor phillips for a neighbor sounds like a blast i live in an apartment i pay my rent on time i don't break a lot of crap sometimes i'll laugh a little loud with my sister or friends but overall i'm a good neighbor this guy and his gf move in she gets pregnant they decide to get a dog she decides that she doesn't want to walk or play with the dog so she puts him out on the balcony all day the dog box all freaking day this went on for about two months the city i live in has a noise ordinance but the cops really don't enforce it much property managers said we've talked to him and the dog isn't out much during the day i was at my wits and i finally contacted the property owner told him i had been here for several years with no incident and that the neighbors had a dog they kept on the balcony so the smell of dog crap and pee was horrible and i couldn't sit out on my balcony in peace he got in contact with my property manager and told them to either evict them or move them away from me before they moved out he got drunk and smacked her around i called the cops on him they took him in but she refused to press charges not sure what happened to them after they got moved to another apartment when i was a kid we lived across the street from crappy parents with even shittier teenage children the sister brought random dudes home at least two three times a week and was so loud that my parents called the cops on her once because they thought she was being attacked nope she was just really loud when she was freaking her brother had a lucrative business selling c and he always had customers hanging out in the driveway waiting for him to show up with some more blow his dumbass parents kept bragging about how well he was doing with his construction job because he bought them a new car and a boat the sister babies at me once but left after an hour because she had to go frick somebody her brother showed up to take over and i made him help organize all of my stuffed animals i don't remember if he was high but he organized the crap out of all of my toys we left that neighborhood as soon as the drive-bys got more frequent the drive-bys weren't entirely his fault we were living south of seattle in the early 90s and there was a lot of gang activity in the neighborhood we had to stop going to the playground because there were too many stray needles and bullet casings we did get our house tag vandalized by the brothers customers a few times they must have either thought they were tagging his house or saw us watching deals and wanted to scare us we never called the cops and were told not to say anything about the vandalism to anyone at school as for my parents letting them watch me they are good people but were dealing with their own ill mothers at the time both of their moms had addictions and personality disorders so taking care of them took up a lot of their energy my parents grew up in pretty awful conditions mom was an occult dad was in benghazi so having the neighbors babysit us wasn't the worst thing in the world given their experiences or i kind of like that even though he was a c dealer he took babysitting seriously i used to be good friends with a girl next door from when we were 10 till hs started even though she treated me like crap her parents were obviously alcoholics so i felt sorry for her more than anything my little brother came along with me over to her backyard one day and he accidentally tripped and fell into their back porch door her mum who had daily naps from all of her drinking was woken up and stormed outside to scream at my little autistic brother that could barely speak when he didn't respond she burned him with a cigarette on his arm not as crazy as some of these other stories but she still knowingly burnt a six-year-old autistic kid my mom did go over there it made sure to yell at her where everyone could hear her it was a weekend so everyone was outside the mom's husband was an attorney and knew it would be a better idea to embarrass her in front of the neighborhood than assault her no expletive was left unsaid and no one told my dad because he would actually burn their house down with them in it my parents next door neighbor a lady they don't have a big backyard but she had two dogs a boxer and a rottweiler she rarely ever walks them so they are usually pent up with energy and are not well socialized whenever people or dogs walked by outside they would go nuts and jump tackle our mutual property wouldn't separating us every year the fence needs to be replaced because of the dogs not only does she never be willing to pay for the replacement she is never willing to even split the cost my parents would end up footing the entire bill for a new fence each year with my dad not wanting to make a big deal she also has this very tall tree in her backyard that we tried to get her to trim and maintain in case strong winds would bring the cross branches down damaging the surrounding houses and people walking by but she would ignore us eventually one very windy day a branch snapped from that tree and it crushed and killed the boxer ever since then the problems with the fence destruction and agresion stopped even with the rottweiler still around so i guess it was the boxer that was causing all of the problems but to this day she still seems like a bee of a neighbor and a very subpar dog owner it's the subpar dog owner part that's the real sin this is a story about how local government can actually work for you i live across the street from some major sea for some reason where my house ends is also the end of the residential zone directly across is zoned for business the butthole who owns that business actually advertising on his website that he's a baron and his wife is a baroness i like to call him baron von frickstick well fuckstick leased some of his property to some fat asses who sell crappy low carb food they'd been there for a couple of years when suddenly this massive food storage unit that looked like a train car appeared on their lot and it was loud very loud and it ran 24 stroke 7 during the day with all the other noises it wasn't so bad but at night it was the worst just about every 20 minutes this contraption would start up i first went directly to [ __ ] stick and complained he directed me to the fat butthole who owns the low-carb place this guy couldn't give two fricks i called the city an inspector came out and did some testing his results was that it wasn't actually loud enough for them to get into trouble he did say he would check on their permits though nothing ever came about that so a long time goes by every night i seethe with anger and try to figure out ways to blow up this contraption or their place of business without being caught i couldn't actually come up with anything then they have the audacity to start marking parking places on the street and putting up signs that said they would tow not just during business hours but all the time whether they were there or not i knew that this was illegal as the signs had no penal codes on them etc i asked around to people i knew including cops and was told i should contact my local city council member i had never done this before supposedly politicians are there for their constituents but i didn't actually believe it i called they were friendly i explained the situation and for good measure i also mentioned the cold storage unit they looked into it suddenly the toe signs were gone they then let me know that there was going to be a hearing about the cold storage unit baron von fuckstick had already been fined and hadn't paid those fines and if he didn't remove the dang thing a lien was to be placed on his property i was ecstatic could the end be near and then one day a large towing type vehicle came and yanked that piece of crap storage unit out of there i now have peace and quiet again i might have the best city council member in the united states he's getting my vote for every election in the future tl dr butthole's put in a giant cold storage unit across the street my local assemblyman saved the day if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 50,731
Rating: 4.928237 out of 5
Keywords: neighbors, neighbors from hell, worst neighbors, worst neighbors ever, worst neighborhoods, crazy neighbor, crazy neighbor storytime, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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