Palworld How to Capture TOWER BOSS Pals - Palworld How to Catch Boss Tips

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welcome back to Pal World in this video we're going through how you can capture the boss Pals so if we come to the map or the Fast Travel screen you start off here plateau of Beginnings my base is up here but if you come to this area here known as the small settlement what we are going to do when we arrive is we're going to shoot these officers so make sure you are ready to fast travel I'll show you exactly where you're going it's over to the first boss the rain Syndicate Tower so if we shoot this guy as soon as it says wanted on your screen if you fast travel you'll see that you are wanted and the officers are actually going to follow you and then all you want to do whilst they are following you is just jump into the boss Tower if we make it up to the door join the boss battle and we go it has to say wanted at the top right of your screen then you're going to get the intro cinematic to the boss fight you are able to skip this but you'll notice that you have the officers in here and what you need to do is put yourself in in between the guards and the boss because what we're trying to do is we're trying to get these officers to shoot the boss so there we go now he's going to run into the corner and when he does that if you Chuck a gigas spere at him you are going to see that we have captured Zoe and grisol even though it said a 0.0% chance and then all we have to do is respawn and now we are back at our base what we're going to do is go into the power box management and if I go here you'll see that we have the boss Zoe and grisol and now they are in my team if I summon them they are going to come out and if we go and have a look they're not an actual entry in the pal deck you have GIS bolt but you don't have the boss variant in the pal deck so if we go to party and we have a look you are going to see that uh yeah the boss Zoe and grisal has 30,000 Health but you will see that the attack and defense is going to like essentially cap out the level the pal is and you'll see that Zoe and Gris bolt comes with very very good stats level two hand work or handywork and lumbering level three transporting and generating electric and I don't think this is supposed to happen because you have a 0.0% chance but yeah they are incredibly powerful in terms of survivability because they have 30,000 health so if I just very quickly attack this CA and uh yeah the damage is pretty good as well 1,500 with that attack and you can set them up to your base like they can work at the base they can do everything normally but I don't think you're supposed to be able to C like capture them so yeah nice and easy grab yourself a giga sphere I'm not entirely sure if it works with the mega spheres or the P spheres but if you have gigas spheres go to the small settlement cause the Arro get one wanted go into the boss fight I believe you can do this with like more than one boss fight I don't think it's just Zoe and Gris bolt but when you're in the boss fight all you've got to do is get the officers to attack the boss he's going to go stand in the corner and then you Chuck the ball at his back make sure you Chuck it at his back and if you do manage to mess it up I believe you can just quit to the title screen and then come back in and it's just going to like basically spawn you outside of the tower to go back to the settlement get the argro then go back to the boss fight and once you've done that even though it's a 0.0 0% capture chance you will be able to capture the boss then you have them on your team as your own pal and that is going to do it for this video let me know your thoughts and stuff about power world in the comments I will see you guys on the next one I hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching
Channel: Born 2 Game
Views: 52,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld boss, palworld boss guide, palworld tower boss, palworld how to catch boss, palworld how to capture bosses, palworld how to capture tower boss, palworld how to capture tower bosses, palworld capture, how to capture bosses in palworld, how to capture tower bosses in palworld, how to catch boss palworld, how to catch tower bosses palworld, how to catch bosses palworld, how to catch tower boss palworld, palworld tips, palworld boss capture, palworld boss catch, pal world
Id: TygqmM1xElw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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