PALWORLD New Design Tips from Chat!

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel this is J and today I'm bringing you some pop World designing tips provided by you the community thank you so much for all the feedback for all the comments for letting me know things that I didn't know that i't heard that I've not even tried that I would never would have figure out if it wasn't because of you okay so one of the new ones that I'm really in love with I really like this is that I didn't know we could do this oh my gosh I'm so excited so let's come over here right and let's let's grab this Barrel right we want to put it right over here we're going to put in this corner now I won't be as perfect right because we just kind of giving you a little tips right so let's go ahead and put this here place it that there right and now we're going to leave the exactly the same right so we went away into somebody comes and build so we're building right here right now we can stack another one check this out now we're going to put this one we're going to get the next one hopefully they're going to build it real quick right and what we want to try to do is there we go they're building it and now what we're going to do is do one more one more right so we're going to jump so the the trick about this and thank you so much for everybody to let me know this we got to be in a specific High you see this you jump and it goes you jump so we press it and look at this we're going to add one more we're going to add one more and you know what we're going to do the other thing that we're going to do is we're going to add another here and now you may be wondering now we know we can stack this right now we can make amazing things but but the other thing that we wanted to do is you know I'm going to regroup this and I I know this is where the cut off is going to be right this is the the next plank so we're going to put it in this corner and we want to try to do the same thing one more time so we're going to put this right here put this right here I'm going to Center this it's right there perfect we're going to wait for one to build we press the other one the next one's going to get built there we go now we're going to jump press it and we get that right so now they build it now you may be wondering why why am I doing this right cuz this is something that I really wanted to do in my original design and now thank you for because of the community now we get to do this and check this out we're going to put this here and guess what now you got pillars oh my gosh we got columns we got the columns and I'm so excited about this oh my gosh I'm so excited about this now now there's different ways you could do this you you may not like this you may not be a fan but the possibil now right so now one of the reasons I really wanted to do I really want to wrap around porch right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to finish this look and then I'm going to come back and show you the final results we'll be right back okay guys we are back and check this out oh my gosh I'm so excited about this this looks amazing now like I said it may not be for everyone but I really like what this brings into the possibilities right now and what in the future if the developers are looking at this why they can bring but we created some type of columns with the barrels now they depending how you place them and how you do it they fit perfectly also with the roof this is what something I really wanted to do and I'm so happy that it worked out three barrels lens on the roof perfectly aligned and look how this looks right A lot of times we're trying to create all these Porsches and they don't look right right because we need a little bit of a column right I feel like and this is my original Design This is what I really wanted this house to have I wanted this walk around porch area like this with a roof and I really like this I hope you guys do too okay let's go to the next STP okay everyone so we're back so I'm going to talk about another little tip thank you for the community on the feedback on the chats for providing this another tip did you know did you know that if you go building and let's say you want to build this toool right you got this stool you want to put it in this corner right let's say you just want to make a little clutter Corner area right just for the athetic you just want to put a bunch of these chairs right so did you know did you know that if you go like this again you can place them on top of one another you can actually stack them you can stack all of this chairs so let's grab another one let's just put this one here let's say you want to put this one here as well and then you want to grab the little table right over here and as you can see now it's red but if you jump if you jump you just got to get it just right I can't jump as high because of the roofing so let's go ahead and climb on the wall real quick and just get that like this so if you climb on the wall because we can't jump right now look and also look at this you can also put him in here you see that you can put it on top of the barrel as well just like that and not just that let's say you know you want to make that cloer you got all the the section so you put in this you stack in chair maybe for for the little corner just to feel like you got a storage area right also did you not and thank you so much for the community that you can also do this with the plants as you can see you know let's just show this right over here and look we can put the plant right there and there's the base and there we go we got another little section that you can stack stuff in the game things that I didn't think I didn't think about it you know let let let's just show you one more gu let's grab this bench right we grab the bench and let's say now because let's say this is a storage area right we're just building this this is going to be our storage area we want a little clutter over here that looks a little more disorganized right and it's all for aesthetic right and now we're going to do it again and look at this look at this this I love it I love this so much let's put it right there like that let's just put it there and we're stacking and then again now we just doing a little little clutter area you grab a little bit of a crate let's put that there just like that put this in the front just like it's holding and blocking the area and just like that with the a little clutter corner just like that that simple stacking bges stacking stool and you can also stack the plants all right let's go to the next tip okay so this one is an amazing one and I love this tip and thank you so much again all for all the feedback that you guys provide now this one I love okay so you know we put the food on the floor right all the time we create all these bases and all the places but did you know did you know that if you actually destroy that and we go back over here and let's pick this table we're going to pick the round one right so we want to put it right over here let's put it in the center you know as as best as possible you know we're going to redesign this eventually but let's go ahead and put it right here just like that now they're going to build this right and then after that let's go back to the food grab the F box right we're going to grab this we're going to put it right here right this center right now it's going to be on top of all that stuff but it's okay it's okay right right we're going to do it this is all for aesthetic just for show so we're just going to put that there and now we put the food right on the top let's go ahead and once it's built we're going to open we're going to put the berries and if you didn't know you can also put cotton candy in all the other slots right over here they never expire so what that mean is that they will always eat from the berries right and look at this look at that now they're all coming they're all eating right from the table I love this idea I love this design it's just it really is great and now you can do this in any table I picked the round one but you don't have to do the round one you can do the square one you can do that and now we can do amazing feeding areas for our Pals and they can be on tables that's so great all right let's go to the next one all right so we're back for the next tip now this one is a big question that I keep getting asked to and is how do we do how do we raise the flooring and how do we lower it right so we can see the grass now I do try to explain this I know all the people have talked about it but since we're here in a desci to video learning from the community let's go ahead and go over this one one more time right because it never hurts to learn and to here again all right so I do play with a controller but I do also use my mouse for precise decorating right but all my movement I usually use a controller so all right so I'm going to go to the control and I'm going to go right here we're going to pick a foundation let's say the stone one right this is one of the popular because people want what they want to do is see the grass right so if you're in a controller right and you see how I'm bringing it to me so if you push forward and you keep doing the joystick and you see a certain point it's going to click down you see and then there's the grass the grass is coming in now leave it like that move around and it's going to pop depending on the level of the the dirt right so right here we got a little piece that goes higher so now it's the tting is going to go higher now if you want that to go lower let's stand back and then now let's push it down again and now you can bring it up or down now it's a little harder to do it through the controller right because it's so you got to do it so find precise movement when you go up so now if you use the mouse so now I'm going to use the mouse we definitely have more control when we do this you see a little more control of what we got so you got to find a really good flat area push it out and now you see you see the grass right there coming through you can leave it right there if you want or also if you keep pushing up then you can race it now you can raise it as high as you want until you hit the red now if you hit the red and you and you build it you're going to have have a little gap on the bottom so make sure you leave it on the on the blue just like that and that's how you race it now in this game it's a little tricky the camera angles right because now you got to place it you got to move around and leave it in this direction and place it the way you want and it's the same thing when you have a low so you got to bring it let's say I really want to do something over here right let's say I want to put something on the side over here but I want the grass to show right so let's go to my little deck area right over here and if I get too close what's going to happen it's going to clip in right so we got to step back now we got to push it forward until we get to the dirt and let's see how much you want to show so let's say this is how much Gr you want to show now you're going to have a gap between the two areas because if I keep pushing forward it's going to snap in if we push back it goes back down so you got to try to align it as best as possible as you can just like this and then you place it and you're done and that's how you get this little floting and then as you can continue you can continue adding and just continue to add and add and add inde depending whichever level you want now I'm hoping in the future that we get more freedom that if we want it to snap it to snap and then if we don't want to that let us come down because sometimes we don't want this Gap right we don't want this Gap to be right here but for now this is one of the best ways that we can do it but if you try to do that little pathing that in the brick and you see that grass coming out this is how we do it okay so now let's talk about another question that I keep getting asked a lot and it's all about the roofing right so how can we put the roof on the top when we need to do it so let me show you something what happens here so let's say I got a wall you know and let me let me bring a foundation real quick so let's put a foundation and let's pretend that we putting a foundation right there right so now we're going to do the wall and let's say we pick this side of the wall right and let's say you want to do this Roofing right here on the top right it's really hard it's snapping on the bottom right you're like oh my gosh why can I not do it all right so one thing that we can do and let me actually change it because it's hitting my power box so let's go ahead and and put the wall in this direction right and you're trying to put the roof right here you're trying to put it in but it's not working so what you need to what you wanted to do is flip it around and put it right here on the bottom right so now what's going to happen we're going to put it right there now it's on the bottom so now you can either walk in this direction get on the top and now you can really add it to your design right here let me get and there and there so now we added so now you got the roof the roof that you really want right now it's right here so all you need to do after that is come over here delete this one and you got your Roofing and that's how sometimes you get a roofing to get it work right you need to do the one on the side to make it work go up put it there it's one of the simplest ways that I've been able to figure out how to put the roof when you want it on the top right because sometime we struggle Roofing is a little tricky but once you get it and once you understand it you can do amazing things okay so for the last tip that I have for you provided by you the community thank you so much once again for the feedback is this one this one took me by surprise I was not expecting this one I mentioned that I wish I could say on bench and chairs right and somebody wrote and they're like do you know that if you go here into emote right over here let's get the character just standing just right we got our emote right here look at this we got Bing dance wave sit on share look at this we click on that and oh my gosh now we're sitting on the chair now it's not the simplest thing in the world you know sometimes we just want to click and sit you know but here it is we can sit on the chair I'm just so excited about this right you know if you want to do a little thumbnail you want to do a little screenshot you know you want to sit like this and look at this angle look at how cool this is I love this and not just that you know now that I learned this let let's check some of the other things out so we click on the emotes and look at this we also got dance we seen the dance you know I don't know why I never notice that we got this other stuff like sit on the ground there we go look at us sitting on the ground very cool now they're not the best angle this is something that really needs to be worked on it's early access I'm hoping that we can get a better angle like in this scenario right cuz we're sitting on the ground but we can barely see each other right uh surprise oh my gosh I I love that I love that but I'm so so excited look at the wave look at the wave I'm so so excited by the sitting on the chair so let's just look at it one more time one more time before before we end this video before we end this little tip video right over here let's sit on this bench right so so we got to get close so when the animation happen it looks like we're sitting right so once again we click find the emotes right over here sit on chair and there we go we're sitting on the bench I really love this and I want to say thank you to every single one that has written in all the comments for all the support for getting the inspiration and thank you so much for inspiring me to continue to come up with new builds new ideas and believe me I got so many more coming our way but thank you so much because all these tips and all the possibility Nows that we can do even more and I can't wait what you guys are going to say and one more I haven't discovered that you guys have so thank you so much for watching don't forget to hit that like subscribe if you still haven't and I'll see you next time all right guys see you later bye
Channel: GerseGames
Views: 8,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld design, Palworld town ideas, Palworld town layout, Palworld gameplay, Palworld tips, Palworld island, palia farm tour, paPalworld lia city, Palworld landscaping, Palworld game, Palworld boat, Palworld alia road, Palworld Update, Palworld stone wand., Palworld water, Palworld farming, Palworld garden, Palworld island tour, Palworld seed, Palworld, Palworld world, Palworld magic, Palworld bug, Palworld fishing, Palworld hunting, Palworld Ranch, Palworld Barn
Id: oog3BMR08c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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