I Built The PERFECT Breeding Base in Palworld

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so I spent roughly 8 hours yesterday in this base trying to breed up the perfect GIS Bolt the good news our man rybolt is now here and his passive skills are pretty much perfect but the problem is is this base isn't it's very cluttered it's got this big ugly building that Pals get stuck in and the breeding isn't optimized so that's what we're going to do today we're going to build a new base so I can get the perfect paladis up to four stars breeding cuz it's a muscle head with with ferocious Legend and hooligan to make it the perfect attack damage also it's stupidly fast and has blizzard Spike that can absolutely destroy anything in one shot so if I come to this base over here I can just go in sort these by my most powerful Pals put all 20 of them in here and then we're going to capture ourselves another Frost alion and then we're going to remove this base cuz we don't need it anymore nice that's a pretty powerful Army if I don't say so myself look at the king PKA I didn't realize he was a 47 oh there you are I didn't nice of you to come by here have one of these in your life that's going to make him mad oh yeah yeah that's a good one come on over here the weather is fine nice and frosty would you not shoot me yeah yeah yeah just no no no no no no no no who's a good Frosty Boy come on over here here we go oh no not me you got to shoot these other guys they're the ones who want to attack you more than anything else my goodness the Arman tide oh this is going to be good no no you're not allowed to leave come back here did they change it they might have changed it maybe the developers watched my videos and they like nah you can't do that anymore so I guess we'll do it the oldfashioned way just straight up dying on your own I mean let's be honest it's not that difficult with the jet dragon all you have to do is knock it out once in a while oh that was actually bad there you go 1,000 damage to my jet you ran out of skills again didn't you come here RZ bolt oh no oh wow you just straight up killed him that's what happens when he's level one still there we go there we go I finally got him to Arro my goodness that was pretty difficult level 50 paladis is do the work uh-oh is that a wait hold on why is there a Toko too a 45 too Toco are you going to blow up buddy that'd be hilarious we have to make sure we get the uh legendary spheres out here my oh my things just got dangerous are you flying bro there's little there's everything all whoa oh I didn't expect you to come over here no pay attention turn around you dinguses he's still mad at you no no no no not at me oh no the too too blew up ow I like how the 47 Anubis just kind of jumps in from the top rope where is it now great I don't see it I don't see it it's got to be over here somewhere oh no where are you I literally have no idea where the enemy is right here is that the one okay that is the one I think this one's pretty powerful come on get captured yes we got ooh ice Emperor I kind of want to make one character that's literally a God by having all of the things like ice Emperor and the other cool ones but now that we successfully transferred this base or used it one last time we are going to go ahead and dismantle it hopefully I do the right one good now we need to find a spot to make a new base now I've heard rumors that somewhere over here in this runed city there's a really really good spot for a base and I thought it'd be kind of fun to try it out oh I think this is it right here look at this there's four chests that spawn here my good goodness this does look cool all right let's get these four chests real quick hypers sphere handgun ammo large Palo we got some bread and a mamar rest up here I'm not sure why now the real question is can I put a PO boox up here oh I totally can we have to find the direct Center of this and it might be the perfect range all right we're we're I don't know we just try it somewhere and pretend that's the center and then we'll delete it because it's probably not TAA po boox completed all right let's see if this ring looks that actually looks about perfect Center is it uh not quite we're a little bit off I'm still a little bit off I think like if I can get it right about there then we should be good like right about there why does it make it hard to get a circle I mean that looks pretty good I think it's a little bit off this way okay it's in line with that pillar oh that's kind of cool or we have pillars all right that's pretty good we'll go with that also I feel bad there's a mam rest up here goodbye buddy oh I missed I kind of just want to shove them off goodbye get out of here take some fall damage oh wow he's right in the [Music] mouth you're not allowed up here this is my secret base go away I feel like I'm scar throwing Mufasa off the edge of a cliff what is that I want it oh that's a pal I didn't want it an AR Sox neat yeah this is totally a cool location for a breeding base and I think you can see the edge of the blue line here that is the base itself so the base Circle goes right to the edge of this so that's perfect size that's awesome so we're going to need a few supplies and I think we can get pretty much everything we need for the basics my goodness right here at this base why do I have so much much trash in my inventory we need a little bit of iron we might need some Fiber for beds take the wood and the iron right now I think they're out mauling this one too give me this how many bajillions of wood are in here enough you know what on a second thought we'll just take this one also don't mind uh the fractures on the wos they like it they're they're kind of weird like that and if you are wondering where to build that base it's right up here in this giant Circle good news I've got 6 tons no I can't math 8 tons no I still can't math there's like 8,000 lb on me so I brought back a bunch of things let's try to breed up or build up the breeding farms now I want five in here it's going to be a little bit weird going to be a whole bunch of babies happening you know what I should do I should put the queen ofis to work then if I can just make this outer ring go away will make you work in the base that'll be better I know it's getting a little dark out too but to go with all of these breeding things I want a ranch the ranch is going to be to build like chicken eggs and because we absolutely have to have a building on the inside to sleep in we're going to make the world's dumbest Little Shack I love it we're on top of this giant structure up in the sky with this Hightech futuristic looking breeding brace and that's my bedroom so let's PLP down a bed in here really I had one wool I love what we're high up in the mountains here we got giant structures all around us and then there's my bedroom just a dilapitated looking bad Shack Actually I don't even like its location let's go ahead and remake that quick out of stone this time that looks a lot better and then we'll put our broken down little terrible bed inside if I can make it work might not be able to get this work can I rotate that looks good to me just a broken down little Stone room something intimida about the large anubis's too not sure what it is but I do know that I need at least one chicken in here might as well have two they'll just constantly make eggs and then we're going to put out a feeding bed in the middle here just want to kind of keep this away from everything else so people don't get broken while pathf finding and since we're going to have a lot of things breeding we don't particularly need beds but they're going to complain if we don't have them anyway so we'll get 20 of them up in here and I forgot you can only have 10 plans at a time stupid so we'll just make the queen of nubis take care of all of them for us there you go cuz that one's too slow not smart enough so now that all the beds are completed we need to put in some Inc in egg incubators I can't words today my goodness we'll just put a few of these around not sure how many I can afford should be able to get it huh we're also going to need a pal condenser because there's a lot of Pals that are going to be needing to be condensed in this place and I'll put it right here I don't know if that's a good spot for it or not but our queen of nubis totally wants to build it there you go have fun my goodness you're so good it's a race who can finish that one first nice so that's pretty much the base here we have everything that we need I think we have food source which is I mean 10 eggs aren't going to do much I could cook them too but I'd have to have another pal ready to do that now we do have quite a few paladis left there's perfect paladis b and a is a male B is a female so we're going to put these guys in hello you throw you into the spot and now babies should be starting to be made uh except they don't have cake and the good news is now without having to have breeding stations here we can turn this into a cake base but we've already got 69 of them so that's nice ooh and 32 more I don't mind if I do Max these out commence the cake making wait where' the other one go oh that's one of the problems too every time you spawn in and out of one of these areas uh they just kind of go dumb where where is the other one all right these two should be the last ones that I need I'll take you throw you into the breeding station did the other one not spawn in not sure what happened with that did I not get you in I guess not and we'll throw you in here too now everyone should have plenty of cake very nice nice oh this is solid look at all these eggs that are going to be start being made speaking of eggs I need a better hauler here and I do have a where did my Anubis go stupid Anubis maybe it went to take a nap I need a good hauler for sure maybe we'll grab a flyer that'll haul like a fa whatever this thing's called because I just think they look amazing there you go and flying things are so much better haulers because they can well fly over the destruction distractions they can fly over over things all right let's grab the eggs and see what we can do here love is blossoming between the pals this is working perfectly already come on something cool now these are the perfect ones and they just made well not perfect cuz diet Lover's kind of dumb here we go here we go it's working so well another paladis for me beautiful so the thing is we do have the perfect paladis to three star also I need a name for this so give me a name and make it four star we literally need 64 things in here and my math is correctly we have six rows here and six rows here no that's only five rows so we have to have this page and this page and then two extras filled up we do have a bunch down here so doing my math here is 30 + 4 and then there's another 12 so I have 46 of them so I roughly need about 20 more EGS which is going to be not too long especially when these dinguses are popping out eggs like crazy here my goodness it's working so good all right I think we have enough eggs we'll grab that one we've got one here and then there's two more across this way and that should be enough I kind of like having the zip line to to navigate the world and then if I breed all of these I'm hoping this one right here is another perfect padus but it isn't cuz I don't think any of the others are actually set up to create perfects that one's definitely not nor is that one and this one definitely won't be either yep muscle head Legend that's still pretty solid though okay oh we got more eggs popping out all right so what we're going to do is we're going to remove these fellas from here I'm going to bring you guys in make sure we have everyone perfect paladis we want you guys to be in my inventory cuz we don't want to mess you up and then I should just be able to pull all of them here and if I do my math properly that is 64 and I should have three extra which is totally fine so I head over to the condenser and do unethical things which I'm fine with palus there it is so much for ethics I haven't even looked at any of these skills I really don't care there's just 64 of them going into the perfect paladis and if you do the math it's 64 + 32 which is 96 plus 16 which is 112 right and then plus another four so you need 120 paladis to make a perfect one and we got oh wow actually there's another perfect one neat glad I didn't wreck your life and there we go we have the perfect one right there only problem is W that attack 1,28 is that the highest of any of the pals that I have I mean the queen Anubis is half of that and our jet ragon is only 855 but it's not a four star yet that's something I have to do in the future here we're going to have to make a runner Swift Jet dragon and just look at the base level here of 738 so let's try taking this into a dungeon and try to get it some more XP I just need to find a dungeon that'll work right in order to make a perfect creature you kind of need it to be level 50 we could give it some more things too like Power Bomb oh you already have it but you don't have whatever that one is poison blast and this one I should give you all of the fruit now this might not go great for us but I'm fine with that oh boy okay that was already dangerous so do you like oh wow freezing does really well neat and sod Do's power blast cool oh I do 400 damage with my pistol too this isn't going to be too hard I'm not going to let you get squished though friend you're my most powerful pal now there's a power ball ooh right nope ice Shard yes 2,000 damage and Then followed up with a Power Bomb of 1,600 that's huge the poison Blast for 500 okay I'm not a huge fan of the poison blast ooh we're going to get you out of that oh he just did the smackdown how much xp 38,000 XP for that that works pretty well hot dang and we also learned ice missiles interesting I tell you what my friends that was a lot of fun which character should I level up next that's my question for you o there's a giant egg over there that I'm totally going to take and Hatchet into an elizabe interesting a serious one at that anyway my friends that is the perfect breeding base and we got that fourstar palis hope you enjoyed the video if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippius General Harris trenten codo RIT Le Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules bread dton SE cander D pton plays fussy badge link hulet Kyler J Nitro Nitro YK and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 149,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld grizzbolt, palworld breeding guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld secrets, palworld best pals
Id: 8oUx0GBog-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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