Palworld Tips And Tricks For New Players

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welcome to the video we are going to be talking about power worlds today I over the past couple of days or week weeks I don't actually know uh I've played this game an unhealthy amount and I feel I have some information that I can pass along to a couple of people at least maybe get get at least one fact out there that somebody didn't know maybe pass it your way so yeah let's just hop right into it so I do have a couple of tips for you guys today some of them Advanced some of them not very Advanced uh some give me just one second I got to deal with this cuz I don't have a wall built around my base has fallen ill why are you depressed man why can't I just make my video what the is going on all right can I can I get along with the video now guys first simple tip we're going to talk about obviously you should know this if you start the game it's don't pass up on uh life monk figes really really don't pass up on those almost every single time I track down one life monk Effigy I find like two to three more I recommend going going out if you're looking for them wait until the night time get a flying Mount and just go ham looking for those things it's pretty easy just to fly straight up and look around you'll see so many glimmering off in the distance and I guarantee you whenever you think you found them all you probably haven't there's got to be a couple more hidden around here somewhere I probably found or probably haven't found so never pass up on life monk effies something to know right now um I don't know if it's for the game pass version of the game I do know it's for the steam version of the game which sucks for me cuz I didn't know it until after uh whenever you go to upgrade yourself with the life monk effes they actually have an inverse effect right now and it's a bug in the game this game still isn't Early Access so just know that before they fix this if you're upgrading your life monk Effigy like I have mine upgraded to level eight right now that's actually inversed for some reason and it's making it harder to catch Pals and it's not fun um I will say that right now so I would just hold off on uh upgrading your pals I mean upgrading your your uh figes until they release a patch for that um but I'm assuming it'll probably be soon I can't imagine they let that go on for so long because we did just find out about it numero do you should never pass up the opportunity to find an egg you'll find them all over the place I mean honestly I don't even have to go anywhere you playing the game you'll just find him I recommend hunting for eggs around the volcanoes in like the harder areas just get a flying Mount just fly around look for eggs if you're lower level in the area is you'll end up not only getting a whole bunch of experience whenever you hatch an egg you get a catch bonus for it if you haven't completed the capture bonus for it and you hatch that creature you get a capture bonus so eggs are basically just like XP packets that you can find all over the place that's basically how I've leveled up to level 40 I was level 30 and I played for not that long I just went out got a bunch of eggs brought them back to my base and I was breeding at the time as well so I just had a whole bunch of eggs incubating and I was just popping off XP one by one I leveled up and it was it was a blast I definitely recommend grabbing eggs every single chance you get can you guys be quiet you got a whole lot going on over here any who it oh you hear that free fact here's a free fact of the day if you ever hear that noise that means that you are really close to a lucky which is uh basically this game's version of a shiny and I think I might have to fall is this oh see look I'm telling you all over the place you'll find these I've been here two to three times didn't see this now Lucky Palace will do like 20 to 30% more damage they are absolutely insane already know that if you you missed if you throw a ball and it hits a P directly in the back you will get oh that's a nice one you will get a capture bonus on them just a temporary capture bonus um it's pretty good uh you can capture pal merchants and you can also capture uh Black Market merchants so I definitely recommend capturing at least one black market Merchant because their inventory will recycle and you can recycle it on command by putting them in and out of your PO box so if you're like hunting for a specific pal and you don't want to leave your base cuz you're a lazy hoe like me then you can just recycle the black markets guys thing and then get your Vixie to dig goals for you or you can even get that one cat that's useless but she digs gold so you can use that and you can put that in your base and bada bing bada boom you got yourself free Pals well they're not free but they are kind of free because you don't really have to do any work for it so oh no no stop staring staring at me like that you're creeping me out oh the top of your head that's your weak spot really sounds you have an armored mask ow ow ow please don't please stop please stop you're hurting me very aggressively I need him to have a status effect so I have a higher chance of catching him that was not a status effect a three% chance you think we can do it I want one so bad I haven't been able to catch one yet everyone that have come up on and to catch accidentally killed with status of like fire now they're really hard to catch sorry man you made me waste all those Spears but I got a golden key and all my gold back I think so let's go anyways another tip for dungeons is to use ragn Hawk to get around because it's very good at maneuvering through these dungeons it's just small enough to fit through through the doors I think it's like one of the only flying mounts that's small enough to fit through the doors in the archways and it's very fast good at going over the water you don't have to worry about any and it's pretty good attacking Mount so you don't is that the boss room right there this is the boss room all right I don't want a wyvern boss so as you can see if you leave the boss room and then you go a different way for a little bit I really don't like this boss but I'll take it that's fine always Mark these trees on the map um the fruits on them will regenerate I literally just marked this one on the map I don't know why I just to show you guys this one but the fruits on these will regenerate so Mark those on your map and make sure to come back to them this next tip is going to be about building your base um you're going to want to build your base in a pretty open area there's a lot of open areas on the map that are just like this where I am right here open area open area open area open area you can find them pretty easily but you're going to want to find a big patch of just nothingness to build your base and I say this because your pals are kind of stupid sometimes and they can get stuck on almost anything almost any obstacle anything they can even sometimes just wind up getting stuck behind this building right here they do it all the time um so you got to make sure that you're accounting for having like an open area not a lot of stuff for your pals to get stuck on even if I were I used to have this storage container right here and the pals would get stuck on top of the storage container they just get stuck on top of it so definitely make sure that you're clearing the area make sure you have ample room for your pals to walk around and do whatever the hell they need to do because otherwise they'll they'll make it your problem um the next tip after building your base in an open area is definitely to use Vixie and upgrade them like their little uh level their partner skill uh use Vixie and upgrade them because they will passively collect you pal Spears and then as you upgrade them they'll get higher and higher tier pal spheres for you to uh just passively get your base I definitely recommend having them I don't have one on my staff right now um because I am currently trying to make sure that I have a lot of food for breeding um and I don't really need that many pal speres but definitely get a Vixie go capture a whole bunch of Vixie and then pour all those Vixie into one Vixie and then it doesn't really matter what you have I just have two boss fixies I use I don't know if it changes anything having a boss fixie but I put those in my Manger and I just have pal spheres so many pal speres you never have to even worry about pal spheres tip Pals at the base um if you ever get raided or if a pal for some reason say it gets like stuck like right here or like this loot Moon say this loot Moon gets stuck like right here on the edge of this base and he he gets stuck and he can't eat or whatever and he just incapacitates himself a lot of the time you don't even notice it happens because while you're out doing whatever you got to do your pals with transporting will come over here and they'll pick them up and they'll hoist them and they'll carry them to bed and then once they get to their bed they just start passively regaining some health Reviving them that's a pretty cool tip that I didn't know for a long time CU I just wasn't paying attention holy mother of God want your pals to go into a building just close the door cuz your pals I don't think they can open up doors they won't go in there but be wary if you have a door closed make sure that you check in there or have Windows on the room cuz sometimes Pals will like spawn in like load into the World Behind a closed door and then they'll get stuck and they'll die and then no Palace can go in there to revive them so they're just dead and they're just dead there for a long time no food no water because you're a bad owner that's why I kind of just leave my doors open build an ore collection base it's definitely worth it um I know it might take some time but I will save you some time right now and I will actually I'm just going to sort this stuff in my inventory I will show you where I built my or collection base this is a pretty highly recommended spot for um anyone really because it it produce you can produce coal and you can produce um just normal ore there and that's really good because those are the basic ingredients that you need to get uh refined ingots which is like used pretty pretty late in the game it's pretty heavily used face set up I have it set up here on top of this hill right next to the uh sealed Realm of the Guardian this this boss fight with that valet vet whatever his name is um what I have set up here is there will be this is how I have it oriented I just have on the very tip of the mountain here I have a platform built so nothing really gets stuck whenever they need to come up here and I just try to have everything out of the way so nobody really needs to walk up here unless they're smelting and they can just stay on the edge of the ramp and walk themselves down um I have everything like necessity wise for them over here uh with the food production on the bottom level here I have a couple of like I have one guy just for watering and one guy that can water and transport like berries and goods and stuff um definitely recommend having one of these gals for um the patella P patelia whatever I definitely recommend having one of these because they're really fast and I just like how these guys look look that's why I always have one of them here but they're pretty good at planting and stuff too I have two ragn Hawks because they can do um level three fire which is good level three kindling is always good to have at a metal smelting base and then they can do storage so they can do level three storage which is good for transporting stuff around there's going to be a lot of metal being dropped on the ground so it's good to have two people that are just transporting consistently that have level three transporting um I have this kilari because it is a dark dark type Pokémon and fun fact about dark type Pokémon is they don't have to sleep so all through the night whenever everybody else goes to bed she's just running around collecting all the ore everybody needs or has left on the ground because they're just amazing to have you can find them in low level dungeons all over the place they're everywhere definitely recommend going and getting one of those um again I have these two guys for my um this is my farm setup I just have two level two waterers one of them with transporting and handiwork and then I have two guys one of them is more oriented in planting the other one is more oriented in like collecting some wood on the side I like to have them collect wood on the side so I can produce some charcoal here if I want to um I have two of these guys and then again this I have in total one two three four just collection Guys these four Dudes just go around the base and pick stuff up all day that's all they do cuz again we're collect we're getting a lot of metal produced at this base so we definitely have to have some people collecting um resources for us I have four anubis's because Anubis is are crack dude they're level four handywork so if there's ever anything that needs handywork they're the ones to use definitely good to have at your main base at least have like two of them so one of them can be buy the one can be helping craft but they're also level three miners so they can mine just about anything you need they are super fast so whenever they transport items they're bing bing bing bing bing bouncing all over the place um and yeah I also have a couple of these just cuz they're really good to have for mining they're consistently mining throughout the day and that's all they do and then these guys right here they can be um they're level three kers so they can mine and then they can also Kindle if they need so I just always have a couple of people that can bounce back and forth on the task I have a couple of people that are going to be desk like these ragn Hawks will um come and refine my Metals before anything else and then if they for some reason aren't then I have a backup just so that we can consistently have stuff going at all times whenever you are fighting bosses of any sort or anything really um because a lot of times things can do hella damage when you're fighting stuff help your pal out a little bit because you can really increase the survivability rate of your pal by like 300% if you just do this simple thing right here you see this guy right here see how you just hit did 251 damage that's a lot of damage that would have probably killed him just help your pals Dodge throw them right back out they get right back into the fight like nothing ever happened cuz you can click a button and just dodge out of the way but they can oh my God you're cracked bro I didn't know this guy was so good another tip about like uh having a metal base or whatever is H get yourself one of these grappling guns definitely useful whenever you are over encumbered you just have way too much step in your inventory um you can walk pretty slowly and that sucks because walking slowly sucks you can teleport not teleport you can grapple hook whenever you're incfort and um it's basically the only way to walk around whenever you're encumbered but if you have the grappling hook and you unequip it and put it back in your hand it'll instantly reset the recharge time so you can just avoid that entirely or you can have two grappling hooks that you can switch back and forth because they have separate recharge times it's pretty good you honestly if you have like three grappling hooks you can basically swing around like Spider-Man if you're skilled with it so if you ever run into the scenario where you run out of pal space cuz you're just capturing so many Pals and you don't want to let any of them go cuz you're you're a Sentimental bastard you just need all those Pals that you have you don't want to let any of them go but if you fill this entire thing up and you struggle with you know you need more Pals you can build um you can build viewing cages I don't have it unlocked because I don't need that yet but you can build viewing cages and you can stuff all the pals you uh it's like one storage unit like one of these things it'll give you about this this many slots you can stuff it full of Pals and um they don't ever going to they're not going to need food water they don't their sanity doesn't drop it keeps them preserved and you can just kind of look in there and look at them uh it's a good way to store Pals for like specific breeding it's a good way to sort them out that way if you want to have it all fancy Dancy you want to have a specific breeding base I'd recommend putting those there these guys are all set up in a very specific way so that they all function and make the base run squeaky clean it took a lot of testing to find which pals are going to be the best ones but from what I found is these pals are very good whenever it comes to watering the base and keeping the base watered and keeping everything just tip toop shape I can have the mill running I can have all these garden plots that I have over here and I can have the Stone Crusher running and it seems like everything's running Crystal smooth even though I just have two guys so it's amazing I definitely definitely recommend either having two zorbs or two Suzuki Aqua or having one of each because they're level three waterers and the only thing that they will focus on is watering so highly recommend again the nuus really good at mining I definitely want to have at least one Miner in my base at all times so I can be producing passive stone or things like concrete or just building resources um I have a woo because not only are these guys really good at helping you out with carry weight they'll increase the players Max carry rate capacity just like the Laris if having them in your inventory but these guys are amazing at collecting wood and they're also level four Transporters so you don't have to worry about that wood stacking up too high I have a beard in here right now cuz I am currently collecting honey he is the only guys that can collect honey for you the wixon is very good I like to have him at my base just in case in case I'm not cooking anything but he's a crafter as well he's a level three crafter so he will craft stuff for you whenever you're not cooking items which I mean you're not going to be cooking stuff all the time unless you're breeding like I am right now so you don't really need to worry about um him being away from the you know crafting too much um I have a hand you because these things are awesome you can have them at your base they'll be collecting stuff for you all the time they can do handiwork they can craft stuff for you it's not a high level but they're kind of Transporters they will also repair structures for you so if you have a structure that's damaged they'll go over and they'll start repairing it for you I recommend having at least one of them at your base because I don't know if other Palace can do it I've only seen this guy repairing structures for me so highly recommend hell zher I have him because he's a level three transporter and that's all he does so he's just focused on transporting stuff in my base at all times very good to have I have my goober over here he's actually called a chillet um he's he's a level one guy uh not he's just a level one guy but he is a level one cooler I definitely need to get a better cooler I haven't found a better cooler I mean I don't really have that many snow creatures and I definitely want to go to the snow biome um but he's the only one that I have that will consistently stick to chilling that thing out but sometimes he goes and harvest plant so I definitely recommend finding yourself um someone that is just going to sit there and stay on that I have the relaxasaurus Rex cuz one he's a diet Lover he has level one transporting which is cool he looks amazing and he's a level three electrician so he keeps the base in Tip Top charge shape all the time I got these guys cuz I'm breeding I have one of these just cuz he's a level three buyer so he'll always be cooking I have two cook pots I recommend having two cook pots cuz it's just good to have two cook pots and then upgrading to a kitchen um um I have this guy he's my chicken he's laying eggs for me I have level two definitely if they're going to be in the manger honestly all the Base PS that you have you're going to want to upgrade because it'll increase their uh capabilities in the base and it'll increase like their grazing ability and their harvesting ability and everything the luk moon right here I have his work speed upgrade to Max because he's a level two worker and all he does is work on the benches that's all he does I have two of these guys because they are amazing Planters but I'm going to do myself a favor actually I'm GNA put him here cuz he's an even better worker you definitely should have him working on your farm at all times and then I have this guy here because he does he's producing milk for me and I need milk um whenever you're doing this though if you're ever breeding you want to make sure to have your feeding drop have items that don't Decay over here and then put just berries over here for your guys for your pals because um if you don't put something that doesn't decay in these slots then your pals will collect all of your stuff that can spoil and they'll put it in the feing trops rather than throwing it inside of your fridge and you won't have a full fridge anymore cuz they'll just be eating everything that you own like goblins and of course this is just a bonus tip um I always have a feeding trough next to where my FS are working because it will um it'll increase work ability like by a lot increases he doesn't have to run all the way over there to eat he just takes two steps to the eats and then whatever perfectly fine every time all right just before ending the video I wanted to do a little bit of a pal showcase every time I do one of these videos I'm going to Showcase a singular pal that I think deserves some extra extra attention a little bit of extra respect because they are just a badass pal who is that pal it's kidson these guys are amazing if you die in like the desert or or you die in like the snow biome it's really hard to get back to your stuff because then you have to go all the way back to your base you have to trink it and if you don't have a trinket or you don't have an undershirt then you have to make something and then you have to build that and it takes so much time these guys take that problem and throw it away you ever lose your stuff oh no grab your trusty Steed all you got to do is build yourself a saddle and bada bing bada boom you're riding yourself to go get your stuff insulated entirely and you don't have to worry about anything and also he just looks badass I mean like you can't tell me he doesn't look badass he's a fire type and fire is just one of the best animals or the best uh element types to have because it does damage to two different element types and it's the only element type in the game that does special damage to two different element types so he's definitely good to use just to have like a running around Mount if you want to just be kind of messing around but he's excellent to use for if you need to run into the desert and you don't have a trinket he's kind of hard to find but breeding is pretty easy in this game so I definitely recommend getting yourself one of these boys he is the pal of the week all right thanks for watching peace [Music] out
Channel: Dovice
Views: 1,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 18q7LqloMXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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