Palworld Challenge Run - Daedream

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me and my friends have been playing a lot of power who are you who you taking out is that a ghost yeah he's already passed on he's already passed on does that make it better that you're butchering a human right now is that how that plays out ghost I don't know what you're talking about oh no oh God you can't actually do it what did you get absolutely nothing wow you just killed that man for no reason anyway my friend brought up an idea he asked me mega do you think you could beat all of the towers with only Daydream and at the time I was like wow what a stupid idea what a dumb question who would even consider doing that this is just going to be a fun video and experience so in this world save I've maxed out my experience rate and I've set my egg timer to zero I'm going to be breeding a lot of Daydream and I'll need to level them all up to 50 you get it after my friend Inception me into wanting to do this video I tried to formulate how this would be possible step one of potentially my impossible Quest is getting a lot of skill fruit now I'm doing this because Daydream has a unique partner skill known as Dreamchaser if you craft the pal gear Daydreams necklace you can unlock this too what this skill does is it lets any daydream in your party follow you around and beat the [ __ ] out of anything you attack Dreamchaser allows them to shoot magic missiles at their targets now I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the magic missiles are neutral damage hence why I need all of these skill fruits what I want to do is teach each of my Daydream three moves from one element while I'm in a tower boss I will throw out one Daydream that has a super effective move set while the other four are using magic missiles what you've been watching is actually me flying around getting all the skill fruits that I'll need Step One is completing onwards the step two we need to catch a lot of Daydream I mean a lot the thing is we need to get a good base for passive skills I'm toying around with the idea of certain skills that I think will be good potentially Vanguard which gives a 10% buff to players attack stronghold strategist which gives a 10% buff to players defense ferocious which gives a 20% buff to Pal's attack Burly body which gives a 20% buff to Pal's defense or maybe even muscle head which gives a 30% buff to Pal's attack and a 50% debuff to Pal's work speed I'm still not 100% on these passives you know I mean I might find something better who knows regardless let's uh let's catch some daydream [Music] I caught around 15 or 20 Daydream none were too amazing but I did find two that were pretty good we found one that had muscle head and Burly body and the other one had ferocious but the negative passive downtrodden we'll have to breed these two in hopes of getting a Daydream with muscle head birle body and ferocious this is a great start we had the two Daydream breed in hopes of getting rid of the downtrod and passive the first egg we hatched was a bust this is totally fine though it's a part of the process in the meantime it's now night time which means we can go catch more [Music] daydream bro are you kidding me oh my god well I wasn't expecting that one I found a lucky Daydream and now I'm questioning all of the passive skills that I want on my team of five Daydream do I try to breed lucky into the passives Now spoiler alert yes I do indeed try to breed lucky into the passives but before I dip my toes into Insanity we still need a lot of Daydream I want to use the PO Essence condenser to make my five day dream four star this is the only way to rank up your Pal's partner ability and we need all the damage we can get also if you're unaware it takes a total of 116 Pals to get one single pal to four stars now let's do some quick maths here if we do 5 * 116 we get a total of holy 580 580 Daydream someone please remind me again why am I doing this in other news uh this happened is that a who crates oh ah oh my God I love this little guy oh that's so cool I love who crates I I think his design is so neat I'm so happy I got a lucky of that one [Music] wow [Music] oh my God you're lying oh no I'm out of space Oh but there's a there wait there's another there's another there's another lucky hoot crates um oh no this is so bad okay uh I've never encountered this before so what I'm thinking is we catch it and then see if we can run back to my other base real quick and come back and pick these up I have no idea oh this was not I wasn't expecting this to happen oh this is this is so bad oh this is all bad oh perfect okay cool well uh I'm happy to know that if you run out of space in your pow boox uh they'll just drop and you can come back and pick them up that's fantastic well crisis averted everything worked out but now I get to try and breed for the lucky passive on my team so let's hatch these eggs and see if I get [Music] lucky oh there it is muscle head oh we got it oh that took look so long wow [Music] woo oh there's another one lucky muscle head brely body oh my goodness now we're just going to need to breed for ferocious Famous Last Words yes I would have loved to have been able to breed for ferocious on top of the other amazing passives I already had I bred 40 50 60 70 I don't even know anymore I've lost count please please okay okay I hatched so many and for the life of me could not get ferocious so for now let's skip over all of my pain and misery as I've already kept you dear viewer for close to 10 minutes now with the power of editing here's my my Daydream team and here's me ranking all of them up to four [Music] star my little monsters now need to be leveled up I thought I would test them out by fighting a few bosses quivver was the first and I ran into a little bit of a weird issue you see if you have a full team of Daydream with the necklace sometimes it takes a little bit for them to actually show up in the dungeon I found out running around and throwing one out and then bringing them back usually gets the other daydream in this was the first battle with the boss and honestly it went so well like up until this point in the video I thought this whole video would be a joke I I thought you know I would spend hours working on trying to get all of these daydream and ranking them up and getting good passives and I would just miserably fail now I understand these bosses aren't anywhere near the level of difficulty that Tower bosses are but this was a good sign I just I'm I'm Blown Away by the strength of Daydreams partner skill it's it's just it's crazy to me absolutely crazy ah dawn of the final day and you know what that means that's right today is T day which if you're not familiar with the 100 day series it's Tower day I leveled up all the Daydream to level 42 and it's time to test them out let's do this okay guys I need all of you to be at your best performance okay get the blood lust murderous intent we need to prove to everybody that I didn't just waste all of my time okay you guys got this I have so much faith in you all right let's do it team so we're here I am so nervous about this because yes I made a joke about it like hey guys make it look like I didn't waste my time doing all of this but this was pretty scary um I through out my ground Daydream and we just got to work this was absolutely amazing I had I I just I I don't even know what to say about this I don't even know how to actually talk about this so just watch this oh my God that was so fast oh it it can work wow oh man I wasn't expecting this to work I thought we were just going to completely fail the first Tower wow oh my god um okay well uh second tower then right uh yeah it's who lilene right yeah let's uh let's go take down Lily I guess holy crap be honest were you as surprised as I was because I I just I didn't think this would work I legitimately thought I would get to Zoe and Gris bolt and we would just fail miserably I mean Daydream it can be the very first pal you get the very first pal the fact that you can deck it out and build it in a way that it can take on Tower bosses it's just it blows me away I digress though we're now fighting Lily and lyen now this fight honestly didn't freak me out really at all we had a fire Daydream that we left out and we just let the other Daydreams you know mess her up with their murderous intent and their blood lust which I mean news to me I had no idea Daydream had such a blood lust now during this fight I really wasn't paying attention too much on my fire Daydreams health that was a mistake that I learned during this Tower the way that this all works is me throwing Daydream out and then pulling it back before it gets attacked enough to the point that it gets knocked out now you can see here this is when The Knockout happened and uh I was nervous we still had a pretty good chunk of Health left for Lily and lyen but we got through it we we knocked them out [Music] [Music] two towers down already is there an end in sight can we beat all of the tower bosses uh you know you're just going to have to keep watching because honestly I think you're going to be just as surprised as I was that being said dear viewer we are at the halfway point of this video and like most YouTubers I'm just going to throw in a little call to action here if you're enjoying yourself and I maybe brought you some entertainment please consider liking this video because that helps me fight YouTube's Tower boss the algorithm me being a smaller YouTuber it is very hard to take on said Tower boss so please help and if you want to see more content like this don't forget to subscribe and finally if we can get this video to 250 likes I will take on all the tower bosses only using a single type pal that could be a fire type only run or a normal type or water electric ground Etc if you want to see that destroy that like button 250 [Music] likes [Music] oh my God I can't believe that happened I can't believe that worked wow why is this so good why is this so good oh my God I am on a roll with these Daydreams the fact that we've gotten this far together still boggles my mind and as of editing this I've already seen everything that happens and I'm still blown away that we've gotten this far I wanted to take a little break from towers and I decided to work on leveling up the Daydreams to level 50 we took on a couple bosses and we crushed them as you can imagine I didn't get to level 50 though only 49 um this is probably huous we'll see but uh I got sidetracked as I do [Music] okay listen try it okay don't don't be a skeptic it's fun anyway it's time to go to the fourth Tower but wait a minute what's this ah me and the dreams we've had fun times and rough times let's just act like this never happened and just take on the fourth Tower already I mean I think we're more than ready for it we have been steamrolling bosses Tower bosses left and right there's just there's absolutely no way that we're going to lose this batt did you see what I did there I flew too close to the Sun and my wings of wax melted oh foolish Icarus I have to rethink things I've leveled up my pals to 50 I gave them great move sets I got them to four stars by catching 580 Daydream what am I missing pal Souls I am missing pal Souls that's a 30% buff to health attack and defense that I'm just completely missing out on now I tried to get this video out in a timely manner so no I did not max out my Daydreams Souls I don't really know what the term is for this but regardless I didn't get all of the souls that I needed to fully max out their stats I did get enough to make one single Daydream beefy I mean she's a beef cake I renamed her the one and we tried to fight Tower 4 again okay so something unfortunate happened um we beat we we beat the fourth Tower and I was so excited but uh I wasn't recording in I thought I was but I wasn't now for me I would love to just give you a rendition of what happened but I feel like that's not fair so we're going to do it again and I'm hoping the first win we got wasn't just luck here we go [Music] all right it's not just luck this te is actually kind of cracked oh my God woo that was crazy so my dream team and I beat Marcus and feris twice so that's the end of the video we beat five Towers right wrong we have the worst Tower left and to say I'm scared for this is an understatement in my 100 days video which pleased you should totally watch that video Victor and Shadow beak those two utterly destroyed me they were the tower boss that single-handedly stopped me from achieving the goals that I had set for that whole video this whole time I've been so concerned about this fight I I knew my team was strong but I had a sneaking suspicion that Victor and Shadow beak were probably stronger this was brutal I had to constantly change up out my primary Daydream as Shadow beaks attacks were absolutely insane I used a lot of that strategy we talked about on Tower 2 where I will pull my primary Daydream from the battlefield right before Shadow beaks attacks will Land This was done for two reasons one I could keep my precious Daydreams alive as long as possible and two it left Shadow beak open for a lot of head shot from me for the final battle we fought bravely and we fought so hard and all things considered I'm really not too upset by this outcome I mean to make it to the final Tower boss with just a team of Daydream is something that I couldn't have imagined would have ever worked I'm incredibly happy with this turnout because we didn't go down without a fight and Victor and Shadow beak never actually killed us we just ran out of time for the fight and to top that off we got Shadow beaks Health down to under 50% you know that's uh that's a feat in itself and damn it I'm proud of my little killing machines today I answered a question that I never knew I needed the answer for how many Towers can a full team of Daydream beat and pow world the answer is four if you made it this far thank you so much for watching it means the absolute World seeing you here please don't forget to subscribe and keep the dream alive the Daydream that is
Channel: MegaBits
Views: 1,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, daedream, daedream palworld, palworld challenge run, palworld challenge, hardcore palworld, can daedream beat all towers, megabits, mega, bits, 100 days palworld, palworld 100 days, 100 days, best pals palworld, best skills palworld, palworld tutorial, palworld building tutorial, palworld tips and tricks, best palworld start, 100 days in palworld, palworld challange, pokemon challenge
Id: mR0rum8ieTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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