Are Dungeons Worth Doing in Palworld?

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are dungeons worth doing and how the heck do I stop getting lost while going through them so much answer both those questions the first one's a guaranteed yes second one is a lot more complicated to answer I'll go ahead and explain how dungeons work and while they're valuable and then at the end of it I'll show you how to go through them and not get lost so much so dungeons have five different levels level 13 in the starting area there's a level 19 dungeon what the what's going on level 29 very close to starting area level 38 in the top right level 4 4 in the bottom left and level 45 in the top left I have no idea why the numbers scale that way it's interesting say the least dungeons themselves have very similar layouts which is why navigating them will be kind of easy when you have to look for they also have an alpha boss at the very end of them which is really good to try and capture because they have higher IV potential IV being their attack defense or health could be really good and it's just nice to capture and also two chests at the very end after you either kill or capture that Alpha boss that give you absurd loot even in the early game you can get attack necklaces that are like basic but still more damage live necklaces for more HP all kinds of accessories all kinds of schematics and there's potential to get legendary schematics from these chest as well the power of the schematics is based on the area same thing goes for the loot in general the higher level the better they'll loot feathered hair band 2 defense pend one if a chest gives you a schematic that schematic can be any Rarity green through gold gold being Legendary Green being uncommon there's also other chests you can open along your journey they're not really worth it because it's more of a hassle to go to them there's sometimes a red chest sometimes but usually it's going to be purple and gold chests that will give you loot based on the area in the early game they might be worth because you need the gold or maybe the the pal souls to level to upgrade your pals defense attack work speed whatever the case and there's also a bunch of Pals that you don't normally find if at all in the game unless you breed for them such as kilaris I don't think you can get kilaris outside of dungeons there's also ice rep tyros which I think I've seen outside dungeons but not very often the alpha boss at the end of dungeons is important as discussed earlier and you can choose the one you want to slay based on the selection the dungeon You're In provides you and you can sort of just cycle through them and you know get the one you want eventually how this works which I want to mention it can be a hassle it can be more of a pain than it's worth but I'll give you the tools and you do what you want with them so if you see a boss like the alpha boss you're like ah this is you know neat but I want something different for instance I'm in the higher level dungeons or low level dungeons I want Peng guette I run away a decent distance and it's like a certain threshold based on where the alpha boss is and the arena and where you run to you sort of just de instance it you despawn it and then when you run back a new one's there what makes it more trouble than it's worth is doing it over and over and over again until you finally get the one pile you're searching for it can take you probably upwards of 4 minutes doing this over and over again it is way better when you have a mount if you don't have a mount don't do this it's not worth it having to sit there and jog across the map real quick like oh it despawned let's run back now just use a mount if you want to do this level up your mount with like freaking all the passive movement speed traits and then it isn't that big a deal but in general you're probably better off just going to different Dungeons and going through them in the bottom left of the map with the level 40 dungeons near like the lava area they're hard to find there is a map there's an interactive map I'll leave a link down below that will show you where all the dungeon locations can be and like I mentioned I guess or like I I will mention soon or have mentioned I never know I edit videos really strangely they are going to be be always in a set location but not always active so you can use that those maps to figure out what's going down and I believe that there's there should always be a dungeon active in the areir you're in even if you're doing dungeons back to back to back to back I assume they respawn quickly but I don't know the end of a dungeon is marked by a tree it can be white it can be green it can have no leaves at all but the Telltale is going to be just a giant trer room and the actual entrance to this I guess boss room the end of it isn't the same right now it's a regular little doorway that we've seen in the dungeons all the time sometimes it's a giant little crack in the wall and it can have torches it cannot have torches it can be kind of hard to see so the advice I can give to make going to dungeons really easy or easier just scan all the entrances you can see and discern whether or not it's something that you normally go into to then reach the end of a dungeon in this case it's right there so it's like really easy but there are some paths I guess now how do I Traverse through Dungeons and not get lost well there good sir or ma'am I have studied the anatomy of dungeons to figure out set answer to a decent percentage of success so here we have a little room with a bunch of uh sections to go into that one has a little weird weird thing like that to the right we have a wall looking like thing and then for then behind us we have those guys go forward this wall is actually a fork there a fork system in dungeons you go right at the fork with the water that is the path you take and if you do that you'll be very close in some cases to the boss like this is the correct path to the boss every single time what do you know he wasn't lying chickens Cavern layouts are very similar across different levels for instance the first one I showed you was level 13 this is level 45 the highest one in the game to our left we have the probably open room maybe one extra room that leads to a single chest not the correct path you want to take then to our right we have have another very open room that's a dead end with a single chest in it that isn't really worth going for in most cases forward we have the fork system the wall to our left the solid path to our right the water we go on the water path we then have the boss this is I didn't kill the boss okay in the frost dungeons a room that looks like this with the Stepping Stones can lead to the fork room as seen as such and if that happens you just take the right side like this and you turn left with the water and the boss should be close or in this case right here I don't want that let's talk about the cavern Third Law or an exception in this situation we have a cavern with a fork in the road normally take the right side with the water but we don't have water we have lava take the right side you're going the wrong direction and instead in most in almost every situation I can think of you'll come across it looking like this going basically the opposite direction and you might be think to yourself I should turn around no just keep going forward you go forward you'll find the tree I don't know how soon but you'll find it this oh my good lava doesn't hurt you here sometimes it does sometimes doesn't that's a tree I need a dig a toys people don't like when I say that and I say dig AO or diyo like his name is dig to Bro dig sacred Mountain Cavern level 45 these can be the absolute fastest dungeons you can do if you have decent damage just because of the structure that they can sometimes have so running forward here the only door we can go through in most cases is going to be this one you just run straight because if we see the wall right side we see water we cross that and most times that's the correct path and then we have the boss Tom bat what the give me penet Panget suzaku Aqua Suzuki aqua bgo Gadget I heavily advise you to bring a small ridable Mount into these dungeons when you go exploring them such as a dir wolf which works fantastic a ray Hound is what I use also works great a Kitsune small mounts that can fit through these doorways because if you bring like let's say a jet dragon which is really fast you can't go through practically any doorway which means you have to hit a doorway you can't go through Dismount desmon your pal go on the other side summon your pal Mount go to the next door away repeat the process it takes so much time away from you it's not a big deal if it's your first time going to dungeon you won't even notice a difference but the moment you get used to riding mounts and actually traversing fast like that you got to notice it and when you don't have that mount you're like oh this is Dreadful I played on my level 19 character right now for testing purposes just to show you guys some gameplay of that and not having a mount does not feel great when I know what kind of speed I could have it is good to have a flying Mount cuz in some cases like a a giant rock wall thing you could grapple it that's a possibility H can I jump this wait yo Ray Hound's Crazy Ray Hound's a billy goat but a pawn further investigation ragnahog is a flying pal that can go through doorways my favorite place to go Cavern crawling is at Icy wheel Hill cuz we have three dungeons that are super easy to find this one white dungeon and the background is a whole green mountainous place it sticks out like a sore thumb it is lit what does that even mean how does a sore thumb stick what makes it stick out other ones right here they're not always active in some cases in sometimes none of them are active which is kind of a bummer but that was one dungeon two dungeon three is somewhere right here they're all three active and there's a whole bunch of other dungeons in this area too just use the interactive map it is a lifesaver and if you're like a naturalist you don't want to using any outside sources have fun looking that works too oh my God it chunks help me help me Tom Cruz help me Jesus Christ help me Allah ah I'm I'm actually just dead I'm swimming in the lava how come he's okay I've heard you can get purple pendants purple accessories I don't know if I believe all that but that's what I've been hearing even if you have Frost armor equipped if you do not have a frost shirt or a fire pal you will take a ton of damage from the weather at night so I just care I I keep the freaking thermal like I keep these shirts on me I keep these shirts on me I normally just have a attack pendant or a life pendant below it mostly attack for me [Music] y it dude it puts you it puts you in the lava that dungeon just put you in lava I think you die I don't have a healing pow to save my life you just die that's twisted
Channel: OhDough
Views: 43,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld dungeons, palworld dungeon farming, palworld legendary schematics, Palworld dungeons are they worth it?, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld beginner guide
Id: q82YZBZO21k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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