PALWORLD How to Stack Plantation Boxes / Tips Video

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel this is J and we're back with power and another tip video provided by one of our members of this channel thank you so much Ranch for letting me show this tip to everyone that's been supporting power so much and guys if you didn't know our good fa Ranch also is starting a YouTube channel so this original video This original idea and she's experimenting so if you like to see more trials more stuff on power make sure to check our good friend rench the link will be in the description below so you guys can see it and if you like subscribe and like on those videos too but she gave me permission so I can show you this so sometimes we're running out of space in our Farms right in our bases maybe we maybe we want to put more stuff but we we got to use all this we need we need all this we field so we can do all this cakes so we can have Max production right all right so this is a really really nice and very interesting trick so okay so I got a Weill on my other side right I used to have two but now we're going to add three more you're going to be like wow how we going to do three more okay so first thing first thing this is going to be one of your most important items it's going to be the bench so what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to try to find the center right here since I know I'm going to have a second one over here and I'm not going to be as picky I'm not going to let it be as perfect I can do that all my own time but you know if we can get it perfect first try then why not right all right so what we're going to do first is we're going to do that we're going to build the bench right so we're going to build this bench right here uh let's go ahead and they're building it so now we got to do the second one and I did this wrong so let's go ahead and bring our that let's go ahead and delete that because it makes it a lot easier when they build it and then your next one will stack up so as you can see that's not the way that I wanted to do it so this is the way that I want to do it so I want to add this here one this find this in the middle let's add this here right now uh let's go ahead and build it now we we're going to wait for one of the Pils to come in to build it and the great thing about that is when they build it the next one will click right on top you see automatically so you don't have to try to make it perfect we're going to add the next one so we're going to go three high on this so we're going to let our they're building it one more we're going to put three now once they finish building that this is the fun part so and a little bit of the challenge right because we got to break we got to break those benches down slowly as we adding our little farm all right so we're going to go through I want wheat this is where I'm growing my wheat so uh the first thing I'm going to do is try to align it right over here right on the side and right there now first thing is we need to find that it clicks on the middle okay you see how it click right there all right so first thing first thing it seems like I got the bench in the wrong place so this may happen to you especially if you're trying to frame it like like I do I'm trying to frame it to my next box over here so I already can tell that this is not going to work so what we're going to do I'm going to delete this real quick all right so we're going to try this one more time you know it's going to be tricky always trying to find the right place especially when you're trying to be something aesthetic trying to make it pleasing so what we're going to do again we're going to give it another try we're going to at the bench we're going to put it right here try to put it a little more in the center of the area so we're going to place it right here we're going to wait for one of our pal to come ahead and build this for us so here we go so now they're building it we can't see what's going on right now but this should leave us the next bench right there so we're going to add another bench and then we're going to add one more we're going to go three high on this uh build right here so we're going to add another one right here and once they build the benches then this is where the font and also a little frustration can come in depending how you want to do it the aesthetic if you want things to align or not okay so I'm not going to try to worry too much much about aligning too much but you see how right now the box is in the floor right you can see it's in the floor as we move it forward you see that it goes up so now it's on top of this particular one over here so we want to make I want to make sure that I'm already aligning sense I know I want this here I'm looking on the side over here to see my second one but I'm I'm trying to align this and make a jump right there so we're going to make a jump right there so that's what I want so now the most important part is it's going to be we're going to jump and you see it turns blue right so that's what we want so we want it to turn blue so the pals are going to come uh we are going to now get out from the building menu right we're going to get out we're going to uh kneel down Crush down real quick now we go back to build and now the most important part is that we want to delete the first bench right the the third one the top one so we're going to delete that so there we go so we delet deleted that so we're going to stand back up so now after you stand back up again we're going to grab the next uh we Plantation and now we just going to do is jump jump again until we get until we get it on the blue okay so it's not clicking in okay there we go so I was a little off so now it's on the first bench so now when I jump you see the blue right so there we go so now it lands on the second bench so now we got two so now the most important part now this part is tricky deleting the second bench depending on the terrain the angle where you at it could be a little sometimes a little hard to be able to delete the second one because you got to hit it just right right so I'm going to try to see if in this angle I can and I'm going to try to see if I can grab that little leg and you see the leg is highlighted just a little bit so we're going to delete that I was able to delete it is highlighting the first one we want to leave the first one there so we're going to get out out the Builder we're going to make him stand up again now we're going to go the we Plantation and now you see how it's elevated so now we're just going to jump and make a land again and there we go and now we got three we got three right here and it all works it's all functional so when all the pals wake up in the morning they're all going to come they're all going to start planting and harvesting and the great thing is is just gonna give you this kind of cool look you know plus also you got three of them going as you can see three of them are going and you can do this with anything anything that comes with farming so if you're into cakes and you need to build a lot of cakes this is going to help you out a lot because it's going to save you a lot of space you know I can only have two right now we got five imagine if I do another one here now don't forget that you're adding a lot of this so if your Pils are going to be planting a lot and they going to planting on one specific section planting on the next one and planting on the next one so they're going to also use your PS are going to be concentrating in a lot of areas a lot so don't don't forget that you may need a balance you know uh maybe this is a good idea when you're doing a lot of farming like strictly farming and a lot of just Pils are going to be harvesting and just planting and watering because you adding so much more right so they're going to come in and come back out as you can see we got another one coming in and they're doing their job and they're going to be planting so all right so we're going to leave it going I'm going to work on the next one and we're going to show you how everything could look when it's all done all right everyone so we finally building now we went from two now we got six total wheat boxes and as you can see aesthetically it looks amazing I really like the way this looks I really love this feel uh one of the things that I really wanted to show you is that everything is working you know I I want to put it right here I wanted you see like everything is being watered everything is being planted you know all the Pils are coming in they can reach to the top they can go ahead and harvest and gather and all of that so now they're finishing watering as you can see these ones are all growing as you can see all three flow plads are all got all growing the wheat over here they're all we getting water water and then after that they're all going to get picked up and then they're going to be put away and this is a really great way to really optimize your farming in the space that you have as you've been following my videos we'll be doing a very aesthetic a base I'm working on the next video as we speak and I just can't wait to show you what's coming up next so I'm really excited about that but one more thing you know I really like it looks amazing it looks so aesthetically pleasing as you guys can see I just really like the way this looks you know and imagine this in different areas you can do this all with your berries with your lettuce with everything now the most important part that we want to we want to talk about and I want to show you how it looks from a little bit far away look at that you see that you see how cool it looks now before we can see that and now you see all that weed and the and if all three are growing and wanting to be harvested it just looks amazing it really it really does so let's look at it from another angle right over here look at that doesn't that look amazing I really like this I really like this a lot okay so now my advice will be that be aware of the PS that you have because the more you add this the more they're going to take so if you got Pals that do multiple things in your base they're going to be concentrating a lot on the planting and the harvesting and the transportation because there's so much so keep an eye on your levels now if you're building bills like I do that all the pals can function like they can go up in and out inside the buildings then you got to stick with the small one so this idea could be great for maybe for one section maybe you don't need six but you do three you know or if you're doing just a base that's all about the farming and that could work for you but as you can see this is a really great tip we want to get thanks to one more time to our good friend Ranch and guys don't forget the link of her channel will be in the description below she's always trying to discover stuff she shares with me I'm so thankful that she is allowing me to show you this de but I really want the credit to be gone to her because this is an really an amazing idea and I really love this so much but guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to hit that like subscribe if you want to see more videos like this and the next one's coming up and I'll see you next time all right guys see you later bye
Channel: GerseGames
Views: 16,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld design, Palworld town ideas, Palworld town layout, Palworld gameplay, Palworld tips, Palworld island, palia farm tour, paPalworld lia city, Palworld landscaping, Palworld game, Palworld boat, Palworld alia road, Palworld Update, Palworld stone wand., Palworld water, Palworld farming, Palworld garden, Palworld island tour, Palworld seed, Palworld, Palworld world, Palworld magic, Palworld bug, Palworld fishing, Palworld hunting, Palworld Ranch, Palworld Barn
Id: ylZoOlyMFNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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