13 BIG Palworld Mistakes You're Probably Still Making - Palworld Tips and Tricks

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welcome back to power world in this video we are going through 13 big mistakes that you are probably still making however some of you are not going to see these as mistakes you'll probably just see them as tips and tricks so this video is in general just to help you out but I'm going to say the number one mistake is not looking after the powers at your base I've seen so many videos I see so many people talking about it in the videos for an example if you look at the base info at the top right it says that a couple of my powers are on a short break the rest of them are in good condition I've seen time and time again every single power at the base is weakened they're depressed like they're just not in a good shape and what happens when they are weakened depressed and things like that is they're going to lose efficiency with the work they're doing it does not take long to go from where you are to just like fast travel back to your base and just help your pals out once in a while like for an example there's a load of stuff here on the floor and usually though there are a few things my Ranch gets filled up with stuff that my pals don't pick up so instead of just leaving it there while you're here you might as well just very quickly pick it up it saves the pals time and they don't get so stressed because they're not having to do so much transporting the more you leave stuff lying around and the less you help out around your own base increases the chance of your pals becoming ill in some way or even depressed and stuff as they're not going to have a lot of time to chill they they're not going to stay sane they're not going to stay fed so your base is just going to fall apart so everyone's in a while just make sure that your pals are like looking good don't neglect them because they are there to help you out just nice to return the favor and number two is not using the grappling gun to your advantage there is a trick with the grappling gun if I grab all of this Stone out of here I am now massively over encumbered my max weight is 1,000 I'm sitting at 11,200 and with the grappling gun if we equip it if I turn around I've got a chest over there I can't move because I'm like massively over encumbered so if I shoot my grappling gun it'll pull me towards it because it ignores the weight I can then open it and I can transfer all of my stone over so I know longer need to worry about being over enumber is very very good for moving things around your base but not only that there are Pals that can help you out with your carrying capacity too Cas is going to give you an extra 50 for each one in your team King Pacer helps out Bron Cherry helps out there are a few different powers that would increase your carrying capacity without you needing to put stats in like levels into it when you level up if you haven't put too many levels into it and you're constantly being over encumbered then use your grappling gun because it's going to help you out next up is not putting your base on flat land you'll see that my main base is is built on a hill and it just makes everything awkward right especially when right next to me there is a load of flat land so I'm going to say it's a mistake to not build on flat land because when it comes to putting certain things down like workstations and stuff I've had so many problems and I think that my base being on a hill is causing some of my PS to bug out but you'll see here with my ran there's just bits of it that are stuck in the floor because it's all uneven so make sure when you're building bases you vote to build on flat land it's just it's so beneficial in so many different ways and next up is not paying attention to the stats of your pals if you are looking to min max it's not just about looking at the passives if we have a look at the attack and defense of these two Fox Parks they are both level four haven't been touched their fresh catches and you'll see that one of them has 127 attack 73 defense the other one has 128 attack 76 defense so it's not just about level it's not just about passives you need to focus on the actual stats themselves and make sure you're using the condenser the statue of power make sure changing out your skills if you don't like the ones that you currently have on your pals because if you are looking to min max in this game every single stat is important next up the mistake is throwing spheres at Pal's faces if you do that they have a chance to deflect the sphere so you are just going to be wasting them whereas instead if we look at this chapy if I get out my sphere you'll see that there's a back bonus so if I cancel if I come around to the front and we have a look that's an 18% capture rate but yeah basically it went from 18% I think it was up to 39% so it's over double the chance I had of capturing that just by aiming the sphere at his back so when you are trying to capture Pals make sure that you are getting their health as low as you can and make sure you are aiming the Spheres at their back when it's possible because if they're aggroed it's not going to be that easy but chucking them out their face is a big mistake because you're just going to waste your spheres and next up we have not putting your bases in or near Good Farming spots for resources if if we take a look at the map at my second base my first one's over here right near the start which is the plateau of beginnings and over here at the desolate church I've got a base just behind it because there are a bunch of or rocks and you can automate this Farm you can use different Mining poers and stuff and you're going to get or which is really really helpful in this game you use it a lot to craft ings so make sure that you're paying attention to the different areas you're exploring look for good places to set up bases because I'm going to say it's a mistake to just Chuck a base wherever you like pretty much land where wherever you go if you just set up a random base it's a waste because there are so many good farming spots in the game and next up is not using the pals in your party to help out at your bases at this base this is my mining base if we quickly go to my power box management I've got four dig toys for the mining I've got uh van worms I've got a cinema serent and grin tail but in my party I have uh germanide ignis who's level four for kindling so I've kept them in my party so that when it comes to cooking things if I just grab a bunch of baked berries or grab a bunch of red berries and set them up to be baked then put them there instead of letting my van worm come over if I just Chuck out not Nightwing that's the wrong one if we uh switch over to jman side ignis there you go level four kindling because you can use the powers from your party to help out at the base but not only that if you do not assign specific workstations for your p some of them are just going to get up and do whatever they want to do randomly so for an example the Dig toys if he had the ability for kindling he might want to try and come over and cook something if he had the ability to water he might want to try and water the plantations so what you need to do is if you have a pal and you want them to do something specific if you lift them up when you've got them in your hands if you hold down the button and you throw them or something you'll see that it says a fixed assignment to copper ore it like designates something for them to do specifically and is really really helpful and when it's a pal from your party rather than one that's at your base if you want them to do something specific then if you just hold down the summon button you'll see here that it says copper oril can't be assigned if they can be assigned to that job it will pop up blue and it will say can be assigned and then you just Chuck them there and they're going to do that job it's really really helpful for building things because of the handiwork obviously depending on your pals but it's good for cooking and everything and next up is not unlocking fast travel points before you do anything in a new area not only do they give you a fre Tech point but they also placed on your compass if you look at my compass you can see the icon that's saying 56 M away there is a fast travel Point as long as they are within 300 M they will pop up on your compass so pay attention to them because it saves a load of hassle with traveling it gives you a tech point but not only that depending on your world settings so I don't need to do anything in this base if you have the death penalty turned off so there's no drops what you can do it's a little bit cheeky but you can go to respawn so if I get myself killed when this timer goes the game's going to give you a bunch of different places you can respawn so for an example we like we've got these up here we've got a few spots down here whereas there's places over here I've been to this one but there's one here Marsh Island I've never ever been to this island in the game so if I click here these respawn spots are going to spawn you near a fast travel point so right here I've never ever explored this area before I don't know anything about this island but I've got the first fast travel point because I got myself killed respawn chose somewhere the game wanted me to you'll see I've got the Fast Travel point up there and i' I've manually gone to these islands but you can do it there too so depending on your world settings you might be able to like cheese it a little bit to save some hassle exploring places that are a bit further out because you can select to respawn there and just grab the Fast Travel Point next up is not exploring and finding eggs not only are these a great source of XP but you're also going to get a bunch of cool Pals and the large eggs have a chance to give you some really really helpful strong Pals early in the game as well but you can also get huge ones which are going to give you the best Pals that you can get if we have a look at this Beast here in the pal deck Blaze how knocked this is one that I got from a huge scorching egg I actually got two of them from eggs and then if we look at my German side ignis I got this from a huge dragon egg so make sure that you are out exploring finding eggs they are going to give you the XP for the capture they're going to give you new Pals and they are scattered around everywhere like pretty much go to Cliff edges any that you find and I think I've managed to have like say 20 to 25 eggs and like a 15 20 minute run of looking for them they are just so abundant across the world and they are really really helpful and next up is not exploring at nighttime it makes it so much easier to explore at night to see lift monk Effigies to see fast travel points and to also see eggs so from the previous Point we've still got the egg down there if we have a look it's night time you can see the glow on the egg and then if I can find one around this area I don't think I'm going to be able to there's a fast travel point you can see that's blue because I've accessed that one if you haven't they will be orange and then every now and then depending on the area you're in and I think that's one over there in the distance oh there's a couple up there actually those are the LIF monk Effigies they shine so bright in the dark so do not be scared to go exploring at night time and if you are not a high enough level to have the hip Lantern what you can do is use a fire pal Chuck them out and they are going to aluminum the area around you it's just so so helpful exploring at night looking for eggs looking for Lift monk effes because they're going to power up your capture ability and next up is not putting storage chests at your Farms you'll see that my house is smothered in different chests but if we go outside and let's go up here first next to my login site I have a chest for the wood next to my stone pit or my Quarry I have a chest for the stone and then if we come down here I have a chest for the ranch it's going to save your pals a lot of time when it comes to transporting because the pals will prioritize the chests that are closest to them unless it's something specific so for an example you can see I've got chicka peas in this Ranch they drop eggs and when it comes to eggs the poers will just take them to the feed box because it's something very specific so your general resources will go to storage chests your specific ones will go to their actual containers like a feed box is going to take eggs not only that if if you have a cow the mozina or whatever it's called the uh milk from the ranch will come straight into the cooler box so it's just really really helpful saves a lot of time saves stress for your pals and everything to stick chests near your farms and next up is not taking advantage of the bonus XP you get for the first 10 captures of a pal if we go to the pal deck you'll see that I've got a capture bonus two out of 10 for the blaze Hound knocked for the Brun Cherry I've got one out of 10 for the let's go with something like vixon or wixon I've got three out of 10 catc I've got two out of 10 and then it just so on and so forth basically if you're not taking advantage of this you're missing out on a lot of XP I'm currently level 32 I need 65,000 XP to level up and every little job I do at the base is going to get me 2 XP so if I cook 1,000 berries that's 2,000 XP which is great and then killing poers maybe like 10 or 15 killing the uh guards that defend the like essentially jail cells that they have Pals locked up in all the different like human enemies that there going to get you a little bit of XP but right now at level 32 every pal I capture where I haven't completed this 10 capture bonus I'm getting just shy of 3,000 XP so for an example when it comes to chillit I have captured six out of the 10 if I capture the remaining four for the bonus that's going to be a bonus 12,000 XP just for capturing four and there's a lot of Pals in this game they group up together like chiap there's three right there there's two down there on the hill there's two CS when you find the habitat for a pal you're going to typically find at least a couple in the general area to make sure you're taking advantage of that 10 capture bonus with a bonus XP for every single pal because it's so much xp I must have earned over 100,000 I think I went from level 29 up to level 32 and the the matter of I think it was less than an hour and there's a lot of XP there's a lot of stuff to do in order to get that XP so just make sure you're taking advantage of that bonus XP you get for capturing the pals and then the last one for this video is not taking full advantage of the ranch if you need resources currently in my Ranch you're going to see a Vixie a m and two Chiapas and we've also got a flame Bell that's just joined us flame Bell is going to drop flame organs m is going to drop gold coins Vixie drops spheres and arrows which are going to help you with capturing Pals L balls are going to drop wall you even get I think is a be- grade or something that drops honey and then the Chiapas are going to drop eggs you get the mazaras or the cows that drop milk there are so many helpful poers that will do farming they will sit in the ranch they'll do their grazing and they are going to drop your resources so if you're not taking full advantage of this work station you are missing out on so many resources if we have a look in my Ranch chest I've got over 200 flame organs that my One Flame Bell has dropped for me just simply by grazing me going off doing things leveling up and stuff and you'll see I've got near 500 gold coins in here I've got 27 p fees I'm constantly coming back and taking the stuff out because they produce it at a fast rate as well so that was 13 big mistakes I believe you're probably still making in power world some tips and tricks to help you guys out and what we're going to do is leave the video there let me know your thoughts and stuff about this game and add any tips you have in the comments I will see you guys in the next one I hope you enjoyed it I hope it helped you out thank you for watching
Channel: Born 2 Game
Views: 29,668
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Keywords: palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld mistakes, big palworld mistakes, palworld big mistakes, palworld secrets, palworld beginner tips, palworld advanced tips, palworld mistakes you're probably still making, tips palworld, tips and tricks palworld, palworld guide, palworld beginner guide, palworld tips & tricks, palworld tips for beginners, tips for beginners palworld, beginner guide palworld, secrets palworld, advanced palworld tips, advanced tips palworld, pal
Id: KffUlUxW0Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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