Palworld - Farm LEGENDARY Items FAST!

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so you're looking to get your hands on some of the most powerful items in the entire game and you're wondering what's the quickest way to get these legendary schematics this is going to be your guide to get it done if you don't know already the game actually has hidden drops in the form of legendary schematics that drop from certain enemies within the game that give you the ability to craft the legendary weapons and other legendary items as you can see here I've got a pretty nice pool of um pretty much all the ones I was going for initially I've got the legendary armor I've got every legendary weapon which the shotgun the assault rifle and the rocket are just in these are incredible I would highly recommend going for probably the shotgun first and then the rocket second but the way that you get these items is actually pretty simple and there's a way that I found to speed up the whole farming process to make it to where it doesn't take days and days and days to get it done the first thing you're going to do is you're going to click on your world go to change World settings and then click on custom settings now now if you guys don't know the bosses that you have to kill to get these legendary schematics spawn once per day so you're going to want the days to go by very very quickly to ensure that you can kill them have them respawn and then kill them again for maximum efficiency same thing with nighttime speed you're going to want to Max that out so that the daytime comes around quicker um and then really the next most important thing is this pal appearance rate so what does this mean well if you crank this up to three every boss is going to be spawning three times on the map so it if you look here as we do this run through you're going to see every boss there's going to be three of them at once I believe the drop rate is like 1% to 3% so the more bosses you can kill at once the quicker it's going to be to get these schematics damage from Pals not super important if you want to play hardcore you can challenge yourself and bump that up to five but if you want this to be really easy and really you know give them Nerf darts to hit you with and you just want to survive and farm quickly you can bring this all all the way down but I keep it at of 1.5 just to keep my sanity I want to feel like I'm actually having a bit of a challenge so next thing is going to be damage two Pals multiplier you're going to want this maxed out at five because if you're fighting three enemies you need that to be five the rest of the settings don't really matter that much other than those so let's let's go ahead and take that and we'll move now into the game play okay so here we are back in the game I think the best way to teach this to you in terms of run efficiency is to explain what bosses drop which schematics and then I want to actually show you a run in real time just to show you how I navigate the map what mounts I use what weapons I use and this way you're going to really maximize your efficiency with getting these schematics now some of these bosses as you can see on my very uh perfectly explored map here you can tell I'm really good at this game a bunch of bosses drop a bunch of different legendary items but there's a few of them that I want to draw your attention to that are probably going to be the most most important because some bosses drop something like legendary Pelt armor or legendary heat resistant refined metal armor like you you don't really want that you want the the legendary pal armor and the legendary weapon so there are some of these that really aren't going to make sense for you I'm going to go ahead and put a picture up on the screen right now to show you that way you can take a screenshot pause it these are the bosses that drop every item in the game that's legendary but a few that I want to bring your attention to I would say number one is going to be jet Dragon over here jet dragon if you don't know drops the legendary rocket launcher and as you saw in the intro it absolutely collaps I mean that the rocket launcher is a delete button for not only bosses but I actually yesterday had a really sad scenario where I logged into my base and I had the rocket in my hand and I shot it at the pobox everything exploded it shooting your PO box with a rocket is the same thing as deleting your base all the pals despawned all the structure crumbled except for the stone and all my items were just on the floor it was an absolute disaster so um if you get this it's too powerful both against enemies and your even your own base so that quick disclaimer I've actually gotten to a point where I have taken this off every time I'm in my base so that I don't blow it up not joking other than jet dragon there's a couple more I want to show you before I go into run efficiency basut right here drops the assault rifle and amazing amazing amazing and highly recommend going after that Frost stallion up here in the Northwest drops the pal helmet so that's something you're always going to have on legendary pal helmet highly would recommend that as well and then over here palladius uh there there's palladius and necris and they actually drop the pal heat armor and the pal cold armor one of them drops heat one of them drops cold but bear in mind there's six of them I I'll show you how I handle those in just a moment outside of that suzaku is going to be the other one that I would say I highly recommend going after suzaku because it drops the legendary shotgun now if you don't have these weapons yet I would say the best thing that you can do right now is craft yourself just a regular shotgun because the shotgun absolutely collaps these bosses if you don't have uh powerful legendary Pals to help you as you're fighting so I'm going to go through and just kill a couple remember the day and night cycle are important and hopefully this helps you guys okay first let's do a Blas mut run here we go spawn in at foot of the volcano make sure you've got yourself a flying Mount and you just want to fly up this way put on some heat armor and go into this little cave right here Fang lope is really helpful here cuz it's quick now remember there's going to be three of these that spawn so if you want to make quick work of them you could just rock it but I'm going to show you the shotgun it's so it's so strong so there's one dead two dead and they're all dead make sure you grab these chests as well cuz they drop PES and other things but again these guys they're not always going to drop the legendary schematic but when they do it's fun so you you just want to respawn that's going to be the quickest way make sure in your settings as well you have it to where you don't drop your items but you want to respawn back at a base and then on to the next one I'm going to see if uh I'm going to do frost alion next hey so as you can see it's already night time change the cold so as soon as that hits daytime I can go back to jet dragon and here we are remember there's going to be three of them so if you guys have really strong Pals what you could do I'm going to show you what I've what I do here here with my shadow beak I have this thing like almost maxed out he's got Divine disaster so I like to just run through them do as much damage as possible and I hop off take it back so it doesn't get killed cuz it will get killed and look how much damage it did so then these guys you just want to shock in them in the head you can see how quickly they go down helps if you have a buddy as well and then once you get the rocket you can just it's so good and I don't even need it for this [Music] one assault rifle see it's definitely worth farming it you guys so you get tons of ice organs and civilization parts and and other things as well like the entrail stuff that you can sell but um I filled up my inventory with these schematics to show you guys I know what I'm talking about next going to respawn and you can do this much quicker obviously without the commentary but next one I want to do here is a desert run I call a desert run so I'm going to spawn back in my base eat something real quick and off let me actually put these in here to show you what these things drop and now we're going to go to the desert so heat armor you just want to kind of follow the coastline here with this one but you can always check your map check your orientation and just go now these guys actually drop um padium ingots which is I think it's like 30 per piece so it's pretty nuts but here here they are so there's a ton of them there now I also like to do the trick with my shadow beak cuz he has a dark move so he does a ton of damage to these uh puses I think he just one shots them but let's go ahead and try it run through them pop off take him in so he doesn't die and I'm just going to rock it you see there's six of them three of each let's do some shotgun it really helps if you have a friend with shotgun just cuz they're kind of a challenge there's [Music] one and you can even catch let's see if we can do a catch real quick look at that so three large P Souls you got 60 Metal Ingot that was from two of them and then they also dropped diamonds which are very very very very high value with those merchants and I caught one there you go the desert is also so rich with these little chests that give uh P soles as well so this I mean this is just such an amazing farm I didn't even pick this up let's take a look so every run you're getting 150 P metal ingots and it and it wasn't that difficult so that is going to be your guide to farming the legendary schematics as quickly as possible guys I'm curious did I miss anything is there anything that I could do better in terms of efficiency leave a comment down below let's get some interaction and I'll answer any questions you guys might have so also if you're excited for the future of this game power world as I am just it has incredible potential please be sure to like And subscribe to uh jump along the journey guys looking forward to it thanks for tuning in and I'll see you guys out on the next [Music] video [Music]
Channel: Dauntus
Views: 5,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, legendary items, farm legendary schematics, how to farm legendary schematics palworld, how to get legendary items in palworld, pal world rocket launcher, palworld guide, palworld legendary items, Dauntus, Dauntus gaming, dauntus gaming, austin john, austin john gaming, austin john plays, austin john guide
Id: nmsbeH2Cg4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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