Palworld How To 100% CAPTURE PALS All The Time - How Spheres Work (Tips and Tricks)

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so I seen a bunch of comments lately guys of you saying you can capture your pals and for some reason when you throw a sphere it just literally bounces back today I'm going to give you guys everything you need to know to make sure you capture your pal effectively and why you might not be capturing your pal and what you need to do to correct it so if you like how that sounds let's jump right into it all right so before we get to like the nitty-gritty of the video let's talk about the basics because I'm pretty sure there are some newcomers some of you guys might already know this but I just want to make sure I cover every guys every you know every base to make sure you guys are doing every correctly so the first things first guys if you want to be super effective with capturing Pals you want to get behind him cuz that's going to better the odds of you capturing it if you guys try to do this from the front you're going to notice that it's going to go down right 61 compared to 71 so you're going to see that there is a huge difference if you get behind the pal and you kind of just get them from the back you're going to notice that there's going to be a big uh big advantage of you uh being a able to capture him as opposed to just you know capturing him from the front if you see right there 41 it's red if I get behind this guy he's going to be a little bit precautious like what is this guy doing is he trying to get behind me and he's pretty smart but as you see right now it's 61% compared to the normal one so that's one of the first basic things the other thing you could do guys is just literally hit them and lower their health and that's going to increase the odds of you being able to capture them so if I see right there that's 33 but if I were to just go ahead and hit him uh let me actually I think this this might actually kill him though oh yeah that's going to kill him uh so I'm probably going to have to get something else to hit him with but if you hit him it's going to increase the odds of you being able to uh you know get him now the lower his health the more odds you're going to get now one tip I want to give you guys if you guys have access to anything that has like a melee weapon it's going to be extremely important like your pickaxe or a bat or anything like that but the main thing you want to do is grab make yourself and craft one of these guys which is a stun but tune this is going to help you cuz once the pal is stunned it's going to increase the odds of you picking him up okay so that's the like the main gist of you being able to capture the pals now the things I feel that you guys are doing wrong and the reason why you might not be capturing Pals is number one you don't know what sphere to use and number two you're not leveling up your statue so let's go over the statue and then we'll go over the Spheres so the first things first guys you want to make sure that you come in here and when you come in here you want to make sure you enhance the player status now what this is going to do it's going to allow you to increase the capture rate for your pals now I feel like a lot of you guys are not leveling this up and that is the reason why you guys are not being able to capture the pal uh so if you guys are having this problem if you guys this tip actually helped you out and you're like man I I didn't know I had to upgrade this make sure you guys drop a like and drop a comment so let me know this is the problem that you guys were having uh so increase this amount and you will be able able to make sure you get Pals very very often and I highly recommend you guys get it maxed out now this is not that hard to max out you can literally just hop on any flying creature fly during the night cuz that's when you most likely will see these and you want to get these all the way to level 10 to be able to capture those highend rare Pals now now that you did that what you want to do guys is understand how the Spheres work so when you guys are using the Spheres there are a total of six different spheres in the game we have the blue one we have the green one the yellow one the red one the pink one and the purple one all right so these are R differently so we have the pal sphere this is going to be your main sphere now I personally tested this and it seems to me that when you're using a pal sphere it does really well against any pal that's level one to level 9 you can still capture level 10 but it's going to take you a couple spheres so so you want to make sure that when you're using the blue sphere you're actually targeting a pal that's level one to level 9 now for the green sphere it works a little bit different because for the green sphere this is going to be your meas spere you want to make sure that you're capturing Pals that are Level 10 to level 19 okay it seems like it has a major drop off when they're level 20 so you want to make sure that whenever you're using a megasphere you're capturing Pals within that level now anything below that level it will just be easier to capture it'll go to 1% sorry go to 100% depending on the level of the pal next up we got is the gigas spere now the gigas spere I found that works very well with the level 20 and a level 29 so once again it seems like they're going in increments of 10 but capping at nine so the m gigas spere is really good if you're trying to capture anything from level 20 to 29 now the hypersphere this one's going to be a level 30 to a level 39 character and this is where things get a little bit costly because this going to require a lot of ok a lot of cement and you're definitely going to want to watch my video on how to farm all this stuff so you guys don't have to worry too much about getting them next we got the ultrasphere now for the ultrasphere once again very hot commodity here but the ultrasphere is for those level 40 level 49 Pals that you're going to want to capture these are extremely important because this this almost late game and you want to make sure you get a bunch of these cuz sometimes you'll run into a level 50 and this might be able to capture it but if you want to make sure you capture level 50 ones you're going to have to have yourself a legendary sphere this is to capture every level 50 pal and any pal under that level so the legendary sphere is just meant for level 50 Pals so basically when you get to the end game and you hit Level 50 yourself you just want to get a bunch of these leg legendary spars to make sure that whenever you see a level 50 pal this will automatically capture it now remember the rule of thumb always goes the same in the sense that you either have to weaken the pal you have to get behind the pal or you have to stun the pal to be able to capture him one helpful tip I want to give you though if you don't have a stun platoon grab yourselves a character like pink King who is able to freeze people and when that character is frozen it works very similar to a stun which will allow you to capture him really fast so anything that freezes I like King uh pen King ping I mean penkin uh because I feel like he's really effective when it comes to uh you know bossing uh he'll be able to freeze them right on the spot and you'll be able to get uh you know get that out of the way and you'll be able to capture every single pal so I hope this video helped you guys on being able to capture every pal if you were struggling with any of this and this helped you at all make sure you guys drop a comment drop a like and don't forget to check our next video which will teach you on how to make the most powerful Pals in the game so make sure you guys click on that video that's popping up right now hope you guys are enjoying our content make sure you guys drop a comment drop a like and I'll catch you guys later
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 84,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld capture pals, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld capture glitch, palworld capture guide, palworld how to capture tips, palworld how to capture pals, palworld how to catch pals, palworld capture boss, palworld capture tower boss, tips, guide, tips and tricks, palworld breakdown, palworld pvp, palworld new info, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pals, palworld how to, palworld beginners guide, palworld ultimate guide, palworld new pals
Id: 2AdJJu__Wxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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