I Found The NEW DRAGON in Dome Keeper

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so there's rumors that deep down in the world of domee keeper a new pet has emerged and this pet is a dragon that we're going to try to capture today and speaking of pets I did turn on unlimited drill Burt mode because I thought it'd be fun to do and we have blast BS in this one too so let's just go ahead and start this with an explosive Adventure good job cool guys don't look at explosions all right drill Burt you know what to do buddy go mind your way to your heart skin tent as I go back up to the surface carrying this iron and checking out today's sponsor a game called Kingdom the blood are you ready to dive into a world where history and horror Collide in an epic showdown then let me introduce you to Kingdom the blood an action-packed game based on the Netflix series Kingdom and it's coming out on mobile devices and PC through Steam this game transports you to a zombie fil josian era where your skills will be put to the ultimate test with Souls like action play this game brings the thrill of console gaming right to your mobile device whether you're battling through the main story teaming up with friends in multiplayer mode or engaging in PVE and PVP battles Kingdom the blood offers a diverse one to four player Souls likee gameplay that's hard to find elsewhere and the ability to customize your character in traditional Korean attire is fantastic you can even trade off your crafted items that you aren't using and here's the best part pre-registration is now open by joining early you'll get exclusive access to news updates and more just click Down Below in the video description to pre-order and stay ahead of the game now there is one slight problem with this game mode is that I do not get any drill upgrades I only get like speed but that's fine for the beginning of the map because we can just carry things on our own drill Birds doing the good work over there now we can get unlimited drill birds so we can keep buying them over and over and over again and that's good because he's finding me lots of iron now let's bring this stuff up to the surface I want to get to the Hostile proximity meter just so I know where the bad guys are all right that's not too bad upgrades now drill Bert here if I get four and one he gets an identical twe twin sibling called drill and that sounds good to me so let's turn him around grab these three watch drill bir fall down the hole and start mining some more good job buddy I'm proud of you well that rock is pretty hard isn't it dude he's like it's okay I was born for this I would like to know like the real uh like biology of drill Bert like how does a dinosaur have a rock hard nose that can chip through bedrock I don't know ooh the mine's back and I'm going to guess the left side is where the bad guys are oh I actually guessed properly that's kind of rare nice now we can afford a sibling for drill BT we could also give him some basic conditioning but one of the things I think I want to do is like the sticky directional charge nah let's get some basic conditioning and another drill Bird that's way more fun come here dude actually you know what I'll just eat you down in the hole and I'll grab this bomb and head on on myself now we'll turn you around dude that'll work I've said dude like eight times already we'll just drop that and unleash the nuke right there boom nicely done all right Dingus turn around there you go buddy go down in the hole find me lots of iron actually I was hoping you'd make it one more but you didn't no no no no no turn you Dingus oh these guys they've got a bad case of the dumb today it's okay you're still adorable turn around drill the iron you're a good boy all right I get the picture you did enough you did enough turn around again cool looks like we're right on the edge of the two biomes so we should be getting a new Relic pretty soon I'm guessing it's probably to the right aw they're both napping get up you lazy Dingus actually we should bring you up here and make you go on the left path and I really need that water because then I can let them turn around naturally they learn how to turn I don't understand that maybe they're like Zoolander you can only turn left anyone remember that movie from like 2002 beautiful I can afford it and now we have another battle happening so that guy came from the left I'm going to yep go to the right and we're going to get two monsters this time yep one from the right and one from the left oh there's three we got a flyer I don't like flyers I'm going to let the flyer go cuz this guy seems more dangerous right now A I don't want to take damage no you're cracking my Dome actually it didn't do too bad cool well let's kill that destructive bot nice they learn to turn they still occasionally do have a case of the stupids though bad drill BT there you go down that hole o we have another bomb ready dibs okay um yeah we'll just place it right there boom cool did it go down three or two it went down two there it is come on buddy I want to put you in the hole too and then you're going to dig left one of you dig left good job it'll just be my job to shuttle these things back and forth will you make all of the treasure so I probably should buy more carrying strength and maybe the next upgrade being either the laser so we can like well kill things faster ah there's The Relic too great it's so nice letting these guys do all the digging for me movement speed I'm feeling like I can bring enough iron back up again to get the first laser upgrade which I believe is six iron if my brain remembers properly I also need to dig down three so when I'm fighting monsters drill and drillium can mine to the sides great that's the most perfect timing look at us go we're doing it all right Monsters Where Art Thou right side left side left side H we got popcorn I always like destroying these guys cuz they're super easy until a big giant spiky boy and flyer man come from the right really oh oh there's more popcorn all right we're going to let the flyer do its thing over on the left uh please die oh it cracked it okay we're going to kill these and then we're going to kill this good and then we're going to kill as many of these as we can I knew it I knew some of them would get through that's fine that's fine all right not so bad we're just trying to find this Dragon down deep hopefully it's somewhere easily accessible great we got the Relic unlocked uh that's really hard to dig let's get the Relic first maybe it'll give us something cool like the the lift I mean we're not going to get drill burd ooh the lift nice it's exactly what we needed and we can level that up so I don't have to do as much work and we can also upgrade our lift there and I mean our laser there's the lift itself more orbs that's a good idea wakey wakey eggs and bakey this is nice now because we can just take all of these orbs or irons and drop them into the hole and then the orbs will bring them back to the surface hello friend how are you today interesting I'll bring you back I know you like being held like a good boy okay they're making their way doing pretty good job of it if I do say so myself H some iron there good those are already taken into the the ring we're going to grab these two now the question is do I want to mine that or do I want to make them two mine it I think the answer is them two actually once you come back and turn around you'll be able to mine that on your own good that's working pretty good all right I'll continue busting down here even though I know our blast charge has been completed for the day all right we'll leave it like that for a little bit and I'll help physically mine for a half a second cuz we just really need more treasure good job buddy so proud of you all right we'll take two of them back barely made it back just in the of time not quite the nick of time o got it all right all right all right all right you proved your point why are there flyers I hate the Flyers thankfully they're pretty squishy and they make adorable sounds when you do squish them unlike ladybugs you smell funny nice that was pretty easy how many monies do I have nine all right that means I can get some upgrades for drill BT and drillium we can also afford to purchase is a bombie boy and buy a port to purchase I mean it's entirely free no what are you doing you Dingus you got to go the other way not going to grab that I was thinking of taking those good job good job drill BT is there any giant pile of treasure over here that's been unlocked um kind of how big is this vein go away I'll just manually mine it Bo cool that was perfect my goodness these guys are efficient miners like it's been one day and he's already bust through the entire mine line I guess I did just buy him all of the upgrades so that does help a little bit now this is the real problem this rock is so hard I can't help them get down any faster there we go all right dillbert stop turn around good boy there's so much treasure over here too yes love it I don't know why he's doing what he's doing but whatever sometimes you just got to let a prehistoric mining dinosaur do what he wants to do and do what I'm going to do to these little popcorn I could go for a nice bowl of cheesy buttered popcorn right now nope nope maybe that's what you're having did you bring snacks to today's video I hope you did good that thing's going to die excellent I wish I could have snacks in video but evidently chewing will talking and commentating is frowned upon in the YouTube Community like nobody wants to hear mouth noises for 20 minutes nope now I'm hoping we're getting close to this Dragon it might not be on this map but it might totally be on the map too oh there's one of those things that's a helpful what are you doing you're not allow you know what there's both of you here you guys are being beligerant again get over there whoa buddy I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you like that there you go okay we need to put some water in there and then it'll help me mine these guys need a little backpack to help carry things back that'd be fun be adorable ooh look at what they found today this is actually Prime candidate for using the explosive on all right this thing takes one water to to turn on and it helps out our base a little bit but I have to unlock all of it first there you go turn that on that should unleash a supplement I believe they're called so we'll grab this thing real quick and use it to pull over some of the stuff all the way back like a gigantic bulldozzer that's working way too well my goodness that was cool very nice so this thing gets us the scrap repair H electrified Hull add a responsive electrified coat I like that I like that a lot I like damaging things with electricity also I really do want to use the mine just to pop open a little bit further down here and we got to get up to the surface maybe that opened up the dragon layer that'd be cool oh yeah look at the electricity go stop it I wonder if it'll kill all the PopCorners we're going to try if that or we're going to take a massive quantity of damage here in a second okay all right that totally didn't do anything oh my goodness all right why have I not put any any points into attack now we're going to have to heal up and repair and all that dumb stuff upgrades all right Health meter Cobalt repair Cobalt repair should we get some health sure why not we can upgrade our electrified Hull even further return damage eight I don't know what that means it's also free but I can buy the electrified Hull too yeah way more damage okay now I have 25 let's get more movement speed let's also get the upgraded power two next up we're going to get the movement speed of our laser I just really want to zoom faster the more zoom in the more money I can make hey dangus get back here you I got to put you inside of this hole we don't want to miss any treasure uh where's your friend at by the way here you are all right you're doing the work I really want to try to get him into this piece right here buddy just stay here stay with me come on drill this this drill bir a drill he doesn't have a name tag there we go all right he'll be able to mine those and bring it back there's actually quite a few things here that he can mine so I'm going to just let him go back on that whole Road because it takes me literally forever to mine anything out looking good he just unlocked another Relic for me then I'll let you come back down here and mine everything else out and it'll be a party I promise but I don't want to start that party without getting back to the surface because I know there's bad guys coming so I'll just bring up oh no Relic don't get stuck why are you do this to me oh balls we didn't make it we didn't make it this is going to be painful it's not going to be painful I'm gonna make it okay prospecting autoc Cannon H I want that here we go battle upgrade oh it's so stinking slow all right that's not so bad though oh balls we got a big flyer now all right we're going to we're going to try to see if o oh that's painful okay my electrified Hull is it just going to kill them all no we're taking damage that didn't kill them shoot here you go have one of them stay where are you going oh that way ooh good stuff over there my goodness a little Fella's taking his sneep sneep all right good news my friends we've got 39 iron which means I can get a little bit more movement speed and I'm one short on power upgrade but there was one somewhere right here all right we're going to get some more power anyone remember Tim the toolman Taylor just going back to the 90s here what he does the grunting sounds I don't know how to do that but there's something satisfying about this noise oh yeah I just want to obliterate something oh balls why do you have to go to the other side got it immediately no no no no not you too you're so rude oh yes they all dead they all dead they all dead make them extra super dead you like my song I just made it up M toasted aliens delicious hello big ugly thing you're dead to did you two go the same way or is that oh well that's unfortunate you have the case of the dumbs but we did find a bomb it's not what I was hoping for it's not a dragon if my Brian remembers properly that's what I name my brain I think this one is like a four-way drilling mine that should shoot straight down and then to the sides yep that'll help out Diggy boy over here this is interesting there's something down here what is this H that's probably the end of The Who waa buddy I captured you I have rescued you from falling to your death that's the end Relic so I'm wondering oh wait can I just slap you in here oh get in there oh yeah use your Diggy toes where did our other friend go though this guy's been digging like a like a beast over here oh there he is no no no no no no no no don't go back no no no come back here they're not very well trained in the ways of being smart but they do know how to dig so we have that going for us there you go get in there oh I thought he thought he was falling forever thankfully he's just falling for me all right giant laser of giant [Music] death I did it and okay uh bird bird brain got him kill this thing I don't care about two little things over there not when there's in a gigantic Army of death coming in oh great I do care about that thankfully I oh missed it don't punch please no punch punching no punches probably have a lot of iron again I haven't really been paying attention this what happens when you have drill BT going so strong is they just mine through everything and it's kind of fun I mean it's a lot of fun and I'm just going to put this um right here no right here no right here we'll just drop it at the bottom buming oh yeah that's a good one there it is we'll unlock that right quick fast and in a hurry I'm still holding out hope for a dragon in this run choo choo iron train coming through dropping everything off good well done proud of you and let's be real honest with ourselves right now what's the point of having an unlimited drill bird mode if you don't buy more drill Birds I can afford two right now come on buddy down you go no I don't want you in that one that's not even one to dig in dillbert dillbert stop it you got to teach the new guy how to do work properly and you're just Reinventing the wheel oh the new guy knows how to dig pretty well okay good get in here oh I figured you were going to do the dumb no we have to dig up here I have provided area for you to dig properly we're dragon hunting remember game there's another Relic that someone just found in the top left what is that noise that's that sounded like like the song of Titanic didn't it like that Titanic theme that what is that I just want to unlock this I haven't heard that before maybe that's the dragon it could be cuz that's from the um what's it called the the Chinese New Year celebration so it was kind of a chinesey sort of sound to it like a Chinese flute who who was that was it over here oh what is this okay it needs Cobalt there's a triangle there do we have any do I see any Cobalt anyone got Cobalt for me anyone Cobalt I need some we need some to no oh shoot even worse oh I forgot I've been too busy thinking about Titanic and how Jack dies oh there's there's a there's some right there did you see it oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy boyy boy get up there get up get get going to burn it's going to burn oh my goodness upgrades let's just go straight for the health got to breathe got to breathe battle battle battle battle no kill it good kill it dead back over here kill it kill it kill it all right this wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be plus we found the dragon I'm so excited right now why do you why are you so fast why you've got to be so dumb is that it that's it all right there was that one piece of cobalt on the conveyor belt down here that wasn't being picked up I think yep right there got it nice nice nice okay which which position was this oh right over here in we go what is this thing whoa it's an egg we got an egg I got an egg friends it's got to be a dragon egg I don't know what to do with it but a dragon totally just came out of the wall I don't even know what to do with a dragon egg I've never had one in real life before I guess we'll just set it up here and hopefully it'll hatch looks like that's what it's supposed to do and boom oh wow that's the bottom of the world okay I want to try to fling this guy into there nice oh hey there we go that's what I'm looking for another Relic wow there's so much iron here that I have just not even picked up oh the dragon hatched did you see that autoc Cannon Spire autoc Cannon hey bud oh I got a pet dragon he growled at me I think that means he likes me we have 41 more iron I mean I could totally use this this all projectiles we could also upgrade our Dome strength yeah let's do that that's 17 let's get more movement speed for me there we go the dragon oh he's cool I got to swing you into there a missed and we got to swing you into there missed again maybe we'll put the original in the OG Dr boy there you go switch directions I'm so excited that our Dragon hatched I love the pets in this game for some just weird reason this one growls too and look he's hiding okay got a kill oh yeah the autoc cannon don't really care about it wow that guy's got so many hit points too okay those are gone the dragon look at him he's hiding behind the computer terminal okay and then everyone here is dead I did it hey buddy I want to bring you a snack do you like snacks I like snacks I wish I had popcorn right now actually for real talk I I'm not a huge popcorn fan one of the last times I had it I got a like one of the hole pieces like the it was the bottom pointy part that got stuck inside my tooth gums and it was in there for like 2 weeks until I recognize what it was so like like it was very Pokey and and H a lot and now I I don't really like popcorn that's my my story more you know I need the bomb don't I that' be the easiest way to open that thing up do we have all of the I don't know I don't know if we have all of them I also ran out of caffeine juice makes me sad in my heart making a trip up to the surface hopefully yes it is ready I don't want the dragon to play with my bomb now we'll bring that over on the right side here to where this whole structure is probably down one more and it should open it up nice and pretty like we'll just drop it right here make sure driller wakes up and tries to leave and oh that was beautiful okay down in the bottom left and to the right there's another one where if I were h no stay with me okay I'm going to make you dig in here buddy cuz there's a lot of iron and there's supposed to be another thing no other way Dingus he's so good at digging my goodness oh wow there's so much iron there too come on crack through here crack through quick quick quick quick quick quick turn around turn around again dig oh my goodness why is there so much iron here break through it break through it oh that was perfect timing but where is that last Relic piece that's my real question I also want to see if I can just be a trained to all of these and bring it all back oh that's delicious it's kind of ye it in that hole doesn't matter too much we have way more than we can ever use oh he scared me he growled at me look at my autoc Cannon go I upgraded it he's so good I don't even have to do anything except when Dingus over here comes back and I'll blast that one and I probably will help out over here cuz I know you need it ooh okay that's not cool don't do that we'll just let those two pop over there because a giant walking drill creature coming and he died pretty quickly great now I just need to find one more and I can escape with my new dragon friend or attempt to escape okay so we have one tendril going up it looks like it's going to the right over here in here somewhere thankfully we do have a mine yet so we'll bring this back down pop open that area okay I'm guessing it's right in here somewhere just use it right here could be a good spot nice beautiful couldn't ask for better one than that now there's just one more down in this region oh I see he goes down again there but I have to make it back up to another fight Oh wrong tunnel Dragon always growls when I get back I like him he's my friend ah this is bad this is bad I got to destroy the thing on the left first oh maybe I don't okay good it's gone wow they're just beating up my Dome they're so strong all right this is good this is good because I'm pretty sure we're close to having the thing they're finding it we have tunnels down oh we're so close hardest part is this dirt is so hard for me to mine down there we go there we go okay that's got to find it wh come on there you go I got it found it I have found it that takes so long to mine let's just pop this open and then we'll have a through here please don't okay good it's gone there you go all right wake up not that way you dummies you must go this way our people need us wow look at all that iron we have so much iron on this map I think it's because to to build up manually it takes forever like if you're going to build up the mining things it takes forever for you to do it on your own so now that we have drill Birds doing the mining for us is so much cheaper cool there we go do I need any more resources that's the real question okay the mid Relic is unlocking we do have one more bomb available so I kind of just want to get like everything that we have no no no come back here oh that was close I need you about right here there it is thank you I wonder how drill Birds evolved cuz they only know how to go down so does that mean like in their evolutionary Trail do they only go down to the core of the planet and then eventually their species just burned up I bet that's what happens oh we got two giant drills on the side now okay I want to use this as a test run if I don't take any damage then I think we'll be able to to beat the final level all right we're good I think I think we're good we're good let's get a few more final upgrades like Health increase let's heal up the Dome the best we can and these are all good exit route don't care about that I don't care about carrying capacity we leveled up the weapon most of the way we could get a few of these there's the better machine gun fire we need five more so I'll bring seven up to the surface talk to our little dragon friend get the upgraded machine gun say goodbye to drill birt and his friends grab the final Relic because that's what we do and bring this thing to the surface so we can begin the final wave my goodness this is always so stressful do I need I don't think I need anything else it's battle time it's battle time friends we have electrified Dome we have a fully functional auto turret we have that thing yeah this thing's good okay I kill this Oh wrong button yep that's what I was waiting for all right just focus fire on this guy no Focus fire here cuz they're easier to kill we always we can also get healings in if we need to we have to pay attention good that's dead I just want to focus on this thing real quick okay it's healing all right we also need to heal upgrades heal heal heal heal we have six more available whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy oh nice get in there okay nope we going to take these things out oh auto turret auto turret do your job get back out heal up back up battle come on Dragon use your superpowers that I know you don't have okay it worked feel like I might need okay that's good wow it do so much stupid damage here no I still didn't beat it my goodness that was a difficult final level but the good news is I did unlock the dragon and that's what I was going for new pet unlocked there he is I love it that's so cool anyway my friends thanks for watching today hope you enjoyed if you did let me know keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cordo RIT Le Warrior Keegan h zarov maxer r BC engineer SAR morx Spencer te whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules bread dton SE cander D Payton plays fussy badge link KET Kyler J Nitro Nitro yatt K and row Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 892,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, dome keeper, dome keeper tesla, dome keeper update, dome keper blitz, blitz dome keeper, dome keeper blitz, dome keeper dragon, dome keeper updates, dome keeper pet, dome keeper dragons
Id: F55RCsO1Ku8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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