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hey guys zi sancha and welcome to the channel I hope you guys having a fantastic day and I want to share with you my breeding based ultimate bu guide I'm going to start this from the beginning to the end as you guys really seem to like these kinds of videos and I did get a lot of comments on my breeding base to ask me how actually set it up and just give you guys a walk by through by through of how I do it all so as you can see it's a very nice big flat piece of land very easy to craft here very basic build as we mainly just need breeding and food and then you can add in whatever else you want so the end of this video you guys are going to be shown how to set this all up and you'll have like a template for your breeding base slh home base and you can just add to it or take away whatever it is you want or need and as well this base is unraidable and it is also on this nice little it's got its own little wall around pretty much like a bolt in wall and it's nice and easy to access there is over there nice piece flat land the coordinates are - 477 - 82 is the coordinates and there's also a f Shel Point really nearby that's right by the fbat boss if you guys are struggling to find it there's a starting area it says all the way Northwest of the starting are just straight up to the left like that and there you go there's a nice little flat area nice little spot good view it's got the good view of the sunrise and the sunset and everything there's the tree as well and without further Ado let's just hop into the build base so we come here we're going to put our power box like in the middle is also a disclaimer I do have a mod turned on where stuff doesn't cost anything to craft if you want to know how I do this come on over to the Discord we have a they dedicated to the mods and stuff that we use just for educational purpose and how to actually do this so power box placement obviously is always first this we do want to try and level it out so we'll probably start the foundations on that little piece over there just to get everything leveled up but let's try and place the power box first so we can see we can get most of the radius all within usable right you see the mountain back there we don't want the you can see the blue circle you don't want to be touching the mountain otherwise obviously we can't build up there and we can't do anything with our Pals and we see how far we can go to that that side so there it is over there and half far on this side that's about over there so you check all the corners you just walk a little bit in case you want it right about over like check symmetrical so there is the mountain and obviously cuz you are putting it like this it's going to move a little bit so right there should be perfect now we just bring out Anubis we build it up real quick and then just hop on your jet dragon just to double check before you get into the boat to see if you do have the circle within see we have this whole flat piece of land over here very nice and easily placed within the circle obviously you can build outside the outside the circle if you have the setting turn on your server settings where stuff don't deteriorate if you don't turn that off then any structures outside of the blue circle will slowly deteriorate over time and break there's also those two or nodes in the back there so if you do want to actually utilize those just move your power box a little bit like back here and then go go over there but I'm actually not going to use those as we have enough all set up with our other bases so step one now we actually put in some foundations want to try and get this in as low as we can thanks this little hole it's actually going to help us out with that a little bit you just place it as low as you can and there we go now we just go from there so that's our template and now we go around and we just pave everything off you don't need to go too far out of the circle cuz obviously you can't really get your pals to do anything outside of the circle so we're just literally going to go like this like one tile around the circle pretty much all the way around the face and I'll see you guys with the power of editing after all of this okay so we have put the foundation all the way around in the circle leaving like one little tile extra around the circle all the way around and now I actually want to place this P box on the foundation so just face the PO Box destroy it and then remember where you put it exactly so you see I'm not moving from the spot you jump and place that little tile in there and it was staying still in the exact same spot P box turn it around to where it was I think was a little bit back and you just plop it down on top and there you go okay so power power box Place Foundation place now main things we need is obviously we need the ranches but you do also need to make sure that you have the breeding farms you need at least one egg incubator so ranches I want to get three ranches going on the farm and then I want to have one I actually want to have between two and four breeding farms is what I go maybe we'll go with three three just to keep it simple so let's go with three ranches now these you do want to keep within the Blue Line otherwise the panels will bug out as well if the blue line is like if you put it halfway through like this and then some of the items can drop outside the blue line and then the pals actually won't go and collect it so let's actually start ours over here and we'll just build three around like this also if they are too close to each other the ranches like this when stuff drops on the middle like right in between these two things they can drop as well Pals won't go in the middle there cuz obviously they're too big so make sure you do place them with a good little Gap in between them as well we'll just place them around with the blue line obviously in mind as well at the end and you see that should be more than enough space there for the pal to to get in and actually go and collect stuff so again we go to the blue line and about one tile apart and maybe we can turn a little bit bam now we get our NIS to build that and we get on to the next part so now we have our three ranches and then we can actually go and make our breeding farms these I like to place two on either side of the base that's is how I had it set up before so leave a little bit of open space there just for working room and come into the Blue Line obviously there we go so place down two ranches right over here now these can be right next to each other because the pals don't need to interact between each other so just go as far as you can and you come in a little bit and see where it actually doesn't overlap so it seems about there can we go back a bit more save some space we can you just got to finesse it a little bit and there we go so now we have the ranches and the breeding pan set up you can see they are all well within the blue circle touching around the back there and these don't matter as long as as the front part is within the blue circle cuz the magic all happens around this area don't ask me why but that's just how it is and then the next thing we want to set up we probably want to set up some of the Pal's needs so what we could go with now is to actually just set up all the beds I usually just make the fluffy beds and I like to put these one tile apart from each other so let's see the base has got a little bit different layout to what I had in my original video let's go ahead and actually just make the beds in this corner we'll start over there so we can actually fit them actually no not it's not good to keep it on that curve over there so maybe we can go up here where it's mostly straightish we'll start over here then we'll just build a structure around for them over there so place your beds one tile apart just makes it so that the pals don't like have any issues when you know like the big pals come and try and sleep on these beds so there's no issues with them clipping on each other or clipping over each other or whatever like that I place them one tile apart what they got there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even seven so we can have 14 have we go doubled I believe you can only have eight things queued up at once so after you have eight things sked up just go ahead and craft them okay so we have our beds down we have 16 beds cuz just kept everything symmetrical with the blue line obviously make as little or as many beds as you want to have Pals within the base most people are usually making around 15 beds as that's the default server settings for actually having Pals I like to have set my bases to 20 PS you can just get the most production out of your bases available and now what I usually do with these pet houses I just build a wall around them like this I usually try to build at least three levels up so that none of the bigger p have any issues I know two could be enough but like to keep it safe and you go with three levels up and then what I do as well on top of this I'll actually go ahead and then build a whole another area as well which the PS can actually then utilize or you can utilize for workbenches and anything that you might want up top there as the P should be able to pass there if you build them a nice set of stairs so there we have the little structure started and build for them now we've actually got to build them some stairs up this could be a little tricky although we do have this nice little open space on this side so we can build stairs like coming out the side because when you build stairs you've got to make sure that you don't actually build them with outside the blue lines like I BT the stairs straight up of here once they get to the top and this blue line actually won't let them through the stairs they'll kind of glitch out and they won't be able to make it all the way up so let's see what stairs we can perform over here on the side we'll get some roof out and then we'll just build some stairs up and see how we can go about it so maybe we start on this side and then if we go like this okay that's all within the blue line no not quite but we need to get up first just so we can lay the roof up here so we can actually have a little bit of a little bit of a look see and see what we can work with up top so we've built the roof up top but this stairs won't actually work so we're going to have to try a different method with these stairs I think maybe what we could do is we could just start from further back so you can actually start the stairs from where here then all you do to do that is you just place your a wall and now we can actually just make stairs from this angle cuz all the stairs and stuff have to be within the Blue Line This is obviously way within the blue line now if we come up like this and then that should would perfectly then we just put a stone roof right up top and as you can see this is all that should be more than enough room for them to go within the blue line if it's not you just take out this and you build the stair like going up that way but this should be more than enough or you can just start one stair back and maybe you start like that way and you come up like this but we'll definitely make sure to try this out and see if there's any issues but it should be pretty good and now up the top here you can really put whatever you want I like to usually put these um these things the sphere assembly lines and stuff cuz as long as it's like that and the pal can reach the middle they can actually work with it so this one should function perfectly fine there and if you put another one there it should function fine as well that's completely within the line you can put another one on the other side as you can see there should be more than enough room up here with how we set it up so you can set up anything that you would like any production stuff any stuff that put up here you can even put furnaces and things up here if you want to turn this into like a ore base as well and import ore as well but for now we're just going to keep it as a brief reading base so we've got the bed set up we have the infrastructure to actually put stuff up on that you want the only thing we need now is an incubator and we actually need food and the cake setup so the next thing we got to set up how to actually fund this feed Farm over here cuz obviously we do need to feed these guys with birthday cake so they can go ahead and do the the birthday stuff you know what I'm saying so let's go ahead and set up the cake making factory I think we'll actually do it on this side of here as there's a decent part of land open so let's get our Pals going I think I'm going to delete this wall of here just so it's a little bit more open and you don't actually need this as support as we have enough stuff up there so we're going to open this side of here just so we can actually utilize all this space and actually make some stuff of this let's go ahead and close this off with a little wall and this little corner is going to be our cooking SL production corner for the food so you will need to set up a you need a wheat Plantation and a berry Plantation to make sure that you can make the kick so this has to also be within the Blue Line like if you put it there the PS May be able to reach it but it's safer to just put it within the blue so let's see maybe we can fit it over there that actually fits pretty good there cuz it's I think it should be enough with in the blue for the pals to actually reach it but if it's not you just move it around until it is so let's go ahead and put it there we'll put that one over there and then our wheat Plantation we'll put on this side and that should be enough within the blue as well this is for the cakes purely and then what you could do is you make a tomato and a lettuce Plantation as well to give your pals the best food but that's only working food so the pals around yeah won't really be doing much besides breeding and ranching so I would I would actually just say to use the berries give them baked berries it's not the best food but I mean the PS aren't going to be working very hard over here so they're only really going to be working on these two patches and the ranches in the back so just go ahead and use your berries to actually make food and now we need to get a I suggest getting a kitchen as it does cook faster than the electric pot so you can either put yourself one or two kitchens depending on how fast you want to make the cakes and then make sure you do get yourself a y GTI Ignus so he can actually craft these things really fast and also make sure that it's placed in a way that it's open behind because they will actually stand in front of us and blow Flames like straight into it so if I was to place it on that wall over there then the yman tide wouldn't actually be able to fit in there because he'll be going over the line so just make sure that it is like that as well nice open space behind them so there's that and then what we could do is we can add a little chest in here just to store everything these chests are the best chest cuz they have the same space as the container containers but they um the pals don't actually like interfere with them cuz the pals often get stuck on the containers quite often so make sure you start using these chests I converted my base bolts to all of these chests and they have the same space as a container but no glitching with the pals so that chest over there should have everything filled up then you can also add a cooler box or a fridge in somewhere if you guys really like I usually do this just to prolong the life of the the fruits and stuff and the eggs and the honey so we're can actually put this on this side as to not interfere with with the layout over there make sure that it's enough within the blue line so they can actually reach it and then oh we do actually need a feed box talking about all this food stuff the feed box you can also just fit in here too well actually let's take the feed box and we could put it over there near the middle by the ranch cuz these Ranch pals are the ones that we're going to want to worry about the most as they're going to be working the most and then back there is the farm production you could even just put two feed box you could put feed box right here and you can put feed box behind you as well so let's go ahead and do that so these are for the ranches or you could just have that one it's totally up to you how you want to do it we're just going to put one there and then we'll put one around this area as well cuz this is the other place that they'll be working so you don't want them like traveling far and wide between to actually get to all the food so we can just place it right over there they can come over eat and just carry on straight back to working and then the poers that are inside of the breeding thing I believe with the recent update they'll only use the cake and they won't lose hunger I think that's how it works now with the update so just going to make sure you stock these up with cake and then a little trick that you can do with these fruit bags or the feed boxes whatever you want to call them is you actually put the food you want them to eat on the left then make sure you fill this up with something else like cotton candy or honey maybe not honey on this Farm because you'll be actually using honey to make cakes so put in cotton candy over there and fill it up so that they don't put any of the other produce in the feed boxes and then it actually forces them to go ahead and put it in the fridge that's a much better thing over there and then we can actually put another box down there them to transport all the things from this area so let's go over here and then Place Another chest just don't place the chest like over here so it will interfere with I'm going to collect stuff over there so maybe we place the chest right next to this feed box just so that it it's generalized in this area and that's what they'll be coming out just make sure to keep behind the P Box open as well so you see like the P box whichever way it's facing I believe it's actually going to come out this side you just want to make sure that there's nothing right behind it like there's nothing over here cuz the PS could glitch out and get stuck or go on top or whatever like that and then we need to just add the finishing touches which really comes from these other things we won't be mining or anything like this but the silo the flower bit and the water fountain and the flame cauldron you could definitely want to add all of these to the base as well as a toolbox if you are going to be doing some handiwork stuff up on the top there with any of the factories but you definitely want to put these for in there this is for planting speed for Gathering speed this is for watering speed and then this is for fire making so cooking everything you want to add all four of these to the base don't forget these as well as actually having a power generator in the base because we do need to make power so we can actually use the oven so we'll go ahead and we'll place these actually pretty near to the power box as they're just going to come out and power those up straight away so there's the generator and now let's go ahead and place our other things so this you could really Place wherever you want it just has to be within the blue line so let's actually go ahead and place it over here so that it stays far away from the PS and they don't interfere with it so we're going to place that going to place a water fountain we're we going to place a silo all within the blue but away from the pals and then this flower box you can actually use somewhere else just to you know make it look pretty you can actually use the flower box as decorations I love doing that in my builds but that is about all I can think of for the breeding place oh last thing just to tell you guys why we have those three ranches is you want to get yourself be gards the mozzarella cheese Cs and then the chickp chickens and you want to put three in each or if you actually start condensing them you don't need to put that many in one once you actually got a fully leveled up chickpea a mozzarella and a beod like fully condensed you can just have one Ranch and you put them in there and it should produce you more than enough materials to actually make the cakes but from this you'll be getting eggs you'll be getting milk and you'll be getting honey which is three out of the five things you need for cake and then the other things you'll be getting is wheat and berries from the farm over there I believe I read a comment somewhere in on my videos where you can actually just buy the milk and the eggs um and I think maybe you could buy the honey as well from the merchants or the wandering merchants or the vendors around the world so in that case if you want to do it that way all you do then on the ranches is you just fill them up with money generating PS like the mous or something like that you can put them in there and they'll generate your gold coins and then with those gold coins you just go ahead and buy the other stuff then you can even drop the berry and the wheat foundation and you can just put yourself in there some tomatoes and other stuff tomatoes and lettuce to make yourself salads if you wanted to do that it's up to you how you want to do it but this is just the most basic setup and how to actually get the base set up like I have it so there you guys have it from start to finish we got it all set up and done let me know if I missed out anything or if you guys could add anything to it or if you're actually going to go ahead and use this as your breeding slh home base and then send me come join the Discord and send some pictur we have a channel there to actually put our pictures of your bases and stuff like that it'll be great to see what you guys actually get up to also while you are still yet come over to the twitch I'm streaming pretty much every other day streaming lost AR and a lot of power W as well I do pretty much all my big crazy builds for the first time I do them live on Twitch whenever I do something big the next project we have planned is to finish off our Eiffel Tower as we recently lost our save so we had an Eiffel Tower Above This base but we lost our save and I have to now redo my Eiffel Tower so come check me out on Twitch I'd love to see you guys there hopefully this video was helpful if it was please drop a like and sub to the channel helps me out so much and I'll catch you beautiful people in the next one OK say now Run free and dive into the sky here going in crying out it's pray while we SL asham to be
Channel: Augiesaint
Views: 5,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, PALWORLD, Breeding Base, Ultimate Breeding Base, Breeding Base Setup, Ultimate Breeding Base Setup, Breeding Base Build Guide, How to start breeding, breeding guide, breeding 101, how to make a breeding base, Ultimate Breeding Base Set up, How to build amazing Bases, Best base builds in Palworld, Best base location Palworld, Augiesaint, Best base, Best base spot, Base for Palworld, Best base in Palworld, Palworld Ultimate Base Setup, Best Breeding Base spot, Yes, No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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