Negative Palworld Reviews are funny

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hey how you going I've really been enjoying power world and I also enjoy reading pretty funny reviews so I found a good one on Steam and I thought we could take a look so here's the review that I found on Steam here you can see this person has 63.9 hours played but they're saying that they played on Game Pass as well as Steam so it's not tracking all of it but that's right this is probably one of the better ones I saw a lot of them are just crazy rant and they were too long to read they say I had a blast playing this game for the first 20 hours but you start to slowly see the issues this game has I agree I had a great time playing it for the first 20 hours I'm still having a great time playing it but if you only liked it for the first 20 hours why would you keep playing the P AI is straight up terrible no work available in the immediate vicinity switching to automatic work mode this makes me want you uninstall when you need your power to SM your ore and he just refuses this happens as well it happened to me with the breeding Ranch I found the solution that worked was just go and put them back in the power box and take them back out again I think they get stuck I think they get committed to performing one task and then they just want to perform that task so you can't reassign them but if you just put them in and take them out that fixes it is it annoying yeah it's kind of annoying to have to do that is it game breaking no it's it's it's fine need to add some way to pick one job even if it's in the form of a fruit for an hour also make them eat to full and not just one bu and back to work in battle sometimes they just sit there I agree with this as well I thought that the command center thing that you buy was going to give you like a UI of all the different powers that you had in your base and you could tell this power right here your job is to do this thing your job is to do this thing that's not how the command center worked unfortun Ely at the moment the command center just lets you do either casual hard or hardest working but you still can't assign them to an individual role which I think would be good uh you know if it's the form of a fruit for an hour that would also be cool uh eating to fo I'd never paid attention to that so that could be the case and in battle sometimes they just sit there I yeah I think they get stuck I think they can't work out how to how to do what they're trying to do I was using dsom and doom is quite big so in a in a dungeon like in one of those boss rooms uh when the boss will jump into the wall because Doom knocks them back a lot they knock it right into the corner and then dsom can't get in there to attack so I have to switch out kind of annoying but I think it's just you just switch out to someone else and it's fine they'll probably fix it eventually everything revolves around around ingots it becomes stale fast and I mean really fast it's a SLO Fest I have not found this personally I just built a second base at a spot that had like nine iron ores that I found it was it was pretty easy suddenly I'm drowning in Iron uh yeah I don't know this this I didn't I didn't notice I didn't have any real problem with uh ingots or anything like that the only real way to level is to catch 10 of the same PS which is boring so you just end up running around throwing spheres until you lock more shiny things that take ingots I don't really think so I got pretty high level just running around and just mining stuff and just I wanted to catch the P to get the better traits CU I wanted them for my base I haven't really felt any kind of grind so far and I'm level 41 I've just been running around I'm not even in end game yet I've just been running around catching cool guys and smushing them and butchering them and having a good old time so I don't know but I was also I've been an RPG player so ver to grinding that's fine by me it didn't feel like a grind but I could imagine that if you're used to playing a game of League of Legends where it takes 40 minutes and then you either win or lose maybe doing this where you're in control of your in pacing maybe that's hard for people I I don't know guns were funny for the meme but it definitely out of place need more variety in weapons and armor and maybe custom outfits I think that the guns are fine I think it's funny I think it makes sense you're in like a it seems I haven't read all the law but it seems like you're in a futuristic kind of world there's all those big buildings around the place more variety in weapons and armor would be cool I think that they probably will put cosmetics in at some point so that you can basically transmog uh and I would wouldn't be surprised if eventually they would add some kind of cosmetic cash shop seems like the the perfect game to put that on it's not going to affect any kind of multiplayer thing to just have a cash shop in there with cosmetic outfits that people can wear same as uh paria did Alia has that cosmetic cash shop and it's completely fine I would like to see more variety in the weapons I want more melee weapons that would be cool uh I'm just about to make a new spear so that would be nice but it's really just Spears and bats that I've seen so far so it'd be nice to get some different stuff this was the really big one at the end where um they forgot to use paragraphs so I kind of just blocked it out with this so focus on one point at a time but it says this game tries to be everything at once and fails at all of them I like some of the pals but none really stood out the few that did I just copied from Pokémon honestly all this game made me want to do is go playay Pokemon and tears of the Kingdom I also think the devs made the Game Pass version two patches behind and not [Music] crossplay oh sorry you missed reason I also think the reason the devs made the Game Pass version two patches behind and not crossplay was to capitalize on sales before the honeymoon phase goes away players start to see the real problems so I probably should have chopped this into one more cuz there's two different points here but the first point of the fact that they some of them are copied from Pokémon I don't think so a lot of the ones that are copied from Pokémon are just real life things like I've seen a lot of people talk about Garian meth and groom tail I think his name is it's just a cat man it's just like what a cat looks like it's just a cat oh copyright a cat I got a dog right next to me am I going to copyright Harley I don't think so the Anubis one as well even in power they literally called it Anubis Anubis and Lucario are both based on Anubis the Egyptian god it's got a jackal head it's got a human body you can't copyright an Egyptian god from 6,000 years ago that's crazy maybe it was 5,000 I don't know exactly but you can't copyright that that's not your idea there's other ones as well I'm sure people will complain about other ones might be there might be examples of it that I haven't seen yet because I'm probably mid game now even though I've played for like 70 something hours but I haven't seen other than the jerk of being like oh wow look this one's a penguin and it's blue that must be pipop but really it's just it's just a water penguin there's no there's no way to there's no other way to do it uh with the Game Pass thing I agree I think they deliberately made it behind because Game Pass is like a free trial you try it you liked it cool now go buy it on Steam so I would say that that probably was that probably was deliberate to just at least give people a chance to try it if they have Game Pass and then if they really like it they go buy it on Steam that makes sense that's fine multiplayer is too buggy and laggy even to enjoy and if you have more than four friends you have to open a dedicated server which has been deleting saves I haven't tried multiplayer uh I already knew that I was going to do a big single player play through at first and just go up my own pace uh and I've also attempted to make a multiplayer game myself and I found it to be insanely difficult obviously I'm just one guy that's learning from YouTube tutorials but from what we've seen of their company so far it seems like they got some guys learning from YouTube tutorials as well so I I'm not surprised that the multiplayer has some issues having to open a dedicated server I'm I've I've opened dedicated service before on Minecraft it's not that hard you you just do it on your own computer even or mean you can buy one from one of those uh server hosting websites but it gets kind of expensive I probably wouldn't bother with that I'd just make it myself but yeah the deleting saves thing I don't know my friend's save got deleted He restored it very easily following their guide they know that it's a problem they tell you how to fix it it fixes it I had another friend whose save has got deleted I don't know if he knew how to fix it uh so they just started again and they just upped their experience rates and stuff so that they could get back to where they are at annoying yeah not that bad you just you just either restore it or you just do it again no I don't think this game is Game of the Year no I don't think it's better than Pokémon even the newer titles in its current state between the Game Pass version and steam I have over 100 hours I just hope they actually work on this game and not become craftopia I don't recommend this game yet wait a year when they update the game a bit it's only January it's probably a little bit too early to be thinking about Game of the Year we still got a while to go uh I think that the open world in this is significantly better than Pokémon's attempts so far at an open world I hope that Pokémon will look at this and be like damn all right maybe we need to start copying from power world because if you think of Legends archus or you think of scarlet and violet the open world I when you look around there's nothing that you want to go and see you can be somewhere in scarlet and violet and you look out into the distance oh cool there's a mountain and maybe I'll run to that and you can pretty much run straight to the mountain without seeing anything crazy haven't played scarlet and violet for quite a while maybe it's changed but I didn't even bother buying the DLC I didn't even finish the game I gave up on it I liked what they tried to do but I didn't think that they did it well enough for me to bother whereas power world I can sit down on my computer and start playing power world and try and do something all of a sudden it's been 3 hours and I've not done what I tried to do but I have collected 100 green statues so you know know there's always something to look at and always something to run towards same as a game like uh tears of the Kingdom the world is very full there's always something to go and find whether you're finding the little kakori seeds or whether you're finding a new camp of monsters that you want to fight there's always something in every direction that you look Pokemon did not have that in my opinion uh and about craftopia I'm 100% convinced I'm so sure the craftopia was like the prototype for this because a lot of the systems are the same you can catch things in craftopia uh you make little machines in craftopia explore different worlds in craftopia I'm so sure that they made craftopia as a proof of concept for powerb and to practice their practice their uh techniques and their mechanics and stuff these guys are a small Studio I don't think there's anything wrong with releasing a game to try and get money for a bigger game that you want to make I don't think there's anything wrong with that it's fine by me I bought craftopia I liked craftopia I bought power world and I like power world I didn't try their other game but I also didn't know about their other game so maybe that one wasn't very marketed or something like that but no I thought both games were fine they were fun and I got my money's worth out of both of them I don't know for some people it seems like if you don't play a game for 3,000 hours then it wasn't worth $40 I disagree if I play a game for 20 hours I still think it was worth $40 cuz I can't go to the movies I can't go to a cinema and get 40 hours of entertainment out of $20 $40 I [Music] mean so yeah I just think uh people being a little bit silly I think that's the problem but yeah you could safely wait a year and see where the game was at but it just depends if you're spoiler reverse or not I didn't want to see any spoilers I've avoided them as much as possible that's why I didn't show any examples of the the pals that I've seen so far that look like Pokémon but I don't think do in case other people haven't seen them yet yeah I like reading reviews they're good fun I love to read especially bad ones I've spent a long time reading b reviews so I'll probably start making more videos like this uh so if you like it yeah subscribe and I I'll be making more because they're just so funny I could to try and find some of the ragy ones maybe the ragy ones will be good for this kind of thing on stream it's a bit too much to try and read but but for a video yeah it's fine I think I'll be trying some more of these so yeah I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Vill
Views: 16,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, streaming, twitch, streamer, stream, vtuber, vtube, switch, games, microsoft, pc
Id: BzO-Eo90eko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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