Palworld - THE ULTIMATE Breeding Guide!! Can you Breed Perfect Pals FAST??

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so you're looking to get the most powerful Pals in the entire game with the most broken passive skills that you can possibly get well this is accomplished through you guessed it breeding and this is going to be your guide to get it done in this video we're going to talk about absolutely everything that you need to know to create the strongest Pals and also the best Pals for farming resources more efficiently we're going to be talking about the general breeding system uh the materials that you'll need how to learn the language of breeding well what what do I mean by that there's a website that explains every single combination of Pals that you can put together that shows you if you put this in this in the breeding pin they will make this and all you got to do is put a cake in the Box get two Pals of the opposite gender in here and they're going to be cranking out kids like a nobody's business just like this other pen over here first things first I want to show you this website that I stumbled upon by this guy named kton and this is just incredible I hope this guy never has to buy another cop in his entire life because what he's done is he's created a system that reveals the math behind po world and how pals are created so basically what you can do is you can select a desired child or a pal that you want and let's say in this scenario I want a shadow be because that's what it would be using as an example you select Shadow beak as the desired child and let's say for the parent we select necris this will then show you every combination of Pals that you need to put in the pen to eventually get yourself to a shadow beak so in this example you can take necris with either um relaxa orus ice repo Beacon Pyon knocked and the list goes on and on but eventually you're going to use those parents to get to the pal that you want at the bottom of the chain so more to come on this later but I wanted to empower you to learn how to search for Pals and to look for certain parents because you're going to need that knowledge moving forward once you start breeding so that you don't waste your time my goal is to make make everything extremely easy for you to understand so that you can learn again the language of breeding and fly off into the sunset making the strongest Pals that you can possibly make so first things first let's look at the basics every pal that you catch whether it's from the wild or breeding they're all going to have random stats and and random what are called passive skills if you look down here in the bottom right hand corner or over here this this uh masarina has downtrodden which gives you a negative 10% defense these are all seemingly random for each pal but those abilities those passive skills actually pass down to their children with a high degree of frequency if you breed them together and so the idea is you want to take parents that have really strong passive skills and abilities and you want to pass them down to their children to eventually get to the pal that you want to create another thing to keep in mind is that each pal has yes they run passive skills but they also have their own unique predetermined hidden stats that are assigned to them when you either catch them or hatch them so for example I've got two beacons here well they're both level 50 they both have no passive skills but look at their attack and defense one is 625 the other is 566 and the defense is 370 and the others is 436 well why is that they're both the same level they have no passive skills but for some reason their stats are higher and that's because of the predetermined RNG so this is something you need to kind of put in your back pocket as we move forward to the rest of the video because the parents that you assign in the breeding pen are going to pass down their higher stats or their lower stats to their kids so in a perfect world you want to get parents with really high base stats and use those for breeding the next thing you need to know is when you breed two Pals together their child whatever they create is more likely to have the passive skills that their parents have so there is a degree of Randomness to this but if if I hatched a 100 Pals between this GIS bolt and suzaku aqua the majority of them are going to have some combination of muscle head lucky ferocious Nimble and bottomless stomach so the idea is you want to get parents that have really good passive skills and breed those together until the children have the passive skills that are desirable so in this case it would be muscle head lucky and ferocious now this sounds a little bit daunting it sounds like it's going to take forever and honestly your first pal pretty much does but once you get that one perfect pal like look for example at this Shadow beak that I landed on he's got lord of the underworld ferocious Legend and musclehead that is a 90% increase in attack damage this thing is an absolute animal just an absolute animal I'm going to do another video on getting the perfect Shadow beak and the reasons why I think this is going to be the best pal in the game from a PVP perspective in another video but for now if this is something that you're after definitely stick around the rest of this video video to make sure you understand how I got there but once you get one of these and you start using this as a breeding parent the majority of its children are going to have like stats and look at this every single one of these shadow beaks has that same thing Legend musclehead ferocious and Lord of the underworld so once you get to this point you can use this parent to breed with another pal to pass on these skills to things like a Blas this is a perfect Blas this is a perfect orer this is is a perfect Anubis all with very similar uh stats and abilities and passive skills that I pass down to them from investing my time into this one Shadow beak so it takes a long time to get your first one but it is definitely worth it to to keep at it because once you get one they just start snowballing I mean I got this one one Shadow beak done and it took me about a day and a half and then after I had that I got this plasma this ozerk and this Anubis the next day literally literally the next day so it's definitely worth it to get your first one and use that as a stem parent to then continue to pass those passive skills to your other Pals before we continue with the breeding let's talk a little bit about the fundamentals you're going to need to cook some cake and for that you need yourself a yorman tide ignis if you guys don't know you can get him on this island over here so for reference here's the plateau of Beginnings but yman tide ignis spawns here if he doesn't show up initially just fly off the island wait until your screen turns blue and then you can turn back around and all the spawns will reset and you just go essentially until you get what you want and then catch it so I know that these are really high level I know that this is going to be difficult for some people but guys honestly you shouldn't be worrying about mid maxing your breeding until you at least hit the max level and by that time you will more than be able to take out these Yanti ignes and catch them in the wild yourself now if Levin's not your fancy and you just want want to get to breeding there is one other thing you can do but it's probably going to take a little bit of time what you could do is get yourself some heat resistant armor a flying Mount Nightwing is going to be the earliest flying Mount you can get and then you want to come to this volcano biome now what you're going to be looking for is you're going to fly along the mountain side looking for a huge dragon egg that's the black and purple egg and that one has a chance of dropping or hatching rather Yanti ignis but it's again it's probably going to take some time I wouldn't recommend it I would just level up and catch him in that little um preserve habitat on the island that I showed you before once you have yourself a Yanti ignis for cooking you're going to need to get yourself a masarina for some milk a Chickapea for hatching eggs and then you're going to need a beeu for some honey those are the ingredients that you're going to need to bake some cakes chick be can be found in any of these uh highlighted habitats here you if you've played this game for 5 minutes you probably seen 20 of these so make sure you catch one or two of these put them in the ranch and you're good to go masarina can be found in this habitat here go and catch yourself a few of those and you can put them in the ranch as well and finally beard not to be confused with elizab be can be found in this habitat here however they can be a bit of a challenge to catch especially early game cuz by default they just want to run at you and explode so if that is a bit of a paino for you here's something else you can do you you can actually breed a tomat with a hres and that will give you a beard making it super easy for you both of these are found also very early game right when you first start you should see these at night time so just catch two of them breed them and you got yourself a beard the other ingredient you're going to need is a little bit of a wheat farm so I actually have two of them in my breeding base and I have um all the pals needed to both water and harvest and move them into this food bowl here so that I have a constant stream of all the materials needed to actually make the cakes once you have all of those Pals make a ranch put them in there and they will go to town getting you all of the materials you need to bake the cakes then all you have to do is go over to your stove of choice insert the materials and then put your pal of choice to start cooking the cakes the reason I'm using this Blas mud instead of a Yanti ignis is because I actually leveled this all the way up and condensed it to max level and if you don't know what that does is it actually increases their work suitabilities so he's now level five mining instead of four and instead of level three kindling it's level four kindling so it's the same as Yanti ignis that's why I'm using him here but in your application just throw your ignis there and watch the cakes funnel in now that you have all the materials I want to give you some Pro tips to really make your time easier tip number one is that Pals with no passive skills are actually gold to keep so these beacons are super worth holding on to you might think they're useless but essentially when it comes to breeding these are considered blank canvases and so they have no bad abilities to mix with good abilities into their children so I would rather have one pal with no passive skills and another pal with amazing passive skills so that I have a higher likelihood of passing on all of the amazing passive skills and none of bad passive skills that would come from the other parent any of them that you get that have no passive skills keep them no matter what they are you could use them as a stem for a future breeding pattern Pro tip number two every pal that you see that has only golden skills go ahead and hold on to those because you could use them as a stem for future breeding patterns and I would much rather have like this Anubis here has Legend and ferocious which are two amazing abilities to pass down to another pal I would rather have this one over this Anubis that has lucky ferocious Legend and destructive because this destructive is going to essentially Poison the Well for every child that descends from this Anubis I would rather have one Anubis with two golden skills and another Anubis with two other golden skills to pass down those desirable traits instead of having interference with destructive if you look here one of the parents had destructive and look what happened this has destructive this has destructive that has destructive that has destructive and it just poisons the well for the rest of them that would descend from that one pal so any pal you see that just has two clean golden skills or one or three or all four go ahead and hold on to them tip number three is going to vary from person to person it just depends on what type of game you want to play but I actually to increase efficiency I changed my egg incubation settings to instant so as soon as I put this huge Dragon egg in there it's ready to it's already cooked and it's ready to hatch just depends on what type of game you want to play but if you want to just breed as quickly as possible I would recommend changing that setting and you'll be well on your way to getting perfect p a lot quicker tip number four is and this is kind of creepy but you can actually put a monitoring stand in your base to make it to where all of your pals in your base are super hardworking demands brutal work from your pals for some reason the pals that are in the pen don't have a decrease in sanity all this does to them is it makes them lay eggs faster which is good for you as a breeder however for the rest of your team in the base their sanity depletes almost instantly and they just get really sad really quick so maybe you don't do this now that we have everything in place let's actually go through an example and I'll show you how I arrived at my perfect overpowered Shadow Beak from beginning to end the first thing you guys want to do is pass down the legend passive skill if you don't know already only the legendary Pals in the game come by default with this skill Legend and their corresponding ability that increases their uh damage type so this necris has Legend which is a 20% increase in attack 20% increase in defense 15% movement speed that is super overpowered and then this one has lord of the underworld which is a 20% increase to dark attack damage if you look at some of the other legendary Pals as well this one palladius his he's got Legend and the corresponding is Celestial Emperor so that's the 20% to neutral attack damage I actually made a huge mistake when I first did this and I I thought lucky was the only option I had I didn't know that you could pass down lord of the underworld and so I spent so much time getting a perfect Shadow beak that has lucky instead of Lord of Darkness so it only is or Lord of the underworld it's only a 15% attack increase rather than the uh 20% increase to dark attack damage so big big mistake on my end but I'm going to save you guys that mistake and teach you exactly what I did here so looking back at our trusty website we know that the desired child has to be Shadow beak and a parent has to be necris because we need Legend and Lord of the under world so if you do this it shows you every single combination that you can put together to create for yourself your own shadow beak in this example I have necris and I also happen to have a beacon so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to do necris breed with a beacon to create an aagon with Legend and Lord of the underworld and then I'm going to use that aagon to breed with a kitsun to then create a shadow beak back in the game here I have a necromus and again this is where you really need to pay attention if you're trying to minmax here these two necrom misss are both level 50 and they have different attack and defense stats these two beacons are both level 50 that have no passive skills but they have different attacks and different defenses so you need to decide for yourself what what's the most important thing do I want to have a higher base defense I would go with these two 729 over 722 and 7 or and 436 over 370 I would go with these two or do you want one that is more attack weighted then I would go with these two 625 over 566 attack and 938 over 916 attack so what I ended up doing was I bred these two parents together to create an aagon and all I was looking for was Lord of the underworld and Legend but I actually got super lucky and I got one of the other attacks ferocious if I didn't get that I would have just bred it up through the kitsun line but as soon as I got a aagon with lord of the underworld and Legend my job was done from the top down next up what I had to do is I had to get a kitsun that had muscle head as well as ferocious now I can't find the example that I had I think I deleted it but you just do the same thing you go to the calculator you choose the desired child to be kitsun and you look for all the pals that you can possibly put together to then create a kitsun and pass down the ability muscle head so you would just look through your you would just look through your box until you found anything that had muscle head and as soon as you find it you go to the website you look at what you can breed that with to like this Brisa you look at what you can breed Brisa with to eventually make a kitson and then you're going to have a kitsun that has muscle head it takes a little bit of time but again once you get it where you need it to be the rest of your breeding is just going to fly by so what I do was I bred this aagon with lord of the underworld ferocious and Legend until I eventually got Shadow beaks with kind of fragmented stats and and this is where you really want to pay attention you're going to get to a point where you're getting Shadow beaks that aren't perfect but they're better than the parents so this aagon has coldblooded I don't want code blooded this kitsun has capacitor and work slave I don't want those two abilities and So eventually what you'll do is you'll find that the children with clean golden stats will produce better children than the original adults so the idea here is that you're going to be constantly looking to replace the parents to increase your chances of getting your perfect children for example one of my hatches I got super lucky this Shadow beak has lord of the underworld muscle head and Legend and so the only thing I'm looking for is ferocious now this female has many of the same except work slave and also ferocious so I would breed these two together until I get lucky and the legend and musclehead and Lord of Underworld merges with ferocious and then I get a perfect parent so now you have your perfect Shadow beak what do you do at that point do you stop I would suggest not to and the reason for that is this little thing here called the pal condensation machine what you're going to do is you're eventually going to get perfect Shadow beaks and you need to infuse the same types of Pals into that pal to increase its stats to level four now this is going to sound crazy but you I believe you need 116 of the same pal to infuse it to level four to get its stats completely maxed out so for example I've got this one here maxed out level four it took about 116 Shadow beaks to get to that point which was a pretty much a nightmare but if you keep going and you get two parents that have both perfect stats breeding with each other in the same pen you're going to produce a ton of other um Shadow beaks or children that you're trying to make and they're all going to have perfect stats as well and at the end of it you can just count 116 but remember the parents initially have random stats assigned to them so what you should do is get everything to level 50 just put them on and if you haven't seen my previous video on how to farm legendary schematics definitely go check that out because you can get these Pals to level 50 instantly just by going to a boss and killing a couple I show you how to do it super fast so go ahead and watch that video but you're just going to fill up your party with all your level one Shadow beaks go kill a boss they'll all be level 50 and then what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to come in here and just look at their stats okay they're all different and you just want to pick out the one that has the highest stats that you want and that's the one that you're going to infuse all of the other ones into and then if you have extra you can give them to your friends that's what I did I I had my brother on the server and I gave him a perfect everything I gave him a perfect Shadow beak blasa or Zerg Anubis and then he can use those to speed up his breeding process on my server so the point is once you get it don't stop there keep going so that you can have Pals to either give to your friends or use for the pal condensation machine so there you have it the definitive guide on breeding the most powerful Pals within pal world that you could possibly get your hands on I hope you guys did enjoy if I was unclear or if you have questions about anything please leave a comment down below and I'll do my best to answer everything that you guys have for me also I'm curious to know how long did it take you guys to get your first perfect pal did you make the same mistake I did or did you have success the first time if you guys are as excited for the future of this game as I am please subscribe to the channel and let's go on the journey together thank you so much for watching and I'll see you out the next [Music] video
Channel: Dauntus
Views: 20,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, palworld breeding guide, breed perfect pals, perfect shadowbeak, perfect blazamut, perfect anubis, perfect orsekr, how to breed a perfect pal, palworld guide, palworld crossbreeding guide, palworld crossbreeding, ultimate beginners guide, the ultimate breeding guide for palworld, dauntus gaming, Dauntus, dauntus, austin john plays, austin john gaming, austin john, austin john guide
Id: c3hb_NuTkZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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