Palworld - 3 Pal Bosses + The First Tower Boss

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hey what's up everyone glock9 here and welcome back to Pal World in this episode I plan on taking on our first Tower boss how get back to work however I don't think I am ready to do that just yet here are my best tames and I don't think that lineup is quite good enough to take on a tower boss here's what I do have on me 99 fire arrows I got some copper keys in case we come across a locked chest we can use those to open one of them I've got a fire bow I've got some new armor the tropical outfit I've got a hair band which protects us from lethal head injuries uh so we're looking all right just not good enough for a tower boss yet so instead we're going to go fight one of these mini bosses you can find around the map we're going to go for this one chillet the best the man can get the mammoth is level 38 we're not ready to fight the mammoth yet but gillette's only a level 11 I think we can definitely take that thing on and hopefully C capture it and add it to our army so let's fast travel to this [Music] location okay we have to head south now this way we can throw down the melpa and ride it because I crafted a saddle for this thing pretty sweet the saddle does not change the appearance of the tame as you can see I mean it doesn't now anyway maybe it will in the future when you craft one you acquire it from the workbench and then it automatically equips to that tame it doesn't uh go into your inventory or anything like that so I was a little confused at first but uh pretty simple we'll probably craft another saddle for another one of our creatures later on in this episode and then I'll get to show you how that all works but again like I said pretty simply you just craft it and acquire it and it automatically equips so here is chillet and I'm going to hop off of uh the mpaka here so I can get some damage with my firebat and uh let the mpaka fight on her own now this shouldn't be a very difficult fight I've got three other tough tames on me so if the mpaka gets hurt I can throw out a new one or I can switch out the tames whenever I want I can pick up the malpa right now and drop the Nightwing I can only have one out at a time though um The Challenge here is going to be whittling this thing's hit points down to as low as possible without killing it so I can attempt to capture it now the mpaka does not know my plan so it will just keep attacking it until it's dead so once the chillet hit points get a little lower uh that's good give me the malpa okay now it's just me versus chette now let's give it a shot 37% probably not going to happen but I've got more pal spere zombie oh look at this 67 oh we did it bam dude boss first kill acquired one ancient technology point and we got the chillet dude that was sweet what else did we get precious Pelt can be sold to a merchant for a high price cool and we got four ancient civilization parts and we got that ancient Tech point and what can we spend that on oh the egg incubator and I got everything to craft that thing and I've got some eggsit home that I need to incubate dude that really worked out that was way easier than I thought it would be all right well let's cruise around for a bit maybe do some murdering if you don't know you get different Resources by killing different PALS like you can get wool from killing the Lambs and most importantly right now you can get flame organs from killing the firefo foxes which is what I need I'm going to need more flame organs to make more fire arrows to repair my fire bow and to also repair the armor that I'm currently wearing so let's see if we can find some of them what's going on up here oh [ __ ] they're attacking the merchant hey [ __ ] off I need that Merchant to sell stuff to get out of here these Pricks that one's dead ah the merchant is dead too though man what the [ __ ] I didn't know these guys just like tried to rob the merchant and [ __ ] what is a Nightwing doing is it eating the dead that's crazy now we can't even search the merchant well at least we got some ammo out of the deal and a little bit of coin too we got four of the firef foxes down here let's get them here we go I got a piece of leather from that one as well boom couple more flame organs another piece of leather from that one let's get these two well that little Adventure worked out perfectly hopefully the next one does too whoa thanks for the help but you know I had everything under control it was just some chickens I can handle chickens by myself been doing it for years all right you keep working on these fire arrows I put in this furnace as well which we can make ingots from ore and charcoal from wood however you need a Firefox to run the furnace we can't run it they need to so if you put down a furnace you need to have a Firefox in your uh oh [ __ ] we're getting raided okay uh let's put all the worker bees back into the pow box and release all the fighters all right where's it coming from up there again uh well we don't really got to worry about that I've been raided from this location before and they just all stand there I mean we could shoot at them if we want but kind of a waste of arrows cuz it will just the raid will just end after a certain amount of time this particular base location spawns raids from that area and like I said it just it's like a stalemate so whatever we did level up so let's enhance our stats I kind of want to put a point into attack but it only bumps it up by two points whereas if I put it into HP it bumps It Up by 100 so that seems like the better deal uh yeah let's go HP this time and maybe we'll do attack next time which we got Tech points to spend let's unlock the Pelt armor the meat cleaver no we don't need that right now we do need the medieval medicine workbench though that's part of the quests uh assault rifle for the monkey hell yeah and a saddle for the deer and that's it for now we have to make that medieval workbench though like I said it's part of the quests to continue upgrading the base so let's get that built we need Nails we can craft those in the workbench see the raid is over didn't have to do anything that guy's still working on the fire arrow so we'll use this workbench to make the nails there we go help me build this [ __ ] one of the nicest things about this game is that you don't have to have resources on you when crafting things using a workstation as long as you have the resources in storage you're good so you don't have to constantly keep running back and forth and grabbing different materials and whatnot there we go let's see what we can craft out of this workbench lowgrade medical supplies they don't heal HP when eaten however okay medical supplies they treat ulcers and fractures I haven't had either one of those yet thankfully uh this treats the weakened and the depressed oh I've got a depressed cat I'm going to need one of these this increases work speed for a period of time but lower sanity and this significantly increases work speed but significantly lower sanity what do I use to get hit points back though I don't know there's our egg incubator hold on let me get some Pals to help us build it that's that's my depressed cat I need to make that medical injection so I can make her happy again and then I'll overwork her until she's depressed and then inject her again it's a vicious cycle baby I tell you that's life though bam set egg okay I know exactly what egg I want to use I got a large one here boom let's put it in there and see what happens 30 minutes oh well and let's go fight another boss to kill time there's one of the these gooses on the map here on this island level 11 shouldn't be a problem the little ones uh they're good for planting seeds so that's what they do I got a couple of the smaller ones they're pretty uh weak and defenseless so I imagine this uh this boss isn't going to be too tough tough all right hold up we got to try and snag these dire wolves here chill malpa don't kill it come on give it to me yes there's one one more shot and you're mine bam two direwolves here we go I I crafted that assault rifle for the monkey so we're going to start off with the monkey and see uh what it can do plus you know monkey with a machine gun that's hilarious get it monkey shoot it what are you doing why you throwing thr dirt at it where's your gun ow I made it it's freaking gone why aren't you shooting it if you look at the bottom center of the screen you'll notice it says hold F to activate the Cheery rifle unfortunately I did not notice that at the time that's also hilarious they call it the Cheery rifle like we're spreading cheer with bullets well if you're not going to use it then I'll get someone else to help out even though this guy is super weak look at him I'm still going to try and capture him though cuz one why the hell not right capture everyone that's my motto I'm like a for-profit prison Give Them All to Me Baby the more I got the more it benefits me all right one more shot and oh damn it I should have picked that wolf up sooner I didn't know he was going to do some crazy charge attack oh well he wasn't that tough anyway what do we get from that thing precious entrails can be sold to a merchant for a high price and uh that's it did get another tech point though let's see small Feed Bag unlocks a food slot in your inventory players and Pals automatically consume food when hungry oh grappling gun yeah that sounds way better than the Food Bag let's unlock that so there's another boss on this island should be right up here it's a level 11 called sweeper it's a giant cat that's what it looks like Anyway looks like it's got some minions with it I'm not too worried though I've got minions with me also we're going to see how chillet fares in a fight get him chillet oh it's chillet attacking the minions what whatever you get the minions then chette I'll get the big one shouldn't be that hard of a fight oh my God Chet's getting the [ __ ] kicked out of him and chette is down uh that doesn't mean chillet is dead he's just knocked out so we just got to put him in the pow box and after 10 minutes he'll get revived which is kind of cool so even if one of your pals gets destroyed in battle like chillet just did you don't lose that pal you just got to drop him in the pal box so pretty nice all right we're getting down to the wire here 30% yes come on baby yes got him boss first kill that's not my first kill I've gotten boss kills before why does it say that maybe that particular boss anyway doesn't matter we did it got ourselves big cat got another precious Pelt got more ancient civilization parts and we got another ancient Tech Point what is this pal Essence condenser um I'm going just hold on to this point for now let's put this into attack and we are looking good now I captured that cat even though I had a full party so I don't know where that goes if that capture goes directly into the pow box or not I hope we got it we'll check the pow box once we get back home matter of fact let's head there now okay let's pop this open let's throw all of our tames in here we got two wolves now we can sort this by level there's chalette re Reviving and there's our cat beautiful oh I'm so excited it's like I'm about to be a mom for the first time okay now what incubate egg isn't that what I just did incubation complete Knox was born if you find noox hair in your betting you should leave it where it lays and leave immediately picking it up as a oneway ticket to NeverEnding night when fighting together applies dark damage to the players's attacks oh that's cool I guess all creatures hatched from an egg start at level one so we'll just have to get into some fights with Knox and level that thing up we need more fire arrows before we fight this Tower [Music] boss let's put this in here for now I made that Pelt armor it protects against cold which doesn't matter for the fight but it does have a higher defense than the Armor I was wearing so that'll help out a little bit oh [ __ ] come on really it's not coming from up there this time here we go all right well let's deal with this raid first oh you can't run away [ __ ] you started this fight now I'm going to finish it yeah M come on bam and you m too that's one nice thing about raids it's basically like new Pals coming to your base and you can just capture them you don't even got to like leave home all right let's round up the team and head head over to the tower here we are let me show you what I'm working with I've got 122 fire arrows my fire bow of course my shield my Pelt armor headband that protects against head injuries my team is the dino the uh Nightwing chalette the deer and the big cat so hopefully that's good enough [Music] [Music] hey oh here we go 30,000 hit points oh this is going to be interesting I hope I brought enough arrows I'm just going to go for head shots on the creature cuz I feel like if I try and shoot the girl I'm just going to miss most of the time and we got to make the most of what we've got here I think my strategy is going to be pick up the pal when it's in danger and drop it back down when I feel like it's good to go and I'm also going to switch through pal during the fight I'm not going to just let Dino fight until it dies you know what I mean instead I'm just going to kind of switch him up look at that see pulled Dino away from that attack that's how you got do it nice these pillars protect you so I think uh it's going to take a little bit just because of how many hit points this thing has but holy [ __ ] uh with this strategy we should be fine the only thing that I'm worried about is I don't have anything to um heal myself I mean hit points do regenerate but it's not like I have any first aid kill or anything you know so it's going to be all about not getting hits see I can't even hit her I don't think shooting her makes a difference you got to go for the creature nice oh not nice [ __ ] that didn't even hurt me oh it took away my armor that's what it did my shield I mean but the shield does regenerate after a certain amount of time and that is the blue bar above my green health bar the orange bar below my green health bar that's just my food that really doesn't matter right now I do have pal spheres on me but I don't think you can capture the tower bosses I think we're just meant to defeat them speaking of which Dino's doing all right oh [ __ ] NOP no I'm stuck run uh but Dino is doing okay in terms of his health but he's not doing much damage so I'm going to pick him up and drop in Nightwing see if Nightwing can do some more damage cuz we are limited to 10 minutes here we only got a little over 7 minutes left to defeat this thing I don't know what happens when the timer runs out but I imagine if we don't kill this boss in time we fail so that's just another added challenge here uh our Shield has completely regenerated and our health will regenerate with time also slowly but if you look at it it's filling back up 64 arrows left so we're about halfway through the arrows the only thing else I have on me is a spear I don't think spear is going to do much to this thing oh [ __ ] Nightwing got knocked out oh that's my bad I should have been paying more attention bring chalette into the fight but if I would have picked up Nightwing before she got knocked out her health would have been regenerating while she was like you know back in the pal sphere that's why you shouldn't just like let a pal fight until it gets knocked out when when it's losing Health pick it up bring in a different pal so the uh first one can regen Health while it's uh in your inventory you know what I mean so that was my bad I should have been paying more attention well uh we got this boss down to less than half its health and we have more than half the time left that's a good sign that we should be able to get this done run well there goes my shield again but that attack doesn't uh do any damage to our health so whatever now Chet's doing a good job I like that freeze attack right there but I'm going to pick her up and bring the deer into the fight see how that goes oh nice uh-oh give me that deer let's bring the cat in I did have some other options in terms of the bow there was um something called the triple shot bow I guess it shoots three arrows at a time I was wondering if that would have been better than the fire bow but fire bow seems to be doing a pretty good job uh problem with the fire bow is you know to to craft more arrows and to repair the bow you need that that fire gland so you got to grind a little bit more for the ammo and such look we can use the cat as a little Shield here this pretty sweet we got four minutes left and this boss has less than a quarter of its Health left so oh oh [ __ ] unless it's got like some secret attack up its sleeve I think we've got this fight sewn up even though I've only got 10 arrows left I mean my pals are doing most of the damage anyway but I want to help you know four left oh no the the cat got knocked out no not good let's bring the deer back in and I've got one Arrow left there it is take that oh 30 around 30 points of damage with the spear so not really doing much [ __ ] the deer's knocked out bringing chillet back in chillet and the dino is all I have left come here let me stab you in the butt [ __ ] we are close 2,000 hit points left two minutes left ow all right I'm picking chillet up and I'm bringing the dino in we're so close 320 hit points and that's it boss eliminated baby boss first kill acquired five ancient Tech points what else did we get rain Syndicate Tower oh we're at the top of the tower here and we can fast travel to this location look at the view from up here if it wasn't night it would be better but I can see all sorts of [ __ ] from up here and you know what we can Parachute from up here we got to unlock the parachute get one of those crafted then we can fast travel up here and jump off that's going to be sweet well other than those ancient Tech points I don't think we got anything else no we didn't six ancient Tech points 14 regular Tech points to spend we didn't level up there so I can't enhance my stats anymore three knocked out Pals that could have went a little better but we won so so how much better do you want it to be you know what I mean plus they're not gone we just need to drop them in the pal box and they will regenerate here we go that completes the level eight missions now we are at level 9 we need to craft a cooler box and a sphere workbench there's a saddle for chillet and when we acquire it it automatically equips it does not go into to our inventory come here chillet oh yeah that's different let's see what chillet can do dragon Cannon all right now ice missile ice missile I hit the stone mostly let's do the burst nice let's be careful not to hit the mammoth or else we will die well that's fun let's drop another egg in the incubator and that's going to be it for this episode but I'm going to keep playing this game because I'm having a lot of fun with it it's a pretty sweet ass game uh I'm really enjoying it hope you guys are enjoying watching it because I definitely plan on making uh more videos on this game in the future hope you guys enjoyed this one thank you so much for watching and all of the support you guys are the best you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want it's at glock9 gamer I follow all gamers back stick around for more and I will catch you guys in the next [Music] video [Music] oh
Channel: Glock9
Views: 88,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new, game, gaming, gamer, pc, steam, early access, first look, first impressions, epic, survival, surviving, craft, crafting, open world, lets play, play through, gameplay, 2024, first, new game, fun, funny, comedy, humor, next gen, glock9, neebs, neebsgaming, markiplier, single player, IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku, Polygon, Eurogamer, Inside Gaming, pal world, palworld, Japanese, pokemon, Pokemon game, ark, ark survival, new ark, ps5, xbox, console, pve, stardew, farming, official
Id: 9V9SlioTMwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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