I Evolved The STRONGEST PAL EVER And Captured Humans in Palworld

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so there's something very interesting that I've been wanting to do here in pal world and it's this right here down deep into the technology tree way over here in the ancient technology is the pal Essence condenser combine several Pals of the same type to create a higher ranked version that means today we're going to VI genetic modifications oh these fellas are fighting over here oh you're fighting a rock that's fine what is that on the oh yeah this is my new friend I got he's a shiny you can see that little star right up there I accidentally found him he was sparkly he's also like twice the size of the regular Fox barks see there's a regular one this one's just cooking some iron now if I'm going to build one of these palac and converters we need some pum fragments want to find a cave where I can get lots of treasure also some bad guys I can shoot in the back of the head oh oh that's not good I mean it's fine it's totally fine don't live anymore you know what I kind of want to do this can I capture you please 7% maybe I'll use oh I don't have any big Spears ow don't do that but this right here is what I'm looking for a giant pile of Paladium I'm going to try it again I mean why not right mine well claim a syate thug oh no no no no not you here you come in here and it'll capture you and you'll be my friend forever oh 38 how many balls should I waste on him I don't know but here's another one always like seven why not ah stop it all right that's totally not going to happen is it come on buddy I don't have any master balls either Mega balls whatever they're called one more one more ouch that hurt why' you do that to me come on capture capture capture who it's working it's working I just captured a syin again Thug he has blood of the Dragon that's awkward I choose [Laughter] you oh don't go in the water buddy you don't know how to swim here go play with your friends it'll be funnier no I'm not your friend these guys are oh yeah over there he's not make oh he got hit by the the futter there it is nice hit Bud hey here's an idea I have one of these water fruits if I give that to you would you like it ow oh my friend died oh he's still good might as well take a futter if I can get one too we're going to need to manipulate DNA come on buddy you know you want to come over here good all right syate Thug your new name is Kevin wow I cannot words also I can give him more skills this will be funny so like we can give him the dragon burst I don't know what it means but it should be fun here you go Kevin yeah now he's got the dragon bur skill we're also going to remove his punch so now he just punches with the skill of a dragon let's see if it'll work attack aggressively Kevin attack aggress Kevin he's not very aggressive the boy wants his punch back I'll give it to him Kevin attack uh-oh I broke Kevin by giving him dragon skills well so much for him so it wouldn't be a good dungeon without some sort of Boss ooh what are these dire howls that's cool looking all right they're only level six for the small one so let's just Yeet our friend way over there and then hopefully he'll draw a gr and I can delete you wow that was a really bad shot all right please please be nice to the dire hole howl let me capture him also don't do that to me all right we got to be very careful here ow okay ready fire got him got him let's grab the other one because I mean if we're going to oh hold up we need you we need you too and I need you got him oh I got one yes he's Burly that one is a jerk he made fun of me yes we got the big one though a dang you know what I don't really need you but I'm going to take you anyway please please come on no ah you're so annoying if I don't capture you I'm going to Club you like a baby seal a it worked so let's open up the chest grab the fruit oh wait what seed machine gun what does that mean oh okay so that gives grass power I think that was probably the problem with uh Mingus I don't think he had powers to actually use Dragon thing but I thought it might we'll see we'll level him up in a minute also there's a just a random Palace Soul hanging out kind of need that so I'm on my way back to the base there is something in a cage here it's not a Syndicate Thug I don't really know what this is but we're going to bring out our big Dino maybe what is that thing in there um oh shoot okay there are guys here this is kind of a uh I don't know what the word is Ambush I mean we're ambushing them but I want whatever this is give me this uh-oh oh no no no no no no no no hey you you're supposed to attack go over here oh my goodness nice critical hit and you're dead oh I missed how did that happen get him buddy get him Dino Boy nicely done all right let's open up this I really want whatever the creature this is nice uh okay an an r sox got flame organs carnivorous Pals pursued them relentlessly absurd furry cries transformed their raging Inferno interesting I also got coarse ammo oh really I get weapons now oh dang fan girls who can't contain their love are raiding me what does that even mean I don't know I don't like it I just made it back to the base I was ready to build that stuff and now there's fan girls coming up here who are they are they they what what are those things I am not exactly sure what those are but I don't do much damage to a love Vander all right that's that's the wrong button I want oh boy I want to capture one no no no I need the bear traps okay they're coming back here oh my goodness all right that hurt bigly bigly hurt uh-oh I see one I see one that's ready to be captured yo you're annoying me maybe I'll just hide here so I don't die okay that one's out uh all of these are dead except you and capture oh I got it all right you're going away all right there's no chance of me capturing that not with the entire world attacking that was weird you're just kind of rag dolling their corpses as they run over them we'll just move these we'll pretend like they never showed up then I want to build one of these Essence things oh my goodness it's big I was not expecting to be so large but I'll place it here wow okay uh hold the build and Teamwork Makes the Dream workor three 2 1 active I want to play with this thing so badly I don't even know what it does click open up how condenser menu okay select a base pal you chickp you're going to be our our selection use Pal's Essence oh my goodness I feel so bad I'm to begin condensation yeah I'll I'll process oh condensation complete Paul has become stronger thanks to the noble sacrifices of its companions Yay good job team I even know how do you make what is what does that even mean how does it why are you stronger he's not even stronger than this boy um all right let's try again let's find the highest level lamb ball we have all right you're our base one okay Max oh okay and it does it show it feels so bad I don't but I do extract full uh-huh we'll proceed okay and now now where are you now oh okay he's a level one star you see that he had the one star same ases our chicken interesting so if I put you back in here and then sacrifice your other FRS oh my goodness it takes 16 now dang I don't think I have any more of those oh there's one but I do know we have our shiny Fox part somewhere let's go take him off of this and we're going to try to level him up some all right shiny you're coming back with me and if I put shiny in here oh oh man he's got Huggy fire all right four a three oh we don't we're not going to do the 12 there's a 14 all right we'll begin that condensation I don't even okay uh-huh and now he's a 15 one star sure so I have seven more of these Essences I think it's time to go find some I've also got a large quantity of eggs that I've been using so let's incubate these two large dark ones we have a a tomat then we'll replace that with a damp EG on this one we also have a tomat no we have a nox okay and I have another dark egg damp egg and a box full of more so egg number one is a celer and number B is a serent h i don't know if I've seen one of those yet there he is oh look at him he a water creature hey buddy you need to go in the water nice so we have some new eggs that are ready and that one's a dumb mud what's a dum mud I don't even know and we have a scorching egg this would be nice if it's another Fox bark uh no it's a flamb bell okay those are both new oh I love him it's like a giant whalefish also here's the flamb Bell what are you a she's kind of cute like a little fire aw aren't you adorable so the other fun thing is I have ground up an entire immense amount of uh flame Fox barks here and almost an entire page of them I just really want to see what this does uh-huh okay combination pal became stronger thanks to the sacrifices of its friends okay we've got two stars oh my his HP is going up significantly oh the next one is 32 are are you kidding me it took like an hour to get 16 so after roughly another hour of farming it's time once again to upgrade this boy yeah we're just going to add a few more of these SP oh I guess I can't put that one in that's fine cuz I've got another entire group of them here nothing here is very interesting either so I'm just going to use all of their extracts there we go all right Mr shiny let's begin that condensation again and it was completed next one is 64 okay worth it yes we need a Max Level my thought here is that if we get this boy to max level it's actually going to create a brand new entire breed I don't know if that's true or not but hot dang also you might notice that I got a couple Penguins too and a few deer so I went to a dungeon to break up the monotony and I found this that I'm hungry I found that I'm hungry and I ooh I have some roasts wow those are good roasts but I also have you oh my goodness that was a little bit dangerous okay hopefully I don't EG grow all of them at once oh that fell just died okay let's take out the ad if I oh he died too that makes me sad that was two easy captures I could have had maybe I won't shoot him in the brain next time all right ouch took all my shield you you need to go away mhm uh-huh okay oh W wo wo wo wo nope all right all right here we go throw that at you hopefully I can capture that one just going to capture one at a time here oh that's good get it get it get it yes we got one oh boy that's a lot of not damage ooh okay we just need like five more hits four more hits come on reload that thing faster that was not a crit nope this will be a crit really that really hurt and Boop Ooh So Close do I do one more I do one more Ready Aim Fire yes all right fine we'll go for it do I have any I don't have any Mega balls of course I don't uh let's do one more body shot one more body shot there it is all right under 100 and now I'll use up all the rest of my 11 balls if I have to no get in there get in that stupid thing 50 60 70 90 yes yes that's amazing so now I both have a shiny one and an epic one I wonder what happens if I fuse those together oh I wonder if one's a male and one's a female what'll happen so if I come back to my pal box and take a look it should be the last one in here H or it's you oh there it is okay so we have a male and shiny a they're both males unfortunately look at its look at its skills it's attack is 178 compared to 320 on this one cuz I've been leveling it up so well but I do want to take a look at what they look like so I think they're about the same yeah that's the shiny and then this is the other all right they are identical so I'm getting really close on the number if these two were full that would be 60 I've got two back here so I've got what 58 of them I need six more I'm going to take you guys on my farming route here so if I do look at the map I'm starting up here where our base is this is where we spawned in if I go down through here around in this area and then right up to where we fought the boss in our second video then I should be able to get enough to call it good we'll just jump down here on my giant sluggy oh there's two right there this is great all right we'll jump off of that put you back into my pants and now we aim for the Tails because if I shoot their faces then I get a crit and they die okay capture you capture you very good W you missed me one is good and the other is good as well perfect jump back on the mighty steed I really want to try attacking the mamor rest with that giant Fox SP spark that I'm making but there's two more right down here we have to get first so Boop and reload Boop nice ooh that guy needs to be beat with a club a little bit thankfully I have just the thing you're hard you must have like a meaty body sort of upgrade already what do you have yeah Burly body Vanguard and Artisan oh there's two more right there what a day this is so we'll do the same thing rinse and repeat that guy must have it too whoa all right we can hit him twice because if we do then we'll kill them so wh nope smack it smack it come on smack it I said there it is nice so what that had six of them now so we'll come into this area and there's a occasionally one down there maybe a couple over there this is actually a really good run and and we have another one on that side good anything over there oh there's one up on there two ah you broke free huh we have one of those and you can have one of these and you get a ball a that was going to be the Epic move ooh nice shot you have one of those and I didn't get the reload why are you attacking me okay we got one oh only one of the three come on getting the ball getting the ball oh balls I'm actually out of balls but I've got some of the mega balls which should be good I also have some of these we don't talk about those yet though I wonder if I even need to damage them eh 48% that's almost yeah that's 100 good and attack you oh why and the Hunter waits for the prey as it climbs around the tree and then throws a ball at it to capture it nice that was good that was my hunting impression come on little friend Yeehaw this path works pretty good for the Mal pacas and the Nightwings as well there's also a few other things like the chickens and the sheep that are here that you can get up if you're trying to do this on your own and those things the gum boss also there's some Syndicate Gunners that keep attacking deer over here they've got some sort of compound it'd be a shame if someone were to take a mega powered up guy and have some fun with it what's up there there's a fox bark in a tree I mean oh yes another one of these guys buddy are you going to attack oh my goodness there's a nice attack okay do it again not not me yeah yeah yeah use your meteor strike it'll be funny I promise that works pretty good there it comes don't worry friend I'll rescue you I forgot to actually look at you last time didn't I I did see two Fox spks just run up the cliff here too where'd they go they were just right here well let's grab that guy first since everyone knows wolves can't climb trees can i e that high enough nice this fellow is fighting someone oh no buddy we were going to use him he was going to be our friend we're going to infuse you with his essences yeah I'll have to use this one instead and what do we have here ahuh cway Journal don't care it's story I can't read bro's a little flamethrower this thing's amazing so this is going to be interesting I hope I have enough all right select the base pal and then we're just going to infuse we have the other good one here so we're not going to use you but there's so many of these things I didn't find that trail until like I don't know an hour ago so that one's actually good I if I have enough I'm going to keep him yeah I've got enough all right here goes nothing can begin the condensation again yep condensation complete there was no achievement there was nothing for that really really I was I was hoping hoping something cool would happen there you there you are oh man he is so cool looking and I did level him up to Max I don't know if that was a good idea or not but he's there now but I did want to see for scientific purposes I don't know if I can kill the mammo rest but there was that King Paca that we could kill I'm just going to try it if I die then I die this could work all right this is what I wanted to see yeah that does one damage each okay um he's not going to be able to do it run away can't touch me I'm on a slippery slippery slithery boy I did 20 damage to him that was bad plan a but there are some Pikachu here I kind of want to just want to see if I can capture one that was dumb why did I waste that all right yep we killed that one oh that one's good hello Pikachu you're mine now all right friend I mean my friend King Paca I think we should be able to damage you oh man get him buddy oh yeah he's got it okay the thing is we have to capture this dude oh ah 35 no hit me these guys are after me too oh big jump attack I feel like you can do it friend ow all right one of them down oh that hurt good two down now I can focus on the big guy okay yeah right oh no he can't fight anymore um here I one of these stay away from me oh that was close oh okay okay we're going to pull you back good shot there we're to switch over to the Mega Ball I got five of them okay let's see if I can do this come on come on come on kingp yes wow that's so cool King paca I want to ride them I don't I definitely want to ride them oh neat two more eggs are ready I've been unlocking a lot of these eggs and a dire howl and this one is a dund again okay any other eggs oh I have one left nice there it is the king Paca saddle so I'm going to make up that King Paca saddle cuz I'm super excited about it oh my goodness all right all right all right and here he is taada [Laughter] is this so stupid wait no no no no no oh I didn't I didn't take the saddle from the thingy how big he was just a big chunk hey chunky boy come over here chunkers I should rename him chunkers no this just so dumb kingly slam oh my goodness what's a Power Bomb oh my that's cool shoots it out of his forehead I don't know if I want this guy's amount just for how large he is look at his little chunky chunkies go well it was worth it I spent four hours leveling up our shiny Fox parks and uh had a lot of fun hope you guys did too thanks for watching keep for stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bread dolphin C SC e Mr one pton please fussy badge missing sniper lank H Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro Wyatt H Auto Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cordo R La Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra VC engineer scars MX Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 503,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser
Id: daOYTWrZyR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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