Can You Beat Palworld With Just Depressos?

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it's no secret in po world there's one pal that's clearly Above the Rest and it's this dude just kidding obviously it's depresso I mean who else would you pick just look at him what an absolute Legend well what if you took that Legend and attempted to defeat all the main power world bosses using just depresso that'd be fun right right right well welcome to my misery as long as he headbuts depresso no no no no no all right the rules for this were actually pretty simple I would only catch and use depresso in both combat and back in the base any other Pals were completely off limits and for some reason I decided to do this on a private server that me and my friends had been using which means the difficulty in the game is cranked even higher than the standard normal mode but hey at least it made the content spicy so let's begin first things first and that is creating a character and since our goal is to attract some sad boys I think the best way to do that is a nice anime girl so we rocked one of the presets changed the hair to bright pink and got on our way and since we needed to name our character I decided what better a name than the franchise that constantly depresses me on a daily basis good old Halo following our character creation we would wake up from what appears to be a crash on the beach but I'm going to be honest I don't even know if that's what it is cuz it's the first time I've ever paid attention to this opening cinematic but little does poor Halo know that she is in for quite a horrible time but at least we will have a nice collection of depresso at the end of the day cuz if we need a group of people to make us some sad emo rap I think depresso will be killing it on Soundcloud I decided since a good amount of depresso spawn in the starting area at night choosing that basic starting area probably was the best bet so day one went pretty uneventful as mostly I just ran around trying to gather materials and start a little base so that I could build some pal spheres so that once it turned night time I could capitalize and attract some of our new friends during the day though we did make sure to run around and show some Lambo who the real boss was by punching them directly in the face and since we had to get going pretty quickly I just plopped the base down basically right down the hill from the initial spawn plop down the old pow box and punch some chickens for good measure got to make sure that we stay in Peak form I mean we got to impress the depresso we even managed to acquire a free rock mining thing that someone had left behind from a previous base that they abandoned at this point I remember that even though we would be tackling this alone our Guild needed a name so that we could impress the other people on the server and what a better name than better help the online therapy service that is all over YouTube ad so will this kill my chances of getting a better help ad in the future probably but honestly who cares trust me though when I say at the end of this challenge we're all going to need some therapy after I started building up my base and named my guild I actually ran into one of my friends Sabo who happened to just be running around the server while I was starting this challenge he was also sporting a nice default anime girl though he was rocking blue hair and I got to be honest that's just strictly inferior after building our Essentials like the pickaxe and the axe to you know get Farming I realized with night coming up we needed to get some clothes so that we don't just completely freeze so we acquired our clothing and our anime baddy was now well equipped to take on the night with her pickaxe in hand random Rags on her body and some spheres to throw at her new friends we even managed to craft one of the common Shields and a bow before night time not too shabby though thanks to power world's great server optimization I actually had great difficulty crafting arrows for that bow as it would just lag every time I tried to click the craft button and nothing would happen another great benefit of me deciding to do this on an online private server instead of just doing a solo Lobby basically I made a great choice and it didn't just constantly backfire in my face the entire time I was doing this well now that our first night was upon us it was time to try and find some of the greatest Pals in the game and luckily we found one right off the rip a handful of punches for me and Sabo who was still sticking around and one pal sphere later and our friend depresso had joined the squad totally on his own accord though there's no fourth labor around here this is a friendly game of power world I decided as our first depresso he should be named me IRL the rest of the night went pretty smoothly we caught three more depresso bringing our grand total up to four sad boys and it felt like maybe progressing this challenge would wouldn't be too bad but oh how wrong I was as the sun rose we headed back up to the base to make a little progress up there and named our other buddies espresso Halo 4 and Halo infinite and immediately put Halo 4 to work mining some rocks we continued on building various things and actually progressed our base to level two which wasn't too shabby I was only like 40 minutes in this allowed Halo infinite to join the other failed Halo game Halo 4 in the base and also get to work that's probably the last Halo joke for the video so you can take a sigh of relief if they were getting a little old unfortunately depresso are aren't overly amazing base workers as they can only do about one thing and that is mine rocks they absolutely love to mine rocks well I don't know if they love it I mean look at their face when they're doing it but it's all they do they can also help you craft and can gather items but really for the most part all they do is stand around just depressingly hitting the rocks with one hand but I'll give it to him the depresso animations for various tasks are absolutely amazing it's partly what makes me love them so much and they just like me for real it's probably worth noting here that unlike other Pals which have very useful abilities depresso might have one of the most useless actives in the game basically you hold F to activate the ability and all he does is drink some energy drinks and increase his movement speed for a little bit of time but I've actually yet to find a scenario where him increasing his movement speed has any value at all also due to the fact that they appear to just be a cute cat that stands on two legs you can't stick a satchel on them so throughout the entire game we would have no Mount just straight up regular walking and occasionally using a glider day two was pretty uneventful we built a really crappy house that I didn't realize you had to put per ly inside the circle and eventually part of it fell off and we threw a bed but I threw the bed outside the circle and had to move it because it didn't actually count but this did allow us to level up the base to level three which means espresso the depresso can now join his brothers in some recreational forced mining we even got a nice little food box though unlike most bases in power world where you completely automate the food Gathering and growing process you can't with just depresso so we constantly have to go gather food manually and drop it in their box to avoid them starving on top of having to get wood on our own and our own food so that we don't starve but don't worry the depresso have you covered on rocks I got rocks for days I probably have rocks for like 10 playthroughs we got the base up to level four and you know what it's still going pretty quickly but here is where we would see our first form of rebellion from the depresso as one would get upset and just go to bed in the middle of the work day funnily enough though depresso unlike other Pals don't actually have a normal sleep schedule which to me is just hilarious it just makes me think of myself with my horrible sleep schedule and I'm up in the middle of the night that's depresso he's up in the middle of the night mining rocks so despite one of our depresso trying to hold back the crew we got the base up to level five and six before nighttime hit and then we headed back out into the world of pal to beat up some more lamb balls and catch some more depresso night two was pretty successful as we captured four new depresso for the squad and we stumbled into some LIF monk energy though if I'm being honest these are pretty much useless for our run as you only use them to make it so you can capture Palace more efficiently and seeing as we're only capturing depresso well I think you get the point we gave our new depresso some names with a nice theme of anti-depressants Pao Prozac Lou Vox and Celexa were the pills of choice for today and on WE continued the sun rose Upon Us on day three and we continued on we actually found some eggs which are pretty much useless again because I'm not going to use the things to hatch out of them plus playing on an online server means hatching an egg takes an ungodly amount of time we leveled the base up to level six and built a logging site that the depresso won't use I'm just saying if the depresso could mine a rock I think we could teach them to hit a tree with an axe so pocket bear I'm just saying if you want to put out an update that allows depresso to also chop down trees nobody would stop you I also decided at this point kind of during this day that I was tired of the tutorial in the corner saying that I needed to capture those five Lambo so I decided I would allow myself to capture these five lambl but these would be the only other Pals that we would capture throughout the game and I wouldn't even keep them to make it fair I literally just threw them on the floor and someone else on the server could pick them up if they want when we were jumping out of the water I also noticed how hilariously power shows your clothing being wet it basically just makes you drip water everywhere and turns the clothing a lighter color which don't get me wrong I'm not the smartest dude in the world I've never claimed to be but I don't think that's how wet clothing looks must be different in the world of Pals or maybe the anime baddy has special powers she does possess the ability to attract sad boys from across the land during this day we also got raided by some taco tacos which are these little birds that try and self-destruct they weren't too much of a threat with the way our base is structured I was able to stand at the top of the hill and just shoot a bow at them for a while and then as they got close they attempted to self-destruct and really didn't do any damage we rounded out the day by leveling the base up to level seven and we headed into night number three here we fought some alpaka for the first time that were level 9 and showed them who was boss and I do think it's worth noting that at this point in the game we were level eight and at this point I didn't think it was going to be too grindy it seemed like this was going to be kind of fun and it wouldn't be too bad we caught some more depresso finally getting the 10 capture bonus and then we stumbled into a base down the hill that belonged to some of my friends and explored it a little bit noticing how much more effective their base seemed than our depresso Hangout out we even made our way out to the small settlement as the sun was Rising though there really wasn't much to do there I did try to see if the merchant sold Ingot because I was hit with the scary realization that a horrible progression wall was about to come crashing into my life this is because depresso can't Kindle and without the ability to Kindle you have no way to run the furnace as unlike some of the other materials which you can kind of produce yourself without a pal that can Kindle there's no way to turn your ore into Ingot and seeing as Ingot is basically in everything past the early game the game was about to get a whole lot harder and a whole lot grindier I actually did do some research at this point and I found out there is one pal called bushy which is this fire Samurai type thing that can apparently drop Ingot however and I didn't learn this until later but if you look at this location map and you look at this level map you'll kind of see that this isn't going to help us for a long time there is also a world boss that I found that's a bushy that was roughly level 21 so we could Farm him a little bit sooner but it was still going to be a while I mean at this point in the game we're like level eight or n after this rough realization we traveled back to the base to check on the sad boys and rename some of our new depresso I guess I lied to you there's one more Halo joke we actually named one of the depresso Pablo shriber because I thought that would be a good name for one of them as he's the actor for Master Chief in The Amazing Halo TV show if you're not aware and trust me it's very amazing I mean there is a scene where you get to see the master cheeks I mean it doesn't get any better all right now I promise that's the last Halo joke if there's any more you can cancel me we also got smiles and grumpy that were named suggested by twitch chat and we rounded out the rest of the depresso with some more anti-depressants Zoloft and clex to be exact I don't know if that's how you pronounce it prescription names are all over the place also this made me think you know how if you live in the US we always get those weird ads on TV for medicine we need one for Zoloft that shows a depresso looking all sad then they give him some of the Zoloft and he starts walking around with that smile that they get only if they're finishing a task from here forward days and nights just kind of started running together as it became more of an adventure until I had to come back to the base type of thing instead of specifically spending the nights looking for more depresso and the days building up the base as we continued venturing ing around we even found our first dungeon however upon going to enter we noticed that the boss was going to be level 13 which was a little too scary at this time so we just continued aimlessly wandering around attacking Pals that we saw for our little dribbles of experience we even stumbled into the black marketeer who might have the creepiest looking smile I've seen in quite some time however seeing as all he does is buy and sell Pals he wasn't going to be much use to us and being level 40 meant we for sure weren't killing him at this time from here we ventured over to the first Tower location to grab the Fast Travel on the outside and continued up the hill to The Syndicate camp where I thought we would have an easy time slaying some plebs and freeing a pal but one of the deer Pals that I cannot pronounce the name of would have other plans for us oh oh no oh no I'm very low on health all right as long as he headbutts depresso and no no no no no since this was on heart it meant not only did we drop our items we were carrying but we also lost our entire Squad of depresso which is just merely unacceptable luckily we died pretty close to a fast travel travel point so heading back would be pretty easy we just had a fast travel over once venturing back we would free the sparket being held captive by The Syndicate with the intentions of selling him to the creepy Smiley guy but eventually I just ended up dropping him cuz I didn't want to go find the guy again after this we would continue to venture North a little bit until the ground turned red and we spotted some cery which according to this Wiki are a large torned rabbit with a huge berry bush as a tail now that's not what I would have described them as but these cery are going to become our Arch enemies so at the time I saw two measly level 12 caity and I thought this would be no match for me and the depresso rocking a high level 9 at this time so I went ahead and engaged them oh God oh God oh my Shields are gone all right come on depresso oh no oh no this is bad this is bad oh no no it turns out that grass Palace can have a move that binds you and if you get hit by this it makes it impossible to dodge further attacks as you can't roll or really move this obviously would be the death of us but but again at least luckily we weren't too far from a fast travel so we headed back and picked up the squad who I can only imagine were worried I would never return to them once reunited with my fellow depressed squadmates we were overwhelmed with a thirst for blood so we decided to attack one of the ceries that had killed us at this time and while our Superior skill and intelligence was shown actually this is probably a decent time to say this but holy moly the AI in this game for the battling is pretty bad don't get me wrong I love power world but the AI is questionable continuing on we found a desolate Church which actually had a fast travel point right on the outside found some lore along with a chest and some more lift monk energy that I probably won't ever use and I'll be honest I expected a little bit more out of a church POI as nighttime hit we stumbled upon another Syndicate base this time full of dudes who would just throw grenades at themselves for some reason we wiped them all out freed the drumond and even hit Level 10 as daytime came up we ran into a group of sweepa andu which only being level fives in the singular level eight I thought would be no challenge though it would end up being an extremely close call and I would lose all of my depresso outside of zoff during the battle this fight would require us to return back to base and being almost 2: a.m. in real life at the time I figured it was a good stopping point for the day get some rest rejuvenate regain the mental and head back in the next day I logged into power world ready to continue my journey and was immediately greeted by a disaster since I left all the depresso out of the base while I was gone and this was a live server they had completely run out of food so not only were they starving they were also injured and all of them were depressed which funnily enough was something that I never fixed for the remainder of this challenge even though I tried after finally getting enough food sced up so they were no longer starving to death we headed back out into the world to take on our first world boss the level 11 chillet he was no challenge for me and the depresso though and we even teabag him for good measure immediately after defeating the chillet we would venture into another base right next to it from one of my friends on the server and I'll be honest he had quite the setup continuing down we stumbled into our mortal enemy the cery again hanging out in a group of two though this time with the use of my three shot shot bow we were barely able to defeat them probably because one of them glitched out and appeared to just be stuck in the floor pocket pair really clutched up here I'm not going to lie back up at the base we finally built the depresso a hot spring so that they could relax and the way they lay in the hot tub is hilarious think that the what the the depresso is drowning dude when they when they lay in the hot spring they lay face down sadly though the hot spring would not quell The Thirst for sadness as they would all remain depressed here I determined it was a about time to take on the first boss or at least give it a try so we traveled on over to Zoe and grisol and we gave it a shot and at first I thought it was going pretty well though Mi IRL our main depresso who we've been funneling our extra stats and abilities into would drop extremely low on Health at the start of the fight making us have to use our backup depresso which that's not a good sign unfortunately we would end up dying to the boss and I'll be honest it's a little BS that I got hit through the wall with this ability but we went back and grabbed all our dropped goodies and decided I don't think we're ready ready for the boss yet so let's go on a bit of an adventure and we stumbled into an abandoned M shaft what might be in here you might think maybe some ore maybe some cool Pals maybe endless Treasures who knows I mean it's an abandoned M shaft no it's just a creepy dude and a bunch of medieval torture devices that I like to not think about what this is implying about the black marketeer all right see you later sir creepy smile hopefully we don't meet again once we got back to the base there would be another raid This Time by The Syndicate scouting party defeating this raid would actually be a fairly simple task and after this I would actually hop off again for the night but this time I was smart enough to put the depresso in the pow box so I wouldn't return to an absolute disaster the next day I came back refreshed and finally ready to beat the final boss however it would appear that all of my depresso were still in fact depressed well nothing we can do about that so I headed out into the world to farm some experience and find all sorts of treasures here we found a formidable foe a level 19 Brun cherry and at level 12 I decided to take him on and we would completely dominate this Bron who would proceed to get absolutely melted by Mi IRL with this extremely effective fire move that we had found and we even got over a 100 experience for killing him which felt amazing compared to the normal 10 or so that we were getting as we had ventured on we would stumble upon the level 31 World boss univolt who I knew we could not take on at this point so we just strategically snuck by escaping into the night killed some random Pals and hit Level 13 then we powered up Mi IRL with some more new moves now rounding out his move set with the sand tornado Dr burst and the fire arrow making him a fairly effective fighter we even found a level four rib bunny which there's actually nothing notable about me fighting him I just thought the little Easter Bunny looking pal was kind of cute we would then stumble into another Merchant and again I was disappointed by the lack of Ingot I was just praying at this point that I would find someone that would sell me Ingot because I wanted to progress at a rate faster than I was going but unfortunately my hopes would be continuously dashed we would then go on to find our second dungeon and this time I felt like we could go for it since we were at a bit higher level we ventured through the dungeon getting lost as you do in power world eventually fighting the boss room where we would fight a level 11 Tanz and his friends tany similar to our Arch Enemy the cerd also sports that same grass snare move and well is this the boss room oh it is it's boss in time oh God this is problematic we just got to we got to focus on just oh oh yeah that's going to hit me oh my God what do I do what do I do oh no no this time the Venture back to our body was not as easy we had to run around the entire island with no clothes or anything I was pretty worried my depressors would be gone for good since I died inside of a dungeon but pocket pair was actually pretty smart here and they made it so your death box and Pals would just drop outside where the entrance of the dungeon was with the dungeon now closed though we ventured on in a different direction but at this point in the game the lack of a mount had become extremely brutal if you saw any of my stream we were just walking we were walking for days we headed to to the bottom left of the map which is where we could find some of those Pals to hopefully Farm some Ingot because at this point when I was playing I did not know the level of this area but it didn't really matter because I didn't actually have heat resistant clothing at the time so I just had to turn around to avoid burning the death we ran into another Cardy and we absolutely crapped on it just for good measure and then we found another one of those NPC camps but it was guarded by level 20 MPCs so we ye it on out of there and tried to stay safe we would then stumble into another one of the Easter bunny Pals from earlier but this time it was actually level 14 oh God why are these me up so hard holy these are going to kill me kill them depresso hurry depresso hurry I'm getting fed up over here no this Rob is mad dude get it get away from me get away from me oh no we are so oh my armor is damaged great oh no I'm going to die I have to Juke no I'm going to have to walk back here for like 20 minutes brother the bunny was a little bit too much for us to take on and I would actually die and let me IRL die during the fight on the way back to our body we would find two mammoths fighting which was actually kind of cool as I didn't realize that could even happen I don't know if it's a fight to the death or if they're play fighting like a dog would in real life but we wouldn't find out cuz I got a little bored watching the fight so we actually don't know if they stopped or if one of them ended up Victorious if it's worth anything Chad voted the one on the left was the one that was going to win upon getting back to our body there was a group of aggressive Taco tacos right on top of it they were very angry that I would even dare invade their space and tried to self-destruct on me when I was trying to pick up my loot but luckily I hit the slide Tech and yeed out of there with my glider as we arrived back at the base there was a depresso floating in midair for some reason you got to love power world sometime I would even go on to build a second hot spring hoping it would help with the depress of depression spoiler it didn't and I built a furnace that I couldn't use but it at least allowed me to upgrade the base to level eight which is basically the soft cap for us right now because without any Ingot you can't build the required items to level up the base any further we built some cold resistant and heat resistant clothing so that we wouldn't run into any issues and we headed on back out as we were traveling around I thought I would try and glide over this body of water but I'm dumb and I ran out of stamina falling into the water this is not good I'll trying to figure it out and honestly this really worried me as I thought my items were going to be stuck in the water but pocket pair was nice and they thought ahead again and it actually teleported my items and Pals to the shore so that I could safely get them back we would go on and kill chillet again for good measure just so they know whose boss following this again we strolled through my friend zinc's base and was hit with a wave of jealousy that his base was actually functional and on the other side we would find a cery stuck in a tree which honestly good I hope they all get stuck I like when the pals are just stuck in trees 10 out of 10 good good work but in remembrance of our beef I decided to have Mi IRL just burn it a lot as we got back to the Marsh Island we stumbled into some Syndicate NPCs fighting with the mamores which for some reason there was two of so I sent Mi IRL into the fight to try and just kill some of the Syndicate for experience however he managed to piss off the mamari and got completely one shot so we just noted on out of there and had to send mirl back to the old pow box to come back to life at this point I figured it was time to take on the boss again and managed to hit Level 14 right before going in it's funny because on one hand these bosses are actually pretty cool mechanically especially compared to just fighting Pals out in the real world but with playing this on a private server and the lack of optimization that these servers have it makes these boss fights sort of a pain to play as you can't properly Dodge moves that are coming and sometimes really weird things happen we would start fighting the boss again and luckily for us the AI is you know really dumb in this game and he would just get stuck on a pillar and we're able to just sit there and absolutely just melt their health down for a while with abilities and arrows until eventually it kind of got unstuck then it would go on and get stuck on a different pillar and we were able to put in some more damage at this point we had him under like 1/4 health and I could taste victory even if Mi IRL and grumpy were both dead at this point hey you can let me know if it's good oh no Mi IRL died dude we're down to the backups we're down to the backup depresso it's all downhill from here none of them are as good as as the number one all right all right I think we're doing it no no oh oh yeah ice attack that's a clutch right there oh yeah baby boss didn't say a chance we had finally beaten the first boss in the game and it only took us like 8 plus hours and I think that's where this adventure will end for now by my calculations and by that I mean I'm just completely guessing we are probably looking at many many many many hours of mindlessly killing Pals just to level up enough to take on the next boss something me and the depresso are very willing to do if it's something that people would enjoy so let me know if you enjoyed this video this kind of Storytelling style of video because obviously this is a huge departure from what I usually make but for now Halo the anime baddy and the depresso Army will be taking a rest I just want to give a huge shout out to the patrons like I said I know this isn't normally the type of video I make so I appreciate you if you clicked on it and you watched it I've just been really enjoying power world and I thought I'd try this style of video it's something that I've enjoyed on YouTube so obviously with this being a new style of content just give me any feedback you have in the comments below and thanks for watching
Channel: Arrrash
Views: 157,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arrrash, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld review, palworld best pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld early access, palworld how to, palworld glitch, palworld funny moments, palworld challenge, palworld pvp, palworld best pal, palworld multiplayer, palworld 100 days, palworld pals, palworld boss, palworld xbox, palworld news, palworld ultimate guide, palworld walkthrough, palworld coop, palworld base, palworld 2024
Id: -zPdpjJLHpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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